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CHAPTER - 1 Introduction To the Industry


The National Seed Corporation was established in 1963. The Government of India enacted the Seeds Act in 1966 to regulate the growing seed industry. The sixties were the most eventful times for Indian agriculture, not only Because of introduction of high-yielding cereals, particularly wheat and rice but also for many other positive developments related to seed such as, constitution of Seed Review Team, enactment of Seeds Act, 1966 and formation of National Commission on Agriculture. This was the period, during which the private sector significantly stepped into the seed business. The Seeds Act stipulated that seeds should conform to a minimum stipulated level of physical and genetic purity and assured percentage germination either by compulsory labeling or voluntary certification. Further, the Act provided a system for seed quality control through independent State Seed Certification Agencies which were placed under the control of state departments of agriculture. The National Seed Association of India (NSAI) is the apex organization representing the Indian seed industry with more than 250 companies as its members. The vision of NSAI is to create a dynamic, innovative, and internationally competitive, research based industry producing high performance, high quality seeds and planting materials which benefit farmers and significantly contribute to the sustainable growth of Indian Agriculture. And the Mission of NSAI is to encourage investment in state of the art R&D to bring to the Indian farmer superior genetics and technologies, which are high performing. It will actively contribute to the seed industry policy development, with the concerned governments, to ensure that policies and regulations create an enabling environment including public acceptance so that the industry is globally competitive. NSAI advocates: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Equitable consideration of all matters affecting the seed industry. The interest of sustainable agriculture globally. Enhanced exchange of superior genetics within the country and from across the borders. Increased global trade in seeds. The welfare and economic prosperity of the Indian farmer.

NSAI will also promote harmonization and adoption of best commercial practices in production, processing, quality control and distribution of seeds. The Vision of NSAI is to create A dynamic, innovative, internationally competitive, research based industry producing high performance, high quality seeds and planting materials which benefit farmers and significantly contribute to the sustainable growth of Indian Agriculture. The Association is also working towards the responsible use of biotechnology for modernizing Indian agriculture and enhancing the livelihood of Indian farmers. Increasing the general awareness about crop biotechnology amongst the many stakeholders, technology upgradation and engaging in a continuous dialogue with regulators for the establishment of a transparent, fair and equitable regulatory system, are some of the other activities of NSAI. And the Mission of NSAI is to Encourage investment in State of the Art R&D to bring to the Indian farmer superior genetics and technologies, which are high performing and adapted to a wide range of agro-climatic zones. It will actively contribute to the industry policy development, with the concerned governments, to ensure that policies and regulations create an enabling environment including public acceptance so that the industry is globally competitive.

1.1 Introduction to the Organization



Founded in 1985, Namdhari Seeds initially concentrated on contract seed production for exports. In first decade, it emerged as one of the largest contract seed producer of vegetables and flowers. Simultaneously breeding programs were started to develop suitable hybrids for the Indian market in important vegetable crops. Our first hybrids were released in the Indian market in 1992 which were very successful. Inspired by the success of our hybrids there was an increased emphasis and investment in breeding which resulted into the position of leadership in Indian vegetable seed industry. Presently, Namdhari Seeds is one of the largest vegetable seed companies in India. We offer more than 500 hybrids and varieties in 20 different crops globally. Our research team strives to develop suitable hybrids for diverse market requirements. Major emphasis is on regional preferences, adaptability, disease resistance, yield, taste and shelf life. The product development team acts in close coordination with R&D and marketing and conducts trials, extensively in the farmers fields before releasing to the market. Close interaction of marketing & product development team with the farmers ensures that best products reach the farmer. Although the major concentration of our production is in India, to overcome seasonal limitations, capabilities have been developed to produce seeds in different locations worldwide. With successes achieved in the domestic scenario, Namdhari Seeds has also expanded its activities to S.E. Asian countries (Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia) and Middle East (Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Saudi) besides Turkey. Our hybrids have been accepted in many of these markets. The company has now diversified into field crops and developed cotton and rice hybrids.


Seed Quality to meet grower expectations Namdhari Seeds continuously strives to supply high quality seeds to the growers. Towards this end, the Seed Quality lab has been one of the strong focal points of this company. Development of in-house skills coupled with internationally accepted protocols have helped ensure supply of seeds with high germination, vigor and uniformity. Wide repertoire Besides a wide range of vegetable crops this laboratory is competent and proficient to handle it also has the capacity and expertise to carry out required tests on flower crops as well as field crops like cotton and paddy. Upgrading the facilities and providing training to bring in new skills has been a constant process. Seed coating has been an integral part of the process. Seed Purity Stringent grow out tests coupled with DNA based tests are conducted to ensure supply of seeds with high purity. Seed health Well equipped Seed health lab with trained personnel to ensure internationally accepted tests and ISHI developed protocols to ensure supply of pathogen free seeds. ISTA accreditation This is one of the very few labs in this country to possess ISTA accreditation. This ensures export of high quality seeds for export market. Seeds readied for market Facilities have been created to dry, clean and grade and handle huge volumes of Solanaceous, cucurbitaceous and Brassica seeds using modern machinery. The

systematic planning devoted to the flow process ensures speedy handling of large volumes of seeds. The seed arrival and the subsequent processes before final packing and dispatch through different channels are managed by well trained personnel.

Principles of Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd. 1) Their actions and thoughts are based on the following principles: 6

Entrepreneurship Ambition Innovation Professionalism

2) They are totally professional and committed to a goal. There might be different ideas among them, but they respect these diverse ideas. 3) Their every effort will be focused on progress and entrepreneurship.

