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Architectural Competition High Court Building at Turbat, Balochistan

General Eligibility: All qualified architects are invited to participate. o Qualified architects must have a minimum of 5 years experience. o Architects must have experience in designing environmentally efficient buildings. All interested architects must register by August 17, 2012. Please download Registration Form from the Balochistan High Court Website: bhc. Queries may be addressed to Submission The drawings shall not be folded but packed flat. The drawings shall be in hard copy as well as on CD in JPEG format. The package (with all documents, drawings etc.) for the Competition shall be sent to: The Registrar, High Court of Balochistan, Hali Road, Balochistan High Court, Quetta Timeline Date by which all interested architects must register: 2012 Date by which inquiries must be received: 2012 Date by which replies to all inquiries will be addressed: 29, 2012 Date of Design Submission: 2012 Announcement of Final Awards: 2012 Return of design plans except the winners: August 27,

September 15,


November 30,

December 14,

January 14, 2013

(Timeline may be subject to change at the absolute discretion of the High Court)

Disqualification 1. If designs have not been received by November 30, 2012 at The Registrar, High Court of Balochistan, Hali Road, Quetta.

2 2. If the design exceeds the limits of the site area. 3. If any of the conditions or specific instructions, are disregarded without supporting reasons. 4. If publication (in any format) of any design before the award has been made. 5. If a competitor improperly attempts to influence the Jury of Assessors individually and / or collectively. 6. If in the opinion of the Assessors, what is submitted does not adequately reflect the accommodation requested.

Jury of Assessors 1. Chairman: Chief Justice of Balochistan 2. Representative of the High Court of Balochistan 3. Representative of the Government of Balochistan 4. Architect/Representative from PCATP Judgment Criteria This may include (but not be limited to): a. Response to context b. Efficient and optimum use of site c. Appropriate use of materials locally available d. Sensitivity to extreme climatic conditions e. Plans for low energy consumption f. Sustainability of green areas through reuse of water

g. Sensitivity to local/traditional/Islamic architecture in the overall design h. Operational cost of the project i. j. Functional Security

3 Awards and Prizes The two best selected designs shall be awarded the following prizes. Winning Prize Second Prize Rs. 3 lakhs Rs. 1 lakhs

Following the Jurys recommendations as to the adequacy of the design work and the proficiency of the award-winning architect, the Balochistan High Court and the Government of Balochistan may also commission the winner of the first prize as the architect of the project as per applicable rules. However, the architect of the selected design shall if required, make any reasonable modification to his design to meet the requirements of the High Court.

In case the Assessors are satisfied that the winner of the first prize cannot develop a suitable organization nor take responsibility for the Project, they shall be entitled, at their discretion, after consultation with the architect of the selected design, to appoint a consultant architect to collaborate with the author of the selected design in carrying out the work. Such appointment will be subject to the approval of the High Court, but without obligation to pay any additional fees. The awards of the Assessors shall be final, irrevocable and un-appealable. Copyright The copyright in the winning designs shall vest in the High Court of Balochistan/Government of Balochistan. Return of drawings All drawings and documents etc. except for the design, which wins the first two prizes, shall be returned. Those architects who do not want their drawing/s returned can recommend in writing that their drawings be destroyed / disposed off without intimation to the concerned competitors.

Presentation Requirements Master Plan / Site plan showing location of various blocks; open spaces; gardens; pathways; vehicular traffic & parking; and hard & soft landscape. 1/32 = 1-0

4 Ground Floor Plan of the complete project with Court entrances & interfacing of landscape with the surroundings. 1/16 or 1/8 = 1 -0 Main road elevation to show the overall faade design of the project. 1/16 or 1/8 = 1-0 Various sections through the length and width of the site showing the heights of the blocks in relation to each other. 1/16 or 1/8= 1 0 Floor plans, front and side elevations; Longitudinal and Cross Sections of each category of the blocks. 1/16 or 1/8 = 1-0

Concept sheet explaining the main aspects: Derivation of plan form Derivation of external space Derivation of volumes Derivation of external material and spaces Environmental features that have been incorporated to ensure low energy consumption Water reuse features 3D drawings showing: Aerial view Night view on CD Internal courtyards Entrance to the project and the Court Any other drawing showing internal/external views of the buildings, courtyards, landscape details (gardens, pavements etc.) which you think will help to understand the project better or will add to the merit of the project, may also be submitted. The presentation and related data should also be provided on CD in JPEG format. Drawings will be accepted, each of 40 x 30 size suitably mounted. The display of sheets should have a diagram in the report. The drawings must be accompanied by a Report with the following: A concise typewritten description of the buildings, explaining the concept, design elements, construction, finishes and material proposed to be used, in maximum 4 pages of A-4 size, (Double-spaced). Verifiable tabulation of gross area and net calculations attached to the report (exclusive of 4 pages of report). Kindly fill Area Calculation sheet attached as Annex D and file it with the report. Preliminary Cost estimates (for cost indication of the project).

