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Food and the Hunger for Connection

Foreword by Deborah Madison


Cranberry Sauce
Makes 11 2 cups
There is no reason to buy canned cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving. It is easy to make and tastes much better.
12 ounces fresh cranberries Pinch of cinnamon and cloves (optional) Honey to taste, if needed

cup maple syrup cup water

1. Wash the cranberries and put in a pan. Pour the maple syrup and water over them, add the optional spices, and bring to a simmer. 2. Cook until the cranberries pop open, about 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool for about 15 minutes.

3. Stir and taste. If it is too tart, add honey by spoonfuls, stirring, until it is a little bit sweeter than you want because it will lose some of its sweet taste when you chill it. 4. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate until youre ready to eat.

Shchi (Russian Peasant Soup)

Serves 4
We think of borshcht as being the national soup of Russia, but it is more an Eastern European specialty. Shchi is the Russian soup. It is a wonderful and unusual combination of things, and a great way to enjoy sauerkraut!
cup dried porcini mushrooms
1 cup boiling filtered water 2 tablespoons tallow, olive oil, or other fat 1 onion or 2 leeks, diced 1 stalk celery, diced 1 carrot, diced 2 cups shredded cabbage 2 cups diced tomatoes (canned is fine) 1 bouquet garni (page 309) Sea salt and pepper to taste 1 quart beef broth (page 231) Meat from making beef broth (page 231) or any leftover beef (optional) Minced parsley or celery leaves (at least a tablespoon) Sauerkraut for serving Crme frache for serving



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