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The 12 embryonic principles for revival from 1948

One. The Birthing of the Embryonics. Our history begins in Star City, Saskatchewan, 1935. It was at this time that George R. Hawtin founded a Bible School. It was then also that he commenced the Restoration of the Leviticus 23 Jewish Festivals by keeping the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot). It was also during this time he received a word from God that revival was going to come to Canada in the not too distant future. From Star City the Bible School was moved to Saskatoon and named Bethel Bible Institute. The leaders were strongly influenced by William Branham's meetings. They perceived that healing is often hindered by demonic oppression. God's solution is that leaders need to operate in the gift of discerning of spirits as did William Branham. Following deliverance thru exorcism, healing for body, soul and spirit becomes automatic. J. E. Stiles thru his "The Gift of the Holy Spirit" also influenced them. They perceived that if the Peter Package of Acts 2:38 is properly applied, repentance, faith and baptism permits an immediate reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit without the need of tarrying. Then Franklin Hall thru his "Atomic Power thru Prayer and Fasting" influenced them. They perceived that when prayer alone doesn't bring to pass the promises of God, fasting added to prayer invariably brings the answer. In 1947 George Hawtin's denomination took the Bible Institute from him. Harry Holt, a Foursquare pastor from North Battleford, offered to share with him a lease on Air Force property there. They called it Sharon Orphanage and Schools, and started with about 80 students that fall in the Bible College, plus a grade school and a Trade Training Institute. Prophetic words, revelation and intimations from the Spirit encouraged them to believe that the promises given in 1935 were about to be fulfilled. In February of 1948 God clearly indicated that He was about to do a new thing, referring to Isaiah 43. He was going to fulfill John 17 in a measure, and make His people one in unity; He was going to indicate to individual members of His body the church their particular ministries. He would do this thru the laying on of hands of the Presbytery accompanied by prophetic words. At the same time He would empower each one ministered to with an immediate anointing to release them to function in this clarified role. This immediately took place, though not without great fear and trepidation. Like good Bereans, the leaders, students and people searched the Scriptures daily to see if the Spirit's leading had Scriptural undergirding. They found that Timothy warred a good warfare because of this (1 Timothy 1:30). Joshua walked in the Spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid hands on him (Deuteronomy 34:9). Ephraim and Manasseh received reversed roles thru their grandfather Jacob. The

12 sons of Jacob received their father's blessing and a roadmap for the development of the 12 tribes in their later history. With this encouragement, they held a conference in July of 1948 at North Battleford. Most of the Canadian Provinces were represented, with some 40 of the States of the USA, plus representatives from several other countries. Never will those days be forgotten! God took lives apart and then put them together again with a vision, purpose and anointing that none could doubt. Seven elders functioned together in team spirit under the leadership of George R. Hawtin, God's undisputed leader at that time. Some years later Winston Nunes (now deceased) sought me out as the last living elder of the seven. He sought confirmation to his theory that William Branham, J. E. Stiles and Franklin Hall were the three catalysts that God used to launch the 1948 Northern Canada Revival. I agreed that these three were certainly key principles that motivated the prayer and fasting that birthed this move. But I pointed out that there were other principles equally critical. There was the Presbytery revelation itself; the 5-fold ministry emphasis of Ephesians 4:11-12; the high point of worship through the Heavenly Choir; the "team spirit" operating within the eldership; the humility and teachability of the leadership; the sensitivity to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. Two. The Lifting of the Holy Spirit from this Move. Revivals from God bear close scrutiny. We should look at Count Zinzendorf of Herrnhut, and the 100-year Prayer Watch that continued 24 hours a day. We should see that the 350 missionaries that went throughout the world from this move were deeply motivated because of this unusual Prayer Watch. We should understand that the impact of this revival on John Wesley and the 60 years of the life of Methodism - had this same spirit of watching and prayer. Again, we must take note that the Welsh Revival of 1904 and the Azusa Street Revival of 1906 did not maintain their freshness and simplicity, because the principles of Herrnhut and John Wesley were not thoroughly understood or walked in. As Solomon forgot God through his many pagan wives, so the North Battleford brethren missed going on with God in humility, teachability, carefulness, sensitivity, watching with prayer and fasting. An extreme teaching of "the manifestation of the sons of God" crept in as soon as late 1948. They saw post resurrection events taking place this side of the resurrection. The Hebrews taught that an "evil tendency" (Yetzer haRah) is in each of us as a result of Adam's fall, and will not be fully removed until the Resurrection. Sinless perfection then follows, but does not precede this event. Until that day, settle it: flesh shall lust against spirit, and spirit against flesh. Yes we can live an overcoming life now - but the glorious manifestation of the sons of God and the freeing of material, animal and human creation from the curse, awaits the coming again of Jesus (Yeshua) - our Messiah and Coming King. I personally withdrew from this move early in 1949 because this emphasis continued to prevail and increase.

Not too much later, "Ultimate Reconciliation," hove upon the scene. Derek Prince in his various writings effectively points out the fallacy and danger of this position. It states that all in the end will be saved, some even believing that satan and all his angels will come back. Jesus' teachings on heaven and hell are completely lost in this aberration and unscriptural doctrine. Then thru "The Page" George Hawtin stepped into the ancient heresy that the Lost 10 Tribes have shown up in Britain and the United States. A subtle anti-Semitism normally pervades this teaching. British Israel, Herbert Armstrong, Batya Ruth Wootten's "Who is Israel,", are some in this century that bring confusion to the Body of Christ in this teaching. Go to "the Net" on <> and look at "The Ephramite Error." - A position paper submitted to the MJAA by Kay Silberling, Ph.D., Daniel Juster, Th.D., and David Sedaca, M.A. Read the full (PDF) version or the Summary (PDF). Satan is not original. He dusts off and puts an old doctrine into a new format with a clever revised book jacket. As Barnum and Bailey said, "There's one born every minute." Those who refuse to be good Bereans, are destined to be "suckers." They suck up these foolish doctrines that gender to pride. Wouldn't you like to be of the tribe of Ephraim like Joshua, and see that David and Judah have been rejected? Now you will be God's chosen and call the shots! Should you fall for this amazing false revelation, you will deserve to reap disappointment, discouragement and rebuke when you face the Lord at His Judgment Seat one day. James said, "Don't covet to be teachers of strange doctrines: you will come under the greater condemnation." Jesus warned that in the last days false apostles, prophets and teachers would abound. They are all around today in books, e-mail, web sites, radio programs, television and pulpits. Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Those who measure up to the Plumbline of God's Word have no problem. There are many that are true to God's word today, in many churches in the land. Pray and seek them out. By all means order the Last Days Bible (LDB) published by Life Messengers, translated with notes by Ray Johnson. Ken Taylor of the Living Bible, Frosty Fowler and Dr. Amos Millard recommend this New Testament. (ISBN 0 - 96424701 - 1) This will keep you clear in the Bible simplicities and its clarity. It will enable you not to go chasing after every exotic teaching and "word of the Lord" - which is so often a word that panders to the flesh. It will motivate you to be a soul winner, and prepare you to bloom where you are planted, and not envy those with prominent ministries. By 1956 there was left little anointing on the Sharon Orphanages and Schools. 12 apostles rejected George R. Hawtin from his position as founder and leader. He himself suffered from this rejection, and was vulnerable to the 3 false teachings touched on above. I attended the 40th anniversary of this move. The present leaders still went through the outward liturgical motions. But they were unaware like Ephraim that their hair was spotted with white, that the glory of the Lord had departed, that Ichabod was writ large and clear over what once manifested the powerful presence of the Lord.

Three. The Beginning of a Return and Restoration. Both Smith Wigglesworth and Dr. Charles S. Price foretold a significant revival in Northern Canada in the late 40's. They described it as a great wave of blessing that would bring great hope to the world. But because man would introduce a mixture - God in grief would withdraw. The wave would secede, leaving a desert condition for a generation of 50 years. But at the end of the century another wave would roll in, 10 times and more the power and glory of the first. It would continue in blessing until the return of the King! We are in that day. In 1992 Marie and I were in special studies in Jerusalem for 5 weeks. God spoke a word to me at that time. It was June 7, the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot), 25 years to the day when Jerusalem fell back into the hands of Israel because of the Six Days War. Three significant events coalesced on that significant day. "This day My decree has gone forth from My throne. In the next 5 years, time from man's vantage point will speed up. That you may know that this is My word, read the last verses of Ezekiel 12." There God thru the prophet says that prophecies shall no longer be delayed. God will speak, and it will quickly come to pass. Check the world situation since 1992. See the rapid changes. See the last years since June of 1992, and the preparation of God in His church. Shortly after our return from Israel, I received a vision in the night seasons. George R. Hawtin appeared to Marie and myself, took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow. Then he said, "Jim and Marie - I'm too old to be preparing for the last move. You two were with us in leadership in 1948. I pass the torch on to you. Take the 12 Embryonic Principles of Revival that God birthed in 1948, and bring them to maturity." I woke up frightened. I sensed it was of God, but how could I ever fulfill such a word? But from that day I have been praying over and watching over these 12 principles. Under God's guidance I believe, I have linked each of these 12 embryonic revival principles with one of the tribes of Israel. With each of these couplets, I have suggested a book that expands on this particular principle. Starting Wednesday January 12, we will walk together thru these 12 principles. They provide a perfect governmental parameter for revival. They will not only initiate revival, but will also sustain it till Jesus returns as King of kings and Lord of lords. It will be a modern Herrnhut and a "Watch of the Lord." Those of you who receive this in the Seattle area, please feel free to duplicate it, and invite friends that you sense are of this same spirit and expectancy to attend. I know that hearts God has prepared for this last day outpouring will hear, pray and attend. We will record both on audio and video these 12 sessions, including the special introduction next week. Please believe, pray and undergird these sessions. We sense God is orchestrating this time and these materials.

Thank you. Jim Watt

Reuben: Jewish Roots

One. The Tribe of Reuben: Its relationship to Jewish Roots. There are at least 14 different listings for the 12 tribes of Israel. There is a different order for the tribes in each list. There is significance in each order, not to be overlooked or taken for granted. The first list is the order of birth in Genesis 29-30. In Genesis 49 Jacob gave a patriarchal dying blessing over each of his 12 sons, using a prophetic order by the Holy Spirit. Of the 14 lists, we have chosen the Spirit-directed prophetic order. This also fits into the prophetic mold of the 1948 revival. God used this to restore the office of the prophetic in fuller understanding, as well as the 5-fold ministry. At this time He also restored the Presbytery concept of laying on of hands with prophecy, which Jacob used for his two grandsons first, and then his 12 sons. In the Hebrew language, the name of each person and place is drawn from common words of the language. Reuben is from two such words, Reu: See, behold; and Ben: a son. Leah, Jacobs first wife named him in the context of seeking to win Jacobs love from Rachel. See, she said, God has given me a son! Therefore my husband will love me. Jacob normally linked his sons with an animal; if he did not, Moses usually did so in Deuteronomy 33, where he added to Jacob a further tribal prophetic blessing. Jacobs blessing turned out for many to be a rebuke. He stripped Reuben of the Leadership of the firstborn and gave it to Judah. He took the Blessing of the firstborn and gave it to Joseph in Ephraim and Manasseh. Instead of priestly honors to Reuben, Levi became the inheritor. Yet he left Reuben honor. He retained his place as leader of two of the tribes: Simeon and Gad, in the order of the encampment and March. Reuben is not linked with an animal. He epitomizes the frailty of humanity. He is like the man of the Gospel of Luke, and in a sense fits with the full humanity of our Lord Jesus (Yeshua), as Son of Man. Artisans inscribed Reubens name on the fourth stone of the Breastplate of Judgment worn by the High Priest. Various interpretations appear in commentaries concerning this passage in Exodus 28 where these stones are mentioned. They are in the order of the march of Numbers. In some 15 books and commentaries I have consulted, the green emerald makes the grade. This indeed fits Jacobs prophecy: unstable as water. Often the sea is a green color, restless in its activity with the tides and seasons. Reuben had trouble as a decision-maker. When Deborah and Barak called him to assist in the battle against the Canaanites, they missed him at roll call. Where was he? Among the sheep pens pondering: Shall we go up and help, or shall we not? Too late, Reuben! The battle is over you have lost your chance. Make no mistake. We need our Reubens. Each church and congregational member is linked with one of the 12 tribes in particular in a spiritual sense. Reuben in Luke

shows forth a quietness, often a melancholic outlook and a creative potential. Many doctors, lawyers, musicians, scientists, artists and actors have Reuben as the main part of their character or temperament. All of us, like Jesus, have all four of the leading tribes represented in our temperament, but the top two identify us with one particular tribe and temperament. All four living beings in the 4 Gospels and Ezekiel, represent our Lord Jesus as man, all in perfect balance. None of us reflect that same balance and perfection. Rather, we on a scale of 10-50 in these 4 categories, individually show great variation. And then, unlike Jesus, who was 50, 50, 50, 50 all positive and no negatives we vary on a scale of 10-50 in a negative way with Matthew the Lion, Mark the ox, Luke the man and John the eagle. Friends and relatives checked me out as a Reuben. I labored to live up to the best of Reuben for many years, but ended in frustration. Through Tim LaHaye and his temperament analysis, I discovered myself to be a Benjamin, which set me free! For those in the class who are interested, we can help you find your tribal identity, and with it the corresponding revival principle. Just as Israel required all 12 tribes active in faith and obedience to make the Commonwealth of Israel function the way Balaam prophesied so each church or congregation requires all 12 tribes to be represented in a spiritual sense knowing their place and functioning in unity. Then the body of Messiah with Himself as Head can function in the way of 1 Corinthians 12-14 and Ephesians. Two. Collateral Reading: Helps in seeing Reuben as the tribe pointing to our Jewish Roots. This is a high honor indeed. If you find yourself strongly identified with this tribe, take heart. In the Spirit you can overcome the lusts of the flesh that overcame Reuben, and escape the penalty that befell him. Forewarned is forearmed. The apostle Paul was a Benjamite by tribe and temperament, a combination of LukeMelancholic and John Choleric. Look at how Saul of Tarsus started out ravening as a wolf against the church. Look how he ended: the mighty apostle of the uncircumcision and author of the books of the New Testament. He helped the uncircumcision come out from Gentile paganism to become part of the one new man as believing non-Jews. FFOZ (First Fruits of Zion) has a 14-week Leadership Training Course called HaYesod (The Foundation). It came out in September of last year, but holds promise of being a great blessing in the areas we are discussing. They have published two excellent books by Ariel and Dvorah Berkowitz: Torah Rediscovered, ISBN 965-90104-0-0 ($13.95); Take Hold, ISBN# 1-892124-01-7 ($17.95). These two books will give one the main gist of the 14 units in HaYesod. FFOZ, PO Box 620099, Littleton, CO 80162-0099 USA. One New Man by Reuven Doron is a key book of this last century. You will not regret letting it challenge you. ISBN 0-9629049-9-6, 1993. Reuven Doron, PO Box 10102, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410. Jewish Roots by Daniel Juster will likewise open your eyes and illuminate you. ISBN 0-937831-00-X The Ephramite Error by Kay Silberling could give you an insight on Jewish

Roots from a negative viewpoint that the positive approach may not give you. See last weeks notes in the Introduction, page 3, and dated 1-8-00. Last but not least, Dr. Michael Brown has just come out with the first of 3 volumes entitled Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, ISBN 0-8010-6063-X. Sid Roth has been on Michaels back for years to get this out. It is tremendous! Most of the books recommended in this course can be obtained on the Net from <>, or by presenting Title, author and ISBN# to your local Christian Bookstore. Some are only handled by the author or publisher. Three. Some Preliminaries to help understand Jewish Roots. The subject of this unit is perhaps the equivalent of all 12 units in importance! The church has neglected it, but now by the Spirit since 1967, a real interest is growing. Until the church understands the enormity of her neglect inunit is perhaps the equivalent of all 12 units in importance! The church has neglected it, but now by the Spirit since 1967, a real interest is growing. this area, repents and returns to the place and time of this loss, the one new man creation is hindered and delayed. When Christian with his companion left the true road and chose a bypath in John Bunyans Pilgrims Progress, they suffered unnecessarily. When they returned to the point of departure to the true path, all went well again. Revival in its ultimate, according to Charles G. Finney, is dependent upon meeting Gods conditions in His timing. See Lecture 4 of Revival Lectures Break Up the Fallow Ground. Here Finney delineates the sins of omission and commission that hold up Gods blessing. He also talks of the lifting of the Holy Spirit in power from his life. His remedy was to set aside 3 days of fasting and prayer. During that time he carefully and ruthlessly examined his life as to the above two areas. He made promise to God to follow thru on any sin of commission or omission following the conclusion of these 3 days. Invariably, he said, following these 3 days, the Spirit returned with His original intensity! And what was that? It is recorded in his autobiography. He tells us that the Spirit visited him shortly after his conversion, and came upon him with wings of liquid love with such intensity that he cried out, Stay Your hand, or I shall die. See the following manifestation of such a visitation. Finney visited a clothing factory. The presence of God in Finney was of such intensity, that the workers became confused, made errors in their work, and broke down in tears. The foreman called a cessation to all work. If God wants to visit and bless the workers, he said, then let Him have His way. Is this the power of the church today? Is there among Gods servants such a manifestation of His presence, that daily and regularly the abnormal takes place? Or are we so subnormal that when the above normal takes place, we charge it with being abnormal? Andrew Murray made this failure in distinction when the Spirit first fell on young people in South Africa in the 19th century. When the church returns to this first of the 12 Embryonic Revival principles, it will be perhaps the major condition, that when met, will so please God that He will

pour out of His Spirit so that there will not be room to contain it! Note that George R. Hawtin restored the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot) to the church in partial manner back in Star City in 1935. He brought it to Bethel Bible Institute of Saskatoon and on up to North Battleford in 1947. In 1948 I lectured at Sharon Orphanages and Schools in North Battleford on the Feasts of the Lord from Leviticus 23. A Jewish Missionary to the Jews in my hometown of Port Alberni, B.C. became my mentor. In 1944 she shared with me the importance of the Bible year. She told me that she kept all the appointed feast mentioned here, including the Sabbath. She told me that Jesus had fulfilled Passover and the first 3 feasts on Calvary. The Holy Spirit came 50 days from the count of Firstfruits, and fulfilled the fourth. At that time, we remember the first Pentecost for Israel when God gave the 10 Commandments on this day. Then some 1600 years later the Holy Spirit fulfilled this Feast and the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31. The Holy Spirit now writes the Torah (Teaching of God is a better translation than law) on our hearts and minds first upon believing Jews, and later upon non-Jews who responded by coming out of pagan Gentile nations. But Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles, will not be fulfilled till Jesus (Yeshua) returns the second time as King of kings and Lord of lords. He came as the suffering Messiah 2000 years ago. He will return as Reigning Messiah soon. George Warnock sat in on this lecture. He already knew this truth, but God would not release him till he wrote The Feast of Tabernacles in 195l. Here he outlined all seven Feasts of the Bible celebrated by Jesus, but he majored on the last future three. John R. Stevens laid hold of Warnocks challenge that came alive out of the 1948 Revival, and soon had his followers celebrating all seven. God has given this promise to Abraham: Those peoples who bless you and your seed (the Jews) I will bless. Those who curse you and your seed, I will curse. Look at Pharaoh of the Exodus. Look at Haman in the days of Esther and Mordecai. Look at Nebuchadnezzar who went overboard and beyond Gods will in bringing judgment on the Jews. Look at Hitler and his 1000-year reign. Because he made the Jews his chief enemy and murdered 6 million of them in the Holocaust, he died a shameful, degrading suicide. His 3rd Reich lasted but 12 out of his 1000-year projection. But soon Jesus our Jewish Messiah of both Jew and Gentile will return to honor the believing remnant from both camps, uniting them in the one new man, and inaugurating His 1000-year reign! Satan may try to ape Gods plans thru his Hitler stooges but God will in the end have the last laugh. He in the heavens shall watch satan and his stooges and suddenly in strong displeasure shall frustrate their plans. Their 1000 years will dwindle to a mere 12. And He in the heavens shall laugh. He shall say, Kiss the Son, (My Son, a Jew) lest He be angry. One man said, I could almost be angry with God, for letting Jesus be a Jew! And do I have any of that spirit? And what kind of worship shall Jesus the Messiah and Jew inaugurate in His 1000-year millennial reign? It will indeed be well for the church to ponder what we left from 100 to 325 AD under Constantine. We have brought in many pagan practices and holidays, and

sanctified them with Christianity. But did God sanction this? And in the end will He require adjustments on our part? Have we departed from the clear Plumbline of His Word? Are we like the leaning Tower of Pisa? Do our formulations need Reformation and restructuring and shoring up? Do we need a Hezekiah and a Josiah to arise and destroy our idolatries and departures? Does the spiritual temple of the church need cleansing of filth (2 Corinthians 7:1)? Do we need to reinaugurate Passover as did they, and the other Feasts of the Lord that Constantine replaced from paganism? Are we willing to truly examine what we believe and in the light of the total Plumbline of God's Word from Genesis to Revelation? So we see that the New Testament, the Renewed Covenant for Israel in Jeremiah 31, and its 27 books, is the true commentary on the Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic Covenants. Do we understand that Rabbinic commentaries on Talmud, Mishnah and Gemara can prove helpful in seeing the times in which the Word of God came but when they make void the written word by contradiction and opposition that part must be set aside. To the Torah and its testimony if they speak not according to this written testimony, it is because there is no morning in them (Isaiah 8:20). It is in the New Covenant that we understand the former Covenant. Israel and Torah have not passed away according to Isaiah and Jeremiah. See Jesus statement in the Sermon on the Mount. See that Romans and Galatians properly translated and understood fully accord with Jesus statements in Matthew 5-7. Remember hermeneutics, the science of Bible Interpretation. All Bible statements must harmonize. A text without a context is a pretext. As a drop of the ocean when analyzed, contains in trace form all constituent elements of the ocean so must any Bible text, from any of the 66 books, reflect in trace form the teaching of the whole Bible when interpreted. No wonder James said, Be not many teachers, lest you come under the greater condemnation! In 1953 Robert Burrows from Scotland wrote the following in the fly leaf of Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman P. Grubb: Revival means REMOVAL A willing sacrifice Of all that grieves the Spirit. Who then will pay the price? RHB Hezekiah and Josiah removed all the filth from the Temple, both inside and outside (and we are the Temple of God, living stones, with Jesus the Messiah as both chief cornerstone and capstone). We the church, both individually and corporately, need to apply spiritually this same pattern. True, full, complete revival, renewal, reformation and reconstruction is pricey and costly. Only two kings in Israels history truly, consistently and completely followed thru. The Watch of the Lord by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda is well conceived and executed to achieve such revival. Its main priority is Israel and the Peace of Jerusalem. This Watch is concerned with prayer, watching and fasting thru the night each Friday evening. (Look what this has done in South Korea. 52% of the

nation professes Jesus as Lord and Messiah!) I realize this is a hard-hitting message to the church of America, Canada and the world. But doesnt the present situation and facts of the church justify and demand it? Look at Jeremiahs message, given to him by God. It was 4-fold removal before 2-fold building. It was, Uproot and tear down, destroy and demolish. Only then was it Build and Plant. Now these words came to Jeremiah when Judah was yet a nation just over 400 years old. But she had departed from her moorings and foundations. Therefore God sent Jeremiah to rectify the situation with this 4-fold negative correction, and only then the 2-fold positive aspect. The church is 2000 years old. Are our barnacles less than Israels? Or has 5 times the years brought a yet more serious problem in the church? Of all our revivals, renewals, restorations and reformations not one has restored us as fully to Gods Plumbline as did that of Hezekiah and Josiah for Judah. If we say we want revival and reformation are we truly prepared to pay the price? Make no mistake there IS a heavy price to pay. Our denominations, fellowships and parachurch organizations all substantially walk in the principles of falling away of the last 1700 years. No move of God has yet brought us back to the complete Word of God Plumbline. We are indeed as the leaning tower of Pisa a most precarious position! Come, let this first Embryonic Principle of Revival a return to our Jewish Roots according to Romans 11 be our primary, foremost and urgent priority. The church has NOT replaced Gods purposes for Israel. Nowhere in Scripture is the church called Spiritual Israel. The church in the beginning was only Jewish. Not for some 10-20 years did Gentiles start to come in any numbers. It wasnt till Acts 15 that the Holy Spirit thru apostles, elders and James rule that Gentiles electing to become disciples of Jesus did not need to become circumcised as Jews. But when former Gentiles, now non-Jewish believers became the majority in the church, they ruled that no Jew could become a Christian and church member without giving up his Jewishness! Was this fair? Is it fair? No a Jew who believes on his own Jewish Messiah, Yeshua is NOW the true Jew. But the orthodox Jew who puts the traditional Talmud above Gods written Torah (teaching) and the church that wants him to give up completely his Jewish lifestyle, both persecute him! Thats not fair! The Messianic Jewish Congregations are a transitional state where believing Jews can maintain their Jewish lifestyle, worship the God of their fathers according to the Bible Feasts of the Jews. They can live a Torah (Teaching) Observant lifestyle, and apply the 200 Temple and Priestly commandments in a spiritual way to Jesus the High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 710). Believing non-Jews who have come out of pagan Gentilism, can join with them once again, just as they did in the early church. Now God used the 1948 revival thru George R. Hawtin to begin the restoration of the Jewish Feasts. Since 1967 and the formation of Messianic Jewish Congregations all over the world in the early 70s, this restoration has gained impetus. Yet all is in transition. It is too early to have clear parameters.

Estimates vary between 200,00 and 1,000,000; but since the early 70s, these numbers of Jews have become believers, and many are associated with Messianic Jewish Congregations. Some 50 exist in the state of Israel itself! But many churches are seriously and earnestly becoming good Bereans. They are searching the Scriptures daily concerning these things. Some individual church congregations are following all the Bible Feasts of Leviticus 23. Some church congregations are sponsoring Messianic Jewish Congregations as part of their missionary outreach. Beth Chesed is one of these. So be of good cheer be encouraged. Like Jack Hayford, we are seeing the total church as The Church on the Way. We have not arrived at Gods Plumbline. Full Restoration, revival, renewal and reformation is not yet visible. But we are on the way! Hopeful signs abound throughout the world. The other 11 Embryonic Revival Principles are all important. But unless this first priority truth is restored, the other 11 will bring but half a revival. Some people receive their mail, and place what might be an unpleasant letter at the bottom and open what may be pleasant at the top to open first. We have not followed this pattern, because the prophetic pattern of Genesis 49 puts Reuben first. And Reuben stands for our Jewish Roots. So in Gods order we look at this as the first of the Restoration, revival principles. I personally believe this order is in the wisdom of God. If we make the right choice if we decide with God on this first point then the other 11 will be like falling off a log. This will follow naturally. If we fail to face and deal correctly with this first principle as Gods priority then we will face disappointment in the final result. The 11 following principles, apart from this first (a key truth) will leave us holding half a bag. My prayer Let all of us join as one in seeking God for His wisdom and confirmation. Until this first challenge on revival is accepted, believed on and acted on then we will not realize Gods accrued blessing both individually and corporately. Note: Before Passover we will have completed 12 units of consideration plus an introduction. Look upon these as preliminary worksheets. They are open to suggestion, correction and adjustment. For example: one queried the position of the Manifestation of the sons of God. A man introduced this doctrine in Edmonton in the fall of 1948 from Winnipeg. People first heard of it at the turn of last century in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Does the Bible teach that we can be overcomers prior to the resurrection? Of course. Does it teach that God is at present forming the one new man from a believing remnant of Jews and non-Jews? Yes. Does it give hope for a last day revival before the return of Messiah and a judgment that will eclipse all former ones? Again, Yes. Does it teach that sinless perfection is possible prior to that event? Conclusively, NO! This has worked havoc in the lives of those who have fallen for this perverted and extreme teaching. Parts of the holiness movement of the 19th century fell into this same trap. Dr. Harry Ironsides, former pastor of Chicagos Moody Memorial Church years ago wrote a telling rebuttal to this same extreme teaching. It is primarily speaking of the time for the resurrection of our bodies, and that takes place at the fulfillment of 1 Corinthians 15:50-57, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Romans 8:18-2

3 (Last Days Bible). These promises are directly related to the resurrection of our physical bodies. On these issues we must hue a clear line, and not spiritualize like Origen what the Bible makes literal. There is a fine line here. I appreciate the challenge that occasions this clarification. JAW.


EDITORIAL NOTE: This is the first of 12 Corporate Prayers based on the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles birthed by God out of His 1948 Visitation in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Sometime around 1997 Richard Long of Toronto suggested that I write a paper on each of these 12 principles - which I did in 2000. He ran them in his weekly newsletter at that time. My oldest son Jim made a Website for me and put them on it. People are still downloading these articles. But in the Fall of 2001 The Rev. John Roddam and Pastor Joe McIntyre of the Seattle area launched us to form 40 Corporate Prayers for those in the Church who have an intercessory corporate burden for Revival principles. We have all but completed the first 12, which primarily cover the Feasts of the Lord in Leviticus 23. We trust to add them to our Website in the near future. For the next 6 months we will be producing Corporate Prayer Outlines for these12 Revival principles from 1948. We believe that as individuals, families, home groups and churches use these helps, the speed-up of God's prophetic program for the return of His Son can occur. We will be placing this second series of 12 on our Website also. For those interested in a context for these 12 Revival Principle Prayers, you might find it helpful to check out our Website for these articles that appeared at the request of Richard Long in the winter of 2000. Day One. JEWISH ROOTS: REUBEN CONNECTION.

Genesis 29:31-30:24. ADONAI saw that Le'ah was unloved, so he made her fertile, while Rachel remained childless Le'ah conceived and gave birth to a son, whom she named Re'uven [see, a son!], for she said, 'It is because ADONAI has seen how humiliated I have been, but now my husband will love me' (29:31-32). Numbers 2:10-16. Those camping on the south are to be under the banner of the camp of Re'uven; they are to camp according to companies; by tribe and leader they are as follows: Re'uven, with Elitzur the son of Sh'de'ur as Chief - Number, 46,500 (2:10-12). Exodus 28:15-21. THE TABERNACLE: PRIESTLY GARMENTS. The second row a green feldspar, a sapphire and a diamond (28:18). Note that the names of the 12 tribes are inscribed on the 12 precious stones on the breastplate of judgment according to the order of the march of Numbers 2. Dr. A. W. Slemming of England is one of many who confirms this order. There are 14

different orders for the 12 tribes. In these prayers we consider the order of birth, the order of Jacob's prophetic blessing and the order of the March of Numbers 2.
The firstborn son in an Israeli family is blessed. First of all, he gets a double blessing - 2 parts instead of one that goes to the other sons. It is called the blessing of the firstborn and by default, it went to Joseph instead. The Priesthood by default went to Levi, and the Rulership went to Judah. Yet as we shall see in Day 7, Reuben did not lose all. He started out with such high hopes for his father Jacob, -- but because of unbridled lust he suffered a 3-fold loss. As the firstborn, the high hopes of Israel (his father) were with him, which explains his relationship with the nation of Israel and the Jewish Roots. Note that the green color of his stone reminds us of the restless sea - its instability - and explains the harsh blessing of Jacob upon Reuben. (In These Are the Garments by Dr. A. W. Slemming, he has a chapter on each of the tribes, and points out the various facets of each in more detail.) Day Two. JEWISH ROOTS: DANIEL JUSTER CONNECTION.

Jeremiah 31:31-40. RESTORATION THROUGH THE NEW COVENANT. Here, the days are coming, says ADONAI, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Isra'el and with the house of Y'hudah It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers on the day I took them by their hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt; because they, for their part, violated my covenant, even though I for my part, was a husband to them, says Adonai For this is the covenant I will make with the house of Isra'el after those days, says ADONAI: I will put my Torah within them and write it on their hearts; I will be their God, and they will be my people No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, 'Know ADONAI'; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickednesses and remember their sins no more (31:31-34). Few writers make clearer than Daniel Juster does the connection of Israel to her Jewish Roots. David Stern in his Complete Jewish Bible and other writings complements this emphasis by Daniel Juster. It is especially in the area of covenant that this emphasis shines forth. As we follow his teaching on the Noahic Covenant, but more especially the Abrahamic, Mosaic and Davidic Covenants - we find just how powerful and potent is this connection with Jewish Roots. But as we look at the New Covenant which was initially promised by God to Israel, we grasp how important is this whole concept. The Book of Hebrews throws wonderful light on all of this. We who are non-Jews Gentiles - are by grace grafted into this New Covenant - but it was first a promise to Israel, not the church.
The first recipients of the fulfillment of this covenant were all Jewish believers. It was a few decades later that God led Peter and then Paul by using the Keys of the Kingdom, to open the door to Gentiles also. Day Three. JEWISH ROOTS: ISRAEL CONNECTION. Romans 9:1-13. ISRAEL: BY THE PRINCIPLE OF REMNANT. The people of Israel were made God's children, the Sh'khinah has been with them, the covenants are theirs, likewise the giving of the Torah, the Temple service and the promise; the Patriarchs are theirs; and from them, as far as his physical descent is concerned, came the Messiah, who is over all.

Praised be ADONAI for ever! Amen (9:4-5). Romans 9-11 is NOT a parenthesis, but the HEART of Justification by Faith - to Jew first - then to Gentiles and non-Jews. Look at these 8 promises of blessing. God caused Israel to inherit all 8. Then we, who are Gentiles and wild olive branches, share with Israel as true olive branches. God has grafted us into the Jewish Root and Tree of Israel. The church has lost understanding of our Jewish Roots especially from the days of Constantine in 325 AD through the Council of Nicea. Day Four. JEWISH ROOTS: BIBLE FESTIVALS CONNECTION. Leviticus 23. THE FEASTS OF THE LORD. ADONAI said to Moshe, 'Tell the people of Isra'el: The designated times of ADONAI which you are to proclaim as holy convocations and my designated times (23:1-2). In 1935 George R. Hawtin begin to restore the observation of these feasts to the church, first by celebrating the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot). Then George Warnock in his book, The Feast of Tabernacles, outlines all 7 of these feasts laid out in Leviticus 23. John Robert Stevens picked this up from him, and in California in the early '50's started to observe all 7 of them. People came from as far away as Edmonton, Alberta, to join in these celebrations. Here we find perhaps the greatest blessing of all to Jew and Gentile alike - the Festivals of the Lord which He shared first with Israel 1400 years before Christ, and then especially after Acts 15, with Gentiles also A Jewish missionary to her own people shared this great blessing with me in 1944. Since 1990 my wife Marie and I have been walking in the joy and blessing of observing these festivals with our Jewish friends. Nowhere in the Bible does God commend the observance of Christmas - but He does ask us to observe all 7 Festivals of Leviticus 23, especially the Feast of Tabernacles, the GREAT Feast of the Jews. Students and Scholars believe that Jesus was born at this time. Day Five. JEWISH ROOTS: 2 PETER 1:5-7 CONNECTION.

2 Peter 1. THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE. For this very reason, try your hardest to furnish your faith with goodness, goodness with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with perseverance, perseverance with godliness, godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love For if you have these qualities in abundance, they keep you from being barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. Indeed, whoever lacks them, is blind, so shortsighted that he forgets that his past sins have been washed away. ... Therefore, brothers, try even harder to make your being called and chosen a certainty. For if you keep doing this, you will never stumble. Thus you will be generously supplied with everything you need to enter the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah (1:5-11).
Had Reuben - the one so closely associated with our Jewish Roots - observed the 7 principles of 2 Peter 1:5-7 along with Fasting - he would no doubt have been able to live a disciplined life and not forfeited the 3-fold blessing that was rightfully his. Note that temperance or self-control is one of these graces to add to one's life. E. Stanley Jones walked in this discipline above that of most others. It is such a pity that Reuben did not walk in a similar path. Day Six. JEWISH ROOTS: JACOB AND MOSES CONNECTION.

Genesis 49. ISRAEL: BLESSES HIS SONS AND TRIBES. Re'uven, you are my firstborn, my strength, the firstfruits of my manhood Though superior in vigor and power you are unstable as water, so your superiority will end, because you climbed into your father's bed and defiled it - he climbed onto my concubine's couch (49:3-4). Deuteronomy 33. MOSES: BLESSING OF THE TRIBES. Let Re'uven live and not die out, even through his numbers grow few (33:6). Jacob and Moses each spoke prophetic words over the 12 sons of Israel who became tribes in Israel. History and archeology both confirm beyond the least shadow of a doubt - God's unfolding purposes for the 12 tribes of Israel going back 3400 years. It is wishful thinking and whistling in the dark that would lead the Arafats to deny the long history of Israel in Jerusalem and the land God has given them. Make no mistake - God is not mocked - what He has given is irrevocable. Read Romans 11, and know that when Jesus - the only begotten Son of God returns again, He as the King of Israel through King David shall rule the world from Jerusalem and the Temple Mount! Let the Hitlers, Hamans, Saddam Husseins and Arafats proclaim their falsehoods - He who sits in the heavens will laugh last!

Daniel 7. VISION OF THE FOUR GREAT BEASTS. I kept watching the night visions, when I saw, coming with the clouds of heaven, someone like a son of man. He approached the Ancient One and was led into his presence... To him was given rulership, glory and a kingdom, so that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him. His rulership is an eternal rulership that will not pass away; and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed (7:13-14, VISION: DOMINION OF THE SON OF MAN). Notice that Reuben has no animal associated with him in the prophecies. He should have been more like Jesus the firstborn of Mary - but he didn't discipline himself. Lust, Pride and Money - these are the chief temptations for man. Reuben fell through the first, and MANY others do also. The 2 Peter 1 passage with fasting would enable one to be an overcomer.
Notice Ezekiel 1:10, and the 4 living creatures, one with the head of a man looking straight ahead. This is a picture of Jesus, and is associated with the Gospel of Luke. Ephesians 2 speaks of One New Man in Christ Jesus, composed of Jew and Gentile, with the middle wall of partition broken down. See Reuven Doron's book of this title. Reuben was not connected with an animal as were so many of the other tribes. He is one of the 4 leading tribes in spite of his fall. He led Simeon and Gad on the southside of the Tabernacle of Moses. Reuben could have been honored on a lower level than this Messianic prophecy pointing to Jesus. Jesus as man was tempted on all points like as we YET - without sin. Where Reuben fell, Jesus overcame! When we let Him possess us through the Holy Spirit, we can live a triumphant life as seen in Galatians 2:20. We will NOT be sinlessly perfect till the resurrection, but we can be true overcomers according to Revelation 2 and 3. So - God preserved Reuben as one of the 4 leading tribes in spite of his lapse. What grace! CONCLUSION: The 12 revival principles of the 1948 Northern Canada Visitation, were perhaps not clearly perceived at the time. But in 1992 I received a

heavenly mandate to take the 12 embryonic principles of 1948 - and with others - pray them into maturity and full understanding. It is interesting that a true understanding of our Jewish Roots as associated with Reuben - is the first of these 12. It is my personal conviction that until the church recovers from the fallacy of Replacement Theology, and sees God's purpose of the primacy of Israel as recorded in Romans 9-11 - the other 11 revival principles will be unable to function in unity. Remember Benjamin in the latter part of the book of Judges. When his history was nearly snuffed out, the other tribes mourned - for they recognized all too well that Israel could only function effectively when all 12 tribes pulled together. So with the church - only when all 12 of these revival principles are understood, walked in and practiced - only then will the fullness of God's purposes be realized. And the first principle is to see Israel as GOD sees her not the United Nations - not United Europe - not the Islamic nations - not the United States - not even the present state of the church! THIS is the first of the Last Days Revival principles. If we fail at this first challenge, what can we do with the rest?

