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'r' ^''r'!

by r Puarka dsa
Edited by His Holiness Bhakti Virambha Mdhava Svm
2 r Tulas-stotra
Table of Contents
TYPOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 3
MAGALCARAA............................................................................................................ 4
1. Homage to the Spiritual Master ....................................................................................... 4
2. Homage to rmat Tulas Dev ........................................................................................ 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 5
TEXT 1 ................................................................................................................................. 6
TEXT 2 ................................................................................................................................. 8
TEXT 3 ................................................................................................................................. 9
TEXT 4 ............................................................................................................................... 10
TEXT 5 ............................................................................................................................... 10
TEXT 6 ............................................................................................................................... 11
TEXT 7 ............................................................................................................................... 12
TEXT 8 ............................................................................................................................... 14
TEXT 9 ............................................................................................................................... 15
TEXT 10 ............................................................................................................................. 16
TEXT 11 ............................................................................................................................. 17
TEXT 12-13 ........................................................................................................................ 17
TEXT 14 ............................................................................................................................. 20
TEXT 15 ............................................................................................................................. 21
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX 1 Additional information................................................................................ 23
Magalcaraa ..................................................................................................................... 23
Glossary ............................................................................................................................. 24
Literary Works ................................................................................................................... 27
r Tulas-stotra 3
2011-2012 Bhakti Virambha Mdhava Svm
The following typing conventions are utilized in this text.
Devanagari script is generally used only for the text of the original Sanskrit scripture
which is the main subject matter of the text (i.e. the Tulas-stotra), but not for the Sanskrit
quotes. However Devanagari is also used for quotes in Hindi language.
Italic is used for all Sanskrit quotes and terms used in the text as well as for the names of
the scriptures and writings mentioned or quoted.
Asterisk (*) marks those terms for which explanations can be found in the Glossary.
Short explanations for practically all names mentioned in the text can also be found in the
All Vedic scriptures and other writings (with their authors) quoted or otherwise
mentioned in the text are listed in the Literary Works section of the Glossary.
Either bold italic or ALL CAPS are used by the editor to emphasize some points of high
When quotes are very long extending to several paragraphs they are usually put
without quotation marks but indented on the left. Also stories narrated from the first
person are formatted in the same way to avoid ambiguity. This paragraph is formatted
as described to serve as an example.
4 r Tulas-stotra
1. Homage to the Spiritual Master
vande r-guru-deva ta
pmaro py amaryate
I bow unto the bona fide spiritual master, that veritable ocean of compassion, a tiny
fraction of whose mercy can immortalize even a vile outcaste.
With this verse the editor offers his obeisances to his guru* and all predecessors in the
disciplic succession as well as all other superiors. The source of this verse is not yet found.
In the following verse all the three purposes of magalcraa are served (see Appendix 1
for details): rmat* Tulas Dev is defined to be the objective of this work; obeisances are
offered to Her; and the blessing are listed for one who serves Her in various ways.
2. Homage to rmat Tulas Dev
y d nikhilgha-sagha-aman sp vapu-pvan
rogm abhivandit nirasin siktntaka-trsin
pratysatti-vidhyin bhagavata kasya samropit
nyast tac-carae vimukti-phalad tasyai tulasyai nama
I offer my humble obeisances to rmat Tulas Dev, by seeing whom all of ones sinful
reactions are destroyed; by whose touch, ones body becomes purified; by whose
glorification, ones illnesses are cured; by watering whom, ones fear of the wrath of Lord
Yamarja* is quelled; by planting whom, one attains Kas* association; and by offering
whose leaves at the lotus feet of Lord Ka, one attains liberation in the form of pure
devotional service.
This verse from Skanda Pura, Avant-khaa is quoted in the Bhakti-rsmta-sindhu
(1.2.203) and Hari-bhakti-vilsa (9.104). In the Hari-bhakti-vilsa it is entitled prama-
vkyam, the mantra* for offering obeisances.
rla* Vivantha Cakravart hkura* comments on ropit nityam, grown regularly
(daily) from the next verse of the Bhakti-rsmta-sindhu (1.2.204), ropiteti ruha janmani
prdurbhve ity asya ij-anta-rpam. tath ca pratidina tasy patra-majary-di-
prdurbhva-prayojako bhaviyatti ttparyrtha, na tu pratyaham utpdayiyatty artha.
Ropit is causative participle form of the root ruh in the meaning of sprouting seeds
(planting) and making them visible (growing). Saropit means one should plant, thus, the
meaning is that every day one should handle the rmat Tulas Devs plant form in such a
way that there will be leaves and buds available every day, not that one should plant them
r Tulas-stotra 5
Although Shes always pleased to offer these items even if the plant form is neglected by
us, yet that fact doesnt diminish that we should expertly care for Her.
How much more Shell be pleased to provide these items if She IS cared for expertly by us.
When the editor saw the names Bhmi*, Mahlakm*, Padmin*, and rharipriy*
mentioned two times in the stotra*, he knew intuitively that r Puarka dsa* must not
have been from Madhva Sapradya*, but from r* Sapradya as they love r-dev and
Last year while reading an old r Vaiava* book published in 1909 and later on in 1982,
therein the confirmation was obtained that r Puarka dsa was 100% a r Vaiava. If
anyone can give hagiographical background about r Puarka, please contact the editor.
The readers may often take these puric* references as listed below as exaggeration, or
some fantasy, but these simply state the possibilities and benefits one can reap if one
performs them with devotion. The Lord and His energy is bhva-grhThey accept the
mentality of any service performed.
Bhagavad-gt (2.40) enjoins us all,
nehbhikrama-no sti
pratyavyo na vidyate
sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya
tryate mahato bhayt
In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can
protect one from the most dangerous type of fear.
The editors guru writes in His commentary: Activity in Ka consciousness, or acting
for the benefit of Ka without expectation of sense gratification, is the highest
transcendental quality of work. Even a small beginning of such activity finds no
impediment, nor can that small beginning be lost at any stage. Any work begun on the
material plane has to be completed, otherwise the whole attempt becomes a failure. But any
work begun in Ka consciousness has a permanent effect, even though not finished. The
performer of such work is therefore not at a loss even if his work in Ka consciousness is
incomplete. One percent done in Ka consciousness bears permanent results, so that the
next beginning is from the point of two percent, whereas in material activity without a
hundred percent success there is no profit. Ajmila performed his duty in some percentage
of Ka consciousness, but the result he enjoyed at the end was a hundred percent, by the
grace of the Lord. For those who need to see more- the dictionary definition of
dimunition=reduction in the size, extent, or importance of something.
