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outstanding local newspaper

For Five Consecutive Years St. peter Baptist Catholic Mass Media Awards

regional eXponent for progress

bicol, the philippines march 25-31, 2012 p 5.00

vol. XiX, no. 39

denr drive vs illegal logging gains ground

With a considerable outcome on its anti-illegal logging campaign, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) scored against illegal loggers at the outset of the creation of the Regional Anti-illegal Logging Task Force (RAILTF).
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denr to donAte hot logs to deped for use in schools

Lakbay Alalay up for Lent

In anticipation to the influx of motorists this Lenten Holidays, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Region V Director Danilo E. Dequito directed the reactivation of District Motorist Assistance Teams to start at 6:00 in the morning of March 31 (Saturday) until 12:00 noon of April 10 (Tuesday). This program, dubbed as Lakbay Alalay is in coordination with the Land Transportation Office (LTO), the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Local Government Unit (LGU) officials. Thirty (30) Motorists Assistance Centers will be installed in conspicuous places of the national road, DEQuiTo
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ALL brAND NEw (Air SuSPENSioN) AirCoNDiTioNED buSES wiTH wi-Fi rEADY oN boArD. DAiLY TriPS To/FroM: Legazpi City, Daraga, Camalig, Guinobatan, Ligao City, oas,

Polangui, Libon, bato, Nabua, iriga City, buhi, baao, Pili, Naga City. With booking offices at: Araneta Center Terminal, Pasay, Alabang, Turbina and LrT/Taft buendia.

3rd floor, GerONiMO blDG., bArliN sT., NAGA CiTY (054) 472-57-71 TelefAx: (054) 475-62-62 CP 0921-3183720 / 0919-2822901 / 0920-5337766

bikol reporter

(Atty. APA chairman of Acyatan & Co., CPAs-DFK International - PICPA past president/Hall-of-Famer, ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement Awardee, and past chair of ASEAN Federation of CPA writes this syndicated column for selected CALABARZON & Bikol newsweeklies). FAST-CHANGING: New technologies are changing the medium with which we communicate with each other including how we record our activities. Handwriting has long been replaced by print, and now prints are being replaced by computer soft copies for purposes of perpetuation. These recent developments have affected certain industries and business lines which have been made passe by modern technologies. Cameras and films have been replaced or sidelined by the cellphone, USB and CD. As a result, global business giant KODAK has petitioned the courts to be declared insolvent (more current liabilities than current assets). Also, Encyclopedia Britannica recently announced it will stop publishing print editions of its flagship encyclopedia. Instead, it will just issue digital versions. Officials say they have long foreseen the end of the print set! NEWSPAPER? Even news publication needs to be thought about. Less and less people are buying broadsheets, or even tabloid news. TV and Tele-Radio broadcasts are substituted now for newspapers. Many modern versions of cellphones and I-pads or Ipods duplicate the function of TV and fax machines. The urgent message for us is to always check our businesses possible competitions from new techniques.

march 25 - 31, 2012

Weekly Reflection

fr. AllAN s. feNix

Communication Shifts
opinions unlimited
Book-reading similarly is being sidelined by browsing on the internet and other media. Review materials for all types of examinations are now made available through e-mails or via compact disks. Library science may soon be replaced by internet or computer filing systems, as books will just serve memorabilia purposes. All the foregoing should serve stern notices to printing presses, publishers and even bookstores. Our world of communication and information filing has undergone a huge lift to modernity. IMPEACHMENT: Public interest in the on-going legal-political battle at the Senate Court is surely waning. Too much time is being wasted due to excessive technicalities and legal antics by the participants from the prosecution, defense and even the Senate itself. We just hope that the bigger welfare of our country is not being sidelined by the impeachment imbroglio. The sooner the verdict comes, the better for all of us. Our citizenry should know that impeachment proceedings are unlike court hearings where technicalities are availed of in the interest of justice. The current Senate activity is a politico-legal exercise in search of the truth. The Chief Justices fate depends on the votes of the senator judges, with 16 as the magic number to impeach. Opinions Unlimited surmises that even if a lower number is counted, the accused will end up as a much-maligned official who is no longer fit to lead the judiciary. REFORMATION: The life of boxing idol Manny Pacquiao continues to amaze me. He has used his special intellect in addition to his brawn and boxing skills - not only to improve his life, but also to be on top of situations. There were reports that he wasted a good part of his boxing windfall in the gambling tables (especially in Las Vegas) and also on lavish parties with wine and women for his friends and supporters. Current reports indicate that the eighttime world boxing champion reformed his life after his encounter with God in a dream. Instead of using his money for gambling, he is now actively giving away resources to the needy. This season of Lent, Pacquiao is set to speak in a recollection of priests from the diocese of Marbel (Cotabato). The occasion is ripe for the congressmanboxer to reveal his reformed life and how his bible-reading cleansed his earthly habits. WISDOM: Grateful people give out aid from a heart of love, not because of bounden duties.

To Gather Together
At any one time, if one goes around in the many cities and towns of our country, what one will readily meet are the streamers upon streamers, either lining up the side or hanging up the streets, with the painted messages of alumni homecomings, family reunions, town fiestas... In our country, we love reunions, of all sorts, very much. As feast lovers, we are not used to being left all alone by ourselves. We love and try to do things with others. We always look for ways and reasons to come and gather together. So, it is not surprising why we have these perennial class and clan reunions, vibrant town fiestas... We ardently believe in the scriptural passage which said; .... It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. Genesis 2: 18 We love to treat and spend for others. We want to be known for our generosity. Thats why, generally, we have poor saving habits. There are all the weekly pot lucks that we have to go and attend. We just want to bring with us the most special and expensive ones. We want our dish to stand out of the rest. We totally hate it when it is ignored or snobbed. Amidst all of these, there is a gathering that we feel, as though, reluctant to show ourselves in- the wake. A wake itself is also a social gathering done specially at night for the purpose of watching and praying over a dead persons body before its burial. It is , in short, paying our last respect to a dead person. Who wants to be in one? We wanted to be in social gathering situations but not in this one, for sure, since it reminds us of our own death. In our minds, if we die, we are not much different from the one already in front encased in a coffin. In whatever form, it is not a happy reunion, at all. Every Sunday, we all have an open invitation from God to come and gather before his Holy Eucharist to heed his own very words; ... do this in remembrance of me. Luke 22: 19 At the center of which is the priest, the other Christ, whom we fondly call as Father , our Father, symbolizing the uniting factor of the community. Although done daily and weekly, the Holy Eucharist is the mother of all reunions. With one mind, one heart and one faith, we witness the life, death and eventual resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The world, with its varying colors of persuasions often tends to disintegrates, the church with its unity with God is always one and the same. Yes, the accidentals, from time to time, might change. However, the substance, the faith in God, never. For he is forever and infinite... To what other party do we need to throw our support in? Let us go for the heavenly eternal one. Come let us gather together in front of God in his own sacraments. He is all truth and promise nothing but the salvation of our souls. My brothers and sisters, It is not good for one to be alone Why be one when we can COME ONE. COME ALL toward Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist !

CJ Coronas undeclared dollars and allowances and 8 Tips on Earthquake Safety

During the impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato C. Corona last week, the defense counsel presented Araceli Bayuga, a budget and disbursing officer of the Supreme Court who testified that CJ Corona had received a total of P21,636,781.45 in salaries, allowances and other benefits since he joined the tribunal in 2002 until last year. Coronas salaries for the same period amounted to a total of P5,872,859.82 and much of his earnings came from allowances and other benefits he received while sitting at the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, including such items as productivity enhancement benefit, Christmas cash gifts, additional Christmas cash gift and yearend cash gift. Corona also received allowances for clothing, representation and transportation including extraordinary and miscellaneous expenses, longevity and productivity incentive benefits. As I watched the trial on TV, I wondered why did CJ Corona only declare P3.5 million as his income on his SALN under oath. He did not even declare his dollar deposit in the bank and those millions of allowances. Ill wait for his explanation on

from my window
NeNiTA fueNTebellA-PeONes
those matters before judging him. In his column entitled With Due Respect in the Philippine Daily Inquirer dated March 18, 2012, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Artemio V. Panganiban wrote the following excerpt: On this gut legal issue, recall that in its resolution on Jan. 27, the impeachment court held that respondent, as a public official, has the duty to completely, truthfully and faithfully declare his assets, liabilities and net worth. Consequently, a less than full and faithful disclosure may open him to sanctions. *****

Earthquakes are frequently reported and is happening all over the world with disastrous consequences. Hence, here are 8 (Eight) Tips on Earthquake Safety from the Book of Tips by Julio F. Silverio: 1. The worst danger is over at the first minute of a major earthquake. Always try to maintain presence of mind. 2. When earthquake occur, the first impulse should be to seek cover or take refuge under a large piece of strong furniture when one happens to be inside a building. 3. When caught by the tremors while in the streets or between buildings, take refuge under a strong structure. Beware of broken down electric wires, falling debris, loose ceiling slabs and crumbling walls. Avoid staying or being caught in narrow alleys, between tall structures or walls, beneath steep precipices, riverbanks, etc. 4. Aftershocks are not as dangerous as the main shock. After the main shock, stay away from unstable objects or structures, damaged objects,
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The changing world

The story of the aging Spanish nobleman, Juan Ponce de Leon, who searched for the Fountain of Youth in the Pacific, reveals mans obsession with immortality. His search ended in failure for when he dipped himself into what he believed to be the fountain, his vigor, his strength did not return. Old age is mans mortal enemy. When he advances in years which is unstoppable, he enters into an unfamiliar world. Most of the things that he is so fond with are no longer there. Some people have learned to accept it, however. They know there are things that cannot be changed. Bidding youth goodbye is one of them. Juan Ponce de Leon did not want to leave that world. And perhaps you, too. But you can always go back. We call it walking down memory lane. When you visit your childhood home, you go there not just to see old friends but

A Question of privilege

salvador d. flor

to relive memories, to touch the places you once frequented, to hear the same sounds of your youth, to feel the rushing of the winds. In Legazpi City years back, the late Jess Marcellana would play old songs in his daily afternoon , Hitback, over DWGW. It was a well-loved, well-listened to program, Most of his fans were people

in midlife and beyond who loved yesteryears music of great American and Filipino balladeers. They grew up with the old songs, daily experienced them, dreamed with them, even made love listening to them. That kind of music was part of their lives. If you take that away from them, their world will become barren, lifeless. Todays music? They will never appreciate the ear-splitting noise. The change is not only in music. The so-called slow drag which enables a boy to tightly hold his partner at the dance floor in a cheek to cheek dance has apparently vanished. I had the unforgettable experience of dancing cheek to cheek with a girl during a fiesta in my barrio long ago. She allowed me to hold her tight while our cheeks touched. Carried by the
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march 25 - 31, 2012

bikol reporter

bikol reporter

march 25 - 31, 2012

bongat optimistic on garbage technology

NAGA CITY ---- Fresh from his fruitful sojourn after attending the monthlong International Visitors program in the United States, Naga City Mayor John Bongat immediately resume his usual routine in the office and was instantaneously swarmed with various concerns, one of which is the completion of one of his dream projects the realization of a technology which will address the growing problem of garbage in the city. On Friday, Bongat, together with the members of Sangguniang Panlunsod and other city officials, convened at the Avenue Plaza Hotel here, to discuss with CJ Global Co., Ltd, and Hitachi Zosen officials the status of the garbage technology which will use gasification process to ease out problems concerning waste disposal, as prompted by the increasing local population, not to mention the rapid influx of domestic and foreign tourists in the city. CJ Global, as represented by Mr. Erick Meer, CJ Global Corporate Secretary is bent on its commitment to pursue the project under the BuiltOperate Transfer Scheme within the 20-year period. The project cost $75M dollars, or more or less Php2-3 billion pesos. Asked whats keeping them from starting off the physical foundation of the project, Meer stated that they are still working on some pre requisites being asked by the Department of Energy (DOE). We need the clearance from the DOE before we can finally commence with the project. This has something to do with the importation of vital equipment from its country of origin under the Renewable Energy Act. Without an authorization, we cannot possibly move on to the next level of the projects implementation. But we are doing our best to comply with whatever is needed to pursue this venture, Meer said in an interview. Bongat, on the other hand is optimistic that this technology will soon find its way and not be lost in oblivion, citing further the advantages that the system offers. The Fluidized Bed or FB Gasification Melting system guarantees the reduction of the final disposal amount, as presented by CJ Global