Simeon: The Gift Of The Holy Spirit

One. Simeon: His Connection with the Holy Spirit. See Isaiah 50:4, and how Messiah is well able to redeem divorced Israel! "Adonai ELOHIM (the Lord GOD) has given me the ability to speak as a man well taught, so that I, with my words, know how to sustain the weary. Each morning he awakens my ear to hear like those who are taught. Adonai ELOHIM has opened my ear." In Genesis 29 we learn that Leah named her second son for Jacob, which means to hear. Her thought was this - God has heard my prayer and unloved position. Now my husband will love me. Simeon stands for hearing. Samuel means heard by God, and named by his mother Hannah. Messiah Jesus was one whose ears were opened to hear the words of His Father on behalf of Israel. We who are joined to him will also hear the words of the Spirit for our Father, and speak them in comfort to both believer and unbeliever. Simeon's stone was the blue sapphire. Though it is the color of heaven - yet until the Spirit warms it, there is a coldness about this stone. Simeon linked with Levi demonstrated that coldness to the Shechemites when their sister was molested. We need the Simeon temperament in our churches and congregations, but we need it to be tempered with the warmth and love of the Spirit. No animal is associated with this son and tribe, but in his unregenerate state he is much like a ranging bear. Yellowstone Park warns those who travel thru - bears are wild animals - you never know when one might turn upon you. Jacob's prophecy (Genesis 49) is pretty harsh upon Simeon. He was scattered within the confines of Judah according to this word, and Moses does not even mention him among the other 11 tribes (Deuteronomy 33). Yet remember! His name holds out promise of potential and possibility. A hearing ear is of great price in the kingdom of God, and can bring forth a bright future. Look at Simeon in the New Covenant in Luke, and how he heard the Holy Spirit, and was able to see God's great salvation in a little baby before his death! Two. South Korea: A country that has heard the word of the Spirit. Many have heard of Pastor David Yonggi Cho of Seoul, and of the3/4 million members in his church. But set that aside, and see that it is prayer that explains the secret of this great growth. Daily early Morning Prayer meetings, and each Friday evening for 8 hours they and many other Korean churches have met. They have become sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. "And He walks with me, and He talks with me," has become a reality in many a heart. More than of the nation's population professes faith in Messiah! Three. The Gift of the Holy Spirit by J. E. Stiles. Winston Nunes believed that the teaching of this man had a great deal to do as a catalyst to launch the 1948 Northern Canada revival. He taught that a solid Christian conversion, marked by true and sincere repentance, was more important than many make of it. We are to see that not by works of righteousness that we have done, but by His mercy and grace has God saved us! We are to understand that the Abrahamic

Covenant precedes that of Noah for this very reason. Abraham was justified by faith, not by works! But because he saw a the city of God from afar, whose architect and builder is God; and because he understood that the builder based all on the atoning work of Messiah - therefore he became father of all future believers, both Jewish and non-Jewish! We all have the potential of becoming One New Man in Messiah.Then works follow out of thanksgiving, which prove that we have true faith! Faith without works is dead, being alone. But faith in works that precede the understanding of the Abrahamic Covenant defeats the plan of God. J. E. Stiles clearly saw this, and presented the "Peter Package" as set forth in Acts 2:38. We are to repent of works we do to gain merit, thereby bypassing Messiah's atonement. We are to solidly base our faith in the grace of God worked out on our behalf at Calvary. We are to see Isaiah 53 as an outstanding chapter of the Tanakh (First Covenant), and let our works flow forth from that apprehension. Then in direct obedience to Messiah, who by the Spirit commanded us to repent and be baptized, we accept His word and obey. Upon obedience to His command, we are then promised the doreA (Gift) of the Holy Spirit. On that first day of Pentecost, Peter presented these truths with clarity and anointing of the Holy Spirit. Great conviction came upon his hearers. They cried out in agony of soul, "Men and brothers, what must we do to be saved?" It was then that Peter spelled out the above 3 steps. 3000 souls stepped out, repented, believed correctly in the full Lordship and Saviorhood of Jesus, and these men were baptized. Then the apostles laid hands upon them and they received the doreA, the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Stiles pointed out that tarrying was designed until the day of Pentecost had fully come, and Jesus from the Father poured out the Gift of the Holy Spirit. From that time on the Peter Package presides. Those who have a true conversion can now immediately following baptism receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. But "Rees Howells, Intercessor" by Norman P. Grubb, CLC Publication 1952, reveals a distinction between the New Birth, where we receive the Holy Spirit as a Gift, the "doreA," - and being possessed by the Holy Spirit. The question becomes, not, "Do I have the Holy Spirit?" - but - "Does the Holy Spirit have me?" Dr. Derek Prince in his "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" brings to this subject his usual analytical, probing, comprehensive and practical mind. Dr. Prince held a chair in the department of Philosophy at Cambridge University. He was a graduate of King's College there, and had this position at the age of 24. Following his conversion in the British Army during World War II, Jesus in the Holy Spirit then baptized him. His books and writings bring clarity to the Body of Christ in a manyfaceted area. One of these facets is the simple, clear, reasonable and Spiritwitnessed teaching on the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. Thank God, we are not left without excuse. Four. The Importance of the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the light of the Greek word doreA. This word appears but 11 times in the Greek New Testament (Brit Chadashah), and without exception refers to the Gift of the Holy Spirit coming as a result of a true conversion followed by baptism in water thru

obedience. John 4:10. The Gift: An Artesian Well. We have learned to pay attention to the "law of first reference" in pedagogy. Normally, we find the key definition of a word revealed at this point. Jesus told the woman of Samaria that if she knew the Gift (doreA) of God, and whom it was talking to her, she would have asked of Him and He would give her living water, an artesian well. I was brought up on a farm in the lower mainland of BC Canada, and well knew the difference between pumping water and an artesian well! In John 7:37-39 He calls this artesian well rivers of living water flowing out of our inmost being. This is normal Christianity. Jesus said that Strait the gate and narrow the path leading to this life, and few find it. Let us be of the number that does! Acts 2:38. The Gift: Part of the Peter Package. Notice the conditions to receive this Gift: a true, valid conversion first of all. This involves a sincere repentance from trusting in human works and good deeds to save us, and a full heartfelt trust in grace based on the Atoning work of Messiah to meet out need. Works of thanksgiving must follow this 2-fold conversion, or faith is not valid. Next comes obedience in baptism. This is not a selective command that can be omitted, and it follows those who have had a valid conversion. Baptism means to immerse or dip as to dye a cloth. Then we can expect God to do His part and grant us the doreA, the Gift of the Holy Spirit. This causes a genuine new birth. Then like Rees Howells we need to ask the Holy Spirit to possess us. Acts 8:20. The Gift: Cannot be purchased. Jesus purchased the right of all believers to have this gift when the conditions of Acts 2:38 have been met. Simon the sorcerer badly erred in thinking it could be dispensed by a gift of money. Phillips translation has Peter saying: "To hell with you and your money!" Acts 10:44-47; 11:17-18. The Gift: For Gentiles as well as Jews! What a shock this was to Peter and the 6 Jews who accompanied him from Joppa! And to top it all, God gave this gift to Cornelius, his family and close friends before they were baptized! This was because in spite of Peter's 3-fold vision, he would not have counted Gentiles as candidates for the gift of the Holy Spirit, had not God intervened and moved out the normal order of 1, 2, 3 of Acts 2:38 and made it 1, 3, 2. In 1944 my pastor was too slow in helping me obey immediate baptism following conversion, and God met me first, and I like Cornelius became a 1, 3, 2 believer, much to my chagrin. Romans 5:15. The Gift: Abundant grace. Life comes following conversion, but abundant life comes when the Holy Spirit possesses us. And think of this: followers of satan in seances allow themselves to be possessed by evil spirits, as J. Z. Knight does with Ramtha - so how much more should we as believers allow the Holy Spirit to possess us! Romans 5:17. The Gift: Causes us to Overcome and Reign with Messiah now! The Kingdom of God within us, when fully understood and released makes the believer more than a conqueror now! 2 Corinthians 9:15. The Gift: Leads to Hilarious Giving! No wonder the apostle Paul exclaimed: "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable Gift." Only once in the New Covenant is this adjective used. Words can't describe the amazing nature of the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Only our devotional prayer language can adequately enable

us to give proper thanks to God. Ephesians 3:7. The Gift: Paul's explanation for his remarkable ministry! You want to know what makes Paul tick? He tells us! The artesian well of God: God's unspeakable gift; the gift of the Holy Spirit - this is the secret how and why God uses him! Ephesians 4:7. The Gift: Can enable each of us to emulate Paul. God makes the same Gift of the Holy Spirit that transformed Paul, to be our portion also! Press in. Receive your full inheritance now! Meet the conditions of a true, genuine conversion and a clear-cut baptism following this correct conversion - and God's promise of an artesian well and rivers of living waters is yours also! I shared this truth with a Christian Science sailor from London in 1944. We were both 21, and had both been converted for one year - he from a formal English Church, I from a formal Canadian church. When he listened to my testimony concerning this artesian well that God had given me, he was gripped. "Does Christian Science have an artesian well?" he asked. I didn't know, though I privately doubted it. His British aircraft carrier sailed out to sea the next day and I have not met Philip Leavy since. But somewhere in the world, if he is still alive, I believe there is a man with a cockney accent, who also has an artesian well! Hebrews 6:4. The Gift: Must be continued in. There are 4 types of soil in Jesus' first parable. Obviously there is no salvation in soil one. But soil two and three have tasted of the heavenly gift (doreA). Soil two because of persecution quickly reneges and draws back. Soil three gradually lets the weeds and thorns of this world return him to his first lost estate, and he bears no fruit. Security is based on those fruit-bearers that continue in the faith. Calvin clearly pointed out in the acronym TULIP - where "P" stands for Perseverance of the saints. Make no mistake - you skate on thin ice if you trust in ultimate salvation and do not continue in the faith. The elect persevere and continue! Do not presume on the grace of God if you are not soil four, the only fruit-bearing seed. Ezekiel 33:1-20 is read twice a day during the month Elul, preceding Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, in every Jewish synagogue. The God who changes not wrote this challenging passage through Ezekiel. It applies also to us as Christians. Purchase the "Last Days Bible" by Life Messengers, Ray Johnson the translator and author of notes, ISBN 0-96424701-4, $15.95. There is a special introductory price on this new translation that God undoubtedly has raised up for these last days. It clears the air of deception, delusion and false hopes. Conclusion: Simeon: the Gift of the Holy Spirit, is the second of the 12 1948 Embryonic Revival Principles. Don't progress till you have ensured that Principle One and Two are properly understood and soundly laid in your life. Next week is Levi: The absolute necessity of the function of the 5-fold ministry. Jim Watt


This is the second Embryonic Revival Principle that came out of the 1948 North Battleford, Saskatchewan Visitation. It is linked especially with J. E. Stiles and his book The Gift of the Holy Spirit. It had a very strong impact on the leaders of the Revival starting February 12th. It was the contention of Stiles that when the two conditions of the Peter Package of Acts 2:38 were properly met, that without tarrying, candidates immediately would receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit upon the laying on of hands. This was abundantly confirmed in 1948. Winston Nunes believed that J. E. Stiles along with William Branham and Franklin Hall brought the three critical principles that God used at this time. I agreed with him in part: but there are nine other Revival Principles that God wove together to form His effective montage. In the 1960's, this book by J. E. Stiles was dubbed The Episcopalian Bible, and men like Dennis Bennett effectively used this principle during the Charismatic Renewal. Tens of thousands were swept into the Kingdom of God at this time. Let us now look at several aspects of the working of this principle at the time of this visitation. Day 1. HOLY SPIRIT: SIMEON CONNECTION. Luke 2:22-38. JESUS: BLESSED BY SIMEON AND ANNA. There was in Jerusalem a man named Simeon. This man was a Tzaddik (righteous one), he was devout, he waited eagerly for God to comfort Israel, and the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the Ruach HaKodesh that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah of the LORD. Prompted by the Spirit, he went into the Temple courts (2:25-27a). The name of the New Testament Simeon and the Tribe of Israel by the same name, both mean hearing. Just as Jesus only spoke the words He heard from the Father, SO THE HOLY SPIRIT ONLY SPOKE THE WORDS HE HEARD FROM JESUS. We in like measure should only speak the words we hear from the Holy Spirit. This has been true of a number of special saints like Madame Guyon. We read of the birth of Simeon in Genesis 29, born of Jacob and Leah. We read of prophecies spoken over him by Jacob and Moses in Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33. His name was inscribed on the beautiful blue sapphire as recorded in Exodus 28 and Numbers 2. No animal is mentioned with him as with most of the other tribes, but he and his brother Levi are much like the ranging bear, especially in their dastardly deed upon the Shechemites. Simeon never fully recovered from the curse of his father upon him for this foul deed. Yet, his name linked with his New Testament counterpart is of great significance. Day 2. HOLY SPIRIT: REES HOWELLS CONNECTION. Acts 5:17-42. PETER: WITH APOSTLES CONFRONTS THE SANHEDRIN. Peter said, We are witnesses to these things; so is the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), whom God has given to those who OBEY him (5:32). This is one of the significant verses of the Bible.

Perhaps few committed believers illustrate this principle more than Rees Howells. Norman P. Grubb wrote his biography in 1952, shortly following his death. Rees was even known in his hometown in Wales as the man with the Holy Spirit! Chapter 5 of this book records how Rees Howells not only had the Holy Spirit - but the Holy Spirit had him by POSSESSION. It should not seem a strange thing to us to hear such a term. Servants of satan spend years learning how to be fully possessed of evil spirits - even to the point of manifesting ectoplasm. Surely God deserves MORE from us than what servants of the evil one render unto him! In chapter 32 of this biography - we read how shortly before World War II, 120 members of his staff of the Bible College in Wales allowed themselves to CORPORATELY be possessed of the Spirit in the like manner as Rees had experienced in the first decade of that century. Mark it - individuals and groups who in like manner totally yield to the Holy Spirit, will regularly hear from Him, as did Simeon. Day 3. HOLY SPIRIT: SOUTH KOREAN CONNECTION. Jude 17-23. APOSTLES SPELL OUT WARNING AND PROTECTION FROM APOSTASY. But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith, AND PRAY IN UNION WITH THE RUACH HaKODESH (Holy Spirit). THUS keep yourselves in God's love, as you wait for our Lord Jesus the Messiah to give you the mercy that leads to eternal life (2021). Over 50% of the population of South Korea profess faith in Jesus as the Messiah. Pastor David Yonggi Cho has a church of over 800,000 members! He has been interviewed many times to learn his secret. It's PRAYER, he says, and praying in the Holy Spirit over one hour every day. No matter how much they badger him to get a list of success principles - he merely repeats again and again - My secret is prayer, with praying in the Holy Spirit. This was a secret of the 1948 visitation also - MUCH prayer - and much praying in the Holy Spirit with fasting. Day 4. HOLY SPIRIT: J. E. STILES CONNECTION. Acts 2:37-42. PENTECOST (SHAVUOT): EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS. When Peter was queried concerning the extraordinary events on the day of Pentecost, he answered them, Turn from sin, return to God, and each of you be immersed on the authority of Jesus the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the GIFT OF THE RUACH HaKODESH (Holy Spirit, 2:38)! Some have called this The Peter Package: two conditions, and then one certain promise. 3000 proved it to be so this very first time of demonstration. Notice that the word Gift in Greek is doreA. It appears only 11 times in the New Testament. In John 4:10 Jesus describes the GIFT as an Artesian Well to the Samaritan woman. Here in Acts 2:38 Peter clearly points out the conditions if one is to receive the doreA: turn FROM sin; turn TO God. There is no easy-believism here, or sloppy aGApe. In Acts 8:20 Peter shows the GIFT cannot be purchased with money. It has already cost the Savior His life's blood! In Acts 10:45 and 11:17 we learn the wonderful truth that God wants Gentiles as well as Jews to have this GIFT, and THAT apart from circumcision on the part of Gentiles! In Romans 5:15 and 17 we learn that the GIFT is all of GRACE, and that it is an abundant GIFT imparting to us the VERY RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ, and enabling us to be overcomers in this life! In 2 Corinthians 9:15 this GIFT made hilarious givers out of the Corinthians. Words are unable to describe it! Paul claims in Ephesians 3:7 that the Gift is the secret why God uses him, and in 4:7 that He will do

the same for us also! Finally in Hebrews 6:4, the apostle issues a solemn warning not to neglect or despise this GIFT, and sets out consequences. IN THE LIGHT OF THE ABOVE - anchor your soul solidly in this Second Embryonic Revival Principle, that even now God is bringing into Glorious Maturity! Day 5. HOLY SPIRIT: INTERCESSION CONNECTION. Romans 8:18-30. POWERFUL HELP: THE SPIRIT'S MINISTRY. Similarly, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we don't know how to pray the way we should. But the Spirit himself PLEADS ON OUR BEHALF with groanings too deep for words; and the one who searches hearts knows exactly WHAT THE SPIRIT IS THINKING, because his pleadings for God's people ACCORD WITH GOD'S WILL (8:26-27). This is one of the most powerful and encouraging verses in the Bible. Who would not be willing to pay the price of total surrender and full possession by the Holy Spirit - and receive such inward, accurate and supernatural help! In Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman P. Grubb, we learn three of the eight great intercessory principles the Holy Spirit uses through such a surrendered vessel. Identification, Agony and Authority become meaningful realities. With Christ we identify first with Him in His interests, and then with the needs of our fellow man, as He lays them upon us. Next the Holy Spirit Himself prays through us with groanings that cannot be uttered - even an agony that we jointly share with Him. And then the Father bids us cease praying and start praising - for the Holy Spirit has successfully prayed through us, and we have now entered into the AUTHORITY of the Father. We now speak the Word of Command, and it is DONE! Day 6. HOLY SPIRIT: FEAST OF PENTECOST CONNECTION. Acts 2:1-4. PENTECOST (SHAVUOT): ITS FULFILLMENT. The festival of Pentecost (Shavuot) arrived, and the believers all gathered together in one place. Suddenly there came a sound from the sky like the roar of a violent wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire, which separated and came to rest on each one of them. They were all filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and began to talk in different languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak. Compare this with the day God gave the Torah (Law) to Israel through Moses, on THE DAY OF PENTECOST. Only on that day 3400 years ago, God wrote the 10 words of the Covenant on Tables of Stone! Now is the time for a NEW COVENANT. It is not as of the Old, for now the Holy Spirit writes theTorah (law) on fleshly tables of the heart and on the mind, first of all on Jewish hearts - and then soon on hearts of both Jews and Gentiles. See Jeremiah 31:33-34, for how God states this. On one occasion I asked God: How do YOU see the Torah (Law) as it relates to us today in church - for both Jew and Gentile? He replied, Just as Jesus laid out in the Sermon on the Mount. He did not come to abolish the LAW, but to make it FULL. He came to give the Gift of the Holy Spirit on the basis of His Atoning Sacrifice. Then the Holy Spirit would do this supernatural work in and on the hearts of believers. Not only is the law (Torah) of continuing significance - but by the power of the indwelling Spirit, and because He and Christ are One - Christ will NOW live in us His overcoming life through believers, enabling them to live Torah, the Law - for all Eternity! See Galatians 2:20! Pray this. Believe this. Live this - or rather, let Christ live it through you. Then this second Embryonic Truth of the Gift of the Holy Spirit will release you to open the next 10 Gates of

the City - and walk in the remaining 10 Revival Principles birthed in 1948 - but coming to Maturity TODAY! This will enable the Holy Spirit to bring you from the 30-fold Outer Court into the 60-fold Holy Place! It is your choice! Day 7. HOLY SPIRIT: SECOND REFORMATION CONNECTION. John 16:7-15. JESUS: HIS MANIFOLD WORK THROUGH THE COMFORTER. But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I don't go away, the comforting Counselor will not come to you. However, if I do go, I will send him to you (16:7). Ponder this: FIRST the Blood - THEN the oil. First Jesus must come and die as a ransom for many, and then He can return to Heaven to send the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Promise of the Father. Notice also how intimately Passover and Pentecost are connected by 50 days at the time of the Spring Feasts. Both Israel and the Church regard this 50-day connection. Jews have the counting of the Omer from the Feast of firstfruits, which represents as a symbol the Resurrection of Christ. This signifies that Passover is not complete or consummated until the Holy Spirit comes! The church leaders heard Jesus teach for 40 days following His Resurrection - and then upon His command following His Ascension - waited in Jerusalem for 10 days until the Promise of the Father. This happened exactly ON THE 50TH Day, (the meaning of Pentecost,) following the Resurrection of Jesus. So - Old Testament Symbolism exactly parallels New Testament Fulfillment. Martin Luther humanly speaking inaugurates the First Reformation through restoring the truth of Justification by Faith. Tradition tells us that as Luther climbed the stairs of St. Peter's in Rome on his knees - the Spirit spoke to him powerfully in his spirit, MARTIN the JUST shall live by FAITH. Works of penance do not cut the mustard. Tetzel with his promise that coins as gifts of indulgence would free from purgatory - enraged Luther in the light of God's revelation. THUS - the 95 theses nailed to the church door of Wittenburg in 1517 - and THE FIRST REFORMATION. The Brazen Altar of the Outer Court was restored, but not much more. But in the Gift of the Holy Spirit and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the turn of the 20th Century, the SECOND REFORMATION found Restoration! This brought the church into the Holy Place. But the THIRD REFORMATION is yet FUTURE - it is connected with the Feast of Tabernacles - the greatest Jewish Feast of all. The Second Coming of Jesus is intimately tied into this feast. The bringing of a company of believers into the Holy of Holies - the Holiest of all this is what is next on God's agenda of Restoration. God wants His Son in the Spirit to enjoy Bridal Love in His 1000 year Millennial Reign. We are on the Threshold of God's greatest Restoration Event of all - the Capstone of His Temple. The first and second Reformation laid the Foundation Stone of Christ in His Passover and Pentecost. But the Capstone of the Temple capsulates, consummates and completes what God has been planning ever since the fall of Adam 6000 years ago. CONCLUSION: No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no one's heart has imagined all the things that God has prepared for those who love him (Isaiah 64:4, 52:15;). It is to us, however, that God has revealed these things. How? Through the Spirit. For the Spirit probes all things, even the profoundest depths of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

Here we are back to the extraordinary ministry of the Holy Spirit again. He brooded upon the waters in the beginning prior to the first six creative days and now He is the one to reveal to us what and how God is about to consummate this age. How then can we possibly function in being instruments under God in His last day Restoration, if we do not only have - but also are CONTROLLED and POSSESSED by this blessed Gift of God? If you have not already done so, by all means procure and read Rees Howells, Intercessor by Norman P. Grubb, a Christian Literature Crusade publication. By this you will be helped to understand how to be a partner under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit, how to be led into intercession, and how to be all that God would have you to be. Blessings on us each one as we take an effective second step upon our Jewish Roots. With these two foundation steps, we can then confidently step on into the 12-fold fullness of the purposes of God!

Levi: The 5-Fold Ministries

One. Levi: his relationship to the other tribes. In Genesis 29 and 30 Levi is listed by birth as one of the 12 tribes. In Genesis 49 Levi with Simeon suffer a judgment of scattering thru the prophetic word of their father Jacob. Simeon shared part of Judahs inheritance. God scattered Levi in 48 cities of the other tribes. But because of the zeal of Phinehas for Gods honor and name, God gave to his tribe the tribe of Levi a covenant of peace, and made him the glue to hold together all the tribes. Originally God designed to make the whole nation of Israel a kingdom of priests. Because of the sin of the 10 spies, and because the people sided with them instead of with Joshua and Caleb God took this privilege from the nation and awarded it to Levi only. God does not speak of Levi with an animal. He and Simeon share the same fierce nature. But Levi repented and thru Phinehas made amends, and his scattering became a blessing. Levi with the 12 sons is inscribed on the two shoulder stones of the high priest, but he does not have a stone on the breastplate of judgment. In compensation God appoints the High Priest of Levi to wear all 12 stones! God gives marvelous prophecies over Levi thru Moses in Deuteronomy 33. The last section of this paper details this. Two. Japan: A nation whose cities could embrace the 5-fold. The church in Japan has been weak. Yet many signs bring hope of a bright future. God has sent special servants who have fostered unity between the national church, its leaders and the missionaries. The smallness of the church could be a distinct advantage to see an eldership in the gate of each city composed of the 5-fold ministry. Many Japanese believers have seen Gods heart in Romans 11 concerning Israel. They have visited this ancient land, and tend to believe and receive Gods word that non-Jewish believers are grafted into the olive tree of Israel, and as wild olive branches are not in pride to put down Israel, the true olive branches. Pray for Japan with its great potential. In his day, E. Stanley Jones saw this. Three. A few books that will foster this 5-fold ministry. The Urim and Thummim give infallible guidance for the kings and governors of Israel. The High Priest ministered this gift thru the Breastplate of Judgment worn on his chest. George Muller in his Answers to Prayer demonstrated infallible guidance in the preface (Moody Press, ISBN 0-8024-0565-7). He entitled it, How to Ascertain the Will of God. For Muller and those who walked in his spirit, it was infallible. In Appendix A he sets forth the 5 Conditions of Prevailing Prayer. It works! Dr. Steven Lambert in his Charismatic Captivation lays out 5 errors that brought the Disciple/Shepherding movement into disrepute. Four other movements of the same controlling spirit exist today. One of the weaknesses of these movements

was failure to understand Gods thinking on the 5-fold ministry and walk in it. Steve Lambert carefully walks thru this area. (ISBN 1-887915-00-1 Tel: 407-575-5584). Four. George R. Hawtin and Ephesians 4.11-12. Again and again Ephesians 4:1-16 came up in 1948. It seemed to be a present truth that the Holy Spirit insisted be clearly heard. George Hawtin loved to exposit on Ephesians 4:11-12 especially, and taught clearly and at length on the apostles and prophets in the perspective of Ephesians 2:20. No one could miss the emphasis of those days upon the 5-fold ministry. Dr. Lambert shows the analogy between Levi and the 5-fold ministry. See how God protected the 12 tribes in the beginning from the fire of His holiness, by placing the 4 sections of Levi next to the Tabernacle. Moses, Aaron, Eleazar and Ithamar shielded Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. Kohath shielded Reuben, Simeon and Gad. Gershon shielded Ephraim, Manasseh and Benjamin. Merari shielded Dan, Asher and Naphtali. The priesthood part of Levi represented the apostles and prophets in Eleazar and Ithamar. Kohath represented pastors; Gershon, evangelists; and Merari the teachers. Eleazar and Ithamar protected Kohath and the other two clans of Levi from the danger of Gods holiness by carefully covering the sacred furniture before the Tabernacle was moved. Only the priestly part of Levi entered the Holy Place, and only Aaron the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies once a year. No member of the 12 tribes could enter the Holy Place, nor pitch his tent next to the Tabernacle. The equivalent of deacons came from the 12 tribes, and was chosen by them for political, service and warfare purposes. Levi had no land inheritance. The Lord was his inheritance. The 12 tribes allotted 48 cities for Levi including the priests. They were the spiritual, ecclesiastical leaders of the 12 tribes, and ministered God to Israel thru the Tabernacle, the sacrifices, the worship, teaching, guidance thru Urim and Thummim, and received decisions concerning separation of clean and unclean, sacred and secular. Levi did not choose his position, or the 5-fold ministry he represented to the commonwealth of Israel. This was Gods choice. Korah of Kohath, a Levite, lusted after the priesthood to his shame and judgment. Nadab and Abihu abused their responsibility in the priesthood of apostle and prophet. Their terrible death yet serves as a warning. Dathan and Abiram lusted after Moses position of leadership. The earth served God in laying before us the seriousness of their out-of-order challenge. No man takes upon himself the responsibility and privilege of the 5-fold service of Levi, nor of the New Covenant 5-fold ministry. God alone makes the choice. It was God who showed Jesus which 12 of all His disciples He was to choose to be with Him, including Judas. Just as Levi was chosen of God apart from the 12 tribes, so God chooses eldership in the 5-fold apart from the rest of the body of Messiah. No man takes this position

on his own. Even King Uzziah learned to his shame not to intrude on the priesthood. God struck him with leprosy. Could this be why the apostle James Jesus brother after the flesh warned us not to take upon ourselves the office of teacher, lest we come under the greater condemnation? Just as God warned Moses See that you build the Tabernacle exactly according to the pattern you saw on the mountain; so the church, the body of Christ requires of apostles and prophets, the spiritual priesthood class, that we protect Jesus right to build His church His way. God gives the human body as an analogy of His church. Our skeleton has 33 vertebrae, just like the earthly years of our Savior. The 7 cervical vertebrae join the head (Jesus) to the body. The 12 vertebrae form the rib cage at the back coming around to the sternum in front, protect the heart and lungs. The 5 lumbar vertebrae are the largest, and give support to the whole body for strength and lifting. Lastly the 9 lower vertebrae ending in the coccyx give support to the pelvis and protect our sensitive lower organs from the back. The seven cervical are like the 7 unities of Ephesians 4:1-3. They are essential. All 7 must clearly function so that the spiritual Head and body can communicate. The 12 apostles in Messiahs Kingdom will sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel, making a unity of both covenants, and showing that from Genesis to Revelation we have one Torah, one teaching. They represent the 12 gates of the city and the citys 12 foundations. 12 is the number of complete government. But the 5 lumbar represent the 5-fold ministry. The body needs all 5 to function in strength and lifting power. What could we do if we had but 3 vertebrae for this function? We would be a sorry person indeed -an invalid and cripple confined to a wheel chair and crutches. But though the church recognizes by and large evangelists, pastors and teachers, it tends to ignore apostles and prophets. Yet Paul by the Holy Spirit claims that God set the foundation of the church on apostles and prophets, Jesus the Messiah being the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 20). What must God think of the 21st Century church? What can we say of her? Like a mighty army, moves the church of God? But if we fast and pray and beseech God, He will in Jesus Name raise up by His Spirit these 2 crucial but by and large missing spiritual vertebrae. Look at the prophecy of Jacob in Genesis 49 and Moses in Deuteronomy 33 over Levi. Levi is Gods glue to hold the 12 tribes together. The 5-fold ministry is the expression of Levi that sets forth the why of this. Every city has its local churches, each as a tribe of Israel. Or perhaps the various denominations, fellowships and para-church groups represent the tribes, and the individual churches represent clans within each tribe. If each denomination or clan chooses leaders out of the tribe and clan, and God is unable to place spiritual Levites for the 5-fold ministries of His choice then we as city bodies could be functioning without healthy lumber spiritual vertebrae. We are in a new century, the 21st. Men like Mahesh Chavda are challenging us to walk in the Watch of the Lord, a weekly 8 hour gathering starting on Friday

evenings. Ruth lay at the feet of Boaz by the instruction of Naomi (the Holy Spirit). Then Boaz revealed to her how to receive the desire of her heart. So we can wait at the feet of our Heavenly Bridegroom, and He can reveal how to adjust, revise, repair and reconstruct His body the church. He can give us a spiritual chiropractic treatment for the good of the whole body. In 1948 a tremendous emphasis on the 5-fold ministry came forth. God birthed it. However, it was embryonic and did not mature. The enemy injects mans thinking and stole from Jesus His right to build His church. Many believe the church is sufficiently desperate to say, Lord, weve tried to do Your work, and we dont like our results. Please take the reins. Rise and reign. Rectify our foolish mistakes. Bring sense out of chaos, unity out of disunity, and great fruit out of but mercy-drop blessing. This is the challenge of Levi! Let the priestly and Levitical equivalent of Levi arise in our day! Let the spiritual 5-fold ministry, especially the apostles and prophets, manifest themselves! The Second Coming of our Lord draws nigh. The signs around us create great hope. Israel as a nation is back in her land (1948). Jerusalem is once again in the hands to which God gave it (1967). Nations, United Nations, European nations, the United States and third world countries spend more time on Israeli resolutions and finagling than on any other part of the world. But God spoke to Abraham, Moses, David and the prophets, and we know how it is going to end. God is God, and has the right to choose whom He will, and give what part of the earth to whom He will. In the end, none shall say him Nay! He who sits in the heavens shall laugh, and continue to frustrate the Pharaohs, the Nebuchadnezzars, the Hamans, the Hitlers and their empires. Let Levi arise! Let the 5-fold ministry come forth! Let Israel flourish! Let the nations acknowledge that God is God, and that Jesus the Messiah is a Jew and the Son of God. This world is no friend of grace. But the day hastens to the hour when every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus the Messiah is LORD to God the Fathers glory. Proclaim it! Believe it! Embrace it! By your faith release the purposes and will of God. Choose to be on His side. Choose to be one thru whom He can make these things happen. Jim Watt


FIVE-FOLD - Several strong emphases came out of the 1948 Northern Canada Visitation. The Presbytery Concept based on 1 Timothy 1:18 was the first and immediate one, but close on its heels was the teaching on the necessity to have all FIVE-FOLD ASCENSION GIFTS of Ephesians 4:11-12 in operation in a city, especially the foundation gifts of the Apostle and Prophet.
It was not as though these Scriptural truths did not find previous expression for they did; rather it was that IMMEDIATE EXPRESSION of these Gifts took place in 1948. This was the unusual aspect of this revival - Bible truth taught found immediate proof caught. The first three Gifts were an accustomed feature of church life up to 1948 - the function of Apostles and Prophets in a Scriptural manner in harmony with the other Three was something that caught much attention. Day One. FIVE-FOLD: EPHESIANS 4:1-16, GEORGE R. HAWTIN AND 1948. George R. Hawtin was the human key instrumentality that God chose to use in the 1948 Visitation. But this life did not suddenly appear on the scene. Rather, circumstances, people and Providence wove together a life that was 39 years in the making. Pastor Kelley Varner recognized the above truth. And he believed that my relationship with Brother Hawtin was a key to tell the story of the divine preparation. I have read over 30 books written by GRH the author, and made notes on those circumstances designed by God to weave together the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles that proved to be the womb from which this Visitation burst forth. At Brother Varner's nudging, I am at present engaged in writing the saga of a man prepared for a day and an hour. I had heard of President Hawtin of the Bethel Bible Institute of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in 1944. Then in 1945 a Word of the Lord came to me to seek discharge from the Canadian Navy following the successful Allied conclusion to World War II. It further instructed me to write George R. Hawtin, BBI, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and apply as a student. I had no address, but my letter was answered, my application accepted, and my discharge from HMCS Cornwallis, Digby, Nova Scotia granted. I arrived in Saskatoon 8000 miles later 2 hours before registration closed, and saved a $5.00 late registration fee! I struck up an acquaintanceship and friendship with this principal - and when the February 13, 1948 Visitation took place, I followed with interest what God was doing in

my old Alma Mater, now moved to North Battleford, Saskatchewan, and renamed Sharon Orphanage and Schools. Brother Hawtin asked if I would serve as one of the 7 elders during the July Camp Meeting of that year, and later in Edmonton in October. I also taught a number of times in the Bible College of some 80 students. But of the 12 Revival Principles that came to the fore at that time, the Five-Fold Ministries of Ephesians 4:11-12 seemed to hold a particular grip upon this leader. Again and again during meetings he preached expositorily through the first 16 verses of that chapter, invariably majoring on the Apostles and Prophets, the foundations God chose for His church. He seldom preached and taught less than two hours - and those in the audience wondered why he quit so soon - until they checked the time and to their amazement found how it had flown! My wife Marie was one of those in North Battleford in July and later in Vancouver, BC in November/December for 6 weeks of meetings. It is important then to note that the Five-Fold Ministries held special importance in the preaching and teaching of George R. Hawtin.

Day Two. FIVE-FOLD VERSUS FOUR-FOLD AND THE HAND. According to the grammatical construction of Ephesians 4:11, some reason that pastor and teacher are linked so that they could be counted as one office. Others point to Isaiah 9:6, where the Hebrew construction describes the Pre-Incarnate Messiah in 4 couplets: Wonder of a Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity and Prince of Peace. Because the Ascension Ministry Gifts of Ephesians 4:11 reflect how the Ascended Lord divided Himself into these offices, then His Names of Isaiah 9:6 correspond with this Four-fold division.
But other Bible students point out that in 1 Corinthians 12:28, the Holy Spirit leads the apostle Paul to separate the Teacher as third in this list as separate from the Pastor - so that the Five-Fold division does have a solid case for it. Then there are those who like to use the hand as an illustration of the Five-Fold Ministries. They point to the thumb as representing the apostle, and show how it is able to contact the other 4 fingers representing the 5 ministries of Ephesians 4:11. The pointing finger is the Prophet, and is next to the apostle as indicated in Ephesians 2:20. The second finger, the longest one, represents the Evangelist who is ever reaching out to bring others into God's Kingdom. Next is the Pastor finger, and lastly the fourth finger represents the Teacher. Because of the 1 Corinthians 12:28 passage, I have no problem accepting the hand illustration for the Five-Fold Ministries.

Day Three. FIVE-FOLD: LEVI - STEVE LAMBERT. In 1995 Dr. Lambert wrote a book entitled, Charismatic Captivation. He authored

this text to help free those imprisoned by the Discipleship/Shepherding Movement of the '70's and '80's.
To do this, he carefully set forth Five Erroneous Concepts taught by this movement. The fourth and fifth errors: Role of the Laity and Role of Five-Fold Ministers especially deal with our subject at hand. He concluded that the tribe of Levi was the Old Testament Foundation setting forth an accurate understanding of the Five-Fold Ministries. I am quoting some from his text to illustrate his reasoning. Many of you may wish to purchase his book to read his full presentation. It is published by: Steve Lambert Ministries, Inc. PO Box 744, Jupiter FL 33468-0744 - Tel: 407/575-5584 (ISBN 1-88791500-1). SATAN'S STRATEGY, p.224. One of Satan's greatest accomplishments during the spiritual eclipse of the Dark Ages was the abrogation and nullification of the anointed gifts which Jesus gave to the Church for the building up of the Church - the Five-fold Ministry Offices (Ephesians 4:7-16). He knows that as long as he can keep these anointed gifts non-functional, he can preclude the building up of the Body of Christ unto the full stature of Christ, thus delaying the eradication of his own kingdom of darkness on the Earth. Satan knows that when the Church truly matures into the Image of Christ, he and his kingdom-reign on this Earth will be brought to an abrupt end in short order, and he along with all his cohorts will finally meet with their destiny and just desserts in the Lake of Fire. Thus, his greatest fear, and the thing he fights the most, is the restoration of the remaining Five-fold Ministry Offices yet to be restored to full function and fruition in the Body of Christ - the foundation ministries of the Church to whom the Cornerstone is attached - the Apostles and Prophets (Ephesians 2:20). LAYMAN VERSUS LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD, p.234. However, having said all this concerning the reality and validity of the priesthood of the believer, it must likewise be understood, that notwithstanding the fact that all believers are now priests unto GOD, not all believers have been made priests unto the PEOPLE, to minister people-ward. Primarily, Five-fold Ministers are appointed by God as priests unto the PEOPLE, to be His stand-ins,His proxies, His surrogates, to minister on His behalf unto His people in the form of spiritual edification and education, or spiritual construction and instruction - all of which will be elaborated on in the next chapter. Moreover, the clear and unequivocal testimony of God's Word is that NOT ALL (1 Corinthians 12:28-30) believers have been anointed by Jesus with Five-fold ministry gifting, but only SOME (Ephesians 4:7-11). As it is explained in several places within this book, the Old Testament Levites typify the Five-fold Ministers in the New Testament Church. To put it the other way around, the Fivefold Ministers are the New Testament counterpart of the Old Testament Levites. God established the priesthood of the Levites as a special and set apart priesthood, juxtaposed to that of the rest of the Israelites, as the Old Testament account explains. SUPPLANTING OF FIVE-FOLD MINSTRY OFFICES, p. 244. You see, when lay-persons

are appointed to perform ministry functions that only Five-fold Ministers have the supernatural enablement and anointing to perform, the net result is the supplanting of the Five-fold Ministry Offices. So also, when lay-persons who have not this special anointing from Jesus presumptuously intrude and interlope into those offices and attempt to perform the spiritual functions of those offices without the requisite consecration, dedication, sanctification, preparation, and training by the Lord, the Five-fold ministry is devalued, degraded, debased, and the recipients of that ministry are receiving a debauched, defiled, and even desecrated counterfeit of the genuine. To say it concisely and bluntly, this intrusion and interloping of laymen has produced a bastardization of the ministry.

CRYPTIC CORROBORATION, p. 257. The first division was the sons of Aaron, of which there were two, Eleazar and Ithamar. They were the chief priests who alone were consecrated by God to enter behind the veil in order to perform the services of oblation, and to touch the Holy Objects (Numbers 3:2-10, 38). They were also the overseers over the Levites, and were responsible for seeing to it that the collective duties and responsibilities of the Levites were carried out and performed precisely in accordance with the specification of the ordinances God established for those duties (3:32; 4:16-32). This division typified Apostles (Eleazar) and Prophets (Ithamar). The second division was comprised of the sons of Levi, of which there were three, Gershon, Kohath, and Merari. It was this division who actually performed the various duties of tending to, assembling, disassembling, and transporting the furnishings and articles of the Tabernacle. Respectively, they typified the remaining Five-fold Ministries: Evangelists (Gershonites), Pastors (Kohathites), and Teachers (Merarites). THE LEVITICAL NEW TESTAMENT COUNTERPART, p.270. Thus, the class of leadership within the New Testament Church which the Levites and the seventy elders in the church in the wilderness typified are the spiritual impartational and governmental offices. The Apostle Paul referred to this class of leadership as the overseers, distinguished from the deacons and saints, in the Philippians 1:1 text we examined in the previous chapter. The Five-fold Ministry Offices and the local church presbytery of elders comprise those offices of overseers. The Fivefold Ministers impart spiritual construction (edification) and instruction (education), and are part of the local church presbytery of elders, which provides government with the local assemblies. THE OBJECTIVE OF FIVE-FOLD MINISTRY, p.272. As the foundational Ephesian text indicates, the ultimate objective of the edificational and educational impartation of the Five-fold Ministry is two-fold. First, to bring the true Body of Christ into unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, which means complete and universal compliance with sound doctrine (1 Tim. 6:3; 2 Tim. 4:3; Tit. 1:9; 2:1, 7, 10). The Living Bible's rendering of this portion of the text makes the goal of doctrinal maturity and accord even more manifest: until finally we all believe alike. The second main objective is to bring the Body of Christ, individually and collectively, into conformity with the Image of Christ, who is the Head of the Body, which means spiritual maturity. In other words, the final product of the proper functioning of Five-fold Ministry is that the Body of Christ will become the exact

representation and manifestation of the Head, who Himself is the exact representation of the Word of God (Heb. 1:3; Jn. 1:1). FUNCTION OF ALL FIVE OFFICES REQUIRED, p.274. It is only when each of the Five-fold Ministry Offices are functional and making their unique contribution that the Body of Christ shall be truly and fully conformed into the Image of Christ, having become that Church without spot or wrinkle in all her glory Christ is returning to claim as His Eternal Bride. Therefore, the restoration of the prophetic gifts and office as well as the apostolic office unto their rightful place of function in the Church which God is now bringing about is absolutely essential to the Church becoming fully conformed into the Image of Christ. It is only as the prophetic and apostolic offices are restored that the requisite spiritual restorations and structural reformations will be effected. Only then will the periods of restoration be complete, and Heaven will no longer retain (Acts 3:21) the Christ, but He shall be released to return, appearing first in the clouds in the air for the great gathering together unto Christ. Then, when we see Him, we shall have truly become like Him because our spiritual myopia will have been cured, allowing us finally to see Him just as He IS (1 John 3:2), instead of as we have for so long erroneously perceived Him to be. GOD ANOINTS WHOM HE APPOINTS, p.281. In the case of the local church God always calls, appoints, and anoints, in a preeminent and distinguishing way, one man as the predominant and presiding leader among the presbytery of elders, who is esteemed and recognized as such by the other leaders. His role is not one of a dictator, but rather to preside over the leadership much like an orchestra conductor. The wise and obedient presiding elder has absolutely no interest in imposing his own will, but is forever in search of the perfect Will of God; he is not a detached and insecure, loner autocrat, but surrounds himself with trusted and loyal advisors, being very much cognizant that in the abundance of counselors there is victory (Prv. 24:6), that without consultation plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they succeed (Prv. 15:22)), and that it is the collective WE who have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16); thus, he consults and collaborates in earnest with fellows and colleagues to ascertain God's explicit direction, seeking confirmation of each prospective word of Divine guidance by consensus from other witnesses. So, though there is a plurality of leaders, there still is one prominent individual who stands out among the plurality and is recognized by God and his colleagues as the chief leader of the group. The anointing is always the primary indicator of God's election in this regard, rather than age, education, experience, tenure, status, or any other carnal criteria, for God always anoints those whom He appoints. EDITORIAL COMMENT: It is necessary to distinguish between the Local Church and the City Church. The whole of the New Testament is to be formatted into the City Church, not the Local Church. The 7 Jerusalem deacons served the entire City Church composed of perhaps 300 local churches. Look at the breakdown of the word church (ekkleSIa), 114 times: once, Israel in the wilderness, Acts 7; 3 times the Ephesus secular city state; 14 times a local church; 15 times the universal church; BUT 81 TIMES, THE CITY CHURCH! Day Four. FIVE-FOLD: PHINEHAS VERSUS SIMEON.