4) They give utmost importance to creativity and innovation. They should always endeavor to do anything better than before, it should be special, should be effective and should be done with total commitment. 5) They believe in winning and teamwork. They believe in delivering and always respect those who are capable of implementing every idea. 6) They as an organization are totally committed to employees. 7) They should provide their consumers, what they need or which they require. 8) They would play a positive role in the society, no matter in what medium they would be in.

Namdhari's Fresh handles more than thousand tons of fresh vegetables and fruits at domestic and International market. Our produces are mainly destined to Europe, Australia and the Middle East. Namdhari's Fresh would be India's first company to receive the GLOBAL-GAP & LEAF MARQUE certificates, which is an assurance for our high quality standards. With the Blessings of His Holiness Shri Satguru Jagjit Singh Ji, Namdhari Seeds has made a mark with itself in the Seed Industry widely as one of the largest distributors of vegetable seeds in India. Namdhari Seeds is also a leading Exporter of Vegetable and Flower seeds to Europe, Japan, U.S.A, Western Asia and South East Asia. We are also a proud recipient of Best Exporter Award from Govt. of Karnataka & Govt. of India and are designated as an "Export House".

After the success in seed world, Namdharis have diversified into the production, distribution and export of fresh vegetables & fruits under the name "Namdhari's Fresh". Namdhari's Fresh is also involved in natural farming to produce and supply Organic Vegetables and Fruits in the International market with the blessings of His Holiness Shri Satguru Ji, who himself is a strong believer of organic farming. At present the EC directive is being followed and the produce is grown in an Environmentally Friendly way.

FACE SHEET: Fact Sheet Year of Establishment Nature of Business Major Markets


: :

Exporter Indian Subcontinent

English Range Vegetables

Cole Crops: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels, Sprout,Red Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Cabbage Green.


Baby Corn

Sweet Corn




Colored Capsicum



Retailing: Our backward integration has enabled us to produce and supply quality produce to our end customers. We are pioneers in providing international ambience and quality in fresh vegetables and fruits retailing. Majority of the vegetables and fruits are grown by us, ensuring optimum freshness and quality of the produce. Presently we are operating in Bangalore and we are planning to open our outlets in other metroes very shortly.


Wholesale: Apart from the export and retailing, we are also supplying fresh vegetables and fruits to Institutional customers like star Hotels and retail chains. Presently we are catering to India's oldest and largest five star Hotel group across the country. Our produce are also send to other retailers through our channel partners. We have also started channel development across the country.


1.2Planning of Human Resources


DEFINITION OF HR PLANNING: There are many ways to define hr planning, or explain what it is, but the following definitions, taken from the government of Canada human resources site, is a good, useful working


Rigorous hr planning links people management to the organization's mission, vision, goals and objectives, as well as its strategic plan and budgetary resources. A key goal of hr planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. NOTE: the emphasis on linkage to strategic planning and business planning in the first sentence, and the emphasis on the arrangement and alignment of staff and employees in the last sentence.


the processes by which management ensures that it has the right personnel, who are capable of completing those tasks that help the organization, reach its objectives. WHY HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING? Human Resource Planning: an Introduction was written to draw these issues to the attention of HR or line managers. We address such questions as: What is human resource planning? How do organizations undertake this sort of exercise? What specific uses does it have?


In dealing with the last point we need to be able to say to hard pressed managers: why spend time on this activity rather than the other issues bulging your in tray? The report tries to meet this need by illustrating how human resource planning techniques can be applied to four key problems. It then concludes by considering the circumstances are which human resourcing can be used. 1. Determining the numbers to be employed at a new location :If organizations overdo the size of their workforce it will carry surplus or under utilized staff. Alternatively, if the opposite misjudgment is made, staff may be overstretched, making it hard or impossible to meet production or service deadlines at the quality level expected. So the questions we ask are: How can output be improved your through understanding the interrelation between productivity, work organization and technological development? What does this mean for staff numbers? What techniques can be used to establish workforce requirements? Have more flexible work arrangements been considered? How are the staffs you need to be acquired?

The principles can be applied to any exercise to define workforce requirements, whether it be a business start-up, a relocation, or the opening of new factory or office. 2. Retaining your highly skilled staff :-Issues about retention may not have been to the fore in recent years, but all it needs is for organizations to lose key staff to realize that an understanding of the pattern of resignation is needed. Thus organizations should: Monitor the extent of resignation Discover the reasons for it Establish what it is costing the organization Compare loss rates with other similar organizations.


Without this understanding, management may be unaware of how many good quality staff are being lost. This will cost the organization directly through the bill for separation, recruitment and induction, but also through a loss of long-term capability.

Having understood the nature and extent of resignation steps can be taken to rectify the situation. These may be relatively cheap and simple solutions once the reasons for the departure of employees have been identified. But it will depend on whether the problem is peculiar to your own organization, and whether it is concentrated in particular groups (e.g. by age, gender, grade or skill). 3. Managing an effective downsizing programmed:This is an all too common issue for managers. How is the workforce to be cut painlessly, while at the same time protecting the long-term interests of the organization? A question made all the harder by the time pressures management is under, both because of business necessities and employee anxieties. HRP helps by considering: The sort of workforce envisaged at the end of the exercise. The pros and cons of the different routes to get there. How the nature and extent of wastage will change during the run-down. The utility of retraining, redeployment and transfers. What the appropriate recruitment levels might be.

Such an analysis can be presented to senior managers so that the cost benefit of various methods of reduction can be assessed, and the time taken to meet targets established. If instead the CEO announces on day one that there will be no compulsory redundancies and voluntary severance is open to all staff, the danger is that an unbalanced workforce will result, reflecting the take-up of the severance offer. It is often difficult and expensive to replace lost quality and experience.