Docs warn public on summer diseases

NAGA CITY -- As the summer season officially starts this month, several diseases brought about by the hot summer season will also come with it. Bicol Medical Center (BMC) Chief Efren Nerva, anticipating the occurrence of summer-related ailments, told media that this years theme, Malusog, Masaya, tara ng magbakasyon, alamin ang dapat gawin, kalikasan ay isipin, aims to warn the public on how to evade the occurrence of these maladies this coming summer. On top of the list is heat stroke. Heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia where body temperature shoots up. This, according to the doctors, is a medical emergency and should not be taken for granted, since it can be fatal if not treated immediately. Dr. Felipe Pio, BMC Information Officer said that cooling the victim is a critical step in regaining the normal temperature of the victim. Avoiding dehydration should also be observed and participation in vigorous physical activities should be limited. Prone to this condition are infants, the elderly, athletes and field workers who work under the sun. To avoid this, the doctor advises to bring a bottle of water and sun shields like umbrellas or hat. It is also not advisable to give caffeinated drinks, like softdrinks and tea as they will aggravate the dehydration of the victim. Light colored dress or garments are also advisable. Aside from heatstroke, heat rash is also one of the most common heat-related illnesses. The red cluster or small blisters can cause discomfort to the victim such as skin irritation which is usually caused by excessive sweating being normally experienced during hot and humid temperature. Mary Jane G. Uy, MD, MPH Chief of Medical Professional also answered queries on using sun protection like utilizing products that contains zinc oxide. Zinx Oxide is a white powder that is insoluble in water. It is present in products, mostly in baby powders and
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fluidized bed type gAsificAtion furnAce

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1st Leg of Stand up Paddle world Series slated April 19-23

PILI, CamSur A new kind of international caliber watersports competition is set to unfold in CamSur with the staging of the first leg of the Stand Up Paddle World Series slated April 19 to 23 offshore of the beaches along San Jose town in the Partido district. This developed with the recent announcement made by Governor LRay Villafuerte after CamSur won the bid to host the unique watersports competition that will be played for the first time in the Philippines and Asia. Stand up paddle boarding, also called stand up paddle surfing, is actually an ancient sport developed by native Hawaiians called Hoe hee nalu, revived by beach boys of Waikiki in the 1960s and mushrooming the world over, particularly in coastal areas with a warm climate and easy access to relatively safe waters

culture MApping


Naga City Mayor John G. bongat (extreme right) discusses with Jess Evenson (to mayors left) and Alexandra McDonough (to the mayors right), both of the Canadian urban institute the citys joint project with the Metro Naga Development Council in the mapping of a culture tourism program of Naga and its adjoining towns where the two visitors provided technical expertise and inputs on the project through funding support by the Canadian international Development Agency. The culture mapping project is being spearheaded here by the Local Government Support Program (LGSP) chaired here by Nicolas beda Priela (seated on Evensons left). others in photo are members of the Allah Valley Landscape Development Alliance of Mindanao who came as observers. They were assisted here by Joe Perez (foreground, fourth from right), city external relations officer and member of the culture tourism mapping technical committee.

ViSiT our wEbSiTE:

and warm climate like many resorts in the Philippines. The modern version entails riding the waves a three to four yard-long modified surfboard with the rider standing up propelling and steering the board with an outrigger paddle. The sport may also be played in rivers to negotiate obstacles and rapids. The sport was revived and re-introduced in the 1960s by beach boys of Waikiki, hence the sport is also referred to as beach boy surfing. The games in San Jose will be the first of a series of tournaments in selected locations worldwide to determine who are the best men and women stand up paddle boarders in the world. Stand up paddle boarding is especially favored by women because riders are provided

with a strong core workout, and the sport is relatively easy to learn. An hour of instruction and practice is sufficient to make a neophyte feel comfortable on the board in the water. With their lower center of gravity, women even get to be more proficient than men in stand up paddle boarding, experts say. The games in San Jose, CamSur, which Villafuerte envision to develop into a world-caliber sports cum ecotourism attraction, will be the first of a series to determine who are the best men and women stand up paddle surfers in the world with a very fat purse at stake offering as much as US$20,000 in some categories. Big names of contemporary stand up paddle boarding in(Turn to page 9)

march 25 - 31, 2012

bikol reporter

Attention UnC HiGH SCHool BAtCH 68

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CoMe Join US...
Come Join Us ...


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Class Summit
April 4, 2012
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Peafrancia resort, Carolina, Naga City

68 @ 44 will make the di ff er en ce


APRil 4, 2012 Peafrancia Resort, Carolina, naga City

Games Karaoke singing others.

bikol reporter

Being an OFW does not automatically include the greener pastures globalization promises. While some may have found their dreams outside of the Philippines, many of our fellow Filipinos, serving particularly in the Middle East, suffers not only the vapid, lonely life of being an OFW, but also the persecution, maltreatment, and the constant paranoia that conflict can break out at any time. The resilience of the Filipino spirit gives the OFW the strength to endure all these but resilience can only take you so far. That is why Sun Cellular, in partnership National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), sponsored a Libreng Tawag activity at the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) from March 9 to 16, 2012. Dubbed as Operation Syria Libreng Tawag, the Sun Cellular-NTC activity gave an opportunity to the families of our OFWs to get in touch

