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The result of a measurement of a physical quantity must be defined both in kind and magnitude. g The standard measure of each kind of physical quantity is called a Unit
Measurement implies comparison with a standard value Magnitude = Numerical Ratio Unit
Numerical Ratio: Number of times the unit occurs in any given amount of the same quantity.

Example: a distance of 10m means Meter (m) is unit of length and the Number of unit in the length is Ten (10).

The unit of various quantities must all belong to two kind:

Fundamental Unit Derived Unit

Fundamental Unit
Measure of length, mass and time
Sizes are foot or meter, pond or kg, second and hour

These units are also called as Primary Fundamental unit Measure of certain physical quantities in thermal, electrical, etc., are only involve in particular cases These units are defined as Auxiliary cases. Fundamental Unit.

Derived Unit
All other units, which can be expressed in terms of fundamental unit are called derived units
Area=lengthwidth (m2)

Every quantity has a quality which distinguishes it from all other quantities. This special quality is called Dimension.
Written in characteristic notations e.g., dimension of fundamental units are [L], [M] and [T].

Dimension of derived unit can be defined as the complete formulae for it.
e g Area as [L2] e.g., ].

Dimension of Various quantities

Velocity and Acceleration Force and Work Power and Energy Momentum and Torque

Systems of Units
Meter a unit of length
Defined as the ten millionth part of the distance from the p to the p pole equator along the meridian passing through Paris.

Gram a unit of mass

Mass of a cubic centimeter of distilled water at 40C and normal atmospheric pressure

Second a unit of time

Defined as 1/86,400 of the mean solar day

CGS (Centimeter-Gram-Second) System (Centimeter Gram Second)

Most commonly used units in electric works Involves the use of fourth quantity as unit
That depend upon electromagnetic or electrostatic units.

Electromagnetic Units
Involves unit of permeability () of the medium Value of permeability of free space is taken as unity

Electrostatic Units
Involves unit of permittivity () of the medium Value of permittivity of free space is taken as unity

Practical Units
Derived either from absolute units e.g., Coulomb, Ampere, Ohm, etc.

MKSA System
Disadvantage of CGS System
Two system of units (emu & esu) and third for practical work Two sets of dimensional equation for same quantity

Permeability of free space, 0=10-7 For any other medium, =r0 medium
where r is the relative permeability equal to that in CGS system

U ili four fundamental units Utilize f f d l i

meter, kg, second and ampere

International System of Unit

Designated by SI units (System International) Seven Base Units
Meter (m) Kilogram (kg) Second (s) Ampere (A) Kelvin (K) Candela (Cd) Mole (mol)

Two Supplementary Units

Radian (rad) Steradian (sr)

Standards of Measurement
Physical representation of a unit of measurement A piece of equipment having a known measure of physical quantity A unit is realized by reference to a material standard or to a natural phenomenon including physical and atomic constant e.g., the fundamental unit in SI system is Kg
defined as the mass of cubic decimeter of water at its temperature of p 0C. maximum density at 4

Here, the unit of mass is represented by a material standard

The mass of International prototype Kilogram consisting of platinum iridium hollow cylinder i idi h ll li d

They are classified, by their function and application, in following categories:

International Primary Secondary Working g

International Standards
defined on the basis of international agreement represent certain units of measurement which are closest to the possible accuracy attainable with present day technological & scientific methods checked and evaluated regularly maintained at International Bureau of Weight and Measure
not available to ordinary user.

Primary Standards
are of such a high accuracy that they can be used as the ultimate g y y reference standard represent the fundamental unit and some of derived units maintained by national standard laboratories in different parts of world
independently calibrated at each place not available for users outside the national laboratories

One of main function is

verification & calibration of secondary standards

Secondary Standards
are basic reference standards used in industrial measurement labs. the responsibility of maintenance and calibration of these standards lies with that particular industry involved checked locally against reference standards available in that area generally sent to national labs on a periodic basis for calibration and comparison against the p p g primary standards. y
they are then returned back to the industrial user with a certificate of their measured value in terms of primary standards.

W ki St d d Working Standards
are principle tools of a measurement laboratory used to check and calibrate general laboratory instrument for their g y accuracy and performance the manufacturer verifies his measurement setup performance in the q quality control department of his plant. y p p

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