Thus even any service to the Lord or His energies can invoke the awarding of these
benefits even if slightly done by the performer. The Lord and His energies are so kind to one
and all.
That being the casewhod be foolish enough to abandon the attempt thinking these
evidences below to be exaggerations? No! We should all try our best to devotionally apply
these instructions concretely in our miserable lives, if even in a slight way we stand the
chance of gaining a drop of these benefits described herein.
6 r Tulas-stotra
'!!' ''r'+'' =''!!N '''='8'+' !
''r'! '!''! ='! ''r''r'`!! !! !!
jagad-dhtri namas tubhya
vio ca priya-vallabhe
yato brahmdayo dev
jagatof the universe; dhtriO the nurse; namaobeisance; tubhyamto You; vio
of Lord Viu; caalso; priyadear; vallabheO beloved; yatabecause of whom;
brahm-dayaLord Brahm etc.; devdemigods; siof creation; sthiti
maintenance; antaand destruction; kriaare the performers.
Prostrations to You, rmat Tulas Dev, the Mother of the universe and beloved consort
of Lord Viu*, because of whom the demigods headed by Lord Brahm* perform
creation, maintenance, and destruction.
In the Padma Pura, in a conversation of Devadta and Vikuala, it is said,
ata eva pdme devadta-vikuala-samvde
pake pake tu samprpte
dvday vaiya-sattama
brahmdayo 'pi kurvanti
O best of vaiyas*, Dvda* after Dvda, the demigods headed by Lord Brahm
worship rmat Tulas Devs forest. (quoted in the Hari-bhakti-vilsa 9.113)
Jagad-dhtri* means a surrogate mother, who is a replacement mother, replacing the
action of ones biological parentsin times of crisis or wartime. In this material world any
material mother (whosoever they maybe) that has a material body is limited by constraints
of facility, staff, money, ability, donors, and thus is quite limited in how many orphans to
On the other hand, a jagad-dhtri (Literally a universal mother) has no material body,
therefore, if one is prepared to serve Her as child Shes fully ready to serve more than ones
biological mother does.
Both in Tulas Upaniad (4) as well as in this Tulas-stotra (1) of r Puarka dsa
rmat Tulas Dev is glorified as jagad-dhtr, a mother of the universe. And in the Tulas-
kavaca (5) She is addressed as janan, mother (of the universe), which makes the third
scriptural evidence noted so farbeyond any doubt, She is indeed everyones mother of the
universe. Theres another verse on how Shes to be considered the mother of the universe.
It is stated in the tulas-snana-mantra:
r Tulas-stotra 7
o govinda-vallabha dev
snpaymi jagad-dhtr
Now I am bathing the mother of the universe, the bestower of ka-bhakti*, the
enlivener of the living force of the devotees and the dear one of Govinda*.
This is the proof of both bhakta-caitanya-kri, and the fourth evidence for addressing
rmat Tulas Dev as jagad-dhtr.
rmat Tulas Dev. She is not only everyones mother of the universe, but She is to be
treated better than the local temple Deity or better than one has to regard ones birth
In the conversation with Lord iva* and his wife Prvat* Dev quoted in the Padma
Pura it is said:
rdhann sarve
vior rdhana param
tasmt paratara devi
tadyn samarcanam
O Dev, the most exalted system of worship is the worship of Lord Viu*. Greater than
that is the worship of tadya, or anything belonging to Viu. (Padma Pura 6.253.176)
atha tadyn sevanam, tulsya, yath sknde
y d nikhilgha-saga-aman sp vapu-pvan
rogm abhivandit nirasan siktntaka-trsin
pratysatti-vidhyin bhagavata kasya saropit
nyast tac-carae vimukti-phalad tasyai tulasyai nama
Regarding service to things related to the Lord, service to rmat Tulas Dev, it is stated
in the Skanda Pura: Seeing rmat Tulas Dev destroys all sins. Touching Her purifies the
body. Bowing to Her destroys all sufferings. Sprinkling Her with water delivers one from
death. Planting Her bestows attachment of the mind to Lord Ka. Offering Her to Kas
lotus feet bestows special liberation in the form of pure devotional service. I offer my
respects to rmat Tulas Dev. (Bhakti-rasmta-sindhu 1.2.203)
An ordinary mother is limited by energy, resources, karma* details. It is not what the
parents (well-wishers) hope the child will becomeits what the child is (pious or not by
On the other hand, rmat Tulas Dev is both bhakta-caitanya-kri, the efficient cause
of devotional service, and sarva-saubhagya-vardhineveryones good fortune is expanded
by Her (grace).
cayanodbhava-duhkha ca
yad hrdi tava vartate
tat ksamasva jagan-mta
vnd-dev namo stu te
8 r Tulas-stotra
O mother of the universe, please forgive whatever misery exists in Your heart caused by
the cutting of Your leaves. O rmat Vnd Dev, let me offer my obeisances unto You.
(Unknown source)
A similar verse is to be found in the Tulas Dhtr Mhtmya in the Padma Pura verse
40-42 it is stated:
atas tu tulas-devi
cinomi varad bhava
cayanodbhava-dukha te
yad devi hdi jyate
tat-kamasva jagannthe
tulas tv nammy aham
ktjalir imn mantrn
pahitv vaiavo jana
karatla-dvaya datv
cinoti tulas-dalam
yath na kampate kh
tulasy dvija-sattama
O Goddess rmat Tulas Dev, this is the reason I collect Your leaves. O Goddess of the
world, grant me a boon: forgive me for giving pain to Your heart by collecting Your leaves.
O rmat Tulas Dev, I offer my obeisances unto You. O best brhmaa*, a devotee of Lord
Viu joins the palms of his hands, recites these hymns, and clapping twice collects rmat
Tulas Dev leaves in such a way that Her branches do not shake.
In this dull material world, all living entities are in the jail of this material worldfrom
which you cant easily escape. Therefore it is stated: Her name is Durg, dur gacchati iti
durg, it is difficult to escape Her clutches. The demigods headed by Lord Brahm* who
engage in creation, maintenance and annihilation, act as wardens to conditioned souls.
We see when saintly persons visit jails how happy the wardens are to see such saintly
persons minister to the sinful inhabitants of the jail, so in the same way, the miserable
inhabitants of this material world, who strive to serve rmat Tulas Dev will be purified
and liberated by Her, thus satisfying the demigods, whose service becomes worthy by
rmat Tulas Devs grace. They feel Our service is certainly worthy, if they take shelter of
rmat Tulas Dev, surely She will liberate those who serve Her.