march 25 - 31, 2012

An extra ounce of coolness Sun Cellular reaches out to Syria oFws from Sharp airconditioners
Theres no stopping Sharp Corporation of Japan, represented here in the Philippines by Sharp (Philippines) Corporation, from introducing new products that will definitely touch the lives of many Filipinos with their discriminating needs for appliances to bring joy and delight to the home of today. One such product range is Sharps line of impressive split type and window type airconditioners that offer better cooling efficiency inside the room (or even the entire house) compared to other airconditioner brands of today, a true welcome treat considering the type of climate we have in the Philippines. For the Inverter SplitType airconditioners, which currently has 4 models, these outstanding airconditioners come with a 7th generation Plasmacluster Ion Technology, Sharps innovative and pioneering air purifying technology that has a technologically-advanced airlflow filtration system to help ensure cleaner and fresher air. It works by generating an electrical discharge to create positive and negative ions as they are released into the air. These ions then attach themselves to bacteria and viruses and instantly form highly oxidizing radicals which draw out hydrogen from the bacteria and then breaks down the proteins membrane to make it inactive. Then the hydrogen and oxygen radicals combine with hydrogen to return to the atmosphere as a harmless substance. Aside from that, the ions neutralize static electricity to prevent dust, pollen and other air contaminants from clinging to walls and fabrics so that they can be easily collected and filtered to effectively remove dust, pollen, bacteria and odors, thus making people with allergic reactions to these air contaminants breathe freely and easily. The AHXP26MF(2.5HP) and the AH-XP20MF (2.0HP) also come with a super jet stream for better cooling no matter where you are in the room, and cools the room 30% faster than split-type airconditioners in the market today. Its gentle cooling gives a soothing coldness to the room, which is best for babies and even elders. This powerful jet stream feature is also available in Sharps split-type Inverter models like the AH-XP14MF, AHXP11MF, AH-XP13LF and even the non-Inverter models such as the AH-AP24LMF, AH-AP18LMF, and the AHAP12LMF. Sharps window-type airconditioners are also as efficient and effective like the split-type range, starting with the AF-A1500CR airconditioner that comes in at 1.5 horsepower, with a Power Off memory, Remote Control, a Top Discharge feature, and a 9.1 Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) for better cooling and more efficient power consumption. It is also available in AFA1500CM which is a mechanical control. Other models are the AF1000CR and AF-A1000CM, with slightly higher EER of 9.8 and with 1.0HP while the AF-G501/502 is at 0.5HP but with the same EER as the AF-A1500CR with 9.1. For more details about Sharps outstanding line of airconditioners, visit www.

with their loved ones abroad, particularly those displaced by the ongoing conflict in Syria. Syria is currently undergoing an uprising against Syrian president Bashar al-Assads government. Hundreds of family members flocked the OWWA building over the whole week. While originally meant to serve those who have relatives in Syria, the Libreng Tawag booth entertained calls to other countries as well.

During the event, Tina (real name withheld) managed to call her aunt in Qatar to inform her that she finally has a chance to come home after suffering from sexual harassment abroad. Through coordination with the Philippine Embassy in Qatar, Tinas aunt boarded the most immediate flight home later that day. We are very thankful to Sun Cellular for supporting us in our effort to reach out to our countrymen abroad, especially

in Syria, said Linda C. Mercado, NTCs Consultant for the Office of the Commissioner. Mercado herself was one of the people who manned the booth for the whole week. To find out where and when the next Libreng Tawag event will be, log on to Sun Cellulars Facebook page: facebook. com/suncellularph or follow them on Twitter: suncelltweets. Sun Cellular is a member of the PLDT Group.

NYC: Let the youth speak for the trees in baguio

The National Youth Commission (NYC) expressed concern over the effects of the planned uprooting of almost 200 trees in Baguios Luneta Hill. This reservation came at the heels of SM Baguios expansion plan to make way for a 7-storey parking building. NYC Chairman Leon Flores III highlights the importance of preserving the natural beauty of Baguio and of the pivotal role that the youth takes in environmental protection. The National Youth Commission serves as the voice and advocate of the youth. With several of our constituencies in Baguio taking the lead in the mobilizations against the uprooting of the trees, it is important that we should listen to what they have to say. The youth are speaking up for the trees and they should be provided a venue to be heard on this issue. The need for consultations on this matter should be in order. We humbly call on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Local Government of Baguio City to take another hard look over the impact of this action. What may, at first, appear to be legal, may not necessarily be ethical. Flores added. Instead of paved recreational areas, NYC Commissioner Representing Luzon Georgina Nava says that what Baguio City should have is more open spaces where people can enjoy the environment and benefit from its natural and cultural resource. We should always take a long, hard look at all effects of construction and modernization to our environment and ecology, adds Commissioner Nava. NYC also seeks to clarify with the DENR regarding the success rate of relocating decades-old trees by earth-balling. We would like to know what so far, is the survival rate of the trees earth-balled and transplanted by MMDA in Katipunan and Quezon Avenue. What assurance do we have that the uprooted trees will survive? says NYC Commissioner and Environment Committee head Erwin Andaya.
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inner chess

bayanihan spirit alive in Masbate town

As the first day of construction commenced, the groundbreaking ceremony in Barangay Real, Monreal, Masbate last March 15, marked the continuity of its peoples collaborative efforts in the completion of their community health station under the DSWDs KalahiCIDSS project, with the support of the local government unit (LGU) of Monreal. This barangay health station has been the result of the successful coordination between the barangay council, volunteers, laborers and the people of the barangay. We came this far so lets continue

to work together because I cannot do this alone. There are lots of things to do so we should unite to provide solutions in problems that we might encounter, Barangay Sub-Project Management Committee Head Rico Goo said during the activity. Real Barangay Chairman Oscar Camposano agreed to Goos statement that without the support from the people of the community, they will not be able to have Kalahi-CIDSS project in their barangay. He also thanked them, the local government unit of Monreal and Kalahi-CIDSS Area Coor(Turn to page 9)

march 25 - 31, 2012

bikol reporter

Pontillas named as one of bicols top 10 students

The University of Saint Anthony in Iriga City was the venue of the Awards Ceremonies of the Ten Outstanding Students of Bicol held March 9, a project of Ako Bicol (AKB) Party List and Congressman Batocabe. Getting the Top Rank among the ten students was Marlon Pontillas, an AB Communication student of the University of Saint Anthony. He bested more than 20 college students from all over the region who were nominated for the award. Pontillas, a native of Nabua, Camarines Sur, is a consistent honor student from elementary to college. Finishing his Com Arts course in 3 years this school year, he ranks I among the scholars and Deans listers. Prior, at the Ateneo de Naga where he attended the first two years of his college studies, he was likewise a consistent Deans and Presidents lister In high school, he was named Ten Outstanding Students of Camarines Sur by the Department of Education. Marlon describes himself as one who has a big ambition. He likes to take challenges and has the ability to get along with others with ease. The 19-year old son of simple parents, Adela Sto. Domingo, his mother, a housewife and Benjamin J,