Both Levi and Simeon sustained heavy words from their father Jacob in his dying blessing (Genesis 49). They had together committed a dastardly deed. However in the Providence of God, Phinehas the son of Eleazar, son of Aaron, saw a Simeonite enter the camp of Israel with a Midianite woman, brazenly ignoring the judgment such an act would bring upon his nation. Phinehas in righteous indignation and zeal for the Name of God, immediately executed judgment upon them both. God signified his approval and pleasure upon this act, by giving His Covenant of Peace upon him, and promising a perpetual Priesthood upon Levi. The scattering of judgment upon both tribes remained, but the scattering of Levi now turned out to be a blessing to the other 12 tribes. Levi became the glue that bound together all 12 tribes of Israel. Simeon on the other hand failed to repent, and remained scattered in judgment in the tribe of his younger brother Judah. Day Five. FIVE-FOLD: LEVI AND HIS PROPHETIC MINISTRY . Of Levi he said: Let your thumim and urim be with your pious one, whom you tested at Massah, with whom you struggled at Meribah Spring. Of his father and mother he said, 'I don't know them'; he didn't acknowledge his brothers or children. For he observed your word, and he kept your covenant. They will teach Jacob your rulings, Israel your Torah. They will set incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar. Adonai, bless his possessions, accept the work he does; but crush his enemies hip and thigh; may those who hate him rise no more (CJB, Deuteronomy 33:8-11). See the unusual blessings that came upon Phinehas for his obedience, and the manifold blessing upon his tribe that flowed forth on all the tribes. God used Levi in a Five-fold form of blessing in a priestly, manward manner. It typifies and looks forward to the Five-fold Ascension Ministries recorded in Ephesians 4:11. Guidance in a prophetic manner flowed from Levi. As a Teacher he taught Israel the Torah. As a Pastor he led Israel in worship. As an Apostle he separated himself to God alone. As an Evangelist he welcomed the proselyte of the Gate. Day Six. FIVE-FOLD: GEORGE MULLER AND MEDITATION. Consider how Levi led Israel in worship; and enabled her to turn the word of the law into the Living Torah, the Lord Himself! Meditation was a Key mark in the life of Israel through Levi. See Moses the Levite instructing Joshua to meditate on the Torah audibly day and night; then walking in it; then obtaining spiritual prosperity and success. Through the Urim and Thummim the Kings and Governors of Israel had infallible guidance through Levi. (My son, obey your father's command, and don't abandon your mother's teaching. Bind them always on your heart, tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you wake up, they will talk with you. For the mitzvah, command, is a lamp, Torah is light, and reproofs that discipline are the way to life CJB. Proverbs 6:22-23. Note how exactly this description parallels the placing of the Urim and Thummim upon the High Priest in the Breastplate of Judgment!) George Muller in his Answers to Prayer, a Moody Colportage Publication, was a true Spiritual Levite. He too taught vocal meditation - and he too showed the way

through the Spirit, Word and Providence to sure Guidance. Day Seven. FIVE-FOLD: JAPAN. Dr. E. Stanley Jones had extraordinary evangelistic success in the nation of Japan. He had a deep love for its people, and for their land. Before the Second Coming of Jesus, an unusual Visitation of God is predicted for Japan. The resurrection of the Five-fold ministry in power in all of its major cities has been foreseen. This nation can be a light and example to the nations and cities of the world. It can show forth a powerful manifestation of an effective, unified operation of the Five-fold ministries. CONCLUSION: The Five-fold ministries of Levi as a past example of this? Japan as a future example of the same? May it be so, and may this third embryonic Revival Principle seen in the 1948 Canadian Visitation be brought to maturity and effectiveness prior to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Judah: The Heavenly Choir

One. Judah: The Tribe of Praise and Worship. Under King Jehoshaphat, one of the good kings of Judah, God led the Southern Kingdom to defend itself. Three enemy nations set themselves against Gods people. Then a prophet of the Lord stood up (2 Chronicles 20) and exhorted the people to stand still and see the salvation of God. At the instigation of Jehoshaphat, singers and instrumentalists went out ahead of the armies of Judah. The enemy became confused and fell upon one another, till none were left. It took much time for the people to gather all the spoils of war. One little boy in Washington, DC went to school singing, The battle is won by praising the Lord. His teacher wondered if that was the only song he knew! Yes, praise and worship sows confusion upon satan and his cohorts, both spiritual and human. To understand this means that we can praise with our understanding. Even the drummer can have the spirit of Joshua, and militantly play so that satan will flee! Look at Judah in the light of his birth. He is the 4th born to Leah and Jacob. Leah named him Judah, which means, Praise. Her thought was, Now I will praise the Lord, for He has given me for my husband four sons. Now he will love me (Genesis 29). His name is inscribed on the first stone on Aarons Breastplate, the beautiful red sardius. Red is the color of courage, boldness, action, life and blood. David as a boy was of a ruddy (reddish) complexion. The stone fits the character of the tribe. In Genesis 49 Jacob prophesies over this son. What a word! It is a Messianic word, for Jesus as the son of Jacob is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Gospel of Matthew fits this Messianic picture of Jesus. It is the Gospel of the Lion King, He who is Lord of lords and King of kings. He is indeed Davids greater son and king. Moses in Deuteronomy 33 depicts Judah as the warrior, the conqueror of his enemies. Hezekiah and Josiah are two of the great kings who follow David, and well represent this tribe. Note that though Judah is fourth born, in Numbers he takes the place as number one national leader. He and Reuben exactly exchange places. Reuben sought to save Joseph, but it was Judah who saved his life. The Hebrew name Judah means Praise. The 11 tribes praised Judah for his courage and bravery, and were glad to follow. But like David, praise and worship was a part of the heritage of this tribe. The book of Psalms is the Hebrew hymnbook of the bible, and was written by David of the tribe of Judah. Two. African Americans and Worship. Praise and worship must be of the heart, more than of the head. They are of the spirit. Give yourself a treat visit an African-American church where praise and worship find their rightful place. Of all cultures, this American culture has produced a most meaningful expression of praise and worship. Out of suffering, slavery and

rejection, God birthed compensation thru deep praise and worship for this people. Oh deep in my heart I do believe we shall overcome one day. Hope springs eternal in the human breast, and it expresses itself in songs of worship, hope, faith and praise. Three. The Influence of Mrs. Maria Woodworth-Etter on 1948 Worship. In 1944 some one in Victoria, BC Canada put into my hands 40 Years of Signs and Wonders in the Life of Mrs. Woodworth-Etter. (See Amazon for current publications of this author.) The one area she experienced in her ministry that strongly attracted my attention was the Heavenly Choir. In the early part of the 20th Century, Mrs. Etter was quite weak. Helpers would bring her to the large tent seating over 4000 just before she ministered. To get a seat, people traveled miles, and filled the tent long before starting time for services. They would start to worship the Lord in song as they waited for service commencement. The Holy Spirit alone led. Soon, by inner compulsion the great audience would break forth into heavenly language. Like an aeolian harp, the Holy Spirit played upon and directed this large organic instrument. Solo voices would rise and fall, singing beyond natural gifting and ability. Then the vast audience who were also participants would rise in swelling antiphonal response. Individuals often saw angels high in the tent joining in the mighty praise to God. This attracted unbelievers even more than the preaching. This praise and worship so released the conscious presence of God, that the new birth came upon many of these during the pre-praise service. Above the tent many saw a visible manifestation of the Shekinah glory of God. It was awesome. People traveling from afar to the meeting would start sensing the presence of God miles before they reached the tent. Many unbelievers fell prostrate in a trance. Doctors advised that though life processes had slowed down, there was nothing to fear. Leave them alone, they said. They should come out of it in a normal way. Sometimes hours, sometimes a day or two, and the ones in trances did return to normalcy No not to normalcy because invariably unbelievers had received visions of heaven and hell, and had made the right choice where they would spend eternity! Those who came into Gods Kingdom thru such trances had a 2 Corinthians 5:17 experience Old things had passed away all things had become new. Mrs. Etter called these Bright Conversions! She herself one night in the midst of preaching went into a trance. The Holy Spirit held her immobilized in this position for 24 hours. Sinners rushed to the front under great conviction and found the Savior. The next night, without warning, she continued the sermon she had started 24 hours earlier. Again, the fear of God fell on the place, and countless unbelievers became believers. In 1948 I shared with the brothers in North Battleford the above accounts, especially the Heavenly Choir. God had spoken to my spirit in His inaudible voice in 1944 In the not too distant future, you shall see The Heavenly Choir

restored. Ern Hawtin, prophet and brother to George Hawtin the apostle, asked me, When do you think this will happen? I told him I did not know. During February and July of 1948 this particular manifestation of the Spirit did not take place. But in October 1948 in Edmonton, Alberta in the Gospel Lighthouse, God sovereignly and graciously restored this supernatural form of worship in Spirit and in truth. The leaders asked me during that week to speak on The Heavenly Choir. I recounted to the gathered people that God seeks three things from us. One, He desires an intercessor to stand in the gap. Two, He has on His heart to seek and save the lost. Three, He seeks worshippers in spirit and in truth. This is His pattern how worshippers must worship Him. I told them of Psalm 22, a Messianic promise that Jesus as Messiah would dwell in His people by the Holy Spirit, and lead them to magnify God the Father in worship that would satisfy His heart. In the book of Hebrews this is quoted. I reported how God spoke to me 4 years previously when reading 40 Years of Signs and Wonders in the Life of Mrs. Maria Woodworth-Etter, and that He had intimated to me that in the not too distant future I would see the restoration of this blessed manifestation. As I went to sit down, I found an arm behind me preventing me from doing so. I looked at Ern Hawtin enquiringly, to see what was on his mind. Do it, he said. Do what? I queried. Let the Holy Spirit in you lead us into this restoration. I cant sing well, but I will back you up. With great trepidation I explained to some 4-600 people that in Mrs. Etters meetings 40 years ago, they would start singing a familiar hymn or chorus, and then the Holy Spirit as Conductor and Leader would take over. I suggested we sing the chorus, Hallelujah. As we did so, suddenly we corporately sensed the inner surge of the Holy Spirit, and we as a whole burst forth into the new song of the Lord. God in moments restored The Heavenly Choir. Solo voices leapt out, followed by the antiphonal response of Gods complete choir. We were awed at the Majesty and Presence of our God, who said that He dwells in the praises of His people. The above happened on a beautiful Indian Summer day in October, about noon. Several blocks away two businessmen were heading for lunch, when the mighty sound of the Heavenly Choir arrested their steps. Whats that? one asked. Its an organ, the other replied. No, its a choir, the first rejoined. Lets go and see, said the first. They followed their ears, for the windows of the church were open. Both were thunder-struck, then awe-struck by the undoubted supernatural manifestation of God. Both as a result yielded their lives to God! It is possible for the flesh to drum up the Heavenly Choir, but the Presence of God in His Almightiness does not deign to grace us with His Presence in such departures. We must walk softly with our God. We must walk in unity, in holiness, in heart preparation. We must enter His Tabernacle and Temple by entering into

His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. We must visit the brazen altar in the spirit of Romans 12:2, and daily offer ourselves as living sacrifices. We then come to the laver to wash our hands and feet, and see thru the looking glasses of the women that no blemish is upon us because of unconfessed sin. We press on to the Menorah and the 7-fold lamps of the gifts of the Spirit. We humbly partake of the Bread of His Presence, recognizing all true members of His body for whom Messiah died. Then we are ready as a Kingdom of priests to present ourselves before the altar of incense, and offer worship to God in spirit and in truth. Then we see the Ark of the Covenant thru the Riven Veil, and with awe prostrate ourselves before Him who sits upon the Throne. There is no drumming up of a fleshly heavenly choir if we truly follow this pattern, the path of the Just! Jack Hayford thru his choruses, hymns, worship-leadership, example and books, has powerfully impacted the world with the primacy and priority of worship. One man he impacted is from England, Mike Godward from North of the Thames in East England. In the 70s he led his church to make worship the chief priority. They soon grew to 600 and the majority of all converts received the new birth during the worship service. They divided into 4 venues for teaching, and then in the afternoon they gathered for worship. There were no bulletins or announcements. One of the 4 elders led in worship, supported by the worship team. When the service brought the worshippers to the place where began to touch the Throne then the leaders released the people who had a word, a prophecy, a revelation, a teaching, an exhortation to check these with an elder. Following his approval, they then formed into a line of some 20 at any given time. Jesus built His church extraordinarily thru the emphasis that gives Him the privilege to take charge thru praise and worship. Bryn Jones of one of the Home Group Fellowships in England invited Mike Godward to share this story with the leaders and elders of their 60 groups. The two sessions, birthed thru Jack Hayford and carried on by Mike, are two of the most powerful challenges for the primacy of worship that I have heard. Is worship a priority with us? Is it primary? God earnestly seeks these kinds of worshippers (John 4:23-24). This is the spirit of 1948. This is the spirit of Judah! Note: The first four tribes are also four of the 12 gates into the Heavenly City. They also bring us into the outer court, emphasizing individual responsibility. The next 6 tribal gates bring us into the Holy Place, and emphasize corporate effectiveness. Oswald Chambers helps us in our Individual Responsibility. E. Stanley Jones tends to help us function in our corporeity. This is not an either/or situation but both/and. Israel emphasizes the need of the corporate outlook, as does E. Stanley Jones. They also bring out individual responsibility, but not as the major responsibility. Our Western World tends to emphasize individual responsibility. It also encourages team play, but its effectiveness is in the former. The Middle East, with Israel as the focus, has a culture based on covenants, sacrifice, family, the nation as a corporate unity, and its patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Bible, both Old

and New Covenants are written from this perspective. Parable and allegorizing are both common in Middle East and Oriental cultures. For us from the West to understand the nuances of the Bible, we must immerse ourselves in our Jewish Roots, until we start to feel and think form this vantagepoint. And we remember that Jesus as a Jew walked and taught in this cultural milieu. The Bible will remain a mystery book in large part to the Western world till we take our souls by the scruff of the neck and compel them to think and feel in the context of the culture from which our Bible came. For even though the New Covenant was written in Greek, Jews who wrote it used Greek from the mind-set of Hebrews Our Father Abraham by Dr. Marvin Wilson is a great aid to bring us to this mode of thinking. Conclusion and Review: In Reuben we see Gods priority for us let us understand our Jewish Roots in the light of Romans 11. In Simeon God prophetically emphasizes our need to yield completely to Him thru the Holy Spirit namely to be possessed by Him. Levi spells out Gods order in spiritual leadership: JESUS builds His church by appointing individual members of the fivefold ministry, based on apostles and prophets. Next in Judah we find ourselves ready to move in supernatural praise and worship. God enthrones Himself with His Presence in our praises. Now we are ready to leave the Outer Court and enter the Holy Place thru Zebulun. Now commences true corporate function. Zebulun means Dwelling and God is pleased to come and dwell in a corporate unified body as He did on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). Jim Watt



Judah (meaning Praise), your brothers will acknowledge you, your hand will be on the neck of your enemies, your father's sons will bow down before you. Judah is a lion's cub; my son, you stand over the prey. He crouches down and stretches like a lion; like a lioness, who dares to provoke him? The scepter will not pass from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his legs, until he comes to whom [obedience] belongs (or: until Shiloh comes); and it is he whom the peoples will obey. Tying his donkey to the vine, his donkey's colt to the choice grapevine, he washes his clothes in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes. His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than milk (CJB, Genesis 49:8-12). Of Judah Moses said: 'Hear, ADONAI, the cry of Judah! Bring him in to his people, let his

own hands defend him; but you, help him against his enemies (CJB, Deuteronomy 33:7).

ADONAI will send your powerful scepter out from Zion, so that you will rule over your

enemies around you. On the day your forces mobilize, your people willingly offer themselves in holy splendors from the womb of the dawn; the dew of your youth is yours (CJB, Psalm 110:2-3). David spoke these words for his greater son: -- ADONAI says to my lord (the Lord Jesus to come), 'Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool' (Psalm 110:1). Jesus is of the tribe of Judah, with whom there was no priesthood, which was in the tribe of Levi. But under the priestly order of Melchizedek, Jesus is NOW High Priest forever of a new creation. The One New Man, Jew and Gentile together, is now under the Kingship and Priesthood of Jesus - the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. No wonder exalted praise comes forth in abundance from this fourth son of Jacob! The prophecies of Jacob and Moses concerning Judah take on added significance when read in this context. To further confirm this, see Genesis 29, which records the birth of Judah and gives the Hebrew meaning of his name as 'Praise'! Moses had the name of Judah inscribed upon the beautiful and precious red Sardius in Exodus 28. And note Judah is now the number one tribe of Israel. He leads the other 11 tribes in their 38-year march through the wilderness. The other tribes were happy to send Judah (Praise) first. Any movement that fails to put Praise in a significant and foremost position - will fail to be significant.

The first 4 sons of Jacob in the order of Genesis 49, bring us into the Outer Court of Moses' Tabernacle. The next 6 bring us into the Holy Place - but the last two Joseph and Benjamin - bring us into the Holy of Holies. Yet Judah as Praise, and as the tribe from which the Kings of Judah and Jesus spraing, continues to affect the last two areas of the 60 and 100-fold also.


Next I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write: 'How blessed are the dead who die united with the Lord, from now on!' Yes, says the Spirit, 'now they may rest from their efforts, for the things they have accomplished follow along with them' (CJB, Revelation14:13).
God ushered me into His Kingdom in 1944 while a sailor in the Canadian Navy. Very soon following this event, someone placed into my hands a book entitled, Forty Years of Signs and Wonders in the Life of Mrs. Maria Woodworth-Etter. It made a profound impact upon me. The description of The Heavenly Choir made a special imprint upon my spirit. I sensed the Holy Spirit speaking in His still small voice, In the not too distant future, you will experience this event. Mrs. Etter was a frail little woman of the nineteenth century, who fellowshipped in the Holiness Movement. God called her to be His evangelist. She didn't believe in women preachers - and it wasn't until God took a number of her children home to heaven - that she finally surrendered to His call. It has been estimated by some that close to two million souls entered the Kingdom of God through the faithful preaching and ministry of this handmaiden of the Lord. Kenneth Hagen Junior has reprinted one of her dozen books, which is still in print. The absolutely amazing accounts of the signs and wonders that God sent to confirm His word through Mrs. Etter - should encourage anyone to search the Net and procure this book.


But we do see Jesus - who indeed was made for a little while lower than the angels
- now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by God's grace he might taste death for all humanity. For in bringing many sons to glory, it was only fitting that God, the Creator and Preserver of everything, should bring the Initiator of their deliverance to the goal through sufferings. For both Jesus, who sets people apart for God, and the ones being set apart have a common origin - this is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers when he says, 'I will proclaim your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise (CJB, Hebrews 2:9-12; Psalm 22:22). So, what about it? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my mind (CJB, 1 Corinthians 14:14). ADONAI your God is right there with you, as a mighty savior. He will rejoice over you and be glad, he will be silent in his love, he will shout (sing) over you with joy (CJB, Zephaniah 3:17). Don't get drunk with wine, because it makes you lose control. Instead, keep on being filled with the Spirit - sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to each other;

sing to the Lord and make music in your heart to him (CJB, Ephesians 5:18-19). My darling speaks; he is saying to me, Get up, my love! My beauty! Come away! For you see that the winter has passed, the rain is finished and gone, the flowers are appearing in the countryside, the time has come for [the birds] to sing, and the cooing of doves can be heard in the land (CJB, Song of Solomon 2:10-12). In 1945 I shared with Ern Hawtin, brother of George, what the Holy Spirit had revealed to me concerning the soon restoration of the Heavenly Choir. Because Mrs. Etter became weak through the heavy burden of preaching and ministry, she stayed in bed until the service started, and then was helped to the platform to minister. She had a tent that sat over 4000 back in the early days of the 20th century. While the congregation waited for the service to start, they would gather an hour or more ahead of time to get a seat. They would start to sing in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit would fall upon them, and antiphonal singing, solo voices, and angelic joining in took place, that exceeded even the highest oratorio productions. The literal Shekinah glory of God could often be seen outside resting up the top of the tent. Remarkable visions and healings accompanied all of this. Mrs. Etter called the conversions, Bright Conversions, because they corresponded with 2 Corinthians 5:17, and lasted years beyond the initial event. Ern Hawtin asked me, When do you suppose God will restore this? I assured him that I had no idea, but I felt it would be soon. Then in February of 1948, we all knew the time of restoration was at hand. In October of 1948 in Edmonton, the Hawtins asked if I would preach and teach on The Heavenly Choir. Upon conclusion I was about to sit down, but was unable to do so because Ern Hawtin's arm held me to the pulpit. I looked at him inquiringly. Do it, he said. Do what? I asked. Do whatever it takes right now to see God restore it. I asked the congregation of some 400 or so to sing the old chorus, "Hallelujah, and then to launch out by faith in singing corporately in the Spirit. Within moments we listened together in amazement as hundreds of voices were played upon by the Lord in His Spirit, like an Aeolian Harp. It was staggering. Several blocks away two businessmen heard it, for it was Indian Summer, and the windows of the Apostolic Lighthouse were open. They couldn't determine whether it was a choir, an organ, or both. So they followed the sound to the church, and both were converted! This became one of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of the 1948 Visitation. Some of the Scriptures I used to tell about this in Edmonton are listed at the top of this section. Day Four. HIGH WORSHIP: AFRICAN-AMERICANS.

They defeated him (satan) because of the Lamb's blood and because of the message of their witness. Even when facing death they did not cling to life" (CJB,

Revelation 12:11).
God births meaningful songs out of times of great discouragement, poverty and persecution. Our African-American citizens have drunk this cup to the dregs. But from these times, God has birthed songs through them that have blessed the entire body of Christ. Swing Low - Sweet Chariot - Coming to carry me home, is one of these. Or remember the words that touch the cords of all hearts - We shall overcome - We shall overcome - We shall overcome some day - O deep in my heart - I do believe - We shall overcome some day. If any one of these 12 Embryonic Revival principles can be identified with a particular nation or culture - our African-American friends can be identified with deep worship springing from the heart. My wife Marie and I pastored Baptist churches in the Chicago Metroplex from 1949 to 1962. Oftentimes when we felt the need of a lift, we slipped down into Bronzeville and attended a Black Baptist Church. I can still hear and remember them singing - Sing - till the power of the Lord comes down. And as they sang - sure enough - God graced them with His presence so strongly that many found their feed responding in spiritual dance! Dr. E. Stanley Jones has set a wonderful Christian example in his attitude to all races, colors, nations and peoples. He found ALL precious in God's sight. Father and mother give body and soul to their offspring - but at the time of conception God imparts the spirit. All races share equally in this gracious gift - making us ONE in spirit. At the same time God has made of one blood all nations of the earth. We can all safely receive blood transfusions from any other race. We thank God for the divergencies found among all races, colors, tongues and peoples but we acknowledge that there is UNITY in diversity - as well as DIVERSITY in unity! Thank God for both the deep and high worship contributions our African-American friends have given to the whole body of Christ! Day Five. HIGH WORSHIP: SONG OF MOSES AND OF THE LAMB.

Those defeating the beast, its image and the number of its name were standing by the

sea of glass, holding harps which God had given them. They were singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb; 'Great and wonderful are the things you have done, ADONAI, God of heaven's armies (Amos 3:13, 4:13)! Just and true are your ways, king of the nations! ADONAI, who will not fear and glorify your name? Because you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous deeds have been revealed (CJB, Revelation 15:2b-4). In this state, the soul of the believer can well sing the song with a wonderful harmony; God is doing the tuning within, having placed this one in the perfect order of His creation. He sings a twofold song, that of Moses which is a song of deliverance and that of the Lamb which is redemption's song. It is the more wonderful because those who sing it know how beneficial this redemption has been for them. Oh, if the mystery of redemption

were well known (and the sacrifice of the Lamb), not a single Christian would be unwilling to die a thousand deaths. Rack your brain by studying, get busy meditating as much as you please, you will not understand and know these great mysteries unless you count yourself as nothing. An emptied soul receives such a pure knowledge of all that concerns God, of God Himself without study, with or without meditation; nothing is left to him. He gains with simplicity what others have learned so painfully. Ah, do not tire yourself studying as you do! Love, truly and purely, and you will learn more than in any other way. But what is this song that these saints sing? If we are filled with all the words of it, we will easily notice the purity of their love, the eminence of their knowledge. In the knowledge that is given them about the works of God, they say: Great and marvelous are your works, oh Lord. The outward and inward works of God are uncovered and manifested to them with an unimaginable delight. They see everywhere, and in everything, the attributes of His power and the grandeur of God. By what they see they are overwhelmed with joy. Oh God, how wonderful Your ways! However, men are so blind that they wish to measure God's ways by their thought. All which they do not clearly understand with their mind is, therefore, impossible to them! Oh, blindness and folly! Did not the apostle, admiring God's ways, say they were past finding out? His ways are just and true, for all is just and true in God's conduct. The whole earth will be converted to Jesus Christ and united to Him. All nations shall come and worship Him. Happy are those who will live then. The above notes are from James, 1 John & Revelation by Jeanne Guyon (1648-1717). She came from an unsettled childhood and loveless marriage to her controversial years of ministry in France, Switzerland and Savoy. What was it that motivated this noblewoman, keeping her faithful to her unpopular beliefs and causing her to rest joyfully in God's will even in the shadow of dungeon walls? Jeanne Guyon was a woman who understood the cost of the words: For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. The influence of Jeanne Guyon has never wavered with the passing of centuries. Her writings have influenced movements such as the Moravians, the Quakers, the Methodists and the Little Flock. Three hundred years later she is still one of the most influential

people in the lives of those who seek a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. In reading this book, you will notice that Jeanne Guyon presents a more inward, Christcentered perspective than is usually found in our present-day concept of Christian commentaries. Here is her commentary on the above three books as seen from the principles and dynamics of the deeper Christian life. This and some 15 other of her books and commentaries, most of them written in prison and dungeon - can be obtained from The SeedSowers, PO Box 3317, Jacksonville, FL 32206 -- - call for a free catalog 800-228-2665 Day Six. HIGH WORSHIP: A NEW SONG.

Stop dwelling on past events and brooding over times gone by; I am doing something

new; it's springing up - can't you see it? I am making a road in the desert, rivers in the wasteland. The wild animals will honor me, the jackals and the ostriches; because I put water in the desert, rivers in the wasteland, for my chosen people to drink, the people I formed for myself, SO THAT THEY WOULD PROCLAIM MY PRAISE (CJB, Isaiah 43:18-21). From there they went on to Be'er [well]; that is the well about which ADONAI said to Moses, 'Assemble the people, and I will give them water.' Then Israel sang this song: 'Spring up, oh well! Sing to the well sunk by the princes, dug by the people's leaders with the scepter, with their staffs (Numbers 21:16-18). Isaiah 43:18-21 was one of the Scriptures that attracted attention in 1948. Stanley Frodsham used it, but so too did the North Battleford brethren. Especially after the Edmonton Convention in October, this Bible portion seemed to express what many felt in their hearts the Spirit was saying to the churches. In March of 1998, 50 years later, God quickened this same portion to my wife Marie, as we sensed His leading to start Congregation Beth Chesed in Tacoma. We sensed God saying, I want a people united in Me in the spirit of Rees Howells and Madame Guyon. It is easy to quote verses such as Galatians 2:20 - but it is death to the self-life to turn individual and corporate lives over to Jesus to build His church according to Matthew 16:18-19. Some starting out with us in March left the following year because of this high cost. Pastor Tom Isenhart, our host with Puget Sound Christian Center, made it possible for us to obey the leading of the Lord, and prevent the flesh from taking over. Also because of Pastor Tom we have been able to send at least several thousand dollar a moth to Israel. Two of our ten interests are Christian Palestinians. God has promised to bless Ishmael as well as Isaac, and is doing so. The same prophetic song that broke out in the time of Abraham and Isaac in the digging of wells, is also a factor in decreeing by the Spirit the goals of God, and seeing Him bring them to pass. Day Seven. HIGH WORSHIP: A WARFARE SONG.

The next morning, they rose early and went out into the Tekoa Desert. As they left, Jehoshaphat stood and said, 'Listen to me, Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem! Trust in ADONAI your God, and you will be safe. Trust in his prophets, and you will succeed. After consulting with the people, he appointed those who would sing to ADONAI and praise the splendor of his holiness as they went out ahead of the army, saying, Give thanks to ADONAI, for his grace continues forever (2 Chronicles 20:20-21). Pastor Joe McIntyre of the Seattle Metroplex has given a Corporate Warfare Prayer to the Body of Christ at large. But oftentimes that Warfare Prayer bursts forth into Warfare Song! In his day, Jehoshaphat King of Judah, sent singers forth ahead of the army, and God used their prophetic Warfare Song to defeat the united army of 3 nations arrayed against Israel! In Washington, DC a group of black children in a church named Evangel - sang a song with 20 verses on this theme. They would sing, The Battle is won by Praising the Lord. A schoolteacher asked them if they didn't know any other songs. Their response was, But teacher, the battle IS won by praising the Lord! Some time, read your Bible through, marking carefully each incident where Warfare Songs carried people through to victory. CONCLUSION: The 12 Embryonic Revival Principles brought together in 1948 are not either-or - but both-and. Just as Israel needed all 12 tribes moving together under God in unity (including Benjamin in the book of Judges) - so the church in these latter days needs all 12 Embryonic Revival Principles emerging into Maturity - to protect this last day revival with parameters for the return of the King. Judah is a high point in the midst of these 12 principles, yet it is but one of the 12. Master this and the other 11 - stand for their full maturity and together we will experience Ezekiel's river with waters to swim in. All 12 principles appear on our Website <>, and much more is being added besides. God bless us each one as we cooperatively move under Him to realize the fullness of His purposes through us.

Zebulun: The City Church

One. Zebulun: His Tribal Significance. Now prophetically Jacob by the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) places the younger ahead of the older, and the sons of the wife ahead of the concubines. Only the wisdom of God, which to us is often inscrutable, can explain such things. God hides His wisdom in this but it is the glory of kings (and we are a kingdom of priests) to search such things out. Zebuluns birth (the younger son) appears in Genesis 30, and his name means dwelling. In a corporate sense God looks for a dwelling place for Himself. He does not dwell in houses and buildings made by the hands of man but in human hearts. There He seeks a dwelling place! This is consistent with His dealings with Israel in a corporate manner first in their families, -- then their cities, clans, tribes and nation. The importance of corporate entities is placed above the individual. Jacob prophesied (Genesis 49) that Zebulun thru his tribe would dwell by the sea. He traded his older brother Issachars goods thru many nations by his ships at sea. It was a good team. His stone was the carbuncle the "Baraketh" in Hebrew, the only green flashing stone. He was like a lighthouse to warn ships afar of a rocky coast and ships nearby thru the lower lights a-burning. By the gifts of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-11) this tribe had lights of evangelism to bring many a weary ship and sailor to safe harbor. Moses (Deuteronomy 33) pointed out the rejoicing of the soul-winner in Zebulun. No animal is assigned to Zebulun, but when you read the book of Esther, and see how Mordecai reversed the edict of Haman, and sent swift dromedaries of the desert to all 127 provinces of Ahasuerus with good news you cant help but see in Zebulun this wonderful animal. Two. The Identifying Nation. God dwells in families, peoples and nations. He is a familial God. China has thru the years been a familial, patriarchal example. Scattered Jews thru persecution brought some of this to this ancient land because of their scattering thru persecution. An ancient Chinese coin depicts 8 souls in a boat! Significant? Much more on this line awaits the curious researcher. Household and Clan salvation are keynotes in the interest of our God. Even today households, cities, clans and regions of China have the touch of God upon them thru millions coming to Him even in the midst of (or because of?) great persecution. We in America tend to look at the microcosm and miss Gods viewpoint on the macrocosm. We make much of the local church. God sees the city church. Prove it, you say! Well, the word ekklesia (church) appears 114 times in the Greek New Testament. Once, it applies to Israel as the Church in the wilderness, Acts 7. 3 times it refers to a secular Greek City meeting in Ephesus which is called an ekklesia.

14 times it refers to a local church in a home, such as Aquila and Priscilla or Philemon. 15 times it pinpoints believers of all ages, Jew or Gentile, living or in heaven. But 81 times it refers to the believers of the city church, including all local churches in that city. 14 of these 81 references appear in Revelation 2 and 3 alone! New Testament references to the church are then primarily city not local. But Local Churches in a city tend to make everything they read in the City New Testament church fit into the local church. This can lead to spiritual dyspepsia or much worse! One local church I had part in had 7 elders, 4 pastors, 7 trustees, 24 deacons, and 20 committee heads and members! Can you imagine what happened? The church of Jerusalem had but 7 deacons for the entire City Church of perhaps 300 to 1000 local churches in the home. The plurality of eldership was in the beginning not local, but city. When the Halakhic Messianic Jewish Sanhedrin met in Jerusalem in Acts 15 to consider the challenge of the City Church of Antioch thru its emissaries of Paul and Barnabas, each elder represented a local church in the home. Plurality was city, not local. And what unity and wisdom they had! What a solution came forth! Now of course when we move out of the house and home into a local church of some 400 to 5000, adaptations must take place. But we should remember the original pattern. Preserve the unity of the city church, and let each senior pastor represent his local church in the city dimension. When a local church reaches 700,000 members such as one in Seoul, S. Korea, and other local congregations reach 200,000 it becomes very difficult to perceive the city church concept of the New Testament. That means we have the opportunity in North America to demonstrate the City Church and Presbytery Concept in a viable practical format that may be much more difficult in S. Korea. Under the tribe Naphtali we will consider the key restoration principle of the 1948 Revival the City Presbytery. Three. Helpful Books highlighting this concept. H. A. Baker in his Visions beyond the Veil brought out a high motivation for soul winning in line with Zebulun. Numbers of his other books are out of print, but some are listed on Amazon Mr. Baker was a Presbyterian missionary in Tibet, who transferred his work to orphans in S. W. China, and then further west still among poor tribal people. When Communism forced the missionaries out, he ended up in Taiwan with a very fruitful ministry. Watchman Nee in His Glorious Church spells out the logic for the City Church. It is not a perfect grasp, but is most helpful. In that book he also points out the helpful contrast between logos (320x) and Rhema (70x) in the Greek New Testament 4 to one! The word of revelation and of the Spirit is indeed important but the Plumbline of the written word the Logos, must measure it. Many individuals, churches and revivals have made spiritual shipwreck because of failure to walk in these parameters. The Normal Church Life by the same author

is also most helpful. Reuven Dorons One New Man is of use at this point for those seeking to understand the City Church Concept and how to heal the rift between Jews (both believers and non-believers) and the Church. Four. Household and Clan salvation in the light of Embryonic Patriarchal and City Church Concepts. In 1944 thru a gift of Herald of His Coming I read an article on Household Salvation by J. A. Macmillan that has continued to bless me even to this day. In 1953 my wife and I were pastoring a Baptist Church in Chicago. One of our members from Georgia had married an unbeliever from Texas. She continually begged me to pray for him, as she feared he was on his way to hell. She was most assuredly correct in her analysis! To get her off my back, I asked God for help. A tract entitled, How I Learned to Pray for the Lost fell into my hands. It concerned a missionary from England who had gone to China. She was concerned for her 40 or more loved ones in her household who were not saved. In answer to prayer, God gave her 3 verses, and then a fourth. Mark 10:20-27 God can even save a rich man! 1 Timothy 4:10 God has provided salvation in Christ for all, especially believers. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 In answer to prayer, God can even change the mind-set of unbelieving relatives, and bring their thoughts in captivity to Christ. And 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 We can rebuke the darkness of satan over the minds of our unsaved loved ones, and Light from God will shine into their hearts! Marie and I shared these verses with Pearl the following Monday, and in one year thru visions of heaven and hell, her husband was in the Kingdom of God just before he died. We believe are convinced that it is Gods will to save by households. When one member of a household comes into Gods Kingdom, he or she has the right to claim every other member. Finney warns that this will not be easy, but is certainly possible. See Genesis 6 and Hebrews 11. Noah built an ark to the saving of his household (all 8 souls). Genesis 18. Look at Abraham. God knew that he would bring his entire household (including servants and families numbering at least 1000) into his faith. Exodus 12 A lamb for a household. Judges 2 and 6. Rahab the harlot believed God for her father, her mother, her brothers and sisters and all her nieces and nephews. All were saved, and by marriage she became a direct ancestress of our Lord Jesus. Joshua 24. Joshua proclaimed to Israel As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! See Cornelius, Acts 10 and 11. The angel of God had him send for Peter who would bring words for his household to be saved. He invited his close friends also! All were saved and received the doreA, Gods artesian well! Then there is Lydia Acts 16:11-15. She and her household received Pauls

message. Acts 16:31. The Philippian jailer and his household were all saved, baptized and no doubt filled with the Spirit between midnight and morning! (And there are other examples also.) We have received testimonials of over 3000 that have come into the Kingdom because of this Embryonic Revival Principle. C. H. Spurgeon and Jonathan Edwards have tremendous testimonies of Gods faithfulness to this truth. But in 1982 Jack Hayford brought a message to the First Baptist Church of Arcata, California concerning CLAN salvation. God had spoken to his father in 1969 from Exodus 28. Take Judahs name off the red sardius stone on Aarons Breastplate of Judgment, He said, and replace it with your Clan name Hayford; and take Issachars name off the beautiful yellow topaz and replace it with your wifes maiden name Smith. Then you and your wife twice a day pray for your two clans then I God will make an effective witness to every Hayford and Smith on the face of the earth. Those of open heart I will bring into My Kingdom! His wife agreed to Gods challenge. Within 6 months 4 Hayfords and 2 Smiths they had not previously known, had been supernaturally born into the Kingdom! Jack Hayfords father went to his coronation in 1979, and his widow continued this prayer. In 1982 she happened to share with her son Jack what his father had initiated. It so impressed Pastor Jack that he did a Biblical search on this subject, and concluded that it was entirely Scriptural. Now when he is invited to speak only once, unless the subject is suggested, or the Holy Spirit leads otherwise, he speaks on CLAN salvation. He shared this the first Wednesday of August 1982 with us. Instead of our regular 13, 600 were present. The next morning Marie and I started to pray for our Clans: the Watts and the Gaudets (French Canadian). I am of Scottish descent, and felt badly about the 10 unused Breastplate stones, so I added the clan names of our paternal and maternal grandparents, and the clan names of the spouses of our 3 children, and the spouses of our brothers and sisters. I soon had to add 6 more stones to the Breastplate of Judgment! But God! In answer to this prayer, within 16 months God gave Marie the family tree of her maternal grandmother (Lacerte) back 6 generations in Manitoba and in another 16 months gave her the family tree of her maternal grandfather (Chartrand) for 6 generations. Maries mother had told her 9 children they had no living relatives now thru a double miracle they found they were related to one half of French Manitoba! Even Louis Riel, (who was falsely executed because of political expediency), was in this. But it doesnt end there! Maries father from a first marriage had left a little 5month-old son in St. Tite, Quebec when his first wife died, and was unable to retrieve him. Maries mother wrote again and again to try and find and get this little boy. Then in 1996 Marie with a younger brother, to take advantage of frequent flyer miles, went back to Quebec and Nova Scotia to try and track down this lost half brother. After 2 weeks she returned seemingly unsuccessful. But a letter awaited her. A

lady from St. Tite had promised to find that brother. In her letter she said, Marie, we have found your brother Girard Gaudet who lives in Acton Vale, Quebec. Heres his address and heres his phone number. He is expecting your call! Marie gathered herself together, and next day phoned Gerard. At his request she sent documents and pictures: birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc. There was no doubt the lost brother was found! He did not know he had any living relatives. Now that summer he came to Port Alberni, B.C. and met 147 Gaudet relatives at their regular 5 year reunion! But there is more the lady who tracked him down talked with him, and they discovered that their grandfathers were brothers! So on his mothers side he has over 300 Pronovost relatives. Girard himself told this story in a French Canadian church in Hull, Quebec, and as a Roman Catholic believer said Its a miracle! Only God could have enabled them to find me! Gi rard will be 80 this year, is in excellent health, has 5 children and 8 grandchildren, and is thanking God for Household and Clan Salvation! We hear testimonies of hundreds whom God has found because of the challenge of Clan Salvation. How many more tens of thousands are already in Glory we know nothing of? Three weeks after Jack Hayford challenged our church, I read in the San Francisco Chronicle that 500 members of the Chinese Hu Clan celebrated their annual clan get together. But it mentioned that on Mainland China 60 million of the Clan Hu could be found! O God, I prayed, please lead me to a Hu, so I can tell him of Clan Salvation and get him praying for his 60 million clan members. A few years later I was preaching in a church in Vancouver, B.C. along this line. At the close of the service a beautiful Chinese lady came to me and said, My name is Monica Hu, and this morning I started to pray for my 60 million clan members! Where will this all end? Who will hear this challenge with the ears of faith? Who will take it like Mr. Hayford Senior and his wife, and like Jacob of old, not let God go until every Household member is saved, and every Clam Member receives an effective witness, and those of open heart come into Gods Kingdom? Conclusion: Remember Zebulun! And his soul-winning zeal! Like him use the gifts of the Spirit. Seek to walk corporately in the concept of the City Church! Let the Watch of the Lord by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda undergird in prayer this worthy goal! Relate this truth in harmony and balance with all 12 tribes and Embryonic Truths. Let the Tribes be as Gates to bring you into the fullness of the City of God! Jim Watt



Now when Jesus came into the parts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his

disciples, saying, Who do men say that the Son of man is? And they said, Some say John the Baptist; and some, Elijah; and others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. He says to them, But who say YOU that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood has not revealed it to you, but my Father who is in the heavens. And I also say unto you, that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens; and whatever you shall bind on the earth shall be bound in the heavens; and whatever you shall loose on the earth shall be loosed in the heavens. Then he charged the disciples that they should tell no one that he is the Christ (NNT, Matthew 16:13-20).

Twelve Embryonic revival principles came together into a working harmony at this time. I doubt if at that time these 12 principles were clerly seen and understood but hindsight is still clearer than foresight. Historians require several decades to elapse before they can begin to show the historic significance of past events.
Certainly the City Church concept did not function in maturity 54 years ago, nor was the concept itself clearly seen and spelled out. The Greek word ekkleSIa (church) appears 114 times in the Numeric Greek New Testament edited by Ivan Panin. Once in Acts 7 it refers to Israel in the wilderness; 3 times it refers to the city state of Ephesus; 14 times it denotes a local church in the home; 15 times it refers to God's universal church of all believers, both Jew and non-Jew: past, present and future. But 81 times it refers to the City Church! Some estimate that the City Church of Jerusalem had some 300 local churches in the home. Each local church overseer -- met as a plurality of elders with the 12 apostles on a regular basis. They comprised the elders in the Gate of the City - the new Sanhedrin replacing the former 70 of the leaders that almost unanimously rejected Jesus as their Messiah. Jesus predicted the Kingdom would be taken from them, and given to a people (also Jews, and only later Jews and non-Jews) who would bring forth the appropriate fruits. And it only took 7 deacons to serve the entire City Church of Jerusalem. Plurality of elders was in the City Church, not the local church. That is how it started in Jerusalem, Antioch, Thessalonica, Corinth, Ephesus, and those Barnabas and Saul founded in Asia Minor on their first Missionary trip.

The brothers from 1948 saw that all believers in a city should somehow or other have a working plan such as in the beginning. They attempted to bring it to pass. It did not happen. Today God is asking us to re-examine the City Church concept, and bring it to successful maturity. Can God do it through us in each city? Of course He can. Does it operate today as it did in Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus and Crete? Certainly not. So what they hoped for in 1948, it is our challenge today to see this concept come into powerful realization! The One New Man concept of Ephesians 2 will be a part of this. And note - the church JESUS builds by His Spirit through us - overcomes ALL the powers of hell! All he needs is a core group in each city - a remnant - of 12-20 pastors and churches fully dead to the selflife - and fully alive to Jesus and His will working through them - and it will be done! Two. CITY CHURCH: ZEBULUN.

And Leah conceived again, and bore Jacob the sixth son. And Leah said, God

has endued me with a good dowry; now will my husband DWELL with me, because I have borne him six sons; and she called his name Zebulun (dwelling, Genesis 30:19-29).

Zebulun shall dwell at the haven of the sea; and he shall be for a haven of
ships; and his border shall be unto Zidon (Genesis 49:13).

And of Zebulun he said, Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out; and, Issachar, in

your tents. They shall call the people unto the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness; for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas, and of treasures hid in the sand (Deuteronomy 33:18-19). Zebulun brings about a dwelling situation and concept. Leah saw this. The prophet saw a great Light spring up in the land of Zebulun and Naphtali. This is where Jesus launched His ministry at 30 years of age! Nazareth in Zebulun was not only the place of His conception, but the place of His growing years as an Observant Jew to the Torah. As His custom was, He observed the seventh day Sabbath, all the Feasts of Leviticus 23, and in no way stood out otherwise than a Jewish boy, youth and young man in the context of His full Jewish heritage. He was of the tribe of Judah, but known as a Nazarene. Mount Tabor is within the border of Zebulun. Here Jesus climbed with 3 of His close disciples on one occasion, and was so TRANSFIGURED before them, that Peter scarcely knew what to do; -- and this event the three NEVER forgot! Zebulun's name was inscribed on the flashing carbuncle, third stone on the Breastplate worn by the high priest. Note that Sidon on the Mediterranean is mentioned in the prophecy. This stone reminds one of a lighthouse to warn ships afar, -- and lower lights to bring them safely into harbor. His older brother Issachar stayed on the land, and Zebulun as his partner shipped and traded goods in a profitable partnership. Zebulun had itchy feet. He had the temperament of an evangelist - reaching out beyond his brother. We need all types in the Kingdom of God. All the sons of Jacob and the 12 tribes of Israel together, unite temperaments and giftings for a successful nation! Israel needed its Zebulun. The city church needs at least one local church and pastor with the

temperament of Zebulun. Three. CITY CHURCH: GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT.

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are

diversities of ministrations, and the same Lord. And there are diversities of workings, but the same God, who works all the things in all. But to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit to profit. For to one is given through the Spirit a word of wisdom; and to another a word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit: to another faith, in the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healings, in the one Spirit; and to another workings of powers; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits: to another kinds of tongues; and to another interpretation of tongues; but all these work the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each severally even as he wills (NNT, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11).

Of all the tribes of Israel, evangelistic Zebulun needed the Gifts of the Spirit. God promised that those going forth with the Gospel would find Him confirming the Word With Signs Following. Stanley Frodsham authored a book by this title before 1948.
Missionary-Evangelists have proved God faithful in this respect again and again. Every city church rejoices when one of the local churches manifests this gifting. Back in the 1960's, St. Luke's Episcopal Church of Seattle under the leadership of Father Dennis Bennett unusually demonstrated this Zebulun temperament. For 10 years, 1000 souls annually from the rest of the city and further abroad, wended their way to the Friday night opportunity of salvation, the Holy Spirit - and living examples of the Gifts of the Spirit. In later years Dennis and Rita Bennett traveled the world, -- and again countless thousands entered into God's Kingdom with life and power! The Gifts of the Spirit became God's corroboration of His pleasure at this evangelistic outreach. Can the gifts of the Spirit be abused and misused? Of course! In money matters, counterfeits only prove the genuineness of the real! Here again, the flashing Carbuncle of Zebulun heralds the Evangelist, How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those bearing Good News. (Isaiah 52:7). Four. CITY CHURCH: MISSIONS.

Then the king's scribes were called, in the third month, the month Sivan, on

the twenty-third day, and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded, to the Jews, to the chief rulers, and the governors and princes of the provinces from India to Ethiopia, 127 provinces, to every province in its own script, and to every people in their own language. He wrote in the name of King Ahasuerus, and sealed it with the king's ring, and sent letters by messengers on horseback, riding on swift steeds, mules and young

dromedaries used in the king's service, bred from the [royal] stud. In it the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather and defend their lives; to destroy, to slay and to wipe out any armed force that might attack them, their little ones and women; and they should take the enemies' goods for spoil. On one day in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month Adar, A copy of the writing was to be issued as a decree in every province and as a proclamation to all peoples, and the Jews should be ready on that day to avenge themselves upon their enemies. So the couriers who were mounted on swift beasts that were used in the king's service went out, being hurried and urged on by the king's command; and the decree was released in Shushan the capital (TAB, Esther 8:9-14).

