The Battle of Agincourt Problem Posing (Addition) - Core Questions

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1. The English army was made up of foot soldiers in plate and mail armour, and longbow archers.

How many English were there altogether? 2. The French army was made up of infantry, crossbowmen and cavalry. How many French were there altogether? 3. The English drove pointed wooden stakes into the ground at an angle to force French cavalry to veer off. They set them up on both flanks. How many wooden stakes did they set up? 4. The English and French faced off. Both sides started walking towards each other slowly, then picking up pace, faster and faster until both sides were sprinting towards each other, swords raised and blood-curdling war cries piercing the morning air. The French commander ordered his longbowmen to fire a volley of arrows, then another, then another. How many arrows in total did the French longbowmen fire? 5. As the fighting in the middle raged on, the French commander sent his mounted cavalry around the main forces in a pincer movement to surround the English from the left and the right and take out their longbowmen. How many French cavalry attacked?

6. The French cavalry were surprised by the wooden stakes in the ground and couldnt break the lines to take out the archers. The

horses churned up all the ground and turned the field of battle into mud. The French infantry were bravely fighting on in the middle, but their heavy plate armour was weighing them down too much in the mud. The lightly-armoured English archers saw their chance and cast down their longbows and joined the fray with hatchets, swords, and mallets. The exhausted French soldiers were overrun by the English and the French surrendered. This isnt a question I just wanted to finish the story of the battle! LOL. Go get the final question. 7. The Battle of Agincourt took place in 1415. How many years ago was that? Show how you worked this out using two different strategies.

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