4. Where will the next generation of managers come from? :Many senior managers are troubled by this issue. They have seen traditional career paths disappear. They have had to bring in senior staff from elsewhere. But they recognize that while this may have dealt with a short-term skills shortage, it has not solved the longer term question of managerial supply: what sort, how many, and where will they come from? To address these questions you need to understand: The present career system (including patterns of promotion and movement, of The characteristics of those who currently occupy senior positions. The organizations future supply of talent. recruitment and wastage).

This then can be compared with future requirements, in number and type. These will of course be affected by internal structural changes and external business or political changes. Comparing your current supply to this revised demand will show surpluses and shortages which will allow you to take corrective action such as: Recruiting to meet a shortage of those with senior management potential. Allowing faster promotion to fill immediate gaps. Developing cross functional transfers for high fliers. Hiring on fixed-term contracts to meet short-term skills/experience deficits. Reducing staff numbers to remove blockages or forthcoming surpluses.

Thus appropriate recruitment, deployment and severance policies can be pursued to meet business needs. Otherwise processes are likely to be haphazard and inconsistent. The wrong sort of staff is engaged at the wrong time on the wrong contract. It is expensive and embarrassing to put such matters right.


HOW CAN HRP BE APPLIED? The report details the sort of approach companies might wish to take. Most organizations are likely to want HRP systems: Which are responsive to change? Where assumptions can easily be modified That recognize organizational fluidity around skills That allow flexibility in supply to be included That are simple to understand and use Which are not too time demanding.

To operate such systems organizations need: appropriate demand models good monitoring and corrective action processes comprehensive data about current employees and the external labor market An understanding how resourcing works in the organization.

If HRP techniques are ignored, decisions will still be taken, but without the benefit of understanding their implications. Graduate recruitment numbers will be set in ignorance of demand, or management succession problems will develop unnoticed. As George Bernard Shaw said: to be in hell is to drift; to be in heaven is to steer. It is surely better if decision makers follow this maxim in the way they make and execute resourcing plan.


Growth and Development at Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd.

Continuous development of employees is essential for improving their performance at Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd. The process is critical for attracting and retaining a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. The purpose of the growth and development policy is: To promote a healthy sense of compensation as well as job satisfaction among. To identify, train and develop competent personnel with growth potential and to provide motivation for higher performance. Foster a culture of learning within the organization. Performance Appraisals: Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd believes in KRA (Key Result Area) mode of evaluation. These KRAs are specific to the functional area and provided to each of the employee and to the new employees on joining by their immediate senior. The KRAs are in sync with the organizational goal, job responsibility and the performance expected from the employee. When is the appraisal carried out? Appraisal is carried out on an annual basis in March and October for the financial year gone by, or for the designated period on case to case basis. Employees joining Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd are informed of their appraisal period in their offer letter. Example: for the employee joining 1st April to 30th September 2007, the appraisal will be in March 2008. On the other hand, for the employees joining between 1st October 2007 to 31st March 2008, the appraisal will be in October 2008 and then next in March 2009. Who does the appraisal? Appraisal is done by the immediate reporting designation. And any issue\disagreement is resolved in discussion with the next senior level. Career Development: Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd provides opportunities to its employees for participating in activities which will enhance their specific job skills, their overall professional strengths, and their personal development. This policy is applicable to all employees of Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd at all the locations. 20

Criteria used for nomination for training: Training needs will be identified during the performance appraisal process by the appraise and appraiser. It may also be accomplished through training needs surveys undertaken by the HR department from time to time. The criteria used for the nomination for training are: Employees interest / self nomination . Must be routed through the Department Head with justified reasons, cost details, department head approval at least 15 days in advance to the date of training. HR will revert within 3 days on the approval, excluding the day on which the communication is received. Managers nomination to specific development areas. Driven by the business need. By the national vertical head, based on skill gap/performance management data. State head/Unit head or HOD and corporate HR. It must be ensured that the equal opportunity is provided to each deserving employee. The role of HR in the training nomination process will be: If budget is available and the vertical Head approves, the nomination shall be effective under information to HR. Check advice if the nominations by mangers or otherwise become too polarized on the people who are being nominated.


1.3 Recruitment
Recruitment: Special sanction is required in case of manpower budget overrun in terms of number or budget overrun. Relatives of employees cannot be assigned to the same function and/or with direct reporting relationship. State HR/Local HR has to keep track of every candidate who leaves Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd after 1st April 2007, including the record of the Exit interview. A candidate will not be eligible for interview if she/he has been rejected by any interviewer of Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd in past six months. As a policy, Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd discourages candidates who frequently change jobs in their career. It recognizes that the organization invests time and energy in training people and hence discourages the practice of frequent job changes. Orientation & Induction: HR inducts employees in Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd on the day of joining through an informal induction program is designed to familiarize the employees with organization and its members and other work related facilities. The formal induction program is conducted in the first week of the month and can range from one to fourteen days depending on the job profile. New employees need to complete the joining formalities on the day they join the organization. Corporate/State HR will facilitate this process. Compensation: In case of a death anywhere in the group, any employee or the unit head or the local HR head or the Accounts department, can inform the corporate of HR of the mishap.


