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SpiceItUpforFlavorand Nutrition12

WhatsCooking? 3

Spices,history,trade,nutrition! Curries,MorethanJustaPun

FindoutwhatsupwiththeVegan CulinaryExperiencethismonth.

EdibleLandscapes:The ExoticSpiceGarden28


Martyregalesuswithterrible punswhilediscussingsomeofthe ingredientsfoundinSoutheast Asiancurries!

Ourexpertgardener,Liz,hassome greatideasforhowtogrowsome ofthemoreexoticherbsand spices!

AreYourWorkoutsWorking? FusionFun:Japanese&Thai 30 20 ByBarryLovelace


ChefPhilcombineshisbestThai currieswithhisincredible knowledgeofJapanesecuisine!

Thismonth,Barrygivesussome tipsonhowtokeepupour workoutmomentum.



Everwonderjusthowmany countrieshavecurry?ChefMayra RecipeIndex46 answersthatquestionforusand more. Alistingofalltherecipesfoundin thisissue,compiledwithlinks.

Getconnectedandfindoutabout veganfriendlybusinessesand organizations.


Curries from around the World

Learnhowtorecognizedifferent regionalcurriesandgetinspired tocraftyourown.

seethefollowingpagefor interviewsandreviews

1| May 2009

Table of Contents 2

InterviewwithAuthorIsa ChandraMoskowitz32

RestaurantReview: ZenPalate40

Isaisaprolificvegancookbook authorandthepersonalitybehind thefamousPostPunkKitchen!

InterviewwithErikMarcus ofVegan.com35

ZenPalateisoneofNYCsoldest vegetarianrestaurants,specializing inahybridofAmericanandAsian cuisine.

Erikisanauthorofseveralbooks ontheethicsofeatingvegan, authorofTheUltimateVegan Guide,andrunsthepopularsite

ProductReview:World FoodsCurrySauces42

Vegancurryandstirfrysauces? Inconceivable!


BookReview:Horizons,New VeganCuisine44

Horizonsisoneofthepremier veganrestaurantsintheworld, withacompanioncookbookthat AlexisaLosAngelesbased showcaseschefsLaundausand musician,blendinghisenergetic styleofrockwithacompassionate Jacobystropicalinspirations. message.

SingerandSongwriter AlexArndt37

Curries from around the World

2| May 2009

The Vegan Culinary Experience

PublisherJasonWyrick EditorsEleanorSampson, CarolynMullin NutritionAnalystEleanorSampson WebDesignWilliamSnell&JasonWyrick GraphicsAlexSearcy&JasonWyrick VideoProductionKristenMozafarri ContributingAuthorsJasonWyrick JillNussinow MartyDavey MayraDr.Flavor LizLonetti SharonValencik PhilipGelb BarryLovelace

Whats Cooking?
Curries areoftenassociatedwith Indiancuisineandrightlyso.Cumin, coriander,pepper,chilies,eachcurry filledwithwondrousspices.Yetthe popularityofcurryhasmadeita stapledishthroughoutmuchofthe world,fromJamaicatoThailand,with eachregionlendingitsindigenous ingredientstothemix,eachregionspeoplecreatingtheirown uniqueblendsofculinarybeauty.Thisissueisdedicatedtothose people.ThatsoneofthereasonsthisissuehasveryfewIndian curriesinit.TheotherreasonisthatIndianisgettingitsownissue! Untilthen Eathealthy,eatcompassionately,andeatwell!


RecipeImagesJasonWyrick MilanValencikof MilanPhotography GardenPicturesLizLonetti Cumin,Cardamom,GNUFreeDocumentation KaffirLime,PepperLicense Turmeric Galangal,FenugreekPublicDomain IsaMoskowitzPicturesCourtesyofIsaChandra Moskowitz ErikMarcusPictureCourtesyofErikMarcus AlexArndtCourtesyofAlexArndt WorldFoodsSaucesWorldFoods ZenPalateExteriorZenPalateWebsite

Curries from around the World

3| May 2009

JillNussinow,MS,RD,TheVeggieQueenJillisaRegisteredDietitianandhasaMasters DegreeinDieteticsandNutritionfromFloridaInternationalUniversity.Aftergraduating,she migratedtoCaliforniaandbeganaprivatenutritionpracticeprovidingindividualconsultations andworkshops,specializinginnutritionforpregnancy,newmothers,andchildren.Youcan

JasonWyrickChefJasonWyrickistheExecutiveChefofDevilSpice,Arizona'svegancatering company,andthepublisherofTheVeganCulinaryExperience.ChefWyrickhasbeenregularly featuredonmajortelevisionnetworksandinthepress.Hehasdonedemoswithseveral doctors,includingDr.NealBarnardofthePCRM,Dr.JohnMcDougall,andDr.Gabriel Cousens.ChefWyrickwasalsoaguestinstructorintheLeCordonBleuprogram.Hehas cateredforPETA,FarmSanctuary,FrankLloydWright,andGoogle.VisitChefJasonWyrickat

MayraDr.Flavor - ChefMayrahasbeeninthehealthyeatingandcookingindustryfor over11yearsandhascertificationsinsportsnutrition,macrobioticcooking,veganand vegetarian,holistic,andfengshuicuisine.Shestartedhercareerasacookbylearningand experimentingwithFrench,Caribbean,Southern,Cajun,andWestAfricancuisine. ChefMayraisachefinstructorandconductsavarietyofclassesanddemonstrationsgeared towardsveganathletes,personaltrainers,andanyonewhowouldliketoliveahealthierlife. Dr.Flavorcanmakehealthycookingeasierbybecomingyourpersonalchef! VisitChefMayraatwww.mychefmayra.comorcallherat7023724709. EleanorSampsonEleanoristheeditorforTheVeganCulinaryExperience,author,andan expertveganbakerwithaspecialtyindeliciousvegansweets(particularlycinnamonrolls!)
Curries from around the World 4| May 2009

MartyDaveyMartyDaveyisaRegisteredDietitianandhasaMastersdegreeinFoodand NutritionfromMarywoodUniversity.Shebecameavegetarianin1980whenshediscovered thatthechemicalsinAmericanmeatmadethemunsellabletoEuropeans.Sheandher husbandhaveraisedtheirsonasavegan.Sheteachesnutritionandhasaprivatepractice specializinginassistingclientstransitioningtoaplantbasedregimestepbystep.Her LizLonettiAsaprofessionalurbandesigner,LizLonettiispassionateaboutbuilding community,bothphysicallyandsocially.ShegraduatedfromtheUofMNwithaBAin Architecturein1998.ShealsoservesastheExecutiveDirectorforthePhoenixPermaculture Guild,anonprofitorganizationwhosemissionistoinspiresustainablelivingthrough education,communitybuildingandcreativecooperation( Alongtimeadvocateforbuildinggreenerandmoreinterconnectedcommunities,Liz volunteershertimeandtalentforotherlocalgreencauses.Inhersparetime,Lizenjoys cookingwiththeveggiesfromhergardens,sharinggreatfoodwithfriendsandneighbors, learningfromandteachingothers.TocontactLiz,pleasevisitherblogsite SharonValencikSharonValencikistheauthorofSweetUtopia:SimplyStunningVegan Desserts.Sheisraisingtwovibrantyoungvegansonsandrescuedanimals,currentlyarabbit andadog.Shecomesfromalineageofartisticchefmatriarchsandhasbeenbakingsince agefive.Sheisworkingonhernextbook,WorldUtopia:DeliciousandHealthy InternationalVeganCuisine.Pleasevisitwww.sweetutopia.comformoreinformation,toask questions,ortoprovidefeedback. ChefPhilipGelbPhilipGelbwasbornandraisedinBrooklynNY.HeendedupinFlorida wherehereceivedaBAinculturalanthropologyanddidgraduatestudiesin ethnomusicology.ForthelastdecadehehaslivedintheSanFranciscoBayAreawherehe worksasaprofessionalmusicianandmusicteacheraswellasaveganchef.Asamusicianhe hasperformedallovertheUnitedStatesandinJapan,EuropeandCanada.5yearsagohe startedIntheMoodforFood,avegetarianpersonalchefandcateringcompany.Hehas beenvegetariansince17andafterbecomingvegan4yearsago,hechangedhisbusinessto strictlyvegancuisine.Althoughtotallyselftaughtasachef,heisaverypopularvegan cookingteacher,hostingmonthlyclasses.Hisotherinterestsincludehiking,travelling,and heisanavidfilmbuff.Ofcourse,helovescooking,especiallyforfriendsaswellasprofessionally.VisitPhilat
Curries from around the World 5| May 2009

BarryLovelaceBarryLovelaceisaveganfitnesscoachspecializinginthefunctionaltraining ofathletes.HeistheownerofFitQuestFitnessinAllentown,PA,andfrequentlyproduces

Curries from around the World

6| May 2009

About the VCE

TheVeganCulinaryExperienceisaneducationalveganculinary magazinedesignedbyprofessionalveganchefstohelpmake vegancuisinemoreaccessible.PublishedbyChefJasonWyrick, themagazineutilizestheelectronicformatofthewebtogo beyondthetraditionalcontentofaprintmagazinetooffer classes,podcasts,aninteractivelearningcommunity,andlinksto articles,recipes,andsitesembeddedthroughoutthemagazineto makeretrievinginformationmoreconvenientforthereader. TheVCEisalsodesignedtobringveganchefs,instructors, medicalprofessionals,authors,andbusinessestogetherwiththe growingnumberofpeopleinterestedinvegancuisine. Eathealthy,eatcompassionately,andeatwell.

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SubscribingtotheVCEisFREE!SubscribershaveaccesstoourLearningCommunity,backissues,recipe database,andextraeducationalmaterials. Visit

Not Just a Magazine

TheVeganCulinaryExperiencealsoprovidesweeklymealsthatcoincidewiththerecipesfromthemagazine. ShippingisavailableacrosstheUnitedStates.Raw,glutenfree,andlowfatdiabeticfriendlyoptionsare available.Visit

ChefJasonWyrickandmanyofthecontributorstothemagazineareavailableforprivateculinaryinstruction, seminars,interviews,andothereducationalbasedactivities.Forinformationandpricing,contactusat

An Educational and Inspirational Journey of Taste, Health, and Compassion

Curries from around the World 7| May 2009

WelcometotheMarketplace,ournewspotfor findingvegetarianfriendlycompanies,chefs,authors, bloggers,cookbooks,products,andmore!Oneofthe goalsofTheVeganCulinaryExperienceistoconnect ourreaderswithorganizationsthatproviderelevant productsandservicesforvegans,sowehopeyou enjoythisnewfeature! ClickontheAdsEachadislinkedtotheappropriate organizationswebsite.Allyouneedtodoisclickon theadtotakeyouthere. BecomeaMarketplaceMemberBecomeconnected byjoiningtheVeganCulinaryExperience Marketplace.Membershipisavailabletothosewho financiallysupportthemagazine,tothosewho promotethemagazine,andtothosewhocontribute tothemagazine.ContactChefJasonWyrickat chefjason@veganculinaryexperience.comfordetails!

RationalAnimal ( GoDairyFree.organdMySweetVegan ( JillNussinow,MS,RD,TheVeggieQueen ( MartyDavey,MS,RD ( ChefMayraDr.Flavor ( SweetUtopia ( InTheMoodforFood ( ThePhoenixPermactultureGuild ( MilanPhotography (
Curries from around the World 8| May 2009

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Eatingvegandoesn'thavetobeboring.Infact,itisthemostexcitingwaytoeat!Freshand organicallygrownplantbasedfoodsareamongnature'smosthealthfulanddeliciousgifts.

Private Chef Mayra provides**Baby Food Classes** plus these healthy services. "A Seduction of the Senses" A flavor fusion to seduce your palate Private & Public Cooking Classes Sport Nutrition information-cooking tips. How to prepare foods as a Vegan or Vegetarian Vegan Desserts & Meal delivery Guidance and coaching for healthy eating for you and your family Hire Chef Mayra Mention this ad and Save 25% on your next Private Service

Curries from around the World

9| May 2009


Curries from around the World 10| May 2009


Curries from around the World

11| May 2009

Spice It Up for Flavor and Nutrition

By Jill Nussinow, MS, RD, The Veggie Queen

Ifyourememberyour6thgradehistory,youlllikely recallstoriesofexplorerswhotraveledtheglobein searchofspicesandsalt.Ionlybeganto understandthesignificanceofthisuntilfairly recently. Duringthetimeoftheexplorersinthe15thcentury andbeyond,therewasnorefrigeration.(Infact, modernelectricrefrigeratorisafairlymodern invention,appearingintheearly20thcentury.)This meantthatfoodeitherneededtobeveryfreshor preservedinsomeway.Thatswherethesaltcame intoplay.Also,foodthatwaspossiblyontheverge ofspoilagelikelytastedbetterifitwasspicedand flavored. Althoughnooneatthattimeknewabout antioxidants(somethingaboutwhichwearestill exploring),itseemsthattheyarethecomponent whichmayhavehelpedpreservefoodandkeepit safer. Spiceslikelydatebacktoabout5000BC.Andusing spicesastheyarecurrentlyengaged,alsoknownas extravagantuse,mostlikelydidntoccuruntilthe 1stCenturyAD. Iwillbereviewingjustafewspicesforyouhere.I alsowanttoclarify thatspicesare usuallythebuds, seedsorbarkofa plantwhereherbs areusuallyleaves fromawoodyplant.
Curries from around the World

Turmericisaroot,Curcumalonga,thatlooksvery similartoginger.Butwhenyousliceitopen,the insideisbrightyellow,anditwillstain.Itis occasionallyavailablefreshandisgrowninHawaii butmorelikelyyouwillfinditasabrightyellow, slightlybitterpowder.Itisthebase,andyellow color,formostIndiancurryblends. Turmericismostlikelythespicewiththehighest antioxidantactivity,hasantiinflammatoryand cholesterolloweringeffects.Theactivecomponent inturmericiscurcumin.AndrewWeil,M.D.has formulatedateadrinkthatincorporatesturmeric. IntheWestIndiestheygratetherootandapplyit asasalvetohelpwitharthritisandothermuscle aches.Someherbalistsrecommendaspartofa preventionprogramforheartdiseaseandcancer. InChinesemedicineitisusedtotreatasthma. Mostpeopleliketheirturmericasaningredientin savorydishes. Gingerisalsoaroot,Zingiberofficinale,thatcanbe usedfresh,choppedorgrated,ordriedand ground,justliketurmeric.Infact,thetwoofthem looksimilarintheirgnarliness.Witheitherroot, lookforashinyorsmoothexterior.Ifitlooks wrinkled,itsasignthattherootisaging. Gingerhasbeenusedmedicinallyinmanywaysfor gastrointestinaldisturbances,fordizzinessor nauseaandmotionorcarsickness(thelatteris definitelyamodernapplication).Ithasnotbeen testedinpregnancysoitsnotrecommendedfor morningsickness.Makingitintoteamakehelp withbreakingupcongestionfromcolds. Itiseasilyincorporatedinawidevarietyofdishes, andwholepiecesmaybecandiedandusedin
12| May 2009

recipesorpickledandservedasacondiment,as usedinJapanesecuisine. Cayenneisatypeofdriedhotgroundchilepepper. Itusuallyaccountsfortheheatincurrypowderand otherhotspiceblends.Itworkswellinbothsavory andsweetsdishes(thinkofhotpepperjelly).A pinchaddedtoyournextbatchofbrowniesaddsa pleasantkick.Saleshavebeengoing upabout25%peryear,accordingto StevenKrusie,PRdirectorforFrontier, anorganicspicecompany.Krusie suspectsthatthepotentialmedicinal andnutritionalbenefitsmaybe drivingsales. Cayenne likely helps open capillaries and increase circulation.Additionallyaddingcayenne(andother hot peppers) to food can help boost your metabolism. Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chile pepper may be used topically to treat rheumatism and internally in nose spray (one brand that I recommend is called Sinus Buster). Some people are more sensitive to the heat in chiliesthanotherssoifyouvegotadelicatepalate avoidcayennepepper. Usingcayenne,alongwithother,spiceshelpscut downontheamountofsalt,andthereforesodium, thatyouconsume. Cinnamonisthebarkofatreethatgetsground. Thereareanumberoftypesofcinnamon,and namesforitincludingcassiaandcanela.Theone withthemostvolatileoilsandlusciousscentis Saigoncinnamon.Oneofthemostcommonspices useditismostoftenaddedtosweetdishesbutit alsoaddsasweetandmysteriousnotetosavory dishesandtonesdowntheheatincurrypowder. Historicallycinnamonwasconsideredgoodfor digestionandforrelievingsorethroats.Recent studiesoncinnamonhaveshownthatateaspoon ofgroundcinnamonadaymayhelpprevent diabetesandcanalsohelpregulatebloodsugar.
Curries from around the World

Itseasytoaddtoyourmorningoatmealorput intoagreensmoothie. IntheMiddleAgescinnamonbecameafavorite flavorinmanybanquetfoodsandwasregardedas anappetitestimulator,adigestive,anaphrodisiac, andatreatmentforcoughsandsorethroats. Cuminisoneofmyfavoritespices.I buywholeseedsandtoastthemina drypanuntiltheyarefragrant.I thengrindtheminacoffeeorspice grinder.Toastedcuminismuch morearomaticthanpreviously groundcumin.Cuminhasanti microbialproperties(thekindthatwouldkeep foodfresherintheoldendaysalthoughinthe quantitiesused,thisqualityisquestionable),and helpyoudigestyourfoodbetter. Wholecuminseedswilllastalongtime(foratleast ayear,preferablyinacool,darkplace)while groundcumin(andotherspices)willoftenlose theiraromaandseasoningqualityifmorethana yearold. Cuminisacommoningredientincurrypowder(at leastinmine)butisalsousedincuisines throughouttheworld. BlackPeppercornsOne fascinatingtributetothe valueofspices,suchas peppercorn,wastheir acceptanceinmedieval timesasasubstitutefor money;thus,somelandlords wouldbepaidapeppercorn rent.Conquerorswouldacceptspicestoresas bootyorasavictorytax.Theflowofpepperalong traderoutesprovidedopportunitiesfortradetaxes tobeimposedatmajortradingcitiesbyArabians,
13| May 2009

Egyptians,TurksandVenetians.Theincreasing customdutiesinthe15thcenturyresultedina30 foldriseinthepriceofIndianpepper,atatime whenthesocialdesireforpepperandotherexotic spiceswasmaximal.Changesinpepperpriceshad aneffectonnationaleconomiesandonaggressive reactionscomparabletothatseenintheWestern appetiteforfueloiltoday,accordingtothe AccordingtotheUCLAMedicinalSpicesExhibit ex.cfm?displayID=20. While other spices are known for their medicinal effects, grinding black peppercorns (which keeps them freshest and most potent), can prove irritating for mucosal linings and may stimulate appetite. This may have been beneficial way back when but few of us need this today. Still, freshly ground black pepper can add wonderful flavor accentstofood.
Curries from around the World

TheAuthor JillNussinow,MS,RD,TheVeggie Queenlovestospiceupherfood forboththenutritionaland medicinalbenefits.Shebuys almostallorganicspicesand recommendsthatyoudothe same.Shesellsspiceblendsfrom SouthAfricathroughheremail newsletter.Youcansignupat http://www.theveggiequeen.comorsendanemail

SeeJillsRecipeforSpicedRubyRedRice andFrenchLentilsBelow!

14| May 2009

Spiced Ruby Red Rice and French Lentils

In the dish I use only half of this spice mixture. Put the rest away in a cool, dark place and write the date on it, along with what it is so that you can use it later. (The following spice blend is wonderful added to any rice or lentil dish. I use it in my SpicedRedRiceand FrenchGreenLentils dish found on my pressure cooking DVD,PressureCooking:AFreshLook,Delicious DishesinMinutes. )
2 teaspoons coriander seeds 1 teaspoon cumin seeds teaspoon black peppercorns In a small skillet, toast the seeds over medium heat until they smell toasty, about 2 minutes. Let cool and then grind. Reserve half for another use. 1 cup Thai Ruby Red Rice (Alter Eco or other brand) cup French green lentils 1 tablespoon vegetable oil (optional) 1 teaspoon mustard seeds of the above spice blend 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger 2 cups water teaspoon salt Raisins and almonds or cashews, if desired Soak the rice and lentils while you prepare the toasted spices. Drain the rice and lentils. Heat the oil in a pressure cooker over medium heat. Add the mustard seeds and toast for about 30 seconds. Add the ground spices,, garlic and ginger and stir. Add the drained rice and lentils, and the water. Turn the heat to high and lock the lid on the cooker. Bring to high pressure and maintain high pressure for 7 minutes. Remove the cooker from the heat and let rest for 10 minutes while the pressure comes down naturally. Remove the lid, tilting it away from you. Add the salt and stir. Put rice mixture on platter. Garnish with raisins and nuts, if desired. It looks nice if you garnish it with tomatoes or other brightly colored vegetables. If you want to really spice this up, add a pinch of cayenne while the rice is cooking.