''r'^'' `^''!! ''! =''!''' '!+' !
''! '!'' =' '' '''r'!''` !! !!
namas tulasi kalyi
namo viu-priye ubhe
namo moka-prade devi
nama sampat-pradyike
r Tulas-stotra 9
namaobeisance; tulasiO rmat Tulas Dev; kalyivirtuous; namaobeisance;
viu-priyeO dear to Lord Viu; ubheO beneficial; namaobeisance; mokaof
liberation; pradeO giver; deviO goddess; namaobeisance; sampatof wealth;
pradyikeO giver.
Prostrations to You, rmat Tulas Dev, You are virtuous and dear to Lord Viu*, You
are the giver of wealth and liberation.
She is renowned as the auspicious lover of Lord Viu who makes everyones life
auspicious in many places in the Vedic literatures.
The second part of this verse maybe quite surprising for people to note She can liberate
one from birth and death, as Lord Mukunda* is famous for awarding liberation, so people
accustomed to viewing Her service as a liability as opposed to assets, may be surprised to
read that the Lords spouse rmat Tulas Dev is also able to liberate one as well. She is
simply testing ones resolveif one can set up ones infrastructure for Her service in ones
living area, one will quickly see how fast She provides for reimbursement! One can then
easily see, that the Lords spouse is no poor (nor foolish) lady at all!
r'^'' ''!r' '! 'r'' '='!''<?'!''' '='! !
`r'r'!'' 'r'! ='!'' ''=''''r' '!'='' !! !!
tulas ptu m nitya
sarvpadbhyo pi sarvad
krtitpi smt vpi
pavitrayati mnavam
tulasrmat Tulas Dev; ptumay protect; mmme; nityamalways; sarvafrom all;
padbhyamisfortune; apiand; sarvadalways; krtitglorified; apijust; smt
remembered; vor; apijust; pavitrayatipurifies; mnavama human being.
May rmat Tulas Dev constantly protect me from all calamities at all times! Even
praised, or just remembered, She purifies people.
The readers should look at the extensive evidence in the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya chapter
18 verses 28-58 how rmat Tulas Dev offers protection, this evidence is only one of many
descriptions in the Puras*.
Krtitpi means that certainly one should not fail to chant Her glories whenever one sees
Smt vpi means that night or day one can remember Her anytime and thus feel Her
purifying presence everywhere one is in this world. She is famous as vndvana-nivsin, She
is therefore the resident of the spiritual world. Wherever She may be served, one can always
strive to remember Her and thus let Her transport one to the spiritual world to be with the
Lord of your heart.
10 r Tulas-stotra
''!' '!'! ='` r'^''` ='^''''' !
''! B! ''!'''! 'r''! '''r' '='`^'''!r' !! !!
nammi iras dev
tulas vilasat-tanum
y dv ppino marty
mucyante sarva-kilbit
nammiI bow down; iraswith my head; devmto goddess; tulasmrmat Tulas
Dev; vilasatshining; tanumwhose body; ymwhom; dvseeing; ppinasinful;
martymortals; mucyanteare freed; sarvaof all; kilbitsins.
I bow with my head to rmat Tulas Dev who possesses a shining form, having seen
which, sinful mortals become released from all guilt.
iras means one should respectfully hold Her with great reverence upon ones head.
Both in congregational chanting parties often in warm times saintly persons put Her on
ones head in processions. In the Padma Pura (and surely elsewhere also) Lord Viu*
kept Her on His head, so should we.
In the Tulas-kavaca (1) also, we mentioned in the editors notes how the Lord Himself
also holds Her reverently on His head as rmat Tulas Dev is irodharaya. So should all
of us as wellhold Her reverently on ones head in sakrtana* processions.
It is often seen that mostly people in this iron age are so selfishly disposed they at best
hardly appreciate ones work for them, just tolerating ones existence. In such times as that,
when one feels forlorn and abandoned by all in this world, She gives hope to the hopeless in
this world. Therefore, how comforting it is to know someone loves you!
We are all prisoners in this world. In the same way as a forlorn prisoner is often put on a
suicide watch by the wardens, rmat Tulas Dev will love and protect Her servitors
regardless of how many sins theyve committed. How comforting is it to know that fact!
r'^'''! 'r' '=' '! r'+'!'' !
''! =''6r' ''!''!' ! =' ''!''+''` !! ' !!
tulasy rakita sarva
jagad etac carcaram
y vinihanti ppni
d vai ppibhir narai
tulasyby rmat Tulas Dev; rakitamprotected; sarvamall; jagatuniverse; etat
this; caramoving; acarammotionless; ywho; vinihantidestroys; ppnisins; d
being seen; vaiindeed; ppibhiby sinful; naraipeople.
r Tulas-stotra 11
This entire world, with all the moving and non-moving objects in it, is guarded by rmat
Tulas Dev who, merely upon being seen by sinful men, completely destroys their sins.
The readers may look to the Tulas-kavaca as evidence of Her protection of one and all.
The alternative reading for d vai is dv v, but being not grammatically correct it is
not accepted here.
''r'^'''r'r'! r''' '!'^' `^'! !
`^'''r' '^' '=' U''! =''''!r''!'' !! !!
namas tulasy atitar
tasyai baddhjali kalau
kalayanti sukha sarve
striyo vaiys tathpare
namaobeisance; tulasiO rmat Tulas Dev; atitarmmore and more; tasyaito
Her; baddhafolded; ajalimcupped hands; kalauin the age of Kali; kalayanti
perform; sukhamhappily; sarveall; striyawomen; vaiymerchants; tathalso;
Profuse obeisance, O rmat Tulas Dev! In the age of Kali* all, women, vaiyas* and
others alike, happily offer hollowed palms unto rmat Tulas Dev.
Here baddhjali means one whose palms are folded or cupped. In Tulas-kavaca (12)
the word ktjali with the same meaning is used:
udyanta caa-kiraam
upasthya ktjali
tulas-knane tihann
sno v japed idam
Prayerfully folding ones hands with great respect, while exposing oneself towards the
early morning rising sun, one should chant this protective hymn daily while sitting, or
otherwise standing, in the forest of rmat Tulas Dev.
Baddhjali or ktjali refers to grateful palms. If one is grateful that rmat Tulas
Dev has improved ones life then offer Her in devotion some item. Such a devoted person
should never go empty-handed to Her or any other Deity. At the very least sing Her praises
upon seeing Her. This is the meaning of baddhjalim.