The unit head or the local HR dept. will provide complete information with the necessary details such as name of the employee, designation, department, and the last salary drawn on the date of demise and the cause for the same. The Corporate HR would then issue an IOM to the corporate finance and the state coordinator F&A, who would issue necessary instructions at the unit level/corporate office and business office for the mandatory contribution. The amount as on the date shall be deemed collected and the equivalent amounts shall be debited to the respective offices. This is to cut the delay in actualization of the collection. Coordinator who would then prepare a DD in the name of the surviving spouse and send the same to the local unit for final distribution. Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal, also known as employee appraisal, is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time). Performance appraisal is a part of career development. Performance appraisals are a regular review of employee performance within organizations. Generally, the aims of a scheme are:

Give feedback on performance to employees. Identify employee training needs. Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards. Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions, etc. Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development. Facilitate communication between employee and administrator. Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements.

A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number of objectives/attributes. In some companies, employees receive assessments from their manager, peers, subordinates and customers while also performing a self assessment. This is known as 360 appraisal. 23

The most popular methods that are being used as performance appraisal process are:

Management by objectives (MBO) 360 degree appraisal Behavioral Observation Scale (BOS) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

Trait based systems, which rely on factors such as integrity and conscientiousness, are also commonly used by businesses. The scientific literature on the subject provides evidence that assessing employees on factors such as these should be avoided. The reasons for this are two-fold: 1) Because trait based systems are by definition based on personality traits, they make it difficult for a manager to provide feedback that can cause positive change in employee performance. This is caused by the fact that personality dimensions are for the most part static, and while an employee can change a specific behavior they cannot change their personality. For example, a person who lacks integrity may stop lying to a manager because they have been caught, but they still have low integrity and are likely to lie again when the threat of being caught is gone. 2) Trait based systems, because they are vague, are more easily influenced by office politics, causing them to be less reliable as a source of information on an employee's true performance. The vagueness of these instruments allows managers to fill them out based on who they want to/feel should get a raise, rather than basing scores on specific behaviors employees should/should not be engaging in. These systems are also more likely to leave a company open to discrimination claims because a manager can make biased decisions without having to back them up with specific behavioral information.



Promotion policy:Eligibility:
To be eligible for promotion under this policy, the employee should be undergoing any punishment or warning for misconduct under the companys rules/standing orders. The warning to any candidate shall always be in written mode. The warning can only be given by the national vertical head/state head.

Modes of promotion:
Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd recognizes that promotion may occur through the following ways: The filling of a higher position by an employee at a lower designation, given that the employee fulfills the eligibility criteria for the vacant position. A reclassification of the employees existing designation as a result of the employee performing duties a higher degree of responsibility and complexity than the current position calls for Filling of an entirely new job created due to the expansion of operations.

Criteria for promotion:

The key criteria for promotion would include: Performance on the job during the time spent in that particular level which can be assessed through the performance appraisal. Potential and capability for taking on higher responsibility which will be based on the feedback provided by supervisors and interviewing candidates. At higher levels greater importance is given to the individuals potential and capabilities.


Career development:-

Training and Staff Development:

Where does Training and Staff Development fit with Human Resources Planning? When companies have well thought out and useful human resource plans, it allows them to move training and staff development from a hit or miss process to one that is also strategic, organized, and designed to contribute to the company's bottom line. Much that passes for training in corporations yields no value at all to the company because training and staff development dangle unconnected to business needs, present and future. 27

Employees go to training because the seminar "sounds good", or "might be useful", and while it's sound to develop and train employees as an ends in itself, it also makes sense to choose the kinds of training that will result in employees being better contributors now, and also better contributors in the future.

A sound human resources plan will anticipate the skills that will be needed in the future, identify gaps in skills that are present, and will be needed, and then plan for the development of staff in advance, so that the skills will be available when required.

Training identification process:The department heads will identify training needs for various incumbents their respective departments at the time of performance appraisal. HR department schedule will be finalized after reviews and will be circulated to the various departments. A copy of the schedule will also be displayed on the company notice board. The HR department will consolidate the requests and notify the concerned departments of the final schedule. They will also make the necessary administrative arrangements. Every state and Unit has local training budget. Heads of the departments are advised to utilize the same in consultation with the State HR/corporate HR.

Orientation Induction program:HR inducts employees in Bhaskar on the day of joining through an informal induction program is designed to familiarize the employees with organization and its members and other work related facilities. The formal induction program is conducted in the first week of the month and can range from one to fourteen days depending on the job profile. New employees need to complete the joining formalities on the day they join the organization. Corporate/State HR will facilitate this process. 28

The joining form must be completed and submitted by the employee within 7 days of joining. Employees on joining the organization will be given a welcome kit comprising: Leather briefcase Organization diary Official tie First set of visiting cards HR manual ID card

COMPENSATION:Employee benefits and (especially in British English) benefits in kind (also called fringe benefits, perquisites, perks) are various non-wage compensations provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. Where an employee exchanges (cash) wages for some other form of benefit, this is generally referred to as a 'salary sacrifice' arrangement. In most countries, most kinds of employee benefits are taxable to at least some degree. Fringe benefits can include, but are not limited to (employer-provided or employer-paid) housing, group insurance (health, dental, life etc.), disability income protection, retirement benefits, daycare, tuition reimbursement, sick leave, vacation (paid and nonpaid), social security, profit sharing, funding of education, and other specialized benefits. The purpose of the benefits is to increase the economic security of employees. The term perqs or perks is often used colloquially to refer to those benefits of a more discretionary nature. Often, perks are given to employees who are doing notably well and/or have seniority. Common perks are company cars, hotel stays, free refreshments, leisure activities on work time (golf, etc.), stationery, allowances for lunch, andwhen multiple choices existfirst choice of such things as job assignments and vacation scheduling. They may also be given first chance at job promotions when vacancies exist.


