How To Dispose Waste Properly

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Introduction The presence of pests and wastes in food production and

preparation areas has always been unacceptable therefore strict measures should be employ to eliminate them. Pest are organism with damaging charactertices as it causes harm through feeding on food stuff or parasitizing .there are several types of pest found in food service industry. And it includes rat, ants, bed bugs, bees ,beetles. Cockroaches, mice ,moth, squirrels etc. Waste are the unwanted materials found in food industry. The hygienic disposal of waste materials is extremely important in the control of most pests. The accumulation of food waste and greasy or sticky paper may attract rats and mice and it be the breeding place for many insects. It is very important for the health and safety of customers and staff in hospitality operations to make sure that waste is removed regularly and safely. Correct and hygienic collection, sorting and disposal of waste will ensure that pest are control

Types of waste in the food industry have been grouped into two; solid waste and liquid waste. Solid waste- Anything not disposed off down the plumbing system, they are referred to as REFUSE or GARBAGE. They include papers, wrappers, empty can, bottles and waste food. Food waste can easily attract bacteria and pest into the food industry, it is therefore usually disposed of separately. It can be tightly sealed into rubbish bags and put in the waste bins for removal by the external collection company. This will prevent flies and other pests from getting access to it. Liquid waste are the waste waters in the industry. These water can be passed through the drainages in the kitchen. How to dispose waste properly To ensure sanitation in the food industry, cleaning up as you work, disposing of waste cleanly and efficiently must be done always. Refuse is the ideal place for bacteria to grow as it provides food, warmth and time for it to multiply. Making use of bin liners, will facilitates the removal of waste without touching it. Use gloves to pick up any loose rubbish, Waste material should be separated into wet and dry waste, there should be enough rubbish bins in the kitchen or work area to prevent rubbish from being carried from one side of a room to the other, bins should always be covered with a well-fitting lid and refuse must be store in the designated areas, away from food preparation areas to prevent cross contamination. The area where waste bins are kept must be easily accessible to the external collection company

This area must be kept free from animals and perpetrators. Dogs and pests damage bags and cause rubbish to be lying around. Refuse should be removed frequently throughout the day and the containers must be clean after they have been emptied. Waste bins, lids, handles and surrounding areas must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily to ensure sanitation in the industry. Place all accumulated waste bins away from main building Bottles and cans containing fluid must be emptied before disposal Always wash your hands after handling waste and refuse.

Types of pests Flies are one of the most common insect pests. They are usually found in places which have not been cleaned thoroughly and where rubbish is allowed to gather. A female housefly can lay up to 600 eggs in her life. An egg takes about two weeks to go through the maggot stage and become a fully grown fly. Cockroaches are one of the oldest types of insects, said to date from prehistoric times. They do not usually fly and only comes out when it is dark. Their eggs take around two months to hatch. They can live for up to a year. Cockroaches can be detected by their droppings or their unpleasant smell. Weevils are very tiny insects that live in dry goods, e.g. flour, cereals and nuts. They can only be seen with the naked eye if they are moving. It is possible to spot an infestation if there is tunneling or speckling in the commodity. Ants are attracted by sweet items which have not been stored securely. They usually nest outdoors, and follow set paths to food sources. Rodents Rats commonly get into buildings through drains or holes but they also burrow under walls. Rats spread diseases to humans, including salmonellosis (food poisoning) and Weils disease. They nest in lofts under buildings, garden sheds or anywhere where there is food and shelter. They also bite. It usually lives outside. House mice are the main problem in buildings. They can climb very well and cause considerable damage by gnawing to keep their teeth short. Like rats, their teeth grow throughout their lives and unless they wear them down, their teeth will pierce through their heads! Mice dribble urine nearly all the time and leave droppings at

frequent intervals. They breed very quickly a pair of mice can have 2,000 offspring in one year! Birds Pigeons, starlings and seagulls can be a problem in outside waste areas where bins are allowed to overflow and are not kept covered. Once in the area, birds may then get into a building through doors and windows and will often try to nest in roof spaces. As well as Contaminating food with feathers and droppings, birds can block gutters with nests and spread insect infestation.

