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Chasing God With Three Flat Tires

October 10, 2012 -- Stewardship of Fools?

Opening / Re-introductions / News / Announcements Stewardship Lets be Honest

Is there a connection between your faith and your money? Is taking care of those who have less than we have - whether food, clothing, cash, shelter - a true hallmark of Christian stewardship? Have you had bad experiences with church finances? Are you a cheerful giver? An intentional giver? -- Or is giving just another line item in the family budget?

How much do we give? Why? For what purpose?

Do the Old Testament passages that relate to tithing apply to Christian stewardship today? References: Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:8-10; What is Jesus saying about the importance of tithing in Luke 11:42? How about Luke 18:9-14 What does Paul say about giving to the church in 2 Corinthians 9:7?

Cheerful Giving Trusting, Prioritizing, Sharing, Worshiping

Trusting that God will provide: Prioritizing what we want and need: Sharing with those who are in need: Worshiping God first: 2 Cor. 9:8 Matt. 6:31-33 Rom. 12:13 Luke 16:13

So what
Can we put into place a practical plan for giving? Can we develop a healthy response to those who directly or indirectly pressure us to give? How does our stewardship discussion tonight link into our previous discussions: - The Visible/Invisible Church - Bible Study and Prayer

Next Week October 17: So, How Long Will God Be On Vacation?

Schedule Fall Session 2012

September 19 26 Church Leaves Me Cold What Quiet Time?

October 3 10 Mens Study Fellowship Event (Details TBA) Stewardship of Fools? So, How long will God be on Vacation? How do I get my spiritual life out of First Gear? No Meeting VCC Pumpkin Patch Carnival

Announcements, Reminders, and Such:

This Sundays sermon headline: Peace Initiatives Gain Momentum Facilities Work Day Saturday, October 20 (9:00am - Noon) Pumpkin Patch Fest on 10/31 We dont meet, volunteers, candy, etc are needed! Feel free to join the conversation on Google Groups!

17 24 31

November 7 14 21 28 Im supposed to Lead? No Meeting VCC MN Teen Challenge Event No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday Ive lost the map for my Spiritual Journey

December 5 12 Hope Mens Study Fellowship Event (Details TBA)

Chasing God With Three Flat Tires

September 26, 2012 -- What Quiet Time?

Opening / Re-introductions / News / Announcements Prayer

I Thes 5:17 says Pray all the time. But when would you get anything done? What do you do with this - Matt 6:6 and 14-15

What did you see or think about the visible or invisible church this last week? What do you think about our Google Group? Frolf and Chili next week; invite a friend.

Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from Gods part.
When have you felt close to God in prayer? What were the circumstances?

Why bother to read the Bible? Lets face it, the Bible is messy and hard to understand sometimes. So why bother
What has worked for you and what was the impact? Deut 6:6-9 Seems a little extreme. What do you think this passage is getting at? Whether or not you go to this extreme, how could you live out the spirit of these verses? Is it about us or God? Why? How does the Bible force us to be humble, intentional, strategic, diligent?

So what
What do you think about structured mechanisms to help you study? How does that perspective change when applied to studying the Bible versus some other topic you might find more enjoyable? What wasted time could you turn into soul time?

Some hints for the quiet time impaired God, teach me to pray Lord, hear my prayers Lord, illuminate your word (God, can you help me understand this) God, draw me to you Father, help me to see your truth in Scripture Lord, show me the value of ritual (God, help me find time in my day for you)
Next Week October 3: Frolf and Chili

Schedule Fall Session 2012

September 19 26 Church Leaves Me Cold What Quiet Time?

October 3 10 Mens Study Fellowship Event (Details TBA) Stewardship of Fools? So, How long will God be on Vacation? How do I get my spiritual life out of First Gear? No Meeting VCC Pumpkin Patch Carnival

Announcements, Reminders, and Such:

This Sundays sermon headline: Breakthrough Solution Announced Volunteers Needed for Ushers/Greeters/Communion Servers. See Pastor Sheri Lynch for details Pumpkin Patch Fest on 10/31 We dont meet, volunteers are needed! See Pastor Jeff Collins Feel free to join the conversation at

17 24 31

November 7 14 21 28 Im supposed to Lead? No Meeting VCC MN Teen Challenge Event No Meeting Thanksgiving Holiday Ive lost the map for my Spiritual Journey

December 5 12 Hope Mens Study Fellowship Event (Details TBA)


Prayer Requests/Closing Prayer

Chasing God With Three Flat Tires

September 19, 2012 -- Church Leaves Me Cold
Opening / Re-introductions / News / Announcements Discussion
The Church Visible and Invisible Write down a list of one-word descriptions of church. Can we apply our one-word descriptors to the idea of a visible church and an invisible church? How does this help us see what church currently means to us individually and corporately?

Building the Church on The Rock (Matthew 16:15-18) What is Jesus saying to Peter when he tells him that he will build his church on Peter? Is this a call to be the church? When we get personally involved in leading, serving, etc. at church, what does it do for us individually? How does this affect the invisible church?

Composition of the Church Community What is the makeup of our church community? Rich/Poor? Ethnic variations? Political variations? Believers/Non-Believers? How does recognition of our varied, but shared, human differences help build both the visible and the invisible church? Elements of Worship (Psalm 100) Music, prayer, communion, sermons, fellowship, testimonials, missions, scripture reading and study can all be elements of worship. Which elements make you feel like you are adequately worshiping? What worship elements can amplify our experience in both the visible and the invisible church? What do we do about any gaps in our worship experience?

Living and Delivering Christs Message (Col. 3:16) Read both The Message and the NIV interpretation of Col. 3:15-17. How well are churches adhering to Pauls advice? How about Valley itself? How can we all live and deliver the Good News better to each other at church, at home, with friends, or at work?

Next Week September 26 What Quiet Time? Matthew 6:5-15, Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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