R003-1213 A Resolution Concerning Banishing Nick Temple

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A Resolution Concerning BANISHING NICK TEMPLE FROM MARYLAND Whereas: Nick Temple is not only a drag on the economy of the state of Maryland, but a drag on this entire country. He is an anchor preventing our country from moving forward out of this recession; much more so than Big Bird; and, Whereas: Nick Temple is a scourge on the ethical fabric of this great state, encouraging pure hedonistic values among the general population; and, Whereas: Nick Temple has annoyed countless individuals in the Maryland Student Legislature, a nonprofit organization, for years with his unadulterated lack of respect for authority and general lack of concern for social cues; and, Whereas: Nick Temple flirts relentlessly and shamelessly with women, regardless of age, and marital or relationship status. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Maryland Student Legislature urges the Maryland General Assembly and Governor Martin OMalley to banish Nick Temple from the state boarders for life or a full eon, whichever is longer; or in the alternative that he be disallowed from mounting any elevated surface, natural or synthetic, during any official proceedings of Maryland Student Legislature in which he is addressing any other member of the organization, but especially the body as a whole; also our most distinguished, esteemed, revered, and honorable Governor Spencer Knoll should be banished as well. MANDATES: Martin OMalley, Governor of Maryland Thomas V. Mike Miller, President of the Senate Michael E. Busch, Speaker of the House of Delegates SPONSOR: Kyle Dimock, Hood College CO-SPONSOR: James Hammond, Hood College

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