Note: If you dont have a pressure cooker, you can make this on the stove top and it will likely require about another cup water and take 30 minutes cooking.


Curries from around the World 15| May 2009

Curries, More than Just a Pun-gent Taste

By Marty Davey, RD, MS
Knock,knock. Whosthere? Curry... Currywho? CurrymebacktoOleVirginny,orCurryon WaywardSon,foryouKansasfans. Knock,knock. Whosthere? Curry... Currywho? Curryiositykilledthecat.[Thanks,somuchfor thegroans.ImherethroughThursday] Thepunisoneoftheoldestformsofhumor.Itis alsooneofthehighestintellectualformsofhumor duetodepthofunderstandingalanguageandits connectiontoculture. Curriesareoneoftheoldesttypesofstew recorded.ThefirstbeingdocumentedinBabylon around1700BC.1And,accordingtomyhierarchy ofcookingskills,curriesareoneofitshighestforms duetothespicecomplexitiesmeldingtoaspecific flavor. ThewordcurryistheorizedtobeanAnglofication ofaSanskritword,Karli.However,itappearsthat thereareanumberofwordstheorizedtobethe
Curries from around the World

origin.AllIknowisthatthetastesaremulti culturalandmultidimensional.Ohyeah,Ilove themall. Inmysearchforthebiggesthealthbangforthe caloricbuck,thespicesusedincurriesareakinto findingTheNutrientDollarStore.Apinchofthis andadashofthathavebeenusedforcenturiesto vanquishmorethanthecommoncold.Ichosemy mostfavoriteflavorenhancersandsharetheir incredibleproperties. CardamomThis spiceisusedinthe mostuniqueways fromIndonesian curriesto Scandinaviancookies. However,cardamomhasbeenresearchedforuse withchelationtherapyandforitsantioxidant propertieswithpositiveresults,2aswelltreating hypertension,3kidneyandurinarydisorders, modulatinggutactivityandactingasasedative.4 TheevidenceisfairlyclearthatIneedtoeatmore cookies. Cilantro/CorianderAKA,Chineseparsley.People havealove/haterelationshipwithcilantro.Many timesIuseitinmyguacamolewhenImakeitwith mygardenproduce.Itcanhaveafabulousdrying qualitytoflavorswhenusedfresh.Beawarethat cookingcandulltheflavor.5

16| May 2009

Thehealthaspectsarenumerous.Thetraditional useofcilantrotodecreasehypertensionisheavily supportedinscientificliterature.67Historically,it hasbeenusedtotreatdiabetes,indigestion, rheumatismandjointpain.Currentresearchis supportingitsusetodecreasebloodglucosein diabetics,thoughtheresearchisnotconclusive.8 Theclaimsofincludingcilantroorcorianderaspart ofchelationtherapyforhighmercurypoisoningis anecdotalandbasedonlooselydocumentedcase studies. CoconutMilkWehaveallheardaboutthe problemsofcoconutmilk:highinsaturatedfat. Saturatedfatiswhatyoufindinbutterandsteak. Conversely,nativecultureswhichregularlyingest coconutmilkdonotshowthatintakehasany connectionwithheartdisease.Studiesdivided traditionalcoconuteatingsubjectsintothosewith coronarydiseaseandthosewithout.Results showedthatanimalproductintakerelateddirectly toriskofcoronaryevents.Higher carbohydrateintakeandlowanimal productintakewaswhatkeptyou hearthealthy.9Obesityrates amongTanzaniaadultsrosewitha loweractivityrateandhigh consumptionofdairymilk. Decreasedobesityratesmentioned coconutmilkaspartofthisregular diet.10Inadditiontohearthealth,anecdotally, coconutwithaloeveraispurportedtocurehair loss.11 CuminThatlovelydryheatwhichgoessowellin myAlooGobihasbeenshowntokickbuttwhenit comestocoloncancercells[Punintended,See Knock,Knock]12ThepropertyofcuminplayingThe TerminatorroleoncancercellsisThymoquinone. Additionally,anotherfunname,factorkappaBhas beenseentoinitiatesuchdiseasesascancer, atherosclerosis,myocardialinfarction,diabetes, allergy,asthma,arthritis,Crohn'sdisease,multiple
Curries from around the World

sclerosis,Alzheimer'sdisease,osteoporosis, psoriasis,septicshock,andAIDS.13Cumin,black cuminseedsinparticular,havebeenputonalistof herbswhichstopthemanufacturingofthis substanceinyourbody.Thuscutting,IllBeBack fromyourmetabolicmoviequotes. Fenugreek Althoughthe mostcommon methodof calminginfants in theUnitedArab Emirateswas breastfeeding,whenherbalteaswereused fenugreekwasinthetopfive.Interestingly,90%of thesemotherspreferrednottousepacifiers,but themselvesandtheirmotherlyinstinctstohelp theirbabies.Historically,fenugreekhasbeenused inthetreatmentofdiabetesandcurrentresearch appearstosupportthistheory,althoughthe evidenceisnotconclusive.1415 GalangalBeginningitslifein ChinaandJava,galangalis similartoginger.Itsdistinctive flavornotonlygivesarichness toThaicurries,ithasbeen traditionallyusedtorelieve manyGItractproblemssuchas badbreath,seasickness,indigestion,ulcersand stomachinflammationanddiarrhea.Thismaybe duetoitsantimicrobialproperties.16Likegingerit increasescirculationespeciallytothehandsand feet.17NowonderTomYumsoupdoesthetrickon coldernights. GaramMasalaTheterm,masalameansmixture. Thereisntagarammasalabushortree.Iinclude thistohelpyoushopforingredientsfoundinthis monthsrecipes.However,notallmasalasarethe same.Ifyouknowyourstore,youcanexplainyour tastepreferenceandtheymaybeabletoassistyou
17| May 2009

infindingtheheatandflavormixtureforyour palate. KaffirLimeIn SoutheastAsian cookingyoumay usethekaffirrind orleafinarecipe. Eachhasasour flavorwhichworks sowellwiththesweetnessofcoconut.Thevodka company,Smirnoff,makesamojitowithkaffir limesandthebeercompany,Molsonflavorsits BlueMoonlinewiththeleaves.18Folkmedicine usestheleavesasagumdiseaseprevention,anda digestiveaid.Sofarthebeveragesarecoveredfor thisyearsMay8th,ThaiRoyalPloughingDayparty. [Yes,actualholiday.] LemonGrassTheantifungalactivityoflemon grassoilhasbeenwelldocumented.19Perhaps thatiswhyitwasconsideredasacredherband usedbywarriors.Itspungenttastecomesfroma chemicalwhichalsogivesitantimicrobial qualities.20Theastringentpropertiesnotonlyhelp inwoundhealing,butpromotegumandhair health.21 TurmericNotonlywillitmakeyourtofuscramble abeautifulyellowcolor,turmerichasbeenshown toincreasedetoxifyingagentsinyourbody,lessen DNAdamageandheightenDNArepair.15Why doesthatmatter?WhenDNAmisreads,Iaman EarCellforStickitinyoureargel,thecellcan mutateintoacancercell.WewantourDNAcopy machinewithajustcleanedplateandnopaper clips. Withallofthesecleansing,antioxidizing,fungi eatingactionsgoingoninside,itislittlewonder whyguruslivesolong. Knock,knock. Whosthere?
Curries from around the World

Curry... Currywho? Curryupandendthisdiatribe.WewanttoEAT!

TheAuthor MartyDaveyisaRegistered DietitianandhasaMasters degreeinFoodandNutrition fromMarywoodUniversity. Shebecameavegetarianin 1980whenshediscovered thatthechemicalsin Americanmeatmadethem unsellabletoEuropeans.Sheandherhusbandhave raisedtheirsonasavegan.Sheteachesnutritionand hasaprivatepracticespecializinginassistingclients transitioningtoaplantbasedregimestepbystep.Her

Grove P, Grove C. [2008] The origins of Curry, (Is it really English?)Retrieved from on April 25, 2009. 2 Yadav AS, Bhatnagar D. [2007] Free radical scavenging activity, metal chelation and antioxidant power of some of the Indian spices, Biofactors, 31(34):219-27. [Abstract] 3 Gilani AH, Jabeen Q, Khan AU, Shah AJ. [2008] Gut modulatory, blood pressure lowering, diuretic and sedative activities of cardamom, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Feb 12;115(3):463-72. [Abstract] 4 Ballabh B, Chaurasia OP, Ahmed Z, Singh SB. [2008] Traditional medicinal plants of cold desert Ladakh-used against kidney and urinary disorders, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Jul 23;118(2):331-9. [Abstract] 5 Loha-unchit K, [2000]. Cilantro Pak Chee. Retrieved from ml on April 25, 2009. 6 Jabeen Q, Bashir S, Lyoussi B, Gilani AH. [2009] Coriander fruit exhibits gut modulatory, blood pressure lowering and diuretic activities. Journal of Ethnopharmocology. Feb 25;122(1):123-30. [Abstract] 7 Dhanapakiam P, Joseph JM, Ramaswamy VK, Moorthi M, Kumar AS. [2008] The cholesterol lowering property of coriander seeds (Coriandrum sativum): mechanism of action, Journal of Environmental Biology. Jan;29(1):53-6. [Abstract]
18| May 2009

Eidi M, Eidi A, Saeidi A, Molanaei S, Sadeghipour A, Bahar M, Bahar K. [2009] Effect of coriander seed (Coriandrum sativum L.) ethanol extract on insulin release from pancreatic beta cells in streptozotocininduced diabetic rats. Phytotherapy Research, Mar;23(3):404-6. [Abstract] 9 Lipoeto NI, Agus Z, Oenzil F, Wahlqvist M, Wattanapenpaiboon N. [2004] Dietary intake and the risk of coronary heart disease among the coconutconsuming Minangkabau in West Sumatra, Indonesia, Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 13(4):377-84. [Abstract] 10 Njelekela M, Kuga S, Nara Y, Ntogwisangu J, Masesa Z, Mashalla Y, Ikeda K, Mtabaji J, Yamori Y, Tsuda K. [2002] Prevalence of obesity and dyslipidemia in middleaged men and women in Tanzania, Africa: relationship with resting energy expenditure and dietary factors. Journal of Nutrition Science and Vitaminology, Oct;48(5):352-8. [Abstract] 11 Retrieved from on April 25, 2009. 12 Gali-Muhtasib H, Diab-Assaf M, Boltze C, Al-Hmaira J, Hartig R, Roessner A, Schneider-Stock R. [2004] Thymoquinone extracted from black seed triggers apoptotic cell death in human colorectal cancer cells via a p53-dependent mechanism, International Journal of Oncology, Oct;25(4):857-66. [Abstract] 13 Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S. [2004] Suppression of the nuclear factor-kappaB activation pathway by spicederived phytochemicals: reasoning for seasoning, Annals of New York Academy of Science, Dec;1030:434-41. [Abstract] 14 Jett L, Harvey L, Eugeni K, Levens N. [2009] 4Hydroxyisoleucine: a plant-derived treatment for metabolic syndrome, Current Opinion in Investigated Drugs, Apr;10(4):353-. [Abstract] 15 Krishnaswamy K. [2008] Traditional Indian spices and their health significance, Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition ;17 Suppl 1:265-8. [Abstract] 16 Huang H, Wu D, Tian WX, Ma XF, Wu XD. [2008] Antimicrobial effect by extracts of rhizome of Alpinia officinarum Hance may relate to its inhibition of betaketoacyl-ACP reductase, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medical Chemistry, Jun;23(3):362-8. 17 Curry Simple. What is Galangal? Retrieved from on April 25, 2009. 18 Wikipedia. [2009] Retrieved from on April 25, 2009. 19 Mishra AK, Dubey NK. [1994] Evaluation of some essential oils for their toxicity against fungi causing deterioration of stored food commodities, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Apr;60(4):1101-5. 20 Irkin R, Korukluoglu M. [2009] Effectiveness of Cymbopogon citratus L. essential oil to inhibit the growth of some filamentous fungi and yeasts, Journal of Medicinal Food, Feb;12(1):193-7. [Abstract]
Curries from around the World


Organic Facts. Health Benefits of Essential Lemon Grass OiI. Retrieved from on April 25, 2009.

19| May 2009

Fusion Fun: Japanese & Thai

with Chef Philip Gelb

Curryisaverygenerictermthatseemstobe coinedtodenoteanythingfromaverylargegroup ofspicy,saucydishesfromsouthernandSoutheast AsiaandthesouthernandSoutheastAsian diaspora.Awidearrayofextraordinary,often complexdishesfromIndia,Thailand,Burma, Jamaica,andcountlessothercountriesareoften labeledcurry. SinceThaicurriesaremypersonalfavorites,Ihave recentlybeguntocreatemyownThaicurrypastes. Wonderful,rich,complexflavorsarecreatedby combiningtoastedspiceswithfragrantdelights suchaskaffirlimeleaves,lemongrass,garlic,ginger andofcourse,hotchilies.InThailand,greatefforts aremadetopoundspices,herbs,chiliesand vegetablesinamortarandpestletomake delightfullyhotandflavorfulcurrypastes.In modernkitchens,onecanoftengetawaywith doingthisinafoodprocessorbutbetterresults comefromamortarandpestle. Anotherlong,ongoinginteresthasbeenthe introductionofvariousJapaneseingredientsfused inotherstylesofcuisine.ThismonthIwouldlike topresenttwoofmycurrypasterecipesalongwith twodishesthatfusesomeofmyfavoriteJapanese vegetableswithThaiflavors;aredcurrysoupanda Massamamcurrystew.

redcurrysoupwithjapanesevegetables andfriedtempehstrips
Type:soupServes:6 TheChinesefermentedbeancurdtakestheplaceof fishsauce;providingasalty,skunkyflavorthat remainsvegan. CurryPasteIngredients 8largedriedguajillochilies 1tbsp.corianderseeds(toasted) 1tsp.blackpeppercorns(toasted) 2tsp.cuminseeds(toasted)
Curries from around the World

2stalkslemongrass,chopped(removebottomand outleaves,first) 2largeshallots,chopped 6kaffirlimeleaves 1tsp.seasalt 8clovesgarlic 2inchpieceginger 10freshredthaichilis 2tsp.fermentedchinesebeancurd SoupIngredients 1poundfriedtofu,julienned 2cups(Japanesepumpkin),slicedthin 1lotusroot,sliced 2cupsmaitakemushroomschopped 1cupsnowpeas cupbasilorthaibasil thinlyslicedstripsoftempeh 1tsp.coconutoil cupshoyu 6cupsseaweedstock 2tbsp.agave 2tbsp.sesameoil(nontoasted) Placeallpasteingredientsinfoodprocessorand grinddowntillsmooth.Addalittlewatertohelp formthepaste. Inasaucepan,heatupsesameoilandadd1/3cup redcurrypasteandcookfor3minutes,stirring frequently.Addvegetables(exceptforthe mushrooms)andcoatwithpaste.Addstockand shoyuandbringtosimmer.Addtherestofthe ingredientsandcookfor5minutesortillall vegetablesaretender. Meanwhilepanfrytheslicesoftempehin1tsp coconutoiltillbrownedoneachside.Garnishthe soupwiththefriedtempehandaddlimejuiceif desired. whattoservewithit Rice!Greenpapayasalad RecipebyChefPhilipGelb
20| May 2009

Type:stewServes:6 CurryPasteIngredients 8driedguajillochilis 2tbsp.corianderseeds,toasted 1tbsp.cuminseeds,toasted 1tsp.blackpeppercorns,toasted 3largeshallots,chopped 10clovesgarlic,chopped 2inchpiece,ginger,chopped 1tbsp.groundcardamom 2tsp.groundcinnamon 1tsp.groundcloves 2stalkslemongrass,chopped.Removethebottom, topandouterlayers,first 6kaffirlimeleaves 1tbsp.fermentedbeancurd 1tsp.seasalt VeggieIngredients 2satsumaimo(Japanesesweetpotato),roughcut 2carrots,roughcut 6satoimo(Japanesetaro),peeledandhalved 1lotusroot,sliced 20chineselongbeans,cutin2inchpieces cuppeanuts,toasted 1onionsliced 1tbsp.tamarindpaste 2cupscoconutmilk 2cupsseaweedstock 1cinnamonstick 4cardamompods cupshoyu 2tbsp.agave 1tbsp.sesameoil(nontoasted) Forthepaste,placeallingredientsinafood processorandgrinddowntillsmooth,addinga littlewaterifneededtohelpmakethepaste. Inasaucepan,addsesameoiland1/3currypaste andsautefor3minutesortillveryfragrant.Add coconutmilkandstockandbringtosimmer.Add theonion,satoimo,satsumaimo,carrot,lotus rootreduceheatandsimmer10minutesortill theyarecookedthrough.Addtherestofthe

ingredientsandcook3minutes.Removecinnamon stickandcardamompodsbeforeserving. whattoservewithit Rice!Greenpapayasalad,rawspringrolls,fried tempehorfriedtofu


TheAuthor PhilipGelbwasbornandraised inBrooklynNY.Heendedupin FloridawherehereceivedaBAin culturalanthropologyanddid graduatestudiesin ethnomusicology.Forthelast decadehehaslivedintheSanFranciscoBayArea whereheworksasaprofessionalmusicianand musicteacheraswellasaveganchef.Asa musicianhehasperformedallovertheUnited StatesandinJapan,EuropeandCanada.5years agohestartedIntheMoodforFood,avegetarian personalchefandcateringcompany.Hehasbeen vegetariansince17andafterbecomingvegan4 yearsago,hechangedhisbusinesstostrictlyvegan cuisine.Althoughtotallyselftaughtasachef,heis averypopularvegancookingteacher,hosting monthlyclasses.Hisotherinterestsincludehiking, travelling,andheisanavidfilmbuff.Ofcourse,he lovescooking,especiallyforfriendsaswellas professionally.YoucanreachChefPhilipGelbat

Curries from around the World

21| May 2009

Where the Curries Are

by Chef Mayra

Curryisusedinthecuisineofalmosteverycountry andcanbeincorporatedintoadishorevenadrink. Thewordcomesfromkari,whichisfromthe Tamillanguageandwaslateranglicizedinto curry.Currypowderitselfisnotasinglespicebut ablendofdifferentspicesandcanbemildorhot. Thisgoldencoloredspiceisoneoftheoldestspice mixesandismostoftenassociatedwithIndian cuisine. Becauseofthelonghistoryofcurryandits adaptationintosomanydifferentcuisines,curry itselfcanhavemanydifferenttastesandcolors. Althoughweusuallyassociatethegoldenyellow color(fromtheturmeric)andpungentspicewith thetermcurry,itcanbemildorfireyhotandcome inavarietyofcolors.Butnomatterwhatspices youmixinyourcurryitsguaranteedtoalwaysbe exoticandtasty! CurryPowder Currypowderisablendofuptotwentydifferent herbsandspices,includingchilies,cinnamon, cloves,coriander,cumin,fennel,fenugreek,mace, nutmeg,pepper,poppyseeds,sesameseeds, saffron,tamarindandturmeric(whichgivescurry itscharacteristicgoldencolor).InIndiancooking curryisfreshlygroundeachday(makingitfarmore flavorfulandpungentthanthemixessoldinthe store),andcomesin"standard"and"Madras"(hot) versions.

subsequentcravings,oftenfollowedbyadesireto moveontohottercurries.Somerefertothisas addiction,butotherresearcherscontesttheuseof theword"addiction"inthisinstance.Additionally, curryaddictionisanexampleofacolloquialuseof theword"addiction"asthemedicaldefinitionof thewordrequirescontinuedusedespiteharmful effects.Sincemedicinehasnotshownharmful effectsofcurryconsumption,theuseoftheword "addiction"isdebatable. HealthBenefits

Somestudieshaveshownthatingredientsincurry mayhelptopreventcertaindiseases,including coloncancerandAlzheimer'sdisease.

