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International Journal for Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (IJBSS) ISSN: 2319-2968 Available Online at Vol.

1, Issue 3, November-2012 Page: 93-98

Parismita Chetia1 Dept. of Sociology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, India E-mail: C.K.Gogoi2 Dept. of Sociology, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh, India

Abstract: This study investigated how work commitment could interact to affect on mindset of industrial workers of two industries of Namrup i.e. Assam Petro Chemicals Limited and Namrup Thermal Power Station which leads absenteeism in both of these industries. Keywords: Absenteeism, commitment, Industrial workers, A.P.L and N.T.P.S. 1. Introduction All organizations, be these business, educational or government are social systems [1]. These are run by people, Example: Industrial organization, is a combination of men, money, machinery, material and management. The functioning of an organization depends upon how people work or behave in the organization [1]. The scientific management came into exist to focus on behavioural aspects of management. Failure of scientific management gave birth to human relation movement. It was founded on more emphasis on workers cooperation and moral [1]. The study of human relations is not a new phenomenon. It got recognition in business, production still continued to claim dominating place in business operation. Production still proceeded worker in order of its focus on business organization. Human aspects of work such as decent hours of work, fair wages, good working condition were essential for industrial growth of an organization [2, 3]. The study of work and workers problem is a prominent field of inquiry in respect of modern industrial organization. Studies have demonstrated a lot of dimensions of absenteeism nature of work, bureaucratic set up, relationship between various branches within industry, working environment, family and social background of the workers. The study of the problems of industrial workers in of great importance so far as the recent development of industrialization is concerned. Therefore, it has become a recurring feature of industrial life. It has caused concern to the government, factory owners, management and all those engaged in the process and manipulation of production. Keeping in view the importance of absenteeism not only in the industrial set up, as well as general behaviour of the workers in the process of production, this subject of sociological interest has been taken up for systematic study. Therefore, it is very essential to flushout the problem of employee absenteeism. Because production of any organization mostly depends upon the efficiency and experience of its employees and is affected by the ratio of absenteeism. Every research problem has its over significance keeping in view of the theoretical as well as practical relevance. First of all a study of social background of the workers in relation to work and commitment to work has many meaningful implication in the process of overall development of society. In this context Indian industrial workers are perfect example. Absence from work though is an incident or sudden or unpredictable many studies or industrial labourers suggest that absenteeism has greatly been caused by several socio-cultural and organizational factors.In order to understand that connotations of absenteeism, we would select the problem of absenteeism in relation to work commitment of the workers working in industry. Since, there is no such study conduct in Assam and this study dealing with work commitment and

Parismita Chetia and C.K.Gogoi, Work commitment and absenteeism among the industrial workers: A sociological study of two industries of Namrup, Assam 93

International Journal for Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (IJBSS) ISSN: 2319-2968 Available Online at Vol.1, Issue 3, November-2012 Page: 93-98
absenteeism among the industrial workers in Assam is of crucial importance, there are few industrial plants in Assam and they are located in the situations of rural surrounding and rural environment. This reveals a fact that most of the workers working at these industries are of rural origin associated with great mix of rural traditions. Therefore, work commitment has become a matter of important concern. This study therefore, carries another significance from sociological point of view. Several studies have been conducted by various scholars and sociologists in respect of absenteeism. In this context Mecheacl Marowisch [4] identified that issue of working mindset of the employees which causes loss productivity, sick time replacement etc. It is primarily with the formulation with the formulation of the Department of Industrial research in the year 1926 in the USA and the classic study conducted by G. Elton Mayo[5] and his associates in the western Electric Company between 1920 to 1930, some novel and systematic researches in industry have began. These were nevertheless considered starting point of scientific inquiry in the field of industrial sociology (Elton Mayo 1949) [5]. Since industrial sociology is comparatively a new discipline and it has gained its currency only in the middle of the last century owing to the famous experiment done in western industrial situation. The rise of modern industrialization, the exploits of scientific management, the continued migration of population from rural to urban areas, the new technology and automation, the strikes and lockouts and the various legislations have confined to keep the social relationship surrounding the job in the public eye. In the study of these various phases of industrial development the role of sociology has been very significant. In such a situation the use sociological approach in Indian context to industrial organizations seems to be vibrant because of like serious issue of absenteeism among the workers in industry. There are very important studies conducted in India during 1950 to 1970. In this context Rudraswamy [6] stated that absenteeism differs from one unit of industry to another within the same industry due to various job related pressure point. Infact, absenteeism has various causes and dimensions. The Royal commission of Labour observation high rate of absenteeism among Indian Labourers, high as the commission indicated, are rural orientation and his frequent use of rural exodus. Desai [7] has included the causes of absenteeism due to several factors like socio-cultural factors, job-related factors, other difficulties, Vaid [8] analysis five factors of absenteeism such as entrepreneurs, status seekers, epicureans, family oriented, sick and old. SITRAS publication-refers to these causes of absenteeism like unsuitable working conditions, lack of provision for general welfare increased distance between management and workers, unfavourable mental attitude arising out of boredom, discontent with wages, resentment against supervisors, inadequate medical facilities for minor injuries. Regarding the concept of absenteeism Sinha[9] analysis 20 variables in relation to unemployment under their headings Implant causes, personal causes, community or social causes. Turner and Lawrence (1965) have studied forty seven different types of occupations in American industries and compared the responses to the issue of work commitment of industrial workers. They noticed two types of industrial workers upper and lower. From this they demonstrated that rural small, town workers who have relatively higher forum of aspirations such as interaction, autonomy, skill and responsibility are committed to work and low level of absent. Apart from they assumed that the workers who have most knowledge, skill, sense of responsibility, intrinsic to work are characterized by lower absenteeism. Finally, they argued that manual and non-manual work categories differentiate the workers to committed their work. Any discussion on the issue of commitment automatically calls for an attention to what is defined alienation commitment describes a state of normative agreement i.e., attachment and sincerity to the norms of work and it extends to intrinsic values of work. As its opposite which the individuals aspire to such fulfillment but denied. From the above reviews of some major studies regarding worker absenteeism reveals several causes and nature of absenteeism. Further more it is also observed that the problem of absenteeism differs on various grounds from department, to department in different ways in different time in industrial setting within same industrial organization. However, the social conditions of work which greatly influences a lot among industrial workers.

