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Letter Home: Photography I, II & III

Hello! My name is Tracy Derrig and I will be your student's Photography teacher for the next 20 weeks. The purpose of this letter is to introduce myself and give some basic ideas about how I work as a teacher and about the courses. This is my eighth year of teaching at PVRS. I have also taught at Palmer HS, Westhampton HS, the Guild Art Studios in Easthampton, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Sculpture and a Master's degree in Art Education from the University of Massachusetts. I live locally with my husband and our three children, a horse, and a bunch of chickens. Class Content: Photography I introduces students to B&W film photography. The first part of the course builds skills and techniques that, once mastered, allow room for more creative and artistic exploration of the medium through the end of the course and beyond. Photography II is designed to develop students' understanding of the process of taking and manipulating film pictures; we focus on alternate processes, artistic intent, developing thematic images and the presentation of artwork. Photography III is a summative course that allows a student use their knowledge to develop ideas, to creatively solve problems, and to use the camera and darkroom equipment for artistic expression. Required Materials: Students will need a pen/cil daily as well as a three ring binder for storing handouts, negative sleeves, notes, and grading info. Classroom Expectations: My expectation is that my room will be a place where students, staff and others are comfortable, safe, able to learn and teach, and be considerate of one another. Photography is a course that requires a great deal of personal and collective responsibility of all those using its equipment and space, and I expect that we will develop systems that allow everyone involved to be successful and productive. Classroom Management and Procedures: I will work closely with students to develop their skills and self-discipline. Together we will focus on solutions, rather than problems and removing obstacles to learning. If interventions are needed I will typically remind students and, if need be, use a 'mini-conference' to talk things out. In severe cases I may use detention and/or call home.

Grading: Students are graded on the work that they produce, not their relative 'talent'. Goals and objectives for assignments will be clearly spelled out. Students will often be part of the grading process . Please sign here....if both you and your student believe my expectations are reasonable. If not, or if you have any questions or comments, please send along a note, or contact me by phone or email. (PH#: 413-498-2931x5008, Derrigt@pioneervalley. Parent or Guardian:_________________________Student:________________________

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