1 tsp. black peppercorns 1 tsp. mustard seeds tsp. coriander seeds tsp. cumin seeds tsp. fennel seeds tsp. cayenne pepper 1 large bay leaf, broken 8 whole cloves 6-12 cardamom seeds (pods removed) In a spice-mill or blender, grind all the ingredients together until fine. If not using right away, store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

SomeInterestingFactsaboutCurry Anumberofstudieshaveclaimedthatthereaction ofpainreceptorstothehotteringredientsin curries,evenkorma,leadstothebody'sreleaseof endorphinsandcombinedwiththecomplex sensoryreactiontothevarietyofspicesand flavors,anaturalhighisachievedthatcauses

Curries from around the World

22| May 2009

CuisineofTrinidadandTobago Thecurryinfluenceisindicativeoftheblendsof Amerindian,European,African,Creole,Indian, Chinese,andLebanesegastronomicinfluences. Currypowderisablendofmanyspices,andcomes inalmostinfinitevarieties.Eachcurrypowdercan havedifferentcomponentspices,indiffering amountsmakingeachcurryblendunique. CuisinesbyRegionThatUseCurry Bengali,OriyaandBangladeshicuisines NorthIndiancuisine NortheastIndianandNepalesecuisines SouthIndianandSriLankancuisines AndhraorTelugucuisine Karnatakacuisine Malayalicuisine TamilandSriLankancuisines Gujaraticuisine Pakistanicuisine Punjabicuisine Sindhicuisine Pashtuncuisine Chinesecuisine Indonesiancuisine Japanesecuisine Malaysiancuisine Thaicuisine Caribbeancuisine Britishcuisine Balticuisine

Serves4 MyLentilCurrydishchockfullofflavor,fiberand otherhealthfulnutrients.Lentilscookquicklyand godeliciouslywellwithwarmcurryandrich coconutmilk.Despitebeinghighinsaturatedfat, coconutiscomposedofatypeofsaturatedfatthat isactuallybelievedtoboostmetabolism. Additionally,coconutmilkcontainslauricacid, whichmakesithealthfullyakintomothersmilk. Ingredients(buyorganicwhenpossible) 1tbsp.veganmargarine 1tbsp.vegetableoil 1tbsp.yellowcurrypowder 1onion,finelychopped 2clovesofgarlic,minced 1jalapeno,seeded,minced 1cupyelloworgreenlentils,rinsed 21/4cupsvegetableormushroombroth 1cupdicedtomatoes,cannedorfresh cupcoconutmilk 2cupscookedjasminerice Directions 1.Placemargarineandoilinalargesaucepanover mediumheat.Whenbutterismelted,addcurry andonionandcook,stirringoften,for5minutes. Addgarlicandjalapenoandcook,stirring,for2 minutes. 2.Addlentilsandbroth,stirringtocombine.Bring toaboil,reduceheattomediumlow,coverand simmerfor15minutesoruntillentilsaretender. Stiroccasionallytomakesurelentilsarentsticking tothebottomofthepan. 3.Stirintomatoesandbringtoasimmer.After5 minutes,stirincoconutmilkandcook,stirring, untilcurryisheatedthrough.Ladleoverriceand servewarm.

1 oz. cayenne 2 oz. ginger 8 oz. coriander seeds 8 oz. turmeric 2 oz. mustard seeds 4 oz. fenugreek seeds 4 oz. cinnamon stick Pound, bottle and cork well.
Curries from around the World

23| May 2009

TillthenextMonth. StayGreen,LeanAndSexyWithanAnimal Freelifestyle ChefMayraa.k.aDrFlavor TheAuthor

ChefMayrahasbeeninthe healthyeatingandcooking industryforover11yearsandhas certificationsinsportsnutrition, macrobioticcooking,veganand vegetarian,holistic,andfengshui cuisine.Shestartedhercareerasa cookbylearningandexperimenting withFrench,Caribbean,Southern,Cajun,andWest Africancuisine.ChefMayraisachefinstructorand conductsavarietyofclassesanddemonstrationsgeared towardsveganathletes,personaltrainers,andanyone whowouldliketoliveahealthierlife.Dr.Flavorcan makehealthycookingeasierbybecomingyourpersonal chef!VisitchefMayraatwww.mychefmayra.comor callherat7023724709.

Curries from around the World

24| May 2009

A Curry Primer
By Chef Jason Wyrick

CurrymayhaveitsoriginsinIndia,butitsinfluence ontherestoftheworldscuisineisunmistakable. FromThailandtotheUK,curryhasbecomea welcomedstaplefood,yeteachregionhasavery differenttakeonthisstyleofdish,withIndia obviouslyhavingthemostvariations.Iliketothink theressomethingforeveryoneinacurrydish,or atleastthereareenoughvariationsofcurrythat onecanfindsomethingtoenjoy.Belowisavery briefandfarfromexhaustiveguidetothemajor curryregionsoftheworldwithsomeinfotohelp youidentifythemandsomeingredientstoinspire youtocraftyourown.Youcanalsocheckoutthe recipesectionofthemagazinetogetsomehard andfastcurryblends. Indian WhileIndiancurrieshavethemostvariation,they tendtobespicyandmakeheavyuseofdried, toastedspiceswithhighproportionsofcumin seeds,corianderseeds,turmeric,andginger. Typically,thespicesaredrytoastedindividually, withthehardestspicesbeingtoastedthelongest, ortheyarefriedwholeforseveralminutes.The morearomaticcurriesusecloves,fennel,and pepper.Thebaseforthesecurriesisusually tomato,cream,yogurt,orcoconutbased.Icould writeseveralpagesonIndiancurries,butthesewill beexploredinmoredepthinthecomingIndian issueofTheVeganCulinaryExperience.Fornow, checkoutourredandyellowcurrypowderson pages47and51.
Curries from around the World

Thai Thaicurriesusealotoffreshingredientsenhanced withdryspices,everythinggroundtogetherintoa smoothpastewhichisthenlightlyfried.Thebase foraThaicurryisusuallyshallotsandgarlicwith freshchilipeppers,galangal(arelativeofginger), andsometimeslemongrass,limezest,andkaffir limeleaves.Thespicestendtobearomatic,with commoningredientsbeingwhitepepper,cloves, cinnamon,andcoriander.Thaicurriesshould alwaysbeablendofsalty,spicy,bitter,sweet,and sourandMostThaicurriesarebasedwithwateror coconutmilk.TomakeagreatThaicurry,start withplentyofshallotsandgarlic,throwinahot chilipepper,aoneinchpieceofgalangal,astalkof lemongrass,twoorthreekaffirlimeleaves,adash ofcumin,whitepepper,andcorianderseed,a touchofsalt,andalittlesugarwithenough coconutmilktoblendtheingredientsintoapaste. Lightlyfrythepasteforaboutthreeminutes,stirin acanofcoconutmilk,simmerthisforaboutten minutes,andaddsteamedorsimmeredveggiesof yourchoice.Thisshouldalwaysbeservedwith rice.SeeourThairecipesonpages70101and 2022. Indonesian IndonesiancurriesaresimilartoThaicurries,but theytendtobeabitsweeterandfeaturemore fruits,suchasjackfruit,andtamarindpaste. Indonesiancurriesarefrequentlycurryreductions insteadofsaucesandfeaturealotoftempehand meat,whichiseasilyreplacedwithseitan.The mostfamouscurryfromIndonesiaistheRendang
25| May 2009

curry,asweettamarindreductionfilledwithlotsof fresh,pungentingredientsandgarnishedwith shreddedcoconut.TomakeagreatIndonesian curry,usethesameingredientsfortheThaicurry pasteandaddtamarindandatouchofturmeric. FryitlikeaThaicurrypasteandthenaddhalfacan ofcoconutmilk.Allowthistoreduceandserveit witheggplant,jackfruit,orseitan.Lookforthe Rendangcurryrecipeonpage82. Chinese ChinesecurriesareaninterestingblendofIndian masalas(spicemixes),usuallyredcurrypowder, withCantonesestylenoodles,veggies(thinkgreen peppers,broccoli,beansprouts,etc.),andmeat, whichagain,shouldbereplacedwithseitanor tofu.Thesaucestendtobeabitsweet,spicy,and arenotquiteasdevelopedasIndiancurries.As withIndonesiancuisine,theyarejustaslikelytobe reductionsorcoatingsonthemainingredients insteadofsoupylikeaThaicurry.Iftheyare soupy,however,theyareusuallywaterbased curriesinsteadofcoconutmilkbasedcurries. Chinesecurriesaresometimesthickenedwith cornstarchlikeotherChinesesauces.Tomakea goodChinesecurry,lightlytoastredcurrypowder onamediumheatforaboutaminute,thenslowly stirinwateruntilyouhaveathinbroth.Adda touchofsesameoilandbraiseyourveggies,tofu, orseitaninthewaterforabouttenminutes.A smallamount,usuallyateaspoonorso,of cornstarchcanbeusedtothickenthebrothand thenitshouldbegarnishedwithfreshcilantro.See theCantonesewatercurryrecipeonpage110. Caribbean Caribbeancurriescombinetropicalfruitsand veggies(thinkplantains,peppers,pineapple,etc.) witheitheryellowcurrypowderoramixofcumin, coriander,andturmericwithplentyofindigenous
Curries from around the World

spices.Theytendtofeaturehotpeppers,lotsof allspice,andfreshherbslikethyme(particularlyin Jamaicancurries)basedincoconutmilk.These curriesarestronglyaromatic,spicy,andsweet.To makeagreatCaribbeancurry,startwithacouple tablespoonsofyellowcurrypowderandadda couplepinchesofallspice,acouplepinchesof cinnamon,andlotsoffreshthymewithfresh ginger,ahotpepper,andgarlic.Thisshouldallbe friedforaboutaminuteandthencoconutmilk shouldbestirredintoit.Allowthesaucetosimmer foratleastfifteenminutes.SeetheJamaicancurry recipeonpage123. Japanese Japanesecurriesareoftenthickerthanmostother curriesbecausetheyusearoux(amixtureofflour andoilthatisfried)mixedwithcurrypowderto thickenthecurrysauces.Thesemixesareoften purchasedalreadypackaged,butyoucanmake yourownbyaddingaboutonetablespoonofcurry powdertoonetablespooneachofoilandflour. Thebasicveggiesareonion,carrot,andpotato, whichcanbeservedoverrice,asafillingforbread, orservedovernoodles.Fruitsuchasraisinsand applesareoftenusedwithJapanesecurries.Check outthekarepanrecipeonpage101foran exampleofaJapanesecurry. Pakistani Pakistanicurriestendtobehotandthickwithlots ofdriedspices.Theyalsotendtobeoilyandare eithertomatobased,cream,yoghurt,orbutter based(particularlyPunjabicurries),orthespice mix(masala)issimplyfriedwiththemain ingredientsandnosauceisadded.Theyare obviouslyheavilyinfluencedbyIndiancurries,but haveadistinctMiddleEasternqualitytothem. BiryaniisanexcellentexampleofaPakistanicurry. Seethebiryanirecipeonpage139.
26| May 2009

EastAfrican EastAfricancurriestendtobehotineitherthick coconutortomatosauceswithstarchyingredients likeplantains,yams,sweetpotatoes,carrots,and cabbage.Thespicesaregenerallyfriedalongwith themainingredientsandthenthesauceisadded tothepan.Theyoftenfeatureingredientsnot typicallyfoundinothercurries,suchaslemonjuice anddarkleafygreenslikekaleandcollardgreens. WanttocreateyourownAfricancurry?Frysome plantainswithcumin,corianderseeds,hotdried pepper,freshginger,andgarlic,thenaddacupof crushedtomatoes,acupofcoconutmilk,sliced collardgreens,andafewdicedapricots,andallow everythingtosimmeruntilthecollardgreensare soft.SeetheMozambiquestylecurryonpage115 orcheckouttheSeptember2008Africanissueof TheVeganCulinaryExperienceforplentyofAfrican curryideas.
Curries from around the World

ChefJasonWyrickis anawardwinning veganchefandthe ownerofArizona's onlyvegancatering company,DevilSpice. Servingthestate since2004asbotha catererandaprolificveganculinaryinstructor,Chef Jasonhasgarneredlocalandnationalattention.Hewas'sOctober,2005Chefofthe MonthandhasbeenfeaturedintheArizonaRepublic andonABC'slocalmorningshow,SonoranLivingLive. Formerlyadiabetic,ChefJasonapproachesvegan cuisinefrombothahealthandethicalstandpointwith aneyefortasteandsimplicity.

27| May 2009

Exotic Spice Gardens

By Liz Lonetti
Weallknowhow fantasticfreshbasil, oregano,cilantroor thymeisandcan appreciatekeeping aplaceforitinour gardensorwindow boxes,butwhat aboutthelesser knownbutequally essentialplantsfor creatingoutofthis world(or continent)flavorsin Thai,Indianand otherregion's cookingtraditions? Thai Basil Rooting in Window Lemongrass,Curry Leaves,KaffirLime,ThaiBasilandothersareall easilygrownplants.Ifyou'reinterestedingetting thefreshestflavorsforyourculinaryexperiments, definitelyconsideraddingafewofthese'exotics'to yourgarden,patioorgreenhouse. Lemongrassisarelativenewcomertomygarden.I havebeenshockedathowfastandabundantit growshereinPhoenix.Inatleastazone9 (southernclimates)itwillbeaperennialplantand easilygrowninsunnylocations.Iwasluckyenough tofindaplanttotransplantfromalocalgrower, butyoucouldstartonefromthecuttingsatyour localAsiangrocer.Lookforstalksthatarenotdried outandstillhaveasmuchoftherootbaseas possibleattached(ifyoucanfindafewactualroots intactevenbetter!)Trimbacktheleafportionso thewholethingisabout8longandkeepina waterglassbyasunnywindow.Rootsshould appearin23weeksifthestalkshadenoughofthe baseor'crown'attached. Istartplantsfromcuttingsfromthefreshproduce
Curries from around the World

sectionoftheAsianMarketallthetime.ThaiBasil isaparticularlyeasyplanttogrowfromthe cuttings(itislikemintortomatoesthatway).I alwaysseemtohaveafewsprigsonmykitchen windowdevelopingrootsatalltimesoftheyear. TheymakegreatgiftstopeoplewhenIpotthem afterestablishingenoughrootstotransplantand areveryhappyinouroutdoorgardensorinpots.

Fresh Ginger Root Sprouting in the Natural Life Sprouter

Itisfuntogrowgingerandgalangalfromthe marketaswell.Clearlythesewouldhavetobean indoorplanteverywherebutthemostfrostfree zones(thinkFloridaorHawaii),buttheycandowell inpotsindoorsandcouldbemovedseasonallyto keepthemfromfeelingtheleastbitchilly!Ginger ishappywhentemperaturesdonotdipbelow60 degrees(yes60!andwilldieoffbelow40 degrees).Someotherplantsthatarecommonly grownfromrhizomes(rootcuttings)include turmeric,hops(yes,that'sformakingbeer), bananas,asparagusandsomekindsofbamboo. Lookforhealthy,plumprootcuttingsatthemarket, ororderfromanonlinesourceforyourbestchance ofsuccess.I'vemanagedtogrowplantsfrom about1/3oftherootsfromtheMarket,sokeep tryingevenifitdoesn'tworkoutthefirsttime. Thesetropicalplantsloveheat,richwelldraining
28| May 2009

soilsandlotsofwater. Someofmyfavoriteplantsinthegardeninclude theCurryLeaf,KaffirLime,BayLeafandAllspice trees.Thecurry,limeandbayareallgrownfor theiraromaticandflavorfulleavesincookingand nothingcomparestograbbingfreshleavesfromthe gardentoaddtodepthofflavortoyourfavorite recipes.Myplantswerefromlocalnurseries (Bakers,TropicalMangoandDosArbolitoslove thoseguys!)andhavebeengrowinghappilyinpots forthelastcoupleyears.Icaneasilymovethemto moreshelteredareaswhenIneedtobecauseof heatorfrost.
Curry Leaf Tree and Kaffir Lime in the Potted Herb Garden

TheAuthor Asaprofessionalurbandesigner, LizLonettiispassionateabout buildingcommunity,both physicallyandsocially.She graduatedfromtheUofMNwith aBAinArchitecturein1998.She alsoservesastheExecutive DirectorforthePhoenix PermacultureGuild,anonprofit organizationwhosemissionistoinspiresustainable livingthrougheducation,communitybuildingand creativecooperation ( advocateforbuildinggreenerandmoreinter connectedcommunities,Lizvolunteershertimeand talentforotherlocalgreencauses.Inherspare time,Lizenjoyscookingwiththeveggiesfromher gardens,sharinggreatfoodwithfriendsand neighbors,learningfromandteachingothers.To contactLiz,pleasevisitherblogsite Resources

Myfavoritethingabouttheseplantsisthatthey areasfuntogrowastheyaretocookwith!Don't bediscouragedifyourfirstattemptsdon'tyield quickresults,keepexperimentingtofindoutwhat worksforyourareaandtastes.

Curries from around the World

29| May 2009

Are Your Workouts Working?

by Barry Lovelace
Ihaveasadstatisticforyou.Unfortunately,the majorityofpeoplewhostartanexerciseprogram quitwithinsixmonths.Ifindthistobesosad. Whensomeonedecidestostartanexercise programtheytendtobefullofexcitementand anticipation.Sadly,whentheyendupquittingall thatexcitementisusuallyreplacedbyafeelingof hopelessnessandfailure. Whenaskedwhy,oneofthetopreasonswasthis: Notseeingthedesiredresults. Mostpeoplemakethesameexercisemistakes, thengetfrustratedandquit.Letstacklethemost commonmistakessothatwecanavoidtheminthe future. Hereisalistofthefourmostcommonworkout mistakes: 1) Focusingonquantityinsteadofquality. Thisisabigone.Ifyoulookaroundthegym youwillseemanypeoplewhoarejust wanderingaroundandthroughtheir workout.Thetreadmillsarefullofpeople whoarereadingorwatchingtelevisionand notworkingoutashardastheycouldbeif theyfocused.Theweightroomsarefullof peopletalkingforminutesonendbetween setsandtakingbreaks.Foraworkoutto reallywork,itrequiresfocus.Thattime mustbededicatedtoworkandeffort, anythinglessandyouarecheatingyourself. Thinkaboutitthisway,ifyouaregoingto spendthetime,makeitworthit.Thebest thingaboutincreasingthequalityofyour workoutisthatthequantitywillactuallygo down.Youwillaccomplishmoreinless time! 2) Notkeepingtrackoffoodintake.Toomany peoplefoolthemselveswhenitcomesto howmuchtheyeat.Ifyoureallywantto
Curries from around the World

seeresults,youhavetoknowhowmuch youeat.Itiseasytobelessthanhonest sincewearetheonlyoneswhoknowhow muchweeat.However,avoidingthiscrucial stepwillkeepyoufromreachingyourgoals. 3) Settingunrealisticgoals.ThisisonethatI seeallthetime.Peoplewillcomeintomy gymandsaythattheyneedtolose20 poundsforaweddingthatisthreeweeks away.Orsomeonewillhaveagoalof lookinglikeafitnessmodel.Whenitcomes togoalsettingitisimportanttoberealistic withthetimeframeaswellastheend result.Ifyousetyourgoaltolose20 poundsinthreeweeks(whichisan unrealisticgoal)thanyouwontbehappy whenyoulose10poundsinthreeweeks.If youlose10poundsinthreeweeksyou shouldbehappy!Sothisisanexampleof settingthegoaltoohigh,itleadsto disappointmentandthenquitting altogether. 4) Worryingtoomuchaboutwhatyouweigh. Dontyoulovethefeelingofputtingona pairofpantsandhavingthemfitloose whentheyusedtobetight?Thisisprogress anditisrealprogress.Weighingyourself canbeabitofatrap.Thebodyhaslotsof naturalfluctuationsthataffecthowmuch weweigh.Also,muscleweighsmuchmore thanfatyettakesuplessroom. Soifyoubuildmuscleandlosefatatthesametime youwillnotnecessarilyseeabigchangeinweight butyouwillseethechangeinhowyoulookand howyourclothesfit.Thisiswhereyourfocus shouldbe. Haveyouevermadeanyoftheabovemistakes? Trustme,youarenotalone.Dontgiveup.Now thatyouareawareofthemyoucanbeprepared.
30| May 2009

Thisway,youwillnotmakethesamemistakes again.Stayontrack,bepatientandenjoythe processofgettingfitandhealthy.Youcandoit! TheAuthor BarryLovelaceisa veganfitnesscoach specializinginthe functionaltrainingof athletes.Heisthe ownerofFitQuest FitnessinAllentown, PA,andfrequentlyproducesroutinefitness