The starting point for determining a pay increase is the position of each employee in the rate range after a pay structure adjustment has been made. Healthcare at Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd: Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd believes that the health of its employees is a joint responsibility of the employee and the organization. This policy aims at extending facilities and programs to assist employees manage their health and wellbeing needs.

All employees under M grade, employees who are not covered in ESI and are in E grade, and their families are provided with hospitalization insurance cover under the group mediclaim policy. Each family (Self, spouse and his/her 2 dependent children) is treated as one unit. The company has opted for a floating policy instead of a fixed cover. This policy implies that the cover for each person in the policy is equal to the insured amount. Group Personal Accident Insurance: The company covers the following group of employees under a group personal accident insurance policy: All marketing/sales-field force employed in any of the offices/units in the group. This is over and above mediclaim, if applicable. All officers in grade M3 and above. All staff in circulation and accounts (recovery). Production staff, excluding those not involved directly with the production process. Editorial staff, i.e. field reporters, photographers. The employees are insured for a fixed compensation, in case of injury due to accident. In the event of death, the nominee will receive a sum which is equal to 40 times of the basic salary. 30

The coverage automatically starts from the date of joining the company for the duration of employment. The coverage needs to be extended during an employees probationary and notice period.

Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd understands that employees have personal commitments which they need to meet. Thus, to assist employees meet their requirements along with the business objectives; the following guidelines/policies have been designed.

Official Working Hours:

The office timings for all the employees except editorial would be as follows: Operators and office boys: 8:30am to 5:30pm Other staff Managers and above : 10:00 am to 6:00 pm : 10:30 am to 6:30 pm

This period includes a half-hour lunch between 1: pm to 2:30 pm, depending upon the employees entry time

Privacy and Confidentiality: Objective:

Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltds business environment requires information to be kept confidential and the group also understands the need for employee personal information to be safe-guarded. The organization also assumes the responsibility to keep the work environment safe for both the company and the employees. This policy aims at providing guidelines to employees in relation to privacy and confidentiality of information.

What information is sensitive?


Any information that, if known by a competitor, could put the company at a disadvantage should be considered sensitive. Types of sensitive information include but are not limited to: Information about past, current, or prospective investor. Unless given prior authorization, this information can not be disclosed to outsiders except as necessary to service the investors account, or as required by law. Information concerning the operation of strategies. Profit & loss (P&L) information. Accounting records. Drafts of reports and brochures. Compensation information. Email related to work and business of the company. Personal information about any employee. Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd trading

Phone and Email Communication:

Employees are expected to adhere high standards of professionalism in all communications, whether internal or external, oral or electronic, or through voice mail or email. Employees are expected to conduct communications as if they creating a permanent record. In other words, they are expected to be courteous, professional and to avoid gratuitous comments or discussions, which, when taken out of context, can be misconstrued or which do not reflect the companys professional image. Doing so will help prevent the company being exposed to unwarranted regulatory risks because of careless comments.




Strength: 1. Large number of seed companies in the Indian seed market producing a large number hybrids/varieties to cater the needs of large farming population. 2. Low cost of seed production in India. 3. Varied agro climatic regions providing factors for the production of different crop seeds. 4. Large number of seed companies entering the market leading to good competition and reduction in price of seeds Weakness: 1. Weak infrastructure facilities of Indian seed companies. 2. Less brand awareness among the Indian farmers about new varieties/hybrids. Peer pressure plays a major role in buying of seed variety/hybrid. 3. Regulatory mechanism takes large time in giving approval to hybrids/new varieties. Opportunities: 34

1. Large farming population needing large amount of seeds making India a potential market for seeds. 2. After the regulation on the entry of seed companies were made easy, large numbers of multinational companies are entering Indian seed industry, helping India to generate large revenues. Threats: 1. The entry of illegal/spurious seed of different crops especially cotton in the Indian seed market is providing threat to company as the low prices of these illegal seeds is leading to its increased seed sales. 2. Uncertainty of monsoon leads to loss of seed company. 3. Multinational companies are trying hard to capture the massive Indian seed market, which may prove harmful to Indian seed companies

1.5Objectives of Study
To assessing manpower needs for future &making plans for recruitments & selection. To assessing skill requirement in future. To determining training & development needs of the organization.


To anticipating surplus or shortage of staff & avoiding unnecessary detention or dismissal.

Chapter-2 Research methodology


Descriptive research procedure is used for describing the resent situations in the organization and analytical research to analyze the results by using research tools. Descriptive Research: This research includes surveys and facts finding enquires of different kinds. The major purpose of descriptive research is that the research can only describe the state of affairs existing at present in the organization. The main feature of this method is that the researcher has no control over the extraneous variables called the respondents as they are going to interview the employees of the organization in order to perform study. They can only report what happened or what is happening. In social science and business research, we quiet often use the terms ex-post facto research for descriptive research studies, the researcher can discover and describe the causes for various situations but they cannot control the situations.

TYPES OF RESEARCH:Descriptive research attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or programmed, or provides information about , say, living condition of a community, or describes attitudes towards an issue. Correlation research attempts to discover or establish the existence of a relationship/ interdependence between two or more aspects of a situation. 37

Explanatory research attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two or more aspects of a situation or phenomenon. Exploratory research is undertaken to explore an area where little is known or to investigate the possibilities of undertaking a particular research study (feasibility study / pilot study).

2.2Sample Sample






Data Source : Primary & Secondary Data Survey method Questionnaire Simple random sampling Personal / Direct 114

Research Approach : Research Instrument: Sampling scheme Contact method Sample size : : :

Sample Size and method of selecting sample:UniverseThe sample universe is that of relevant for this project includes all the parties to whom the product is provided by Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd . Data Sources38

Primary Questionnaire. Secondary HR Manual, documents, surveys, case studies & text books on HR Planning and HR Policies, Internet, Magazines, Newspaper.