The alternative reading for sarve is sarvam, thus connecting not to women, vaiyas and
others, but modifying the word sukham: all happiness.
12 r Tulas-stotra
r'^'''! '!'' `'6='r' '!r'r'^' !
''''! ''=''r'! ^'!`! =''!'f`' =''!=' !! ~ !!
tulasy npara kicid
daivata jagat-tale
yay pavitrito loko
viu-sagena vaiava
tulasyof rmat Tulas Dev; nathere is no; aparamother; kicitany; daivatam
divine; jagatof the universe; taleon the surface; yayby whom; pavitritaare
purified; lokathe world; viu-sagenaby contact with Lord Viu; vaiava
belonging to Lord Viu.
There is nothing on this earth more divine than rmat Tulas Dev by whom the world is
sanctified through contact with Viu*, as a Vaiava* worldVaikuha*.
Please dont be astonished by this. It is true! Think of it this way. The editors guru told us
over and over again that we should worship only Lord Ka* and His direct expansions.
We respect but do not formally worship other worshipable personalities (demigods) in the
universe such as Lord iva or Lord Ganea* or any of the demigods. We are to only worship
Ka. Yet, in every ISKCON temple throughout the world, by the order of the founder-
crya*, in every morning program, we worship and glorify someone other than Ka or
His viu-tattva* expansions (in a temple or ones place of residence). And that supreme,
glorious personality is rmat Tulas Dev. We worship Her because She can bestow upon
us the highest goal of liferesidence in the pleasure groves of Vndvana* while making
us followers of the cowherd damsels of Vraja*. There really is nothing higher than Her!
And to those critics who say that the ISKCON founder-crya didnt give us
everythingwell, yes he did! He gave us rmat Tulas Dev from whom everything can be
Sometimes Vaiavas* of different communities make a distinction between worshipers of
Lord iva*, Lord iva, and Lord Nryaa* (viu-tattva).
Yet in North India (especially Vndvana) the Vaiavas offer all respect to Lord iva as
vaiavn yath ambhu (SB 12.13.16). According to this rmad-Bhgavatams statement
Lord iva is the greatest Vaiava.
Many Vaiavas (especially the North-Indian Vaiavas) will without reservation worship
Lord ivas viu-tattva instructions to the Pracetas of Rudra-Gt SB 4.24.33-68. Noteworthy
is Lord Nryaas acceptancenot only acceptance, but also what an advertisement (SB
4.30.10)!of Lord ivas prayers in the Rudra-gt (SB 4.24.33-68, with the benefits of its
chanting described in 69-72).
Noteworthy is SB 12.10.3-38 wherein r Mrkaeya* i* got darana* of Lord iva and
goddess Um*, and begged for the benediction of bestowal of pure devotion to the
Supreme Personality of Godhead and His representatives such as You (SB 12.10.34).
r Tulas-stotra 13
Our Gauya* Vaiava varya* rla Santana Gosvm* also liked to do his vraja-
bhajana* near Lord ivas temples where He could be near the Lord.
In spite of the Vaiavas willingness to accept Lord ambhus* devotional instructions,
the tantric* practices employed by the aktas* are not compatible with Vaiava teachings
and thus they dont follow them.
Still rla Narottama dsa hkura* states in his Prema-bhakti-candrik,
asat-sanga kutinticha anya paripti
anya debe na hariha rati
pana pana sthnepirti sabai tne
bhakti-pathe padaye bigati
Give up the association of the impious non-devotees. Give up the tendency to find fault
in others. Dont follow any spiritual path other than devotional service. Dont worship the
demigods. If one takes to the worship of the demigods, he becomes deviated from the path
of devotional service.
Also rla Bhaktivinoda hkura* writes in his Kalyana-kalpataru (1.4),
(1) mana, tumi boai pmora
tomra vara hari take kena parihari
kma-mrge bhajo debantora
O my wretched heart, why do you turn away from your Lord Ka? Why do you walk
on the path of material desires and worship the demigods?
(2) para-brahma eka-tattva thte sapiy sattva
nih-gue koroho dara
ra jata deba-gaa mira-sattva agaana
nija nija krjera vara
Please faithfully worship the one Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in
transcendental goodness. The numberless demigods, whose goodness is mixed with other
modes, are entrusted with specific duties.
(3) se sabe sammna kori bhajo eka-mtra hari
jini sarba-vara-vara
my jra chy-akti tte aikntik bhakti
sdhi kla ko nirantara
Honor all the demigods, but worship Lord Ka alone. He is the master of all masters.
Goddess My* is His shadow potency. Please pass your time always serving Him with
unalloyed devotion.
(4) mlete sicile jala kh-pallabera bala
ire bari nhi krjakara
hari-bhakti che jara sarba-deba bandhu tra
bhakte sabe korena dara
14 r Tulas-stotra
If one waters a trees roots, the leaves and branches will become strong. One should not
water the top part of the tree. All the demigods become friends of Lord Kas devotee.
They honor him.
(5) binoda kohiche mana rdh-ka-r-caraa
bhajo bhajo bhajo nirantara
O my heart, Bhaktivinoda tells you this: Please always worship, worship, worship the
graceful feet of r r Rdh* and Ka.
This is a most astonishing verse yet written by Puarka dsa in these prayers. One
should not fail to note that if such an amazing Sanskrit poet as he has written thusly, He
must have done his research properly. Reverse engineering, therefore, means that
researchers should strive to locate the exacting evidence that will support this amazing
In the Padma Pura, in a conversation of Devadta and Vikuala, it is said,
ata eva pdme devadta-vikuala-samvde
pake pake tu samprpte
dvday vaiya-sattama
brahmdayo 'pi kurvanti
O best of vaiyas*, Dvda* after Dvda, the demigods headed by Lord Brahm*
worship rmat Tulas Devs forest. (quoted in the Hari-bhakti-vilsa 9.113)
The original reading for yay is yath, but being not grammatically correct it is not
accepted here.
r'^'''! ''8'=' =''!! '!''!!''r' `^'! !
!!''''r' '='!! '''!' ''r'` !! < !!
tulasy pallava vio
irasy ropita kalau
ropayati sarvi
reysi nara-mastake
tulasyof rmat Tulas Dev; pallavambud sprout; vioof Lord Viu; irasion
the head; ropitamplaced; kalauin the age of Kali; ropayatiplaces; sarviall;
reysiwelfare; naraof a man; mastakeon the head.
In this age of Kali*, when a bud sprout of rmat Tulas Dev is offered on the head of
Lord Viu* then it is the same as receiving all the blessings on the worshipers head.
