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Proposal for James Cook University

Why Career Psychology?
Psychology is the science of human behaviour and this is important in two ways. Firstly, in order to change your life and / or behaviour it is critical to understand the evidence of what works and what doesnt. Psychology searches for approaches which have been proven to work scientifically. It searches for interventions which are reliable and valid. And second, psychology is concerned with human behaviour. When contemplating any important change, I think its critical to work with someone who understands what drives behaviour at a deep level.

Our Approach
We believe psychology is not about an expert and a client. We have skills were trained in, sure. But ultimately we do not know how to run your life. Its about using our different perspective to help you move forward. Its as if were two climbers on different mountains. We are on our mountain watching you climb yours. From here, We can see some of the dangers, threats and perhaps opportunities ahead of you that from where you are, are harder to discern. As a psychologist we are taught to be sceptical of interventions which have little evidence to suggest they work. Take the MBTI for example, or career matching tests. They can be fun, even interesting, but they are no more than (at best) input to a career decision. We take people through a thinking process which is as rigorous, objective and scientific as possible, but without forgetting that you are a human who cant be fitted into a box. The importance of Authentic Relationships in todays world! If you want to get somewhere in your career, in management, in business, the worst thing you can do is just focus on work, work, work. Success is all about relationships. Relationships with your management, boss, peers, employees, customers everyone in your immediate work ecosystem.

EA: 12C5985

And we are not just talking about working relationships; we are talking about your personal relationships with these people, where you break through the workplace persona people use for whatever reason and actually connect with the human being beneath.

1 Maritime Square #09-67 Harbourfront Center Singapore 099253 T:+65 62740700 F: +65 62740502 W:


A unique model for mentoring, coaching & therapy

Strengths-Based Approach. We believe that when a persons strengths, assets and resources are balanced with their faults and failures, then a more accurate view of the person is realizeda view that is truly helpful to all who are concerned with attaining a healthy life. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (or ACT) is a new, third-wave evidence-based cognitive behavioural intervention therapy. In a nutshell, ACT teaches us to accept the things we cannot change, have the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference. ACT involves learning a number of mindfulness skills in order to deal with thoughts and emotions more effectively. There is also a strong emphasis on connecting with ones inner values and seeing these values realised in ones everyday life through daily actions. Put simply, ACT is an extremely powerful approach in helping people to live the life that they truly want rather than the life that their thoughts and emotions would dictate. Motivational Interviewing is a directive, client-centred counselling approach for eliciting behaviour changes by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalences. Mindfulness is described by the Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation in their report of 2010 as a 'potentially life-changing approach.' Restorative Practice focuses on harm reparation and strengthening relationships to build a cohesive and healthy environment. The essence of restorative philosophy is that relationships that have been disturbed by wrongdoing or conflict can be healed by a respectful process within a collaborative "community of care" (Morrison, 2002)

Career Services For Students

LiveN Love Career Services specialises in two areas. 1. 2. Career choice helping people make career choice. Career management - helping people improve their career.


Career Choice Seminar on Why Our Brain Get stuck When Making Career Decisions
Why do bright, motivated people get stuck in their careers? No one plans to get stuck in a job they hate. Most of us make a series of what seemed like rational, logical decisions to get where we did. We did what was expected, we followed the advice we were given, took the opportunities available to us and ended up stuck in a job that leaves us counting the minutes till 6pm. How does this happen? Gradually and then suddenly. We make a decision to take a job because thats all there is. Some of us thought it might sound good at dinner parties. We take another similar job because its better paid. And another because we hope to get away from that awful boss. Then we stay in the job because moving would surely be too difficult now None of these decisions is a bad decision per se. But taken together they reflect a safety first bias whose short term costs are hard to detect but whose long term costs bring a creeping sense of meaninglessness

Life Management & Personal Development Programs & Workshops Emotional Intelligence Workshops
This learning program aims to provide University students with the emotional intelligence skills to support them in:

completing study assessment tasks in a disciplined and stress-free manner starting and sustaining enjoyable relationships with their peers and friends conducting a meaningful and valued life while studying at University participating in group assessment projects in a fulfilling and confident manner living a balanced and enjoyable life!

The program uses concepts from LiveN Love Psychological Framework

What's in it?
The program comprises six sessions of 45 minutes duration. Each session includes a conversational mini-lecture and several practical exercises.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Language Creates Conflict Action And Experience Versus Thought And Emotion Acceptance, Willingness And Inclusion Mindfulness And Being Present Your Values And Direction Committed Action


This is an experiential, capability-building program. Completing the program is not about learning information but about developing new awareness, perceptions and behaviours. It is about 'knowing how' not 'knowing that'. There is no endpoint to learning these skills - however much you practise them, you can always improve. So to get the most you can out of the program, you must practise the exercises. You will find that you will get a benefit from doing some exercises once and won't need to do them again. With others, especially the mindfulness exercises in session 4, you may wish to make a habit of them, just as you would with a physical exercise regime.

Other Programs & Workshops Enhancing confidence & self-esteem Time & stress management Managing anxiety in assessments Life Management Skills Managing emotions Assertive communication Peer mentoring

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