There are two type for collecting data 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data PRIMARY DATA Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time & thus happen to be original in character. Primary data is obtained by the study specially designed to fulfill the data needs to problem hand. Such data are original in characters generated by the way of conducting survey.

SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. The Secondary data consist of reality available compendices already complied statistical statements. Secondary data consists of not only published records and reports but also unpublished records.

Sampling technique39

Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd is divided in five major departments (HR & Admin., Production, Ad Sales, Finance & Accounts, and SMD). We have conducted the survey mainly in the HR department and we have covered the three hierarchy level of this department (Top management, Middle management &executive level).

Data collection method:Use of questionnaire- questionnaire on HR Planning &HR Policies for different hierarchy levels of HR department for the whole sample size irrespective of their designations. Some HR policies are collected from HR manual, the history, background; diversification etc. about Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd is collected from documents & surveys. Some information is gathered while working on projects with different department like HR, Marketing, Events, and Ad Sales etc.

NOTE-: As far as quality is concerned I tried best to take employees who had spent quite some time working in Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd & also sample from three hierarchical levels is taken to maintain the quality of the survey.

Communication Methods:1. Interacting with respondents. 2. Asking for their opinions, attitudes, motivations, characteristics.

Observation Methods:1. No interaction with respondents.


2. Let them behave naturally and drawing conclusions from their actions.

2.3 Scope of the Study Scope of the Study:As with strategic planning, there is no one way to undertake human resource planning. However, here's a model which relies on gap analysis, and attempts to link human resource planning to overall business planning or strategic planning.

Workforce Analysis: A key component of HR planning is understanding your workforce and planning for projected shortages and surpluses in specific occupations and skill sets.

Internal Scan: Identify factors internal to the organization that may affect HR capacity to meet organizational goals. External Scan: Determine the most important environmental factors expected to affect workforce capacity, given known operational and HR priorities and emerging issues.

Gap Analysis: Based on an analysis of the environmental scan and operational business goals, what are the organizations current and future HR needs? 41

Priority Setting and Work Plan: Based on the organizations priorities, environmental scan, and HR performance related data:

1) What are the major human resources priorities; and 2) What strategies will achieve the desired outcome? Monitoring, Evaluating, Reporting: Monitoring, evaluating, and reporting (internally and publicly) performance results advances our capacity to measure performance, set targets, and, most importantly, to integrate results information into decision making processes and determine future priorities.

2.4Limitations of Study

Limitations of Study: All employees of Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd are not covered under the sample size. It may happen that employees may not have given their honest opinion due to some reasons.


Chapter- 3 Review Of literature


Burack, Elmer H. (June 1985) Linking Corporate Business and Human Resource Planning: Strategic Issues and Concerns, Human Resource Planning,. PP.135-136 Gould, Richard. (1984). Gaining a Competitive Edge Through Human Resource Strategies, Human Resource Planning, P.31 Biles, George E and Holmberg, Stevan R., (1980). Strategic Human Resource Planning. (Glenn Ridge, New Jersey: Thomas Horton and DaughtersP.64 Odiorne, George S. (Nov/Dec 1984). Human Resources Strategies for the Nineties, Personnel. Hax, Arnolodo C. (June 1985). A Methodology For The Development of a Human Resource Strategy, Sloan School of Management, Kochan, Thomas A. and Chalykoff, John. (May 1985). Human Resource Management and Business Life Cycles: Some Preliminary Positions." Sloan School of Management 44

CHAPTER 4 Data Analysis & Interpretation


5.1 Employees are familiar with their Duties and Responsibilities assigned by the company. Introduction: This question is incorporated in the questionnaire for the purpose of identifying the duties and responsibilities of employees in Namdhari Seeds Private Limited. Table 5.1 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 59 46 5 1 3 114 Graph 5.1
NO.OF RESPONDENTS 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree DIMENSIONS Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree 4 1 3 52 40 PERCENTAGE

PERCENTAGE 52 40 4 1 3 100.0



From the above graph, it is observed that 92% of the respondents (51.8%strongly agreed, 40.4%agreed) have accepted that they know about their duties and responsibilities and 5% of respondents are not aware of their duties and responsibilities.

5.2 Company provides proper Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability to employees. Introduction: Every employee is assigned a job with Authority, Responsibility and Accountability. In this question it is to identify whether these activities are performing well or not. Table 5.2 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 40 52 15 4 4 114 Graph 5.2
AUTHORITY,RESPONSIBILITY,ACCOUNTIBILITY NO.OF RESPONDENTS 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree DIMENSIONS Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree 13 3 3 35 PERCENTAGE 46

PERCENTAGE 35 46 13 3 3 100

Inference: 47

From the above graph, it is observed that 81% of the respondents have accepted that they are assigned the job with authority responsibilities and accountability to perform well. Around 16% of the respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.3 Identified for new assignments organized by the company. Introduction: Employees are given new assignments based on their consultation and by training and in this question it is to identify whether the employees are identified for new jobs or not. Table 5.3 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 30 50 15 11 8 114 Graph 5.3
IDENTIFIED FOR NEW ASSIGNMENTS 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 44

PERCENTAGE 26 44 13 10 7 100.0


26 PERCENTAGE 13 10 7

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree



From the above graph, it is observed that 70% of respondents strongly have accepted that they are identified for new assignments especially after providing training to them. Around 23% of respondents have not accepted the statement

5.4 Stress on employees converts into positive manner. Introduction: Employees face some sort of stress while performing assignments and in this question it is to identify how stress is converted into a positive manner to complete the assignments. Table 5.4 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 30 50 12 10 12 114 Graph 5.4

PERCENTAGE 26 44 11 9 10 100.0

26 PERCENTAGE 11 9 10

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Inference: 49

From the above graph it is observed that 70% of respondents have accepted that they convert stress into positive manner and 20% of the respondents have not accepted the same.