Pontillas, an OFW, the multifaceted young man is a natural leader who had organized and hosted workshops and seminars such as on theatre arts, leadership, creative writing, and environment. He was the head of the USANT College of Arts and Sciences department organization and the Young Communicators Society, a staff of the university paper, secretary general of the Bicol Association of Media and Arts Students and an active officer of the USANT Council of Leaders. Right now, he is bent on pursuing his graduate studies in Communication at UP not however leaving behind his On Line teaching job with Korean, Japanese and other foreign students. -jokee BoTor-reyes

Morning of March 19 saw the formal launch of the Migzginhawa Surgical Mission at Libmanan District Hospital initially offering free minor operations to constituents of Libmanan and neighboring towns. The program, a continuing surgical mission which offers free surgery and removal of unwanted bodily masses as well as corrective operations, is a collaboration of the provincial government under the leadership of Gov. LRay Villafuerte and his eldest son Migz Villafuerte, a sportsman and entrepreneur. The free surgery will be conducted by volunteer doctors with the assistance of nurses comprising the medical mission. Other expenses related to the surgery such as x-ray, laboratory tests, blood chemistry, ECG as well as electrolytes and post-operative medicines are also free. Six doctors and five nurses, practicing in various hospitals in Metro Manila participated in the launching of the surgical mission. They brought with them their surgical instruments and devices as well as medicines needed for the operations. Meanwhile, personnel of the Libmanan District Hospital under the leadership of Doctor Dennis Reforma, mounted a huge effort to pre-

Migzginhawa Surgical Mission kicks off at Libmanan district hospital

pare hospital facilities for the various surgeries to be done even as it entailed renovations and construction of additional facilities. According to the hospital head, they are prepared to meet their quota of 100 minor surgeries and 10 major surgeries daily. Providing invaluable coordinative efforts are the personnel of the Provincial Capitol particularly in the aspect of information dissemination to the constituents of far-flung barangays of Libmanan, even transporting them from the pick-up points to the hospital in several vehicles owned by the provincial government of CamSur hence, unburdening the patients of transport or transportation expenses. The final tally of the patients operated on during the launch of the surgical mission was 65 patients, all minor operations. All of them have only commendation and appreciation for the program as it has brought them relief from the discomfort caused by the abnormalities and excrescences they bore prior to surgery. Moreover, they were able to avail of the medical services with virtually no effort on their part. The conduct of major operations is slated next week as they are expecting the delivery of necessary medical equipment on said schedule. Meanwhile preparations for the medical mission to be conducted in Ocampo District Hospital are also underway as medical teams go around the barangays of the different municipalities to determine who and how many among the constituents need to undergo surgery. -FERNANDEZ

relief thru surgery


Just several among the numerous patients who found relief from the discomfort caused by the bodily excrescence they bore prior to surgery under the Migzginhawa Surgical Mission.

AKb seeks inquiry on Syria oFw rescue missions

The AKO Bicol Party List (AKB) filed House Resolution no. 2278, directing the Committee on Labor and Committee on Foreign Relations to conduct a joint inquiry, in aid of legislation, into the plight of OFWs in war-torn Syria and the status of the ongoing rescue and repatriation missions in the said country. This follows the killing of Filipino domestic worker Meran Montezor, a 23-year-old native of Camarines Sur, who died while caught in a crossfire while traveling with her employers family. Before this, a Filipino worker also died from renal failure while awaiting immigration clearance in Damascus prior to repatriation to Manila. Time is not on our side when external forces are clamoring for regime change in Syria, Rep. Rodel Batocabe of AKB says. We really need a fair and independent assessment of the ongoing rescue and repatriation missions of the Philippine Embassy, and we need it fast, so we can sure that these efforts are enough to address the situation. He adds, We owe it to our modern-day heroes, referring to the OFWs employed in Syria, whose lives have been endangered as a result of the armed conflict between rebels and military soldiers where most of them worked. Most of the Filipino OFWs working in Syria are women.

25th humanitarian flight for the Airbus Corporate Foundation

Cebu Pacific Air and Aviation sans Frontires help ship 1 tonne of medical equipment to the Philippines on delivery flight The Airbus Corporate Foundation and Aviation sans Frontires (ASF) have transported almost 1 tonne of medical equipment to Manila aboard the delivery flight of Cebu Pacific Airs (CEB) latest A320 from Toulouse, France. The aircraft landed in Manila on Friday, March 16. Aviation sans Frontires, has been a regular partner of the Airbus Corporate Foundation for more than two years now. This non-governmental organisation supports Airbus humanitarian ferry flights from France to countries in need or which have been affected by natural disasters. This is the 1st time CEB brought medical equipment on a delivery flight of its brand-new aircraft. The largest airline in the Philippines, it will take delivery of 22 more Airbus A320 and 30
(Turn to page 9)

uNEP hails roTC unit for a Job well Done

Known as one of the finest units under the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) Department of Military Science and Tactics, the universitys ROTC has proven once again its proficiency when it garnered an over all mark of 96.55 during the Regional Administrative Annual Performance Evaluation (RAAPE ) 2012 held last February in Legazpi City . The evaluation was conducted by the 5th Regional Community Defense Group stationed at the Army Reserve Command in Camp Ola , in the city of Legazpi . UNEP ROTC together with seventeen (17) School Army ROTC Activated, was adjudged as the second Best ROTC Unit and was given a Plaque of Merit for the job well done. The feat was another worthy recognition of the legacy left by UNEPs Founder, the late Camarines Sur Governor Felix OrdasAlfelor Sr. UNEP ROTC Activation Day, the decade-long military event held annually at the universitys grounds was the brainchild of the former governor which endeavors to infuse a sense of camaraderie and instill discipline among competing cadets. The UNEP ROTC Unit also received Certificate of Commendation for ranking first in the following events: Military Courtesy and Discipline, Method of Instruction by 2nd Class Advance ROTC Cadets C/Capt Meriam N. Rivera, Field Stripping of Cal.45 and in Battalion Ceremonial Parade Small Unit Tactics. The group of cadets also ranked second in other events which include Administrative Management, Inspection in Rank, Comprehensive Examination on Basic ROTC Cadets and Field Stripping of Cal. 5.56 MM M16 A1 Rifle. It also grabbed the 3rd place during the OPORD Writing by 1st Class Advance ROTC Cadets and Disaster Relief and Rescue Operations (DRRO) events held simultaneously during the RAAPE 2012 exercise. Atty. Remelisa AlfelorMoraleda, UNEP President gave the cadets a proud thumbs up for another honor that they have brought to the university. My grandfather, wherever he may be right now, will also be very proud of this feat. This is what he envisioned, not just the award nor the plaques, but the honor and the legacy of prominence for our young generation.

