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Contrast & Density

Question How does the use of grids affect the contrast of a radiograph? Subject contrast is caused by? List the body parts in order from less absorbing power to more absorbing power. Adding air to a body part ______ its tissue density compared to the structures around it. Adding iodine or barium to a body part ______ its tissue density compared to the structures around it. What is the main controlling factor for radiographic contrast? The radiation that goes through the patient's body is called? Scattered radiation ________ radiographic contrast. 3 most common contrast agents Answer

Produces higher contrast Tissue density differences, atomic number, and body part thickness Air, Fat, Water, Muscle, and Bone Decreases Increases kVP Exit radiation or remnant radiation Lowers Air, Barium and Iodine

Adding air <increases/decreases> radiographic density Decreases As x-ray photons are absorbed, scattered, or pass through, the intensity of the beam is reduced. this is called _______. Attenuation

________ refers to the ability of a film to record a wide Film latitude range of densities. Low energy radiation will result in ______ ____ contrast. How will high kvp techniques affect radiographic contrast? The quality of an x-ray beam is determined by? How will increasing screen speed affect radiographic quality? Which grid ratio should be used to maintain contrast when using over 100 kvp? Short scale Produce lower contrast kVp Produce higher contrast 12:1

The number of density difference in a radiograph refers Scale of contrast to what? How does a small increase indeveloper temperature affect radiographic contrast? Subject contrast will be the lowest with which body habitus? Produces higher contrast Hyperstenic

What accessory can be used to demonstrate a scale of Penetrometer contrast or test for contrast? How will an air gap technique affect radiographic contrast? Contrast can be measured from an H & D curve by finding the slope of the ________ ________. Long wavelength radiation will result in _____ scale contrast. What type of relationship occurs with contrast when mAs increases? What type of relationship occurs with contrast when SOD increases? Produce higher contrast Highest contrast Short Inverse relationship Inverse relationship

As contrast decreases, how is the number Increases of densities in the film affected? Define contrast. What happens when you decrease kVp? Difference between adjacent densities. Contrast Increase which would be high contrast, and penetribily would increase.

If kVp increases what happen to force and the will increase. energy? If mAs decreases what happen to dose? Dose decreases

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