5.5 Job rotation leads to the individual improvement. Introduction: Job rotation refers employee moving from one job to another job and in this it is to identify whether job rotation leads to the individual improvement and to organizational benefit or not. Table 5.5 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 35 40 17 12 3 114 Graph 5.5
JOB IS ROTATED 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 NO.OF RESPONDENTS 35 31

PERCENTAGE 31 35 15 10 9 100.0

15 10 9


Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree


Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 66% of the respondents have accepted that their job is rotated and led to both individual improvements and organizational benefits around 25% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.6. Superior identifies employees skills and potentials Introduction: Skills and potentials are required to perform a job effectively. This question is to identify whether the superior identifies their skills are not and how the training is impacted. Table 5.6 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 30 50 23 5 6 114 Graph 5.6

PERCENTAGE 26 44 20 5 5 100.0

26 20 5 5 PERCENTAGE

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Inference: 51

From the above graph, it is observed that 70% of the respondents have accepted that the concerned in charge identifies their present skills and potentials in performing the job and training is imparted to them accordingly. Around 25% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.7. Company provides new opportunities apart from regular assignments Introduction: New opportunities are identified based on the performance so training is required to improve the performance and this question is to identify whether the new opportunities are provided after training or not. Table5.7 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 33 50 22 7 2 114 Graph 5.7

PERCENTAGE 29 44 19 6 2 100.0

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Inference: 52

From the above graph, it is observed that 73% of the respondents have accepted that the concerned in charge identifies their present skills and potentials in performing the job and training is imparted to them accordingly. Around 25% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.8 Superior guides to their subordinates as and when required. Introduction: Decision making is critical and essential to every employee and this question is to identify whether the employees are allowed to take decisions or not and superior provide guidance to them or not. Table 5.8 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 35 50 14 7 8 114 Graph 5.8

PERCENTAGE 31 44 12 6 7 100.0

Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree



From the above graph, it is observed that 75% of the respondents have accepted that they are asked to take decisions in job and their superior guides them as and when required. Around 18% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.9 HOD addresses grievances Introduction: A grievance can be defined as any discontent or dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organization. This question is to know the grievance procedure existed in the organization. Table 5.9 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 30 45 12 11 16 114 Graph 5.9 PERCENTAGE 26 39 11 10 14 100.0

HOD ADDRESS GRIEVANCE 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 39 26 14 PERCENTAGE




Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree


Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 65% of the respondents have accepted that their immediate in charge or HOD addresses their grievances and gives them feedback on the same. Around 21% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.10 Organization utilizes employee services effectively and efficiently. Introduction: This question is to identify whether the organization utilizes their services effectively and efficiently. Table5.10 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 30 40 19 14 11 114 Graph 5.10

PERCENTAGE 26 35 17 12 10 100.0


Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree



From the above graph, it is observed that 61% of the respondents have accepted that the organization utilizes their services effectively and efficiently. Around 29% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.11. Present job leads satisfaction to the employees. Introduction: Job satisfaction is required to perform a job efficiently without a job satisfaction the employee cannot perform a job efficiently. This question is to identify whether the employees are satisfied with their job or not. Table 5.11 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 37 53 13 7 4 114 Graph 5.11 PERCENTAGE 33 46 11 6 4 100.0


Strongly agree



Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree

Inference: 56

From the above graph, it is observed that 79% of the respondents have accepted that they derive satisfaction in performing the job. Around 17% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.12. Seniors, colleagues and subordinates are very cooperative in the organization Introduction: Co-operation of the seniors, colleagues and subordinates is required to complete the assignments in time. This question is to identify whether they are co-operative or not. Table 5.12 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 40 52 16 3 3 114 Graph 5.12

PERCENTAGE 35 46 14 3 2 100.0

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


46 35 PERCENTAGE 14 3 Strongly agree Agree Disagree DIMENSIONS 2

Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree



From the above graph, it is observed that 81% of the respondents have accepted that their seniors, colleagues and subordinates are very cooperative and they work as a team. Around 17% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.13. Employees are recognized and rewarded suitably by the organization. Introduction:The employee recognition and rewarding plays an important role in motivating the employees. So proper recognition should be given to the employees according to their performance. This question is to identify whether they are recognized or not. Table5.13

DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL

NO.OF RESPONDENTS 26 40 22 12 14 114 Graph 5.13

PERCENTAGE 23 35 19 11 12 100.0




Strongly agree

A gree


Strongly dis agree Neither agree nor disagree

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 58% of the respondents have accepted that they have been recognized and rewarded suitably by the organization for their performance as per the policy. Around 30% of respondents have not accepted the statement. 5.14. Organization provides compensation based on qualification, experience. Introduction: Compensation refers to giving an additional pay to the employees if any loss occurs. This question is to identifying whether compensation commensurate with qualification. DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL Table 5.14 NO.OF RESPONDENTS 27 64 17 3 3 114 Graph 5.14 PERCENTAGE 24 56 15 3 2 100.0


COMPENSATION COMMENSURATE WITH QUALIFICATION NO.OF RESPONDENTS 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree DIMENSIONS Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree 24 15 3 2 PERCENTAGE 56

Inference: From the above graph, it is observed that 80% of the respondents have accepted that they know that the compensation commensurate with the qualification, experience exposure and especially with their job performance during the period in delivering results in time. Around 18% of respondents have not accepted the statement.

