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CASE QUESTIONS 1. What are the potential costs to this lack or training?

Why do you think the company operated in this manner? Ans: The time factor for any job is very important. This brings efficiency to the employee work and satisfactions to the customer. In the case study, the untrained Jim was wasting too many resources of the employers in terms of time and financially. Couple of times Jim cut the water lines resulting loses to firm. In my opinion the company unable to afford the skillful employee who may have all the expertise of operating the backhoe. 2. What type of training would you recommend: OJT, classroom, or a combination? Describe what the training might entail. Ans: The OJT training will be better for them because operating backhoe you need to be more practical rather than studying in classrooms. In combination it may also does not work because each individual have different problems. The OJT training will develop the required skills in each operator and get trained on their jobs. 3. What type of training environment would you provide? Ans: The time is changing now; you have to use the technology base training. The proper training must be providing to each of them. In 1st step the technology base training must be given to them like Power Point Slides, Manuals etc. in the 2nd phase the instructors trained the operators on backhoe i.e practical training. 4. Who would you get to do the training, and why? Ans: Mr. Bill Granger is and with Crew. These both will provide excellent training to all the backhoe operators because both are expert of their respective fields. 5. Would you consider purchasing a training program for backhoe operators? Provide your rationale. Ans: Purchasing in training program for backhoe operators will not work as by the internal training program. The reason is that the internal employee knows the environments better than others. The mutual understanding and cooperation also matter in this regard.

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