If one grows a very big rmat Tulas Devs plant or has a lot of rmat Tulas Devs
plants to serve, one should daily take the time to crop the top bud on every branch of
r Tulas-stotra 15
rmat Tulas Dev regardless if that bud is a leaf cluster or flower cluster. If one does
thusly for both big and small rmat Tulas Devs plants that might mean up to 20 minutes
or so per plant, that much time is easy for the devoted but difficult for many persons to do.
Whats in it for me? one may rightly ask. This verse assures one that any such endeavors
in Her service will never be in vain, a great capital investment scheme so to speak, of ones
One may take the words irasy ropita kalau to mean that one offers such to the
Lords form as lagrma-il*, but the author did not expressly state such, there is no
difference between any part of the Supreme Lords body, either Lotus Head or Lotus Feet,
regardless, worshippers offer rmat Tulas Dev to all of these parts of the limbs of the
The alternative reading for nara-mastake is vara-mastake, but being meaningless it is not
accepted here.
r'^'''! '`^'! ='! =''r' 'r'r' ''r' !
r'r'!''''8'!` '='!='!' '''''' !! !!
tulasy sakal dev
vasanti satata yata
atas tm arcayel loke
sarvn devn samarcayan
tulasymin rmat Tulas Dev; sakalall; devdemigods; vasantireside; satatam
always; yatabecause; atatherefore; tmHer; arcayetone should worship; loke
in this world; sarvnall; devndemigods; samarcayanworshiping.
In rmat Tulas Dev all the demigods reside all the time. Therefore one should worship
Her, thereby worshiping all demigods in this world.
In the Tulas Upaniad its stated that the demigods are situated in the middle of rmat
Tulas Dev, elsewhere its stated that the demigods are situated on the top of rmat Tulas
Dev. As stated in a commentary to a Telugu song Tulas Jagaj-janani by a renowned
South-Indian poet Tygarja* the following stotra* (exact puric* source presently
unknown, research is ongoing) is to be recited daily by women while worshipping
(watering) rmat Tulas Dev,
yan-mle sarva trthni
yan-madhye sarva devat
yad-agre sarva ved ca
t tulas nammy aha
I offer obeisances to this rmat Tulas Dev in whose root are all sacred places, in whose
middle part are all celestials, and in whose crown are all Vedas. Which verse shall we
16 r Tulas-stotra
choose? one may ask. Herein r Puarka dsa without taking any sides in the
controversy states diplomatically that the demigods are there.
As in the material world one is often forced to visit many shops to purchase ones
provisions, and at such exhausting times one promises that if one finds one single big store
that has mostly everything one needs, one will go there. In the same way where there is
rmat Tulas Dev, all worshipable personalities are present.
By satisfying and serving Her, one automatically satisfies all the demigods in this world.
How satisfying to know that!
In 1976 one of the editors God-sisters who lives in Los Angeles asked his guru that
question, How one may worship the Myrobalan (malak*, eng. Indian Gooseberry) tree as
mentioned in the Bhakti-rsmta-sindhu?
dhtry-avatthdi-gauravam, yath sknde
pjit praat dhyt
kapayanti nm agham
Respecting the malak, avattha*, and other things, from the Skanda Pura: Human
beings destroy sin by worshiping, respecting, and contemplating the avattha tree, rmat
Tulas Devs tree, malak tree, the cow, the brhmaa*, and the Vaiava*. (BRS 1.2.110)
This tree naturally doesnt grow in Los Angeles, thus her confusion.
The editors gurudeva replied, Just serve rmat Tulas Dev, that will include all tree
The editor originally thought he was trying to deflect the question, but later on upon
seeing this verse, noted he was actually literally meaning this!
The public will certainly relish offering such newly-formed rmat Tulas Devs buds to
the Lord.
''r'^'' '='7' ''`''!''='8'+' !
''!6 '! '='''!''+'' '=''''r'!''` !! !!
namas tulasi sarva-je
phi m sarva-ppebhya
namaobeisance; tulasiO rmat Tulas Dev; sarvaof everything; jeO knower;
purua-uttamaof the Supreme Person; vallabheO beloved; phiplease protect; mm
me; sarvaof all; ppebhyasins; sarvaof all; sampatwealth; pradyikeO giver.
Prostrations to You, rmat Tulas Dev, the all-knower and beloved of the Supreme
Person. You bestow all wealth. Please protect me from all sins.
r Tulas-stotra 17
rmat Tulas Dev is glorified as the one who knows everything and everyone as the
lover of the highest person (the Supreme Lord), She can compassionately purify anyone
who takes to Her service. One must serve Her in a beggingly respectful mood, and She can
not only bestow all wealth, but whatever Her servants desire or require in this world. The
readers should only look towards the Tulas-kavaca (the protective armor of rmat Tulas
Dev) to see how She does this, and what you must do to win Her favor.
1r' r'!' ''! !r' ''"`! '''r'! !
=''!''''r'! 'r'' '!!+''r'^''^' !! !!
iti stotra pur gta
puarkea dhmat
vium arcayat nitya
obhanais tulas-dalai
itithus (ends); stotramprayer; purlong ago; gtamsung; puarkeaby r
Puarka; dhmatwise; viumof Lord Viu; arcayatmthe worship must be
performed; nityamalways; obhanaiwith beautuful; tulas-dalaileaves of rmat
Tulas Dev.
Thus, this prayer has formerly been sung by the wise Puarka. One must always
worship Lord Viu* regularly by offering beautiful leaves of rmat Tulas Dev.
The text beginning with iti indicates that the previous text was the last text of the stotra*.
Obviously r Puarka dsa intended this to be the end of his stotra. Who wrote the rest
five verses? one may ask. Although we may never find out, they are all nice to read.
The alternative reading for arcayatm is arcayat, but being not grammatically correct it is
not accepted here.
TEXT 12-13
r'^'' ''6!^''='9!='9! '''!='' !
''''! '''!''! ='! =' =''''''! !! !!
^''''''^' =' 9!+'''^'! '^'! !
