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A Resolution Concerning THE POWER INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE UNITED STATES WHEREAS: The aging electrical infrastructure of the United States is deteriorating due to the fact that it currently exists above ground; and WHEREAS: Power lines placed below ground have been demonstrated to yield more efficient power grids and more sustainable electrical power distribution. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Maryland Student Legislature urges the Congress of the United States to draft and adopt legislation requiring an update in our power grids leading to all power lines being placed underground. MANDATES: John Boehner, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConell, Senate Minority Leader J. Winston Maddrey, Frm. Tory Caucus Leader, McDaniel Emma McIntosh, Vice-Delegation Chairperson, University of Maryland, College Park


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