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Dantes Peak

By: Katrina Snyder 310/30/12 The film Dantes Peak had both realistic and unrealistic events that occurred within it. Personally, I believe that most of the film was indeed believable. In particular, I thought that the eruption was realistic. The film also included other believable events such as the acidic water, earthquakes, dead trees and animals, a pyroclastic cloud, and the ash storm. In the film, the acidic water was one of the effects from the volcano. Acidic water is known as a warning sign. This is an accurate and believable part to the film because there have been recorded cases of entire lakes being changed into acid. However, while it is possible to happen, it is also rare, and other viewers could possibly feel it is unrealistic.

Earthquakes were a huge part of the film. They were believable because an earthquake, or series of earthquakes, can push a volcano to erupt. Earthquakes can also destroy towns and cause mass destruction, like what was displayed during this film. But, the earthquake at the beginning of the eruption was about a 7.0 magnitude, when really it should have been about a 5.0, so that could be seen as exaggerated. Earthquakes in general though are realistic factors in a volcanic eruption. Warning signs of the volcanos possible eruption are dead trees and animals. This is very realistic because acid and carbon dioxide seep up from the ground. There are other feasible explanations as to how animals could have died, but due to the location and surroundings with the volcano, it was more logical to assume that they died because of the volcano. It is possible that some viewers may assume that they werent killed because of the volcano and could call this false. A pyroclastic cloud is a cloud of particles and deadly materials shot out from within the volcano. Pyroclastic clouds move at a speed of about 600 mph. So in the film, when Harry, Rachel, Gram, Lauren, and Ruffy were driving away only on the rims of the truck, there was nearly no possible way they could escape it. However, the cloud itself was very realistic and possible.

Ash storms occur during a volcanic eruption. They come from the volcano, and cover everything. In the film, the ash resembled snowflakes but normally the ash isnt that large and is more like rain. Ash storms are very realistic, though sometimes the size may not be. So, in conclusion, the film had many realistic events, even though it is possible that some of the events could be seen as unrealistic to some viewers. This films events were all based off of opinion, and my opinion is that they were realistic. Yes, they couldnt escape a pyroclastic cloud, ash wouldnt be that large, and one of the earthquakes was exaggerated, but the main idea of it all, and the focus was true. Earthquakes, pyroclastic clouds, dead animals and trees, acidic water, and ash storms are all factors that occur during a volcanic eruption or as warning signs that one is about to erupt.

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