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ETEC 565A Group Rubric Scenario #3

Working group 3 - Claire Burgoyne, S. Juliana Chelliah, Chris McKenzie, Michelle Wong

Scenario #3 Douglas College Nursing

We were given the following scenario: You are Clinical Faculty Associates in Douglas Colleges Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) program. The BSN program relies significantly on the students use of Health Sciences Simulation Centre (HSSC) labs prior to students entering their first practicum. Two cohorts of students have gone through their initial HSSC rotation, and the feedback has been largely positive. However, many students expressed a desire for an online space where they can 1. discuss their experiences with faculty and peers. 2. access electronic versions of simulation output for further reflection and study during each HSSC rotation.

Evaluation Rubric Exceeds Expectations

Does the platform allow for student interaction with faculty and peers?

Meets Expectations

Does Not Meet Expectations

Allows students only one method of interaction with faculty and peers

Allows students to interact Allows students to with faculty and peers interact with faculty and using a variety of peers using asynchronous synchronous and communication asynchronous formats Does the platform Allows students to interact Allows students to allow for student with faculty and peers interact with faculty and interaction with using a variety of peers using asynchronous faculty and peers? synchronous and communication asynchronous formats Does the platform Many options for creating Limited options for include private and both private and public creating both private and public spaces for spaces public spaces interactions?

Allows students only one method of interaction with faculty and peers

No options for creating both private and public spaces

ETEC 565A Group Rubric Scenario #3

Exceeds Expectations
Can students access electronic versions of simulation output for further reflection and study? Students can access electronic versions of simulation output. The platform extends reflection and encourages further study. Instructor feedback can be private.

Meets Expectations

Does Not Meet Expectations

Students can access Students can access electronic versions of electronic versions of simulation output, and simulation output, but instructor feedback can be instructor cannot provide private. private feedback.

How easy is it for It is easy to add resources the instructor to add in a timely manner, and resources? the platform accepts a wide variety of file formats

It is easy to add resources in a timely manner although the platform accepts only a limited selection of file formats. Multiple levels of administration allow TAs to make changes. Novice students are studying within 20-60 mins. of logging on and are given access to tutorials and help sections. Meets budget

Resources cannot be added in a timely manner, and/or the platform does not include multiple levels of administration.

Is the platform intuitive for the students to use?

Novice students are studying within 20 mins. of logging on and are given access to tutorials and help sections.

Novice students take longer than one hour after logging on to begin studying and may or may not be given access to tutorials and help sections. Exceeds budget

What are the total Below budget costs including startup and maintenance costs? How reliable is the LMS, and is technical support available when needed? The LMS is a stable and technical support is available almost immediately.

The LMS is a stable and The LMS is still in a technical support is testing phase and/or available within 24 hours. technical support is limited.

ETEC 565A Group Rubric Scenario #3

Why We Included What We Included

To develop a rubric for the purpose of selecting a suitable LMS, we referred to Bates & Pooles (2003) article, A Framework for Selecting and Using Technology. As we considered each of the criteria in the framework, we addressed the needs of students and instructors, and the administrative requirements for technology support and funding. As the purpose of the LMS will be to ensure that it will meet not only students needs but also teaching and learning needs, the majority of our questions (1-4) correspond to the S and T of the SECTIONS framework. To examine the usability of the LMS, questions 4, 5, and 7 consider the E of the SECTIONS framework. Finally, to ensure that the institution will have the appropriate infrastructure and funding in place for the implementation and maintenance of the LMS, questions 4, 5, and 6 address the O and C of the SECTIONS framework. The descriptions included in our rubric were developed as we referred to Implementing the Seven Principles (Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996). These principles guided us to create the specifics laid out in our expectations criteria. For example, in the first item in our rubric, "Does the platform allow for student interaction with faculty and peers?", we decided that a greater variety of communication formats would encourage more [contact] between students and faculty." We are confident that our rubric will ensure that the LMS affords community of practice, scaffolding, and meaningful learning and reflection.

ETEC 565A Group Rubric Scenario #3

Bates, A.W., & Poole, G. (2003). Chapter 4: A framework for selecting and using technology. Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher education: Foundations for Success. 77-105. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers. Chickering, A.W. & Ehrmann, S.C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 49(2), 3-6. articles/sevenprinciples.htm Norman, D. (1999). Affordances, conventions and design. Interactions, 6 (3), 38-41. Perkins, M., Pfaffman, J. (2006). Using a course management system to improve classroom communication. Science teacher, 73(7), 33-37. Panettieri, J. (2007). Addition by subtraction. University Business, August, 58-62. Accessed online 23 May 2011

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