Photo shows representatives of Cebu Pacific and Philippine Heart Center during the turnover of the medical supplies from Airbus Corporate Foundation and Aviation sans Frontires, which were transported to the Philippines through the delivery of Cebu Pacifics latest A320 aircraft from Toulouse, France. Present during the turnover are (from L-r): Michael S. Shau, Vice President for People and Administration Services, Cebu Pacific; Francisco M. Gomez, Assistant Director for Administrative Services, Philippine Heart Center; Amelia C. Cuyugan, Chief, Property and Supply Division, Philippine Heart Center; and Juliet Aguid, Property Section Supervisor, Philippine Heart Center.

bikol reporter

march 25 - 31, 2012

lakbay alalay up for lent . . .
not only here in the mainland provinces but also in Catanduanes and Masbate island provinces, Director Dequito said during a radio interview, just recently. These Centers will be manned by Engineers, Car Mechanics, Equipment Operators, and other service crews who will give free roadside emergency repair assistance to motorists during the long holidays. At the DPWH, Rawis, Legazpi City, a skeletal workforce from Maintenance Division (Tel. #482-0429) will man the office to receive reports from field offices and to render emergency services that may be required during the said holidays. Also, for the safety and convenience of the riding public, DPWH 5 Assistant Regional Director Jesus E. Salmo instructed the District Engineers in the region to expedite necessary road maintenance activities, including the installation of informational and directional signs along Bicols national road network. Motorists assistance centers: Albay Province - Basud, Sto. Domingo (DM Jct.-Legazpi-Sto. severe wheezing when breathing both in and out, chest pain or pressure, uneasy feeling, running nose, head ache and excessive sneezing among others. The Bicol Medical Center, through its out-patient department advices those who are suffering from asthma to visit the hospital or the nearest health centers in their area for an asthma action plan so as not to aggravate the condition of the patient. - LIZeL s. MACATANGAy Domingo-TabacoCamarines Sur Bdry. road); Busay, Daraga, Albay (Daang Maharlika); Paulog, Ligao City (in front of Albay 2nd DEO) Camarines Norte - Tabugon, Sta. Elena (Km. 244+313, Daang Maharlika) -With roving unit. Camarines Sur - Tambo, Pamplona (Daang Maharlika); Concepcion Grande, Naga City (Fronting TMG Hqtrs.); Tigaon Station (DPWH Junction); Buluang, Baao (Daang Maharlika); Bato Resthouse, Agos (Daang Maharlika); DPWH Sub-Office, Agrupacion, Ragay. Catanduanes - Manambrag, San Andres (Catanduanes Circ. Road); Pagsangahan, San Miguel (km. 24+780); Bato, Catanduanes (km. 7+760); Sicmil, Gigmoto (km. 64+800) Masbate - Jct. MilagrosBaleno-Lagta Road; Jct. TawadBalud Road; Masbate-Milagros/ Masbate-Cataingan Road; Junction Buenavista (Jct. Buenavista-Cawayan Road); Barangay Del Carmen (Jct. BuenavistaCawayan Road); Barangay Balocawe, Dimasalang (Jct.BalatucanCataingan Rd.); Jct. Cataingan (Jct. Balatucan-Cataingan Road); Brgy. Katipunan (Jct. CatainganPlacer Road); San Fernando South Road (Batuan Section); San Fernando North Road (San Fernando Section); San Fernando North Road (San Jacinto Section); San Fernando North Road (Monreal Section); San Pascual-Claveria Road (San Pascual Side); San Pascual-Claveria Road (Claveria Section). Sorsogon - Pepita Park, Bucalbucalan (Daang Maharlika); San Pedro Multi-Purpose Brgy. Hall, Irosin (Km.621+800).

binyAgAng bAyAn

A total of 300 babies from the different barangays of the town of San Jose, Camarines Sur were baptized at the San Jose Parish Church during the binyagang bayan initiated by Mayor Antonio b. Chavez last Monday, March 19, 2012.

Photo above shows Fr. Arkie Caceres, parish priest of San Jose administering the baptism rites to an infant while Mayor Chavez looks on. (Photo by reymond Salestre and romeo Pacis).

denr drive vs illegal . . .

In its 2011 report, the Forest Management Service (FMS) revealed that 192 anti-illegal logging operations resulted in an apprehension of 476.2253 cubic meters (m3) or 201,812.853 board feet (bd. ft.) valuated at 2,531,657.80 Pesos which stemmed to the filing of nine cases against illegal logging suspects. DENR Bicol Regional Executive Director Joselin Marcus Fragada attributed the significant anti-illegal logging operations to the creation of the RAILTF

from my window . . .
ceilings, etc. 5. Extinguish at once fires that may start anywhere around you before attempting to save lives. 6. Strong earthquakes are natures warning of an impending tidal wave. One should go to a higher ground and away from landslide area. 7. Do not believe in wild rumors going around. Listen to instructions from authorities. 8. Observe good sanitation and keep public order. 9. May I add ... PRAY.