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31| May 2009

Mos skowi of Post Punk Kit n! itz t tchen

An Inte w with Isa C ndra n erview h Chan

Wha atledyouto obecomeve eganandwh hatledyou tobe ecomeaveg ganchef? Ialw wayslovedan nimalsands sowhenIfou undout abou utvegetarian nismandsubsequentlyv veganismit wasn n'tadifficult tdecisionto omake.Givin ngupmeat wasnoproblem,Dairywasa alittlebitto ougher.But asth hesayinggoe es,there'salittlebitofv vealin ever ryglassofmilk.Partofb becomingav veganchef wasjustcooking galot.Iwan ntedtoeatth hingsthat were edeliciousandsatisfying g.Istartedc cooking beca auseatthetimetherew weren'tmany yvegan resta aurants,and dIdidn'thav vemoneytoeatoutall thet timeanyway y.Ilovedexp perimenting gand cook kingformyf friendsandf family. Wha atwasyourcareerbeforehand? Iwouldn'tsayIe everhadaca areer.Iwasawaitress fora alongtime,w whichwasagreatpositi iontobein tole earnaboutfo ood.Thendu uringthedo otcom boom mIwasluckyenoughto opickupaco oupleof skills sthatletme eridethatwave.Thatwa asawesome e beca auseonceIw wasn'tlivingonminimum mwage,I wasabletogetm moretimeto oreallyworkonmy cook king. Didy youalwaysknowyouw wantedtodo othisordid itcomeasasurp prise? Ididalwayswan nttodosomethinginvolvingfood. Whe enIwasateenagerIwoulddreamabouthaving g acaf fe.Thevegancookingsc choolsthate existareso
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incre ediblyinacce essibleifyou udon'thave emoneysoI I neve erthoughtIwouldbeab bletocook prof fessionally. Post tPunkKitch henrocks!Pl leasetellou urreadersa bita aboutitandwhatitwas slikeinthebeginning. Thestoryisinth hebeginning gofVeganw witha VengeancebutIshalltellitagain.LikeIsaid,Ihada a dece entofficejob,sowasab bletohavetimetowork k ono otherthings. .Iwasworki ingasachef finacafeon n thesideandjustfoundmys selfdoingac cooking show winmyhead.Iwasalso oobsessedw withthe Food dNetworka atthetime.S SoIgotsomefriends toge ethertoputtogetheras show.Itjustkindoftook k offf fromthere! youhavean nymorevide eosplannedorareyou Doy conc centratingo onwriting? vewebvideosplannedb butotherthingskeep Ihav gett tingintheway.Iamdefinitelyconce entratedon writ tingbutIalso owanttoge etbackinfro ontofthe cam mera. How whasyouro onlinepresen nceaffected dyour wor rk? ottenanywh herewithout t Idon'tthinkIwouldhavego myw websiteandblog.Makin ngthevideo osaccessible topeopleoutsid deofBrookly ynwashuge e.Andthen bein ngabletoint teractwithm myaudience e,forget aboutit!Thatis sthemostam mazingpart. .ThePost
32| May 2009

PunkKitchenisallaboutcommunitynow,people havingpotlucks,meetups,organizingactivist'samazing.Somanyofmyveganfriends arepeopleImetonline.It'sgreatgoingtodifferent citiesandhavingthistightknitgroupoffriends automatically. Obviously,VeganwithaVengeance, Veganomicon,andVeganCupcakesTakeoverthe Worldhavebeenquitesuccessful!Whatisyour nextbookgoingtocoveranddoyouhaveany tidbitsyoucansharewithus? Mynextbookisasoloeffort allaboutmyfavoritemealof theweek...brunch!It'sgot everythingyouwouldexpect; omelets,scrambles,French toast,pancakes,waffles, muffins,plusafewtwistslike abreakfastrisotto.Itwasso muchfuntowriteandIhope, hope,hopethatit'sjustas funforpeopletouse. Whatdoyoufindyourself cookingmostoftenathome? God,that'sareallytoughone.Idolotsofbeans, greensandgrains.Lotsofgarlic,oliveoil.Itjust dependswhat'sinseason.DuringthewinterImake lotsofstewsusingbeansandrootveggies.During thesummer,lotsofgrainbasedsalads.Simple thingsthatIcanjustthrowtogetherthatwillbe easy,yummyandsatisfying. Doyouhaveanyadviceonkitchenmanagement? Iamnotoriouslydisorganized,HoweverIstarted organizingtoworkwiththewayIcook.SoIhavea bakingcupboardwithallmybakingspices,chips, measuringstuff,etc.ThenIhaveaseparate cookingcupboard.IkeepallthetoolsIneedwithin armsreachinacannisterrightbythestove...somy spaghettispoon,tongs,spatulasarealwayswithin arm'sreach.Iguessmyadviceis,asmuchasyou can,makeiteasyforyoutogettothethingsyou need.Ifyourbakingsheetsarestuffedunderneath bagsofcatlitterinacabinetbelowthesink,you
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aren'tgoingtobeinspiredtodragitout.Ofcourse asmallerkitchenwillhavemorelimitations,but don'tbeafraidtohangpotsandpansonthewalls, ortojustremovedoorsfromyourcabinetsifthat helpsmakethingsmoreaccessible. Whatisyourmostamusingkitchenaccident? Iguessthoseinvolvingmycatscoveredinsome kindofbatterorother.OrthattimeIaccidently choppedmynoseoffwiththefoodprocessor blade.Justkidding. Howdoyouthinkpeopleshouldreachoutto nonvegetarians? Withnunchucks!Justkiddingagain.Idon't know,itdependsonthesituation.Reaching outwithacupcakecanbeprettyeffective. Rememberingthatweweren'talways vegetarianshelps.Howdidyouwanttobe spokento?Forthemostpart,fingerwagging andchastisingdoesn'twork,buthonestly,in awhileitdoes!Justusecommonsense.And makegreatfood. Whatadvicecanyougiveaspiringvegan authors/chefs? Myadviceisalwaysthesame,justkeepcooking. Earnyourstripes.Learnthebasicsanddowhatever itisyouneedtodotokeepyourselfinspired;read foodmagazines,visitfarmer'smarkets,eatat restaurants,havepotlucks.Surroundyourselfwith food. Whatsonthe horizonforyou, asidefromyour newbook? Oivey.Somuch. I'malsofinishing upacookie bookwithmy cookingpartner, Terry.I'm redoingmywebsite.I'mtravelingalotthis summer,visitingsomefarmsanctuariesandfood
33| May 2009

fests.I'mworkingonmygardenandtryingto becomearealgardener,growingmyownveggies andwhatnot. ThanksIsa!

Curries from around the World

34| May 2009

An Interview with Author Erik Marcus of

Mostofusdidntstartoutvegetarian,letalone vegan.Whatledyoutothatdecision? Iatemeatuntilmyfirstyearofcollege,whenI encounteredsomeslaughterhousefootage.Afew monthslaterIpickedupa"Boston"albumthat mentionedthatthepeopleassociatedwiththe bandwerevegetarians,soIsentawayforsome information.WithinafewmonthsIswitchedtoa vegetariandiet.And,overthenextcoupleof years,Istartedtodiscoverthateggsanddairy productsareeverybitasobjectionableasmeat,so Ibecamevegan. Whendidyoudecidetogetactiveandstart educatingothers? Inthelate1980sandearly1990stherewasa paucityofpersuasiveandreliableveganadvocacy information.Sincemybackgroundisinwritingit wasonlynaturalformetodecidetocontributeto theliterature. Howdidvegan.comcomeabout? Iwasfinishingthewritingofmyfirstbook,andhad thechancetotakeovertheresponsibilityof and,overtime,publishingVegan.comhas overtakenbookwritingasthefocusofmycareer. Howdoyouusethesitetohelpyouradvocacy andhasittakenyouinanyunexpected directions?
Curries from around the World

It'sdefinitelytakenmeinunexpecteddirections, giventhatbloggingdidn'tevenexistforthefirst fewyearsIpublishedthesite.Inowspendseveral hourseachdayblogging. Iwasalsothefirstpersontodoapodcastrelated tofood,infactmyoriginalErik'sDinerpodcastwas oneofthefirsthundredpodcastsavailable.Istill dooccasionalVegan.compodcasts,butI've switchedmainlytointerviews,andI'vechanged thepodcast'snametoVegTalk. Yourfirstbook,VeganTheNewEthicsofEating, wasahugehitandhelpedintroducealotof peopletotheethicalissuesbehindtheirfood choices.Haveyoufoundyourownbook influencingyourlaterwork? Itdidmealotofgoodtoletfiveyearsgobybefore startingafollowuptoVegan:TheNewEthicsof Eating.BythetimeIstartedMeatMarket,Ihad thoughtthroughthehugeamountofresearchI haddoneformyfirstbookandarrivedatasetof positionsthatpropelledmyadvocacyinanexciting newdirection.Additionally,MeatMarketwasthe mostresearchintensiveprojectI'veevertackled. There'snowayIcouldhaveattemptedwritinga booklikeMeatMarketwithouthavingwrittenmy firstbook. Pleasetellusaboutyournewestbook,The UltimateVeganGuide!Whatkindofresponse haveyoureceivedandhaveyoufoundthe mainstreammediastartingtopayattentiontoit?
35| May 2009

MyUltimateVegan Guidewasasharp departurefrommy previouswriting.I realizedthatsomehow therestillwasn'tasuper simpleandentertaining bookthatteaches newcomerseverything theycouldpossiblyneed toknowaboutbecoming vegetarianorvegan.So myGuidehasafun, conversationalsortoftone,whilesimultaneously coveringasignificantamountofterritoryinvery fewpages.It'sofftoastrongstart,andIexpectit tobecomemymostpopularbook. Havingbeenveganforsolong,whatchangeshave youseeninsocietyregardingveganissues? Well,forone,thefoodnolongersucks.Backinthe 1980s,manyveggiecookbooksandconvenience foodsweresimplydreadful.Butnow,there'stoo muchcompetitioninthemarketplaceforinferior veganproductstosurvive.Ontopofthat,nearly everyonecannowcorrectlypronouncevegan,and manypeopleevenknowexactlywhatitmeans! Doyouprefertoeatoutorcookathome? Ilovetodoboth.Italkaboutsimple"corefoods" inmyUltimateVeganGuide,andthataccountsfor mostofwhatImakeathome:smoothies, sandwiches,salads,stirfries,andgrilledveggies. WhenIgoout,Iliketoeatstuffthat'salittle fancierandmoresophisticated.There'saSri LankanplaceinSantaCruzcalledMalabarCafethat Itrytoeatateveryweek.Myfavoritecuisinesare SriLankan,MiddleEastern,Ethiopian,and Mexican. Whatdoyouliketocookwhenyoudocook? Irarelyhavetimetocookanythingfancy,butthe onemealmymotheralwaysmakesforspecial familygettogethersisBryannaClarkGrogan's ItalianStuffedCrepes.
Curries from around the World recipesof2008/italianstuffedcrepesvegancom top10recipe2008 Doyouhaveanyadvicefornewanimal advocates? I'veactuallydevotedacouplebookchaptersto answeringthisquestioninmyUltimateVegan Guide.Basically,itcomesdowntolearningthe mostpersuasiverhetoric,andthensharingthis informationwidelyandproductively.I'malsoa hugefanofleaflettingforVeganOutreachI thinkthatmaywellbethesinglemosteffective sortofadvocacy. Whatisonthehorizonforyou?Whatnewproject areyouworkingon? Nearlyallofmytimeisgoingintoimproving regularpodcasts,Iexpecttoberollingoutsome greatnewfeaturesinthenearfuture.Ihopesome ofyourreaderswilltakeamomenttosubscribe'sRSSfeedoremaillist. ThanksErik!, andtheauthorofthejustpublishedTheUltimate VeganGuide.HeisalsotheauthorofMeat Market:Animals,Ethics,&Money,andVegan:The NewEthicsofEating.Heblogsdailyandpodcasts,andisagraduateof ColumbiaUniversityandUCSantaCruz.

36| May 2009

Featured Artist: Alex Arndt

Pleasetellusabitaboutyourbackground. IgrewupinVirginia,12milessouthofDCin Springfield.Ilivedthereuntilgoingofftocollege atVirginiaTechfor4years.Shortlyafter graduatingwithanEnvironmentalSciencedegreeI longedforachange.Ipackedthecaranddroveto SanDiego,California.Ilivedtherefor4.5yearsand nowinLosAngelesfor2.5years.I'mlovinglife. Haveyoualwaysbeeninterestedinmusicorwas itsomethingyoucametowhenyouwereolder? I'vealwaysreallyhadaspecialconnectionwith musicalvibrations.Iwassongwritingatfiveyears oldIthink,althoughthesongswerequite rudimentary.Iusedtorecordsoundsandsinging ontoataperecorderandthenplayitandrecord moresoundsontoadifferenttaperecorder.Ikept goingbackandforthuntilIhadastaticfilledmess. I'doftentrytorecruitfriendstospendthenight andrecordwithme;itwassomuchfun! IusedtopretendIwastherockartistontheradio singing.Ialsorememberputtingonshowsfor familyandfriendsinmyparents'backyardshed. Onlythreefeettall,I'dhavesomeonepullopenthe sheddoorwithmeinsidepretendingtoplayabeat upoldguitarwithoutanystrings.Iwassothrilled abouttheperformanceaspectofmusic.
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- Endless Beginnings by Alex Arndt Visit Alex at

Click on a note to listen to Alex song

Didyouevergothroughanytrainingorareyou completelyselftaught? Itwasnotactuallyuntilmysecondyearofcollege thatmysisteraskedmeifIwantedtotakeher guitartoschool(causeshedidn'tplayit),thatI reallystartedbecomingamusician.AlthoughI havebeeninchorusclassessinceelementary school,Ididn'tbeginsingingwithallmyheartuntil writingmyownsongsonaguitar. Itookacouplelessonsfromaguitarteacherinmy collegetown,butotherthanthatIjuststudied usingtheinternetandplayingcoversongs. Howwouldyoudescribeyourmusicalstyleand whatartistsinfluencedyou?Haveyoufound artiststhatyouveinfluenced? Mymusicisastylisticmesh.SweetANDspicyrock withaconsciousmessage.Kindalike...Anthony KiedisandJohnLennonmeetfortea,meanwhile ScottWeilandandBradleyNowellrushthe bathroom!
37| May 2009

Lotsofartistshaveinfluencedme,buttonamea few:TheBeatles,PinkFloyd,LedZeppelin,Stone TemplePilots,Sublime,Radiohead,Coldplay,Red HotChilliPeppers,NIN.... NowwhatI'mdoingiscombiningtherock'n'roll'swhatIcall,"Rave Rock".Ihavebeengoingtoravessincethe7th grade.Now,Iwanttogivethepeoplethebestof bothwords.Ialsoincorporatereggae,soul, hiphop,blues,hardrock,softrock,alternative,folk rock,classical,andjazzintomysongs. It'sagreatfeelingwhenotherartistswhoIrespect sayI'veinfluencedthemintheirmusic.That's startingtohappenmorethesedays. Youuseyourmusictoinspirehopeandbring attentiontosocialissues,includingtheway animalsaretreated.Wasthisalwaysapartof yourrepertoireordidsocialconsciousnessenter yourmusicdowntheline? Thisisagoodquestion(actuallytheyareallnice questions!).I'vealwayswantedtowriteabout socialissues,andusedtotryto,butuntilthe beginningof2008Idon'tthinkIwasreallywriting aboutanythingthatimportant!Relationshipissues andheartacheareimportantinways,butIdon't seemtowritetoomanyofthosetypesofsongs now. Alotofmysuccessinsongwritingthispastyearcan beattributedtomylyricwritingpartner,KayGlynn whoisabrilliantandsensitivewriter.Andaman bythenameofPunyaactuallycameupwiththe titletothesong"MyInnocenceBeginsToday". PunyahasinspiredKayandmetowritesongs aboutmanysocialissues,includingendingworld hunger,andcreatingpeace,andcompassioninthe world.
Curries from around the World

Whatledyoutobecomeveganandhowhasthat affectedyourartistry? Iwasinlovewithagirl,JillianLotz,whoisvegan. Wedatedforafewyearsandshehelpedmeto realizetruecompassion,withoutpushingme.I reallygotthehintafterwatchingaslaughterhouse,I decidedmyinnocencewastobeginthatday...4.5 yearsago!Itwasthesimplest,yetmostprofound choiceIevermade. "MyInnocenceBeginsToday"wasinspiredbythis experience.KayandIwantedtocreateasongthat spokeaboutmypersonalexperience,insteadof sortapreachingtopeople. Becomingveganhasbroughtmetoaplaceof ultimatepeace,love,andintegrity.IfeellikeI'm moreofsincereartistthanIcouldhaveeverhoped tobe....andthisisjustthebeginning! Yourecentlyshotamusicvideoandusedyour musictobeanadvocateforfarmanimals.What wasthatprocesslikeandwhatbroughtyouto thatdecision? JasonWyrick,yourecentlycateredthatmusic videoanddidanamazingjob!!!!!!!!Icannotbegin tothankyouenough.Whatablessingtohaveyou cookingveganfoodforallofthecastandcrew!I thinkyoumadeabigimpactoneveryone's thoughtsofveganfood! Wow,thatvideowassomuchfuntoshoot.I wantedtoshootavideoforthatsongbecausethe messagereallyneedstogetouttothemasses. YouTubeisagreatwayofspreadingloveand positivityandIwantedtopresenttheideaina video.Itoldawonderfulpersonandveganfilm producerfriend,GermainedePibracJames,thatI wastryingtomakethisvideoandshortlyafter,she
38| May 2009

advertisedtheideaonapublicinterview.Later,I wascontactedbyJonBonnellandKevinPhippsof InfiniteSpectrumProductions.Ilovetheseguys! WediscussedconceptsandthenthisMarch,about 35passionatepeopleworkedtogethertoshoot someamazingfootage.Iamindebtedtoevery persononthesetandoffwhocontributedtothis vision. Howdidthecrewrespondtoshootingavegan musicvideo? Everyoneonthecrewhadawonderfulheartand wasinspiredbydoingsomethingmeaningfuland positive.Noteveryonewascompletelyfamiliar veganismorthecompassionatelifestyle,butIthink everybodylearnedalotandfeltmovedbythe experience. Doyouhaveanyfavoritebandsormusicyoulike tolistentowhileyoueat? Eatingissuchapleasurablethingforme,Idon't usuallyhavemusicplaying.Igivethanksto universeforprovidingfoodforme.Iamso appreciativeeverydaythatIhavesomethingto satisfymybasicneeds.Gratitude! Doyouhaveafavoritedishthatyouliketomake foryourselfandyourfriends? Well,Iwouldactuallyliketosomedaystartmyown veganrestaurant.I'vegotsomanyquickandeasy foodsImake.Buthere'soneofmyfavorites. TortillaWonders: Sautsomealternativemeatsausageinoliveoil goodchoices:FieldRoastorTofurkey Sautacornorflourtortillainoliveoil Cutuporganictomatoandonions SpreadhummusorVegenaiseonhottortillawith
Curries from around the World

veggiesausage,organicgreens,tomato,and onions.Impressyourfriends!!!:) Whatnewprojectsdoyouhavecomingup? Thereisamusicvideoinproductionforthesong "PlasticSoup,"whichspeaksoftheplasticthat's destroyingourocean.Musicvideosalsoin production:"ThereAreNoSlaughterhousesinthe SpiritualWorld,""TheInsideofaRainbow," "SwallowedInthePocket," and"AlexArndtandtheSonicUniverse"hasa brandnewalbumcomingoutinlateJune. "AlexArndtandtheSonicUniverse"starttouringin June,withoneoftheshowsbeingVeganEarthDay inLAJune21,producedbyBobLindenofGoVegan Radio. AllVeganRecordsismylabelwhichI'mwritinga businessplannowinordertogetfunding. ThanksAlex! Alexresideswithhisband,AlexArndtandtheSonic Universe,inLosAngeles,CA.YoucanreachAlexat 3335.

