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Cranos M. Williams EXAM 2: November 2, 2010 NAME: STUDENT ID:

1. Filter Structure and Design: (20 Pts) Let h(n) be a linear phase causal FIR lter of order N with real coecients. (a) Give the range of values of n, < n < , where h(n) = 0. (b) Let N = 10. Given that 4 of the zeros of this lter are dened as q1 = 2 + j2, 1 1 q3 = + j , 2 2 q2 = 2 j2 q4 = 1,

and that h(n) is a lowpass lter, list the remaining zeros associated with this lter. (c) What is the minimum number of multiplications needed to implement this lter?

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name: 1. (contd)

Student ID:

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name:

Student ID:

2. Spectral Estimation: (20 Pts) We are given the following continuous-time analog signal x1 (t) = cos(2 F1 t) + cos(2 F2 t). where F1 = 100 Hz and F2 = 200 Hz (a) Given that the sampling frequency is Fs = 500 Hz, draw the magnitude of the true spectrum, X(), of the sampled signal x(n), n for . Be sure to clearly label all relevant frequencies, , on the x-axis. (b) A rectangular window of size L = 60 is used to make the sequence nite such that the new windowed sequence x(n) = 0 for n L. Draw a rough sketch (general shape is adequate) of what you would expect X() would look like for . (c) We want to take an N point DFT of the signal x(n) to produce X(k). Circle all conditions on N, if any, that will allow us to recreate x(n), 0 < n < 59 from X(k) N = 30 N = 60 N = 15 (1)

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name: 2. (contd)

Student ID:

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name:

Student ID:

3. All Pole FIR Lattice: (20 Pts) The system transfer function for an FIR digital lter is given by H(z) = 8 + 4z 1 + 2z 2 + z 3 (2)

Determine the Km parameters for the lattice implementation of this all pole IIR lter. Show the details of you analytical work for computing the lattice parameters.

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name: 3. (contd)

Student ID:

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name:

Student ID:

4. FIR Filter Design: (20 Pts) The magnitude response of an ideal low pass lter is shown in Figure 1.

Hd () 1

Figure 1: Ideal Lowpass Filter Response. and the impulse response for this ideal lowpass lter is given as h(n) =
sin(c n) n c

n=0 n=0


The passband and stopband criteria for a bandpass lter that we want to design is Stopband: Passband: Stopband: Fs = 8000 0 to 1000 Hz 1500 to 2500 Hz 3000 to 4000 Hz Hz

(a) What are the appropriate values of c1 and c2 if both are considered to be the centers of the respective transition bands of the bandpass lter? (b) We desire an FIR lter of order 100. What is the size of the window needed to generate the designed lter? (c) Using the frequency shifting property, which is written as h(n)ejo n H( o ), (4)

write an equation for a 100 order causal FIR bandpass lter with real coecients. This causal FIR lter is produced by making the necessary modication to (3) and windowing with a rectangular window. Be sure to specify the lter for all relevant values of n along with the upper and lower bounds on n.

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name: 4. (contd)

Student ID:

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name:

Student ID:

5. Filter Structures: (20 Pts) The impulse responses of an FIR lter is given as

H(z) = 0.4924 + 0.0260z 1 0.0509z 2 + 0.0334z 3 + 0.0287z 4 0.1205z 5 + 0.2453z 6 + 0.6694z 7 + 0.3258z 8 0.4365z 9 + 0.1567z 10 + 0.2340z 11 0.9040z 12


(a) Suppose we want to generate a polyphase implementation of this lter of the following form H(z) = E1 (z 3 ) + z 1 E2 (z 3 ) + z 2 E3 (z 3 ) + z 3 E4 (z 3 ) How many coecients will each lter Ei (z), i = 1, 2, 3, 4, have? (b) Suppose we want to implement this lter using second order sections. The following MATLAB code is used to produce the second order sections. b = [0.4924, 0.0260, -0.0509, 0.0334, 0.0287, -0.1205, 0.2453, ... 0.6694, 0.3258, 0.4365, 0.1567, 0.2340, -0.9040]; [mysos, gain] = tf2sos(b, 1); i. What is the expected size of the mysos variable? ii. What is the value of the gain variable? (6)

ECE 513 - Exam 2: Name: 5. (contd)

Student ID:


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