Back in the 50's in Chicago, a guest speaker at one of our Annual Missionary Conferences at the Kostner Avenue Baptist Church, preached on Esther. It was new for me to consider the book of Esther as a prime example of missions. But reread the above scripture from Esther. The swift dromedaries of the desert bore the Good News of Israel's deliverance from Haman, just as Zebulun by sea bore the trading goods of Issachar to far lands. Note too the breadth of the empire of Ahasuerus - 127 provinces!
What a challenge for us. With over 250 nations of the world - by land, by sea, by air, by email, by Internet - by all means possible in the realm of modern communications - we should likewise be heralding through missions the Good News of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Jesus is Lord! There is none other. We can challenge all members of all nations to dethrone the self-life and replace it with the full Lordship of Jesus! The New Testament declares Jesus as Savior 24 times - but as LORD 348 times - 14:1! We have watered down this aspect of the Good News! Jesus will be Lord of all, or He will not be Lord at all! To claim Him as Savior apart from Lordship is not to have Him at all. To take Him as Lord - is to have Him in all His fullness! See Rees Howells, A. W. Tozer, Dr. E. Stanley Jones, Madame Guyon - and countless others for corroboration to this concept. The life of Jesus through the Holy Spirit only flows abundantly through those fully surrendered to Him. The Holy Spirit is given to those who OBEY Him (Acts 5:32). Jesus challenged those desiring to follow Him to DENY their self-life, take up their cross, and FOLLOW HIM (Mark 8:34). Any Gospel declaration missing this note is no Good News at all! It leaves its hearers in a Fool's Paradise. Imagine such a preacher appearing before the Judgment Seat of Christ and trying to explain his omission of this dimension. He will be speechless! Five. CITY CHURCH: H. A. BAKER AND ANGELS.

But of which of the angels has he ever said, Sit on my right hand, Till I make

your enemies footstool of your feet? Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth unto service for them that shall inherit salvation (NNT, Hebrews 1:1314)?

In Tibet, SW China and Taiwan, Baker ceaselessly labored to go from village to village - from town to town - from city to city -- proclaiming the fullness of the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Countless tens of thousands received Jesus in His full Kingship and Lordship. And - God confirmed the message of His servant with multiplied gifts of the Spirit and signs that followed his faithful teaching. It reminds one of the words of Jesus to those who would have held Him longer - I must preach the good tidings of the kingdom of God to the other cities also: because for this I was sent (Luke 4:43).
In the early 40's I read his book Visions Beyond the Veil. Here he recounts how poor little Chinese orphans received the Gospel of the Kingdom, and by the Spirit were ushered into heaven and God's invisible Kingdom. Upon returning they recounted insights and revelations that brought yet more into God's Kingdom, and proved a source of instruction to their missionary. In the light of the children's sharing he also wrote: Heaven and Angels, Seeking and Saving, God in Ka-Do Land, Three Worlds, and his autobiography, Under His Wings - and numbers of others. The ministry of angels was a marked feature of these visions and revelations. The children saw the demons too, and the broad way leading to destruction for careless and rebellious sinners. These insights produced fiery evangelists among these children. Their preaching oftentimes was purely prophetic. O God - Send revival to America and Canada once again, and confirm Your word mightily with signs following. Raise up our children and youth as fiery evangelists. Form not just local churches - but CITY CHURCHES. Make us as Zebulun, in Jesus' Name! Six. CITY CHURCH: HOUSEHOLD SALVATION.

And the jailor being roused out of sleep and seeing the prison doors open,

drew his sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped... But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do yourself no harm: for we are all here. And he called for lights and sprang in, and, trembling for fear, fell down before Paul and Silas, and brought them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus, and YOU shall be saved and your household. And they spoke the word of God to him, with all those in his house. And he took them in that hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, immediately. And he brought them up into the house, and set a table before them, and rejoiced greatly with all his house, having believed in God (NNT, Acts 27-34). Households in Israel and China have in the past been patriarchies. A number of generations often live together. Children are taught to love and respect and obey not only their parents - but grandparents also - and even beyond. Because of this tight knit enlarged family unity - God tends to save by households and clans, not just individuals. This concept can't be assumed - there is a price of diligence, faith and perseverance to pay. But mothers and fathers who take hold of and claim these promises - see the family circle unbroken up there. We must remember - We have not because we ask not - and the

asking must assume the conditions of the whole Bible. Pastor Jack Hayford's father in Oakland, California proved the efficacy of clan salvation. He placed his clan name Hayford on Judah's red sardius, and his wife's maiden name Smith on Issachar's beautiful yellow topaz. From 1969 until his death in 1979, he and his wife twice daily faithfully presented their clan names to God. The results were startling and remarkable. Pastor Jack picked up his father's revelation in 1982, and passed it on to us in August of that year at the First Baptist Church of Arcata, California, where I was then serving. Within 16 months we too began to experience the astounding results that the Hayfords of Oakland saw God confirm. Then Dr. Kenneth McAll of Great Britain was in a Japanese prison camp in China. There he nursed Stuart Liddel of Chariots of Fire fame, until his death. But he saw poorly educated Chinese women exorcise demon possessed people with great effectiveness. He couldn't forget the impression this made on him. In later years when released from prison camp, he added to his medical degree and became a psychiatrist. Through the utilization of the Eucharist, this Anglican found God to be faithful. Untold number of bound people in satanic oppression of various kinds responded. The curse of ancestors who indulged in the occult - according to Bible warning brought judgment on their children to the third and fourth generations. But when this background of occult dabbling by forebears was discovered - repented of - placed on the communion table as an act of repentance deliverance came and the bondages were broken. These blessings are recorded in his book, Healing the Family Tree. Dr. Kurt Koch, a Lutheran evangelist from Germany, experienced parallel results. Between Christ and Satan is one of his books that record God's faithful workings through this servant of His. The Evangelistic spirit of Zebulun frees people - brings household and clan salvation, and heals the family tree. City churches result, and in the spirit of thanksgiving serve the Lord with gladness. Evangelists of spiritual Zebulun - may your tribe increase! Seven. CITY CHURCH: CHINA.

Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord - the only Lord. And you shall

love the Lord your God with all your [mind and] heart, and with your entire being, and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you this day, shall be [first] in your own mind and heart; [then] You shall whet and sharpen them, so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets (forehead bands) between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates (TAB, Deuteronomy 6:4-9).

We have already noted the patriarchal blessing that existed in both Israel and China up to 4000 years ago. The blessing their ancestors brought upon their children is most marked. In the case of Israel, it is God that initiated this. Through

the Sh'ma and the Feasts of Leviticus 23, fathers and parents inculcated into their children the blessings of God. These weekly and annual memorials raised questions in the minds of the children. It gave fathers and parents opportunity to answer these questions, and by doing so - passed down from generation to generation principles of living and godly lifestyles that continued a unique identity in each of these nations. True, adherence to these life-giving institutions rose and fell. The blessing of these two nations rose and fell in correspondence to such adherence.
In Israel's case, an eldership in the gate of each city, represented both by synagogue and secular leaders - tended to preserve this godly life-style. When Jesus was born, there were still godly examples of such history in the lives of Zacharias and Elizabeth, Anna and Simeon, Mary and Joseph. The patriarchal system of China tended to preserve that nation also. Without the direct input of God into that nation, it developed with greater difficulty. God chose Moses as His medium to place the Torah into Israel. In spite of fluctuations between obedience and disobedience, the Covenant God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has preserved that nation to this day. We know that through prophecy, God will successfully consummate what He 4000 years ago initiated. His people are back in their land. Their language has been resurrected after 1900 years. God will finish that good thing He has begun. A nation will be born again in a day! That ancient people the Chinese also continue to this day. The good principles of the past - no Emperor or government has been able to eradicate. She too will arise in the last days to her destiny, and the patriarchal spirit will return. May a parallel of these principles likewise return to the City Churches of the nations of the world - and prepare the peoples of earth for the return of their King of kings and Lord of lords. Then will be fulfilled - The Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our God and of His Christ.

Issachar: Sensitivity, Faithfulness, and Obedience

One. Issachar: His Tribal Significance. His birth is recorded in Genesis 30. After Leahs fourth child, she ceased bearing for a while. Rachel turned her handmaid Bilhah over to Jacob, who bore her Dan and Naphtali. Leah countered by doing the same with her handmaid Zilpah, who bore her Gad and Asher. Then Rachel talked Leah into giving her Reubens mandrakes or love apples upon condition that Jacob would sleep with Leah that night. Out of this contrivance of Rachel to bare children, Leah conceived and bore Issachar, and then Zebulun. Jacob now had 10 sons. So Issachar is the 5th natural son of Leah, and the 9th son of Jacob. Leahs thought was, God has rewarded me for giving my slave-girl to Jacob. That is, he is named as the reward of hire! The amazing thing that comes forth from all this domestic conflict, is that God worked good out of it! The nation Israel is the fruit of these 12 sons of Jacob borne out of bitter conflict. Next we have the patriarch Jacob giving his dying blessing to Issachar. The Spirit thru Jacob said, Issachar is a strong donkey lying down in the sheep sheds. On seeing how good is settled life and how pleasant the country, he will bend his back to the burden, and submit to forced labor (Genesis 49:14-15). Issachar is a man of the soil. His younger brother Zebulun had an itchy foot, a dromedary of the desert, a sailor of the sea. He took the product of the soil produced by Issachar and traded with it to their mutual profit. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday, and finished riding on its foal. He breached in this way the Old and New Covenants! David led in Solomons coronation by seeing him ride on his royal donkey. A female donkey rebuked the mad prophet Balaam. In the Andes, if a missionary fails to get home before sundown, and darkness falls then he relaxes the reins, and his faithful donkey safely brings him home on the narrow mountain trails 2 miles above sea level. In the Middle East, donkeys have value! Moses has a closing blessing for the tribes of Israel in Deuteronomy 33. He says of Issachar: Rejoice, Issachar, in your tents. He confirms the word of Jacob. In Exodus 28, we find that his stone on Aarons breastplate of Judgment is the beautiful yellow topaz. It is the sign of wisdom, sensitivity, faithfulness and obedience. All of this Issachar exemplified to an outstanding degree. See 1 Chronicles 12:32 Of the descendants of Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel ought to do, there were 200 leaders, and all their kinsmen were under their command. The whole tribe partook of the wise donkey spirit, of the yellow wisdom of the topaz, and under the leadership of its 200, had a contribution to the other 11 tribes. Each tribe was unique. Not one with its unique contribution could be omitted. Benjamin had to be rehabilitated by the other 11 tribes when he fell under judgment (Judges 20-21). Make no mistake. Revival depends upon the Issachar contribution of sensitivity, faithfulness and obedience. It is one of the 12 embryonic revival principles that

moved in 1948. It approximates for Israel the Urim and Thummim in the area of understanding and guidance. This unique contribution was a most apparent characteristic of George R. Hawtin, the apostolic founder and leader during the 1948 revival. One morning in July of that year, the congregation heard the announcement concerning the agenda for the afternoon meeting. But in the worship part of the afternoon meeting that Mr. Hawtin was leading, it was apparent that he was troubled. Finally he turned the service over to an assistant, and polled the other six elders on the platform. He said, I know what we announced this morning for the agenda this afternoon, but I just sense that the Lord doesnt want to go in that direction. Do any of you have a word, or any discernment or leading? The last one of us that he polled mentioned what he sensed. George Hawtins eyes brightened, and he reported to the other 5 of us concerning this suggestion. We unanimously witnessed that this was what the Lord desired. When Brother Hawtin took back the meeting and said to the congregation We announced the agenda for this afternoon, but I sensed that the Lord wanted to go in a different direction. Not knowing what He wanted, I polled the brethren on the platform, and unanimously they sense that this is the direction in which we should go to please the Lord. With your understanding and forbearance, we will forsake our announced agenda, and do that which will please the Lord. The unusual blanket of the Lords anointing that immediately fell on the meeting signified how pleased the Lord was concerning the sensitivity on the part of our leader. Two. Issachar and the First Nations People (North American Indians). Those of us, who have had the privilege of growing up with tribal members of the First Nations People, know how sensitive, faithful and obedient they can be. Those of you, who have seen Dances with Wolves, have observed the wisdom of the older men of that tribe. Truly they can be identified with the yellow topaz of Issachar. You cannot stampede them into rash and sudden decisions. In their powwows they carefully consider the agenda in front of them point by point. Then the tribal leader, much as did James of Jerusalem in Acts 15, will give his decision and ruling on the matter at hand. Wisdom is not usually based on majority vote. Israel was usually wrong in the main. Often Moses had to stand against all of his people. We of the Western Culture would do well to draw on the wisdom of the early, early inhabitants of this continent. George Hawtin walked in this spirit. So did the early church. This one ingredient of revival urgently needs to be recaptured and re-enacted. During The Gathering at Whistler, BC Canada, 1995, Freda Cooper led some 60 of her people of some 12 or more tribes. They were seeking reconciliation with God vertically before they would entertain horizontal reconciliation with the rest of us. With that long-suffering patience of her people, Freda sensitively led them for some 5 hours on July 1st of that year, in what David Mainse said was one of the historic moments in the history of Canada. Sensitivity, faithfulness and obedience characterized those moments. Then from 1977 to 1987 in Northern Alberta, the farmers of that area experienced unusually heavy rains during both seedtime and harvest. The government was foreclosing on large farms of a number of sections on a regular basis. On July 1st

of 1987, the wife of one of these farmers wanted to attend a Mennonite family regathering in Saskatchewan. She knew I had been brought up on a farm during the great depression, and wondered if I would be willing to chicken-sit 1500 of this family. I gladly agreed to do so. On July 1st as I received the indignant cries directed at me a stranger, who was only trying to serve them, I couldnt help but feel compassion for the farm and home showing me hospitality. I said, Lord, during the times of the Old Covenant prophets, you rewarded those who treated your servants right. This happened through both Elijah and Elisha to name but two. Could you not do something to change the weather pattern and save this family showing me such care? His swift answer was, Read 2 Samuel 21. Here I reviewed how David waited but the third year to inquire of the Lord for the famine in the land. He learned that it was because of the bloody house of Saul, and what it had done to the Gibeonites thru a broken covenant that Joshua had made with them 400 years previous. My response was Lord, I am a stranger to northern Alberta. What is the bloody house of Saul here, and who are the Gibeonites? He showed me that 10 years before there had been a fight between the Whites and Indians in Wetaskiwin. Drinking had taken place on both sides, and an Indian had been thrown out of an upper story of a hotel, and died in the fall. The Indians had asked for justice and received the reply; The only good Indian is a dead Indian. You should thank us. Neither God nor the Indians were satisfied, and the judgment of excessive rain started at that point. A friend of mine through North Battleford had gained great respect and appreciation from the 5 nations of Hobbema, one of the largest of all Canadian reservations. In gratitude they had made him honorary chieftain, and presented him with a full headdress of Indian feathers. I asked if he would approach the 5 chiefs and leaders on behalf of 4 of us white leaders. Would he see if they would receive us that we could apologize and ask forgiveness on behalf of our people for the mistreatment of their people, not only for the 1977 incident, but for 400 years of abuse and broken promises and treaties? In amazement they asked him to repeat this request. Then because of their trust in the integrity of this mediator, they told him the 4 of us would not need to appear. They would take his word for our sincerity and honesty. They would join us in prayer for a reversal of the excessive and untimely rainfall judgment. However, they added, if at some time in the future we feel so led, we would like Jim Watt to make himself available to appear before us in person. Any white man wise enough to have a wife with part Indian blood, must be a good man. (Later on, I have found that on my maternal grandfathers side, I too have Indian blood from the Micmacs tribe. Both my wife and I feel honored with this knowledge.) On the first Friday of September 1987 a number met in the Wetaskiwin area with fasting and prayer, beseeching the Lord on the behalf of the word from the First Nations People, that He would have favor on the land and heal it. Within a short period of time the unanimous witness of those present was 2 Chronicles 7:14. God had heard, forgiven the sin, and healed the land! Rain did not fall till December 11th of that year. Every farmer, believer and unbeliever, white and First Nations People, for the first time in 10 years had a full harvest. They were able to prepare the land for spring seeding, and do those extra chores on the farm that ill weather had previously prevented from being done. A miracle? Indeed, yes! But perfectly consistent with the promises of the Word of God when understood and sincerely

acted upon! And again, the sensitivity and wisdom of the tribal leaders at Hobbema was a large contributing factor allowing this to come to pass! Three. Issachar: Wisdom from Dreams and Visions. We could have included this as a subdivision under the First Nations people. A Indian boy, who reached the age of puberty, would be sent out to fast and pray, and find game to kill and eat. Out of his time of fasting and prayer, the Great Spirit would visit him with intimation thru dreams and visions of his name, an animal or bird with which to identify, the type of character that would unfold for him, and his future in general. Again how much this is like all 12 tribes of Israel, but especially of Issachar. Throughout the Old Covenant and well into the New, dreams and visions played a significant part both in Israel and the early church. For some inexplicable reason Jerome of the Vulgate misused the Hebrew and threw disrepute on dreams, identifying them with the occult, though he himself personally profited from them. St. Thomas Aquinas followed the footsteps of Jerome, though he too profited from heaven sent dreams in the night. At the end of his life God rebuked him thru a dream, and he refused to complete his Summa Theologica, counting it as dust, because he had robbed it of Gods Rhema voice. Here are 8 guidelines on dreams from Herman Riffel, a Mennonite Baptist. Many delving into the restoration of the God-given help, have been perhaps too influenced by Carl Jung. However a word of caution Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. Put the chicken bones on the side of the plate, but save the meat. God said to Jeremiah, If you will take the precious from the vile, you shall be as my mouth. This takes wisdom as of Issachar, Bible Knowledge and maturity but the spirit of Issachar will help you. See Joseph and Daniel on this subject. Herman Riffels Dreams: Wisdom Within ISBN 1-56043-007-9 Destiny Image, P.O. Box 351, Shippensburg, PA 17257 has the following points of guidance from God for you and your family. There is no better way to get to the heart of a deep personal problem than to seek Gods solutions that so often come through ones dreams. One. Make the basic decision that you want and need Gods help and direction for your life, and that one way youll seek it is through a determined effort to find His guidance through your dreams. Two. Keep a note pad beside your bed and write down the dream the moment you awake. Dont try to decide the value of the dream before you understand it. Write down all its details, no matter how insignificant they seem to you. Three. Remember that the dream speaks symbolically. Seek to find associations for each symbol of the dream. List all associations until you find the one that feels right. Four. Look at the setting of the dream. What were you thinking about, or in what were you emotionally involved when you had the dream? Five. Remember that most dreams are subjective. The experts estimate that 95% of all dreams have something to say to the dreamers about themselves, even if the dreams are about someone else. Only 5% are objective, or really refer to other people. Be careful about telling others you have dreamed about them, for this can

be destructive. You may even be projecting your problems upon them. Six. Dont strain to get the message of your dream. Sometimes the message will be obvious. Often the dream will defy interpretation. There is a sequence in dreams, and one dream may be only one scene, like one frame out a whole movie. Some dreams may not be understood for years. Seven. When an interpretation comes, test it four ways to be sure of its accuracy. (1) Go directly to God in prayer for confirmation, remembering that God speaks to us in many ways, dreams being only one of them. (2) Check scripture, since God doesnt contradict Himself by saying one thing in the Bible and the opposite in a dream. (3) Seek confirmation from trusted friends and associates. (4) Heed the feeling you have in your own spirit about the interpretation. Even if you dont like the message, the truth of it will usually plant itself in your heart. Eight. Take the action called for by the dream. God is constantly seeking to change us. We tend to resist. If He tells us through a dream to do something, and we confirm the interpretation as outlined above, not to take action is deliberate disobedience. Such disobedience would place our relationship (fellowship) with God in jeopardy. Four. Wisdom and Sensitivity Applied. Gerry Fry has just published a book entitled In Pursuit of His Glory A Quest to Know the Power and Presence of God. It is published by Mount Hermon Ministries, P.O. Box 9448, Tacoma, WA 98409, Tel: 253-460-1162; Fax: 253-460-1182. In this book he recounts a revival that took place in a church he pastored in San Jose, California in 1982. Within months the revival became a disappointment. The parallels between this revival and that of 1948 are amazing. Those seeking answers from the 1948 revival will find great help in the insights of Gerry Fry. From Jack Hayfords foreword we read these insightful words: I was pleased when I saw his manuscript for this book, because I knew at once that this will become a treasure-store of spiritual truth, insight and edification for all who read it. You will find a tender vulnerability, as he relates with characteristic transparency his own journey, through both the invigorating peaks as well as the heart-rending valley he traversed, in experiencing a great and peculiarly, also disappointing revival. The spirit of Issachar in wisdom permeates the above. May we all receive of these waters. Jim Watt



Genesis 30:14-18 - During the wheat harvest season Reuben went and found mandrakes in the field and brought them to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah, 'Please give me some of your son's mandrakes [so that I can be fertile].' She answered, 'Isn't it enough that you have taken away my husband? Do you have to take my son's mandrakes too?' Rachel said. 'Very well; in exchange for your son's mandrakes, sleep with him tonight.' When Jacob came in from the field in the evening, Leah went out to meet him and said, 'You have to come and sleep with me, because I've hired you with my son's mandrakes.' So Jacob slept with her that night. God listened to Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob a fifth son. Leah said, 'God has given me my hire, because I gave my slave-girl to my husband.' So she called his Issachar [hire, reward].
1 Chronicles 12:32 - Of the descendants of Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel ought to do, there were 200 leaders, and all their kinsmen were under their command. The temperament of Issachar is quite low-key. In this respect he is a double introvert: Mark-Phlegmatic/Luke-Melancholic. But every one of the 12 tribes is necessary and important. Blessed is the church with a number of members with this temperament. Note the verse in 1 Chronicles above. The church that has members who understand the times, and what to do about it - is indeed blessed! But the City Church that has among its local churches a number characterized by the temperament of Issachar - is also blessed. This son, tribe and temperament, is marked by a clear sensitivity to situations and the feelings and needs of others. You can also depend upon the faithfulness residing in this temperament. Out of these two characteristics, flows an obedient spirit. God loves the traits exhibited by this temperament. Fellow human beings likewise appreciate the Issachar spirit. Two. SENSITIVITY: JACOB & MOSES.

Genesis 49:14-15 - Issachar is a strong donkey lying down in the sheep shed. On seeing how good is settled life and how pleasant the country, he will bend his back to the burden, and submit to forced labor.

Deuteronomy 33:18-19. Of Zebulun he said: 'Rejoice, Zebulun, as you go forth, and you, Issachar, in your tents. ... They will summon peoples to the mountain and there offer righteous sacrifices; for they will draw from the abundance of the seas and from the hidden treasures of the sand.'" Jacob especially prophesies over his sons, and Moses carries additional words for the sons now become tribes. To understand one's own temperament and giftings, it is helpful to see how each of the 12 temperaments listed by Dr. Tim LaHaye, correspond with the sons and tribes above. Again it is important to note that each of the tribes are necessary and helpful. In the last chapters of the book of Judges, we see the deep concern of the remaining 11 tribes when Benjamin was reduced to 600 young men without wives. Because of the provision the 11 tribes made, Benjamin's tribe received 600 virgin wives. Think what it would have meant were we to have missed the Apostle Paul, a Benjamite, and author of one half the books of the New Testament! Both Jacob and Moses concurred concerning the servant spirit of Issachar. Issachar ben Jacob - may your tribe increase! Three. SENSITIVITY: TOPAZ AND DONKEY.

Exodus 28:17. Put in it settings of stones, four rows of stones: the first row is to be a carnelian, a TOPAZ and an emerald.
1 Kings 1:32-35 - King David said, 'Summon Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada.' They came before the king. The king said to them, 'Take with you the servants of your lord, have Solomon my son ride on my own mule and bring him down to Gihon. There Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet are to anoint him king over Israel. Sound the shofar and say, 'Long live King Solomon!' Then escort him back; he is to come and sit on my throne; for he is to take my place as king. I have appointed him to rule over Israel and Judah.'

Matthew 21:4-5 - This happened in order to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet, Say to the daughter of Zion, 'Look! Your King is coming to you, riding humbly on a donkey, and on a colt, the offspring of a beast of burden!' Moses had the name of Issachar placed upon the beautiful golden-yellow topaz, the second stone on the Breastplate of Judgment that Aaron wore. In the East, Buddhist priests wear yellow saffron robes, the sign of wisdom. This certainly accords with the insight concerning Issachar recorded in 1 Chronicles 12. Most of the tribes of Israel had an animal assigned to describe their character. All of the tribes had an ensign for their marches recorded in the book of Numbers, and their wars as recorded in the book of Joshua. If an animal was assigned in this manner, then it would appear on the ensign: such as the Lion of the tribe of Judah,

and the Wolf of Benjamin. The Donkey was a fitting symbol for the tribe of Issachar. In the Middle East the donkey has a value assigned to it far greater than we in the West see in it. It was a sign of wealth, as in the book of Job. It was a sign of honor and prestige - for David had his newly crowned son as king ride on his own royal donkey; and Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday upon a donkey. High in the Andes, there is scarce a time of dusk. Within moments the light of day changes to the dark of night. Fortunate the traveler or missionary riding a donkey at such a time. He lets the reins go slack, and the faithful and wise donkey picks his way safely home over the high and treacherous mountain trails. Four. SENSITIVITY: FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. Galatians 5:22-23 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things. (CJB) The character of Issachar well accords with the fruit of the Spirit. The full character of Jesus is seen in this fruit - and Issachar among the 12 tribes has a large share of this. His full brother Zebulun needed the Gifts of the Spirit as confirmation in his goings out - but Issachar rested in the fruit of the Spirit. Peace, patience, faithfulness, humility and self-control are noteworthy parts of the character of this tribe. Jesus Himself held in perfect balance the 12-fold positive attributes of the tribes - and that of Issachar in the quietness of his character -shines out to honor the Son of man and the Son of God. Five. SENSITIVITY: H. W. RIFFLE AND DREAMS. Job 33:14-18 - God speaks once, even twice, and still the hearer misses the point. 'In a dream, in a vision at night, when slumber falls upon people, as they sleep in their beds, he opens people's ears and seals the matter with a warning, to turn a person away from his action and protect a man from pride, ... so that he will keep himself away from the pit and from perishing by the sword.' (CJB) It is significant how much of the Bible deals with dreams and visions. Joseph and Daniel stand out in this gifting. God told adversaries of Moses that he alone heard from God face to face. All other prophets heard from Him indirectly through dreams and visions. Jeremiah had to await a night vision from God for 10 days before he could answer the handful of Jews left in Jerusalem following the first captivity. Another time following a marvelous revelation He received from God concerning the restoration after 70 years - he reported that he then awoke - and his sleep was sweet! Dreams and night visions from God produce this response of sweet sleep! Herman Riffel has a Mennonite background, but then became a Baptist pastor. He has written a number of books on dreams. Both John Sanford and Morton Kelsey themselves authors of dream books - speak very highly of the work of Herman Riffel. Many books on dreams are not too Biblical or sound, but his are helpful. Issachar quite probably received his wisdom and understanding of the times and how to take advantage of it - from dreams.

A word of caution: God initiates wisdom through dreams, visions and the Rhema word of the Spirit. This is certainly perfectly Scriptural and legitimate. Some believers however are tempted to take this out of balance with the Written Word. Smith Wigglesworth NEVER acted on the former immediately. Instead he went apart, and let the Written Word go through his mind from Genesis to Revelation. If ANYTHING from dreams, visions, pictures or Rhema words stood out as a contradiction - he immediately REJECTED that oral word. If no red flag came up through this consistent check-up, then he immediately obeyed. I fear that many today rush into dreams, visions, pictures, revelations and words of the Spirit without employing this careful check. Confusion, frustration, deception and error are then SURE to follow. When Wigglesworth was asked what he considered to be the chief reason God used him, he did NOT say it was praying in the Spirit (tongues) much every day, though he did. It was instead the above guideline. He knew that God could get through to him on earth any time of any day. God also knew He could trust His servant to check EVERY Rhema word (including pictures, dreams and visions) with the written LOgos word before taking action. THIS, Wigglesworth said, is why God uses me. Remember that the RHEma word is only mentioned in the New Testament 70 times. The Logos, written word, 330 times - 4 to 1! George Muller and Rees Howells spent hours every day reading the Bible on their knees. ANY leading of the Lord by the Spirit, they too like Wigglesworth checked it out by the Written Word before acting upon it. I give this word of caution, because every time I teach on dreams and visions, a number of believers pick up on it and tend to take it into an area of imbalance. I find this alarming, and even frightening. Smith Wigglesworth continually warned in like manner about following voices and such revelation apart from a stronger emphasis on the Bible itself. Mature Christians well grounded in the Bible - and accustomed to check out all Spirit revelation, do not take off into this area of imbalance. Younger believers, or those not solidly grounded in the Bible, need to hear and regard this word of caution. Six. SENSITIVITY: FIRST NATIONS PEOPLE. Exodus 18:17-23 - Moses' father-in-law said to him, 'What you are doing isn't good. You will certainly wear yourself out - and not only yourself, but also these people here with you as well. It's too much for you - you can't do it alone, by yourself. So listen now to what I have to say. I will give you some advice, and God will be with you. You should represent the people before God, and you should bring their cases to God. You should also teach them the laws and the teachings, and show them how to live their lives and what work they should do. ... But you should choose from among all the people competent men who are Godfearing, honest and incorruptible to be their leaders, in charge of thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. ... Normally, they will settle the people's disputes. They should bring you the difficult cases; but ordinary matters they should decide themselves. In this way, they will make it easier for you and share the load with you. If you do this - and God is directing you to do it - you will be able to endure; and all these people too will arrive at their destination peacefully.' (CJB)

There are 12 overall people groups in the world. One of the most interesting of these groups is our First Nations People. Many of you have seen Dances with Wolves with Kevin Costner. There you can see the wisdom of the elders of the tribe. They give time to hear from all - even the young hot heads. But like James of Jerusalem in Acts 15, the head elder gives his final word at the end, settling all controversy. When a young boy reaches his teens, he is sent out alone to fast and kill an animal and receive a dream denoting his totem animal. Usually his father, unknownst to the son, watches over him at a distance behind trees. But this is a serious occasion in the life of this young brave. And the dreams received produce a sensitivity to the Great Spirit, and to the signs of nature and the earth. It develops a faithfulness to be true to himself, and to his tribe and his people. An undergirding obedience comes from this. He learns the proper care of animals, and like Issachar, has a contribution and value to the rest of humanity. As this Issachar gifting is perceived and received by the rest of the world's ethnic groups, God can bring revival to our land. Throughout both North and South America there are First Nations People of hundreds of different tribes and backgrounds. Many of us honor them, respect them and increasingly draw from them. Like a Benjamin, the total human race will not make it in the fullness of God's purposes apart from all of our First Nations People. The Scripture reading from Exodus is an illustration of the wisdom that Moses received from one of this spirit. Some do not see this as wisdom from God - but remember that Jethro said And if God confirms my words to you - then these good things will happen. We are sure that God confirmed this word of Jethro, and the blessing to the nation of Israel because of this, continued to the days of Jesus. We see him dividing the multitudes before miraculously feeding them into companies of 50's and 100's, just as Jethro gave counsel to Moses! Seven. SENSITIVITY: 1948 VISITATION. Proverbs 6:20-23 - My son, obey your father's command, and don't abandon your mother's teaching. Bind them always on your heart, tie them around your neck. When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you wake up, they will talk with you. For the commandment (mitzvah) is a lamp, the Teaching (Torah) is light, and reproofs that discipline are the way to life. (CJB) Of the entire 12 Embryonic Revival Principles God brought together in the 1948 Visitation, I personally find this one of great value. We cannot forego one of them yet this is indeed in the primary core. In a very high degree George Hawtin exemplified this 3-fold trait. During the four years I walked with and under him, I saw it as a consistent mode of his leadership. He did not move unilaterally. He moved in team spirit. But it was the sensitivity to the gentle nudging of the Spirit that especially intrigued me - and unknowing to me - like osmosis - rubbed off on me. Years later I found myself in a leadership position. Some 40-50 intercessors would meet in a 4-day United Extraordinary Prayer Conference. We would fast except for a very light supper each day. A core group would meet 2-3 times a day in prayer to seek the mind of the Lord for His

direction in our 3 daily meetings. It was at these times I would sense the same kind of spirit exhibited by George Hawtin 40 years ago - guiding me to make continual changes in our pre-planned human agenda. Then we would find the same type of team corroboration leading us to Spirit obedience that I had witnessed, experienced and been part of in 1948. In 1944 Mrs. Mary Bertha Allquist of Port Alberni, BC Canada gave me the answer to God's Urim and Thummim for Israel's High Priest. Mrs. Allquist was a Jewish convert and following her conversion became a missionary to her people. She had literally worn out 4 Bibles. Not only were the pages loose from the binding, but the margins of the pages were worn back to the printing! In the process she had memorized the entire Bible, and much of it in Hebrew. The Scripture portion above exactly describes the physical position of the Urim and Thummim in the Breastplate of Judgment. Three wonderful blessings flow from its spiritual application for you and for me. Join with me in walking daily in this Revival principle flowing out of the 1948 Visitation.

Dan: Quick and Practical Decisions

One. Dan and the 1948 Visitation. Dan means judge. Rachels thought with the birth of Dan thru Bilhah her handmaid was this: God has judged my sad estate, and given me this surrogate son for my husband, so that I will not lose his love completely to my sister Leah (Genesis 30). The feud continues. But also Gods overriding Sovereignty prevails, and He ensures that Romans 8:28 continues. The Holy Spirit thru the patriarch Jacob warns concerning the future of Dan. Dan will judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan will be a viper on the road, a horned snake in the path that bites the horses heels so its rider falls off backward. I will wait for your deliverance, Adonai (Genesis 49:16-18). It was Dan in the book of Judges that sought easier land to conquer, but brought great trouble to Israel in the process. On the way to Northern Israel, the spies that first went out discovered Micah and the idols he had made, and the Levite he obtained as his priest. Later when a larger portion of Dan went to settle, they stole from Micah his gods and priest. Bethel and Dan became known as centers of idolatry that eventually brought complete ruin on the 10 northern tribes. They had become endangered following the dissolution of the United Kingdom under Rehoboam. This is but one illustration of fulfilled prophecy thru Dan. As a viper and a snake, he bit the heels of the house of the northern 10 tribes, and the rider eventually fell backwards into captivity. Samson was a Danite, a Nazarite from birth (Numbers 6). He was a saved man in the hands of sin. As a judge of Israel he powerfully broke the yoke of the Philistines over Israel. But as an unsanctified believer in his conduct, he himself suffered death at the time of his final victory over the Philistines. Moses prophesied concerning this tribe Dan is a lion cub, leaping forth from Bashan (Deuteronomy 33:22). This fits in with the prophecy of Jacob, and the historical outworking of Dan. His stone was the glowing orange beryl (Exodus 28:19). Remember that the tribes are inscribed on the breastplate of judgment in order of their placement around the Tabernacle, while the names of the sons are on the two opal shoulder stones of Aaron in order of birth. In Ezekiels initial prophetic vision, the one sitting on the throne had the color of Dan. I saw what looked like gleaming, amber-colored fire radiating from what appeared to be his waist upward. Downward from what appeared to be his waist, I saw what looked like fire, giving a brilliant light all around himWhen I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of someone speaking (Ezekiel 1:27, 28b). The beryl gives forth a gleaming fire-like amber color, the color of the Judge of Israel. Dan means judge, and fits the beryl stone upon which his name appears, and fits the vision of Ezekiel. In Jesus, we see all 12 tribes reflected in their

perfection. When all 12 tribes move as one, the Lord can perfectly manifest Himself thru them. Two. Our Western Culture and 1948. Both the United States and Canada represent the New World, our Western Culture. We do not follow our Hebraic Roots, but rather the Hellenistic Lineal way of thinking. Perception comes from the Hebraic block-method of thinking. It functions like a parable that has but one central thought not an allegory that has many facets like a diamond. Our Western Culture is more individualistic in contrast to the Hebraic family, patriarchal and corporate national emphasis. We tend to move like the Lone Ranger. If we do team up, it is for temporary mutual benefit, not so much from a philosophical and religious concept. In the West there is a spirit of impatience. We want practical results now or better yet, yesterday chop chop. There is a patience in the Middle East and the Orient. Meditation and Contemplation flourish there. Western living cant put up with this. Anything is better than doing nothing. Lets get with it! But there is a practical side to our Western culture that is good. Creativity and inventiveness are the earmarks of the West. We have produced the Benjamin Franklins, Thomas Edison's and many more. Necessity is the mother of invention, we say and we prove it. George R. Hawtin demonstrated this practical side of Dan of the West to a high degree. He would often say, If I cant demonstrate it, I wont teach it. We shall consider this in a later section. Three. Charismatic Captivation by Dr. Steven Lambert. Dr. Lambert wrote this book to reveal the hidden danger of the Discipleship Shepherding movement. This movement is so typical of our Western Culture. It is at this point that we need the balance of Reuben, the tribe of our Jewish Roots . Leadership in the West often looks down on the wisdom of the people. President John F. Kennedy believed that it was best for the people if the government made all decisions and administered what was best for the population from the viewpoint of leadership only. This was the thought of the Discipleship Shepherding movement also. They tied mothers apron strings so tight around the people that it was impossible to mature and become their own persons. Even minor decisionmaking came from the disciplers and mentors. Rebellion and discontent arose against this unnatural movement in the 70s, and their national magazine ceased publication. However, the spirit of this movement has not ceased. It merely went underground. Other movements have picked up on it, and incorporated its spirit. Remember the trial of the Nazis at Nuremberg following World War II? The justification was, We only obeyed our superiors we are not responsible for the cruelty, the atrocities, the Holocaust! Its a cop-out to take the Nazi way. So when you find churches and movements that demand obedience apart from your individual rights and the Word of God then remember Hitler and the Holocaust!

One leader in a discipling/shepherding counterpart said, You must be birthed unto this movement. You must die to your right to think, and obey whatever the leadership over the pulpit tells you. The above may be a birth, but it is not the Bible New Birth. It is a birth into the same form of submission that characterized the Discipleship Shepherding movement. And make no mistake that same spirit is extant in our land today! Dr. Lamberts book will help you discern this spirit, and avoid it like the plague. (Steve Lambert Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 744, Jupiter, FL 33468-0744, Tel: 407-5755584) Four. George R. Hawtin: A Demonstration of the Practical Farmer. Dan represents quick and practical decisions. When this is balanced with the other 11 Embryonic Revival principles from the 1948 visitation, this is good! This revival started out this way in February 1948. Thru a prophetic word, God indicated that He was about to fulfill the promise He had given in 1935. The years of testing had come to fulfillment just like the 13 testing years of Abraham, Joseph, David and Paul. I am about to mature My body the church, and enable it to function, He said. I am going to indicate individual members of My body who have prepared themselves. I will reveal their particular spiritual placement in My body, and I will equip them and empower them to function. Milford is open and ready for this ministry. Call him forward, have him kneel, lay hands on him, and as you pray over him, I will turn the prayer into a prophetic word of placement and empowerment. Timidly the elders obeyed the directions of the Spirit. In the midst of praying, the Holy Spirit fell on them to their amazement, and placement and empowerment took place, much as it did with Timothy. (Under Naphtali, #11, we will document these principles.) Then that peculiar gifting of George Hawtin came to the fore a gifting of practicality, pragmatism and swift action. In the light of a gift of healing indicated for the first candidate, Brother Hawtin invited any sick to come forward and let the brother just ministered to now minister to them what God had indicated! An anointing immediately poured forth from his hands to their bodies, and sudden and immediate healings took place! This characterized future ministries to individuals and couples. What the Spirit indicated was their placement and function; George Hawtin challenged them to step out in obedience in this area right away. This is the spirit of Dan. It is the spirit of quick and practical decision making. But the spirit of Dan was also closely linked with the spirit of Benjamin, the 12th prophetic tribe he of the team spirit. Brother Hawtin seldom moved unilaterally. He would check with the elders, and a corporate, immediate and practical decision would emerge. If this was not immediately forthcoming, the team would fast and pray until a spirit of unity prevailed. It was not a majority decision from the natural mind it was a corporate witness that unanimously came from seeking the mind of the Spirit. It was Dan working thru Benjamin.

Perhaps the best way to illustrate this is to quote E. Stanley Jones from his devotional booklet, Abundant Living. Here he gives A Ladder for Group Decisions, which was developed out of the context of his Christian Ashrams. There are two ways to try to come to a group decision one is the competitive; the other is the co-operative. In the competitive, you push your ideas across, argue them, take a vote and the majority carries the decision. This usually leaves behind a disgruntled minority that feels that its truth is lost sight of in the decision. In the co-operative, you come with the idea of trying to gather together partial truths into a higher synthesis to come to a group conclusion. This leaves no disgruntled minority. In order to gain that group decision we have worked out the following technique through years of experimentation in our Ashrams: One. The members are disciplined to the thought of a group conclusion, rather than of someones personal triumph. This brings the members together in a relaxed, receptive state of mind. The will to find agreement is present. Two. A period of corporate silence in which we let down the barriers and become receptive. Three. The presentation of the matter in hand. This is done not in an argumentative spirit, but in the spirit of wanting a solution. Four. Another period of corporate silence. This gives the group time to think and not arrive at snap judgments. Five. The chairman goes around the circle and asks each member his views (He polls him or her). The meeting is not thrown open for general discussion, for that would allow the more vocal ones to set the debate and make the subsequent discussion revolve around their opinions and around the subject in hand. This method gives the least vocal an equal chance. Six. If there is practical unanimity, there is another period of silence to see if a vote should be taken now. Seven. If there is not sufficient unanimity the decision is postponed until the next day, that God may speak to us in the subconscious during sleep. Eight. If after a days postponement we are still not of a common mind, we take a majority vote if a decision is imperative. Nine. The chairman expresses himself only after the others have expressed themselves. In the co-operative method we get through twice the amount of work we could with the competitive. The co-operative method is the way we are made to live it is written in the constitution of things. O God, teach us how to come to a common mind. Help us to surrender the will to dominate. May all our decisions fit the pattern: it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us. May we be set to find Your mind in every matter. In Jesus name. Amen. This ladder is a fitting way to conclude our study on Dan. It perfectly illustrates his

spirit, but it also is a gleam of light showing that all 12 tribes working in full harmony and cooperation this was the secret of Israels victories. And when the church takes the 12 embryonic truths of 1948 that match the 12 tribes and walks with them in the spirit of Dan then we see the secret and power of that embryonic revival. Just think what Christs last day church will manifest as we walk in the maturity of these 12 embryonic truths! It will graft Israel back into her roots, and for all of us be life from the dead! Lest one should think or conclude that Mr. Hawtin moved in his natural gifting in these areas -let this disabuse him. Over and over again he would lead the school chapel in the old chorus from John 15 Without Him, I can do nothing Without Him, Id surely fail. Without Him, Id only be drifting Like a boat without a sail. Jim Watt


One. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: QUICK DECISIONS - NORTH AMERICA. Matthew 12:36-37 (NNT). And I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account of it on judgment day. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.

We in North America - the Western World - both Canada and the United States, are an impatient people - activists - interested in steps to get results and a job done. We have inherited the Greek-Hellenistic philosophy of Lineal thinking, as opposed to the Block thinking of the Far East and the Bible Middle East. Contemplative movements do not appeal to the West.
As a result we are known as Pragmatists and Activists. And of course there are dangers in whatever course an area of the world chooses. It is good then to recognize that our world can be divided into 12 segments, each segment corresponding to one of the tribes of Israel. In a subjective manner one can align the world in such a correspondence, and of course recognize that others would have a similar yet different correspondence. But we can note as a truism that our two northern countries in North America do have a correspondence with the tribe of Dan. When Dan found his tribal inheritance in Canaan land too confining, he alone of the 12 tribes broke out of his inheritance and added to it territory in the extreme north. He did it with force, and broke commandments of God to do so. But have we not in our New World as relatively new nations, broken into the Western world - replacing the original inhabitants of the land, often through broken promises and covenants? And have we not taken our inheritance from Europe and applied the Industrial Revolution then to our new territory, and through practical decisions - have built ourselves into the world's leading nation as it were? We have success seminars throughout our 2 nations continually, and we see success in the light of tangible results. We often find that we schedule ourselves individually and corporately in such intensity, that it takes resolve to leave time to smell the roses. Of course the above is not all bad, but it is good to look at the other 11 parts of the world with their corresponding tribes of Israel. The balance of the East in block thinking and some contemplation won't hurt us at all. Rather it will help us to heed the words of Jesus at the top of this section - that our words are extremely important. A few decades ago a man's word was as good as his bond. Could God-given revival restore some of that worth?