a question of . . .
magical moment, we did not notice that the music had ended. Gone were the days when you could convey your affection through scented love letters. What we have today are terse notes sent through cellphone by a starry-eyed Romeo. The intricately written love letters, the flowery prose, the bold declaration of undying love are old fashioned practices. They have no such need for such niceties. If before it would take a girl one or two years to give away her heart,ne week is too long today.ome girls easily surrender everything to their boyfriends. Sex scandals featuring wayward coeds are becoming common fare. In years past, the sources of erotic fun were bomba films shown in small town movie houses. these days, you do not have to go far for such sizzling bed scenes. They are right in your friends cellphone or in the Internet. With a click of the mouse, the sex scandal appears, all for your enjoyment. Like the different seasons of the year, the world continues to change. The older generation do not recognize it anymore. It is no longer their own world. Even the benign weather has worsened. Killer floods and typhoons have become more frequent. What has resisted change is this country. Our Asian neighbors have become rich. The Philippines prefers to stay put, seemingly enjoying penury and want. Years before, they envied our good fortune. Attribute it to a changing world.-

last May 17, 2011 which complements the regional office with manpower and firepower through the Armed Forces of the Phils. (air force, navy and army), Phil. National Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Phil. Coast Gurad, Dept. of Justice (DOJ) among others. We sure are hoping to sustain this campaign with the help of our partners at the RAILTF, Director Fragada said. According to foresters and field personnel of the FMS, a pro-active campaign is a deterrent to illegal logging operations in Bicols natural and secondary forests which the DENR is trying to rehabilitate under the National Greening Program (NGP). FMS report disclosed that along with confiscated woods, various field offices sequestered 68 conveyances used in the transport of illegal logs, 6 animals, 2 carts, 5 logging tools and 11 chainsaws. Meanwhile, consistent with its policy to support the governments efforts of improving the educational facilities of public schools, DENR Bicol donated some 24,563 board feet (bd. ft.) of undocumented and confiscated logs and lumbers to the Department of Education (DepEd) Regional Office 5. Fragada revealed that 40 public schools in the province of Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur, Catanduanes and Sorsogon have benefitted from the donation made in CY 2011. All the confiscated wood will be used in making chairs and desks, and with the repairs of school buildings. The DENR Bicol turned over all these confiscated logs and lumbers since November 2011, and furnished with the deeds of donation were the recipient schools and the DepEd Regional Office, Director Fragada said.

doc warns . . .
barrier creams to treat diaper rashes and is not only effective as sunscreens but also environmentally-safe, Uy added. The hot weather condition is also being seen as the culprit in asthma attacks, particularly in kids. Symptoms usually include Earlier, Environment Sec. Ramon Paje revealed that some 54,303 pieces of essential school furniture and facilities have so far been produced from undocumented logs and lumber. The output involved the conversion of some seven million bd. ft. of wood into 48,620 school chairs; 4,777 school desks; 660 tables; 132 cabinets; 98 benches and 16 bookshelves. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) which, under the PNoy Bayanihan Project, also turned over some 21,000 school chairs to DepEd from the 761,538 bd. ft. of wood that the DENR has supplied to TESDA, which in turn, manufactured it into school chairs with funding support from Philippine Gaming Corporation (Pagcor). Another 27,620 school chairs were turned over to public schools through other outlets that sponsored the conversion into school chairs such as local government units (18,404) the Philippine National Police (20) and even the DENR (589). Part of the donated wood also went into the repair of 334 school buildings and public facilities. Since 2010, a total of 12.06 million bd. ft.of undocumented forest products has been confiscated by the DENR, of which some 7 million bd. ft. have already been donated. The remaining balance of 5 million bd. ft. are either undergoing litigation procedures or awaiting clearance for donation, according to him.

AFFiDAViT oF LoSS AND uNDErTAKiNG NOTICE is hereby given that boNiFACio SiA Sr. of legal age and a resident of Maryville Subdivision, San Felipe, Naga City, is a planholder of Loyola Plans Consolidated, inc. and the owner of Policy Contract No. bro530003531 and CFP#21012231, that said documents were inadvertently lost and misplaced, and despite diligent effort to locate the same proved futile, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Milagros Ramin Francia, Doc. No. 033, Page No. 07, Book No. XIII, Series of 2012.
biKoL rEPorTEr Published: March 25; April 1 and 8, 2012

Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the legitimate heirs of the deceased ESPErANZA ViLLEGAS who died on July 29, 2005 at Carayayan, Naga City without a will and with no known debts; the deceased left an AGrAriAN rEForM TEN (10) YEAr boND covered by Ar. No. 0020394 with outstanding balance of P21,539.04 and Ar No. 0020415 with outstanding balance of P11,425.97; that said Heirs hereby settle and adjudicate the mentioned Bond and same Heirs hereby Waive their shares in the said AGRARIAN REFORM TEN (10) YEAR BOND in favor of their co-heir NIDA VILLEGAS, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Maico T. Julia Jr., Doc. No. 276, Page No. 56, Book No. 263, Series of 2012.
biKoL rEPorTEr Published: March 25; April 1 and 8, 2012


priMe lot for sAle

Location: Near Villa Caceres Hotel, Avenue Plaza ideal for business/residential/tourism lots of potential. All 2012 taxes paid

Lot Area: 400 sqm Price: P5M negotiable Clean title

Call: Jeric +63 9054463251 email:

EXTrAJuDiCiAL SETTLEMENT oF ESTATE wiTH wAiVEr oF riGHTS NOTICE is hereby given that the estate of the late Sps. JuLiAN AbiLLoNAr and HoNDrADA PArCo who died on June 5, 1978 and on January 12, 1946, respectively , both leaving without any will; left certain real property situated at La Victoria, Bula, Camarines Sur in the name of the deceased Julian Abillonar; that to the best of their knowledge the decedent left no debts; that the parties with full capacity to contract agree and adjudicate to herein MAXIMA P. ABILLONAR-SORETA the mentioned real property, thereby respectively waiving their rights of share and inheritance to the said property, all in favour of their sister MAXIMA P. ABILLONAR-SORETA, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Florante B. Nacor, per Doc. No. 161, Page No. 33, Book No. XI, Series of 2009. biKoL rEPorTEr Published: MArCH 18, 25; APriL 1, 2012

march 25 - 31, 2012

bongat optimistic on . . .
representatives. This would mean that the final disposal amount is reduced because ash is melted down. Moreover, Hitz, the company that will introduce the technology has already a 10-year experience. This somehow gives us a guarantee that the equipment was already tried and tested, especially in countries like Japan , which has more astringent environmental laws as compared to the Philippines , Bongat added. Bongat clarified though that CJ Global is still the contracting party here. To ensure that entering into another agreement with Hitz will not affect the earlier contract, he has requested a certified translation of the agreement from Japanese to English language from the Japanese embassy. The difficulties in waste disposal during the past years that has led to the depletion of landfill capacity has prompted the local government to look for possible means to address the elimination of garbage in the most environment-friendly way. Now, the gasification melting furnace was being seen as an answer to that predicament. This technology guarantees the reduction of dioxins by combustion at high temperature of 1300 degrees centigrade. Re-using and recycling of resource from non combustibles is also possible. Here, Fe and Al elements are collected and re-used at nonoxidized condition and slag are recycled as supplementary asphalt of road paving. In the FB Gasification melting system, ash is melted down to slag by the heat of the waste itself without the assistance of fuel due to the low melting temperature pegged at 1300 degrees centigrade. The system is also safe to stop and operate due to low amount of waste in the gasification furnace. Bongat remains positive that this technology will solve the decade-long problem on waste disposal. -LsMacatangay