''!"'!r'!' '!'!' r'^'''! `r'''?' !! !!
tulas rr mah-lakmr
vidyvidy yaasvin
dharmy dharmnan vnd
18 r Tulas-stotra
lakm-priya-sakh dev
dyaur bhmir acal cal
oaaitni nmni
tulasy krtayen nara
tulasrmat Tulas Dev; rrmat Lakm Dev; mahgreat; lakmgoddess of
fortune; vidyknowledge; avidyignorance; yaasvinglorious; dharmyvirtuous;
dharma-nanwhose face is religion; vndpresent everywhere; devof goddesses; deva
and of demigods; manato the minds; priydear; lakm-priyadear to rmat
Lakm Dev; sakhfriend; devgoddess; dyauheavenly; bhmithe earth; acal
non-moving; calmoving; oaasixteen; etnithese; nmninames; tulasyof
rmat Tulas Dev; krtayetshould glorify; naraa person.
A human being should chant these sixteen names of rmat Tulas Dev: (1) Tulas,
(2) r*, (3) Mahlakm*, (4) Vidy, (5) Avidy, (6) Yaasvin, (7) Dharmy,
(8) Dharmnan, (9) Vnd*, (10) Devdevamanapriy, (11) Lakmpriyasakh, (12)
Dev, (13) Dyau, (14) Bhmi*, (15) Acal, (16) Cal.
Her names are:
(1) Tulas, one whose beauty is incomparable:
nar nrya ca t dv
tulan dtum akam
tena nmn ca tulas
t vadanti purvida
Having seen Her, men and women were unable to compare Her (glories) to anyone.
Hence wise men address Her by the name Tulas. (Brahma-vaivarta Pura 2.15.14)
(2) r, Shes better than the goddess of fortune rmat Lakm* Dev (see below the
Hari-bhakti vilsa verse) as a servant of rj* (rmat Rdhik):
rmat Vnd Dev states Herself,
anlocya vr yam iha bahu mene bahu-ta
tyajann rypann madhu-ripur abhm api ramm
jana so ya yasy rayati na hi dsye py avasara
samarthas t rdh bhavati bhuvi ka lghitum api
The enemy of Madhu* loved me so much, that without any shame He abandoned as a
piece of straw His dearmost wife rmat Lakm Dev, who was afflicted with jealousy.
When I myself do not get a chance to even serve rmat Rdhr*, who in this world is fit
to glorify Her? (Rpa Gosvm, Dana-keli-kaumud 11)
(3) Mahlakm:
yath lakm priy vios
tulas ca tato dhik
Even though rmat Lakm Dev is dear to Lord Viu, still rmat Tulas Dev is even
more dear to Him. (Hari-bhakti-vilsa 7.279 quoting from Dvrak-mhtmya)
r Tulas-stotra 19
The editors guru wrote in his purport of rmad-Bhgavatam (3.16.21) as follows: The
goddess of fortune, Lakm, is sometimes envious of the rmat Tulas Devs leaves which
are placed at the lotus feet of the Lord, for they remain fixed there and do not move,
whereas Lakmj, although stationed by the chest of the Lord, sometimes has to please
other devotees who pray for her favor. Lakmj sometimes has to go to satisfy her numerous
devotees, but rmat Tulas Devs leaves never forsake their position, and the Lord
therefore appreciates the service of rmat Tulas Dev more than the service of Lakm.
When the Lord says, therefore, that it is due to the causeless mercy of the brhmaas* that
Lakmj does not leave Him, we can understand that Lakmj is attracted by the opulence
of the Lord, not by the brhmaas benedictions upon Him. The Lord is not dependent on
anyones mercy for His opulence; He is always self-sufficient. The Lords statement that His
opulence is due to the benediction of the brhmaas and Vaiavas* is only to teach others
that they should offer respect to the brhmaas and Vaiavas, the devotees of the Lord.
(4) Vidy, She awards one knowledge: vidyyai veda-vdinm, this protective hymn
bestows knowledge to the followers of Vedas (Tulas-kavaca 8).
(5) Avidy, She protectively tells her ward not to learn any mundane knowledge that
might deviate one from attaining Her Lord,
jtaya pitarau putr
bhrtara suhdo 'pare
yad vadanti yad icchanti
cnumodeta nirmama
An intelligent man in human society should make his own program of activities very
simple. If there are suggestions from his friends, children, parents, brothers or anyone else,
he should externally agree, saying, Yes, that is all right, but internally he should be
determined not to create a cumbersome life in which the purpose of life will not be
fulfilled. (rmad-Bhgavatam 7.14.6)
rla Bhaktivinoda hkura* also states in his aragati (1.2.3),
jaa-vidy jata, myra vaibhava,
tomra bhajane bdh
moha janamiy, anitya sasre,
jvake koraye gdh
All the so-called knowledge of this world is born of the flickering potency of Your
illusory energy (my). It is an impediment to the execution of devotional service to You.
Indulgence in mundane knowledge verily makes an ass of the eternal soul by encouraging
his infatuation with this temporary world.
(6) Yaasvin, Shes celebrated as the famous one.
(7) Dharmy, Shes the personification of religiosity.
(8) Dharmnan, whose very face embodies religion.
(9) Vnd, She manifests Herself in many multiple forms throughout the many universes.
vkatva me vinaya
20 r Tulas-stotra
tulasy atula-rpsi
tul-koi-nibhe jare
O rmat Tulas Dev, You are ever young, Your form is unequaled and resembles ten
million piles of gold. You have both tree and non-tree forms. Please destroy my tree-like
ignorance. (Tulas Upaniad 3)
trailokya-vypin gag
yath astreu gyate
tathaiva tulas dev
dyate sa-carcare
Indeed, just as the Gag* (a sacred river in India) is glorified in all the scriptures as
pervading the three worlds, so You, rmat Tulas Dev, also are seen everywhere in the
universe (within the moving and non-moving entities). (Padma Pura 1.61.28)
(10) Devdevamanapriy, dear to the minds of all worshipable demigods, or dear to the
mind of the Lord of Lords.
The alternative reading for vnd is dev, but being meaningless it is not accepted here.
The alternative reading for dev-deva-mana-priy is deva-deva-mana-priy. In this case
deva-deva may be interpreted in distributive sense, every demigod.
^'+'r' 'r'! +'`'r' =''!'' r''! !
r'^'' +''6!^'' ''1' '6'''! !! !!
labhate sutar bhaktim
ante viu-pada tath
tulas bhr mah-lakm
padmin r-hari-priy
labhateattains; sutarmexceptional; bhaktimdevotion; anteat the end of life; viu-
padamthe abode of Lord Viu; tathalso; tulasrmat Tulas Dev; bhthe earth;
mah-lakmMahlakm; padminPadmin, sitting on the lotus; r-hari-priydear to
Lord Hari.
He achieves still more devotion and finally attains Lord Vius* abode. rmat Tulas
Dev is also known as Bhmi*, Mahlakhm*, Padmin*, and rharipriy*.