Two. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: JOHN/LUKE AND HIS TEMPERAMENT. Genesis 30:1-6, (CJB). When Rachel saw that she was not bearing children for Jacob, she envied her sister and said to Jacob, 'Give me children, or I will die!' This made Jacob angry at Rachel; he answered, 'Am I in God's place? He's the one who is denying you children. She said, 'Here is my maid Bilhah. Go, sleep with her, and let her give birth to a child that will be laid on my knees, so that through her I too can build a family.' So she gave him Bilhah her slavegirl as his wife, and Jacob went in and slept with her. Bilhah conceived and bore Jacob a son. Rachel said, 'God has judged in my favor; indeed he has heard me and given me a son. Therefore she called him Dan [he judged].

It is interesting to note how the temperaments correspond not only to individuals and tribes - but also to nations. The tribe of Dan is a John/Choleric and a Luke/Melancholic in his two leading temperaments. All 12 tribes functioning together were necessary for Israel to achieve the effectiveness that Balaam prophesied and communicated to Balak.
What if all 12 segments of our world moved in such a mutual appreciation of each other? This practical leadership temperament of the United States and Canada has been a blessing to the entire earth. No nations of the earth in the past have so effectively sent forth missionaries to bless all mankind to the ends of the earth. And much still goes forth from our churches and denominations to bless. It may not be perfect - but when we evaluate the social services, the hospitals, the work among lepers, the educational institutions - well - only through the church has such blessing come. It has not come from atheists and non-Christian countries. Dr. E. Stanley Jones in his 29 books effectively points out this truth. Each individual can relate specifically to one of the 12 sons of Jacob - and each church, city and nation can relate to one of the 12 tribes of Israel. The 12 temperaments set forth by Dr. Tim LaHaye helps to discern this identification. Not one is bad. All are good and necessary. Yet not one is perfect. But when we let the Perfect One live His Life through us individually and corporately - then we see the power of unity! Israel in times of blessing manifested unity in diversity and diversity in unity. We can accept our uniqueness in the United States and Canada - but it needs to function in cooperation and understanding with the other 11 segments of our world. Three. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: DAN - A SERPENT. Genesis 49:16-18, (CJB). Dan will judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan will be a viper on the road, a horned snake in the path that bites the horse's heels so its rider falls off backward. I wait for your deliverance, ADONAI. Judges 13:24-25, (CJB). Manoah's wife bore a son and called him Samson. The child grew, and ADONAI blessed him The Spirit of ADONAI began to stir him when he was in the Camp of Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol.

It is good to know the potential dangers in our individual temperament and makeup. We need one another to maximize our potential for good.
Jacob said that his son Dan was like an adder - a serpent - a snake. It bit the rider's horse at the heels, and the rider then fell over backwards. When Dan took more for his inheritance up north - on the way he robbed a people of their idol-gods to worship along with the God of Israel. This in the north plus Bethel in the south became a great snare to Israel. The serpent brought in idolatry - the 10 northern tribes of Israel found their horse bitten by this adder. Over 100 years before the fall of the Kingdom of Judah, the Kingdom of Israel fell - and was taken into captivity. If we are a Dan individually or corporately, it is good to be forewarned of the potential danger we could be to our fellow man. The poison of the atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hare has been ingested into our nation. Liberal non-Biblical thinking has permeated our national government and institutions perverting these institutions. These have brought in illegal abortions, and seek to legitimize homosexual marriage. We are shaming the God of the Church, the God of Israel and the God of the Bible. Our land was founded differently than the direction many would take it today. We need to hear the Franklin Grahams, the Jerry Falwells and the Pat Robertsons. All that glitter is not gold. All that calls itself a religion of peace is not truly founded in peace. We need to guard that which we inherit from our Founding Fathers. We price of liberty is constant vigilance. We cannot let down our guard, nor be deceived by those who speak Peace - Peace - but an entirely different goal has been constant from the very beginning of some religions. Four. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: DAN'S STONE - THE BERYL. Ezekiel 1:26-28, (CJB). Above the dome that was over their heads was something like a throne that looked like a sapphire. On it, above it, was what appeared to be a person. I saw what looked like gleaming, amber-colored fire radiating from what appeared to be his waist upward. Downward from what appeared to be his waist, I saw what looked like fire, giving a brilliant light all around him. This brilliance around him looked like a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day. This was how the appearance of the glory of ADONAI looked. When I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of someone speaking.

Dan's stone is the beryl. It is not only a hard stone, but also a stone that glows with the fire of judgment. Both Canada and the United States have been founded upon godly principles, Christian principles, and Bible principles. Why, the very Federal Parliament buildings of Canada have remarkable Bible scriptures upon them, and on one of the clock towers you can see the Star of David!

In contrast, the writings on the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem are anything but godly! How the enemy delights in maligning as lies the purposes and designs of the God of Israel, the God of the Bible and the God of the Church. He is NOT the God of this other religion! Let the judgment stone of Dan - the beryl - glow forth once again in full and understanding righteousness. Five. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: THE EAGLE AND LION'S WHELP - DAN. Deuteronomy 33:22, (CJB). Of Dan Moses said: Dan is a lion cub leaping forth from Bashan. Isaiah 40:27-31 (CJB). Why to you complain, Jacob; why do you say, Israel, My way is hidden from ADONAI, my rights are ignored by my God? Haven't you known, haven't you heard that the everlasting God, ADONAI, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not grow tired or weary? His understanding cannot be fathomed. He invigorates the exhausted, he gives strength to the powerless. Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest my stumble and fall; but those who hope in ADONAI will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with EAGLES' wings; when they are running they won't grow weary, when they are walking they won't get tired. Psalm 103:3-5 (CJB). ADONAI forgive all your offenses, he heals all your diseases, he redeems your life from the pit, he surrounds you with grace and compassion, he contents you with good as long as you live, so that your youth is renewed like an EAGLE'S.

Moses prophesied over Dan that he would be as a lion's whelp - a young lion leaping from the hills of Bashan. This is parallel to the thought of Jacob over Dan as an adder - a serpent.
But Dan in the inscrutable foreknowledge and predestining Sovereignty of God - is numbered as one of the 4 leading tribes in Israel! Judah on the East led 2 tribes in the march of Numbers - and throughout Joshua and Judges. From him came forth the 10 good kings. The break-a-way 10 tribes produced not one godly king! He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and from him came forth Jesus, who will return to rule from the Throne of King David. Reuben was on the South with Simeon and Gad. Ephraim was on the West with Manasseh and Benjamin. But DAN was on the North with Asher and Naphtali! Reuben was the man of Luke as Judah was the Lion of Matthew. Ephraim was the ox of Mark. But DAN was the eagle of John! It is also true that the eagle is the prominent emblem of the United States. Jesus within Himself has the perfect balance of all 4 of these leading tribes, including Dan. The eagle is a remarkable bird, and the United States is still a great nation. DESPERATELY

we need revival. We have had two Great Awakenings in our past. Dr. J. Edwin Orr has done yeoman's duty in writing them up with the concomitant outpourings of the Spirit in Great Britain. In the early 1900's God brought not only the Welsh revival, but also the Topeka, Kansas and Azusa Street Visitation. The Charismatic Renewal of the late 60's and 70's has also brought blessing. But we can't rest on our laurels. Today we need a greater Visitation than ever before to prepare for the return of God's appointed King. He will come to the Mount of Olives and reign from Jerusalem over this earth. THEN the earth will learn what it is to live under TRUE righteousness. Jesus is God's Eagle, and Lion and Man and servant Ox. He combines this spirit in all 4 Gospels and in the faces of Ezekiel's cherubim. May His Eagle Spirit come upon America once again to prepare for God's last day agenda. Even though Samson, a Danite, had sinned - yet in the judgment of his blindness he cried out to God - O just once more let my strength return that I might avenge myself upon my enemies for the loss of my sight. And God granted his request! Six. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: THE LAST DAY'S BIBLE. Matthew 7:21-27 (LDB). Not everyone who continues to call me 'Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who practice obedience to my Father in Heaven will be allowed in. On Judgment Day there will be many who will say to Me, 'But, Lord! O Lord! Didn't we prophesy and preach in Your name? We even drove out demons and performed many miracles in Your name!' Then I will reply, 'I never knew you. Get out of My presence, you who insist on living as you please instead of obeying God!' So everyone who is listening to what I have just said, and continues to put My words into practice, is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down in torrents, and the flood waters rose. The winds blew fiercely and pounded the house, but it didn't break apart because it was built on the rock. But everyone who hears what I have just said, and still ignores Me and fails to put My words into practice, is like a man who was foolish enough to build his house on sand. The rain came down in torrents, the flood waters rose, the winds blew fiercely, pounding the house, and it collapsed with devastating results.

The Last Day's Bible is a relatively new translation (1999). The producer and publisher
of this version of the Bible is Life Messengers, the organization founded in 1944, that produced and published in great quantities such outstanding witnessing booklets as Here's How - Destined for Greatness - Have You Been Brainwashed? - and many others. Over 66 million copies of Here's How alone were printed and distributed in over 50 languages in scores of nations. 25 years in the making, including eight years of prophecy study, with the Old Testament to follow, Life Messengers is still committed to the admonition at the end of the booklet Here's How: There is so much that God wants every person to know, both concerning this life and that which is beyond. Most of this important knowledge is obtained through

reading the Bible and through fellowship with God in prayer. What others are saying - My judgment is that The Last Days New Testament is just as accurate as the New International Version, but much more readable. -- Ken Taylor, translator of The Living Bible

A most compelling translation for the end of the age. And a powerful commentary on the absolute need of repentance, obedience, and brokenness, if we are to be born again, and saved.
-- Frosty Fowler, talk show host on KGNW, Seattle

Jesus Christ, we will never make His heaven, (Romans 10:9-10). Jesus as Savior is recorded 24 times in the New Testament - but Jesus as Lord occurs 348 times - 14:1! There is a clarity about this translation that reminds me of the Living Bible. To give the equivalent to God's thoughts - sometimes has greater clarity and force than a word by word translation. This is often because of the difference in idiomatic change in languages. See the above selection from Matthew 7 as an example of this. In this translation the reader will find Clarity in Eschatology - the doctrine of last things. Clarity on the Privilege and Necessity of Witnessing. Clarity on the need of a Spirit-controlled life. I have known of the translator for over 45 years, and have known him personally for 40 years. I have such confidence in Life Messengers and his work, that I accepted his invitation to become a member of his board. It is my measured conviction that this translation exemplifies the Practical Judgment of this paper - and the American spirit of creativity and inventiveness that has existed since our founding fathers of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson -- then on to Thomas Edison - and now down to our day through Ken Taylor and the author of the Last Day's Bible. Published by Life Messengers, PO Box 1967, Seattle WA 98111-1967. Seven. PRACTICAL JUDGMENT: THE 1948 VISITATION & GEORGE HAWTIN. Judges 4:4-7; 14; 5:31 (CJB). Now Deborah, a woman and a prophet, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time. She use to sit under Deborah's Palm between Ramah and Bethel, in the hills of Ephraim; and the people of Israel would come to her for judgment. She sent for Barak the son of Abinoam, from Kedesh in Naphtali, and said to him: ADONAI has given you this order: 'Go, march to Mount Tabor, and take with you 10,000 men from the people of Naphtali and Zebulun. I will cause Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, to encounter you at the Kishon River with his chariots and troops; and I will hand him over to you.' Deborah said to Barak: Get going! This is the day when ADONAI will hand Sisera over to you! ADONAI has gone out ahead of you! So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with 10,000 men following him. May all your enemies perish like this, ADONAI; but may those who love him be like the sun going forth in its glory!

This translation has for me a 5-fold emphasis: Apart from accepting the full Lordship of

I will not teach what I cannot demonstrate, was one of George Hawtin's favorite statements. If you will refer to our Website under Embryonics - you will find an article on Dan written 2 years ago. In it is an illustration of this principle through the life of Milford Kirkpatrick. Again and again - following the presentation of a teaching, Brother Hawtin would challenge the people to believe for a demonstration of that very teaching. In a sense, the life of Deborah illustrates this. She would give the Word of the Lord as it was given to her - and then as in the case of Barak - she would challenge him to immediate obedience. This is crystal clear in the issue as it related to Sisera's forces under Jabin. In Madame Jeanne Guyon's Commentary on the book of Judges, she makes this point as a clear principle taken from the life of Deborah. As a matter of fact, Deborah stood head and shoulders above her contemporaries of that day, and George Hawtin had a parallel position in his day. Only two or three in a generation reach this place of intimacy in Jesus. Swift decisions of practical and sound judgment issue forth from such people. Dan illustrates this principle, and so did Deborah, Madame Guyon and George Hawtin.

Gad: Fasting Added To Prayer

Introduction. It was in 1992 that I strongly sensed that the Lord thru a vision was saying to me: Take the 12 Embryonic Principles from the 1948 Visitation and help bring them to maturity. They will both help to initiate as well as sustain the second great revival wave prophesied by Smith Wigglesworth and Dr. Charles S. Price. It wasnt until this week as I watched a documentary of Puberty, that I realized how awesome is this challenge. From conception to 8 weeks the new life in the mothers womb is called an embryo. From 8 weeks to 9 months it is a fetus. The baby follows birth then childhood then adolescence or puberty, which lasts from year 12-13 to 15-16 approximately. The adolescent then enters adulthood or maturity. Between 16 and 30 Benjamin, Josephs full brother fathered 10 boys! So if the 1948 Visitation was but Embryonic what then will we experience in maturity? It will be Ezekiels waters to swim in, and it will be 100 and 1000 fold greater than 1948! Think of it! One. Gad: His Tribal Significance. Zilpah birthed Gad for Leah and Jacob. He was the seventh son of Jacob, and the legal son of Leah thru her handmaid (Genesis 30). Leah named him Gad, meaning troop. Her thought was With 5 sons for my husband, I now have a troop that will gain his love. Jacobs patriarchal blessing over this son is an encouragement for all of us. Gad [troop] a troop will troop on him, but he will troop on their heel (Genesis 49:19). Or we can paraphrase it, You can lose the first 14 rounds of a fight but if you land a haymaker in the 15th you win the fight. Thats Gad. Or again, as the Allies in World War II You can lose the majority of the initial battles but if you win the last battle, you win the war! When we come to the great Law-givers prophecy over this tribe, more encouragement comes: Blessed is he who makes Gad so large; he lies there like a lion, tearing arm and scalp. He chose the best for himself when the princely portion was assigned. When the leaders of the people came, he carried out Adonais justice and his rulings concerning Israel (Deuteronomy 33:20-21). With Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh, Gad chose the central part of East Jordan in Gilead (present day Jordan). Yet with these two tribes the three of them passed over Jordan and unitedly possessed Canaan land with the other 9- tribes. He did ensure the justice of Adonai, as a lion man like Judah. (Judah is chiefly a Matthew/John, while Gad is just the opposite, a John/Matthew. It is therefore proper that the Holy Spirit would signify that they both share the lion nature!) In Exodus 28 we find Gads name inscribed upon the 6th stone on Aarons Breastplate of Judgment the hard and brilliant diamond. Is Gad like this? Indeed he is!

In 1 Chronicles 12 we read that Gad was one with the 2- tribes east of the Jordan, and one with all 12 tribes. All these soldiers who were experienced in war came to Hevron wholeheartedly to make David king over all Israel, and all the rest from Israel were single-hearted in wanting to make David kingf (12:38). Elijah the Tishbite was a true Gadite: lion-like in courage, and his forehead like a diamond. He could persevere thru great opposition, persecution and difficulties. On Mount Carmel he single handedly confronted Jezebels prophets of Baal and of the groves, defeated them in a spectacular challenge of faith and brought forth a confession from Israel, Adonai He is God! This was an accomplishment of God thru Elijah that makes him a Restorer of Inheritance! A true Gadite is like a bulldog like a Churchill he wont let go or give up. He is like a George Washington he perseveres until there is victory. He is like a Jacob who said to his angel-wrestling partner I will not let You go till You bless me! Perseverance is the key to the Gadite spirit. He that endures to the end shall be saved. It is an active faith one with gritted teeth hanging in there. Churchill could not hold back the fasting and prayer of a Gandhi, whom he called a half naked Indian fakir and he proclaimed that he was not about to preside over the dissolution of the British Empire. But when two Gadites met, the one that added fasting prevailed! Yet as the Wartime British Prime Minister, he as a bulldog didnt let go of Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler complained to his aides and generals: Doesnt Churchill and Britain know they are finished? No the last battle wins the war and Hitlers 1000 year Third Reich lasted but 12! And Jesus the Jew will return; a nation of returned Jews to their ancient land given to them by God will be born in a day (a United Nations okayed Israel as a nation in 1947), and He, Jesus, will reign 1000 years! The enemys abortion in Hitler failed because the bulldog Gadite Winston Churchill wouldnt let go and wouldnt give up! Look at his famous scowling picture! The photographer Yousuf Karsh of Canada was appointed to get a suitable picture of the Prime Minister. He daubed his face with grease here and there and said, Go ahead with your duties and pay no attention to me. He took over 20 shots but was not satisfied. Then on inspiration he walked over and yanked Winnies cigar out of his mouth. The picture is Churchills reaction to this obstreperous photographer! Can you see the Gad in this photograph? We need a Gad-like Elijah for Israel today! We need a Churchill for them. Could Natan Sharansky be Gods man? See when he was released from the Soviets as a Refusenik. They wouldnt give him his Hebrew book of Psalms when he was ready to board the plane to Israel. He rolled in the snow and screamed and hollered. He challenged them; I will not get on the plane till you give me my Hebrew book of Psalms that saved my life in your prisons! They capitulated, and he triumphantly made aliyah to Israel with possession of his treasured Hebrew book of Psalms! This is the man as Secretary of the Interior who stands up to Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and the Orthodox Shas party. He has initiated and seen pass bills that help regain Israels self-possession in the midst of inner turmoil and outward pressures pressures from the PLO, Syria, Egypt, Arabs, the UN, the European Coalition,

Third World nations, and the United States and its President. PRAY FOR NATAN SHARANSKY a true Gadite! Two. Asia: Its Fasting Significance. Out of Asia came the birthing of Islam in the 7th Century. One of its great strengths that lead to its fanaticism, is the month Ramadan and the fasting of that month from sunrise to sunset. Though they may eat after sundown, many of them do not overdo it. Still, determination, motivation, yes even fanaticism enters their bone and sinew partly and perhaps in large part because of the fasting of Ramadan. Five times daily they pray towards Mecca, and once a year they add fasting to their prayers. And they are not ashamed of their faith they do all of this openly. You hear the regular call to prayer from the minarets and wherever they are in public they bring out their prayer mat and fulfill their prayer obligation towards Mecca. It was John Wesley who said, Any church that fasts less than twice a week, has long since fallen from grace! Fanaticism, you say. Yet the Methodist revival continued for 60 years with its power unabated. And Islam survives to this day. But the greatest exponent of fasting from Asia was Mahatma Gandhi. Again and again he added fasting to his prayers when results with prayer alone were not forthcoming. And when death approached, the British Empire would concede the goals of Gandhi until eventually they withdrew the last British Viceroy and turned home rule back to India. The biography of Gandhi by E. Stanley Jones is one of the great eye-openers of history. Yes, Asia is a challenge to our western culture. There are areas of living we can successfully emulate. Like Jeremiah, we must take the precious from the vile but that applies for every culture and people including us in the west. And fasting was in the life of Moses (two 40-day fasts in the process of receiving theTorah, the Ten Commandments). It was in Elijahs life (40 days in fleeing from Jezebel.) It was in the life of Daniel. It was in the life of our Lord, Jesus of Nazareth (40 days when tempted of the devil). Many in the west are hearing this challenge of Gad and Asia, and are finding the rich dividends of fasting added to prayer. Arthur Wallace in his Gods Chosen Fast, 1968, Christian Literature Crusade, gives a very balanced treatment on this subject, and leads you step by step through a 21 day fast. Derek Prince, Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting, 1994, Whitaker House, through Barnes and Noble at 20% saving (<>) is a classic and will inspire, inform and motivate. His book Fasting, 1986 @3.99 Barnes and Noble price, is also excellent. Gordon S. Tessler, PhD, The Genesis Diet, ISBN 1-881924-09-2, Be Well Publications, PO Box 99005, Raleigh, NC 27624; Tel: 919-870-9080 is a good all round book. Chapter 6, Fasting for Health, also shows some of the dangers to avoid in a fast longer than 3 days. Be wise in this area. Numbers died from lack of wisdom and failure to have

someone mentor them when they went longer than 5 days on a fast back in the 40s. If you have serious health problems, always consult your doctor for his counsel before going this way too strongly. Three. E. Stanley Jones: The Kingdom Significance of Fasting. Jesus plainly stated to Pilate that His Kingdom was not of this world else would His servants fight. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Fasting added to prayer brings out these Kingdom qualities more clearly. The Unshakable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person is one of Dr. Jones significant books. To understand the Kingdom of God from Heavens perspective is a shocker! The Sermon on the Mount gives it expression. But its heart flows from the Holy Spirit in union with the full Lordship of Jesus Christ. God is keenly understood in the light of full appreciation of the Kingdom of God. E. Stanley Jones had this picture. When he was asked to write this book he countered, But I am an evangelist, not a theologian. Yes, came the reply, but as an evangelist your main tool is the Kingdom of God. Think about it. Pray about it and do what God tells you. It may well be that this book of all his 30 and more books will carry the day for Gods glory. Bob Mumford bought this book by the boxfull and gave them out prayerfully and carefully. You will do yourself a favor, and please God most of all if you too put yourself out to purchase, read, reread, reread and then practice this concept. You will understand Gad and his concomitant counterpart of fasting in a clearer way. (It has recently been reprinted by McNett Corporation, 1405 Fraser, Bellingham WA 98226, USA; Tel: 360-671-2227). Four. The 1948 Visitation and Fasting. Winston Nunes believed that this was one of the 3 key secrets that explain how and why God used this revival. He could be right. In the mid and late 40s, Franklin Hall brought fasting crusades to many of the great cities of America. Tracts and later books popularized this emphasis. Granted that the teaching in places needed correction and adjustment but in the main it was the Holy Spirit using an imperfect vessel (and arent we all? Is not this treasure in all of us as Jars of Clay?). Through this vessel God brought to the churchs attention an important but neglected truth. Remember it was Jesus, who said, When you give alms, assuming all would be doing so. And when you pray, again assuming this would be a normal practice in the lives of His disciples. And thirdly, When you fast, But now Lord, You are meddling, much of the church responds. But does it not bear out that if we grant the first two challenges as being legitimate and normal, that then the third one is equally so? All great disciples of the past 4000 years have thought so. Gandhi thought so, and he was not a professing Christian, though he gave Christianity his respect. Mohammedans do not quibble about Ramadan. One billion believers of their faith follow this line. The Bethel Bible Institute of Saskatoon, which later became Sharon Orphanages

and Schools of North Battleford, heard accepted and then fell into line to practice this restored truth. A few fasted 40 days like Moses, Elijah and Jesus. Numbers fasted 21 days like Daniel and Paul. Almost all went 7 to 10 days time and time again. Is this of God? Yes for it puts the steel of an Elijah into our bones. In 1947 I went on my first 11 day fast. It is like yesterday, as in indelible memory I relive the presence and power of God that was released at that time! With great reluctance I ended my fast. As a student minister for my denomination I was going to a mission field for 4 months, and I didnt wish to put a stumbling block before them by arriving on the scene pulling a Gandhi! Later on I had other opportunities to fast. Whenever in the 1948 Visitation prayer alone was insufficient to obtain an answer immediately fasting was enjoined on all leaders, and all people invited to participate on a voluntary basis. Invariably the answer to prayer immediately came thru! Whenever special ministry took place, the candidates for commissioning, ordination or blessing, were asked to fast and pray for 2-3 days before the event took place. Invariably again the presence of the Lord accompanied the laying on of hands of the elders with prophecy. It wasnt empty hands on empty heads. It was an awesome, powerful manifestation of our great God revealing secrets of hearts and confirming what no one but God and the candidates themselves knew! Conclusion. Gad is the eighth embryonic revival principle. The Watch of the Lord through Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda recognize and practice this truth. All who enjoy the free flow of the gifts of the Spirit in edification and power know that fasting must be employed as a hidden preparation. Then receive, embrace and with thanksgiving, act on Gad! Jim Watt


One. FASTING: 1948 AND GEORGE R. HAWTIN. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (CJB). Then, if my people, who bear my name, will HUMBLE themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. Two. FASTING AND FRANKLIN HALL. 1 Kings 19:5-8 (CJB). Then Elijah lay down under the broom tree and went to sleep. Suddenly, an angel touched him and said to him, 'Get up and eat!' He looked, and there by his head was a cake baked on the hot stones and a jug of water. He ate and drank, then lay down again. The angel came again, a second time, touched him and said, 'Get up and eat, or the journey will be too much for you.' He got up, ate and drank, and, on the strength of that meal, traveled forty days and nights until he reached Horeb the mountain of God. Three. FASTING AND GAD. Genesis 30:9-11 (CJB). When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took Zilpah her slave-girl and gave her to Jacob as his wife. Zilpah Leah's slave-girl bore Jacob a son; and Leah said, 'Good fortune has come, calling him Gad [good fortune]. Genesis 49:19 (CJB). Gad [troop] - a troop will troop on him, but he will troop on their heel. Deuteronomy 33:20-21 (CJB). Of Gad Moses said: 'Blessed is he who makes Gad so large; he lies there like a lion, tearing arm and scalp. He chose the best for himself when the princely portion was assigned. When the leaders of the people came, he carried out Y'hoVAH's justice and his rulings concerning Israel.' Four. FASTING: ASIA AND GANDHI. Daniel 9:2-4a (CJB). In the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede, I, Daniel, was reading the Scriptures and thinking about the number of years which Y'hoVAH had told Jeremiah the prophet would be the period of Jerusalem's desolation, seventy years. I turned to Y'hoVAH, God, to seek an answer, pleading with him in prayer, with FASTING, sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to Y'hoVAH my God and made this confession: Five. FASTING: REES HOWELLS AND INTERCESSION. Luke 4:1-2 (NNT). And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan, and was led in the Spirit in the wilderness forty days, being tempted of the

devil. And HE ATE NOTHING in those days: and when they were completed, he was hungry. John 16:13 (NNT). But when that one comes, the Spirit of the Truth, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but whatever things he hears, these shall he speak: and he shall declare to you the things to come. Six. FASTING: DEREK PRINCE - SHAPING HISTORY THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING. Isaiah 58:6-7 (CJB). Here is the sort of fast I want - releasing those unjustly bound, untying the thongs of the yoke, letting the oppressed go free, breaking every yoke, sharing your food with the hungry, taking the homeless poor into your house, clothing the naked when you see them, fulfilling your duty to your kinsmen! Seven. FASTING: SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Matthew 6:16-18 (NNT). And when you fast, become not as the hypocrites sad faced: for they disfigure their faces, that they be seen of men to fast. Amen I say unto you, They have their full reward. But when YOU fast, anoint your head, and wash your face; that you be not seen of men to fast, but of your Father who is in secret: and your Father, who sees in secret, shall recompense you.

Asher: Total Healing

Introduction. Asher means happy or blessed. There is a Contentment associated with Asher, like Bordens Contented Cow! Blessed the spouse married to an Asher. The temperament of Asher is a combination of Matthew (one of a lion-like spirit) and Mark (the steady serving ox). Salt and sugar are a mixture. But Asher is a compound the Matthew/Mark combination becomes fused into a compound partaking of both, but producing a product unlike either. He is a genetic gift from God that is unlike the other 11 tribes, but greatly appreciated by them because of Ashers unique contribution to the whole. Perfect government is a combination of the 12 unique elements of each of the 12 tribes. And in Christ's coming manifested Kingdom, the 12 apostles of the Lamb will sit on 12 thrones judging the 12 tribes of Israel. Without Asher, this combination would not be complete. One. Asher: Significance of his Tribal Connection. Leah named this surrogate son of hers birthed thru Zilpah her handmaid. He was the 8th son of Jacob, and 2nd of Zilpah and the 6th legal son of Leah. Leahs thought was, How happy I am! Women will say I am happy! By this she felt assured she would have a part in Jacobs love (Genesis 30). Jacob the Patriarch went beyond his natural inclinations when he spoke his dying blessing over Asher. He foretold, Ashers food is rich he will provide food fit for a king (Genesis 49:20). What a wonderful contribution Asher could make on the basis of this prophetic word! Talk about French gourmet cooks Asher eclipsed them all! A Pharaoh would take pleasure in the cuisine art of an Asher! But it was not just natural food that Jacob foresaw Asher could break the bread of life for the soul and spirit and make glad the heart of man. But Moses also surpassed his natural insights as the Spirit of God carried him along in his eulogy concerning Asher. May Asher be most blessed of sons, may he be the favorite among his brothers and bathe his feet in oil. May your bolts be of iron and bronze and your strength last as long as you live. Yeshurun, there is no one like God, riding through the heavens to help you, riding on the clouds in his majesty (Deuteronomy 33:24-26). Who would not be happy in fact as well as name to receive such a prophetic blessing! And this tribe saw fulfillment of this word. Just look at Anna the prophetess of the tribe of Asher, who welcomed our Lord Jesus into this world! Luke tells of her prayer and fasting habits, and reveals her intuitive gifts of the Spirit that led her to the Temple like Simeon. She came at the exact time and place to speak prophetic words of blessing over the only begotten Son of God. She happily shared with all that would listen concerning Gods wonderful plan for His Sons life. In Exodus 28 we see Ashers name inscribed upon the opal, the 11th precious

stone of Aarons breastplate of judgment. Blessedness and happiness is so great that it extends beyond the one stone! Aaron on his shoulders wears two large opal stones as part of the ephod that extends up his back, and over his shoulders. On these two Asher-like opal stones the names of the 12 sons of Jacob in order of birth were inscribed. The government shall be upon his shoulders! Jesus as our great High Priest after the order of Melchizedek bears the names of the sons of Jacob in intercessory prayer. On the breastplate of Judgment Asher appears on his special precious stone as one of the tribes of Israel. Two. Latin America: Its Healing and Revival Connection. The 1948 Visitation birthed and blessed Edward Miller. The anointing he received led him to South America and the Argentine. There some 50 gathered under his leadership to intercede and break the power of the strong man over that nation. He persuaded one reluctant lady to act out what the Lord was revealing to her. To encourage her, he had all present walk around the room, and strike a table at the front as they went by. When this sister with this encouragement obeyed the Lord the power of the strong man was broken. It opened the door and paved the way for Tommy Hicks to come down. God then opened the largest stadium in Buenos Aires to him, and graced the meetings with salvation and healings beyond imagination! Then in 1967 God followed this up with another visitation, all stemming from the work of God at North Battleford in 1948. The word of the Lord came to a brother, Build dams! I am about to pour out of my Spirit on Buenos Aires and this nation in such measure that only dams can contain the blessing! It would be the blessing and happiness of an Asher. God led a number of brothers together in Kingdom fellowship: Keith Benson, Orville Swindoll (Chuck Swindolls brother), Jorge Himitian, Ivan Baker and Juan Carlos Ortiz. 32 churches, mostly Anglican and Plymouth Brethren came together in fellowship. The 800 churches of the World Council of Churches were heard to say, If these 32 churches feel led by God to do anything, we might as well join them, for it will surely come to pass! But the greatest and most sustained blessing of Asher is taking place at the present time. 1000s from our country have visited this move of God and marveled how the Lord has taken cities and the nation for Himself! He has touched many other countries also thru Argentina. Leading pastors and 5-fold ministries from the Argentine have visited our nation and many other countries of the world. Our nation has not yet risen to the level of the cities of Argentina. But a lone ranger syndrome is breaking down, and some pastors of local churches will soon cease to build local kingdoms, and join to take cities and nations for Christ. The blessing of Asher is in this move because of the unusual healings taking place for body, soul and spirit. A spirit of humility, forgiveness and reconciliation characterizes this Visitation. Unusual discernment shines forth from Gods servants. When healing is not immediate, they discern demonic entrenchment. Successful exorcism takes place. Healing then becomes automatic and immediate. This is the same spirit that characterized the 1948 visitation, except it

is on a much broader and wider scale. Some of their churches are open 23 hours a day 7 days a week. They shut down one hour a day so caretakers can clean the building. In the humility that characterizes this Move, God has taught them to move in opposites. When He pointed out the spirit of pride among some visiting workers, He then guided them to move in the opposite even the spirit of humility. When positive and negative are held in balance in dynamic tension, these opposites can then be a blessing. It becomes like the two foci around which our earth moves to create our seasons: one focus is the sun the other the hidden place of darkness. And in the Spirit, should the church not move around the Son of Righteousness, and then in spiritual winter around the Fathers Throne hidden in darkness? Three. The Oswald Chambers Connection. My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers famous daily devotions, is so well known that we do not need to spell out the details to obtain it. Oswald grew up in bonnie Scotland, but came to the Lord in London thru the ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He excelled in 7 different areas and as a tutor in Dunoon, Scotland taught 7 different subjects. He was a good pianist and an excellent worship leader. God led him to found a school for missionaries to lead them into a deeper and more intimate knowledge of Himself. In his closing years God thrust him into a YMCA chaplaincy for British forces in Egypt during World War I. It was here at the age of 43 that God called him home to Himself. He wrote some 3 books while living. But his widow took his notes that she had recorded from his lectures, and posthumously published over 40 of his books. He being dead yet speaks. His love and rapport with children was remarkable. But perhaps the outstanding challenge of the life of OC can be expressed in his words, Personal, passionate devotion to Jesus. Oswald belonged to The League of the Burning Heart of Psalm 63. He brought many individuals not only to the Lord, but to join him as manifestations of God as the Burning Bush of Moses ever burning but not consumed. Following his abrupt and sudden death in 1917, his wife put out a notice to those on their mailing list, and transcribed one of his last messages and enclosed it. One British soldier replied, I know it is a lot to ask but your husband taught a series of messages that touched my heart shortly before he died. Would it be possible to transcribe them also, and publish this series as a book? It was this request that started the posthumous publication of all of the books of Oswald Chambers. A number of biographies have been written on the life of Gods servant. You will not waste your time to procure one of these and read it. I had the privilege to visit Scotland in 1985, and visited Greenock where my

ancestor James Watt of steam-engine fame grew up. We stayed overnight at Gourock, 3 miles west of Greenock. That night my roommate and I saw the lights across the Firth of Clyde. When we checked our map, we found ourselves south of Dunoon of OC fame. How I would have loved to have had time to catch a ferry and visit that place the place that in a sense launched the ministry of Oswald Chambers. Four. The 1948 Visitation: Relationship of Healing and Exorcism. In the mid and late 40s William Branham visited Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Some of the future elders of the 1948 Visitation attended his meetings. They marveled at the insight God gave them thru His servant! Sometimes healing of the total man is held up because of demonic oppression. Meet this need by exorcism and deliverance, and the healing is automatic. Brother Branham deftly and surely under the guidance of the Holy Spirit discerned when this was the need. He then successfully dealt with demonic powers, just as they do today in the Argentine, and the healings automatically followed. This greatly impressed George R. Hawtin. Following the initial February 1948 Visitation, he incorporated this concept into the ministry of the Sharon Orphanage and Schools. No doubt it was a prime cause why God used this revival. Winston Nunes was persuaded that it was one of the three chief explanations for the unusual power of God that accompanied this visitation. William Branham was a simple Baptist preacher from Kentucky. He had a very limited education like a Peter one might say. His family moved to Indiana where their son grew up and became a game warden. But God had other plans for him. He would visit him even before He revealed Himself to him as Savior and Lord. On one visit, He told him of the call on him to be an evangelist and heal the sick and that he was not to drink liquor or smoke as part of the condition to make his call effective. Finally in desperation to find out why he was different from other boys and girls, he went apart to seek God in solitude. God spoke to him in detail, outlining that an angel would minister the gift of healing that would move thru him. Only when Gods angel was present, would this unique gift operate. The vessel God chose to use was not perfect (but who of any of us are?). There was a mixture in his life, perhaps because of an occult background in the life of his parents. Nonetheless, God used him in Europe, Asia, South Africa and North America in a way that stirred many others to step out in a healing/evangelism ministry. T. L. Osborn is but one of 50 so motivated. The motivation from Gods servant William Branham on the leaders of the 1948 Visitation is undoubted. I personally attended 50 of the Branham healing crusade meetings, and met William Branham personally. I attended primarily to hear the teaching of Ern Baxter who served as Branhams teacher and business manager for 6 years. I later became associate pastor to Ern Baxter in the Vancouver, B.C. Metroplex, and from him learned many intimate details about Branham. In South Africa Baxter gave the invitation to 60,000 people at a racetrack following the ministry of both himself and Branham, and 30,000 responded to a first time decision for Christ!

Conclusion: Fasten on your mind this Embryonic Revival Principle: the happy Asher spirit of blessing manifests itself in healing for the total man! Sometimes exorcism and deliverance from demonic powers is necessary to see the realization of this total healing. (Let No One Deceive You Confronting the Critics of Revival Michael L. Brown, Revival Press, ISBN 1-56043-693-X an imprint of Destiny Image 1997. John Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, Charles G. Finney, Charles Haddon Spurgeon all had the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit moving thru their lives and all had powerful critics and persecution. Jesus had unbelieving unbelievers who persecuted Him but these later saints had unbelieving believers as theirs! These latter had grown cold and formal in their life, teaching and ministry and reacted violently to Spirit-led living. They confirmed the old adage It is the fate of the last revival to persecute the new! This happened in 1948 with the Northern Canada Visitation starting February of that year. The rumors were amazing and seldom based on fact. It was simply a visitation, a revival that God sent in answer to prayer. The Brownsville, Pensacola, Florida revival has been going longer, and has a wider impact, though the anointing and presence of God in 1948 was awesome. One of the most helpful products of Brownsville is the writings of Dr. Michael L. Brown. Every person interested in revival and this revival in particular owes it to himself to read this defense. Some will recognize that their charges have not only been second-hand, but are not comprehensive, scriptural nor based upon fact. To read the quotes from apologetic writers of the past will be most illuminating.) Jim Watt


One. TOTAL HEALING: ANNA THE PROPHETESS. Genesis 30:12-13 : When Leah's maid Zilpah had a second son for Jacob, Leah said, 'A happy day! The women will congratulate me in my happiness.' So she named him Asher (Happy). Genesis 49:20 : Asher will become famous for rich foods, candies and sweets fit for kings. Deuteronomy 33:24-25 : Asher, best blessed of the sons! May he be the favorite of his brothers, his feet massaged in oil. Safe behind iron-clad doors and gates, your strength like iron as long as you live.

Blessed the person whose spouse is an Asher like Anna - for of all the tribes, this is one which is most delightful and easy to get along with.
Anna brought total healing through her long life of Intercession. It is not an easy calling, nor is it always understood. See the life of Rees Howells as an Intercessor to understand the misunderstanding that can come to one of this calling. Family, friends, the church and the ungodly --can all unite in this misunderstanding. When an intercessor refused to march to the drummer of personal choice in the worldly church, and defers completely to the Holy Spirit for His choices --then the total field of observation is rife for misunderstanding! Would Anna the prophetess move in the realm of misunderstanding? Of course! What is she doing in the Temple so much of the time? How does she expect to live? Doesn't she care about her family and friends? Can't you hear the questions thrown around about her? Didn't they ask the same questions about Jesus? And Rees Howells was tremendously misunderstood in all of these same areas. Each individual called to a life of intercession should master the biography of Rees Howells by Norman P. Grubb. But the Intercessor like Anna the Prophetess has great recompense of reward. She moved in the train of Asher, where first word at his birth connotes one as the source of HAPPINESS! Then note the other blessings that flow from such a life as recorded by Jacob and Moses. Anyone who through prayer and intercession can see individuals come forth with a heart united to fear God's Name (psalm 86:11) - such a one is Blessed indeed, and has the joy of seeing Total Healing come forth for individuals and corporate bodies. Two. TOTAL HEALING: INTERCESSOR, WATCHMAN AND PROPHET RELATED. Luke 2:36-38 (NNT): And there was Anna, a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher (SHE was of great age, having lived with a husband seven

years from her virginity, and SHE a widow even unto eighty-four years), who departed not from the temple, worshipping with fastings and supplications night and day. And coming up at that very hour she gave thanks to God, and spoke of him to all that were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Many individuals have by the Spirit noted that these three words are synonyms: Intercessor, Watchman and Prophet. Anna exemplifies this. So did Rees Howells. Habakkuk talks about the Watchman of God on his prayer tower, listening for a word from God. A true Intercessor does NOT pray his own prayers. He must out of a state of intimacy with God hear the burden of the Lord - and then assume this burden as his own, until the answer is granted. This requires death to the self-life. Prayer Warriors are not required by God for such a life. They need not pray a prayer through to victory. They can pray prayers in line with their own interests. Such folk are following God - but are not true Intercessors, but Prayer Warriors. There IS a difference.
Again - think of Anna and the testimony of her life. She completely fulfills the condition of Jesus in Mark 8:34! Three. TOTAL HEALING: TRICHOTOMY - SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (NNT): And the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame at the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful he that calls you, who will also do it.

I love this verse. It is indeed linked with Psalm 86:11, the heart of David, who was a man after God's own heart.
Behavioral Psychology sees man no different from animals - both having only soul and body. This is dichotomy. But the word of God here and in Hebrews 4:12, clearly reveals that man has a spirit over and above what animals have. It is in this realm that God has made man - not animal - but in His own image. For God is SPIRIT, and they who worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth. Dogs, who are animals, worship their master. But man worships God! This animals cannot do. And remember 2 Corinthians 7:1 - even the human spirit must be cleansed from all filthiness as well as the flesh. Our conscious mind in the soul must be renewed (Romans 12:2) - but our subconscious mind in the spirit - only the Holy Spirit can purge and cleanse. Our conscious mind is like the tip of the iceberg in Romans 12:2 - but the subconscious mind of the spirit is that 7/8 part of us below the surface. The intercessor can help release the Holy Spirit in us to do that purging and cleansing - so that we can THEN come into true intimacy with God. Then we can understand the Song of Songs which is Solomon's. Then we will rejoice in TOTAL HEALING - body, soul and spirit. Madame Guyon in her Commentary on the Song of Solomon makes this abundantly clear.

Four. TOTAL HEALING: WILLIAM BRANHAM AND EXORCISM. Mark 16:17-18 (NNT): And these signs shall follow them that have believed: in my name shall they cast out demons, speak with tongues; and in their hands they shall take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it shall in no wise hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Note here that exorcism precedes healing. Is exorcism always a necessity? Of course not. When we utilize the gift of discernings of spirits we can swiftly know what the situation requires. In a similar situation Jesus' disciples asked him if the sickness of a man was because of sin on his part or his parents. Jesus told them that it was neither - but that the situation allowed for the glory of God to be manifested!
Christoph Blumhardt (1805-1880) became a pastor of a rural community in Southern Germany. He came face to face with the depths of demonic powers. In the victorious struggle of which he was instrumental in leading a spiritual awakening, it reminded one of a return of the world of the New Testament. It took a number of years for him to become adept at this ministry - but once he broke through, healings automatically followed once the demonic powers were ejected. Dr. Kurt Koch, also of Germany, saw remarkable success in this twin attack. William Branham also recognized that all illness was not demonic based - but when he discerned that it was, he swiftly and effectively moved to right the wrong. Pastor Ern Baxter watched him successfully diagnose and heal 1000's of diseases and illnesses. Out of over 5000 cases in a period of 6 years, he averred that he had not seen Brother Branham miss once! It was William Branham's visit to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in the late 40's that had such a profound effect upon the men who in 1948 would become the leaders of that Visitation. This is one of the 12 great embryonic truths of the 1948 Visitation. If exorcism is indicated as necessary prior to healing - then following the departure of demonic evil spirits healing is almost automatic. In the regenerate believer, satan is no longer in the human spirit. But he can oppress the believer in body and soul - and on Jesus' days on earth he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). My wife Marie and I attended some 50 of the Branham meetings. We went primarily to hear the teaching and preaching of Ern Baxter. William Branham asked Baxter to serve as his business-manager and teacher/preacher for some 6 years. But as a spin-off, we saw extraordinary Signs and Wonders through the life of God's servant Branham. Whenever he discerned the presence of evil spirits in disease, he invariably used exorcism to remove them, and then the healing followed. See the order of these two Signs in the Scripture reading above. Mrs. Maria Woodworth-Etter moved under a similar anointing. Demons fled. People - both saved and unsaved - fell into trances. Visions of heaven and hell convinced them of the reality of both sides of the unseen world. Invariably sinners came out of the trance with a 2 Corinthians 5:17 BRIGHT conversion. Old things, because of visions, had passed away -

all things had become new! I personally witnessed this in Chicago about 1956 through the Kostner Avenue Baptist Church, where I served as pastor. The wife of one of our parishioners had an unbelieving husband. She kept on my case until we prayed through for his salvation. Then he came down with glomerulo nephritis (Bright's Disease) and fell into a coma or trance. When he came to, he told his wife that he had seen visions of heaven and hell, and had made up his mind to serve God in the higher place! He died 5 days later, but in a state of SOUND CONVERSION. Dr. E. Stanley Jones says this is one of God's methods of healing. I believe he is right. The ministry and example of William Branham had a profound effect upon the men God was soon to use in launching the 1948 visitation. It was a challenge for Total Healing: Body, Soul and Spirit! George Hawtin had healing success as a young evangelist in prior years. It was God's preparation for him. But the demonstration of healing and exorcism by Branham powerfully prepared him for the 1948 Visitation. Five. TOTAL HEALING: ASHER - THE TRIBE OF CONTENTMENT. Philippians 4:10-14 (NNT): But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at length you have revived your thought for me; in which you did indeed take thought, but you lacked opportunity. Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be CONTENT. I know how to be abased, and I know also how to abound: in everything and in all things have I learned the secret both to be filled and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in want. I can do all things in him that strengthens me. Howbeit you did well that you had fellowship with my affliction.