39| May 2009

Rest tauran Re nt eview: Zen Palate n

Reviewer: Ja ason Wyrick
Zen nPalate http p://zenpalat th 663 Ave.at46thSt.(oth 39 herlocations sin NYC CandPrince eton) New wYork,NY10036 212 25821669 Hou urs:11:30am m10:30pmMonSat, 12p pm10pmSu unday ZenPalatewasm myfirstNYCrestaurante experience andIhadnoideawhattoex xpect.Oneo ofmy frien ndswhowen nttoculinary yschoolinM Manhattan hadmentionedt thisplacese everaltimestome,so natu urallyIhadto otrythispla aceassoona aspossible, whic chwasthenightIlanded d.Italsohelpedthat ZenPalateisone eofNYCsm mostvenerab ble vege etarianrestaurants,havingbeenaro oundsince 1991 1,soIknewtherehadto obesometh hinggood abou utit.Ofcourse,thatme eantIhadhig gh expe ectationsand dthatsalwa aysdangerouswhen visiti inganewre estaurant. Atmosphere Cultu ureshockwa asmyfirste experienceo ofZen Palat te.Thisrest tauranthast theadvantageofbeing onacorneratth heintersectionof9thAve e.and46th St.,s soitwasntt tuckedintoa awalllikem manyofthe othe errestaurant tsinthearea a,butitwas sstillmuch smal llerthanIex xpected.Wh henIwalked dintothe resta aurant,Iwas sledtoadarkroomwithtables crow wdedtogetherandIwon ndered,isthisthemain dinin ngroom?Th heanswerw wasyes.Com mingfroma large e,spreadoutcitywithlo otsofspacebetween table es,largediningrooms,a andbrightlig ghting,this wasanexperien ncethattook kmeafewm minutes(ok,
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stofthenigh ht)togrowa accustomed!Bytheend d mos ofth henight,Ifo ounditmore echarmingthan claustrophobica andthatmadeforamemorable dinin ngevent.Is stillwouldhavepreferre edmore spac ceandafew wclassiertou uchestothetablesand walls,butitwas safuntime,nonetheless. vice Serv tnothingspe ecial. Theservicewasdecent,but ortunately,m mywaitresswasunable Unfo tomakea good drecommen ndationfort themenu,butwasat leastabletokno owledgeably yanswerwh hichitems wereveganand dwhichones shaddairya andeggs. Pres sentation on,likethese ervice,wasf fairly Thepresentatio aver rage.Someattentionw waspaidtoit,butnot that tmuchform mydish.Mypartnersdishwasdone e abit tbetter,withhercurrya artfullymou untedona light tlyfriedbrea adbasket.
40| May 2009

Food Iorderedthemushucrepesandmydiningpartner orderedthetasteofcurry,aMalaysianstyledish withpotatoes,watercress,cauliflower,okra, squash,andpuffedtofu.Naturally,Iwasexcitedto tryhermealandwefullyexpectedtosplit everything,butIdefinitelyendeduponthebetter endofthedeal.Thecurrywassurprisinglybland andtastedverylittlelikecurry.WhenIorder curry,Imexpectingsomethingfullbodied, perfectlyblended,andabitinyourface.This curryismoreaptlydescribedascoweringinthe corner.Fortunately,themushucrepesmorethan madeupforit.Theveggieswerenotovercooked, aproblemcommonwithmushu,allowingtheir distinctflavorstoshineandgivingthedishanice crunch,andtheamountoftangysauceservedwith thecrepeswasjustenoughtoaccenttheveggies, butnotoverwhelmthem.Luckyforme,my partnerwasnothungry,soIgotthelionsshareof themushu! FinalThoughts Withsomanygreatveganandvegetarianplacesin NYC,ImnotsureIllmaketheefforttoheadback toZenPalate,butifIminthearea,Iwouldnt hesitatetostopinandhaveabitetoeat.

ChefJasonWyrickis anawardwinning veganchefandthe ownerofArizona's onlyvegancatering company,DevilSpice. Servingthestate since2004asbotha catererandaprolificveganculinaryinstructor,Chef Jasonhasgarneredlocalandnationalattention.Hewas'sOctober,2005Chefofthe MonthandhasbeenfeaturedintheArizonaRepublic andonABC'slocalmorningshow,SonoranLivingLive. Formerlyadiabetic,ChefJasonapproachesvegan cuisinefrombothahealthandethicalstandpointwith aneyefortasteandsimplicity.

Curries from around the World 41| May 2009

Product Review: World Foods Southeast Asian Curries

Reviewer: Chef Jason Wyrick
WorldFoods,partofStaag, Ltd. PrachuabKirikhan,Thailand

HaveyoueverbeeninsearchofagoodThaicurry sauceoraSoutheastAsianstirfrysauce?With mostofthecommercialversionscontainingshrimp pasteandfishsauce,theyrenotalwayseasyto find,withthestapleveganversionsbeingthe commonThairedandgreencurrypastes. Sometimes,though,Iminthemoodfora MasamancurryoragalangalcoconutsauceandI simplydontwanttomakemyown.Thatswhere WorldFoodscomesin. Ifirstdiscoveredthisproduct lineatCostPlusWorldMarket, whereInoticednasigoreng, anIndonesianfriedricepaste. AnewingredientIhadntseen before?ShouldItryit?Of courseIshould!First,Ihadto makesureitwasveganand thatswheremynextnicesurprisecame,because thebackofthejarclearlysaid,SUITABLEFOR: Vegetarians,Vegans,andCeliacs.Italsosaidnon GMO!Soonafter,Icameacrossthegreencurry sauce,theMasamancurrysauce,theThaicoconut galangalsauce,theThaigalangallemongrassstir frysauce,theThairedcurrysauce,redcurrypaste, andaRendangcurrysauce.Ifthatsoundslikea lot,itis,anditisbynomeansexhaustive.This
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coversmaybeathirdoftheWorldFoodsproduct lineandtheyreallvegan.(editorsnote:always checkthejar,buteveryWorldFoodproductIve seensofarisvegan)Ironically,WorldFoodsisnot evenavegetariancompany,buttheyfullyrealize thatthereisahugemarketforveganproductsand theymakethemaccordingly. Sohowarethey?GoodenoughthatIkeeplooking fortheotherWorldFoodsproducts.Iparticularly liketheMasamancurryasaseitanortofu reductionandthegreencurrysaucegoesgreat withgrilledsweetpotatoes.Idohavetoaddsalt totheseusually,butthats personalpreferencebecauseI likesaltyfood.Ifyouarenota vegetarianandareusedto Thaicurrysauceswithshrimp pasteandfishsauce,youmay alsofindyouneedtoaddabit ofsalttotheThaisauces.On theotherendofthespectrum, thenasigorengpasteisverysalty,butthats expected.EachofthesaucesIvetriedhasbeen wellbalanced,smooth,andincrediblytasty. Theyrealsoeasytomodify,solikeIsaid,ifyoulike salty,youcanaddsomesalt.Ifyoulikespicy,you caneasilyaddacouplechilipeppers.Theymake
42| May 2009

greatsauces,evenbetterreductions,andare perfectforafiveminuteSoutheastAsianmeal.At lessthan$5ajar,thesearealsoagreatpurchase andyoucangetatleasttwomealsoutofeachone! GoodqualityveganSoutheastAsianproductshave longbeenmissingfromstoreshelves,sothisisa welcomeadditiontomylocalmarketsrepertoire. IfyouhaveachancetotryanyoftheWorldFood products,takeit.Youwontbedisappointed.

Curries from around the World

ChefJasonWyrickis anawardwinning veganchefandthe ownerofArizona's onlyvegancatering company,DevilSpice. Servingthestate since2004asbotha catererandaprolificveganculinaryinstructor,Chef Jasonhasgarneredlocalandnationalattention.Hewas'sOctober,2005Chefofthe MonthandhasbeenfeaturedintheArizonaRepublic andonABC'slocalmorningshow,SonoranLivingLive. Formerlyadiabetic,ChefJasonapproachesvegan cuisinefrombothahealthandethicalstandpointwith aneyefortasteandsimplicity.

43| May 2009

Book Review: Horizons, New Vegan Cuisine

Authors: Rich Landau and Kate Jacoby
Authors:RichLandau&Kate Jacoby Publisher:Horizons Copyright:2007 ISBN:9180615161266 Price:$21.95

Reviewer: Jason Wyrick

IfirstinterviewedchefsRichLandauandKate JacobyafewmonthsagoandwhileIlearneda gooddealabouttheirhistoryandpersonalities,you neverreallyknowachefuntilyouveseentheir cuisine.Letmesay,thisisacoupleyouwillwant togettoknow!Imagineflyingthroughthe Caribbean,islandhoppingandtryingoutthelocal cuisine,whilewatchinglushredsunsetsovercrisp bluewaves.Ok,youdontgettodothatjustby readingacookbook,butyoudogettoreadabout thefruitsofthosetravelsandIcouldnthelpbut feelsomeoftheinspirationthatthesetwofelt fromtheselocalestransferredovertomyself.If youcanttellyet,Iwascaptivatedbythis cookbook. Illstartoffwiththelayout.Theingredientsareall listedinsidebarswiththeinstructionstakingup thebulkofthepage.Ittookmeacouplereadsto getusedtoit,butIliketheseparatelayoutasitis easierontheeyesinthekitchen.Eachingredient sectionisalsobrokendownintodifferent categories,soyoumayfindalistforthemainpart ofthemealandthenanotherlistforthesauce. Thelayoutofthecolorsispleasant,ifrather uniform,andnearlyeveryrecipehasabeautiful
Curries from around the World

picture.Youcanlearnathingortwoabout presentationfromscanningthevariousrecipes, givingyouanideaofhowthefinisheddishshould look,whatsizeeachingredientshouldbe,and mostimportantly,youllbeinspiredtomakethe dish! Speakingofthedishesinthebook,Ihaveto mentionafewofmyfavoritesandyes,thesewere harddecisionstomake!Iparticularlyenjoyedthe HeartsofPalmMoqueca,whichhappenstobethe recipefeaturedonthecoverofthebook.Itsa greatmixofcoconutmilk,peppers,tomatoes, heartsofpalm,andanintoxicatingmixofspices. TheSpicyJamaicanCurrySeitanStewwashot, aromatic,andfullofdepthwhiletheSpanish TomatoArtichokeSoupwithPeaswasaneasy recipetolove.IcantwaittotrytheCaramelized CauliflowerinSpanishGreenGarlicSauce,which soundsgood,butwhenyouseethepicture,youll realizeitdoesntjustsoundgood,itlooksamazing. Onmyplate,aswell,isthePansearedTofuwith TortillaCrustandTomatotortillaSauce.WhileIm notthebiggestfanoftofu,thisrecipesimplylooks funtomake.
44| May 2009

Thereisalsoasectionofbakinganddessertsatthe endofthebookandwhileitsnotextensive,the recipesnotonlylookdelicious,theylooklike recipesevenbeginningdessertmakersandbakers canperformathome.Whenitcoolsdown,Im definitelygoingtotrymyhandatthepistachio biscotti. Finally,therefirstpartofthebookisaminiprimer onvariousaspectsofvegancuisine,fromhowto workwithtofu,seitan,andtempeh,tokitchen equipment,tospices,stocks,wines,vinegars,and othercommoningredients.Again,itsagreat educationalbookaswellasaninspirational cookbookandwellworththepurchase.Chef Landaupeppersthisbookwithhisexperiencewith travelandfood,hisrecipesshowit,andIcouldnt resistbeingtakenalongthatjourneywithhim.
Curries from around the World

TheReviewer ChefJasonWyrickis anawardwinning veganchefandthe ownerofArizona's onlyvegancatering company,Devil Spice.Servingthe statesince2004asbothacatererandaprolific veganculinaryinstructor,ChefJasonhasgarnered localandnationalattention.Hewaschosenas'sOctober,2005ChefoftheMonth andhasbeenfeaturedintheArizonaRepublicand onABC'slocalmorningshow,SonoranLivingLive. Formerlyadiabetic,ChefJasonapproachesvegan cuisinefrombothahealthandethicalstandpoint withaneyefortasteandsimplicity.

45| May 2009

Recipe Index

Clickonanyoftherecipesintheindextotakeyoutotherelevantrecipe.Somerecipeswill havelargewhitesectionsaftertheinstructionalportionofthem.Thisissoyouneedonlyprint outtheingredientandinstructionalsectionsforeaseofkitchenuse.

CurryPowders&Pastes YellowCurryPowder RedCurryPowder Berbere GreenCurryPaste RedCurryPaste MayrasCurryPowder#1 MayrasCurryPowder#2 SoutheastAsian CurriedApples&Onions CurriedSeitan MasamanCurry PanangCurriedEggplant RendangEggplant GreenCurrySweetPotatoes RedCurrywithPotatoes BananaCurry TomKha EastAsian Karepan JapaneseCurryRice CantoneseWaterCurry African MozambiqueCurry Bobotie Caribbean JamaicanCurry CurryBakedTofuCutlets TrinistyleCurriedPotatoes

47 51 54 58 62 22 23 66 70 74 79 83 88 93 97 101 102 107 111 115 119 124 129 132

Miscellaneous Currywurst Biryani TortillaWonders CurryInspirations RedCurryTamales PolentawithCurriedEggplant CurriedMelonBalls SquashstuffedwithCurried Plantains SpringRollswithRedCurrySauce CurriedRedBeanVeggieBurger CurriedCashewWraps BerbereBlackBeanChili CurrySplitPeaSoup CurriedChickpeaandSpinachStew Curry Peanut Soup SpicedRubyRedRice&French Lentils MayrasCurriedLentils RedCurrySoupwithJapanese VegetablesandFriedTempehStrips MassamamCurrywithJapanese Vegetables Desserts BerbereChocolatePeanut ButterBalls CoconutLimeTart

135 139 39 143 148 152 155 159 164 168 172 176 180 184 15 23 20 21 188 192

Curries from around the World

46| May 2009

Yellow Curry Powder

Type: Spice Mix Serves: 1 Time to Prepare: 10 minutes

2 tbsp. of coriander seeds 1 tsp. of cumin seeds tsp. of fenugreek seeds tsp. of fennel seeds tsp. of yellow mustard seeds 1 tsp. of white peppercorns 3 whole cloves 1 tbsp. of turmeric 1 tsp. of red chili powder or crushed red pepper



Over a medium heat in a dry saut pan, toast all of the spices except for the turmeric and chili powder for about 10 minutes. Allow them to cool. Blend them together until they are a powder. Mix in the chili powder and turmeric.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 47| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Small Saute Pan Wooden Spoon Measuring Spoon Small Blender or Mortar and Pestle Small Mixing Bowl

Not applicable.

Time Management
Because all of these ingredients are toasted together, the powder can be used immediately. If you

do that, add in the chili powder and turmeric at the end of the toasting and then add to the same pan the ingredients with which you will cook the curry. This powder will keep for a week.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Yellow curry is not incredibly spicy (compared to many other curries), so consider serving it with

tofu. The yellow curry will easily suffuse the tofu and give it an incredible flavor. It is best when used with coconut milk.

Where to Shop
All of these ingredients should be readily available at your local market. However, it can be expensive purchasing jars of each of these spices, so I suggest going to a store like Wild Oats that
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 48| May 2009

has a bulk spice section. The best stores Ive found for that are Wild Oats, Sprouts, and Central Market in addition to specialty spice stores.

How It Works
Turmeric powder and chili powder are often already toasted or roasted, so there is no need to toast those with the other ingredients. Toasting the other spices allows them to be more easily ground as well as brings forth their aromas more heavily.

Chefs Notes
Yellow curry is the mildest curry powder (unless you use a particularly spicy chili powder), so it is the best type of curry to serve to those with more mild palates.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 82.3 Fat 2.9g Calories from Fat 26.0

Total Carbohydrates 11.1g Dietary Fiber 5.3g Sugars 0g Protein 3.0g Salt 9.9mg Vitamin A 1%

Vitamin B6 6% Vitamin C 9% Calcium 12% Iron 22% Thiamin 3% Riboflavin 1% Niacin 2% Folate 0% Phosphorous 8%
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 49| May 2009

Potassium 6% Zinc 6% Magnesium 13% Copper 8%

Interesting Facts
Turmeric is related to ginger.

Turmeric is sometimes used as an antiseptic for cuts and burns.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 50| May 2009

Red Curry Powder

Type: Spice Mix Time to Prepare: 10 minutes Serves: 1

2 tbsp. of cumin seeds tsp. of fenugreek seeds cup of coriander seeds 1 tsp. of black mustard seeds tsp. of black peppercorns 10 dried curry leaves 2 dried red chilies tsp. of turmeric powder



Over a medium heat, toast the cumin seeds and fenugreek seeds for 1 minute. Add the coriander seeds, black mustard seeds, and peppercorns and continue toasting the spices for 2 more minutes. Add the chilies and turmeric and toast the spices for 30 more seconds. Remove these from the heat, giving them a minute or two to cool. Grind them in a spice grinder or mortar and pestle until you have a fine powder. Add the curry leaves and continue toasting the spices for another minute.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 51| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Saut Pan Stirring Spoon Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Spice Grinder or Mortar and Pestle

Not applicable.

Time Management
If any of your spices start to burn, remove the pan immediately from the heat and quickly scrape the spices into a bowl.

Complementary Food and Drinks

This is a spicy curry powder, so it goes best with sweet dishes and highly starchy dishes, both of which cut the heat.

Where to Shop
Check Sprouts, Central Market, Cost Plus World Market, or Penzeys for all the ingredients

you need for the curry powder.

How It Works
The spices are toasted from hardest to softest except for the chili peppers, which are only toasted capsaicin in the air as they cook over a direct heat, which means they should be treated delicately.

for a brief amount of time so they do not chase you out of the kitchen! Chili peppers will release

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 52| May 2009

Chefs Notes
Yes, this is a hot curry powder. Use with care.

Interesting Facts
The British Empire and Dutch East India Trading Company are largely responsible for the spread of curry throughout the world.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 53| May 2009

Type: Spice Serves: Varies Time to Prepare: 15 minutes


1 tsp. ginger, ground

tsp. coriander, ground tsp. fenugreek seeds tsp. nutmeg, grated tsp. cloves, ground tsp. allspice tsp. cinnamon

tsp. cardamom, ground

1 tbsp. crushed red pepper 1/3 cup paprika 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

Options: cup of onion, 1 clove of garlic, 3 tbsp. of oil (use this if you want to make berbere paste)


Set up a small pan on a medium heat. Toast the spices for 1 minute and no more. Immediately remove from the heat. Let them cool and store them.

Options: Chop the onion and garlic.

Add the garlic and saut for another minute.

In a separate pan from the spices, saut the onion until it turns brown. Blend up the toasted spices with the onion and garlic. Place in a container and cover with the olive oil.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 54| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Saut Pan

Optional: Spice Grinder or Mortar and Pestle if you want to grind your own spices Optional: Grater if you want to use fresh ginger Optional: Blender if you make the paste


Its a spice mixture, so there isnt really any presentation that goes with it.

Time Management
This is quick to make, so it can be made just before you use it. It also keeps very well, so you can make a large batch and keep it in your pantry.

Complimentary Food and Drinks

This goes with just about any darkly colored Ethiopian food and it goes really well crusted on seitan or sauted onto vegetables like zucchini and potatoes.

Where to Shop
These spices are most easily found at ethnic stores, particularly Indian and Middle Eastern. They can also be found at African stores, but the other two are a little more common.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 55| May 2009

How It Works
Berbere is a red spice made up of mostly paprika with some heat and a lot of different aromatics.

The paprika gives it a dark flavor while the crushed red peppers mingle in with that to give it some heat. The cardamom, cloves, allspice, and nutmeg are the strong aromatics, giving it a hint of lightness. Because these aromatics are so strong, they are added to the berbere in limited quantities. Otherwise, they would be the dominating taste in the berbere and overwhelm the food it was used to spice. The same holds true with the fenugreek, which has a very deep taste to it, helping to round out the spice mixture The ginger adds a staple Ethiopian flavor to the berbere.

Chefs Notes
Like curries, berbere mixtures can change from family to family, so its not that important to worry about getting this absolutely precise. Experiment with it and youll eventually find a mix that is your favorite. Berbere can also be used outside of Ethiopian dishes to great effect. It can be used crusted on seitan, in soups, and even in enchiladas. If you go the optional route and make the berbere paste, put it in a storage jar and cover it with about inch of olive oil. Use about twice as much paste and you would powder and replace the olive oil when you take some of the paste. The olive oil helps seal in the flavor and freshness of it. It also means you can store it for several weeks.