Pest can be control by the following ways Non Chemical pest control, Chemical pest control, Biological Methods A good solution for pest control is the use of chemical pesticides. It is not advisable in and around the home and commercial premises, as it will affect people adversely. The major drawback of this method is the result of the chemical pesticides treatment which are generally temporary, which in turn need repeated treatments. If used incorrectly, home-use pesticides can be poisonous to humans. While you are using chemical pesticides for pest control, the most important thing to remember is to take care in choosing the right pesticide product. Another effective way in controlling pests is using the biological method. This is the method of using pest's natural enemies to control them. Spiders, centipedes, ground beetles and ants are some of the beneficial bugs. This method is not harmful to people in any means and can be implemented effectively.. Pest management includes many steps. The first and most important step in Pest Control is to identify the pest problem. This includes finding out exactly what you are up against. Some pests (bacteria, animals) are really helpful to people, so it is very important to find out any harmful pests. The second thing is to decide how much pest control is necessary. Only the family who live in the affected area can judge how serious it is to take action. The third thing is to choose an available option for pest control such as chemical pest control or non chemical pest control. Chemical pest control is the use of pesticides Fumigation usually involves "tenting," a complicated method of getting the house surrounded by tenting material and flooding the house with a poison gas. This is an expensive method, but may be the only way to get the pest out of the home. Insecticide is usually sprayed around the interior of the home, usually in the places where the pests congregate or breed. Some homeowners may want a pest control method they feel is more humane, or safer for humans. Live traps which capture the pests alive and unharmed are popular. The pests can then be taken

elsewhere and released. Organic pest control may involve using natural substances such as peppermint oil, other herbs or even other small organisms to repel the pests. Some other organisms are not pests themselves, but are their natural enemies, and a lawn or garden may be populated with these organisms to control the pests. A homeowner should be careful when utilizing pest control. Some of these methods are dangerous and best handled by professional pest control technicians There are some ways of preventing pests to ensures sanitation. Regular thorough cleaning of areas, changing rooms and food stores, particularly in corners where pests may be able to hide unnoticed. Clearing up any spillages thoroughly and promptly. Not allowing waste to build up and keeping bins covered at all times. Keeping doors and windows closed, using self-closing doors or using insect screens across openings. Using bristle strips and kick plates on doors that are ill-fitting to prevent gnawing damage and rodent access. Moving cupboards and equipment as far as possible to clean behind and under them regularly. Removing any unused equipment and materials from the area. Ensuring food storage containers are properly closed when not in use. Checking all deliveries of all items, not just food for signs of infestation. These are sign to show the presences of pest infestation Droppings from pest, smear marks eggs, larvae, pupae cases, feathers, nesting material dead bodies of insects, rodents and birds, paw or claw prints unusual smells scratching, pecking or gnawing sounds gnawed pipes, fittings or boxes torn or damaged sacks or packaging. Waste management is the disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.

Method of waste disposal Landfil: Disposing of waste in a landfill involves burying the waste, and this remains a common practice in most countries. Landfills were often established in abandoned or unused quarries, mining voids or borrow pits. A properly designed and well-managed landfill can be a hygienic and relatively inexpensive method of disposing of waste material Recycling refers to the collection and reuse of waste materials such as empty beverage containers ,canned food containers, sachet and rappers.. The materials from which the items are made can be reprocessed into new products. Material for recycling may be collected separately from general waste using dedicated bins and collection vehicles Simply Throwing Garbage away As common as throwing garbage away is, it is also highly problematic. The role of effective waste and pest management control The effective waste and pest control prevent the spread of disease .the outbreak of food borne disease such as cholera, diarriahea, is being prevented as a result of effective waste and past control, since the causative agent of the above diseases are being kept away from food stuff and product. There risk of contamination is reduced. Again effective waste and pest control reduce the rate of microrganism in the food and service industry. Effective sewage and waste disposal cuts down the rate of microrganism such as bacteria ,fungi, viruses and other from the environment. Some of these microorganism are harmful therefore their increase will turn to cause food hazards. The standard of living of a nation improves as soon as the cost of waste and pest management incurred by the government reduces due to the effective pest and waste control management in the food industries. The amount of money that the government will have spent in the control of an outbreak disease due to poor and waste and pest management will then be used for health related diseases out other developmental project such as building and establishing of public institutions such as school, colleges etc. Therefore effective waste and pest management will serve as an important tool in maintaining the balance between the government expenditure and government revenue, that is the amount of income that the government will have to spend into the nation will tend to decrease a bit.

Also effective waste and pest control management promote employment in a country. The rate of unemployment of nation tend to increase as a result of poor waste and management control. A nation with a frequent outbreak of food borne disease such as cholera diarrhoea, etcetera fail meet standard of a good or civilized nation, therefore foreign investors are repulse this poor sanitary nations. A nation without foreign investors the unemployment rate of that nation tend to increase, as a result of low level investment. That is decrease in the number of foreign investors; And therefore the employment level will decreases because there will be no jobs. However a nation with proper sanitation will be attractive and therefore attract foreign investors to invest in that nation which will provide job opportunities to the citizens of that nation. Furthermore consumers are safe of what they are consuming due to the proper pest and waste management practice by the food industries a by the food industries a by the food industries and therefore the rate of patronage increases that is there will be an increase in productivity. This will go a long way to boost up business creating employment opportunities for individuals of what particular nation. In conclusion sanitation is the best way to effective waste and pest control management and therefore should be enforce in our food industry to eliminate all kinds of food borne illness and increase in productivity.



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