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Henry J. Kaiser: miracle shipbuilder. Sir Launchalot for his prodigies of ship constructions. A.

Philip Randolph: black leader, head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Threatened a massive negro march on Washington to demand equal opportunities for jobs. Douglas MacArthur: eloquent and egoistical American commander. Chester W. Nimitz: Admiral. A high-grade naval strategist. Directed carrier force against invading fleet in Midway. Dwight D. Eisenhower: a gifted American general. Headed attack on North Africa. Master of organization and conciliation Joseph Stalin: wanted an all-out second front, byt didnt want to leave Moscow because of military operations. George S. Patton: Blood n Guts. A general. Made spectacular lunges across France. Led American armored divisions. Thomas S. Dewey: a popular vote-getting governor of New York. A liberal. Had a reputation as a prosecutor of grafters and racketeers. Republican presidential candidate. Albert Einstein: an exiled german scientist. Persuaded Roosevelt to push ahead with preparations for unlocking secret of atomic bomb. War Production Board: orchestrated massive production of weaponry. Halted manufacture of nonessential items and assigned priorites for transportation and access to raw materials. Office of Price Administration: brought ascending prices under control with regulations. War Labor Board: imposed celings on wage increases Smith-Connally Act: authorized the federal government to seize and operate tied-up industries. Strikes against any government operated industry was a criminal offense. Braceros: a Mexican farm laborer temporarily brought into the united states Fair Employment Practices Commission: created to monitor compliance with Roosevelts order forbidding discrimination in defense industries. Casablanca Conference: Roosevelt met with Chirchill. Agreed to step up the Pacific War, invade Sicily, increase pressure on italy, and insist upon an unconditional surrender. Second front: Societs wanted a second front.

Tehran Conference: Roosevelt met with Churchill and Stalin, agreed on broad plans for launching soviet attacks on germany from the east with the prespective allied assult from the west. D Day: 4600 vessels landed at Normandy, France. Created a beachhead and liberated Paris. V-E Day: Victory in Europe. May 7, 1945, German government surrendered unconditionally. Potsdam Conference: held near Berlin. Truman met with Stalin and british leaders. Sounded death knell of the Japanese. Issued a stern ultimatum to japan to surrender or be destroyed. V-J Day: September 2, 1945. Victory in Japan Day.

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