There are many such names of rmat Tulas Dev, the Brahma-vaivarta Pura gives
eight names, there are 108 names as well, the devoted learn these many names to worship
and remember Her as in Vedic ages men would chant many prayers about their worshipful
Lords i.e. the thousand names of Lord Viu, or Gag*, Yamun*, Gopala*, Rdh*, etc.
etc. we will attain purity and attain the abode of the Lord, r Puarka dsa assures, by
chanting regularly these names.
r Tulas-stotra 21
When the editor saw these names mentioned two times in the stotra*, he knew intuitively
that r Puarka dsa must not have been from Madhva Sapradya*, but from r
Sapradya as they love r-dev and Bh-dev.
Last year while reading an old r Vaiava* book published in 1909 and later on in 1982,
therein the confirmation was obtained that r Puarka dsa was 100% a r Vaiava. If
anyone can give hagiographical background about r Puarka, please contact the editor.
Padmin is also a name of rmat Lakm Dev referring to her sitting or standing on a
lotus flower. She was born from the milk ocean seated on a lotus flower.
The alternative reading for tath is labhet which means he can attain. The alternative
reading for r is r thus separating r-hari-priy (dear to r Hari*) into r (Lakm)
and hari-priy (dear to Hari).
r'^'' ''^' '!+' ''!''6!! '''' !
''r' '!'r' '!!''!''''' !! ' !!
tulasi r-sakhi ubhe
ppa-hrii puya-de
namas te nrada-nute
tulasiO rmat Tulas Dev; rof rmat Lakm Dev; sakhiO friend; ubheO
auspicious; ppaof sins; hriiO destroyer; puyaof the results of pious activity; de
O bestower; namaobeisance; teunto You; nrada-nuteO one who is praised by
Nrada Muni; nryaa-manato Lord Nryaas mind; priyeO one who is dear.
Prostrations to rmat Tulas Dev! You are dear friend of rmat Lakm* Dev,
benevolent, remover of sins, giver of spiritual qualities, praised by Nrada Muni*, and
dear to the mind of Lord Nryaa*.
r Puarka dsa copied verbatim the second half of loka* 7 and the first half of loka 8
combined together from the Tulas Upaniad to create his loka 15. Its noteworthy that he
didnt alter it in any way, shape or form considering the choice of words to be perfect. If one
quotes a verse more than once it underlines the poets considering the importance of the
verse, so similarly it is hoped that the readers will also relish these verses of Puarkas
1r' '''"``r' 'r'^''r'!' '''!' !!
iti r-puarka-kta r-tulas-stotra sapram
itithus; r-puarka-ktamcomposed by r Puarka; r-tulas-stotramr Tulas-
stotra; sapramcomplete.
Thus ends the r Tulas-stotra composed by r Puarka.
22 r Tulas-stotra
bhagavatys tulasys tu
lobht krditum icchmi
kudras tat kamyat tvay
O Goddess Tulas, although I am most insignificant, I am trying to plunge into the
nectarean ocean of Your glories, out of intense eagerness. Please forgive my offenses.
This verse is from the Hari-bhakti-vilsa (9.105).
The editor has exhaustively tried to provide the reader with the best research and
evidences that he is presently able to obtain. It is hoped that this will invoke the pleasure
and blessings of r Gurudeva, the Supreme Lord, along with rmat Tulas Dev and Her
If one is somehow not able or desirous to make concrete efforts to apply these
instructions tangibly in ones life,
1) They may not have faith in these instructions;
2) They are too deeply distracted by the illusory energy to take full or partial advantage of
As Benjamin Franklin, one of the USA founding fathers, quipped,
A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
r Tulas-stotra 23
Additional information
rla Gopiparaadhana Prabhu writes in his commentary to the Tattva-sandarbha of rla
Jva Gosvm:
The word magala-caraa literally means an enactment of auspiciousness, usually
in the form of a sanctifying poetic invocation. Literary tradition in India dictated that
authors begin their serious works with one or more verses of magalcaraa. The
often-cited reasons for this convention are two: first, that such prayers help remove
obstacles to assure the successful completion of a book; and second, that cultured
authorities have set such a precedent. As mentioned in the Govinda-bhya-skma-k
(1.1.1), nirvighnyai tat-prtaye icra-pariprpta-...magalam carati: To remove
obstacles and assure the completion of a work, one should offer an auspicious
invocation, following the precedent of the cultured. And even if inferior writers get
mediocre results by following the tradition, great authors use the magalcaraa to
summarize a books message concisely and establish at the very outset an elevated level
of discourse.
rla Kadsa Kavirja Gosvm, after offering his magalcraa at the start of r
Caitanya-caritmta (di 1.22), lists the purposes an invocation serves:
se magalcaraa haya tri-vidha prakra
vastu-nirdea, rvda, namaskra
The magalcaraa may do three things: define the objective, offer benedictions,
and offer obeisances.