5 Tentative Measurements of the Proposed Turbat High Court, Balochistan The design of the High Court should be executed allowing for expansion in the future. On a 4 acre plot a complex of buildings housing the High Court is to be constructed. It should be equipped for the disabled. Easy access to and from the courts should be incorporated, which would include ramps to and from the elevated areas of the court. The sizes of the rooms as indicated below are approximate and may be changed as per design requirements. The areas which have been left blank are up to the discretion of the architect. All court rooms, chambers, judges secretaries, judges stenographers room/s, judges sitting room, should be in the Main Wing, with restricted access. One main public entry and exit point for proper security monitoring. Judges entrance to courts separate. Privacy needs to be provided to Judges suites (preferably to one side, away from the Main and Side Wings). Mosque and bank close to the boundary wall (away from the Main and Side Wing/s and judges suites). Size in Feet 48x38 26x18 10x9 9x8 10x7 5x6 15x9 38x28 28x18 10x9 8x9 15x9 5x6

Quantity Room/Area Centre/Main Wing 1 Chief Justice Court Room 1 Chief Justice chamber with, 1 attached retiring room and, 1 o attached toilet 1 attached to Chief Justice Chamber, secretary's room with 1 o attached toilet 1 and also with attached waiting room 2 2 2 2 2 1 High Court Judges Court Rooms with attached chamber and attached retiring room and o and with attached toilet and secretarys room o with attached toilet

6 1 1 1 1 1 Tea Room for judges close to judges chambers o attached toilet High Court Kitchen with pantry Judges stenographers' room o with attached toilet 15x15 8x9 25x20 20x25 6x8

Side Wing/s 1 Conference room (to seat 100) 1 o attached bathroom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Registrar's office with attached toilet and secretarys room o with attached toilet Security in Charge Room (not close to the gate) Record Room (without any windows) Common Work Room (with provision for cupboards, filing cabinets etc) Staff Room (work room which may be divided into smaller rooms) Library Librarians office o with attached toilet (ladies) o with attached toilet (gents) Lawyers Bar Room (to seat approximately 60 lawyers) o with attached (ladies) toilet (3 WC) o with attached (gents) toilet (4 WC 4 urinals) Ladies Waiting Area (purdah) Canteen Canteen Kitchen (Ladies) Public toilets (2 WCs) (Gents) Public toilets (4 urinals and 4 WCs)

9x8 28x18 8x9 10x7 5x6 14x15 28x20 38x30 28x20

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -

38x30 12x12 6x8 6x8 12x16 30x28 15x14 10x10 6x5

1 Police Lock up 1 o attached bathroom The following may be in a separate building.

7 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Guards post Guards living Area o Attached toilet Guard Kitchen Malis tool shed Malis room o Attached toilet Large Store rooms (furniture) Small store rooms (for cleaning objects Drivers room o attached toilet 6x6 12x18 6x5 12x9 12x14 5x6 15x10 5x6

The following may be in a separate building. 1 Advocate General Office 1 o Attached toilet 2 Staff room 2 1 2 1 1 2 Prosecutor General Office o Attached toilet Staff room Deputy Attorney General Office o Attached toilet Staff room

16x18 5x6 14x9 16x18 5x6 14x9 16x18 5x6 14x9 -

1 Bank (small) 1 Mosque (50+ people) The following area is separate. Car Parking: Covered parking lot (for 30 staff and judges cars ) Car Parking: Covered Public car parking lot (for 25 lawyer) Completely separate. Privacy is a major consideration. 1 Judges rest house with 4 separate suites 1 Including a Cooks Room 1 o With toilet 1 And a Drivers Room 1 o With toilet

12x10 5x6 12x10 5x6

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