Parismita Chetia and C.K.Gogoi, Work commitment and absenteeism among the industrial workers: A sociological study of two industries of Namrup, Assam 94

International Journal for Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (IJBSS) ISSN: 2319-2968 Available Online at Vol.1, Issue 3, November-2012 Page: 93-98
2. Objectives To find out the relationship between work commitment and absenteeism. 3. Field and methodology This proposed study based on case study with 200 respondents from two industries. The data for this study were collected through primary as well as secondary sources. Interview schedule and observation are the major tools for primary data collection by the investigator. In this research we have selected Namrup as our field of study. Basically Namrup is situated within Dibrugarh district and today it is known as most important industrial town of upper Assam. There are three industrial organizations in Namrup but we have selected only two industries for our present study i.e.. Assam Petro Chemicals Limited (A.P.L) and second one is Namrup Thermal Power Station (N.T.P.S) respectively. This entitled research is based on purposive random sample. 4. Result and discussions In this proposed study it is seen that the age group of (20-30) i.e. young workers compared to (41-50), (51-60) less absent in both of these industries due to young workers are newly appointed and more energetic and they have less family burdens. Table: 1 Age groups of the respondent Name of the industry Age group 20 30 31 40 41 50 51 60 Total 20 30 31 40 41 50 51 60 Total No. of respondents 5 17 45 33 100 7 10 28 55 100 Percentage 5% 17% 45% 33% 100% 7% 10% 28% 55% 100%



From that above table -1 it is reveals that the age group of (41 50), in A.P.L. and (51 60) in N.T.P.S. workers are absent that the young ones i.e. both of these industries. From commitment profile of the respondents is also influences workers mindset which leads absenteeism in both of these industries. As criteria of commitment like promotion provides employees with opportunity for personal growth, more responsibilities and also increased social status. Apart from supervision, working climate, pay, etc bring organizational commitment of the workers in these both industries and deprived of these factors the workers donot committed to their work and increase the level of absenteeism in both of these industries. Table: 2 Criteria of commitment to work Name of the industry Criteria Success in job Work climate Satisfaction to leadership Carrier Opportunities Better conditions of employment (promotion, salary, leave, working hours) Total No. of respondents 7 16 9 27 45 100 Percentage 7% 16% 9% 27% 45% 100%


Parismita Chetia and C.K.Gogoi, Work commitment and absenteeism among the industrial workers: A sociological study of two industries of Namrup, Assam 95

International Journal for Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (IJBSS) ISSN: 2319-2968 Available Online at Vol.1, Issue 3, November-2012 Page: 93-98
Success in job Work climate Satisfaction to leadership Carrier Opportunities Better conditions of employment (promotion, salary, leave, working hours) Total 5 23 41 10 21 100 5% 23% 41% 10% 21% 100%


From the table (2) it is analyzed that the respondents of A.P.L. less committed to work due to lack satisfactory leadership quality, success in job, working condition etc. which influences the worker mindset lead to absenteeism. In the similar way, respondents of the organization N.T.P.S. absent because of better conditions of employment like promotion, pay, leave, working hours, which bring lower level of commitment and higher level of absenteeism. From table 2 it is seen that in A.P.L. 9% respondent due to lack of supervision in A.P.L. 7% respondent donot success in job donot committed to their work which increase the rate of absenteeism. On the otherhand in N.T.P.S. the 21% respondent due to lack of better condition of employment, 23% work climate donot committed to their jobs result absenteeism in both of these industries. Workers commitment is very essential for effective growth of production of an industry. But due to lack of mutual understanding between fellow-workers, effective participation, lack of efficient working environment automatically lead lower commitment among industrial workers and increase higher level of absenteeism in both of these industries.