What would healing be, apart from a life of contentment? Jesus healed the unbeliever right along with believers - but He invariably warned the former, Go and sin no more - lest a WORSE befall you!
Many have seen that Asher; -- blessed or happy - is a mark of this tribe. Believers who have received Total Healing, and entered into a life of intimacy with God in the Holy of Holies - have learned to experience the same and true CONTENTMENT experienced by the apostle Paul. Note - he had to LEARN how to appropriate this state. Madame Guyon, Fenelon and Michael Molinos - all three - give us insights that will enable any sincere, earnest, searching believer to come to this same state. When we reach that state of CONTENTMENT for any stage of life in which we find ourselves - good or bad - then we are approximating the life of Jesus - or rather, through yieldedness we are letting Jesus live out HIS LIFE through us (Galatians 2:20). I often think of an old advertisement when I was a boy - Borden's Contented Cow! The Borden Milk Company encouraged their farmers to do right by their milking cows. They fed them well, handled them well and looked after all their needs - and produced

CONTENTED cows who gave much good milk. God would so look after us through His ministries - that we too would feel as well looked after as Borden's cows. Then CONTENTMENT as experienced by the apostle Paul would be our portion also! TOTAL HEALING then invariably follows. Six. TOTAL HEALING: OSWALD CHAMBERS. SONG OF SONGS : The Song is a convincing witness that men and women were created physically, emotionally, and spiritually to live in love. At the outset of Scripture we read, It is not good for man to live alone. The Song of Songs elaborates on the Genesis story by celebrating the union of two diverse personalities in love. Christians read the Song on many levels: as the intimacy of marital love between man and woman, God's deep love for his people, Christ's Bridegroom love for his church, THE CHRISTIAN'S LOVE FOR HIS OR HER LORD. It is a prism in which all the love of God in all the world, and all the responses of those who love and whom God loves, gather and then separates into individual colors. (See The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language by Eugene H. Peterson.)

Personal, passionate, devotion to Jesus! These are the recurring words of Oswald Chambers in his My Utmost for His Highest. He knew intimately the spiritual significance of the Song of Solomon. J. Hudson Taylor, famous for founding the China Inland Mission and praying out over 900 missionaries at one time - this man read the Song of Songs which is Solomon's every Monday morning. Madame Jeanne Guyon has written a Commentary on this Song, and it would do every Christian believer good to read this remarkable book.
God has used his servant Chambers to help countless individuals find meaningful vertical relationship with the Living God! They learn to know and love the Father through the revelation Jesus gives of Him through Himself. They learn to know of Jesus intimately through the revelation of the indwelling Spirit. Few servants of God have been more successful in bringing so many to the healing of the Total Man than Oswald Chambers. Over 37 of the books that bear his name were written posthumously by his wife. She used her secretarial notes from series of his lectures that she had taken while he was living. Of the three published before his home going at the age of 43, Biblical Psychology was his favorite. He said, If I had only a week to preach in a place, and neither God nor the leaders requested a theme - I would invariably teach on this book. Here believers would understand how body, soul and spirit of man blend together in a unity. As God is ONE (eCHAD, Hebrew), Father, Son and Holy Spirit - so man made in His image is ONE - SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY The body is the Temple of the Holy . Spirit. Jesus saves the soul. The Father indwells our Holy of Holies, the spirit. When we allow the spirit to take over the soul and self-life and renew the mind, then we have a

UNITED HEART. Then the prayer of David in Psalm 86:11 is fulfilled. Then when we allow the Holy Spirit to fulfill 2 Corinthians 7:1 completely in us - how pleased and happy God will be. And remember - God is not at our disposal to make us happy - we are at HIS disposal for HIS PLEASURE (Revelation 4:11). Oswald Chambers thoroughly understood these truths - and though he died in 1917, he being dead - yet speaks - especially in his book, My Utmost for His Highest. Seven. TOTAL HEALING: LATIN AMERICA AND BOLDNESS. Acts 4:13-14 (NNT). Now when they beheld the BOLDNESS of Peter and John, and had apprehended that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus. And seeing the man that was healed standing with them, they had nothing to speak against. 29-31. And now, Lord, look upon their threatenings: and grant unto your bondmen to speak your word with all BOLDNESS, while you stretch forth your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus. And when they had prayed, the place was shaken in which they were gathered; and all were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with BOLDNESS.

The torch is moving from the United States to other nations. There is still a part for us, but our sins - national, individual, denominational and pagan - have angered our great God - and judgment hangs heavy over our land. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 was an indication of this. The 9/11/01 Terrorist attacks on the New York Twin Towers and the Pentagon - another.
We have had Americans and Canadians visit Argentina to witness extraordinary healing and deliverance revival in Buenos Aires. Believers of other nations have said this about us: Our greatest prayer for revival is America! They have angered God with abortions, homosexuality, extreme Women's Liberation Ideas. They have exported pornography, worldly music, movies leading to sex, the flesh and violence. Yes - America and Canada DESPERATELY need revival. Even Islamic countries don't appreciate their youth receiving what we export. So in these other nations, God is raising up ministries with signs following. The dead are raised. The sick are healed. The oppressed are delivered. Salvation is freely and effectively offered in a purity apart from Hollywood's glitz and glamour. We need a DEEP and thorough house cleaning from our worldliness. These barnacles are entrenched on the good ship of grace - both the church and the home church movement. As we see God use ministries from other nations - may it serve to motivate us to seek God with prayer and fasting in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14 - until God in grace and mercy revisits us as He did in the days of Hezekiah and Josiah. It will not stave off

completely the judgment coming - but as in Josiah's day - it can stave it off until many more are revived and saved. Thank God for Jim Goll lining us up to prayer Psalm 91 over our land and that of Israel for the next 91 days. May a hedge of protection preserve us from the Terrorists both in America and Israel!

Naftali: City Presbytery

Introduction. Naftali introduces for us the 10th of the 1948 Embryonic Revival Principles. It was this 10th principle that occasioned the most puzzlement, confusion and finally persecution for this Move. Under Section 4 we will examine the heart of this teaching, and find that it is entirely Scriptural, but subject to abuse. It will be best understood and appreciated under title of an article written in 1972 A Historical Analysis of Two Concepts of Presbytery. I believe you will find this enlightening, helpful and challenging. One. Naftali: Relationship with the City Presbytery. Naftali is the 6th son of Jacob, the 2nd of Bilhah and the 2nd surrogate son of Rachel. Rachel named him, My Wrestling. Her thought was I have feared losing the love of my husband, and in receiving Naftali, he affirms that my wrestling to retain his love has not been in vain (Genesis 30). Again, the very name wrestling is interesting from the prophecy of his father Jacob. Naftali is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns, or, that says beautiful words (Genesis 49:21). Both interpretations are true. One has said that a doe was caught in a hunters trap. In the morning she heard the hunter coming to check his catches. She realized it was now or never, -- so like Rachel, with tremendous last minute wrestling she broke loose, bounded up the mountain to rejoin the other deer, and shared her wonderful words of deliverance. Then she had the joy of bearing beautiful fawns. But note, wRESTling REST flows forth from the arena of wrestling! It is costly to produce beautiful words, beautiful fawns and wonderful results. Rest comes only after travail and wrestling. Of Naftali Moses declares by the Spirit, -- You, Naftali, satisfied with favor and full of blessing from Adonai, take possession of the sea and the south (Deuteronomy 33:23). To be an overcomer, a possessor of your inheritance, a person full of Gods blessing one MUST go through the travail of the wrestler. Naftalis father Jacob did he wrestled with the angel of the Lord all night before finding reconciliation with his estranged brother Esau, and a new name. No battle no victory! The placid, apathetic unmotivated believer will never know the joy and victory of the overcoming Naftali. Naftalis precious stone is the striking jasper, the last one on Aarons breastplate of judgment (Exodus 28:19). But remember the words of Jesus The Last shall be first and the first last. Though Naftali took up the rearguard of the tribes of Israel in their march, yet Jacob placed him number 10 in giving out his patriarchal blessings. And then note again the jasper stone in the Heavenly Jerusalem: First the one sitting on the throne in Revelation 4:3 was like a jasper stone. The whole heavenly city was like a jasper (Revelation 21:11`); the wall was made of jasper (Revelation 21:18); and the first foundation of the city wall was jasper (Revelation 21:19. So though Naftali might be listed number 12 in the march his stone in heaven is

number one. Indeed, the last shall be first! Two. African Nations: An Illustration of Presbytery. Africa is like a picture of the wheat and the tares at the end of this age. These ripen together. The angels gather the ripened tares into bundles and burn them, and they gather the wheat into Gods garner. So good and evil rise together into maturity at the end of this age. Just so, great revivals have blessed Africa with countless tens of thousands coming into the Kingdom. And great evil and suffering have risen at the same time. Yet thru it all a unity has developed among national leaders and missionaries in many countries. They have functioned together in an eldership concept that has tremendously enhanced the Kingdom of God. They serve as a challenge to us that in spite of great persecution and trouble, Gods Kingdom can rise above it and see triumph over satan. If God can do it in Africa, He can do it anywhere. He can do it in North America! Three. E. W. Kenyon and his writings: An Introduction into the Overcoming Life of Naftali. Jesus recognizes and points out the blessedness of this overcoming concept. In Revelation 2 and 3 He writes to the seven churches in what is now modern Turkey. To each of these 7 churches He has specific promises to the overcomer. Ephesian overcomers have the promise to eat of the Tree of Life. Overcomers of Smyrna will not be hurt by the second death! Those of Pergamos will eat of the hidden manna and receive a new name written on a white stone. The Thytira overcomers will share with Jesus authority over the nations. They of Sardis will dress in white, have their names in the Book of Life, and the Father will acknowledge them before the angels. Philadelphia of little strength will nonetheless have overcomers who become pillars in the house of God and experience Jesus writing on them the name of God, the New Jerusalem and Jesus new name! Even luke-warm Laodicea will have overcomers sharing the throne of the Father with Jesus! So, take heart. Jesus had no good found for two of these city churches, yet even out of them came special promises to their overcomers! And E. W. Kenyon joined Jesus in building up believers to take place among overcomers! He wrote over 20 books in his lifetime, and a few more came out posthumously. After his death great persecution arose against this man and his writings by critics, who were most uncareful about their researching. Forunately, the Spirit of God raised up Joe McIntyre to write his biography as an apologetic and a defense E. W. Kenyon and his message of Faith the True Story, Creation House, 1997, ISBN 0-88419-451-5. This is one of the great books of the last century, and parallels Michael Browns Let No One Deceive You Confronting the Critics of Revival. Joe McIntyre took some four years to thoroughly research the life of Dr. Kenyon. Bonnie Dofelmier of Kenyons Gospel Publishing Society opened up unpublished articles and correspondence that greatly helped and enriched Joes research. He traces the historical beginnings of Kenyon, and proves again and again how biased were the critics, and how careless their research. The very things they accused this saint unable to defend himself, proved to be the very opposite. The

men who mentored him and with whom he fellowshipped in the late 1800s are of the most notable evangelical names in the church of that day. Would you be an overcomer like Naftali? A doe that breaks loose and gives beautiful words? Then by all means avail yourself of the treat of reading Joe McIntyres defense of this great man of God. Then favor yourself by reading some original vintage Kenyon. Read his smaller, The Blood Covenant. Dont miss his Identification, What Happened from the Cross to the Throne, and The Father and His Family. He being dead yet speaks, and through his writings will lift you into Naftalis overcoming company! Four. The 1948 Visitation and the Presbytery Concept. This 10th of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles occasioned as much controversy as the other 11 put together. It also occasioned more heart-searching on the part of the elders of that revival than any of the other concepts. In February 1948 God indicated by revelation that what He had promised for 13 years He was about to fulfill! The Father wanted the many-membered body of His Son to be like a bride, without spot or wrinkle! He wanted a Holy Church for His Son, separated from the world, and living according to His Word and Spirit. He desired each member of His Sons body to know his place in that spiritual body, and receive empowerment to function. He had gifts to bestow (1 Corinthians 12:811); offices to set in place (Ephesians 4:11-12) and ministries to indicate (Romans 12:6-8). To accomplish this He would indicate to the elders from time to time those who had prepared their hearts to receive this enlightenment and empowerment. They would come singly and by married couples and kneel. Following prayer, fasting and worship prophetic elders from the Ephesians 4:11-12 category would lay hands on them. God would turn their prayers into prophetic confirmation and release. With great trepidation they obeyed God. The first man they ministered to, received confirmation for what God had secretly and previously revealed to him. Immediately the Spirit released a healing ministry thru him that met the needs of those present that historic morning. In the ensuing months and years, the Lord caused to come to pass an apostolic ministry that brought him to many other lands. But this eldership/presbytery ministry for the above purpose was new and disconcerting to these elders. Like good Bereans they searched the Scriptures diligently that night. They discovered that Paul and the elders had done this for Timothy (Acts 16:1-2; 1 Timothy 1:18; 4:14). By this ministry Timothy became a Naftali! He too by these prophecies became an overcomer and was enabled to persevere in this high calling! Jacob performed this patriarchal blessing on two of his grandsons and on his 12 sons (Genesis 48 & 49). The ensuing history of these sons acclaims the efficacy of this ministry! Moses by the Spirit performed this upon Joshua, so that not just the gift, but the very spirit of wisdom worked thru him (Deuteronomy 31:14-23; 34:9). Acts 13:1-3 recounts how apostolic commissioning took place for Barnabas and Saul in this same spirit.

With this reassurance that came from these Scriptural moorings, the revival went ahead. In April of 1948 Ern Hawtin came down from North Battleford to the Princess Elizabeth High School auditorium of Saskatoon on a Sunday afternoon. It was the first outside report of what had taken place on February 12th at the Sharon Orphanage and Schools. Ern was on the 32nd day of a 40-day fast, and his appearance immediately had our attention. But in the worship time a heavy sense of the presence of God cold be felt. A former student from Bethel Bible Institute of Saskatoon (predecessor to the N. Battleford School) gave a prophecy that was like a Deborah speaking for Isaiah! I thought, Where have I been all my life? I have never before heard such an anointed word! And the student who delivered this word of God, 3 years ago was certainly not in a state of spirituality to have been used this way! I was thunderstruck, and said to God, Lord, whatever has taken place up there, I want to be part of it. At the close of Ern Hawtins report, message and exhortation, from among some 600 to 1000 people he called me out first to minister to. As he laid hands on me and prophesied over me, he gave words of confirmation concerning intimations that only God and I knew. A new anointing came upon and within me in a prophetic way, and I can honestly say, I have never been the same again. In 1945 God had led me by revelation to attend Bethel Bible Institute of Saskatoon for one year following my discharge from the Canadian Navy. This year gave me the opportunity to know George and Ern Hawtin and P.G. Hunt, 3 of the original elders used of God in 1948. (It was following the April 1948 meeting that George Hawtin invited me to serve as one of the 7 elders in the July Camp Meeting at North Battleford and the Edmonton meetings in October. On several other occasions I was guest teacher for a week at a time at the Bible School.) However as the mother movement went the way of most revivals, 8 daughter movements picked up and carried on. But lesser men set the one God used to initiate and lead this move in the beginning aside. And the leaders of the daughter movements failed to carefully research this Presbytery concept, as did the first elders. They added human tradition to the word of God, and other important Scriptural principles they dropped. In other words, the very caution Jesus gave the church, Do not add or take away from the words of this book, were not taken seriously. The original eldership/Presbyteries were city/regional. They were local. Soon traveling elders would come to one local church of a city to conduct Presbytery. All the elders knew Timothy when they ministered to him. Now the traveling Presbytery could not fraternize with those they were to minister to. In the beginning Presbytery ministered to the 5-fold offices of Ephesians 4:11-12. Now every member of a local church received this heavy ministry. They tempted God by not permitting Presbytery to know the candidates. One presbytery prophesied a couple to stay as pillars in their local church. Yet the previous week that same church had commissioned this couple as missionaries to Japan!

Confusion and frustration has followed much of this misapplication of Presbytery. Instead of fostering unity in a city, it has tended to create division for the traveling Presbytery would build up one local church in a city at the expense of the other local churches. In the beginning there was no traveling Presbytery. Rather the elders of the local congregations in a city were the elders. When they needed to set apart those proving themselves for the Ephesians 4:11-12 ministry, these elders on behalf of all local congregations of that city provided this service. If a Paul and Barnabas were present, they as visitors served with the local Eldership. This built up unity in the city. It goes without saying that all elders for the first few decades were all Jews. In Acts 13:1-3 the beginning Gentile evangelism came forth. In Acts 15, the Jerusalem Messianic Jewish Presbytery performed Halakhah, and ruled thru James the half brother of Jesus (Yeshua). Gentiles could as non-Jewish believers eat and fellowship with Jewish believers without being circumcised and becoming Jews. David Stern in his Messianic Jewish Manifesto prophecies that the day will come when each city of each nation of the world will have its own eldership/Presbytery, and that they will be composed of both Jewish and non Jewish believers as it was at the beginning. Are we there now? No but there is a growing sense that Gods time is at hand to take the Embryonic Revival Principle of City Presbytery that was rebirthed in 1948, and bring it into maturity in this century! He that has ear to hear, let him hear. Jim Watt


INTRODUCTION: This is the most radical of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of 1948. The reason - it hasn't been experienced and demonstrated for 1900 years. It is a Restoration truth - like rebuilding the broken down Tabernacle of David. Just as the Restoring of a Theocracy to Israel, with Messiah Jesus as the Great Successor of David as King - so is the Restoration of a City Church with a Leadership in its Gates. All cities of Israel operated on this level, combining both the secular and the spiritual. See Bethlehem and how in this context Boaz solved the problem as who would assume not only the privileges of Elimelech, but also the responsibilities. The nearer kinsman felt that to assume this responsibility by marrying Ruth, would jeopardize his inheritance. So he withdrew from his position of primacy, and turned it over to Boaz by taking off his shoe. What a marvelous way to solve all problems - both secular and spiritual! Unfortunately, the restoration of this embryonic principle of City Presbytery did not take place in 1948. Instead a Traveling Presbytery, moving from local churches within a city became the function, even to this day. But God - in His patience - is now bringing this revival principle to maturity. What passed in 1948, He is now saying - Repent, and come up FULLY to the Bible pattern. Move according to Acts 13 and Acts 15. It will not supersede Denominations and Fellowships, but it will set priority upon the fellowship of local churches within a city or Metroplex. As local churches in such a fellowship grow in number, geographical divisions within that Metroplex of course will take place. On Sunday evening February 2nd at Bethel Ministries in downtown Seattle, 6 core leaders convened a meeting for their churches, and the Metroplex. Some 12 or 15 pastors from Everett to Olympia came to observe. One came specifically from the Portland area to observe, and believed he witnessed a unity, caring and effectiveness - that on a scale of 1 to 10 -- possibly reached 2.5! This was a remarkable demonstration. The guest speaker from Vancouver definitely contributed, but it was the spirit of the six that made it possible. One. CITY LEADERSHIP: GOODLY WORDS.

Philippians 4:8. Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse.
In the movie Sound of Music, the story of the Von Trapp family, the song ABC' was one of a number that captured the attention of hearers. It is very easy to take the words of the above verse in the King James Version, and sing them to this tune. Amy Hong Sit of Houston Texas, daughter of Dr. Leland Wang did so, and has brought blessing to thousands. It ends up with, We think these things, we think these things! But it can just as easily use the substitute words of We speak these things, and We do these things. What truly contributes to genuine and caring unity among leaders? Well, the eight characteristics of our God contained in this verse, if meditated upon, contribute to this end. But if like the Woman in the Song of Solomon we call - Draw me, and we will run after You - then with God initiating help for us - we can make it! Rees Howells again and again said to God when challenged beyond his ability - Lord, You'll have to pull me through! And He always did! So it is God that can both individually and corporately pull us through into a viable and genuine Leadership functioning in the Gate of a City. Two. CITY SERVANT LEADERS: PRESBYTERY. Acts 15:6-7a; 22, 28. And the apostles and the elders were gathered together to see about this matter. And when there had been much questioning, Peter rose up, and said unto them Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole church, to choose men out from them, and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas: Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, chief men among the brothers. For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you (Gentiles) no greater burden than these necessary things. (NNT).

Jesus prophesied that the Kingdom would be taken from the then Jewish leaders, and given to other leaders to bring forth the fruit God desired and had a right to expect. The Sanhedrin performed one of the greatest miscarriages of justice at the trial and condemnation of Jesus. This corrupt governing body flagrantly violated numerous principles.
Note: -- The new governing body that replaced the Sanhedrin was entirely manned by Jews. James the chief apostolic pastor of the church of Jerusalem was a Jew; the 12 apostles were Jews; the elders of Jerusalem leading the numerous churches in the home were all Jews. The first governing body replacing the Sanhedrin was patently Jewish --no

Replacement Theology here! True - in the next century non-Jewish Gentiles began to move into the majority in the church, and by the Council of Nicea during the time of Constantine in 326 AD, Replacement Theology was in full swing. But reverting back to Acts 15 - See the Spirit-led wisdom through James, brother of Jesus, that successfully solved what could have been the greatest unsolved controversy of alltime! James allowed full discussion of the Judaizing party, who demanded that non-Jews could not become Christian until first they submitted to full conversion to Judaism, including circumcision and Torah Observance. Peter and Paul showed by the leading of God's Spirit and their experience that God was NOT demanding what the Judaizers contended for. James summed it all up by quoting from Amos, and proving from Scripture that it had been God's purpose for many centuries to bring non-Jewish Gentiles into His Family, alongside of but not displacing Abraham's natural seed. What a victory for the Gentiles in the churches Paul was raising up as the Apostle of the Gentiles. He did not raise up just a local church in a city - he in God raised up some 14 City Churches - each composed of dozens and scores of local churches in homes. Each of these home churches had an elder and his wife such as Aquila and Priscilla. The irony is this: What the Jews under James in Acts 15 magnanimously granted to Gentiles - a part in God's Family apart from the wrong insistence of the Judaizers - now today the church often refuses to accept Jewish believers into their fellowship except they forsake their God-given heritage and traditions of Torah Observance in Feasts, Sabbath and circumcision! Wouldn't it be wonderful before the return of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords - if the cities and nations of the world each had functioning leaders in the Gate of each City? And if they functioned in the wisdom of Acts 15 - it wouldn't be long until Christ would indeed come and establish His wonderful Millennial Rule. Three. CITY LEADERS: A HIND LET LOOSE: SWIFT AND SURE. Genesis 49:21. Naphtali is a deer running free that give birth to lovely fawns. Deuteronomy 33:23. Naphtali brims with blessings, spills over with GOD's blessings As he takes possession of the sea and southland.

There's an interesting aspect to the swift deer. She knows that wherever she can see to place her front feet, her back feet are sure to track exactly! That is not true of a horse or donkey. The track of the rear feet invariably is several inches off from those of the front. This can be disastrous when leaping across chasms, where slipping and falling backwards can take place should the rear feet not track exactly with the front.

The front feet of the deer are like the word of the Spirit. If we set out and follow God with what we sense as the word of the Spirit - our safety lies in having the written word exactly confirm what the true Spirit is saying. Some feel God is saying such and such to them, but the written Word cannot confirm it, for it is a mixture and not well placed. It is what we THINK He is saying - but oftimes He says, I have not even THOUGHT the thing they claim I have said! Both Jeremiah and Ezekiel record the complaints of God concerning his so-called self-styled prophets. Elders in the Gate of the City need to be both individually and corporately like Naphtali, Their word of the Spirit exactly finds confirmation to the tracking of the Written Word that follows! Blessed are the people whose leaders demonstrate an exact match between the written and the spoken word. The Spirit and the Word must ALWAYS agree. It is true that as many as are led by the Spirit of God (the Rhema - the spoken word) they are the sons of God. But again, the written Word was sure to follow and confirm. One, who is swift and sure-footed like Naphtali the deer, always has pleasant words. His words are fruitful, and in turn beget in others - pleasant words (lovely fawns). Such leaders as this find God multiplying their effectiveness. They take possession of the sea and the southland. Words that are confirmed by THE WORD are consistently fruitful. They are not promiscuous words, but measured words. They are words given as occasion demands - not a continuous running off at the mouth. See Job 29 for the wise words of a man who sat as one of the elders in the Gate. Four. CITY LEADERS: WARRING VOLUNTEERS. Judges 4:6-9. Deborah sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, It has become clear that GOD, the God of Israel, commands you: Go to Mount Tabor and prepare for battle. Take ten companies of soldiers from Naphtali and Zebulun. I'll take care of getting Sisera, the leader of Jabin's army, to the Kishon River with all his chariots and troops. And I'll make sure you win the battle. Barak said, If you go with me, I'll go. But if you don't go with me, I won't go. She said, Of course I'll go with you. But understand that with an attitude like that, there'll be no glory in it for you. GOD will use a woman's hand to take care of Sisera.

In this instance, out of all the warring tribes of Israel, God by His Spirit through Deborah, chose Barak of the tribe of Naphtali. Victory came to Israel over the Canaanites according to the Word of the Lord, and both Deborah and Barak together sang a song of victory, glorifying the God of Victory.
But in this particular historical account, there is an honesty that does not overlook a weakness. When God by His Spirit leads a writer to record the lives of His heroes, he

paints a picture of warts and all. This account of Barak is no exception. Barak was unable to launch out alone on the Word of the Lord. He required that Deborah go with him. She immediately complied with his request - but in all honesty told him that because his attitude demonstrated an area of weakness, the victory in the battle to follow would not be completely his, but would go to a woman. The Spirit of God will accurately measure City church leaders and elders in the Gate of the City. Timothy and Titus were not only elders in the Gate of their respective areas, but they were like James of Jerusalem - the apostolic leader and chairman over the other leaders. But when the Spirit of God through the apostle Paul - who mentored them both evaluated such leaders - Paul found himself saying that he had no other like Timothy in all his ways. Titus did not come up to the fullness of this high standard. What we call Pastoral Epistles in the books of Timothy and Titus, are more properly guidelines for the apostolic leaders of the elders who sit in the Gate of the City. The Spirit through Paul is giving guidelines to such as James of Jerusalem - those who have the responsibility of ordaining, disciplining and replacing elder-pastors over local churches in the home (See Titus 1 and Acts 20). So it is good to realize that leaders in a city, pastors of local churches, and key apostolic leaders over city churches - all such are human beings. Some like Barak - though doing a good job in large measure - yet can fall short in specific areas concerning a challenge of faith. Five. CITY LEADERS: CONQUERORS THROUGH WRESTLING. Revelation 2:7b. I'm about to call each conqueror to dinner. I'm spreading a banquet of Tree-of-Life fruit, a supper plucked from God's orchard. 2:11b. Christ-conquerors are safe from Devil-death. 2:17b. I'll give the sacred manna to every conqueror; I'll also give a clear, smooth stone inscribed with your new name, your secret new name. 2:26-28. Here's the reward I have for every conqueror, everyone who keeps at it, refusing to give up: You'll rule the nations, your Shepherd-King rule as firm as an iron staff, their resistance fragile as clay pots. This was the gift my Father gave me; I pass it along to you - and with it, the Morning Star! 3:5. Conquerors will march in the victory parade, their names indelible in the Book of Life. I'll lead them up and present them by name to my Father and his angels. 3:12. I'll make each conqueror a pillar in the sanctuary of my God, a permanent position of honor. Then I'll write names on you, the pillars: the Name of my God, the Name of God's City - the new Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven - and my new Name. 3:21. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my Father. That's my gift to the conquerors!

Jacob did not become Israel until after he wrestled with the angel of the Lord all night. He prevailed with God and man, sustained a change of nature, and appropriately a change of name to correspond with the new change of nature. No longer is he Jacob - usurper, grabber of the heel - but now he is Israel! - a Prince

with God. For all of us, who sustain a change of nature through submitting to the deep dealings of God, there is now A new name written down in glory! No battle - no victory, wrote one gnarled and grizzled warrior in the battles of the Lord!
The Kingdom of God is under continual assault. Those who would possess it must put their best foot forward. The man in Jesus' parable who desired the pearl of great price had to first sell all that he had to make this expensive purchase!

Note that only two of the 7 churches of the Book of Revelation had no word against them. Two of them had no good word for them. The other 3 were mixtures. But in all 7 we find individuals who made it and were conquerors. So we cannot use lack of the ideal as an excuse for burying our talent in the ground and doing nothing. No - we must put our best foot forward, and against all odds - by the grace of God prevail. He will pull us through. God will carry us through. He will see that we end up MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us! We CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Fathers of families should set an example of perseverance in the face of difficulties to both their wives and their children. Jewish Astronaut Ilan Ramon was this to his family, nation and the world. City leaders who are also elders in the Gate of their city should and can set a similar example. Conquerors and Overcomers are the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. A corporate team spirit produced such elders - who with Paul their founder and mentor - ordained Timothy. THIS is the high calling of God in Christ Jesus -- for the Presbytery of each city church in a nation. They become as the spiritual Sanhedrin of Acts 15 to solve effectively the weightiest of problems! Six. CITY LEADERS: AFRICA.

When the sun was down and it was dark, a smoking firepot and a flaming

torch moved between the split carcasses. That's when GOD made a covenant with Abram: 'I'm giving this land to your children, from the Nile River in Egypt to the River Euphrates in Assyria - the country of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.

I see the Continent of Africa as a picture of the potential for City Presbyteries. The story of Stanley and Livingstone illustrates this. It is strongly based upon the concept of COVENANT, which is still practiced in Africa unto this day. When Stanley was sent by his New York paper to seek an interview with David Livingstone, he ran into a problem. Many warlike tribes lay between his place of disembarkation in SE Africa, and the area far to the north where Livingstone worked and ministered. How travel successfully through these warlike territories? That was the problem.
His interpreter suggested a solution. Make a covenant with the very powerful chieftain in the area where he landed. What is involved in such a covenant? Stanley inquired. Oh,

said he, you cut a covenant, an animal, and by doing so say, 'once we are blood brothers, should I break this covenant, may I be cut in pieces like this sacrifice.' Then you each cut yourself in a finger and drip some blood into a common cup and drink it to become blood brothers.

Forget it, said Stanley. I'll never submit to such heathenish customs. But months later
when he was no closer to his goal than when he first landed, he said to his interpreter, Tell the chieftain I am now ready to cut a covenant with him!

Among a few more conditions, they had to exchange gifts. The chief wanted Stanley's nanny goat, because he had observed the great value Stanley placed upon it. In return the chief said, You wouldn't recognize what I count valuable, so I'll make choice for you I give you my spear!

What, said Stanley to his interpreter, 'he takes my goat which I need for its milk

because of my poor health, and he gives me a stick? Don't knock it, said his interpreter. That spear wound with copper wire is his scepter, and is known throughout the countries you must traverse to reach Livingstone. Whenever you present it, you will have the same access, help and courtesy, as if this chief himself were presenting it in person. In a very short time, because of the benefits of The Blood Covenant, Stanley found Livingstone and obtained his interview. When elders in the Gate of the City individually and corporately take a leaf out of the Covenant history of Africa, and with God and one another act in this spirit - then they too can function effectively as the Presbytery of Acts 15. Note again the Genesis 15 account. THIS is an UNCONDITIONAL Covenant. God did not make it with Abram. He made it within Himself on behalf of Abram - the Father and the Pre-incarnate Angel of the Lord - so that any weakness in Abram would not weaken it. God in Himself guaranteed to keep on Abram's behalf the conditions and promises of the covenant for all time. Ponder this, for on Calvary, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself! He initiated it. He made it on our behalf apart from our weak condition. Seven. E. W. KENYON AND THE BLOOD COVENANT. 1 Samuel 18:3-4. Jonathan, out of his deep love for David, made a covenant with him. He formalized it with solemn gifts: his own royal robe and weapons armor, sword, bow, and belt. 20:13. Jonathan said, And GOD be with you as he's been with my father! If I make it through this alive, continue to be my covenant friend. And if I die, keep the covenant friendship with my family forever. And when GOD finally rids the earth of David's enemies, stay loyal to Jonathan! Jonathan repeated his pledge of love and friendship for David. He loved David more than his own soul! 20:42. Jonathan said, Go in peace! The two of us have vowed friendship in GOD's name, saying, 'GOD will be the bond

between me and you, and between my children and your children forever!'

Few books have been written that more clearly set forth God's thinking and heart than Daddy Kenyon's The Blood Covenant. By all means procure a copy through your local Christian Bookstore. They can order it from the E.W. Kenyon Publication Society of Lynnwood, WA.
I believe it is in large part because of this book that the enemy has sought to wrongfully besmirch the memory and name of E.W. Kenyon after his death. Three books that I know of have been written against him. None of them did adequate research, and deserved to be taken to task for poor scholarship and dishonest appraisals. Pastor Joe McIntyre sensed the Spirit of God rise within him to defend this man, though he died in the late 40's. A few years ago he wrote E.W. Kenyon, The True Story, which is an excellent Apologetic in the light of the wholly inadequate criticisms leveled against him. Your local Christian Bookstore can also obtain it from the E.W. Kenyon Publication Society. In our Scripture reference for this section, we see the extraordinary covenant made between David and Jonathan. Jonathan did die in battle with his father. But because of this covenant, David looked up Mephibosheth, Jonathan's son. David restored to him all he had lost, and had him eat at the king's table from then on. But there is another example of covenant that is exactly in line with Kenyon's The Blood Covenant. It takes place in NE India in the Assam Province, Senvon Village. It is called The Border Crossing Sacrifice. When two warring tribes tire of taking heads from one another, one chieftain goes to the border and blows a horn or beats a drum. It is a signal saying, I'm tired of taking and losing heads. Are you too? Come, let's meet at this border and palaver and make peace. If his adversarial chieftain agrees, they meet at the border, flanked by their elders. On behalf of the two chieftains, whose mind they know, they hammer out details of peace. Then on the border they kill a sacrifice. The chieftains reach down into the blood and smear it on each other. They as in Africa cut themselves, take each other's blood in a cup of wine and drink it, thus becoming covenant blood brothers. They take an oath that if either breaks the covenant of the Border Crossing Sacrifice, his elders will cut him in pieces as the sacrifice. They then share in common, marry and intermarry, and defend each other from neighboring warring tribes. Rochunga Pudaite of Bibles for the Word came from the Hmar Tribe, fully familiar with the Border Crossing Sacrifice. A missionary in 1910, Watkin Roberts, related this familiar story to the Hmar people of Senvon Village. He was the first white man to preach in NE India in 40 years. He explained that the only True God and Creator of the universe and

man, felt badly that the man He created had got so far away from Him. So without saying a word, He came to the Border and sacrificed His only Son. Then He blew the horn and beat the drum and said, If anyone will come to the Border and embrace Me over the Sacrifice of My Son, I'll forgive all his sins and receive him back into fellowship with Me. Five young men responded to Mr. Roberts' application of this story, one of them Chawnga Pudaite, Rochunga's father. Today 90% of the tribe of over 90,000 members are Christian, and have won many others of the 300 former head-hunting tribes in that area to Christ. They did this not only in Assam and Manipur, but also in Nepal and more distant countries. A deep understanding of the Blood Covenant that takes place through the Border Crossing Sacrifice is the answer to man's deepest needs. God knew it, and He supplied the answer, all by grace. But it is also the answer for the Team spirit of a City Presbytery and eldership of leaders meeting in the Gate of the City. It is the foundation from which flows a loving, caring spirit - that makes an Acts 15 Presbytery/Sanhedrin a distinct possibility. Not only has E.W. Kenyon written the booklet, The Blood Covenant, but also it has been recorded and can be listened to on cassette. God knows - our Covenant God, our God whose Kingdom is WITHIN us - in our hearts which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in our hearts! As we get to know God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - INTIMATELY in our hearts - and let HIM live His life out through us in the spirit of Galatians 2:20 - THEN the spirit of Naphtali - then the team spirit of the city presbytery will be birthed and will flourish. It will multiply and increase until the cities of nations and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and His Christ!

Joseph: Most Like Jesus The Great Father-Pleaser

One. Joseph: His Tribal Connection with Jesus. God in His great mercy finally had compassion on Rachel, opened her womb, and she had the great joy of bearing Joseph as Jacobs 11th son. Her thought was this; At last from my own body I have borne to my husband a son! Another son will be yet added to him hence his name Joseph he will be added to. Previously Rachel had said to Jacob, Give me children, or Ill die! Jacob retorted that God, not he, had withheld her from bearing children. Finally when Jacob returned from Padan-aram to Canaan land, Rachel bore Jacob a 12th son at Bethlehem, but fulfilled her anguished cry of frustration, Give me children or Ill die. Of all the sons of Jacob, this one stands out as the most Christ-like by far. The parallels are amazing. Just consider these few! Joseph 37:3 37:2 37:1314 37:4 39:7 37:25 37:23 39:20 39:1618 40:2-3 PARALLELS BETWEEN JOSEPH AND JESUS Genesis 37-50 Parallels Jesus Their fathers loved them dearly Mat 3:17 Jn 10:11, Shepherds of their fathers sheep 27 Sent by father to brothers Hated by brothers Tempted Taken to Egypt Robes taken from them Bound in chains Falsely accused Heb 2:11 Jn 7:5 Mt 4:1 Mt 2:14-15 Mt 26:15 Mt 27:2 Mt 26:5960

Placed with two other prisoners, one who was saved and the Lk 23:32 other lost 41:46 Both 30 years old at the beginning of public recognition Lk 3:23 41:41 Exalted after suffering Ph 2:9-11 45:1-15 Forgave those who wronged them Lk 23:34 45:7 Saved their nation Mt 1:21 50:20 What people did to hurt them God turned to good 1 Cor 2:7-8 One Bible Scholar facetiously has written in his notes that Joseph was Petted by his father; Pitted by his 10 half brothers; Potted into prison by Potiphar; and Putted on the Throne by Pharaoh. As a youth Joseph was unwise in sharing his dreams with his half brothers, and Jacob was unwise in showing his favoritism to Joseph by the special coat made for rulers. No wonder when the brothers had the opportunity in Shechem of fixing Joseph, that they put him in a pit and sold him as a slave into Egypt. True, Reuben

attempted to deliver him back to his father but failed; and Judah spared his life by talking the 8 brothers into selling him rather than killing him. As Potiphars slave in Egypt, Joseph had Gods unusual blessing. As a prisoner because of false accusation, he had the favor of the chief jailer. As an interpreter of the dreams of two fellow-prisoners he saw the faithfulness of God. Yet Psalm 105 reveals that until the dreams of his youth were fulfilled, these very dreams served to frustrate him. But then because the butler had forgotten to do him good, Joseph was right where God needed him when He gave Pharaoh his double dream. In an hour Joseph the prisoner found himself Ruler of Egypt next to Pharaoh himself! After he made himself known to his brothers on their second trip to Egypt for grain, he lived to see the family of his father multiply into an embryonic nation in Goshen. His Egyptian wife bore him two sons. Manasseh (meaning forgetfulness) the firstborn came before the first trip of his brothers. Now because of this little son he had been made to forget the bitterness of the preceding 22 years. He was now ready to test his brothers, but completely forgive them, for Manasseh helped him forget the bitterness of the preceding years. Jacob received Joseph before his death and in his blindness wittingly set Ephraim (fruitfulness) ahead of the first-born Manasseh (forgetfulness). This was over the objection of Joseph. But Jacob made Josephs two sons as his own two sons, so that Joseph had two parts in Israel the sign of the double blessing that had been transferred from Reuben. So when the tribes formed around the Tabernacle following their Exodus from Egypt, Ephraim and Manasseh take their place on the West side with Benjamin, and the name of Joseph and Levi do not appear with the 12. The beauty of the character of Joseph, a picture of the coming Messiah, can be seen in the composite of Ephraim and Manasseh together. And think from Ephraim came Joshua, Moses servant, who took the place of his master to lead Israel into the Promised Land! Two. Polynesians: The Progenitors of the Hawaiian People. Just as Joseph is a picture illustrating the linkage with the 11th Embryonic Revival Principle of 1948, so the Hawaiian people illustrate another aspect of this principle. I had the privilege of visiting Hawaii in 1987 through my wife Marie. Through Ken Spoerhase I had the opportunity to minister 4 times in the church he was pastoring, and also for the Full Gospel businessmen of Honolulu, where I met Father Norm Westly for the first time. Daniel Kikawa was interested in my account of "the Healing of the Land." This took place in Northern Alberta in September of 1987. White people made horizontal reconciliation with 5 tribes of the First Nations People of Hobbema. They had suffered 10 years previously because of miscarriage of justice. When this was rectified, unusual heavy rains for the last 10 years both seedtime and harvest returned to normal. It was parallel to the judgment of God -- judgments on Israel because of the sins of the house of Saul upon the Gibeonites. When David rectified this sin, the famine of 3 years lifted (2 Samuel 21). When white leaders of

the Wetaskiwin area rectified the sin of their area, God graciously responded. Daniel Kikawa knew that the Hawaiian nationals had suffered unjustly at the hands of missionaries and businessmen. He sensed God leading him to research this unhappy past. Out of his research, he came forth in 1994 with Perpetuated in Righteousness, the Journey of the Hawaiian people from Eden (Kalana i Houola) to the Present Time. It is a giant step for Hawaiian and Polynesian people to view the God of the Bible as an ally and friend. Allowing history to speak for itself by documenting Gods love throughout this peoples journey will hasten a fresh move of God among this people. This work affirms what many have already suspected: that the Hawaiians spirit of Aloha is a special gift from God, an enduring legacy of a time when Hawaiians knew the Creator and called Him by name. Daniel Kikawa has put together in one volume, a precious treasure of Polynesian history and culture. His careful research is surpassed only by his love for the people of Hawaii and passion for them to discover their destiny." Order from Aloha Ke Akua Publishing, P. O. Box 93, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 (ISBN #0964359502). In October 1978 Bill Britton of Springfield Missouri spoke over a Hawaiian young man at the House of Prayer the following prophecy. Father Norm Westly, friend of the young mans father, has made it available. O HAWAII, ISLAND OF BEAUTY JEWELL OF THE SEA, PACIFIC PARADISE, -THE LORD HATH BLESSED ABUNDANTLY, SO GREAT HIS LOVE IT HATH NO PRICE. FOR I WILL GIVE THEE A VISITATION; MY WORD, MY SPIRIT, SHALL COME LIKE RAIN A MIGHTY DELUGE ACROSS THE NATION, THROUGHOUT THE CITIES, OER FIELDS OF CANE. ILL SEND MY MINISTERS LIKE FLAMES OF FIRE SENT FORTH TO SET MY PEOPLE FREE; A WAVE OF GLORY SO SUPERNATURAL THE CARNAL EYE CANNOT SEE. THE ISLANDS OF SEPARATED MEN DIVIDED BY OCEANS OF HUMAN WAYS BROUGHT TOGETHER BY MIGHTY REVIVAL, -THE BEGINNING OF GODS NEW GLORIOUS DAY, -THE BREAKING FORTH OF ANOINTED SONS ACROSS THE ISLES, BOTH EAST AND WEST, TO DEMONSTRATE TO ALL THE WORLD THAT GODS STRANGE WAYS ARE REALLY BEST. SO PREPARE YOUR HEARTS, HAWAII, I SAY -FOR REVIVAL THAT WILL STIR AND SHAKE. THE OLD SHALL FADE AND PASS AWAY

AND THE POWERS OF DARKNESS GOD WILL BREAK. THE SONS OF GOD WILL LIFT HIS NAME, THAT ALL THE WORLD MIGHT KNOW THE ONE WHO BROUGHT US BACK FROM SIN AND SHAME -TO BEAR THE IMAGE OF HIS SON. AND THEN THE WALLS OF RESISTANCE FELL THE POWERS OF THE CARNAL NATURE BROKE, AND MEN OF EARTH BEGAN TO TELL THE PRAISE OF HIM OF WHOM WE SPOKE. AND THEN THE EARTH WAS FILLED AGAIN WITH HIS GLORY, FROM SEA TO SEA. . . DARKNESS FLED AS LIGHT CAME IN; ALL THIS BECAUSE HE LOVETH THEE! Three. My Personal Story by Mother Basilea Schlink, I Found the Key to the Heart of God, 1975, ISBN 0-87123-239-1, Bethany Fellowship, Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, P. O. Box 30022, Phoenix, AZ, USA 85046-0022 or R.R.1, Millet, AB, Canada T0C 1Z0 In Mother Basileas personal story we are given an insight into the ways of the heavenly Father as He prepares His child for a ministry that is to be unique in the history of the Christian Church. We turn the pages as we would the score of some great symphony and whether the music is light or whether it is the deep chords that are struck, our hearts respond. The response will be an inner searching of our own hearts and lives followed by love and adoration for our Lord Jesus. The reader seeking a greater fulfillment in his Christian life and service will discover in these pages the key to the very heart of God. In a day when the dark clouds of Gods judgment are beginning to gather and the forces of evil are threatening the human race as never before this book comes as a clarion call and a tremendous source of encouragement to the Christian. In a sense, Bridal Love, the Key that transformed the life of this living saint of God, is the heartbeat of every true believer that has pressed into God thru the inner veil. By tracking the life of Mother Basilea thru her account of her own pilgrimage, you will go from the outer court, into the Holy Place and then thru the riven veil right into the Throne Room of the Majesty on High. Here you will find Gods Son seated at His right hand, the Glorified Man upon the throne. It is very parallel to The Collected Writings of St. John of the Cross, whose family converted from Judaism to Catholicism to save their lives. You will never be quite the same again as you track with this saint of God her spiritual pilgrimage. Over 100 books and pamphlets have flowed from her heart thru her pen to you and me. Few others have sought so effectively to see horizontal reconciliation between the Israel of the Holocaust and her own nation that brought forth Hitler and Nazism.

