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October 4, 2012

Rununculaceae columbine Roseaceae Nine bark Ronunculaceae Aquilegia cultivars Columbine flower attracts hummingbirds. Flower has spur Compund leaves Blueish green colour Leaf minor is a pest Woodland plant deals well with shade/part sun Foundation, middle, back of border Late june to aughust Propogation by seed, division Maintenance consider plant is short lived (in regards to colour), fade out in hot locations Herbacious perennial

Companulaceae Campanula carpatica - bell like flower - leaves are triangular - sig feature the flowers - single flowers - 25-30 cm height. Not very tall - should be cleaned up at end of blooming - uses: front of perennial border - actinomorphic. cut it anywhere and you get perfect flower campanula rapunculoides the weed brother of this species DO NOT BUY ( I think its those ones we pulled at the hotel) - rock garden - bedding plant - propocation by division in spring - pest could be rust in low location Roseaceae Prunus Mackii like the pea bark (coppery colour) frost cracking/sun scald single stem/multi stem four season ornamental plant

has flower but it doesnt matter mild interest in off season fruit is dark and tart (birds like it). Stains bit of fall colour yellows leaves droop, not common to the fam spring feature, fall, bark and leaves specimen, small group, yard tree propogation by seed, cuttings pest problem: show string fungus that shows up under tree if too much compaction * MUSHROOMS WILL SHOW UP *, sun scald, frost cracking, co dominant stems maintenance considerations be aware of pruning do it in late spring, wormwood produces slowly so be aware in the fall, needs good drainage

SAME FAM Prunus virginiana Schubert bud scales are different to the may day scar is unique during winterwood time. happy face?? Significant feature - the foliage, fruit, leaves dark green and mature to rosey purple Spring feature flowers to summer fruit Can deal with drought Alternate attachment Smell is skunk like when pruning Landscape uses: specimen due to colour in summer Problems: as a native plant it can look shrubby grafting could have issues, PLANTING too deep can cause suckering. Black not looks like shit on a stick fungus spreads in the wind

SAME FAM Prunus maackii Amur Cherry year round interest flowers in spring, fall colour grandular dots (stickiness) on underside of leaves puff of white flowers copper paparish bark problem suckering when planted too deep showcases with homes that have lighter colour to them. And or trees with light green compliment well

Prunus virginiana Midnight Midnight Schubert Chokecherry - birds like - doesnt sucker Spiraea japonica Gold Flame people are mixing it with potentillas?? Fine leaves, flowers

Can deadhead. Blooms on THIS YEARS WOOD Does well with other plants good filler shrub Part shade to full sun Likes well drained soil Stands out when backscaped by green Specimen, small group, almost a ground cover when mass planted Propogation by cutting Pest problem is apheds Maintenance considerations sheering cause it looks kinda shaggy without succeptible to die back

Spiraea trilobata sets flower on last years wood has a bit of fall colour exposure fall shade to full sun doesnt like alcalin soil form reasonably compact leaves have trilobed appearance zig zag appearance mass planting, accent or specimen, foundation plant, spring feature, perhaps fall cause of colour propogation by seed (has to be stratified), cutting problems apheds and spider mites slow going need to be patient with it

Spiraea x bumalda/ trilobata see notes on moodle for study purposes Roseaceae Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark acid yellow colour/green/purple inflated fruit. Looks like ring of pink fire (Follicle) cat scratched bark peels more as it ages foundation planting, works to compliment darker plants three lobed leaves fall interest bark and fruit simple leaves best feature maintain from cracked bark by taking down to crown appressed bud TIGHT TO TWIG use as foundation, summer feature, informal hedging doesnt take to pruning too well, accent, screening propogation by seed or softwood cutting does get die-back. Can get random looking from the dieback so may need to be shaped

Solisteraceae Euonymus nanus Burning bush

fruit looks like little lantern (red-pink) (aughust september) brilliant fall colour simple folliage (leaves) filler, accent/specimen during fall propogation by cutting pest problem aphids cut down at crown 1/3 per year to re-vitalise plant

Books: - woody ornamentals - annuals for the praries - perennials of the praries FOR THE CHATEAU: - use roundup paint on to invasive purple cone flower - mulch around Icelandic poppies to support complimenting with something else and not have to cut around them anymore YAY!!

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