Table: 3 Respondents commitment for effective organization Name of the industry Statement There should be efficient working environment There should be mutual understanding Effective participation Committed to organization Total There should be efficient working environment There should be mutual understanding Effective participation Committed to organization Total No. of respondents 7 53 13 27 100 7 47 15 31 100 Percentage 7% 53% 13% 27% 100% 7% 47% 15% 31% 100%



From the table 3 it is analyzed that in A.P.L. the respondents (53)% states emphasis on mutual understanding, and 27% respondents on effective participation is important for effective organization which reduces absenteeism. On the other hand, in the organization A.P.L. 47% respondents commented on mutual understanding and 31% respondents on committed to organization. Due to lack of mutual understanding, commitment to organization leads absenteeism in both of these industries. For the growth of effective organization employees job-satisfaction is the prime factor of the organization. Employees who find their job interesting and motivating then they tend to prefer job which afford them the opportunities is apply their skills, abilities, fulfill needs, requirements, provide more carrier opportunities and freedom as well as jobs where they get constant feedback on how well they are doing. On the other hand job donot motivating, employees are likely to be dissatisfied with the job-content and deliver lower quality work which inturn higher level absenteeism in both of these industries.

Parismita Chetia and C.K.Gogoi, Work commitment and absenteeism among the industrial workers: A sociological study of two industries of Namrup, Assam 96

International Journal for Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (IJBSS) ISSN: 2319-2968 Available Online at Vol.1, Issue 3, November-2012 Page: 93-98
Table: 4 Lack of Respondents Commitment non-productive organization Responses No. of respondents Percentage Yes 95 95% No 5 5% Total 100 100% Yes 97 97% No 3 3% Total 100 100%

Name of the industry A.P.L


There is an inverse relationship between work commitment and absenteeism. Basically satisfied employees are more productive than their less satisfied counterparts. Job-satisfaction leads to increase productivity. But dissatisfied employees always have low commitment towards their job which results high rate of absenteeism grow in both of these industries. From the table -4 it is found that the respondents of A.P.L. i.e., 95% respondents commented due to lack of commitment towards their job absenteeism increase in Assam Petro chemicals Limited. On the otherhand 97% respondent state that because of lack of commitment absenteeism increw in the organization N.T.P.S. 5. Suggestions In this respect we would like to suggest that absenteeism of workers in a work place may be caused by a variety of reasons which mainly concerned to dissatisfaction towards their jobs results lower commitment and higher absenteeism in both of these industries. Therefore, it is highly recommended for workers of these two industries to strategically design, develop and implement company-standard motivation policy related to salary, promotion, supervision, working environment, work interest, mutual understanding better, conditions of employment etc. will invariably motivation and encourage workers to be present and more punctual in their work place and strategically reduces workers absenteeism in both of these industries. The organization should provide promotion according to their qualification to their workers. This factor plays a prominent role in workers absenteeism. Therefore organization should innovative step as much as possible. To increase the interaction between fellow workers the organization should arrange frequent cultural programmes, fair games etc. this will create healthy environment among the workers which will increase workers work commitment and decrease the rate of absentee. Furthermore, the cyclic or of committee (i.e., management to workers and vice-versa) which is essential in both of these industries to reduce absenteeism. The government of India has taken proper steps to reform all these things. For the betterment of the workers condition so many labour acts have been introduced since 1948. Apart from the above provision a sense of responsibility towards industry should be created among workers through proper condition in the management of industry introduction of incentive wage scheme, linking wages bonus with production may also prove very helpful in checking the rate of absenteeism in both these industries. 6. Conclusion From our study it is demonstrated that mid level and senior age group from (40 60) workers more prone to absenteeism than the workers of below 40 age group level in both of these industries at Namrup. It is also observed that the rate of absenteeism is high in N.T.P.S. than the organization A.P.L. Lack of better condition of employment, unsatisfactory supervision, working conditions, lack of mutual understanding etc. are also greatly influences the workers low commitments to work result high rate of absenteeism in both of these industries. Especially this research works investigation the impact of work commitment on employee absenteeism. This analysis reveals that there is inverse; proportional linkage between work commitment and absenteeism. This relation is vice-versa. Commitment leads to make working environment among the workers which brings to productivity whereas absenteeism make a worker remove from the work culture. He doesnt able to fit himself with the working environment particular in both

Parismita Chetia and C.K.Gogoi, Work commitment and absenteeism among the industrial workers: A sociological study of two industries of Namrup, Assam 97

International Journal for Basic Sciences and Social Sciences (IJBSS) ISSN: 2319-2968 Available Online at Vol.1, Issue 3, November-2012 Page: 93-98
of these industries commitment reduces absenteeism.


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Parismita Chetia and C.K.Gogoi, Work commitment and absenteeism among the industrial workers: A sociological study of two industries of Namrup, Assam 98

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