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A RESOLUTION CONCERNING Rescheduling Marijuana from Schedule 1 to Schedule 4 WHEREAS: Marijuana is gaining more prominence in the medical field as a viable medical substance for uses among a wide array of chronic and temporary ailments; and, The current scheduling of Marijuana does not accurately represent its actual dangers of psychological and physical addiction; and, Schedule 4 is a more appropriate schedule for marijuana; and, The overcrowding of prisons is directly correlated with a large percentage of inmates having been convicted of marijuana possession charges; and, There is no evidence to support the current scheduling.




THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Maryland Student Legislature urges the US congress to reschedule Marijuana from Schedule 1 to Schedule 4; BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED: That the penalties for possession of such a substance be in accordance with its rescheduling. MANDATES: Barack H. Obama, President of the United States John A. Boehner, Speaker of the House of representatives Harry M. Reid, Senate Majority Leader Michele Leonhart, Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration Eric H. Holder, United States Attorney Genera

SPONSOR: Travis M. Compton, McDaniel College

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