R026-1112 A Resolution Concerning The Proposed Increase in The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Toll PDF

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A Resolution Concerning THE PROPOSED INCREASE IN THE CHESAPEAKE BAY BRIDGE TOLL WHEREAS: The Chesapeake Bay Bridge toll has been increased from its pervious level of $2.50 to $4.00 per 2 axis vehicles going east bound on Route 50; and, There is another proposed increase in the toll from $4.00 to $8.00 in 2013; and, Many people from the Eastern Shore commute across the Bay to go to work in the metropolitan area between Baltimore, Washington, and Annapolis; and, The increase in gas prices coupled with the increase toll makes the Eastern Shore a less desirable place for families to move, leading to diminished opportunities for future development; and, This dramatic increase in the toll also decreases the desirable of the Eastern Shore as a retreat destination and for tourist activities, thereby decreasing a key revenue stream for those countries; and, In these hard economic times, the State should not be placing an increase economic burden that affects a certain geographic part of the state disproportionately .






THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Maryland Student Legislatures urges the Maryland General Assembly and Governor Martin OMalley to reverse the decision to dramatically increase the tolls going east bound across the Bay on Route 50 and keep it at the current level of $4.00 per 2 axis vehicles. MANDATES: Martin OMalley, Governor of Maryland Thomas V. Mike Miller, President of the Senate Michael E. Busch, Speaker of the House of Delegates

SPONSOR: Alexander T. Walls, St. Marys College of Maryland

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