Nutritional Facts (does not include the options)

Calories 112 Calories from Fat 27 Fat 3g Potassium Total Carbohydrates 22g Dietary Fiber 13g Sugars 3g Protein 5g Salt 11mg Vitamin A 220% Vitamin B6 67%

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 56| May 2009

Vitamin C 40% Calcium 7% Iron 46% Thiamin 14% Riboflavin 34% Niacin 28% Folate 8% Zinc 9% Magnesium Copper Phosphorous 11%

Interesting Facts
Berbere is ubiquitous throughout Ethiopian cuisine. Berbere mixes spices that originally came from radically different parts of the world, from the New World to Asia. It is traditional to eat Ethiopian cuisine with the right hand.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 57| May 2009

Green Curry Paste

Type: Spice Mix Serves: 1 Time to Prepare: 20 minutes

1 piece of galangal, minced 4 medium sized hot green chilies, deseeded and chopped 1 cup of cilantro, stalks included 2 shallots, minced 2 piece of ginger, grated 2 cloves of garlic, smashed Zest of 1 lime Juice of 1 lime 8 kaffir lime leaves 1 tbsp. of coriander seeds 2 tsp. of cumin seeds 1 tsp. of black peppercorns 2 tsp. of soy sauce 3 tbsp. of oil 2 stalks of lemongrass, cut into 2 pieces, use top 2/3 of stalk only



Soak the galangal in warm water for 10 minutes. While it soaks, prepare the other ingredients. Chop the chilies and cilantro. Mince the shallots. Grate the ginger. Smash the garlic cloves. Slice the lemongrass and smash it. Zest the lime and then juice the lime, setting them aside. Over a medium heat, saut the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and peppercorns for 5 minutes. Remove the galangal from the water and mince it. Blend all of the ingredients together until you have a rough paste.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 58| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Saute Pan Wooden Spatula Small Knife Cutting Board Small Blender Small Mixing Bowl

Not applicable.

Time Management
Start by soaking the galangal. The galangal is woody and by far the hardest to grind spice in the whole paste. The longer it soaks, the better. You should even consider soaking it overnight! The order in which you do everything else isnt too relevant. To save time, though, get everything out before hand so you are not searching your cupboards for spices while you make the curry paste.

Complementary Food and Drinks

This curry paste is hot, so serve it with something that will balance out the heat of the dish. Rice is

almost a must with a curry like this, unless you have a strong love of heat. Potatoes are a good

ingredient to include in a curry like this as starchy foods help mitigate heat. Coconut milk, with its creaminess, also balances out the paste very well and so will a dash of sugar in the finished dish.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 59| May 2009

This is often done with hot Thai curries. This goes particularly well with a combination of onion and sweet potatoes (not yams.)

Where to Shop
Galangal is usually only found in Asian markets. If you cant find it, substitute extra ginger for it. Kaffir lime leaves are also usually only found in those markets and there is no substitution for them. If you dont have access to them, simply omit them. The rest of the ingredients are common.

How It Works
The fresh green chilies give the curry paste an intense heat unlike most other curries. Because they are fresh, the heat will hit the palate right away, but will not linger as long as with a dried red pepper. The base for this curry is the ginger, galangal, garlic, and shallots. Those are very aromatic ingredients that will carry the other spices of the curry. This recipe uses cilantro stems because the stems carry more flavor than the leaves and since it is ground into a paste, you should go for the flavor of the stems instead of the non-existent presentation of the leaves.

Chefs Notes
This curry paste is very different than most other curries because of the fresh green peppers. That difference is what marks this curry as clearly Southeast Asian and not Indian.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 547.4 Calories from Fat 380.0 Fat 42.2g Total Carbohydrates 34.8g Dietary Fiber 5.5g Sugars 1.0g Protein 7.0g Salt 605.6mg

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 60| May 2009

Vitamin A 62% Vitamin B6 38% Calcium 10% Iron 23% Thiamin 12% Niacin 13% Folate 19% Phosphorous 16% Potassium 29% Zinc 8% Magnesium 21% Copper 24% Riboflavin 12% Vitamin C 766%

Interesting Facts
Lemongrass is a perennial plant. Lemongrass is popular in both Asian and Caribbean cuisine.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 61| May 2009

Red Curry Paste

Type: Spice Mix Serves: 1 Time to Prepare: 20 minutes

4 red chilies, deseeded and soaked 1 shallot, minced 4 cloves of garlic, minced piece of galangal, minced (about 1 tsp.) 2 tsp. of minced lemongrass 1 tsp. of lime zest 1 tsp. of cilantro stems 7 white peppercorns tsp. of coriander seeds tsp. of cumin seeds tsp. of salt



Before you mince the galangal, soak it in warm water with the chilies for 10 minutes.

While those are soaking, mince the shallot, garlic, and the tip of a stalk of lemongrass. seconds. Mince the galangal. Remove the chilies from the water. Blend everything together or grind it in a mortar and pestle.

In a dry saut pan, toast the cumin seeds, coriander seeds, and pepper corns for about 30

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 62| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Small Bowl to soak the galangal and chilies Measuring Spoon Small Knife Cutting Board Small Saute Pan Wooden Spatula Small Blender or Mortar and Pestle

Not applicable.

Time Management
Because galangal is woody, make sure that soaking it is the first thing you do. This should be stored in a small glass jar and kept covered. It is best after it has sat for at least an hour and will keep for two days.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Red curry paste goes exceptionally well with a mix of mild vegetables such as potato, red bell pepper, onion, and carrot. It can also be mixed with a sweet tomato sauce to make a curried BBQ sauce.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 63| May 2009

Where to Shop
Asian markets are generally the only places that carry galangal. If you do not have access to one, most gourmet markets. All of the other ingredients are common enough to be found in the spice aisle and produce section of your local grocery store.

you can substitute 1 tsp. of grated ginger for it. Lemongrass is also available at Asian markets and

How It Works
The garlic and shallot provide the base of this curry paste, carrying the small amounts of the other flavors. The moisture of those two ingredients is also what allows this to become a paste and is why the peppers need to be soaked. Toasting some of the spices before they become part of the paste brings out their flavor, but also softens them up enough to be blended.

Chefs Notes
Although red is often associated with heat, it is not always the case that red means spiciest. paste!

Generally, the peppers and spices in this curry are not nearly as hot as what is found in green curry

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 109.2 Fat 0.4g Total Carbohydrates 22.1g Dietary Fiber 2.7g Sugars 0g Protein 4.4g Salt 597.6mg Vitamin A 394% Vitamin B6 30% Vitamin C 732%
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 64| May 2009

Calories from Fat 3.5

Calcium 4% Iron 14% Thiamin 9% Riboflavin 8% Niacin 9% Folate 14% Phosphorous 10% Potassium 20% Zinc 6% Magnesium 12% Copper 17%

Interesting Facts
Shallots are used extensively not only in European cuisine, but all across Asia as well. French shallots are called griselles, which means gray shallot.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 65| May 2009

Curried Apples and Onions

Type: Side Dish, Indonesian Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 30 minutes (includes 20 minutes for cooking rice)

of a yellow onion, sliced 2 green apples, cored and sliced 1 tsp. of oil 1 tbsp. of whole wheat pastry flour tsp. of salt 1 tsp. of yellow curry powder cup of water


Option: cup of coconut milk instead of water

2 cups of cooked rice


Slice the yellow onion. Core and thinly slice the apples. Over a medium heat, saut the onion in the oil until it is soft. Add the apples and continue sauting these ingredients for 2-3 minutes. Add the flour, salt, and curry powder and saut this for another minute. Slowly stir in the water until you have a thick curry sauce coating the apples and onions. Cook this for another 3-5 minutes. Remove from the heat and serve over rice.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 66| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Omit the olive oil and saut the onion over a medium heat in a dry pan until it is soft. Add the flour, curry, and salt at this point, then the water, and finally the apples, simmering everything for five minutes.

Raw Version
Dress the apples in the salt and curry powder and allow them to sit for about 10 minutes. meat.

Combine them with only of a sliced onion and add in about 3 tbsp. of creamed young coconut

Kitchen Equipment
Knife Cutting Board Saut Pan Spatula Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon

Garnish this with a few raisins, peppers, or other contrasting colors.

Time Management
If youre making a large batch of this, the apples will start to brown before they go into the pan. To keep this from happening, soak the apples in a little bit of water or dress them in lemon juice.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 67| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of green papaya salad.

Where to Shop
Whole wheat pastry flour can be found at Sprouts, Whole Foods, and Central Market while the rest of the ingredients are fairly common. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

How It Works
Both major ingredients, the onion and apples, are sweet, but create an interesting interplay with tartness and pungency. The flour is used to make a thick curry sauce which will coat the apples and onions.

Chefs Notes
This makes a great side as well as a main dish.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 728.3 (182.1) Calories from Fat 53.6 (13.4) Fat 6.0g (1.5g) Total Carbohydrates 157.2g (39.3g) Dietary Fiber 8.8g (2.2g) Sugars 30.4g (7.6g) Protein 11.5g (2.9g) Salt 587mg (147mg) Vitamin A 3% (0.8%) Vitamin B6 21% (5.3%) Vitamin C 31% (7.8%) Calcium 5% (1.3%) Iron 9% (2.3%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 68| May 2009

Thiamin 12% (3%) Riboflavin 10% (2.5%) Niacin 10% (2.5%) Folate 5% (1.3%) Phosphorous 21% (5.3%) Potassium 15% (3.8%) Zinc 13% (3.3%) Magnesium 19% (4.8%) Copper 13% (3.3%)

Interesting Facts
Its not surprising that many Southeast Asian curries contain fruit, in particular apples, since China produces over a third of the worlds apple crop.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 69| May 2009

Penang Curried Seitan

Type: Main Dish Time to Prepare: 20 minutes Serves: 4

4 cups of sliced seitan 2 tsp. of peanut oil 1 tbsp. of Penang curry paste cup of mushroom broth 8-10 basil leaves, sliced



Slice the seitan into strips. Bring the oil to a medium heat. Fry the curry paste in the oil for about 3 minutes. Slowly stir the mushroom broth into the paste until you have a smooth sauce. Add the seitan and slowly simmer the seitan in the sauce until it almost completely reduces around the seitan (about 15 minutes). Remove from the heat and immediately garnish with the sliced basil.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 70| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Dry toast the curry paste for five minutes instead of frying it in the oil.

Raw Version
Use cup of blended young coconut meat with 1 tsp. of nama shoyu, all blended with the curry paste, to make the sauce. Place dehydrated strips of eggplant in the sauce and allow them to marinate for at least two hours.

Kitchen Equipment
Pan Stirring Spoon Knife Cutting Board Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup

The seitan fingers can be propped against each, creating height in the dish.

Time Management
This keeps very well, so you can make a big batch and store it in the refrigerator for about four days before it starts to dry out.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 71| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a glass of very dry red wine.

Where to Shop
Seitan can be purchased at Whole Foods or you can make your own. Alternatively, you can substitute your favorite mock meat strips for the seitan. You will most likely need to make your own Penang curry paste as most of the commercial varieties use shrimp paste. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

How It Works
The Penang curry paste is based with peanuts, which go quite well with seitan. The mushroom broth gives the sauce a very dark flavor and also intensifies the flavor of the curry paste. Because the taste of this dish is supposed to be very strong, the sauce is reduced around the seitan. Basil provides the perfect color and fresh taste accent to the finished dish.

Chefs Notes
Mmm, these are some of my favorite ways to do seitan strips. Sometimes I throw them on the grill afterwards for just a few minutes to give them a smoky flavor.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1603.8 (401.0) Calories from Fat 253.8 (63.5) Fat 28.2g (7.1g) Total Carbohydrates 114.8g (28.7g) Dietary Fiber 21.5g (5.4g) Sugars 1.0g (0.3g) Protein 222.7g (55.7g) Salt 695mg (174mg)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 72| May 2009

Vitamin A 62% (15.5%) Vitamin B6 38% (9.5%) Calcium 10% (2.5%) Iron 183% (45.8%) Thiamin 12% (3%) Riboflavin 12% (3%) Niacin 13% (3.3%) Folate 19% (4.8%) Phosphorous 16% (4%) Potassium 29% (7.3%) Zinc 8% (2%) Magnesium 21% (5.3%) Copper 24% (6%) Vitamin C 66% (16.5%)

Interesting Facts
Penang is a state in northwestern Malaysia.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 73| May 2009

Masaman Curry with Potatoes

Type: Main Dish, Thai Time to Prepare: 25 minutes Serves: 4

The Curry Paste 1 hot red chili tsp. of cumin seeds 1 tsp. of coriander seeds 2 white cardamom pods 3 whole cloves 5 peppercorns 3 cloves of garlic 2 shallots 2 piece of lemongrass, diced piece of galangal, minced tsp. of bergamot orange zest tsp. of minced cilantro stems 2 tbsp. of tamarind sauce 2 tbsp. of sugar 1 tsp. of salt The Ingredients 2 tsp. of oil 2 cups of coconut milk 5 red potatoes, chopped 6-8 large basil leaves, sliced 2 cups of cooked rice



Blend all of the curry paste ingredients together in a blender until you have a smooth paste, adding coconut milk as needed. In a wok over a medium heat, fry the curry paste in the oil for about 3 minutes. Slowly stir in the coconut milk until you have a smooth paste. Bring the sauce to a simmer.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 74| May 2009

While the sauce comes to a simmer, chop the potatoes into bite-size pieces. Add the potatoes to the wok and simmer them for about 8 minutes, until they are soft. Slice the basil. Serve the curry over rice and garnish each serving with sliced fresh basil.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 75| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Use almond milk instead of coconut milk. Toast the curry paste in a dry pan instead of frying it in oil.

Raw Version
Use 4 cups of chopped cauliflower instead of potatoes. Use blended young coconut meat for the coconut milk.

Kitchen Equipment
Blender Knife Cutting Board Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Wok Stirring Spoon

This curry is so beautiful, I usually serve it on a white plate over rice with no other garnish.

Time Management
The majority of the labor in this recipe comes from making the curry paste. You can save time by purchasing a packaged curry paste, though watch out for shrimp paste in the ingredients.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 76| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a mint and sweet pepper salad.

Where to Shop
Head to an Asian market for the galangal and a gourmet store for the bergamot orange. The other ingredients are readily available, though I prefer to purchase my spices from the bulk jars at Sprouts. Approximate cost per serving is $1.25.

How It Works
The curry is fairly typical, using curry paste with a tangy tamarind accent and slightly more aromatic from the heavy use of spices. Red potatoes are used for presentation and because their starchiness helps balance the heat of the curry paste.

Chefs Notes
I enjoyed this curry more than I expected in part, I believe, because of the heavy use of dried spices compared to other Thai curries.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 2470.1 (617.5) Fat 110.7g (27.7g) Calories from Fat 996.1 (249.0)

Total Carbohydrates 323.5g (80.9g) Dietary Fiber 21.1g (5.3g) Sugars 16.0g (4.0g) Protein 45.0g (11.3g) Salt 768mg (192mg) Vitamin A 64% (16%)

Vitamin B6 145% (36.3%) Vitamin C 256% (64%)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 77| May 2009

Calcium 27% (6.8%) Iron 143% (35.8%) Thiamin 65% (16.3%) Riboflavin 41% (10.3%) Niacin 103% (25.8%) Folate 88% (22%) Phosphorous 136% (34%) Potassium 195% (48.8%) Zinc 57% (14.3%) Magnesium 146% (36.5%) Copper 156% (39%)

Interesting Facts
Masaman curries are greatly influenced by Indian curries, which is why they use so many dried spices common in Indian cuisine. Masaman curries are part of the Muslim Thai culinary tradition.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 78| May 2009

Penang Curry with Eggplant

Type: Main Dish, Malaysian Time to Prepare: 25 minutes Serves: 4

The Paste

2 hot red chilies

2 medium shallots, minced 4 cloves of garlic, minced 2 tsp. galangal, minced 1 tbsp. lemongrass, minced 1 tsp. cilantro stems 3 tbsp. of roasted peanuts tsp. of salt

Option: 1 tbsp. of vegetarian fish sauce

tsp. of ground nutmeg, toasted

The Sauce and Eggplant

Option: Coconut milk

1 large eggplant, chopped 2 tsp. of peanut oil 2 cups of coconut milk 2 cups of cooked rice

of a yellow onion, chopped


Blend all the curry paste ingredients together until the paste is smooth, using coconut milk if needed to get the paste smooth. Chop the eggplant and onion and set them aside. Over a medium heat, fry the curry paste in the oil for about 3 minutes. Add the eggplant and onion and continue sauting these with the curry paste for another 3 minutes. Slowly stir in the coconut milk until thoroughly mixed in with curry paste. Bring the curry to a simmer and cook it for 7-8 minutes. Serve over rice.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 79| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Use almond milk instead of coconut milk. Steam the eggplant and onion instead of frying them. Dry toast the curry paste for 5 minutes.

Raw Version
Use raw peanuts or almonds instead of roasted peanuts. Salt the eggplant and onion and place a weight on them, allowing them to sit for at least 2 hours. Rinse the eggplant and onion. Use blended young coconut meat for the coconut milk, blending the paste with it.

Kitchen Equipment
Blender Knife Cutting Board Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup Wok Stirring Spoon

Serve this with a garnish of fresh greens and a chili pepper propped against one of the pieces of chopped eggplant.

Time Management
Make sure the eggplant and onion are chopped before working with the paste because the timing on the paste matters a great deal and burnt curry paste maybe lurking on the horizon

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 80| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a glass of cinnamon flavored tea and a side of sweet spring rolls.

Where to Shop
The galangal, chilies, and vegetarian fish sauce can be found at most Asian markets while the rest of the ingredients are fairly common.

How It Works
The overriding flavor of the Panang curry comes from the roasted peanuts which mingles with the pungency of the shallots and the heat of the chilies, making a perfect trinity of flavors. I chose eggplant because its heavier flavor compliments the spicy peanut sauce, which is also balanced by the sweetness of the onion.

Chefs Notes
This is probably one of the more decadent curries, using both coconut milk and peanuts!

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 2075.8 (519.0) Calories from Fat 1123.0 (280.8) Fat 124.8g (31.2g) Total Carbohydrates 201.0g (50.3g) Dietary Fiber 23.0g (5.8g) Sugars 14.3g (3.6g) Protein 37.2g (9.3g) Salt 753mg (188mg) Vitamin A 85% (21.3%) Vitamin B6 76% (19%) Calcium 22% (5.5%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 81| May 2009

Vitamin C 86% (21.5%)

Iron 118% (29.5%) Thiamin 51% (12.8%) Niacin 50% (12.5%) Folate 55% (13.8%) Phosphorous 81% (20.3%) Potassium 79% (19.8%) Zinc 40% (10%) Magnesium 100% (25%) Copper 97% (24.3%) Riboflavin 22% (5.5%)

Interesting Facts
Vegetarian fish sauce is usually made from mushrooms.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 82| May 2009

Rendang Curry Eggplant

Type: Main Dish Time to Prepare: 20 minutes Serves: 4

The Rendang Curry Paste 2 shallots, diced 2 cloves of garlic, diced 1 piece of galangal, diced 1 hot red chili 1 tsp. of tamarind sauce 1 tsp. of brown sugar 1 tsp. of soy sauce tsp. of turmeric


Option: 2 tbsp. of vegetarian fish sauce

2 tsp. of coriander seeds (1 tsp. of ground coriander) 2 tsp. of cumin seeds (1 tsp. of ground cumin) 2 whole cloves (1/8 tsp. of ground cloves) 1 whole star anise ( tsp. of ground star anise) tsp. of cinnamon tsp. of freshly ground nutmeg The Sauce and Ingredients 2 Japanese eggplant, sliced 2 tsp. of oil 1 cup of coconut milk 2 cups of cooked rice 2 tbsp. of shredded coconut, for garnish 3 tbsp. of chopped cilantro leaves, for garnish


Dice the shallots, garlic, and galangal.

Blend all the curry paste ingredients together in a blender until you have a smooth paste. Chop the eggplant and cilantro and set them aside. In a wok or pan, fry the curry paste in the oil over a medium heat for 3 minutes.
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 83| May 2009

Slowly stir in the coconut milk until you have a smooth sauce. Add the eggplant and slowly simmer it for about 10 minutes, allowing the sauce to reduce and coat the eggplant. Serve the eggplant over rice and garnish it with the cilantro and shredded coconut.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 84| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Toast the curry paste for three minutes instead of frying it. Use almond milk instead of coconut milk.

Raw Version
Omit the vegetarian fish sauce and soy sauce and use a piece of kombu. Salt the chopped eggplant and pat it dry. Combine the curry paste with cup of creamed young coconut meat and stir the eggplant into this sauce. Garnish it with cilantro and dehydrated coconut. eggplant and place a weight over it, allowing it to sit for at least 2 hours. Once it is soft, rinse the

Kitchen Equipment
Blender Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Knife Wok Stirring Spoon Cutting Board

When you garnish the eggplant with shredded coconut, grab a large pinch and rub it gently while moving your hand back and forth over the dish. This helps the coconut distribute evenly and keep it from clumping.