bikol reporter
bayanihan spirit alive . . .
dinating Team. Relief for Women and Children The target completion of the barangay health center in Real will be on the third or fourth week of April as they envision to have the inauguration during the celebration of their barangay fiesta. The project will benefit the 529 households or the 2,472 residents of barangay Real. We know that we really need a new health station because the dilapidated building poses possible threat to its occupants. This community health station will benefit the next generation, Rico Goo said. Flory Almencion, 36, a housewife, affirmed to what Goo said that the health center was built before she was born and it was really old. After the completion of the health center, we will no longer travel 13 kilometers for about 45 minutes just to rush a patient to Ticao Emergency Hospital for health emergencies. Pregnant moms will have easy access to pre-natal checkups, Almencion added. According to Angeles Escorel, the oldest laborer in the project site, he was very enthusiastic about the taking the job because he thought of his grandchildrens welfare. He said that they will only take few steps to the center. 4th year of Kalahi-CIDSS in Monreal Kalahi-CIDSS is now on its fourth year of implementation in Monreal, Masbate with four prioritized barangays under Makamasang Tugon modality. These barangays, namely Real, Famosa with concreting the pathway, Morucborucan

1st leg of stand up . . .

vited and expected to join the skirmishes include American sensation Zane Scwheitzer, finalist in the 2011 Sunset Beach World Tour; Kai Lenny who ruled the 2011 Stand Up World Tour in Hawaii; Australians Jamie Mitchell and Travis Grant who are both World Paddleboarding champions. We will be ensuring that this is going to be a world class event, said Governor Villafuerte. My vision is to make the Philippines the stand up paddleboard capital of the world. CamSur is now a virtual airlines and relief organisations to support international humanitarian help. Delivery flights of new to be delivered aircraft are being used regularly to transport goods to destinations in need all over the world. Since its launch in December 2008, the Airbus Corporate Foundation has facilitated 25 relief flights to numerous destinations all over the globe. The Airbus Corporate Foundation was created to facilitate charitable activities worldwide within an international network of employees and partners. The Airbus Corporate Foundation started its operation on 1st December, 2008 with Airbus president and CEO Tom Enders being appointed Chairman of its Board of Directors. The organization focuses its support on the three themes: humanitarian and community support, youth development and the environment. More information can be found at com/company/corporate-social-responsibility/corporatefoundation byword in extreme watersports circles. Centered at its CamSur Watersports Complex located right within the sprawling Provincial Capitol, CWC was venue to a long string of successful international sports events like Wind or No Wind Board Jam last December, the Cobra Ironman Philippines in 2009, 2010 and 2011, the 2008 and 2009 WWA Wake Park World Championships and the Ultimate Wake Championship in January last year. -GBClaveria

and Rizal with the construction of school building, are on the process of the project implementation. Makamasang Tugon modality is an LGU-led implementation scheme of the KALAHI CIDSS Project which covers old municipalities that have successfully implemented three consecutive cycles. Its objective is to integrate communitydriven development (CDD) strategies, principles and processes into the local planning and investment programming of the LGUs by integrating and operationalizing the principles of participation, transparency and accountability in the local planning processes (LPP) for improved local governance. -jmarbella

nyc: let the youth speak . . .

While the NYC recognizes the authority of private individuals or corporations over its property, the Commission also reminds landowners to exercise their right to utilize the land sparingly especially if it entails damage to the environment. Commissioner Andaya further quips: An environmental issue like this has to consider two things: the right of the people of Baguio City to a healthy ecology and the right of SM Management, as the lawful owner, to legally utilize its property. Thus, pending the resolution of these legal rights, the NYC respectfully appeals for a full disclosure and review of the permit issued by the DENR and the Local Government.

25th humanitarian flight . . .

Airbus A321neo aircraft orders between 2012 and 2021. The Philippines has been struck by massive floods last December, killing 500 people and leaving thousands homeless. The medical equipment and medicine (defibrillator, monitor, surgical clothes, equipment and tools) shipped today are all donations from Toulouse hospitals and associations collected by Aviation sans Frontires and will be delivered to the Philippine Heart Center located in Manila, in constant need for medicine and equipment. CEB President and CEO Lance Gokongwei said, We will continue to find ways to help our fellow Filipinos, be it through timely relief efforts or lasting educational collaborations. Using our delivery flight to bring muchneeded medical equipment to the Philippines is timely and logical, and can only be achieved through a partnership with the Airbus Corporate Foundation and Aviation sans Frontires. Andrea Debban, Executive Director of the Airbus Corporate Foundation said: The Airbus Corporate Foundation, Aviation sans Frontires and CEB identified this flight as one more opportunity to transport medical equipment to populations in need. We would like to thank both our partners and the donor hospitals and associations involved in this project. In recent years, Airbus has built up a global network of

bulalacao Street, San Pascual, buhi, Cam. Sur

WeekLy reFLeCTIoN pilgeM PAwNSHoP

Notice is hereby given that all pawned items for the month of NoVEMbEr 2011 which were not redeemed will be auctioned on APriL 11, 2012, at 8:30 a.m. biKoL rEPorTEr Published: MArCH 25, 2012

Auction sAle

In compliance with section of no. 5 of RA 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that DOLORES GUY LIM has filed with this office a Petition for Change of First Name from TUAN ENG to DOLORES in the Birth Certificate of TUAN ENG GUY who was born on September 7, 1957 at Camaligan, Camarines Sur and whose parents are GUY TIAN CHUN and CARIDAD LOPEZ under registry no. 206. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this office not later than April 8, 2012.
Municipal Civil Registrar biKoL rEPorTEr
Published: March 25 & April 1, 2012

10 bikol reporter

march 25 - 31, 2012

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