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The main reasons of decrease in the population of the world in past were death at the time of birth, epidemics,

famines, wars, etc. 27- What does the writer describe about the disease Yaws? What do you know about the disease yaws described by the writer? This disease starts as little hard pimples, which may join to make blotches. After this, it spreads all over the body and forms ulcer or wounds. It causes muscles of the body to destroy and bones to deform. 28- Name the two diseases, the authoress exemplified as infectious diseases? Which two diseases have been referred by the writer as an illustration to show population of the world was reduced by diseases? The author refers Malaria and Yaws which caused death of large number of people and decreased large portion of the world. 29- What is the greatest paradox of the world population today? What is the greatest paradox of our time? The greatest paradox of the day is that the highest rate of population increase is in the underdeveloped countries, which can hardly bear even the present population, where as the developed countries which can easily bear the burden of high population due to available resources and advancement have a very low rate of birth. 30- What are the main features of an underdeveloped country? The main features of an under developed country are, poverty, beggars in the cities and village, villagers leading their lives in hardships, injustices and poor amenities like roads, railways etc. 31- What can be the ultimate result of widening of gap in living standards in developed and underdeveloped countries? According to the writer, if gap in living standards in developed and under developed countries goes on increasing, that is, making the rich, richer and the poor poorer, it may encourage the poor to make war on the rich. 32- What is meant by birth rate and death rate? The birth rate means the number of children born per 1000 population and death rate means the number of deaths per 1000 population. 33- What according tot he writer is the long term answer to different types of troubles and question arising in under developed countries? According to the writer, the only long term answer to problems of these countries is to reduce their birth rate which is not easy to achieve. 34- What, according to the writer, is the most difficult thing in reducing population of the world? According to the writer, the most difficult and the most important thing to achieve is a desire among individuals to limit the size of their families.

school where as, the students who were thought less intelligent and dull were considered fit to learn English. However, due to this classification, the writer got an immense advantage over the other cleverer boys because he was able to learn English thoroughly by his teacher. He stayed at Harrow for three years which gave him further advantage to learn the basic grammar and sentence structure of English in detail and with a good command over English. 7- In after years, how did the knowledge of English stand him in good stead? Write an appreciation or criticism of Churchill's views in regards to the study of Latin, Greek and English and there value in earning a living. Churchill says that his knowledge of English stood him in good stead in later years. It made him proficient in the art of writing. He declares that all he boys should learn English. The subjects like Latin and Greek may give intellectual enjoyment but they do not help in earn a living or making progress in worldly affairs. English was the requirement of practical life at that time and thorough learning of English gave great benefit to the author later on. He was able to communicate in English with much ease than the cleverer boys of his school, who learnt Latin and Greek. 8- What was the age when Churchill was taken for admission at Harrow? When did the writer enter in the inhospitable region of examinations? Churchill had just crossed his 12th birthday, when he was taken to admit at Harrow. 9- Name the subjects in which he was examined in the admission test. In his admission test, Churchill was examined in Greek, Latin and Mathematics. 10- Name the subjects, which the writer knew well. In which subjects the writer liked to have been examined? The writer liked to have been examined in history, poetry and writing essays. 11- What was the experience and feeling of the author towards the admission test? To see the papers of the subjects he did not like, Churchill felt miserable. He felt that the examiners made the papers of their own choice and did not care to judge the knowledge of the author. 12- What was the writers experience regarding examination? Examinations were always a trial for the writer, It was due to the reason that the writer was least interested and was very poor in those subjects from where the examiners would often select questions. 13- What was the performance of the writer in the examination? What had been performance of the writer in college examinations? According to the writer, examiners were always interested, not to test his knowledge but to expose his ignorance, consequently, he could never do well in examinations. 14- What did the writer do in the entrance examination at Harrow? The papers placed before Churchill, were not of the subjects, he knew or had interest. Therefore, his performance was too poor: He wrote his name at the top of the page, then number of the question I and afterwards put a bracket round it, thus (1). A blot and several smudges were also formed on it whereas, the other papers he returned totally blank. 15- How did the headmaster of the school react towards his performance in the test? What was attitude of the headmaster, Mr. Welldon? Despite the poor performance of Churchill in the admission test, his headmaster, Mr. Welldon took a broadminded view of his Latin paper. He drew the conclusion that the writer was worthy to pass. His deep insight found the hidden ability in the writer & he gave him admission at Harrow. 16- In which class was the writer admitted at Harrow? Churchill was placed in lowest division of forth form of forth class at Harrow. 17- Where was the writer placed in the merit list In the school? In the school merit list the writer was placed in the third or lowest division of the fourth. 18- Describe the method of teaching of Churchills English teacher? What do you know about method of teaching of Mr. Somervell? Mr. Somervell had his own method of teaching. He would take a fairly long sentence and broke it up into its components by means of black, red, blue and green inks to highlight different parts of speech. Moreover, the students were given a type of drill which they exercised daily. Then he used to analyze the sentence for his class. Everyday, they had to go through the same exercise. 19- What was the opinion of the writer about his English teacher? What is the writers opinion about his English teacher? The writer has great regards for his English teacher, Mr. Somervell. He was very skilled and dedicated. The author tells that he was fond of grammar and taught structures of sentence every day. His method of teaching was very easy. 20- Churchill was not taught classical languages. Was it a loss or gain in the later life of the writer? Churchill had to study English, in spite of Latin or Greek. However, the writer tells that because of this grouping, he was able to learn English thoroughly by his teacher. 21- Which were the main aspects of English, the author was taught? The author was mainly taught basic structures of English grammar and simple sentence structures. 22- How did his three-year stay at Harrow benefit the author? Q16. How long did Churchill stay at Harrow? (Churchill studied at the school ) For 3 years, the writer had to study basic structures of English grammar and simple sentence structures, which made him able to learn English thoroughly by his teacher. He got good hold of basic grammatical and sentence structure, which helped him a lot in his practical life. 23- What good did his three years stay at Harrow do him? As he remained in the third for years, he got a chance three times to study analysis of sentences and other such things. 24- Write an appreciation or criticism of Churchills views about the study of Latin, Greek and English and their values in earning a living? In view of the writer, the subjects like Latin and Greek were given more importance at schools when they had less utility in practical life. Contrary to this, English was the need of a successful life but it was given less appreciation and importance.