Islam sets as a goal for every true believer to make Haj to Mecca once in a lifetime. Judaism encourages each Jew of the Diaspora to visit Jerusalem in his lifetime, and even make Aliyah to Israel. Each Christian, Protestant and Catholic alike would do well to take a once in a lifetime pilgrimage, and read this autobiography. It will bring you near to the heart of God. It will lead you thru the purging of Gods refining fire, and prepare you for union and communion with Jesus, the altogether lovely one. Four. The 1948 Visitation and the Spirit of Father-Pleasing. George R. Hawtin had the spirit of Jesus his supreme desire was to be a Father-pleaser. He knew that out of intimacy with Jesus a blessing would flow the Son would then lead him into the bosom of the Father. He seemed intuitively to know just the right chorus for the time and occasion that would bring us closer into the presence of God. WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL JESUS YOU ARE MY FRIEND, TRUE TO THE END. YOU GAVE YOURSELF TO REDEEM ME JESUS WONDERFUL LORD! HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH JESUS YOURE COMING YOURE COMING AGAIN1 HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH JESUS YOURE COMING AGAIN! STANDING SOMEWHERE IN THE SHADOWS YOULL FIND JESUS! AND HES JUST THE SAME AS HIS LOVELY NAME! STANDING SOMEWHERE IN THE SHADOWS YOULL FIND JESUS! AND YOULL KNOW HIM BY THE NAILPRINTS IN HIS HAND! The depth of intimacy with God in this Revival the sense of a heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit an awe and sense of the holiness in fear of God that is clean and enduring forever these were some of the manifestations of the spirit of Joseph present in 1948. Again each revival and visitation of God is unique. But of the 12 embryonic revival principles present in 1948, perhaps that exemplified by Joseph came closest to the heart of God. Yes, Israel experienced something in the near loss of Benjamin at the close of the book of Judges, and knew intuitively that all 12 tribes were necessary to achieve Gods purposes for this commonwealth. Just so, we need to hold all 12 embryonic revival principles in a corporate, experiential posture. Selective Obedience will lead to failure. It is as Jesus has said, I will be Lord of all, or I will not be Lord at all!

The New Covenant lists Jesus as Savior 24 times, but as Lord 348 times 14:1! Do we major on the minor and minor on the major? He who has a personal, passionate devotion for Jesus in all His beauty, passion and purity he will know the beauty of Jesus and in turn manifest that same beauty to a lost, dying and needy world. Then let us return to Perpetuated in Righteousness, the story of the Polynesian Hawaiians and let Shalom and Aloha merge into one grand paean of praise for Him who alone is worthy! Jim Watt

Note: For those seeking a Linkage The 12 tribes of Israel linked with the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of 1948 are not a hermeneutic, but a Mnemonic device, much like Psalm 119. Each of the 22 eight-verse sections starts with a succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet to aid in memory. So each of the tribes of Israel has an inherent window or insight into one aspect of the nature of God. They illustrate in an attention-getting manner the twelve 1948 embryonic revival principles. And yet, to consider them in a spiritual way, they have a distinct homiletic application, as do the 12 national and people divisions of the world. The biographical section of each paper serves to illustrate in a similar manner. To strive for an exact hermeneutic linkage will lead to frustration. To see them as an illustration and homiletic linkage will bring you to rest. To strive after a logical linkage between Talmudic and rabbinical illustration of the written Torah will often lead one up a blind alley, and sometimes receive the rebuke of Jesus You have made void the Word of God by your traditions. To see them, as a sincere attempt of man to interpret the Written Word, will put you in the stance of a Jeremiah whom was told by God If you take the precious from the vile, you shall be as my mouth." It is the same with the linkage of the 12 tribes of Israel with the twelve 1948 Embryonic Revival Principles. Bring these latter to maturity and balance and you will have a spiritual counterpart to the commonwealth of Israel composed of 12 tribes functioning in balance. If the above explanation serves to give insight and understanding concerning the relationship of the various components of these papers, you can thank fish://gokee2@grond/big/home/gokee2/public_html/grandpa/content/content/embr yonics/joseph.htmlsincere and thinking friends who have raised this as a question. And it is more difficult to ask a good question than to give a good answer! See Jesus at 12 in the Temple! JAW.

Ligure - Ephraim
(From These are the Garments by C. W. Slemming)

And the name of the second Joseph called Ephraim: for God has caused me to be fruitful
in the land of my affliction (Genesis 41:52).

And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it
displeased him: and he held up his father's hand, to remove it from Ephraim's head unto Manasseh's head. And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my father: for this is the firstborn; put your right hand upon his head. And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations. And he blessed them that day, saying, In you shall Israel bless, saying, God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephraim before Manasseh (Genesis 48:1720).

His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns:
with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh (Deuteronomy 33:17). HIS BIRTH. We consider Ephraim first because of the order of the names upon the Breastplate and because of his priority of position, but in point of fact he was not the firstborn. Manasseh, his brother, was the elder of the two. To have a proper understanding, maybe it will be wise to deal with the two together before considering them individually. While Joseph was in Egypt he was given a Gentile bride, Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah, priest of On, who bore him two sons. The first he named Manasseh meaning forgetfulness. For God, said he, has made me forget all my toil and all my father's house. The second son he called Ephraim, meaning doubly fruitful, saying at his birth, For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. Just before the death of Jacob, Joseph brought these his two sons to his father that he might bless them. Whereupon Jacob sat upon his bed and wittingly crossing his hands, he placed the right hand upon the younger and the left hand upon the elder, giving the blessing of the firstborn to the younger. Joseph sought to correct his father but Jacob assured him that his action was deliberate and that the older should serve the younger. From then on we never read of Manasseh and Ephraim, but always Ephraim and Manasseh. In his act of blessing Jacob also said: And now your two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto you in the land of Egypt before I came unto you into Egypt, are mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine (Genesis 48:5), and The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them (Genesis 48:16). In the first reference it is not only to be seen that Jacob adopted these two grandsons of his into his own family but that he gave to them an equality with the firstborn - As Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine. Reuben was the beginning of his

strength. How often it is that we find the Lord crosses our purposes and brings our despised and rejected Ephraims to the very front rank of blessing - it may be that troublesome child in our Sunday School from whom we expect nothing but disappointment, it may be the unnoticed, almost despised, person in the Church, it might be some talent or gift in your own life upon which you have put no value. You may have prayed: Lord, bless me in this thing, and instead you have found Him to bless you in that other thing. Like Joseph, maybe you were disappointed at the time. But oh! How we have to thank Him for His Wisdom, because His Wisdom always proves to be greater than our requests. Thus these two men became two of the tribes of Israel, and were the double portion of Joseph who never found himself to become a tribe in name. It was in this way that they both found a place upon the Breastplate as tribes, although they were never named on the shoulder-stones as sons by birth. HIS BLESSING. And the name of the second he called Ephraim: For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. Joseph little realized all that was pertaining to that name. As already stated it means doubly fruitful, and when Jacob set him above his brother and bestowed upon him the blessing of the firstborn he became the inheritor of the double portion of the firstborn. So far as is known Joseph had no other children apart from these two born to him in Egypt during the seven years of plenty. The increase of Joseph's posterity was, therefore, in these two sons and especially in Ephraim. The Book of Genesis closes by telling us that Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the third generation. When the tribes of Israel were numbered Ephraim stood at 40,500 against Manasseh at 32,000. Moses conveys exactly the same thought to us in his blessing of Joseph when he said: His (Joseph's) glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh, meaning that the strength of the advance of Joseph and the establishment of his family was in his two sons, but particularly in Ephraim. God had caused Joseph to become fruitful and prosperous in the land of his affliction. How true it often is! For our light affliction which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:17). It did not appear so to Joseph. Follow that hazardous life of his. He might easily have said: Why did my brothers hate me? It was not my fault that my father favored me. Why did they misunderstand my dreams? I never told them with any pride or conceit in my heart. When my father sent me to Shechem to my brothers, why did I not return home instead of pursuing them on to Dothan? Why did that caravan of traders come along just at that particular time so that I should be sold to them? Why was Potiphar's wife so cruel and deceitful to me? Why should I receive evil for doing good? Why the prison? Why did the butler forget to plead my cause? Why! Why!! Why!!!? This is how we often reflect on life. This is how Joseph could have reflected, and possibly did. But take away any one of those experiences and the sequence of events has broken down, and Joseph could never have found his way to the second throne of Egypt, his name would never have been Zaphnath-paaneah, meaning, according to the Vulgate: The savior of the age. Yes, indeed, they meant it for evil but God meant if for good. We must learn that the life submitted to the Lord is overruled by Him so that ALL things work TOGETHER for GOOD to them that love Him. tribulation works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope makes not ashamed; because the

love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us (Romans 5:3-5). We, who are the Ephraims of the Lord, live because our Joseph, the Lord Jesus Christ, came into the Egypt of this world and through the hate and the misunderstanding, the trials and the mockings, found His way via the Cross into the prison of the tomb and death; then the third day, being delivered from His imprisonment because death could not keep Him and corruption could not be His lot, He arose from the grave, ascended on high, and is now seated on the Throne of His eternal glory, and is ministering the Bread of Life to His people as well as presenting their cause before the Father. There is also another, a prophetic, picture to be seen in this story of Joseph and his two sons and the reversed blessings of Jacob being bestowed upon them. Two great peoples have and do exist in this world; their records are to be found in the annals of God revealing their beginning and their end. They each hold a great prominence in the history of the World. The first is the seed of Abraham according to promise, or Israel. This nation is referred to as the son of God and is the firstborn. This the Lord declared to Pharaoh through Moses when He said: And I say unto you, Let my son go, that he may serve Me; and if you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your son, even your firstborn (Exodus 4:23). This people would be seen in Manasseh. The second great company is the Church of Christ which came into being long after and so would be represented by Ephraim. In the course of time Israel forgot their God. They crucified their Messiah and thus we see God, as it were, crossing His Hands so that, whilst both peoples are to enjoy the blessings of the Church - the elder shall serve the younger as the Lord had said. The Church is younger than Israel by some 2,000 years, and yet we are going to reign with Christ and, when we do, Israel will be the people over whom we shall reign. THE LIGURE. This is the stone of the Breastplate upon which the name of Ephraim was written, but very little is known concerning it. Commentators differ a good deal in their suggestions although most of them would say that it was possibly the modern jacinth or yellow jargoon. Flinders Petrie identifies it with the yellow agate. The uncertainty of it causes one to refrain from seeking any spiritual application. NOTE: The above notes came into my hands in 1949 in Chicago at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, while I was attending classes at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary towards an M.Div. degree. Dr. Slemming presented himself on a Wednesday evening in the fall of 1949 dressed in the garments of the High Priest. He HAD my attention. At the close of his lecture I purchased the book of the above title, and read it with considerable interest. Then I said to the Lord, There's more to this than I read here, is there not? Yes, he answered. Ask me, and I will add to this. 14 years later, in 1963, someone dropped into my hands Dr. Tim LaHaye's teaching on the 12 Temperaments. As I pondered this information, the thought occurred to me - What if I did a matching test, and put the 12 tribes alongside the 12 Temperaments, what would I find? To my surprise within 5 minutes I had a 12-fold match. By giving a simple test to find out a person's Temperament, immediately one would also have a relationship with one of the tribes. Then in 1992 the Lord gave me a vision upon our return from our 3rd trip to Israel. In the vision I received a commission to take the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles from the 1948 Visitation in Northern Canada, and help bring them to maturity. They shall be

parameters of safety for My last Visitation prior to the return of My Son, said the Lord. Again I felt led to do a matching test, by putting these 12 Embryonic revival principles beside the 12 Tribes and Temperaments. Again I found a match within moments. So to know one's Temperament and Tribe, is also to know a Revival Principle that one can identify with, and intercede that it would come to maturity. Note that Joshua comes from the tribe of Ephraim. He was mentored by Moses for 40 years, and at the death of Moses became his successor. As a successful general he led Israel for 6 years to defeat the 7 nations of Canaan, each many times larger than Israel itself. He then wisely led in the dividing of this land among the 12 tribes, a feat that breaks precedence, for there is no record of bitterness, contention or warfare arising from this division. As long as Joshua and the elders lived in a time frame of 30 years - Israel served the Lord. This is perhaps the greatest historical acclamation to the tribe of Ephraim. Ephraim and Manasseh, like Joseph, tend to share alike the strength of the bullock. Ephraim's Temperament is that of a Mark/John, a Phlegmatic/Choleric. Again, both Ephraim and Manasseh share Joseph's attitude towards the Lord in his Bridal Love. When Moses left the tent outside the camp because of Israel's sin - Joshua lingered in the presence of the Lord whom he loved. See Joshua 1:8. When Moses went to receive the 10 Commandments, Joshua accompanied him. Only twice as leader of Israel's armies did he miss in the 6 years of war: at Ai - and with the deception of the Gibeonites. No doubt the chagrin he experienced held him in the future always to seek the face of the Lord through Urim and Thummim before making a decision. DISCLAIMER: It goes without saying that I do not necessarily subscribe to all the theological positions of the author above. I highly regard him, it is true, and in the majority of his views I share his conclusions. -- JAW.

(From These are the Garments by A. W. Slemming)

And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, has made me
forget all my toil, and all my father's house (Genesis 41:51).

The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named
on them, and the name of my father Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth (Genesis 48:16).

His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns:
with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh (Deuteronomy 33:17).

HIS BIRTH. This chapter must necessarily be read in connection with the previous chapter because the record of the birth of the two sons of Joseph is given as a joint record, and there is no purpose in reiterating what has already been stated. This one thing might be added in favor of Manasseh, who had lost his position as firstborn to the advantage of his younger brother. It is that no reason whatever appears to be given as to why Jacob reversed the blessing. There is no evidence of sin, slackness, nor unworthiness in this character, as is found in the story concerning Jacob and Esau with the transfer of birthright and blessing. It is the second time that such an act had been performed by Jacob for Joseph, the father of these lads, had received preference in his younger days which had created a hatred amongst his brethren. Now Jacob is doing it again, and although Joseph may protest, his protestation cannot be brought to an issue nor even carry very much weight seeing he had enjoyed these favors even though they may have brought him through some deep waters. The vital point is that, although it was customary to bestow the double portion upon the firstborn, the father had the right to bestow it upon whom he chose. Maybe that Jacob detected something in the character of Ephraim that was more steadfast, or maybe God guided him to bestow it upon the man who in future days would use such powers best. Be assured that the Lord, Who knows our lives and Who knows our end from our beginning, will mete out His blessing according to His Divine Wisdom and Foreknowledge. This means blessing for the receiver, but it does not necessarily mean judgment to the person who has not received that favor. HIS BLESSING. Joseph's statement: And Joseph called the name of his firstborn Manasseh: For God, he said, has made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house Forgetfulness. There is a forgetfulness which is a vice and should be severely shunned, and there is a forgetfulness which is a virtue and should be wholeheartedly embraced. It is the latter that is considered here. In the natural order of things Joseph named his firstborn Forgetting, and his second Fruitful. That is the correct order. When we forget the things which are behind, when we forget self and sin, then it is that the Lord makes us to become fruitful and that fruitfulness soon begins to take the first place under His guidance. Paul seeks to emphasize this when he says: Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14). This statement of Joseph's does not therefore suggest an intolerance or indifference

towards his father and his home, subsequent events proved this. God has made me forget all my toil. In the joy of the present he could afford to forget the sorrow of the past, the wrong, the injustice, the bitter way he had been made to walk by the actions of his brethren, and later by the conduct of Potiphar's wife and the forgetfulness of the butler. These were the things God had allowed him to forget. Alas, how many Christians live on their past! They nurse in their bosoms all the wrongs that have ever been done to them. They embalm them in an unforgiving spirit so that they may ever have them for display when it suits them, and then they wonder why it is that the Lord never gives them an Ephraim of fruitfulness. Have you any cherished grievances? Away with them, put a millstone around them and let them sink to the bottom of the sea, for they are a poison to your spiritual life. Pray God that you may give birth to a Manasseh for until you have brought forth this firstborn there can never be an Ephraim. It was the joy of a son of his own, the building up of his own family, that caused his father's house (the old life) to take a second place. It is the joy that comes through the Son of God finding a place in our lives that changes all relationships. Joseph, like Paul, was now crucified to the old things and alive to the new. Oh, no! He was not neglectful of his brethren, neither had he forgotten parental care. He maintained the full honor of his manhood; he was not looking back to the old home with the unhappy relationships. He was looking forward to meeting his father and his brethren again -- not backward, forward. JACOB'S STATEMENT. The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads. The Angel, being spelt with a capital A, was the Lord; no doubt the same Angel which wrestled with Jacob at Penuel until the breaking of the day, the Angel that changed Jacob, the supplanter, into Israel, the Prince, and in so doing redeemed that life from the destruction to which it was doomed. That same Angel which did such great things for me, bless the lads! Guard them, too, from the evils of life, redeem them from the perils of the way. No greater request could be made for these his grandchildren - or, rather, his adopted sons. let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. These two men grew into two tribes numbering 72,700, second only to Judah, and they stretched across the center of Palestine which is in the midst of the earth. Finally there is MOSES' STATEMENT. His (Joseph's) glory is like the firstlings of his bullock and his horns are like the horns of unicorns. If you will look at a map of Palestine showing the tribes, you will see that Ephraim and half the tribe of Manasseh stretch from the coast to the River Jordan which runs down the center of the land. The other half tribe of Manasseh reaches from the other side of the River Jordan to the border of Syria - thus the two tribes between them stretch right across the land like two great horns. A great deal of history could be recorded concerning these tribes but this must be left. Perhaps two geographical notes would interest readers to show how they fit in with the blessings of Jacob and Moses concerning Joseph. MANASSEH - half of which existed each side of Jordan, hence the continual reference to the half tribe of Manasseh. This division of this tribe may be accounted for on the supposition that the warlike section preferred to settle on the mountainous region of the north east, whilst the more agricultural section preferred to adhere to the western tribes.

The Manassites of the east of Jordan are described as the descendants of Machir. Under

the leadership of Jair they won the northern part of the Trans-Jordanic territory. They were well fitted to inhabit this difficult country and to defend the passes of the north (F. Marshal, M.A.). EPHRAIM - including half tribe of Manasseh. It was emphatically a good land, including the Plain of Sharon, famous for its fertility. The position was central and though rugged in many parts was broken up into wide plains in the heart of the mountains and diversified both in hill and valley by streams of running water and by continuous tracts of verdure and vegetation (Stanley). AGATE. Manasseh's name was inscribed on an agate and set into the Breastplate. The agate is a semi-translucent compound mineral which, when cut and polished, produces beautiful and precious variegated stones. The agate is harder than steel and, being rustless, is often used instead of steel in certain scientific instruments. These stones were originally found at Achates in Sicily from whence the name is derived. When found they are rough and unattractive, when split and polished they are a source of delight. Manasseh although second to Ephraim and deprived of the first blessing yet he became a large tribe, a tribe that was split in two so that half dwelt on each side of the River Jordan, being made of service both here and there. NOTE: The Inner Healing Movement of today majors on the need of Forgetfulness. Like Joseph we need to forget the sorrows of the past. We need to forgive and forget. Elephant memories don't cut the mustard in the Christian life. When Joseph dandled little Manasseh on his knees - the joy of this little life helped him forget and forgive all the past. It might have been serious if his 10 brothers appeared in Egypt before him before Manasseh had been born! The Bullock assigned to Joseph found fulfillment in both his sons. Ephraim through Joshua demonstrated this through the successful conquering of Canaan land. Jair of Manasseh East of Jordan demonstrated it through the conquering of the mountainous Northern part of that land. The temperament of Manasseh was that of a Luke/Matthew - a Melancholic/Sanguine. We have noted that those in our churches, who bear the Manasseh temperament, have a wonderful latent gift of Counseling. All of course do not discover this, but it is worthwhile to investigate. Ephraim and Manasseh together represent all the 4 Gospels in their combined Temperaments. Joseph their father is the only son of Jacob that, like Jesus the Son of God, also represents all 4 Gospels - not in perfect balance like Jesus - yet in a remarkable similarity. Many have noted some 30 or more similarities between the life of Joseph as a type of Jesus. Blessed are those in the Kingdom of God who have this Joseph Temperament. Blessed are

those who like Ephraim and Manasseh are able to team up together - and in their teamwork manifest this united Temperament. And lastly, just as Joseph shared his animal the bullock with his two sons, so also he passes down his heritage of Bridal Love to them. As they lived in teamship, the beautiful devotion to God that Joseph manifested, can also be seen in them. Joshua especially demonstrated this in his life. This was the outstanding of all the Embryonic Revival Principles that came together in 1948 through God's visitation. It was especially manifested in the leader God chose for that movement. Jim Watt


INTRODUCTION: This is the 11th of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles either birthed or brought together during the 1948 Visitation in Northern Canada. Bridal-Love is associated with Jacob's son Joseph. Just as Joseph was perhaps the key son in Jacob's family, so Bridal-Love is the key revival principle that enables the other 11 to function in harmony and usefulness. The church of Ephesus in Revelation 2 left this first love, this Bridal-love. All other good things accomplished by this unusual church could not compensate for the loss of this key-log - this key ingredient - Bridal-Love. How could this loss take place? Perhaps because of prosperity, carelessness, forgetfulness or pride. Though the following comparison may not appear apt - yet there is a parallel between a ship at sea and Bridal Love. We shall consider this under Point Six. Scottish born Peter Marshall was a famous chaplain of the US Senate. He loved the Lord dearly, and saw the way human marriage wonderfully pictures the intimate relationship the Lord desires with us. Salvation commences our approach to spiritual intimacy with the Lord Jesus. We are His many-membered Bride, and His desire is UNITY: we in Him and He in us. In Him there is neither male nor female. Peter Marshall, following the marriage ceremony - ushered the newly wed couple into the Halls of Highest Human Happiness. But a caution - we must progress from the Outer Court of the Tabernacle, into the Holy Place - and then right on into the Holiest of all, the Throne Room of God. Here at last human spirit and Divine Spirit become ONE! Our human one-flesh relationship merely points to a place and potential of unity and joy far exceeding the highest joy of human happiness. Just as there are human marriages that remain unconsummated - so there are many that start out on the path through the 3 areas of the Tabernacle - but fail to press on to realize God's highest desire for Himself and us in His Throne-Room. Many are called, but few are chosen. Not everyone who calls unto Me, Lord, Lord enter this fullness of My Kingdom but He who truly HEARS and then fully DOES the will of My Heavenly Father. Here then is the entrance to Bridal Love. One. BRIDAL LOVE: AS SEEN IN JOSEPH. Genesis 39:6b-12. Joseph was a strikingly handsome man. As time went on, his master's wife became infatuated with Joseph and one day said, Sleep with me. He wouldn't do it. He said to his master's wife, Look, with me here, my master doesn't give a second thought to anything that goes on here he's put me in charge of everything he owns. He treats me as an equal. The only thing he hasn't turned over to me is you. You're his wife, after all! How could I violate his trust and sin against God? She pestered him day after day after day, but he stood his ground. He refused to go to bed with her. On one of these days he came to the house to do his work and none of the household servants happened to be there. She grabbed him by his cloak, saying, Sleep with me! He left his coat in her hand and ran out of the house.

Joseph RAN! Thank God for this wise example! DON'T see how strong you are in the face of temptation. Pray, Lord, may You not lead me into temptation to purge me from areas not consistent with Your character - but if in Your wise Providence this is necessary, then DELIVER me from the additional assaults of satan. And may I like Joseph nobly do my part and get out of the setting of temptation as fast as I can.
Just compare the life of Joseph with that of our Lord Jesus. You will find amazing parallels between these two lives. Though Joseph is not specifically set forth as a type of our Lord, yet we learn much about Him by diligently studying the life of Joseph with this end in view. Yield not to temptation, for YIELDING is sin. Each victory will help you - Some other to win. Fight manfully onward - Dark passions subdue. Ask the Savior to help you - He will carry you through! Temptation is not the sin. Jesus in His humanity was tempted in ALL points like as we - yet was without sin - for He did not yield! Read Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 33 to see the amazing prophecies the Holy Spirit gave Jacob and Moses concerning Joseph. Though Jesus was descended from Judah not Joseph - yet in character he favors Joseph. Joseph, not Reuben, received the promise of the first-born - two portions in Jacob, double of any other tribe including Judah. It was THIS blessing that Elisha desired from Elijah - the blessing of the first-born - a double portion. Joseph consistently offered to His GOD that pure Bridal-Love that so pleased His great heart. This was a characteristic of George R. Hawtin. I could see it in the life of Ern Baxter also, and it is obvious that Rees Howells walked in this same heart devotion. To read the 32 Treasures of Truth Series written by Brother Hawtin, is to realize the intimacy he had with God. Two. BRIDAL LOVE - JESUS: THE GREAT FATHER-PLEASER. John 6:35. Jesus said, I am the Bread of Life. The person who aligns with me hungers no more and thirsts no more, ever. John 9:5. For as long as I am in the world, there is plenty of light. I am the world's light. John 10:9. I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for - will freely go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:11. I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary. John 11:25. You don't have to wait for the End. I am, right now, Resurrection and Life. The one who believes in me, even though he or she dies, will live. John 14:6. Jesus said, I am the Road, also the Truth, also the Life. No one gets to the Father apart from me. John 15:1. I am the Real Vine and my Father is the Farmer.

It is impossible to escape the clear relationship that Jesus had as Son of Man with His Heavenly Father. It was complete subservience and obedience. Not one word did He speak, nor one miracle did He perform - but it originated with His Father. If HE, the Son of Man and Son of God bore such a relationship to His Heavenly Father - should we not seek to have such a relationship with God's Son? Think of it - the absolute humility of Jesus in His self-emptying (kenosis) when He came to earth. Let us reread Philippians 2 and let us stir up our pure minds by way of remembrance. Let us consider again the 7-fold emptying of Himself, and then His 7-fold exaltation that His Father gave Him following His Passion!
Then let us see the 7-fold profession Jesus made of Himself in the 7 I ams noted above. He was at all times perfectly related to His Father. It was the perfect unity and relationship that He prayed in John 17 that we might have with Him and His Father! Here is Bridal-Love indeed! Three. BRIDAL LOVE: AS SEEN IN MOTHER BASILEA SCHLINK. Job 13:13-19 So hold your tongue while I have my say, then I'll take whatever I have coming to me. Why do I go out on a limb like this and take my life in my hands? Because even if he killed me, I'd keep on hoping. I'd defend my innocence to the very end. Just wait, this is going to work out for the best - my salvation! If I were guilt-stricken do you think I'd be doing this laying myself on the line before God? You'd better pay attention to what I'm telling you, listen carefully with both ears. Now that I've laid out my defense, I'm sure that I'll be acquitted. Can anyone prove charges against me? I've said my piece. I rest my case.

I first contacted the writings of Mother Basilea Schlink and the Sisterhood of Mary in 1976 in Arcata, California. Of all her books, her autobiography I Found the Key to the Heart of God (Bridal-Love) - My Personal Story, has challenged and touched me most deeply. It was in her city of Darmstadt, Germany that God enabled her to see His vision fulfilled. It was in this same city that God gave Steve Lightle an extraordinary vision and called him to write Exodus II in 1983. It was out of this that he came to see over one million Jews make Aliyah to Israel from the former Soviet Union. Steve knew Basilea Schlink, and said there was probably no other German who did more to bring reconciliation between Jews and Germans because of the Holocaust.
In Mother Basilea's personal story we are given an insight into the ways of the heavenly Father as He prepares His child for a ministry that is to be unique in the history of the Christian Church. We turn the pages as we would the score of some great symphony and whether the music is light or whether it is the deep chords that are struck, our hearts respond. The response will be an inner searching of our own hearts and lives followed by love and adoration for our Lord Jesus. The reader seeking a greater fulfillment in his

Christian life and service will discover in these pages the key to the very heart of God. In a day when the dark clouds of God's judgment are beginning to gather and the forces of evil are threatening the human race as never before - this book comes as a clarion call and a tremendous source of encouragement to the Christian. In her own words she says, In His grace God granted me faith that stretched beyond the abyss of destruction that lay directly before me. He gave me a glimpse far into the future. He was not concerned about small, momentary victories with a little more concord between members of His Body in one country, but rather about the whole body of believers being sifted, purified and prepared, and the bride of the Lamb being completed in number and attaining maturity. Before me I could see the ultimate goal of God's marvelous purposes, which He accomplishes along pathways of death - 'Behold, I make all things new!' How Jesus rejoices at the prospect of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb when the first fruits come home, having been completed in number and having attained full maturity! What a consolation it will be for Jesus to receive the greatest reward for all His suffering - the bride of the Lamb. Then for all eternity He will have the bride at His side - souls who have been made like Him through the power of His sacrificial atonement, and who bear the traits of the Lamb. To live and suffer for this goal is the deepest fulfillment there can be to one's life. (p. 411 from I Found the Key to the Heart of God, Canaan in the Desert, Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary, 9849 N 40th ST, Phoenix AZ 85028-4099, Four. BRIDAL LOVE: AS SEEN IN MADAME JEANNE GUYON. Song of Solomon 1:2-4. (THE WOMAN) Kiss me - full on the mouth! Yes! For your love is better than wine, headier than your aromatic oils. The syllables of your name murmur like a meadow brook. No wonder everyone loves to say your name! Take me away with you! Let's run off together! An elopement with my King-Lover! We'll celebrate, we'll sing, we'll make music. Yes! For your love is better than vintage wine. Everyone loves you - of course! And why not? Let the following words by Madame Jeanne Guyon speak for themselves! God was pleased to send one more messenger. Oh, my Father! says Madame Guyon, in connection with the incidents we are about to relate, it seems to me sometimes, as if You did forget every other being, in order to think only of my faithless and ungrateful heart. There was a devout man of the Religious Order of St. Francis - his name is not given - who spent five years in solitude, for spiritual renovation and communion with God. With a heart subdued to the world's attractions, and yet inflamed for the world's good, he went out into the field of labor. He thought that God called him to labor for the conversion of a person of some distinction, in the vicinity of M. De la Mothe. But his labors there proved fruitless - or rather, resulted only in the trial of his own faith and patience. The humble Franciscan, revolving in his mind where he should next go and announce the Divine message, was led by the inward monitor, in connection with the indications of Providence, to go to the house of M. De la Mothe, with whom he seems to have had some acquaintance in former times. M. De la Mothe, a man in whom the religious tendency was strong, was exceedingly glad to see him, and to receive his instructions, especially as he was then out of health, and had not much expectation of living long. His daughter, Madame Guyon, desirous of rendering him every assistance in his increasing infirmities, was then at her father's house, although her own health was very infirm. Her father was not ignorant either of her outward or inward trials. She had conversed with him with

entire frankness on her religious state and the exercises of her mind, her dissatisfaction with her present spiritual condition, and her earnest desire to avail herself of every favorable opportunity to receive religious instruction. Her father, influenced by the representations she made, as well as by his high sense of the piety and religious wisdom of the Franciscan, not only advised but strongly urged her to consult with him. Attended by a kinswoman, as seemed to be proper, she visited the Franciscan, and stated her conviction of her need of religion, and her often-repeated and long-continued efforts made without effect. When she had done speaking, the Franciscan remained silent for some time, in inward meditation and prayer. He at length said: Your efforts have been unsuccessful, Madame, because you have sought without, what you can only find within. Accustom yourself to seek God in your heart, and you will not fail to find Him. It is very probable that she had heard a similar sentiment before; but if so, it came to her as religious truth always does come to those in their natural state, who are permitted to hear, before grace has enabled them to understand. But now the hour of God's providence and of special mercy had arrived. Clearly and strongly did the Divine Spirit apply a truth which otherwise would have fallen useless to the ground. These few words, somewhat singular in expression, obviously convey the great principle, that religion does not and cannot consist in outward working - in a mere round of ceremonial duties - in anything which comes exclusively under the denomination of an external action. But, on the contrary, it is inward in the sense of having its seat in the heart's affections, and in accordance with the great scriptural doctrine, that the just shall live by faith. From the moment that Madame Guyon heard these words, she was enabled to see the error she had committed, -- that of endeavoring to obtain God by a system of outward operations, -- by the mercenary purchase of formal services, rather than by the natural and Divine attraction of accordant sympathies. Speculatively, there may be a God objective, a God outward, a God recognized by the intellect as a great and majestic Being living in the distance. And in certain respects this is a view of God, which is not at variance with the truth. But still God can never be known to us as our God, He can never be brought into harmony with our nature, except as a God inward, a God received by faith and made one with us by love, and having His home in the sanctified temple of the heart, "Believe in the Lord your God; so shall you be established, Believe his prophets; so shall you prosper (2 Chronicles 20:20).

Having said these words, she says, the Franciscan left me. They were to me like the

stroke of a dart, which pierced my heart asunder. I felt at this instant deeply wounded with the love of God; -- a wound so delightful, that I desired it never might be healed. These words brought into my heart what I had been seeking so many years; or rather they made me discover what was there, which I did not enjoy for want of knowing it. Oh, my Lord! You were in my heart, and demanded only the turning of my mind INWARD, to make me feel Your presence. Oh, infinite Goodness! You were so near, and I ran hither and thither seeking You, and yet found You not. My life was a burden to me, and my happiness was WITHIN myself. I was poor in the midst of riches, and ready to perish with hunger near a table plentifully spread and a continual feast. Oh Beauty, ancient and new! Why have I known You so late? Alas, I sought You where You were not, and did not see You where You were! It was for want of understanding these words of Your Gospel: 'The kingdom of God comes not with observation, neither shall they say, Lo, here! or Lo, there! For behold, the kingdom of God is WITHIN you.' This I now experienced, since You did

become my King, and MY HEART Your kingdom, where You do reign a Sovereign, and do all Your will.

I told this good man, that I did not know what he had done to me; that my heart was

quite changed; that God was THERE; for from that moment He had given me an experience of His presence in my soul, -- not merely as an object intellectually perceived, but as a thing really possessed after the sweetest manner. I experienced those words in the Canticles: 'Your name is as precious ointment poured forth; therefore do the virgins love You.' For I felt in my soul an unction, which healed in a moment all my wounds. I slept not all that night, because Your love, O my God! Flowed in me like delicious oil, and burned as a fire which was going to destroy all that was left of self in an instant. I was all on a sudden so altered, that I was hardly to be known either by myself or others. I found no more those troublesome faults, or that reluctance to duty, which formerly characterized me. They all disappeared, as being consumed like chaff in a great fire. Pp. 34-37 from The Life of Jeanne Guyon by T.C. Upham - The life of the most influential woman in Christian history, late 1800's. This and 15 other books by Madame Guyon, many of them written in prison because of persecution, can be obtained from SeedSowers, PO Box 3317, Jacksonville, FL 32206 - Tel: 1-800-228-2665 - Web: Five. BRIDAL LOVE: IS NOT DESTROYED FROM WITHOUT. Numbers 23:18-24. Then Balaam spoke his message-oracle: On your feet, Balak. Listen, listen carefully son of Zippor: God is not man, one given to lies, and not a son of man changing his mind. Does he speak and not do what he says? Does he promise and not come through? I was brought here to bless; and now he's blessed - how can I change that? He has no bone to pick with Jacob, he sees nothing wrong with Israel. GOD is with them, and they're with him, shouting praises to their King. God brought them out of Egypt, rampaging like a wild ox. No magic spells can bind Jacob, no incantations can hold back Israel. People will look at Jacob and Israel and say, What a great thing has God done! Look, a people rising to its feet, stretching like a lion, a king-of-the-beasts, aroused, unsleeping, unresting until its hunt is over and it's eaten and drunk its fill.

Winston Churchill, Britain's World War II Prime Minister, clearly understood the need to build up and preserve Courage, Unity and Perseverance (CUP) within the nation. Because of his wartime speeches he so built up these ingredients, that Hitler from without could not defeat Great Britain and her allies within. Churchill understood the nature of this inward victory so well that he proclaimed, Though the British Empire endure a thousand years, they will look back and say, THIS was their greatest hour! Then he added for himself - I thank God for matching me with this hour! We can fully understand Churchill's thinking from which these statements came forth. Yet we who live at the end of this 6 millennia age must say - God has matched us with the Battle of the Ages - and those who individually and

corporately know Him in their hearts - are yet more favored than Sir Winston Churchill in his day! Let Bridal-Love for the soon appearing of our Heavenly Bridegroom grip and possess our hearts! Then we will be prepared for this great event planned by God for this culmination -- of which all prophets and apostles have foretold!
Six. BRIDAL LOVE: LIKE A SHIP IN DANGEROUS SEAS. Psalm 107:23-32. Some of you set sail in big ships; you put to sea to do business in faraway ports. Out at sea you saw GOD in action, saw his breathtaking ways with the ocean: With a word he called up the wind - an ocean storm, towering waves! You shot high in the sky, then the bottom dropped out; your hearts were stuck in your throats. You were spun like a top, you reeled like a drunk, you didn't know which end was up. Then you called out to GOD in your desperate condition; he got you out in the nick of time. He quieted the wind down to a whisper, put a muzzle on all the big waves. And you were so glad when the storm died down, and he led you safely back to harbor. So thank GOD for his marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children he loves. Lift high your praises when the people assemble, shout Hallelujah when the elders meet!

Storm-wracked sailors, despairing of life itself, long for the safety of haven and harbor. I read the verses in the above preface of Psalm 107, and at the age of 19 heard the voice of the Spirit in my heart. I didn't know God experientially at the time, but I read my Bible regularly - one given to me at the age of 7 by a godly Methodist step-grandfather. God's voice came to me with clarity and command, Join the Navy, and I'll reveal myself to you. You'll see My wonders in the deep, and I will fulfill your heart's hungering and thirsting after Me, the Living God. That word came to me in the Fall of 1942 while I was attending my Sophomore year at the University of British Columbia. I obeyed Him in July of 1943, and in the Spring of 1944 He fulfilled His promise to me. For the 9 months preceding this New Birth and for the following 18 months until my discharge from the Navy in the Fall of 1945, the words of what seemed to me to be the Naval National hymn of Canada spoke strongly to my heart:
One. Eternal Father, strong to save, Whose arm doth bind the restless wave, Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep Its own appointed limits keep; O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Two. O Savior, whose almighty word The winds and waves submissive heard, Who walked'st on the foaming deep, and calm amidst its rage did sleep; O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea. Three. O Holy Spirit, who didst brood Upon the waters dark and rude, And bid their angry tumult cease, And give for wild confusion peace; O hear us when we cry to Thee For those in peril on the sea.

Four. O Trinity of love and power, Our brethren shield in danger's hour; From rock and tempest, fire, and foe, Protect them wheresoe'er they go; Thus, evermore shall rise to Thee Glad hymns of praise from land and sea. Amen. Eternal Father, strong to save - William Whiting wrote this hymn in 1860 and it was published somewhat revised in Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861, No. 222) under the heading For those at sea. 'These [men] see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep (Psalm 107:24).' There exists another version, which is a revision by the author published in the appendix to the SPCK Psalms and Hymns (London, 1869). The present version is the one first published and is most commonly used today. MELITA, composed by John B. Dykes for this hymn, was first published in the musical edition to Hymns Ancient and Modern (1861). It is named for the island, now called Malta, where the apostle Paul was shipwrecked. When they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita (Acts 28:1). Americans know this century-old hymn and tune of English origin as The Navy Hymn. On November 24, 1963, as the body of the late President John F. Kennedy was borne up the steps of the Capitol Building to lie in state in the rotunda, the hymn was played by the Navy Band. Again the following day, it was played by the Marine Band at the conclusion of the burial service at Arlington National Cemetery. Seven. BRIDAL LOVE: AS SEEN IN THE HAWAIIAN POLYNESIANS. 2 Corinthians 14:b-21. (A NEW LIFE) Our firm decision is to work from this focused center: One man died for everyone. That puts everyone in the same boat. He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in his life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own. Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! ... All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. ... God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. ... God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you. How? you say. In Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.

