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M&V Patel Department of Electrical Engineering EE702: Modeling and simulation of Electrical Machines

Aim: Conversion of 3 Phase (a,b,c) time varying waveforms to 2 Phase (d,q,0). Theory:

Figure Shown above is the dqo transform as applied to the stator of a synchronous machine. There are three windings separated by 120 physical degrees. The three phase currents are equal in magnitude and are separated from one another by 120 electrical degrees. The three phase currents lag their corresponding phase voltages by . The d-q axis is shown rotating with angular velocity equal to , the same angular velocity as the phase voltages and currents. The d axis makes an angle with the A winding which has been chosen as the reference. The currents and are constant DC quantities.

The dq0 transformation applied to currents is shown in below in equation form. Ia = Im cos wt Ib = Im cos (wtIc = Im cos (wt ) )

This all three produce resultant mmf of magnitude 3 Im /2 rotating with respect to the three phase winding.

M&V Patel Department of Electrical Engineering EE702: Modeling and simulation of Electrical Machines

If 2 phase current, Id = Im cos wt Iq = Im cos(wt - 90) = Im sin wt This two phases produces resultant mmf of magnitude Im with respect to two phases. We can do this by any of the change 1. By changing magnitude of phase current. 2. By changing number of turns of 2 phase winding. 3. By changing magnitude of current as well as number of turns. The voltage per phase of the two phase winding is times that of three phase winding. Thus the phase voltage and current of two phase system are times those of three phase system. This fact result that in identical transformation for both the voltage and current, I = (ia I = ( 0 + - ) ------------(1)


The transformation matrix, containing the constant co efficient, is of ia, ib, ic cant be obtain from i and i, since inverse of singular matrix does not exist. The matrix can be made square matrix if there is a third equation of constraint between ia, ib and ic. Since the magnitude and direction of the mmf produced by two and three phase systems are identical, the third current in term of ia, ib, ic should not produce any resultant air gap mmf. The only obvious is the zero sequence current io which , for convenience, is defined as : io = (ia + ib + ic) ----------(3)

Equation 1, 2 and 3 can be write in matrix form by

M&V Patel Department of Electrical Engineering EE702: Modeling and simulation of Electrical Machines
[ ]= [ ] [ ]

Let [A] = [ ]

Inverse of matrix [A] is given by [A-1] = [ ] [transpose of co-factor matrix]

[A-1] = [ ]

[A-1] = [ or ]

[ ] = [ ]

[ ]

M&V Patel Department of Electrical Engineering EE702: Modeling and simulation of Electrical Machines
Block Diagram

M&V Patel Department of Electrical Engineering EE702: Modeling and simulation of Electrical Machines

M&V Patel Department of Electrical Engineering EE702: Modeling and simulation of Electrical Machines

Advantages of Various reference frames:

In reference frame theory we are transforming 3 phase quantities into 2 phase quantities, thus we have less quantities to deal with as a result we will get advantages of less number of equation, less computation time, less memory requirement in computer analysis. With use of reference frame theory instead of time varying inductance we do have steady state inductance that will make computation easier. Complexity of machine analysis will get reduce. Decoupled control of active and reactive power in a given electrical system by selecting appropriate reference frame. Speed Control Electrical Machine becomes easy by implementing in the drives.


By simulation of this experiment we infer that how 3 phase time varying quantities are converted in 2 phase quantities with use of mathematical steps(Transformation matrix). By performing this practical we get the waveforms of 2 phase (d,q,0) stationary, rotating and synchronous.

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