Time Management
Making the curry paste is the big labor in this recipe, so if you want to cut down the time, look for a prepared Rendang curry paste at your local Asian market.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 85| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of crispy rice flavored with lime and star anise.

Where to Shop
Many of these ingredients can be purchased at an Asian market, particularly the galangal and tamarind sauce. When shopping for the Japanese eggplant, make sure that the skin is vibrantly purple and tight. If you see wrinkles, the eggplant is starting to go bad and the flavor will significantly diminished. Approximate cost per serving is $1.75.

How It Works
The Rendang curry paste is heavily flavored with dried, aromatic spices which compliment the

tangy sweetness of the tamarind and sugar. This curry is different from many others because the sauce is meant to be a coating on the eggplant, not a soupy broth.

Chefs Notes
I particularly enjoyed the presentation on this one. The shredded coconut and cilantro sprinkled

upon the eggplant slices looks delectable.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1579.7 (394.9) Fat 79.5g (20.0g) Total Carbohydrates 190.2g (47.6g) Dietary Fiber 20.3g (5.1g) Sugars 14.7g (3.7g) Protein 25.9g (6.5g) Salt 646mg (161mg) Vitamin A 79% (19.8%) Vitamin B6 72% (18%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 86| May 2009

Calories from Fat 715.3 (178.8)

Vitamin C 80% (20%) Calcium 19% (4.8%) Iron 79% (19.8%) Thiamin 42% (10.5%) Riboflavin 23% (5.8%) Niacin 40% (10%) Folate 38% (9.5%) Phosphorous 64% (16%) Potassium 64% (16%) Zinc 33% (8.3%) Magnesium 76% (19%) Copper 79% (19.8%)

Interesting Facts
Rendang curry is one of the most popular curries in Indonesia.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 87| May 2009

Thai Green Sweet Potato and Lemongrass Curry

Type: Main Dish, Thai Time to Prepare: 30 minutes Serves: 4

The Green Curry Paste 1 piece of galangal, diced 4 medium size, hot green chilies, deseeded and chopped 1 cup of cilantro, stalks included 2 shallots, minced 2 piece of ginger, grated 2 cloves of garlic, smashed 2 stalks of lemongrass, cut into 2 pieces, use top 2/3 of stalk only Zest and juice of 1 lime 8 kaffir lime leaves 1 tbsp. of coriander seeds 2 tsp. of cumin seeds 1 tsp. of black peppercorns 2 tsp. of soy sauce or vegetarian fish sauce Curry Ingredients


Option: Coconut milk

2 large white sweet potatoes, chopped 2 stalks of lemongrass, chopped 2 tsp. of oil 2 cups of coconut milk 8-10 kaffir lime leaves for garnish Option: 8 oz. of extra firm tofu 3 cups of cooked rice


Making the Curry Paste

Dice the galangal and soak it in warm water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the other ingredients. Chop the chilies and cilantro.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 88| May 2009

Mince the shallots. Grate the ginger. Smash the garlic cloves. Chop the lemongrass into 2 pieces and smash them. Zest and juice the lime and then set them aside. Over a medium heat, saut the coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and peppercorns for 5 minutes. Remove the galangal from the water and mince it. Blend all of the ingredients together in a blender until you have a smooth paste, adding Preparing the Curry coconut milk as needed to make the paste smooth. Chop the sweet potatoes into bite-size pieces. Chop the lemongrass into 2 pieces and smash them. Fry the curry paste over a medium heat in the 2 tsp. of oil for 2 minutes. milk thoroughly mix. Bring the sauce to a simmer. Add the sweet potatoes, optional tofu, and lemongrass and simmer the curry for about 8 minutes. Remove from the heat, garnish with the lime leaves, and serve over rice. Slowly stir the coconut milk into the wok, making sure that the curry paste and the coconut

With this option, they will not need to be simmered.

Option: Smoke the sweet potatoes for 10 minutes before adding them to the curry sauce.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 89| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Use almond milk instead of coconut milk. Instead of frying the curry paste in oil, toast it for 3 minutes in a dry pan.

Raw Version
Use fresh coconut cream made from pureed young coconut meat and a bit of coconut water. Instead of sweet potatoes, use chopped zucchini with a star anise rub.

Kitchen Equipment
Blender Knife Cutting Board Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Wok Stirring Spoon

I like to serve this in a small cookpot. It has a very rustic look and also keeps the curry warm.

Time Management
The size of your chopped sweet potatoes will determine the cooking time of this dish. While simmering, check the potatoes every minute or so after 5 minutes and if they start to become soft, remove them from the heat. You can cheat and save about 15 minutes of time with this recipe if you purchase a pre-made green curry paste. Be aware, however, that most of them have shrimp paste
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 90| May 2009

in them except for the paste by Thai Kitchen.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of fried tofu and spicy peanut sauce.

Where to Shop
The best place to purchase many of the ingredients for the curry paste is at an Asian market.

White sweet potatoes can be found at Sprouts, Whole Foods, and Central Market. Approximate cost per serving is $1.50.

How It Works
The green curry paste is a mix of heat and fresh green aromatic flavors, particularly from the lime zest and lemongrass. This rests over the pungency of the shallots and garlic. Extra lemongrass is added to the curry sauce to lighten the entire dish.

Chefs Notes
I served the smoked version of this recipe at a party for a friend not long ago and it was one of the most well-received dishes at the party.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 2277.7 (569.4) Calories from Fat 978.5 (244.6) Fat 108.7g (27.2g) Total Carbohydrates 289.4g (72.4g) Dietary Fiber 11.8g (3.0g) Sugars 16.0g (4.0g) Protein 35.4g (8.9g) Salt 693mg (173mg)

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 91| May 2009

Vitamin A 1531% (382.8%) Vitamin B6 91% (22.8%) Calcium 32% (8%) Iron 123% (30.8%) Thiamin 41% (10.3%) Niacin 48% (12%) Folate 35% (8.8%) Phosphorous 95% (23.8%) Potassium 76% (19%) Zinc 48% (12%) Magnesium 109% (27.3%) Copper 117% (29.3%) Riboflavin 29% (7.3%) Vitamin C 827% (206.8%)

Interesting Facts
Thai curries differ from Indian curries in that the base of the curry consists of fresh herbs, shallots, and garlic instead of dried spices.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 92| May 2009

Red Curry with Potatoes

Type: Main Dish Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 35 minutes

1 large potato, cubed 1 carrot, sliced cup of chopped cabbage cup of sliced basil 2 cups of coconut milk Juice of 1 lime 2 tsp. of sugar 4 cups of cooked rice 1 tbsp. of red curry paste (see red curry paste recipe)



Option: Peel the potato. Cube the potato, slice the carrot, chop the cabbage, and slice the basil. Steam the potato, carrot, and cabbage for 15 minutes. While it is steaming, cook the rice.

Curry Paste Method 1

Bring the coconut milk to a low simmer. Add the curry paste and combine it with the coconut milk. Take 3 tbsp. of coconut milk and simmer it on a medium heat until the water and oil separate. Once this happens, add the curry paste and fry it for 2 minutes, stirring it the whole time this point, it will have done its job.) Add in the rest of the coconut milk and combine everything. (much of the coconut water will probably make it back into the oil while you do this, but by

Curry Paste Method 2

Add in the steamed veggies, sugar, and lime juice. Simmer this for 5 minutes. Serve over rice.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 93| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Sauce Pan Steamer Wooden Spoon Cutting Board Knife Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup Pot to cook the rice

Save some basil and place it in the center of the plated curry. If you want to get very fancy, you can use a spiral cutter on a steamed beet and put that on the side of the plate with some diagonally slice carrots. That will add a lot of color to the dish. Of course, it entails a bit of extra work, too.

Time Management
Start the rice early so you can work while it cooks. Also, if you want to save a lot of time, use an already made curry paste. Youll lose some flavor, but you wont spend 20 minutes making a curry paste. Finally, Method 1 for cooking the paste takes about 10 minutes less than Method 2.

Complementary Food and Drinks

I like to start out a meal like this with some steamed tofu with a sweet peanut sauce or with some fresh Thai spring rolls with the same peanut sauce. That sweet peanut sauce complements the red curry paste quite well.

Where to Shop
The best red curry paste Ive found is by Thai Kitchen. It has a good flavor and it also is not
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 94| May 2009

made with any shrimp or fish paste. You should be able to find this at your local market. They also make a very good quality coconut milk. Check out Trader Joes for the basil. Everything else should be readily available.

How It Works
Steaming the veggies lets them soften without losing any of their flavors to the sauce. This gives the curry a more multifaceted quality, making each bite different. With Method 2, the point of simmering the coconut milk is to separate the oil and water so the paste can be fried in the coconut oil. This gives it a very rich flavor because of the oil and deepens the flavor of the curry paste.

Chefs Notes
If Im feeling ambitious, I will fry the curry paste using Method 2. If Im really ambitious, Ill make the curry paste from scratch, but most of the time, I use the Thai Kitchen paste and simply simmer the paste in the sauce. This is way also happens to be the way it is most commonly done in Thailand using local brands of curry paste.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 2329.2 (582.3) Fat 98.8g (24.7g) Calories from Fat 889.6 (222.4)

Total Carbohydrates 320.1g (80.0g) Dietary Fiber 16.6g (4.1g) Sugars 5.9g (1.5g) Protein 39.8g (9.9g) Salt 715.1mg (178.8mg) Vitamin A 630% (157.5%) Vitamin B6 120% (30%) Calcium 23% (5.8%) Iron 179% (44.8%) Thiamin 98% (24.5%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 95| May 2009

Vitamin C 891% (222.8%)

Riboflavin 23% (5.8%) Niacin 112% (28%) Folate 159% (39.8%) Phosphorous 105% (26.3%) Potassium 124% (31%) Zinc 53% (13.3%) Magnesium 114% (28.5%) Copper 105% (26.3%) * If you use light coconut milk, you will cut the fat content by over half in this recipe.

Interesting Facts
Thai eggplant is a popular red curry ingredient. Traditionally, curry pastes were made with a mortar and pestle, but now most home cooks in Thailand purchase a premade one.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 96| May 2009

Banana Curry
Type: Main Dish Time to Prepare: 15 minutes Serves: 4

1 medium onion, chopped 2 tbs. vegetable oil or coconut oil 1 cup plain nondairy milk 2 tbs. curry powder, or more to taste tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. ground nutmeg tsp. ground ginger tsp. salt 2-3 ripe bananas (avoid overripe or mushy fruit), split and cut into 1-inch chunks 1 can (14 ounces) full-fat coconut milk


Optional Additions
cup chickpeas

cup firm tofu cut into inch cubes cup pineapple chunks 3 tbs. dried shredded unsweetened coconut 3 tbs. raisins cup cashews


Saut the onion in the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat until it is translucent. If you are using tofu, you can add it now and cook for 3 minutes or until it begins to brown lightly. Add the coconut milk and non-dairy milk. thoroughly, cooking for 1 minute. Add the bananas, and continue to cook until they are hot. Serve immediately with basmati rice.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 97| May 2009

Reduce heat to medium, add the spices and salt, plus any optional additions you are using, and stir

Stir gently and infrequently so that the bananas maintain their shape.

Kitchen Equipment
Large Saucepan Wooden Spoon Knife Cutting Board Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon


Garnish the curry with cashews, some sliced greens, and a sprig of cilantro or parsley.

Time Management
Be careful with the bananas because overcooking them for just a few minutes will turn them into mush.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve it immediately after preparing over basmati rice.

Where to Shop
All of these ingredients should be available at your local market. Approximate cost per serving is


How It Works
The sauce starts with onion cooked to the point where it becomes translucent, but not brown, so
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 98| May 2009

that the onion imparts a gentle sweetness to the sauce. Coconut milk and non-dairy milk are

combined to create a soupy broth and to reduce the percentage of fat in the recipe. The bananas are just simmered long enough to fully soften, but should be watched so that they do not fall apart into the sauce.

Chefs Notes
This tasty, unusual Indonesian curry is both sweet and savory. Its a cinch to make and easy to customize to your own taste.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1118.1 (279.5) Fat 80.1g (20.0g) Calories from Fat 721.3 (180.3)

Total Carbohydrates 83.2g (20.8g) Dietary Fiber 9.8g (2.5g) Sugars 36.7g (9.2g) Protein 16.0g (4.0g) Salt 742mg (186mg) Vitamin A 13% (3.3%)

Vitamin B6 56% (14%) Vitamin C 58% (14.5%) Calcium 39% (9.8%) Iron 52% (13%) Thiamin 43% (10.8%) Riboflavin 43% (10.8%) Niacin 16% (4%) Folate 10% (2.5%) Phosphorous 32% (8%) Potassium 45% (11.3%) Zinc 16% (4%) Magnesium 56% (14%) Copper 37% (9.3%)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 99| May 2009

Interesting Facts
Bananas originated in the area around the Philippines.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 100| May 2009

Tom Ka Soup
Type: Thai Soup Serves: 2-4 Time to Prepare: 8 minutes prep, 10 minutes cooking Soup Broth 6 cups good-quality vegetable stock 1 lemongrass stalk (chopped and crushed) 3-4 kaffir limes leaves (fresh or frozen) overnight) 2-3 piece galangal, grated or sliced very fine 1-2 cloves garlic, chopped or sliced 1 can coconut milk (or coconut cream if you're not counting calories!) Firm Ingredients 2 tbsp. soy sauce 1 package tofu, cubed 2-4 cups chopped assorted vegetables (sweet pepper, eggplant, water chestnuts, etc) Finishing Ingredients 4 green onions, sliced Juice from 1 fresh lime Handful fresh coriander leaves (cilantro) Handful fresh Thai basil leaves 1-3 fresh red chilies or red chili paste, to taste 1 cup fresh or dried shiitake mushrooms, sliced (if dried, be sure to soak them in hot water


Add the first ingredients to a large pot and bring to a boil. Let it cook for a couple minutes, then reduce the heat and add the vegetables and tofu. Cook for about 10 minutes, until the vegetables are a bit soft and remove from heat. Stir in the Lime and fresh leaves and serve immediately.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Liz Lonetti
Curries from around the World 101| May 2009

Kare-pan (Curry Bread)

Type: Side, Japanese Time to Prepare: 3 hours Serves: 8

The Filling 1 cup of cooked harusame (bean noodles) 2 tsp. of curry roux 2 tbsp. of water The Dough 12 oz. of flour 1 tsp. of salt cup of soymilk, slightly warm 1 packet of yeast 2 tbsp. of sugar 1 serving of EnerG Egg Replacer 2 tbsp. of cold margarine, sliced The Coating cup of soymilk 4 cups of panko breadcrumbs


Options: Instead of noodles, you can use seitan, veggies, beans, and even curried rice


As soon as the noodles or other optional filling ingredients are done cooking, immediately mix them with the curry roux, 2 tbsp. of water, and set them aside. Combine the flour and salt in a mixing bowl and set them aside. Warm the soymilk slightly and then add the yeast and sugar to it. bubble). Once you know the yeast is active, prepare the egg replacer and add it to the liquid. Add the liquid to the dry ingredients until they are thoroughly combined. Add the sliced margarine to the dough. Lightly flour a cold working surface. Knead the dough on the surface until the dough becomes elastic.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 102| May 2009

Allow it to sit for a few minutes to ensure that the yeast is still active (the soymilk will start to

Form the dough into a ball, cover it, and set it aside in a warm place. Allow the dough 1 hours to rise. Punch the dough down, recover it, and allow it to rise for another 45 minutes. Divide the dough into 8 pieces and roll them into balls. Allow them to sit, covered, for another 15 minutes. Roll each ball out into a 7 disk. Wet the edges of the disks. Fold the disks in half, enveloping the filling, and crimp them close. from the bun). Press the crimped edge of each bun into one side (this keeps the crimped edge from flaring out Fill the middle with about 2 tbsp. of curried filling.

Brush each bun with soymilk. Roll the buns in the panko breadcrumbs. Cover the buns and allow them to rise another 15 minutes. 350 degrees. Deep fry each bun for about 5 minutes, holding them down in the oil if they refuse to stay submerged. Drain these on a rack. Finish them off in the oven at 300 degrees for 10 minutes. Add enough peanut oil to a wok, Dutch oven, fryer, etc. to fully cover the buns and bring the oil to

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 103| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Instead of deep frying these, bake them on 360 degrees for 25 minutes. Omit the margarine from the recipe and replace it with 1 tbsp. of almond milk.

Kitchen Equipment
2 Mixing Bowls Rolling Pin Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Crimper or Fork Frying Basket Rack Plate to hold the breadcrumbs Oven Baking Sheet Deep Fryer, Wok, or Dutch Oven

I garnished this with a bit of shredded coconut as soon as it was panko breadcrumbs.

done baking. I thought it would be a nice surprise mixed with the

Time Management
These take a long time to make and there is a lot of labor involved at the end, so dont plan on making these unless you know you can dedicate at least an hour in the kitchen and a couple more hours waiting.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 104| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of curried udon noodle soup.

Where to Shop
EnerG Egg Replacer can be found at Sprouts, Whole Foods, Central Market, and markets that have a large healthy eating section. The noodles will be most commonly found at an Asian market in the Japanese aisle, but theyre really just a suggestion. The filling can be anything of the ingredients should be easy to find. Approximate cost per serving is $.75. curried. Panko breadcrumbs can also be found at Asian markets and at Trader Joes. The rest

How It Works
The yeast in the bread is what makes the bread puffy and will help it expand even more as it fries. This gives it a light texture which responds well to frying. Allowing the dough to rise several times makes the dough extra tender. The sliced margarine creates little pockets of margarine in the dough, creating a pastry like quality to the finished buns.

Chefs Notes
This is a great way to use left-over curry!

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 2840.9 (355.1) Calories from Fat 254.6 (31.8) Fat 28.3g (3.5g) Total Carbohydrates 580.1g (72.5g) Dietary Fiber 14.9g (1.9g) Sugars 14.0g (1.8g) Protein 66.5g (8.3g) Salt 4174mg (522mg)

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Curries from around the World 105| May 2009

Vitamin A 30% (3.8%) Vitamin B6 11% (1.4%) Vitamin C 0% (0%) Calcium 40% (5%) Iron 61% (7.6%) Thiamin 41% (5.1%) Niacin 22% (2.8%) Folate 22% (2.8%) Phosphorous 41% (5.1%) Potassium 10% (1.3%) Zinc 24% (3%) Magnesium 30% (3.8%) Copper 30% (3.8%) Riboflavin 38% (4.8%)

Interesting Facts
Kare pan means curry bread, with pan being the word for bread in most of the Romance languages.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 106| May 2009

Japanese Curry Rice (Kare Raisu)

Type: Japanese, Main Dish Time to Prepare: 20 minutes Serves: 4

3 potatoes, chopped 2 carrots, chopped an onion, sliced 1 tsp. of oil cup of Japanese curry roux 2 cups of water 2 cups of cooked rice



Chop the potatoes and carrots. Slice the onion. Over a medium heat, saut the potato, carrot, and onion for 5 minutes. Add the curry roux to the pan and saut it for another 2 minutes. Slowly stir the water into the pan until the curry roux and water are thoroughly combined. Simmer this for 10 minutes. Serve over rice.

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Curries from around the World 107| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Measuring Cup Saut Pan Knife Cutting Board Stirring Spoon

The curry can be served on the side of the rice, though I think it looks a bit better when served on top of a mound of rice. I like to stir in a bit of cilantro at the end for color, though this is far from necessary.

Time Management
Start cooking your rice before you start chopping the veggies. The curry should be done at about the same time as the rice.

Complementary Food and Drinks

This goes great over bread or mixed with a bowl of noodles.

Where to Shop
Curry roux is a particular type of Japanese curry paste made from oil, flour, and curry and can be

found in most Asian markets. The other ingredients are fairly common. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

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Curries from around the World 108| May 2009

How It Works
Japanese curries tend to be thick, which is why flour is used in the curry paste. This is the same technique used to make many gravies.