Hawaiians originated from the Polynesian peoples. Why should one see in these people a relationship with Bridal Love? See Daniel I. Kikawa's Perpetuated in Righteousness - The Journey of the Hawaiian People from Eden to the Present Time, Aloha Ke Akua, HCR2 Box 6640. Kea'au, Hawai'i 96749, Ph. (808) 948-

3474. I met Daniel in Hawaii in 1987 and 1988. He heard me minister on Reconciliation, which I illustrated by a healing of the land in Northern Alberta, Canada. Extreme rainfall had taken place for the previous 10 years, both seedtime and harvest. Many farmers were going bankrupt, and the government was taking over their land. I remembered how Elisha felt God ought to bless the Shunammite woman for her warm hospitality. She received a son in her old age as a result of Elisha's concern. A farm family in Wetaskiwin, Alberta was suffering severely from the excessive rainfall. On July 1, 1987, I asked God, Can't You do something to relieve this family - in the light of their hospitality to me, Your servant? He replied, Call a prayer meeting of the several interested groups, and seek the reason that brought on My judgment 10 years ago. I did, and discovered injustice had taken place by white people against the First Nation's People from the Hobbema Reservation. I sent a friend to petition the reservation leaders of the 5 Nations, and offer with 3 other whites to come before them. Our purpose would be to apologize on behalf of our white brothers, and to ask forgiveness on our behalf as whites. They freely granted forgiveness, and further promised to pray with us for a reversal of the bad weather conditions. We met the first Wednesday of September in 1987 to petition God on the basis of the foregoing. God held up rain from that date until December 11th that year. For the first time in 10 years, every farmer was enabled to bring in a full harvest and prepare the land for spring seeding. The thought came to Daniel Kikawa - Why shouldn't God bring healing to the land of Hawaii, if the ones who had wronged the native Hawaiians came to them and made peace in a similar manner? This is now well in progress because of the vision of Daniel - and his book Perpetuated in Righteousness is a fruit of it. Now back to the rich heritage of the native Hawaiian people - See the deep meaning of their beautiful word of greeting and farewell - ALOHA! This is a very interesting word. When broken down to its root words, aloha is: (1) Alo - The meaning of many words change over time. To find the following meanings for alo, we must go back to the ancient Samoan language (remember, the Hawaiians were also once the ancient Samoans). There were two languages in ancient Samoa, the common language and the high (chiefly priestly) language. In the first SamoanEnglish dictionary, printed in 1962, alo is a chief's child. A chief's child was considered to be divine because the chiefs were considered to be divine. In the sacred high language of ancient Samoa, alo meant the son of God. (2) Ha - breath, spirit, or life Hence, aloha means - the life or the spirit of the divine son of God. This then embodies the three parts of the One True God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the One True God who created all things with his word and breathed life into all living things. To speak the word aloha to someone, then, is to say, The spirit of the One True God be with you. This explains why aloha is used to greet someone and to say farewell also; it

is a blessing. This is the same way the Hebrews use the word, Shalom, which means divine peace. To greet someone with Shalom means, The Peace of God be with you. The God of all creation is the embodiment of Agape (unconditional) Love. No wonder aloha means love, affection, compassion, mercy, sympathy, pity, kindness, grace, charity and beloved; the One True God is all of these things. The next time someone greets you with Aloha, think about the blessing that is being poured out upon you. (p. 134, Perpetuated in Righteousness, Daniel Kikawa)

Benjamin: Team Ministry

Review. Although Benjamin is the Capstone of the Prophetic order of the sons of Israel, yet his older full brother Joseph stands high in his relationship with his father. It was Jacob who gave him the double blessing of Reuben. In Genesis 48:22-26 he gives Joseph the longest prophetic word of all 12 sons, and likens him to a vine whose branch goes over the wall! In Deuteronomy 33:13-17 Moses also exceeds Levi in his word to Joseph. Truly Joseph is a fitting type of our Lord Jesus. He and Levi have no stone on the Breastplate of Judgment, but in Ephraim (the Ligure) and in Manasseh (the Agate) Joseph has two parts of Jacob instead of one as concerns the other tribes. These two sons combine to make the ox and unicorn of Mark for Joseph. And Levi bears the names of all 12 tribes thru Aaron, and the Lord is His inheritance! One. Benjamin: Josephs Younger Brother. Joseph demanded of his 10 halfbrothers You will not see my face on your next trip to Egypt except you bring your youngest brother. Jesus said to Israel You will not see Me again until you say, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Adonai! Josephs heart was bound to Benjamin his only full brother through their mother Rachel. And when Benjamin came down to Egypt at the age of 30, he was the father of 10 sons! As we have already noted, the birth of Benjamin occasioned the death of Rachel at Bethlehem (the birthplace of King David and our Lord Yeshua). Rachel in her dying strength named him Benoni (son of my sorrow). Jacob renamed him (the only son he named) Benjamin, son of my right hand. Jesus is seated as Son of Man at the right hand of the Majesty on High. His stone is the arresting purple amethyst. It speaks of royalty, but also rage and impatience. This stone with the tribal wolf prove themselves thru the history of the tribe. Look at King Saul and his persecution of David. See Benjamin at Gibeah and the disgraceful incident concerning the Levites concubine (Judges 19). Yet see again Gods judgment thru the other 11 tribes upon Benjamin, and their pity and compassion in reviving Benjamin as a tribe. Otherwise we would have had no raging Saul transformed by conversion into the Apostle Paul. What would we have done had this Benjamite not by the Spirit written one half the books of the New Covenant? In Genesis 49:27 Jacob prophesies a remarkable word over his youngest son. And in Deuteronomy 33:12 Moses speaks a word of enlightenment. Of the 10 northern tribes who split with Judah over the foolishness of Solomon and Rehoboam, only Benjamin stayed true. And Jerusalem is situated in the tribe of Benjamin, and in a sense rests upon Judahs shoulders. And out of Benjamin came Jeremiah the prophet and his amazing prophecies. Two. Benjamins Team Spirit and Europe. Unity is a neutral term it can be used for good or evil. If satans house be divided against itself it cannot stand

Jesus said so! When Israel stood in unity as beheld by Balaam, no weapon formed against her could prosper. Today Israel has returned to her land in unbelief as Scripture foretold but until she is born again as a nation in a day, she shall continue in her desperate troubles. The evil of the Mafia expressed itself in power when the godfather and his henchmen worked in unity. Daniel and others have foretold the day when the ten-toed revised Roman Empire would arise in unity. When we look at Europe today and its Common Market and economic unity, we do not wonder in America at the challenge we are receiving thru Airbus, etc. Europe is indeed expressing itself in the world situation with increasing authority and insistence. Israel senses this as strong as that of the United Nations, the Third World Nations, the United States and the Arab Confederation. Before the Lord returns, much more will take place in these areas, especially in Europe. So from the vantagepoint of the power of unity, Europe illustrates this same principle of Benjamin. Three. Henry Blackaby and Team Ministry. In 1970 Henry Blackaby, a native of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, accepted the charge of little Faith Baptist Church of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It had 10 members. The day he arrived, a delegation came down from Prince Albert to inform him We believe you are to jointly pastor us too! Revival fires were burning in Saskatoon at the time thru the challenge of the Sutero twins. Crowds overflowed church after church until they ended up at big Third Avenue United of that city. Henry was active in all of this. But the genius of Henry Blackaby was that he had the team spirit of Benjamin. He refused to move unilaterally. Not even he and his board moved unilaterally. No, it took the whole congregation, which in five years grew, to some 100 members. As a body and as a team they learned to wait upon God for direction. He became their spiritual Urim and Thummim. If 51% of the congregation felt the Spirit leading in a certain direction they would say, Fine it does appear that this is Gods will, but not His Timing. Not until 85-90% of the congregation came to unity as a team in such matters, would they act on guidance. It was as it were a 51:85 syndrome! But how God honored the patient teaching of this pastor until the congregation understood and thoroughly committed itself to walk only in this way. Here is the secret of the above commitment, -- Seven Realities of Walking with God: God is always at work around you. He pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal; then God invites you to become involved with Him in His work. God speaks to us by the Holy Spirit through His Word, through prayer, through circumstances and through the Church. Gods invitation for you to work with Him always leads you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action. You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing. You come to know God by experience as you obey Him and He accomplishes His work

through you. The above seven realities are featured in Experiencing God, Knowing and Doing the Will of God, by Henry Blackaby and Claude V. King. Of all the Manuals that the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention has sponsored, none have sold as many copies as this! My wife Marie and I have taught this course over 12 times, and over 1000 manuals have gone out just because of these classes. We have good courses of our own that we have produced, but none have borne the fruit that compares with Experiencing God. When students hit Unit Two of its 12 units, and see the contrast between God-centered and self-centered living, a crisis of belief invariably takes place. Once Faith Baptist Church of Saskatoon grasped and began walking in these seven realities, within 12 years 38 churches and missions came forth! In 1982 Henry and his family of five children moved to the Vancouver, B.C. area. Once again God honored the faithfulness of His servant and family. Then the Home Mission Board of his denomination tapped Henry Blackaby to fill the post of Director of the Office of Prayer and Spiritual Awakening. This post was created two years previously, but up to that time they could not find one to fill it. Today in Evangelical and church circles Henry Blackaby is a household name. Seventeen denominations cooperate under his leadership to blanket the United States with prayer for one last great revival. Five of these denominations have over one million volunteers each for this important responsibility from Gods viewpoint. What can God do through a man who is fully yielded to Him? D. L. Moody heard these words and responded I will be that man. Perhaps over two million souls are in the Kingdom because of God and that response. Because of the obedience and faithfulness of Henry Blackaby to Team Spirit, eternity alone will be able to account for what God has accomplished through this life. This same spirit of Henry Blackaby can be seen in Ray Johnson of Life Messengers and his new LDB (Last Days Bible). Selective Obedience is anathema for both these men. Jesus will be Lord of all, or He will not be Lord at all! Four. The 1948 Visitation and Team Ministry. Paul the Benjamite could not operate apart from Team Ministry. No Lone Ranger he! When in Athens, Paul chafed until Timothy and others caught up to him for the challenge of Corinth! Always he traveled with a team. When the Spirit of God gave him the Macedonian vision to leave Asia and come over to Europe, it was not a unilateral decision of Paul that led the team there. No, the biographer Luke says, We assuredly gathered that the Lord was leading us to this new area of ministry. When George R. Hawtin invited me to take part in their large conventions of 1948, I did not at the time understand the commitment to team ministry. But as I observed George Hawtin lead both in leadership planning and open meetings, I could not help but take note of his care not to move unilaterally. Instead, he always sought the mind of God in decision making through the unity of the leadership team. Again and again I can still hear him say 52 years ago, What do you sense the

Spirit saying? Do we have unity? If not, can we add fasting to prayer until we have a unified answer? I say clearly, This spirit is a spirit that pleases God. I can remember visiting Ann Arbor, Michigan with Jim Durkin in the late 70s to check out the Word of God Community sponsored by Charismatic Roman Catholics. There Steve Clark had found to his chagrin that we take unity for granted! A raise of hands or voice vote is not good enough. It is of paramount importance that we poll each member of the leadership team. All can agree with a raised hand or voice vote. But when individual polling takes place, it is a horse of a different color! Once Steve Clark perceived this, polling only became the order of the day! In 1955 I was pastor of the Kostner Avenue Baptist Church of Chicago. An item of business came up before the 14 member church council. When I asked for a show of hands, one of the 14 was reluctant to stand with us. But he said, If the rest of you feel all right about it, Ill go along. No, Ed, I responded, We have agreed that if one member has a concern he is to voice it. So quickly he gave three reasons why he felt this action should not be taken. The rest of us were thunder-struck, and for a moment sat in silence. Then we prayed again, and this time polled the team. It was unanimous that we should not take this course of action. One man had the Word of the Lord; thirteen of us did not. But when we heard Gods word we recognized it and immediately came into line. The aftermath abundantly confirmed that Ed Hull had had the true word of the Lord! Benjamin points to this important concept of team spirit. We are not to move unilaterally. We too can see the fruit of a Henry Blackaby. What George Hawtin demonstrated as a leader concerning this concept will never depart from my mind. I can hear and see him yet, carefully and sincerely polling us that the Word of the Lord might be confirmed in the body. He knew he could miss it; but he had confidence in the Lord speaking through a united and committed leadership team. Conclusion. This is the capstone of the 12 Embryonic Truths. This is the spirit of Joseph spread throughout a leadership team and body. This ingredient of Benjamin if missing can cause the overcoming potential of Israel to fail. Her enemies will overcome her! United we stand divided we fall. The Roman Empire through one Caesar proclaimed Divide and Conquer! Keep the captive and conquered nations at each others throats, and the Roman Empire can continue! Europe then, the picture of the ten-toed kingdoms is apt. As they in the future give themselves to one charismatic leader, the unity of evil will assert itself. But when Gods Israel, with the spirit of Benjamin unites the nation, then Benjamin becomes the capstone of the 12 Embryonics; -- then we will see the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Ezekiels river will have waters to swim in! And in the church composed of believing Jews and non-Jews one new man

when these 12 Embryonics function and flourish; God then can do anything he wants. May that day come swiftly. Amen. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus. On Tuesday March 28th God gave me a dream that enabled me to write this last principle of team spirit linked with the tribe of Benjamin. In the dream I was making my way to hear Bob Mumford give a lecture. There was difficulty getting to the auditorium. A young man, short, broad and blue-eyed told me there was only one way to get there his way. No, I said. You have a necessary ingredient, but it is only one of twelve. We need as a team to recognize that each of us has one part of a 12-piece jigsaw puzzle. It takes all pieces fitted together to accomplish that goal. I told him how Judah saved the life of Joseph, when his 8 half-brothers wanted to kill him. Benjamin was grateful for what Judah did for his full brother. Later when the Kingdom of Israel suffered division, Benjamin out of gratefulness and proximity stayed with Judah. It was a death experience. In the Sorcerers Apprentice by Paul Abraham Dukas (1865-1935) based on a ballad by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Walt Disney in Fantasia has Mickey Mouse chop up a disobedient broom. But each splinter resurrected and became an army of brooms, and prevailed. So those of us close to Jesus take on His character, and those who watch us take note that we have been with Him! In the 12-piece jigsaw puzzle or walking in the completeness of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles we will prevail! Resurrection Life comes following death. The Team Spirit is the Key that will bring it all together. Jim Watt


One. TEAM SPIRIT: BENJAMIN. Genesis 49:27. Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; all morning he gorges on his kill, at evening divides up what's left over. Deuteronomy 33:12. Benjamin: GOD's beloved; GOD's permanent residence. Encircled by GOD all day long, within whom GOD is at home. Other writers have pointed out that of the 12 sons of Jacob, Joseph stands out head and shoulders above the others. Jacob recognized this in his 11th son. He punctuated this insight by taking Joseph's two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, and made them like Reuben and Simeon, and thus honored Joseph. He gave him two parts in Israel, the holder of the double blessing that Elisha coveted. But Benjamin was Joseph's only full brother, and the only other son from Rachel. What Joseph was alone as next to Pharaoh over all of Egypt - Benjamin took on the posture of one who moved in team spirit. Even when he was bad as in the last chapters of the book of Judges, he moved in warfare against his 11 brother tribes in great unity. As a result he killed the equivalent of his own tribe from amongst the 11 tribes on two successive days. He fell on the 3rd day - but it shows the result of unity and team spirit - whether operating on a good or evil course. But when we come to the days of Paul the Benjamite in the New Testament - we then see the power of team spirit through this apostle, that perhaps only Moses comes close to duplicating. Fourteen city churches composed of myriads of local churches came forth from the vision, labor and motivation of the apostle Paul, with his various teams of apostolic leaders. THIS is the spirit of Benjamin. This is the demonstration of Team-spirit. This is in line with Henry Blackaby and E. Stanley Jones. So which is more significant, Benjamin or Joseph? We can hardly make an either-or choice - it must be BOTH-AND. In the Kingdom of God, Benjamin naturally follows Joseph - and Benjamin takes on all the best of Joseph and sows it into a 'TEAM-SPIRIT. It makes the role of Paul the Benjamite a never-to-be-forgotten picture of the potential of the Benjamin spirit. Another thought! Team spirit is based on well-laid foundations. If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do? But Paul in his letter to the Romans lays solid foundations for non-Jewish believers. And the writer of Hebrews (who many believe was

Paul) lays the solid foundation truths for Jewish believers in chapter 6:1-2. In the church in decades ahead, both Jewish and non-Jewish believers walked in these clear foundation truths. Out of this flows forth the Benjamite Team-spirit. Two. TEAM SPIRIT: GEORGE R. HAWTIN & 1948. Romans 5:15. Yet the rescuing gift is not exactly parallel to the deathdealing sin. If one man's sin put crowds of people at the dead-end abyss of separation from God, just think what God's gift poured through one man, Jesus Christ, will do!

I can remember yet George Hawtin in 1945 telling a class in Romans at Bethel Bible Institute in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan the following: -- It puzzled him how one Man, even though the Son of God, could atone for the sins of every person of the human race. Then God quickened to him the above verse. Then by the help of the illumination of the Holy Spirit he understood! It only took one man - Adam - to bring sin into the world and upon each one of us. So how logical that God could send one Man and through Him undo the pitiable state into which Adam brought us. The last Adam has brought us into a higher state than we would have had, had Adam NOT sinned. God again used Romans 8:28 not only in a reversal process but also into a catapulting act. In Christ we both individually and corporately are now better off than had the first tragedy not occurred!
I can still 58 years later hear the exultant tone in Brother Hawtin's voice as he shared with us this revelation. But it was 3 years later when I observed through the example of George Hawtin his commitment to Team spirit. In the 1948 Visitation he asked 6 of us to join with him as a corporate eldership - to ensure that we did not miss the leading of the Lord in any meeting during those days of Heaven on earth. I remember watching him lead an afternoon meeting during the July 1948 Camp Meeting at North Battleford. I sensed by the way that he hunched his shoulders that he was not at ease. Then he turned the praise and worship part of the service over to another and polled the 6 of us behind him on the platform. He said, I know we announced this morning that we would do so and so this afternoon. But I have the strongest sense that the Lord doesn't want to move in that direction. Do any of you sense a leading coming from His mind? As he polled the 6 of us individually, it wasn't until he got to the last one that he heard a word that brightened his countenance. He returned in reverse order to each of us and reported. Joe feels God would have us move in this direction. Each of us immediately confirmed this word. Then Brother Hawtin took over the meeting and announced this confirmed word. He said, I know we announced this morning something different, but with your understanding we are going to please the Lord by walking in His confirmed leading. The blessing of God fell so powerfully on that afternoon meeting that it was almost difficult to stand. GOD was pleased that through the Team-spirit of unity we were able to hear HIS word and obey it.

Three. TEAM SPIRIT: EUROPE AND THE COMMON MARKET. Judges 20:8-11. All the people were at once and as one person on their feet. None of us will go home; not a single one of us will go to his own house. Here's our plan for dealing with Gibeah: We'll march against it by drawing lots. We'll take ten of every hundred men from all the tribes of Israel (a hundred of every thousand, and a thousand of every ten thousand) to carry food for the army. When the troops arrive at Gibeah they will settle accounts for this outrageous and vile evil that was done in Israel. So all the men in Israel were gathered against the city, totally united. When I sought the mind of the Lord for a country or continent that exemplified the Benjamin spirit, I wasn't prepared for God's choice of Europe! Really, I thought, how could God make that linkage? But in the last decade that has followed this insight, I have begun to see the wisdom God. First of all, I have not been turned on with the European Common Market. True, it is a descendant of the Holy Roman Empire, but like its predecessor, it too is a unity of carnality, power and force. But it does illustrate the power of unity, though in a negative manner. But use this power of unity to illustrate the church of Ephesus, which Paul raised up through team-spirit. Within 3 years all of Asia Minor, all of modern Turkey - had heard the word of God through this demonstration of unity. On a national level, this is what Europe is demonstrating to us in America. We may be the United States of America, but they are the united countries of the Common Market of Europe. And they are beginning to challenge America in an economic way. But subsidizing Airbus, Boeing has lost many an order. Just as the Soviets subsidized their athletes on a professional level other nations like America found it difficult to compete successfully from an amateur level. So let us watch Europe, with France and Germany. They are moving in a direction of selfserving that does not augur well for global well-being. But it does illustrate the power of team-spirit, according to the revival principle of Benjamin. The Mafia families also illustrate this spirit with the godfather in the background. By cloistering himself in secrecy, he has organized his infernal focus in a unity preserved by fear, force and intimidation. Islam clearly follows this same course both nationally and in the total confines of their religion. Though these forces illustrate the power of unity - it is nonetheless a negative unity of force and intimidation. Look at Saddam Hussein, Nasser of Egypt, and the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran (ancient Persia). Then swiftly move to the unity of the early church. Within a generation one out of ten in the Roman Empire professed to be a Christian. If you can't beat them, join them. Constantine in 325 AD encouraged the Council of Nicea, and the church soon lost its power, and later slipped into the 1000-year era of the Dark Ages. So, whether for good or evil - Team-spirit works. For us as surrendered believers to the will of God - it will at the end of this age - preceding the Second Coming of Jesus -

eventuate in the total victory of all of God's prophetic proclamations in the Bible! Four. TEAM SPIRIT: HENRY BLACKABY & EXPERIENCING GOD, Chapter 10. Romans 12:5. The body we're talking about is Christ's body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we?

Sometime in the early 90's a Southern Baptist pastor from Texas introduced Henry Blackaby and Experiencing God, Knowing and Doing the Will of God to me. He knew I had been in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan just previous to the 1948 Visitation in North Battleford. So he asked me - Did you ever run across Henry Blackaby when he pastored Faith Baptist Church from 1970-1982? Well, I had left that part of the country in 1949, so I was unacquainted with him - but I did know many of the churches he mentioned in his book.
My Baptist friend gave me a copy of Experiencing God. Both my wife and I were captivated by it, and have taught it individually or jointly some 13 times. But the interesting thing about the plan of this book - is that the first 9 chapters enable an individual to see the way to come into intimacy with God. But from chapter 10 onwards, Blackaby then deals with the power of Corporate unity. It is an area that brings us into MULTIPLICATION, instead of mere addition. There is unusual blessing at your disposal to teach this 12-chapter workbook in your church. If you can mobilize a core group to walk in these principles, your church will never be the same again. It will take faith, patience and motivation, but Team-spirit will result! Five. TEAM SPIRIT: E. STANLEY JONES AND CHRISTIAN ASHRAM. Psalm 133. How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! It's like costly anointing oil flowing down head and beard, Flowing down Aaron's beard, flowing down the collar of his priestly robes. It's like the dew on Mount Hermon flowing down the slopes of Zion. Yes, that's where GOD commands the blessing, ordains eternal life.

Someone introduced Oswald Chambers to me in 1963. My Utmost for His Highest challenged me plus Biblical Psychology for many years. Then suddenly I felt a nudge from the Spirit - OC helps you to receive individual relationship with Me. But now the 'Present Truth' requires that you develop 'Corporate Relationship' with Me. Switch to E. Stanley Jones in your devotions, with his 'Abundant Living.'
Marie and I heard Dr. Jones minister in Chicago in the 50's. He was in his 70's, but very alert and challenging. Then Rochunga Pudaite of Bibles for the World strongly recommended that I read ESJ's The Song of Ascents. In his autobiography, Jones lists about 25 of the major steps upward in his life. But the one that especially attracted me

like a magnet was his chapter on the Christian Ashram. Here he develops in a most practical manner the Team Spirit illustrated by Benjamin. It is an exposition as it were of Psalm 133. Many of the best of Dr. Jones 29 books are out of print - but visit the following Website to see what still can be easily obtained. Perhaps the Email address could prove helpful:

I have found the writings of this author and the example of his life to illustrate this revival principle of Team Spirit. In his various books he often has ladders that help and encourage one to step out and walk into the freeing atmosphere of unity. Look at the unity of our Triune God. This is not only an encouragement for us as individuals to see God unite our hearts to fear His Name (Psalm 86:11) but it shows the type of unity we can live in a corporate sense. Madame Guyon, Fenelon and Michael Molinos can also speed us in this direction.
Six. TEAM SPIRIT: PAUL AND HIS APOSTOLIC TEAMS. Acts 16:6-10. They went to Phrygia, and then on through the region of Galatia. Their plan was to turn west into Asia province, but the Holy Spirit blocked that route. So they went to Mysia and tried to go north to Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus wouldn't let them go there either. Proceeding on through Mysia, they went down to the seaport Troas. That night Paul had a dream: A Macedonian stood on the far shore and called across the sea, Come over to Macedonia and help us! The dream gave Paul his map. We went to work at once getting things ready to cross over to Macedonia. All the pieces had come together. We knew now for sure that God had called us to preach the good news to the Europeans.

Notice: Though the apostle Paul received the initial vision in Troas, it was his whole team that had the witness that God wanted THEM in Macedonia. This is exactly parallel to the way George Hawtin walked with his apostolic team in N. Battleford. I did not see him walk unilaterally once - but submitted his leadings and feelings to the whole team for a united consensus. If it did not come quickly and easily - he then asked us to fast with him until we had united clarity on the mind and will of God. Do you think he might have gleaned this method of leading from the apostle Paul?
Paul left Thessalonica by himself, leaving Timothy there to finish up the work they had started. But when he was in Athens he fretted until Timothy and perhaps others caught up with him. There was little fruit from Paul's sole ministry in Athens; but when the team went to Corinth and was joined by Aquila and Priscilla, then an amazing work took place. Yes - initial leadings usually came through the leader - but stepping out in obedience in confirmation and timing, waited upon the team moving as one.

To read the book of Acts carefully in the light of Team-spirit, is to see the dependency Paul had upon his team, along with the prayers of all saints of city churches they had founded. This was no one-man show. This was not a unilateral calling of the shots. It was not a dictatorship. It was like God's Theocratic Kingdom. It reminds one of David, who did not move apart from his counselors and the High Priest with Urim and Thummim. He was in this as in many other ways, a man after God's own heart. Paul in the spiritual Kingdom of God, walked in a parallel way to David in God's Kingdom over first Judah, and then over all of Israel. He was in this as in many other ways, a man after God's own heart.
As soon as Barnabas separated from Paul over Mark, immediately Paul chose the prophet Silas as part of his apostolic team, and soon added Timothy and many other to be with him. Some have counted as many as 50 names associated with Paul in his apostolic teams at different times. Paul resisted traveling alone and moving unilaterally. He was a TEAM man, a TRUE Benjamite, and one followed by Dr. E. Stanley Jones. Seven. TEAM SPIRIT: THE WOLF AND THE AMETHYST. Exodus 28:15-17a; 19; 21. Then GOD said, Now make a Breastpiece of Judgment, using skilled craftsmen, the same as with the Ephod. Use gold; blue, purple, and scarlet material; and fine twisted linen: Make it nine inches square and folded double. Make four rows of precious gemstones on it. Third row: jacinth, agate, amethyst. Set them in gold filigree. The twelve stones correspond to the names of the Israelites, with twelve names engraved, one on each, as on a seal for the twelve tribes. God links Benjamin with two graphic symbols. The first is the Wolf. Benjamin is a ravening wolf, prophesied Jacob over his youngest son (Genesis 49:27). Notice too, that it is the custom of wolves to hunt in packs. This further confirms the Team-spirit concept concerning Benjamin. Wolves wisely know how to track their prey, maneuver it into an isolated situation, tire it out - and then corporately move in for the kill. We should master this principle in the spiritual realm. We should master our knowledge of principalities and powers as our prey. We should isolate the one over a city or an area. Then corporately in the concept of Prayer Multiplication and Spiritual Star Wars, we can move in for the final and complete victory. What follows is the release of prisoners, who can now be led into the Kingdom of God and His Peace. What of the symbol of the amethyst? Some have pointed out that its purple color is the sign of drunkenness. Paul as a true Benjamite was exceeding mad against Christians in his unregenerate state. He persecuted them even to foreign cities, forcing them to blaspheme, casting them into prison, and jointly working in team-spirit to make Stephen the first church martyr. But later as the apostle Paul, he wrote these significant words, Be NOT drunk with wine unto madness and excess - but be FILLED with the Spirit, singing and making melody in

your hearts to the Lord (Ephesians 5:18). What a contrast! What a reversal of this symbol! What wine can be in a bad sense in the natural - but the Holy Spirit in a good sense in the spiritual realm, kindles our hearts to Bridal-love for the Lord. This eventuates in countless tens of thousands coming into the Kingdom of God. Team spirit? Benjamin? Multiplied effectiveness? Safety and plans that always lead to victory? Yes! Yes! Yes, and more! This we saw in embryonic state in 1948 under the leadership of God through G.R. Hawtin. But this brought to maturity in our day will see successful consummation of all that prophets and apostles have foretold. Yes! Read the Bible in this light - and hope, encouragement and renewed faith will flow in, individually and corporately. We can be and WILL be God's corporate, organic instrument to achieve ALL of His purposes on this earth.

Israel: Gods Gigantic Parable

Conclusion to the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles. From Genesis 12 to Malachi in Christian Bibles, and from Bresheet to Divrei-Hayamim Bet (2 Chronicles) in the Jewish Tanakh, we find one great picture of Israel, composed of 12 tribes. In the case of parables from a hermeneutic or interpretive viewpoint, one central point emerges. God has given us such a picture here which points forward to the one new man of the New Covenant, composed both of believing Jews and believing non-Jews the latter taken from all the Gentile nations. Strictly speaking, Gentiles who become believers in Jesus (Yeshua) are no longer Gentiles, but members of the church, which is one of the two sources for the one new man. Allegories have many aspects of a central truth; in the case of the Old Covenant, Israel is both a parable and an allegory. In Catholic circles there is a concept called sensus plenior, or fuller sense. In the case of Isaiah 53 for example we read about a coming Savior and Messiah for Israel. The Fuller Sense of this passage projects us into the New Covenant, where we find Yeshua fulfilling all Messianic prophecies of the First Covenant in Abraham and Moses. One. The Beginning of this Insight for me. In 1949 I was serving as Assistant Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church of Chicago. Dr. D. A. Scotchie McCall of Mississippi was our Senior Pastor. Dr. William Fouts, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary encouraged me to become a member of his church, and enroll as a student to complete my seminary course commenced at St. Andrews College of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Our pastor Dr. McCall invited me to join his staff. It was in this position that we as a church had Dr. A. W. Slemming of England lecture to us on Wednesday evening in 1949. He spoke on the garments of the High Priest of Israel, and to enhance his point, dressed himself in the complete garments of this office. The effect was captivating, gripping and interesting. He majored on the Breastplate of Judgment, and the 12 tribes of Israel whose names appear on the 12 stones of the Breastplate in order of Numbers 2. I for one was gripped and captivated by his presentation, and purchased his book These Are the Garments. In this account, he had written a complete chapter on each of the 12 tribes, pointing out the significance of their birth (Genesis 29-30), stone (Exodus 28), animal, Jacobs prophecy (Genesis 49), Moses prophecy (Deuteronomy 33) and the historical outworking of each tribe throughout the Old Covenant. And yet I sensed there must be more. I prayed about it, and heard the Spirit of God speak to my spirit, If you ask Me, I will reveal extra dimensions to this. I responded positively, and 14 years later in Gig Harbor, Washington God faithfully came through.

He impressed upon me that the 12 sons of Jacob are like the members of a local church. Each church member has a spiritual identity with one of these sons. In a local church of 50 or more members, there will be at least 2-4 members who identify with a specific tribe. Then each local church will be like a tribe of Israel. Either the pastors imprint or an unusually high number identifying with a particular tribe would give this result. But in a city church, each local church would become like one of the tribes of Israel. Just as Israel required all 12 tribes moving in unity, obedience, teachableness and humility so a city church composed of dozens of local churches, moving in an Acts 13:1-3 and Acts 15 posture, would see spiritual results as did Israel of old. Yet there is more! If each city church in a nation moved as a tribe of Israel, then that nation would realize a potential in God that would satisfy all involved. However, Christs Body, the Church, His spiritual temple, the one new man -- is a worldwide global entity. When Messiah returns to Israel as their King, and becomes King of kings and Lord of lords to the nations then the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. And that day is not far away. In 1973, ten years later, God added yet another layer of teaching to this gigantic parable. Then in 1992 He asked me to take the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles that came together in the 1948 North Battleford, Saskatchewan Visitation of that year and link them with the 12 tribes as a teaching and mnemonic device, much as Psalm 119. In January 2000 over a period of 13 weeks I prepared and presented this teaching in Tacoma at Beth Chesed, a Messianic Jewish Congregation. Phill Celver, who had touched seven of the daughter movements of the North Battleford Revival, served as a Talk Show host, and interviewed me on these Revival principles as identified with the 12 tribes of Israel. We arranged to have them recorded for audio and video communication. Two. A Banner for the Breastplate of Judgment. For a number of years, Deanna Emerson has wanted to make a banner for the Breastplate of Judgment. For a year she prayed and waited on God. Suddenly this year God gave wisdom as to Aholiab how to fulfill her vision. Within two weeks she completed a beautiful large banner, depicting the Breastplate 3 times normal size. It includes the two golden chains attached to the two opal shoulder stones. Here God had workers inscribe the 12 sons of Jacob in order of birth, 6 to each stone. The order of the names of the tribes on the Breastplate of Judgment as mentioned above is not according to birth, nor the prophetic order of Jacob or Moses but according to the order of placement around the Tabernacle and of the march (Numbers 2). On the bottom of the banner, Deanna placed alternately a pomegranate and a bell, just as worn by the High Priest of Israel on the bottom of the appropriate garment. It was this latter that triggered a new dimension of Gods unfolding revelation to me.

I pondered upon the colors God ordained for the pomegranates: red, blue, purple and white, woven together and matching the ephod, the sash, and the background of the Breastplate. For some time I have been searching for a connection between the 12 tribes and the 3 Great Feasts of God in Leviticus 23. Three. Mrs. Mary Bertha Allquist: my first mentor. During World War II I served as a sailor in the Canadian Navy. I joined this service at the Word of the Lord, and in faithfulness to His promise, He revealed Himself to me 9 months following my induction. On my first leave following my conversion, I visited Mrs. Allquist in Port Alberni, B.C. I had served as her paperboy as a teenager of 15, and knew that she had been adopted and brought up in an English Jewish family. Upon her conversion, a funeral for her took place. But in gratitude for former years, she prepared herself as a missionary to her adopted people, and was very successful. She literally memorized the entire Bible, and knew much of it in Hebrew. After answering a number of my questions she said, Jimmy, I believe God would have me share with you The Feasts of the Lord. She took me to Leviticus 23 and explained how Yeshua (Jesus) had fulfilled Passover and become our Passover. The Holy Spirit came on Shavuot (The Feast of Pentecost, 50 days after the Firstfruits of Passover). But the Feast of Tabernacles (Succot) would not be fulfilled till Messiah Jesus returned the second time. Four. Marie and I take this message to Vancouver and Toronto. Shortly after God commissioned me to prepare and teach the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles of 1948 as linked with the 12 tribes of Israel, Richard Long of Toronto asked permission to copy and edit each article. Because he had to omit some of the material, I became deluged with requests for unabridged copies of each article. My son Jim kindly became my Webmaster and created a Website so that interested people could download the materials at will. One who inquired concerning these articles was Myrtle Solomon of Toronto and her daughter Ayanna. They asked if I could be the Keynote speaker for a Revivalists and Reformers Symposium at the University of Toronto on April 8, 2000. If I could they would like me to speak on the 1948 North Battleford Visitation, and the significance of the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles as impinging upon Revival for Canada. God gave a green light for this. Preceding this meeting we stopped off at St. Davids Anglican Church of Tsawassen, B.C. thru the invitation of the Revd. Dr. John Roddam. Marie shared on Kelley Varners recent book, The Corporate Anointing; using the Introduction by Don Nori, and on the heart of God for the church to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. A heavy anointing came on the service. I shared on the 12 Embryonic Revival Principles, and used an overhead transparency of the Banner of the Breastplate of Judgment to help in understanding. John Roddam had 2 chairs placed on the platform, and invited the congregation to pray over us. Of significance to us, was a prophetic word that God would lay a mantle of authority upon us, so that the anointed teaching would more readily be received.

We sensed that this took place in measure at the Symposium in Toronto on Saturday. But on Sunday we ministered at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship. John Arnott was taking a much-needed rest with his wife in the West Indies, but Steve Long graciously met all our needs for our ministry. Some 1500 were present, mostly young people, both married and unmarried. Many were fairly recent converts, and on fire for Jesus. They received our challenge of knowing and walking in our Jewish Roots. Marie demonstrated how to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. We both sensed an authority that no doubt came from the Thursday impartation at Tsawassen. We were there ministering till 2:00 PM. Some 186 distinct cultural groups are in Toronto, and many of them are in the Toronto Airport C.F. We were aware of an anointing, unity, servant spirit and pastoral expertise that bodes well for their future. That night we were with Richard Long at Runnymede Baptist Church, the younger brother of Steve Long and again we sensed the enabling help and authority of the Holy Spirit in the meeting. Monday evening and Tuesday morning we had fellowship with our hostess Peggy Putnam of Shiloh Hills, Renfrew, Ontario. She had arranged for a Messianic Jewish Coordinator from Ottawa to speak at the Renfrew Presbyterian church that morning. Marie and I had the privilege of praying for them for this meeting, just before we left for Montreal and Quebec. Peggy and Noga, an Iraqi Jewess, demonstrate the One New Man ministry and fellowship that God is bringing to pass in our day. We had a wonderful time with Maries older brother Girard and his family in the Acton Vale area. Girard reaches his 80th birthday later this year. His wife Aurore has been ill, but is regaining her strength. It was for Aurores sake that Marie felt she should come with me on this trip. Five. Further Unfolding on the Breastplate. We arrived home in Federal Way, Washington Friday April 14th. I received a night vision of an unusual nature. Only twice has God visited me in such a manner that during the vision, I was at the same time outside of it, observing what took place. On June 6, 1985 I had the first of these, as a consequence of my first visit to St. Davids Anglican Church of Tsawassen B.C. just outside of Vancouver. A book came into my hands written by 3 Charismatic Catholics on dreams, with a subtitle -37 Techniques for Dream Interpretation. I found this book helpful, especially in its first 4 points of Title, Theme, Affections or emotions, and Questions (especially to the Holy Spirit, who gives significant dreams). During this time of study, God suddenly spoke to me, Would you like to ask Me for a destiny dream? I am willing to reveal my heart and thinking concerning you and your calling. I immediately responded in an affirmative manner. That very night I found myself in Washington, D.C. A medical doctor approached me with a slight smile on his face. He was dressed in sport clothes, expensive gabardines. He said, In response to your request of last night, I am here to answer your destiny desire. I felt a sense of awe, for at the time I was experiencing this night vision, at the

very same time I found myself outside of this experience, and listening to what was taking place. Gods messenger went on The answer is in one word and that word is Cervantes. Treat it like a rose bud, and it will open up to reveal Gods full thinking on you and your calling. I assumed the doctor-messenger was from one of 3 southern Mediterranean countries: Spain, France or Italy. I also incorrectly assumed that Cervantes was one of the medieval Christian sects persecuted by the Inquisition. As I pursued this line of reasoning, the Holy Spirit suddenly said to me, Dont you think you should consult an Encyclopedia concerning this? I was chagrined. Upon consultation, I discovered the only Cervantes listed was a Spaniard who at 20 joined the Italian army, and served for 5 years. At 25 while he was returning to Spain, he was captured by pirates of North Africa and held for ransom. At the age of 30 his church and relatives raised the ransom money and welcomed him home. The Spanish government refused his request to go to the New World (during the 1500s) and gave him a tax collectors job. He was distressed for the poverty and suffering of his people, and to help them, wrote a psychological novel to help them unite their hearts by bringing unity between their spirits and souls. He followed this up by a sequel, and Don Quixote became the basis for most future psychological works. Then the Lord revealed, You are much like Don Quixote visionary, motivated, crusading in spirit, and desirous to bring unity to individuals, groups, churches, cities and nations. However the practical Sancho Panza, Quixotes squire, has an area in you that has been neglected. Start working on bringing your spirit (Don Quixote) and your soul (Sancho Panza) into balance. I will give you check-up dreams two or three times each week to let you know how you are progressing. But when you are in balance, you will still have a lack. Your united heart will be strong on Don Quixote. But your wife Marie has the Sancho Panza balance. When you two come into balance, then you will realize your Two Are Better than One Ministries. God has been faithful since that June of 1985 in encouraging me and bringing Marie and myself into what we experienced in Tsawassen and Toronto. But on Friday April 14th I received a parallel night vision to that of June 6, 1985. Again I was both in and outside of the vision at the same time, hearing what I was saying. I recognized the parallel immediately, for the second time in my life. I heard myself explaining to a friend the relationship of the Breastplate of Judgment to the Three great Feast of God in Leviticus 23. I was explaining that the red sardius stone of Judah represented the Feast of Passover, with its concomitant parts of Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits. From Genesis 49:8-12 the Spirit thru Jacob speaks concerning Judah Tying his donkey to the vine, his donkeys colt to the choice grapevine, he washes his clothes in wine, his robe in the blood of grapes. His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than milk. Judah is like a Lion. The scepter will not pass from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his legs, until he comes to whom [obedience] belongs; and it is he

whom the peoples will obey. The Blood of grapes represents the shed blood of Messiah at His first coming as the Suffering Servant of Isaiah. What He did at Calvary shows up in the 4 cups of wine of the Passover Seder, Exodus 6:6. Justification I will free you from forced labor. Propitiation I will rescue you from oppression of Egypt. Redemption I will redeem you. Reconciliation I will take you as my people. All of the above is thru Yeshuas blood. But Jesus fulfills the Levitical sacrifices also: Propitiation the whole burnt offering Redemption the sin offering Justification the trespass offering Reconciliation the peace offering In John 6 Yeshua says, Except you drink of my blood (the above 4 blood offerings) and eat of my flesh (the meal or bread offering of Leviticus) unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink my blood, you do not have life in yourselves (John 6:53). Here Jesus links the entire Old Covenant sacrifices and points them to Himself. When He celebrated the last Passover Seder with His disciples before Calvary, He linked the Two Covenants within Himself! He inaugurated a new type of breaking of bread with the 3rd Redemption and blessing of the two elements. The New is in the Old contained the Old is by the New explained. From Genesis to Revelation it is ONE TORAH. Hebrews 8:6 in the Complete Jewish Bible by David Stern clearly shows and demonstrates that God has constituted the New Covenant as Torah, that it might join the Torah, Prophets and Writings of the Tanakh. Then I heard myself explaining to my friend that the 5th Stone of Simeon on the Breastplate, the blue sapphire, stood for Shavuot, the Feast of Pentecost. See Embryonic 2 on Simeon on my Website ( for a fuller treatment on this wonderful Revival Principle that came into a new dimension in 1948. Again note that the Rabbis tied this Feast represented by the Tribe and Stone to Passover thru the 50 days of counting the Omer. Passover first took place. The Feast of Unleavened Bread of 7 days commenced the day after. Then on the 3rd day, the Feast of Firstfruits was the starting point for the counting of the 50 days leading up to the Feast of Pentecost. In other words, God is saying that Passover is not complete apart from the Feast of Pentecost and the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The two Spring Festivals are intimately related. The Peter package of Acts 2:38 requires this combination. But when the Red and Blue colors of these two stones are mixed, then comes the Purple Amethyst of Benjamin on the 9th stone of the Breastplate. In order of birth and order of Jacobs prophetic blessing over his sons, he is number 12. On the Breastplate of Judgment these 3 stones form a diagonal from right to left (the

Hebrew order). Benjamin then shows forth the truth of the 3rd and great Feast that of Succot (Tabernacles). So the three great Feasts of God are right in the very heart of the Breastplate of Judgment. And the pomegranates on the special robe of the High Priest have these 3 colors above, plus white for purity woven in with them. Each pomegranate then pictures the Feasts of the Lord also, and is arranged in alternate order with bells a pomegranate and a bell. Some of the rabbis suggest that the many pomegranate seeds represent the 613 commands (mitzvot) of Torah. God told Abraham Look at the sand of the sea So shall your seed be. This is often equated with the multiplication of the nation Israel that came from Abrahams son Isaac. The fruitfulness of the many pomegranates pointing to Gods 3 great feasts depict this. On Jachin and Boaz, the two great pillars of Solomons Temple, were 400 pomegranates of 4 strings of 100 pomegranates each. Count the stars if you can, God told Abraham. So shall your seed be. Abraham is also the father of all believers from all nations, and we are his spiritual seed. Has God put wheels within wheels? Do the tribes contain the Feasts? Do the Feasts figure in with the Tribes of Israel? Yes a resounding, Yes! And in the Breastplate of Judgment of the High Priest God has chosen to speak to us of these things of our Jewish Roots especially close to His heart. For in the Resurrection, celebrated the 3rd day after Passover, believers have a downpayment from God that one day Christs body will be resurrected. At the Feast of Pentecost (Shavuot), pictured by two unleavened loaves, we become firstfruits with Christ. Soon the fulfillment of this takes place at Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles. Then Judah, Simeon and Benjamin will shine forth together. The One New Man, the church composed of believing Jews and believing non-Jews together will behold the glory of the Lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. I asked the Lord But what made it possible for You to give me this night vision and revelation, the parallel to that of 1985? He answered Because of the Watch of the Lord. Because a group from Beth Chesed and Puget Sound Christian Center regularly meet for the WOTL each Friday evening, and seek not their own agenda but mine therefore I could get through to you. They pray in the Spirit and do not come to me with their shopping lists. They follow in the pattern set by Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda. Because of their faithfulness and obedience I came through to you to answer your unspoken request! Conclusion. This was the gist of this second night vision. By all means go to my Website mentioned above, and download all 12 Embryonic Revival Principles birthed out of the 1948 North Battleford Visitation. And in doing so, remember that in a special way, God has designed to show forth these truths through identifying with the High Priests Breastplate of Judgment. Dont miss the peculiar hidden significance of the color of the pomegranates in Judah, Simeon and Benjamin. Jim Watt

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