24 r Tulas-stotra
cryaspiritual master who teaches by his own example, and who sets the proper
religious example for all human beings
Acyuta(lit. infallible) name of Lord Ka
malaksee Dhtr
rama1. hermitage of a sage; 2. one of the four spiritual orders in Vedic societies
Avatthaa sacred tree
Bhajanaworship, service
Bhaktivinoda hkuracrya in the line of Gauya Vaiavas to which the editor also
belongs; the author of many important books
Bh-devpersonification of one of the Lords principal energies
Bhmipersonification of the earth
Brahmthe first created living being and secondary creator of the material universe; the
presiding deity of the mode of passion
Brhmaathe first, intellectual and priestly, social order in Vedic society
Caitanya MahprabhuLord Ka in the aspect of His own devotee; appeared in
Navadvpa, West Bengal, and taught pure love of God by inaugurating the
congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord; is understood by Gauya
Vaiavas to be Lord Ka Himself; the Golden Avatra of the Supreme Personality of
Godhead who descended into the material world 500 years ago at rdhma Mypur
Daranaaudience with the Deity in the temple
Dhtrsacred tree very dear to Lord Viu; also known as malak, eng. a.k.a. Indian
Durgthe personification of the material energy; see also Prvat
Dvdathe twelfth day of waning and waxing moon
Ekdathe eleventh day of waning and waxing moon when one should avoid eating
grains; fasting whilst performing spiritual practices, such as remaing without sleep
whilst simultaneously performing spiritual activities, and rememberance of the Lord
thoughout the night, is very auspicious on that day and very pleasing to the Lordthe
readers are thus encouraged to put your best foot forward i.e. try to increase ones
spiritual activities on that day and night
Ganeademigod; son of Lord iva and rmat Prvat Dev having an elephants head
Gagone of the wives of Lord Nryaa; incarnates in the material world as the sacred
river Gag
Gauyapertaining to Gaua-dea, West Bengal
Gauya Vaiava Sapradyaauthorized Vaiava disciplic succession of bona fide
spiritual masters coming through Lord Brahm, rla Madhvcrya, and Lord r
Caitanya Mahprabhu; the Vaiava followers in that tradition
Gaurga (Gaura)(lit. whose complexion is golden) name of Lord r Caitanya
Gopala(lit. protector of cows) name of Lord Ka
r Tulas-stotra 25
Govinda(lit. one who gives pleasure to the earth, cows, and senses) name of Lord Ka
Guruspiritual master, preceptor
Harisee Ka or Viu
Jagad-dhtrilit. a universal mother
Kali-yugathe Age of Quarrel and Hypocrisy; the fourth and last age in the cycle of a
mah-yuga; this is the present age in which we are now living, it began 5,000 years ago
and lasts for a total of 432,000 years, it is characterized by irreligious practice and
stringent material miseries
Karma1. fruitive work; 2. the results of it; 3. the law by which its results are obtained
Kavaca(lit. armor) a protective hymn dedicated to some deity
Keava(lit. the killer of the Kei demon) see Ka or Viu
Kathe original two-armed form of the Supreme Lord who is the origin of all other
Lakmthe goddess of fortune, the wife of Lord Viu; an expansion of rmat Rdhr
Mdhavaname of Lord Ka meaning the husband of the goddess of fortune
Madhudemon killed by the Lord who is therefore know as Madhusdana
Mahdevaname of Lord iva
Mahlakmprincipal form of rmat Lakm Dev
Majarflower buds of rmat Tulas Dev
Mantrasacred verse for meditation, sacrifice or prayer
Mrkaeya isage famous for his longevity
My(lit. illusion) personification of the material illusory energy; see Durg
Mukundaname of the Lord meaning the bestower of liberation
Nrada Munia pure devotee of the Lord, one of the sons of Lord Brahm, who travels
throughout the universes in his eternal body, glorifying devotional service while
delivering the science of bhakti
Nryaaan expansion of Lord Ka; the presiding Deity of the Vaikuha planets
Narottama dsa hkuracrya and poet in the line of Gauya Vaiavas to which the
editor also belongs
Padminname of rmat Lakm Dev; see editors notes to Text 14
Prvatdemigoddess, wife of Lord iva, the personification of material energy
Prasda(lit. mercy) the remnants of food taken by the Lord
Pjworship ceremony
Puarka dsamedieval South-Indian Vaiava poet
Pura(lit. very old) the eighteen major and eighteen minor ancient literatures within
the smti section of the Vedic scriptures compiled rla Vysadeva that are histories of
this and other planets; there are eighteen mah-puras, of these, the greatest is the
Bhgavata Pura, also called rmad-Bhgavatam
Rdh(r)Lord Kas most intimate consort; the personification of the internal,
pleasure potency of Lord Ka, His feminine counterpart
Rpa Gosvmone of the principal followers of r Caitanya Mahprabhu
aktaworshiper of rmat Durg Dev considering her the supreme object of worship
26 r Tulas-stotra
lagrma-ilworshipable Deity of Lord Nryaa in the form of a stone from the river
ambhuname of Lord iva
Sapradyaa disciplic succession of spiritual masters, along with the followers in that
tradition, through which spiritual knowledge is transmitted
Sakrtanaloud congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord
Santana Gosvmone of the principal followers of r Caitanya Mahprabhu
ivathe superintendent of the mode of ignorance; takes charge of destroying the universe
at the time of annihilation; considered the greatest Vaiava, or devotee of Lord Ka
lokaSanskrit verse
r (rj in Hindi)1. name of both rmat Lakm Dev and rmat Rdhr; 2. title
optionally attributed to names of respectable persons and spiritual books
rharipriylit. dear to Lord Hari; name of rmat Tulas Dev
rla, rmanrespectful title for a male person meaning endowed with the blessings of
r, the goddess of fortune and consort of Lord Viu
rmatrespectful title for a lady
Stavaglorification, prayer
Stotrahymn, glorification
Tantricpertaining to ritualistic and magic practices based on Vedas
Tygarjarenowned South-Indian poet
Umname of rmat Prvat Dev
Upaniadspecial kind of text found in the Vedas
Vaikuha(lit. [the place] bereft of anxiety) planets in the spiritual world
Vaiavaa devotee of Lord Viu or Ka
Vaiyathe third social order of Vedic society; merchants and farmers
Varya(lit. to be chosen) the best (representative) of some group
Vsudevaname of Lord Ka
Viu(lit. the all-pervading God) the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His four-
armed expansion in Vaikuha; a plenary expansion of r Ka; supervises the
maintenance of the created universe
Viu-tattvaprimary expansion of Lord Ka having full status as Godhead
Vivantha Cakravart hkuracrya in the line of Gauya Vaiavas to which the
editor also belongs; the author of many important books
Vrajasee Vndvana
Vnda gop in Goloka Vndvana who is directing the pastimes of Lord Ka; expands
in the material world in the form of rmat Tulas Dev
VndvanaKas eternal abode, where He fully manifests His quality of sweetness; the
village on this earth in which He enacted His childhood pastimes five thousand years
Yamadtamessenger of Lord Yamarja
Yamarjathe demigod in charge of punishing the sinful
Yamundaughter of the Sun-god and sister of Yamarja; appears on the earth as the sacred
river Yamun (Klind); in the earthly pastimes of Lord Ka becomes one of His
16,108 wives
r Tulas-stotra 27
Literary Works
Bhakti-rsmta-sindhu by rla Rpa Gosvm
Brahma-vaivarta Pura
Dana-keli-kaumud by rla Rpa Gosvm
Garua Pura
Garua Pura Saroddhraa compilation of quotes from mostly Garua Pura regarding
death and Vedic rites for the departed
Gtval by rla Bhaktivinoda hkura
Hari-bhakti-sudhodayastated to be a part of Nrada Pura, but nowadays only awailable
as a separate text
Kalyana-kalpataru by rla Bhaktivinoda hkura
Nrada Pura
Padma Pura
Prema-bhakti-candrik by rla Narottama dsa hkura
aragati by rla Bhaktivinoda hkura
Skanda Pura
Tulas Upaniad

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