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Trinity Evangelical Lutheran 749 W 14 Mile Rd Clawson MI 48017 (248) 435- 8025 Email: http://www.facebook.

com/CrossTrain ingTrinityEvangelicalChurchOfClaws on

Cross Training Newsletter

Events Coming Up:

November 4th: First Communion November 11th: Bowling with the Teens November 11th: Collection of Samaritans Purse

Elementary Age Classes

This past month we have been focusing on how God created everything and how we need to respect nature and each other and that shows the ultimate respect to God. We started out in outer space and are now exploring the great outdoors. With the help of the 7th/8th grade class we have renamed Sunday School to Cross Training. This was done to make Sunday School sound more exciting to come to. We hope that anyone in this age group can join us.

November 2nd: Christine Breckles

7th and 8th Grade Class

The 7/8 grade Cross Training class has kicked off the 2012/2013 year with timely topics for teens. Our discussions began in September with the focus on how to deal with things such as Lying, Gossip and Popularity. The teens learned how to rely on Jesus to help them be themselves, and to help friends at school who may be affected by these things. Most recently, our discussions moved to Doubt and Fear. We discussed times when they felt doubt about their faith, or about Gods answer to their prayers. We also talked about Fear, and how to rely on God to get us through tough situations. Upcoming classes delve into The Church as the Body, Communion and Baptism. Weekly texts are sent out to the 7/8 graders preparing them for discussions, and follow up emails are sent to the parents to continue the discussion throughout the week. Join us at 10AM in the 7/8 Grade room.

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Operation Christmas Child

Its that time of year again; time to give the gift of CHRISTmas to kids around the world! This is a great opportunity for your child and others at Trinity to share the true meaning of Christmas. Through the organization Operation Christmas Child, we are collecting shoe boxes filled with toys and other great items in order for kids all over the world to have a wonderful Christmas. We will be collecting the boxes November 4th and November 11th. We hope your family can help make a wonderful difference to those in need.

Alex and Jill in 5th/6th grade classroom

Spotlight on Margie
Age: 10 Grade: 5th Favorite Food: Lasagna Favorite Color: Lime Green Favorite Bible Story: Jonah and the Big Whale Favorite Bible Character: Jonah Favorite Subject: Gym Margie has joined us the last two weeks while visiting her cousins Abby and Libby. Each month we will have a new child to interview.

Libby with Bubble

Margie at Trunk or Treat

Congratulations Alex and Jill

Abby and Libby with Mary Ann at Trunk or Treat

Alex and Jill were our winners for the coloring and naming contest for our new Cross Training Mascot. His name is Leo whom Jill has told me is short for Leonardo. You never know where Leo will show up next!

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