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txt 5695 2012-10-06 01:10:42Z daintree $*/ A new css structure was released with 4.09 and upgraders will need to clear thei r cache for the new css to render correctly. This was reported by a user with In ternet Explorer 9. From versions 4.01 database upgrades are now automatically processed if the vers ion number of the code is different to the version number of the database. The f irst login will require the system administrator to allow the system to upgrade it's own database. A backup of the database prior to the running the upgrade is advisable and a link is provided to download a backup of the database. The new u pgrade system will not be able to identify versions prior to 3.11 so it is neces sary to select the version being upgraded from manaully. It can process database upgrades from version 3.00 onwards. The instructions to complete upgrades the old way are provided below if for some reason it becomes necessary: CONVERTING THE DATABASE MANUALY - THE DETAIL As each new version is released the new php scripts will use new database fields or changed field names. A a consequence, the new scripts will most likely not w ork unless the database structure has been converted to the new database structu re. Normally the changes to the database between versions are small. However, be tween 2.9b and 3.0 the changes were significant and the upgrade script may take some time to run. It should not be run from a phpMyAdmin window since PHP will t ime out long before the upgrade script will have finished. It is important to make a copy of an sql dump of the database before attempting to run the upgrade script. An SQL script is provided for each version increment that changes the old databa se to the new structure retaining all the data from the old database. This scrip t must be applied against the old database. In general the script is held under the sql directory. Under the sql directory there is a mysql directory containing the mysql specific SQL - Postgres was previously also supported up to version 3 .05. The upgrade script is named: upgradeXX.XX-YY.YY.sql where XX.XX is the old version number and YY.YY is the new version number. No other users should be using the database. The upgrade script will need to be edited to use the name of the database that your webERP installation was created with - by default this is weberpdemo. If the default has not been changed then the following line (or modified for your database name) will need to be added to the upgrade script - right at the beginning: use weberpdemo; A similar line will be required but substituting the name of the database that y our installation uses where the default database name has been changed. Upgrading a mysql installation, the script should then be run through mysql from the command line: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u weberp_db_user -p weberp_db_pwd < path_to_upgraded

_webERP_install/sql/mysql/upgradeXX.X-YY.Y.sql where: - the mysql client binary is under /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql - the mysql user name is weberp_db_user - the mysql password for weberp_db_user is weberp_db_pwd - the path to the new webERP installation is path_to_upgraded_webERP_install - XX.XX is the old version number - YY.YY is the new version number The new php scripts should be copied into the webERP directory under the web-ser ver root directory. IMPORTANT NOTE ON UPGRADING A 2.8 to 2.9 Unfortunately I was over zealous with the foreign keys and made up one for Stock ID in ShipmentCharges this needs to be dropped but the name of this key is generated by Innodb so I ca nnot create a script to ditch it!! You will need to remove this yourself - otherwise you will not be able to create shipment charges. Using the new db scripts will of course generate dbs without this foreign key. NOTES ON UPGRADING FROM 2.9B TO 3.0 There are extensive changes to the database and the upgrade2.9b-3.0.sql may take some time to run depending on how much data there is in the system. A backup of the 2.9b database dump should be taken prior to attempting to run the upgrade s cript. IMPORTANT: Note that mysql version 4.1.8 or greater is required because from the mysql change log: "Fix two hangs: FOREIGN KEY constraints treated table and database names as case-insensitive. RENAME TABLE t TO T would hang in an endless loop if t had a foreign key constraint defined on it. Fix also a hang over the dictionary mut ex that would occur if one tried in ALTER TABLE or RENAME TABLE to create a fore ign key constraint name that collided with another existing name. (Bug #3478)" NOTES ON UPGRADING FROM 3.01 to 3.02 3.02 includes extensive changes to the tax schema in webERP and also allows for the same item on a sales order multiple times. This requires all existing sales orders to be updated with an appropriate number to avoid strange behaviour. A sp ecial script must be run to effect these changes after the SQL script has been r un. The script Z_Upgrade_3.01-3.02.php must be opened in the browser to effect t hese changes. NOTES ON UPGRADING FROM 3.04 to 3.05 3.05 now has Dave Premo's report writer scripts included in the distribution - a dditional tables are required for this functionality. Also, 3.05 allows for weig hted average stock valuation - using the existing data fields and retaining inte grated general ledger stock values. This requires cost information to be copied over into the grns table. The upgrade script Z_Upgrade_3.04-3.05.php applies all the additional tables to the database and does the data conversions required wihtout any manual intervent ion. NOTES ON UPGRADING FROM 3.11 to 4.x

PHP 5 is now required because of the simpleXML module of PHP only comes with PHP 5+. This is used on the new XML definition of report formats.

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