9- First Year at Harrow (Sir Winston S. Churchill)

1- The writer says the examiners ask questions which students cannot answer and not those which they can answer. Is the complaint just? If an examination would conduct properly, it would prove a test of student's ability to some extent. I think Churchill is justified in his compliant against such examiners. During his entire stay at the school, the author went through the similar experience of examination that the examiner asked those questions which he could not answer. He liked history poetry and essay writing but the examiner gave him the questions on Latin and Mathematics. The result of all this was that he never did well in examination. As a matter of fact a student must be examined and taught what he wants to study. The result of the student depends upon his performance and he can never perform well in the subject he dislikes. Although Churchill was a very intelligent student but he failed in examination because the subjects were contrary to his interest. The aptitude of the students plays a very important role in their educational career. Therefore, he must be taught as per his aptitude. Hence, the complaint of the writer was just. 2- What sort of questions is asked by your examiner? Our examiners generally ask objective type questions according to a fixed pattern. So student always try to learn them by heart. But some examiner asks questions to judge not the knowledge but the ignorance of students. The examiners try to find out what students dont know. Sometimes most unexpected questions are asked which students do not prepare. Yet there is another category of examiners. They forget that they are supposed to assess the student's knowledge. They put the questions of exhibit their own knowledge. In short, usually the examiners make the papers of their own choice and do not care to judge the knowledge of the students. 3- Why did not Churchill do well in examinations? The author could not have done well in his admission tests Because the examiner selected those subjects which were not known to him, those were Latin and mathematics. He had little knowledge and interest of those subjects. On the other hand, he liked and knew English, poetry, history and essay writing, which were not the part of his admission test. 4- How did he do his Latin Paper? The writer had a very little knowledge of Latin. Therefore he was unable to answer a single question. He wrote his name at the top of the answer book. Then he wrote the number of first question and put a bracket round it. But there after he could not think of anything connected with the question. So when he returned his paper it was blank. 5- Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and Greek Was it a loss or gain? Being lowest in category, the writer was taught English along with other students of similar ability. In those days, Latin and Greek were given more importance than English. These languages were taught to clever boys of his school where as, the students who were thought less intelligent and dull were considered fit to learn English. However, due to this classification, the writer got an immense advantage over the other cleverer boys because he was able to learn English thoroughly by his teacher, for three years. He learnt the basic grammar and sentence structure of English, which was the requirement of practical life and gave great benefit to the author. 6- What good did his three years stay at Harrow do him? Being poor at the admission test, the writer was placed in the lowest category of fourth class. Here, the writer was taught English along with other students of similar ability. In those days, Latin and Greek were given more importance than English. These languages were taught to clever boys of his

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