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The most pervasive problem with hacking tools is that they never quite work right for everyone. Between the plethora of different builds we operate, and the differing conditions of each attack breaking things is almost inevitable. Heres what to do to fix it.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Subterfuge free for download? 2. What Operating Systems is Subterfuge built for? 3. What dependencies does Subterfuge require? 4. Help! Im having browser issues 5. How can I report a new bug? 6. I see lots of errors in the terminal window what am I doing wrong? 7. How do I run Subterfuge as an externally navigable server? 8. How do I uninstall Subterfuge? 9. What kind of support is there? 10. How can I contact you?

Is Subterfuge free for download? Yes, Subterfuge is completely free and open source.

What Operating Systems is Subterfuge built for? As of Version 4.1 Subterfuge is compatible with the Linux Operating System only. Future cross-platform compatibility is in the works. The next step will involve releasing an OSX version, followed by Windows XP & Windows 7. The OSX version should be BSD compatible. Currently, significant issues exist when attempting to port Subterfuge into the Windows environment. As such this step in the port may not occur for some time.

What dependencies does Subterfuge require?

Subterfuge comes fully packaged with the following dependencies: Django arptables Sqlite3 Python 2.7 python-twisted python-scapy

Help! Im having browser issues Subterfuge compatibility has only been tested on: Firefox, Chrome, & Safari. It will NOT run on any version of Internet Explorer. How can I report a new bug? We have an issues page to make this easy. Navigate to: Then select new issue, and tell us what the problem is.

I see lots of errors in the terminal window what am I doing wrong? Nothing. Subterfuge will periodically spew error messages. This is primarily to aid in any debugging process. How do I run Subterfuge as an externally navigable server? Use the s option with the format IP:PORT -subterfuge s

How do I uninstall Subterfuge? Subterfuge comes with an uninstaller type:

python /usr/share/subterfuge/

What kind of support is there?

Subterfuge is released without any guarantee of support; however, if you have any issues, or personal setup queries you can contact us and we will try to help. How can I contact you? Email: Twitter: @0sm0s1z Website: Project Site:

Installation Procedures Here are installation guidelines by Operating System. Currently, Subterfuge is for Linux only. Extensive testing has only been done on the raw Ubuntu Distribution; however, since most people interested in using Subterfuge prefer BackTrack Linux this section will guide you through installation on both platforms:

Installation Procedures Ubuntu

Subterfuge was developed Debian style Linux systems like Ubuntu. As a result the best way to make sure that your system is Subterfuge ready is to use one. To get started download the latest version of Subterfuge from our website: Procedures: Open up a terminal window Navigate to the directory where you downloaded Subterfuge Extract it: Enter Dir: Install it:
tar xvf SubterfugePublicBeta4.1.tar.gz cd subterfuge python -i

Subterfuge will automatically install all dependencies followed by Subterfuge itself. Type: subterfuge Open up a browser and navigate to:

Installation Procedures BackTrack

While BackTrack is based off of Ubuntu, it attempts to compensate for older programs by shipping with multiple versions of Python. Subterfuge is built for Version 2.7, but the potential for confusion exists. The install process; however, is still the same. To get started download the latest version of Subterfuge from our website: Procedures: Open up a terminal window

Navigate to the directory where you downloaded Subterfuge Extract it: Enter Dir: Install it:
tar xvf SubterfugePublicBeta4.1.tar.gz cd subterfuge python -i

Subterfuge will automatically install all dependencies followed by Subterfuge itself. Type: subterfuge Open up a browser and navigate to:
BackTrack uses a specially configured Firefox. For Subterfuge to run properly be sure to allow scripts to execute on the page. BackTracks version of Firefox does not support HTML 5. Some features may not display properly.

Known Defects

This section exists to help you troubleshoot issues with the system that we are aware of; hopefully the key to solving your problem is here. If you cannot find a solution here try the Google Code issues page and contact us.

sh: route: command not found

Description: Subterfuge uses the route command in order manipulate the network routing tables on the attackers machine. This command is part of nettools, which may not be in the default install of all Linux distributions. For more information see: Solution: Install net-tools: On Debian Systems:
apt-get install net-tools

On Red Hat Systems:

yum install net-tools

Alternately, find net-tools online and install it.

Settings Page wont save my configuration

Description: This issue was a result of the settings page not properly displaying its current configuration. The issue was fixed in version 4.1 Solution: Uninstall Subterfuge Download Version 4.1 or later Reinstall

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