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High Level Gait

Multiple Choice
1) Which of the following is false? a) High level activities and gait retraining extends locomotor abilities b) Running incorporates a Free float phase c) Speed should be progressed as postural control increases d) Stride length should be corrected first 2) Which of the following is false? a) Retraining running will increase movement efficiency and decrease the risk of injury b) When walking backwards there is an decrease in velocity c) When walking backwards there is an increase in cadence d) When walking backwards there is an decreae in quadriceps and gluteus activity e) When walking backwards there is a decrease in stride length

Short Answer
1) Explain how gait is altered when navigating stairs and slopes. 2) What are the steps taken in the intervention to progress someone to sport activates 3) Fill out the following table Walking Running Pelvic rotation increase/decrease Midstance=high point/low point Erector spinae activity=symmetrical/contralateral Knee flexion angle Trunk movement during heel strike=anterior/posterior/laterally 4) List some characteristics of the patient that need to be considered while retraining high level gait. How can you overcome these limitations? -deceased push off-increased hip flexor activity to compensate (increase PF strength, part practice) -decreased postural stability (practise single leg lifts) -decreased tone (ball exercises) -fatigue (practice in short bursts) -compensatory strategies and flexion deformities When retraining running we need to control leg extensor activity, maintain trunk control, increase speed as balance and stability progresses. Stride length should be fixed last. Focus should also be placed on foot contact and arm carriage. We need to promote a forefoot contact, free float phase. The arm carriage angle should be between 85-135o and move in opposite angular momentums to cancel the angular for of the lower limb. Arms should be in neutral pronation and never cross midline.

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