5.15. Organization provides job security to the employees. Introduction: Job security and social belongingness is important to any organization. Job security refers to the protection of the job from different consequences. This question is to identify whether they feel job security or not. Table 5.15 DIMENSIONS Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Neither agree nor disagree TOTAL NO.OF RESPONDENTS 40 55 9 6 4 114 PERCENTAGE 35 48 8 5 4 100.0 60

Graph 5.15

S EN S E O F JO B S EC U R IT Y AN D S EN S E O F S O CIAL BEL O N G IN G N ES S 60 NO.OF RESPONDENTS 50 40 30 20 10 0 Stro n g ly ag ree A g re e Dis a g re e Stro n g ly d is ag ree eith er ag ree n o r N d is ag ree 8 5 4 35 P E RC E N TA G E 48



From the above graph, it is observed that 83% of the

respondents strongly have accepted that they feel a sense of job security and sense of social belongings in the organization. Around 13% of respondents have not accepted the statement.


Chapter-5 Facts & Findings

Facts & Findings 1. Working environment-:

Working environment is an important factor to keep the employees engages to the organization. Employees need different kind of working environment at different levels. HR people must keep this factor in mind.

2. Performance appraisal: Appraising performance should be done in such a way that it does not threat the employee that any point of time. Otherwise employee motivation and so employee engagement can come down dramatically. 62

3. Recognition-:
Recognition is important to keep employee motivated and committed to the organization. Different levels of hierarchy require different kind of recognition.

4. Communication-:
Clear upwards and downwards communication is required for the employee involvement in the organization. Communication barriers can create high amount of dissatisfaction among the employees and some time it takes the form of rumors and affect the organization badly.

5. Relationship-:
Interpersonal bonding is essential for getting out of the employees coaching and mentoring system not only developed the employee but also builds a moral bonding for better engagement.

6. Transparency-:
Transparency in the organization is required at all the levels and it actually creates a good amount of enthusiasm especially among the middle and bottom level of management.

7. Compensation-:
Compensation is a major factor of motivation. Monetary and non- monetary compensation can be used wisely to motivate the employees and keep the engagement level higher.

8. Motivation-:
Overall motivation of the employee depends on numerous factors and it is a most important aspect of employee engagement. 63

9. Learning and growing opportunities-:

this factor is especially important for the bottom and middle level of management and it ensures long term employee organization orientation and employee commitment.


CHAPTER 6 Conclusion

The works on the Project study was a wonderful experience in my life. The study has been extremely useful in developing my professional skills and personality. The training help me a lot to adapt myself to actual working environment and to work in coordination 65

with the other team members. Further, the guidance, support, cooperation and assistance provided by seniors at Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd helped me to better understand the real working environment. The practical experience gained during the short period of 45 days will go a long way in achieving my real goal and ambition in my life. Different hierarchal level has different responsibilities towards planning of human resource due to various priority factors. In Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd HR department has following priorities for HR planning: Goal oriented Responsibility Relationship Working environment

Also different hierarchal levels shows different interests: Top management-: Motivation & Learning & Growing Opportunity, job challenges, power & authority, designation in the organization.

Middle management- growth opportunity rewards 7 achievement, non-monetary benefits, and quality of work life, career planning & recognition.

Executive level- working conditions, growth opportunities, monetary & nonmonetary benefits & communication.


CHAPTER 7 Recommendation and Suggestions


Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd has excellent policies for HR Planning although its needs to focus on certain aspects which are mention in the following:

1. Human resource planning should be properly organized and a separate manpower planning division must be created. 67

2. An adequate database should be developed for human resource to facilitate planning.

3. The quantity and quality of human resource should be stressed in a balance manner. The emphasis should be on filling future vacancies with the right people rather than merely matching existing people with the existing jobs.

4. The period of a human resource plan should be appropriate to the needs and circumstances of Namdhari Seeds Pvt Ltd.


CHAPTER 8 Appendices

APPENDICES:QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Do you have a program to assist employees when their personal problems may affect
their on-job productivity (e.g. alcohol or drug related, financial etc.)? Ans. Yes_____ No_____


2.Are you presently doing performance evaluations for all field employees on a regular basis? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

3. Do you communicate regularly with field employees regarding the success of the company, future job prospects and other issues affecting the company? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

4.Do you have a well understood pay-for-performance compensation program? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

5. Do you have a formal or informal orientation program for new employees? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

6. Do you provide incentives or rewards to employees for bringing forward suggestions or improving productivity? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

7. Do you formally recognize field employees with 20 or 25 years service with your organization? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

8. Do you conduct occasional surveys of your employees, receiving formal feedback on company policies, compensation, benefits, employee attitude, etc? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

9. Do you conduct regular surveys of your competition to ensure your compensation policies are competitive? Ans. Yes_____ No_____


10. Do you actively encourage unskilled workers to enroll in Ans. Yes_____ No_____


programs and do you attempt to give apprentices varied work experience?

11. Does your company offer a pension or retirement savings plan or profit sharing plan for field employees? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

12. When hiring field employees, do u screen workers according to skills? Do u do reference checks on all new hires? Ans. Yes_____ No_____

13. Do you have a formalized complain resolution process within your company? Ans. Yes_____ No_____


CHAPTER 9 Bibliography

Book References: 1. Human Resource Management- G.S. Sudha 2. Human resource management . V.S.P. RAO TATA Mc Graw hill publication 3. Journal- HR Purview

Internet References: 1. 72

2. 3. 4.


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