Chefs Notes
I like the mix of sweetness and pungency in the curry paste and I particularly enjoy the way the sauce coats the rice.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 948.7 (237.2) Fat 5.4g (1.3g) Calories from Fat 48.2 (12.1)

Total Carbohydrates 205.0g (51.2g) Dietary Fiber 15.1g (3.8g) Sugars 12.4g (3.1g) Protein 20.2g (5.0g) Salt 108mg (27mg) Vitamin A 387% (96.8%) Vitamin B6 89% (22.3%) Vitamin C 140% (35%) Calcium 12% (3%) Iron 27% (6.8%) Thiamin 33% (8.3%) Riboflavin 16% (4%) Niacin 34% (8.5%) Folate 40% (10%) Phosphorous 46% (11.5%) Potassium 70% (17.5%) Zinc 22% (5.5%) Magnesium 44% (11%) Copper 34% (8.5%)

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 109| May 2009

Interesting Facts
Curry was introduced to Japan via the British in the late 1800s.

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Curries from around the World 110| May 2009

Cantonese Water Curry (Ga Li)

Type: Chinese, Main Dish Time to Prepare: 20 minutes Serves: 3

1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 onion, chopped 1 potato, chopped 6 oz. of extra firm tofu, chopped 1 tsp. of sesame oil 1 tsp. of chili paste 3 cups of water 2 oz. of noodles 2 cups of cooked rice 2 tsp. of yellow curry powder



Chop the bell pepper, onion, potato, and tofu. sesame oil for about 5 minutes. In a pot over a medium heat, saut the pepper, onion, potato, and tofu over a medium heat in the

Add the chili paste and curry powder and saut everything for another 30 seconds. Add the water and stir everything together. Bring the liquid to a simmer, cooking the curry for another 10 minutes. package of noodles). Serve over rice. Add the noodles and simmer them in the curry for 3-5 minutes (check the instructions on your

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Curries from around the World 111| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Pot Stirring Spoon Knife Cutting Board Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup

I generally serve the curry with the rice on the side so that the curry does not get completely absorbed by the rice before it is eaten!

Time Management
This is a curry that can be kept for several days and will increase in flavor as time goes by. If you plan on making a lot, slightly undercook the veggies because they will finish cooking when you warm up the broth.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of curried wontons.

Where to Shop
All of these ingredients should be readily available. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

How It Works
The veggies are sauted a bit before the water is added so that the sugars in them can caramelize
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 112| May 2009

and the tofu can tighten. Chili paste best releases its flavor when it is toasted or fried for a brief amount of time, but dont fry it too long. Exposure to direct heat releases its capsaicin in the air and that can be painful if too much comes out of the pot!

Chefs Notes
I prefer coconut and tomato based curries, but this is a nice, light, and spicy way to have a lunchtime meal.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1335.7 (445.2) Fat 18.3g (6.1g) Calories from Fat 165.1 (55.0)

Total Carbohydrates 248.1g (82.7g) Dietary Fiber 17.5g (5.8g) Sugars 9.7g (3.2g) Protein 44.6g (14.9g) Salt 405mg (135mg) Vitamin A 7% (2.3%)

Vitamin B6 104% (34.7%) Vitamin C 468% (156%) Calcium 44% (14.7%) Iron 57% (19%) Thiamin 67% (22.3%) Riboflavin 35% (11.7%) Niacin 51% (17%) Folate 28% (9.3%) Phosphorous 82% (27.3%) Potassium 78% (26%) Zinc 39% (13%) Magnesium 76% (25.3%) Copper 59% (19.7%)

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 113| May 2009

Interesting Facts
Chinese curries are heavily influenced by Singaporean and Malaysian cuisine.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 114| May 2009

Mozambique Curry
Type: Main Dish, East African Time to Prepare: 20 minutes Serves: 4

1 onion, chopped 2 cups of chopped king trumpet mushrooms (oyster mushrooms can be substituted) 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tsp. of oil 2 tsp. of yellow curry powder 2 cups of crushed tomatoes 1 bay leaf 1/8 tsp. of salt 2 cups of coconut milk Juice of 1 lemon 2 cups of cooked rice



Chop the onion and mushrooms. Mince the garlic. Saut the onion on a medium heat in the oil until the onion becomes soft. Add the mushrooms and garlic and continue sauting these for 3 minutes. Stir the crushed tomatoes, coconut milk, bay leaf, and salt into the pan. Simmer the curry for 5 minutes. Remove it from the heat. Stir in the lemon juice. Serve over rice. Add the curry powder and saut the ingredients for another 30 seconds.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 115| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Omit the coconut milk and use rice milk instead or add in one additional cup of crushed tomatoes and stir two tablespoons of cashew butter into the sauce instead of using coconut milk.

Raw Version
Heavily salt the chopped mushrooms and onion. Place a weight over the onion for about an hour, then add the mushrooms and leave it on for another hour. Use young coconut meat blended with two tomatoes for the sauce and then stir in two more diced tomatoes. Serve over shredded cauliflower or zucchini shreds.

Kitchen Equipment
Knife Cutting Board Wok or Large Pan Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup

I like how the dark bowl contrasts the rice which in turn contrasts the curry. Make sure that some of the rice is showing when you plate the curry on it.

Time Management
Timing matters a great deal with this curry because there are three sauted ingredients with greatly mushrooms in at the same time, they will be far too soft by the time the curry sauce is done different cook times. The onion is the hardest ingredient, so it needs to go in first. If you put the

simmering. Note that once you get the curry powder into the pan, you must have the liquid ready
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 116| May 2009

because the powder will burn if its sauted more than thirty seconds or so.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of hot pickled cabbage, cucumbers, and tomatoes.

Where to Shop
I usually have to get my king trumpet mushrooms at an Asian market and I use Muir Glens crushed

fire-roasted tomatoes for my sauce. Approximate cost per serving is $1.75.

How It Works
The onion makes the sauce sweet while the mushrooms provide some bulk to the curry. King

trumpet mushrooms are thick and hearty, which is why they are my ingredient of choice for this recipe. Coconut milk is used to make a creamy tomato sauce and crushed tomatoes are used so that the sauce has some texture to it. The lemon juice makes this a very tangy curry and is added at the end so that its fresh flavor is preserved.

Chefs Notes
The lemon juice is what made this curry for me. Next time, I may add some lemon zest, as well.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1650.4 (412.6) Calories from Fat 925.6 (231.4) Fat 102.8g (25.7g) Total Carbohydrates 154.0g (38.5g) Dietary Fiber 8.9g (2.2g) Sugars 10.7g (2.7g) Protein 27.2g (6.8g) Salt 387mg (97mg)

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 117| May 2009

Vitamin A 7% (1.8%) Vitamin B6 46% (11.5%) Vitamin C 81% (20.3%) Calcium 21% (5.3%) Iron 114% (28.5%) Thiamin 38% (9.5%) Niacin 73% (18.3%) Folate 43% (10.8%) Phosphorous 87% (21.8%) Potassium 71% (17.8%) Zinc 40% (10%) Magnesium 82% (20.5%) Copper 89% (22.3%) Riboflavin 49% (12.3%)

Interesting Facts
Mozambique curries a very tangy quality to them, which is derived from the tomatoes and the lemonjuice.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 118| May 2009

Type: Main Dish, South African Time to Prepare: 2 hours Serves: 6

The Seitan 2 cups of wheat gluten powder 1 tbsp. of onion powder tsp. of salt 2 tbsp. of tahini cup of tamari The Filling 1 onion, sliced 1 tsp. of peanut oil 1 slice of bread 1 cup of soymilk 2 tsp. of hot red curry powder tsp. of sugar tsp. of salt tsp. of freshly grated pepper tsp. of turmeric cup of raisins 2 tbsp. of tomato chutney The Topping 2 bay leaves 12 oz. of silken tofu tsp. of salt Left over soymilk from the filling section 1 tbsp. of malt vinegar 1 cup of water 2 tbsp. of hot red curry powder


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Curries from around the World 119| May 2009


Making the Seitan

Combine the wheat gluten powder, the curry powder, the onion powder, and the salt.

Combine the tahini, tamari, and water. Knead the dough until everything is thoroughly combined. Bake it on 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Place the seitan dough in an oiled baking dish and cover it.

Once it is done, allow it to cool for a few minutes. Shred the seitan by pulsing it in a food processor and set the seitan aside. Making the Filling Slice the onion. Over a medium high heat, saut the onion in the oil until it turns brown. Reduce the heat to medium. Add the shredded seitan and saut this for about 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat. Soak the bread in the soymilk until it is soft (about 5 minutes). Squeeze the bread and mash the squeezed bread with a fork, saving the squeezed-out soymilk and combining it with any remaining soymilk. Combine the onion, seitan, bread, and all the other filling ingredients. Place the filling mixture in a baking dish and set it aside. Making the topping Blend the tofu, salt, and any remaining soymilk together. Pour this over the filling. Finishing the Bobotie Bake the bobotie on 350 degrees F for 30 minutes. Serve with extra tomato chutney.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 120| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Saut the onion over a dry medium-high heat until it browns, then add a thin layer of liquid. Allow the liquid to evaporate and remove the onion from the heat. Combine the onion with the shredded seitan and all the other ingredients and proceed with the recipe as outlined above.

Raw Version
This can be made with half of a minced onion, two cloves of garlic, and four cups of almonds and

walnuts pulsed together until everything was coarsely ground and combined. Stir the rest of the filling ingredients into the nut mix and then top the bobotie with cashew butter. Allow it to sit for at least an hour.

Kitchen Equipment
Mixing Bowl 2 Baking Dishes Foil Oven Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Knife Cutting Board Blender

I think this looks a bit better when served individually and slightly rest of the bobotie.

mixed together so that the solid white topping gets mixed with the

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 121| May 2009

Time Management
You can save a lot of time by using packaged seitan rubbed with curry powder, but the bobotie will cost a lot more money.

Complementary Food and Drinks

This should be served with steamed yellow rice and extra tomato chutney.

Where to Shop
Tomato chutney can be purchased at Indian grocery stores, Whole Foods, and Central Market. Wheat gluten powder can be purchased from the bulk bins at Whole Foods and Central Market and packaged at Sprouts. The rest of the ingredients should be available at your local market. Approximate cost per serving is $1.55.

How It Works
The traditional recipe uses curry powder when the meat is sauted, but I used the opportunity to

put it directly into the seitan, suffusing the dish with curry flavor. The onion gives sweetness while the chutney is full of aromatic spices. The softened bread holds everything together and also keeps the seitan from becoming dry. The tofu and soymilk blend mimic a custard topping.

Chefs Notes
While this can be made with different types of chutney, I keep gravitating towards the tomato chutney. This is very much comfort food and the tomato makes it even more so.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1162.1 (193.7) Calories from Fat 236.6 (39.4) Fat 26.3g (4.4g) Total Carbohydrates 91.5g (15.3g)
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Dietary Fiber 14.7g (2.4g) Sugars 38.2g (6.4g) Protein 139.9g (23.3g) Salt 4010mg (668mg) Vitamin A 16% (2.7%) Vitamin B6 18% (3%) Vitamin C 30% (5%) Calcium 52% (8.7%) Iron 118% (19.7%) Thiamin 40% (6.7%) Riboflavin 50% (8.3%) Niacin 13% (2.2%) Folate 8% (1.3%) Phosphorous 45% (7.5%) Potassium 39% (6.5%) Zinc 23% (3.8%) Magnesium 43% (7.2%) Copper 50% (8.3%)

Interesting Facts
Bobotie is an old recipe, going back to at least the 17th century and probably originating with the Dutch East India Trading Company.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 123| May 2009

Jamaican Curry
Type: Main Dish, Caribbean Time to Prepare: 25 minutes Serves: 4

The Curry Powder 1 tsp. of cumin seeds 1 tsp. of brown mustard seeds 1 tsp. of fenugreek seeds 1 tsp. of fennel seeds 1 tsp. of black peppercorns 1 tsp. of coriander seeds 6 allspice berries 1 tsp. of turmeric The Sauce and Ingredients 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped of an onion, chopped 1 plantain, sliced 1 Scotch bonnet pepper, minced (or other hot pepper) 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tsp. of freshly grated ginger tsp. of fresh thyme leaves 1 tsp. of oil 2 cups of coconut milk 2 cups of cooked rice Cilantro and lemon for garnish



Grind the dry spices together until you have a fine curry powder and set it aside. Chop the pepper and onion. Peel and slice the plantain into medallions. Mince the Scotch bonnet pepper and garlic. Grate the ginger.
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In a wok or pan over a medium heat, saut the bell pepper, onion, and plantain in the oil until the onion is soft. seconds. Stir in the coconut milk. Bring the curry to a simmer, cooking it for about 5 minutes. Serve over rice. Garnish with fresh cilantro and a slice of lemon. Add the garlic, pepper, thyme, and curry powder and continue sauting this for another 30

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Curries from around the World 125| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Instead of a coconut milk base, make this with a tomato base and add in 2 tbsp. of cashew butter for every cup of tomato sauce you use. Saut all of the ingredients except for the tomato base, cashew butter, and cilantro, in a dry pan before adding in the tomato sauce and cashew butter.

Raw Version
Slice the plantain into very thin medallions or chop up a very ripe plantain. Use blended young least 30 minutes before serving.

coconut meat for the coconut milk. Allow the spices to marinate in the coconut meat blend for at

Kitchen Equipment
Spice Grinder or Mortar & Pestle Wok or Pan Stirring Spoon or Spatula Knife Cutting Board Small Mixing Bowl Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup

Garnish this with fresh citrus and a sprig of cilantro or parsley, propping the citrus partially upright against the veggies.

Time Management
You can save some time by using a yellow curry powder instead of making your own.
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 126| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Start this meal out with grilled fruit and finish it off with a cold ginger beer.

Where to Shop
Head to Sprouts or Central Market for the spices as they can be purchased from bulk spice jars. When shopping for the plantain, look for a slight amount of browning on the skin, enough that may want to substitute a ripe serrano pepper for it. Approximate cost per serving is $1.25. there are just a few brown splotches. Scotch bonnet peppers are not commonly available, so you

How It Works
The curry mix is a basic yellow curry mix (meaning its heavy on turmeric) combined with the strong aromatic flavor of allspice, which is what gives this curry its unique Caribbean identity. The plantain is sliced in half-inch slices so that it does not become mushy while it cooks. Slicing it smaller would cook the plantain too quickly.

Chefs Notes
I made this curry several years ago for a party and it was the second time I had ever made my own curry powder.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1884.5 (471.1) Calories from Fat 963.5 (240.9) Fat 107.1g (26.8g) Total Carbohydrates 208.2g (52.0g) Dietary Fiber 9.4g (2.3g) Sugars 34.4g (8.6g) Protein 22.1g (5.5g) Salt 67mg (17mg)

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Vitamin A 81% (20.3%) Vitamin B6 66% (16.5%) Calcium 13% (3.3%) Iron 98% (24.5%) Thiamin 24% (6%) Niacin 36% (9%) Folate 30% (7.5%) Phosphorous 70% (17.5%) Potassium 73% (18.3%) Zinc 31% (7.8%) Magnesium 89% (22.3%) Copper 67% (16.8%) Riboflavin 18% (4.5%) Vitamin C 187% (46.8%)

Interesting Facts
Caribbean curries utilize a lot of aromatic spices like allspice and cinnamon and tend to be on the hot side.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 128| May 2009

Chef Mayras Caribbean Curry Baked Tofu Cutlets

Type: Main Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 1 hour


1 pound firm tofu -- sliced 1-inch thick 8 ounces tomato sauce 4 tbsp. lime juice 1 tbsp. grated purple onion 1 tbsp. of chopped green onions 4 tbsp. of curry tsp. garlic powder 1/8 tsp. sea salt 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. coconut extract

the tofu.

Press tofu slices between two pans for one to two hours to squeeze out the water and compress While tofu is draining, combine remaining ingredients. Mix well and set aside. Preheat oven to 350 F. Spoon about a third of the sauce into prepared pan. Bake uncovered, 45 minutes. Lightly oil a 7 x 11-inch baking pan or spray with a nonstick cooking spray.

Place pressed tofu on sauce and top with remaining sauce.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Mayra a.k.a Dr Flavor
Curries from around the World 129| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
7x11 Daking Dish Knife and Large Spoon Cutting Board Wooden Spoon Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Bowl Plate Paper Towels A SMILE with lots of LOVE

Coconut water Hot tea Water Fruit Juice

Complementary Drinks

Any non dairy Milk

Complementary Dishes
Brown Rice Potatoes Roti Couscous Greens* Fresh Salad Mustard greens

How to Store Curry Where to Shop

Curry quickly loses its pungency. It will keep for 2 months in an airtight container.

Curry can be found in your favorite natural or general grocery store, both packaged and from bulk spice bins. If you cannot find a good curry powder locally, many online stores sell organic versions of it. Try to purchase organic when possible.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Mayra a.k.a Dr Flavor
Curries from around the World 130| May 2009

Chefs Notes
For easy and quick preparation, there are now many and varied curry powders and ready-made curry sauces and pastes available but nothing can beat the taste of a curry prepared with fresh herbs and spices. Added to this are the health benefits of the fresh vegetables that are usually included in curry dishes. In addition there is the chef factor. No two cooks make identical meals. Every good cook has his or

her own special style and adds that individual touch to a meal. Essentially a curry is a spicy recipe, but the way the types of spices and herbs are used differs considerably from country to country.

Interesting Facts
Curry powder is a blend of up to 20 different herbs and spices, including the commonly used: cardamom, chiles, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek, mace, nutmeg, pepper, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, saffron, tamarind and tumeric (which gives curry its characteristic golden color). In Indian cooking curry is freshly ground each day (making it far more flavorful and pungent than the mixes sold in the store), and comes in "standard" and "Madras" (hot) versions.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Mayra a.k.a Dr Flavor
Curries from around the World 131| May 2009

Chef Mayras Curry Potatoes Trini Style

Type: Side Dish Time to Prepare: 25 minutes Serves: 2

4 tsp. curry powder 1 small onion, cut into small pieces 4 cloves garlic, minced or crushed 2 medium sized potatoes cup of water


Options: Depending on the recipe involved, other items can include things like chili, curry leaves,
garlic, ginger, garam masala, onions, lemon grass, cinnamon and pepper and mustard seeds.


Use a sharp knife to slice potatoes in wedges.

Use a large pan to heat the curry powder and any optional ingredients in the oil on a medium heat, being careful not to burn the curry powder (about 1-2 minutes). Add onion and garlic and cook 2 minutes. Add the potatoes and cook them for 2 additional minutes. Add the water and cook potatoes until tender on a medium heat.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Mayra a.k.a Dr Flavor
Curries from around the World 132| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Large Pan Sharp Knife Cutting Board Wooden Spoon Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon A SMILE with lots of LOVE

Time Management
Its important to cook the potatoes only to the point where they are al dente, or else you risk them becoming mashed potatoes in your pan!

Complementary Food and Drinks

Coconut water, hot tea, fruit juice, or water for drinks and brown rice or a breakfast dish for food.

Where to Shop
All of these ingredients should be fairly common, but try to choose organic ingredients when possible. Approximate cost per serving is $.75.

How It Works
Frying the curry powder deepens its flavor and activates many of the volatile oils in the spices, increasing the impact the curry has on the potatoes and onions.

Chefs Notes
An important point about curries - and most other Asian meals - is their health giving properties.

Many of the spice and herb ingredients used provide exciting and satisfying tastes but they also have long established health and medicinal values. This is additional to the vitamins and protein

provided by the meals. Finding a curry to suit your palate is a matter of trial and error. Unless you
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Recipe by Chef Mayra a.k.a Dr Flavor
Curries from around the World 133| May 2009

are accustomed to hot spicy food it is best to start with mild curries. Once you find a recipe you like you may soon join the millions of curry addicts around the world.

Interesting Facts
The first commercial curry powder appeared in 1780. Britains first curry house, called the Hindustani Coffee House and located in Londons Portman Square, opened in 1809.

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Recipe by Chef Mayra a.k.a Dr Flavor
Curries from around the World 134| May 2009

Type: German, Street Food Time to Prepare: 20 minutes Serves: 4

The Brats 4 Tofurky beer brats 1 tsp. of olive oil tsp. of salt The Sauce 2 tsp. of minced onion 2 tsp. of yellow curry powder tsp. of sweet Hungarian paprika cup of ketchup 2 tbsp. of water



Over a medium heat, saut the beer brats in the oil and salt until they are slightly browned on all sides, then set them aside. Mince the onion. 2-3 minutes. Add in the ketchup and water, stirring everything together. Simmer this for 2-3 minutes. Top the brats with the sauce. Add the curry powder and paprika and continue sauting these for another 30 seconds or so. In the same pan, saut the onion over a medium heat until it becomes soft, but not browned, about

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 135| May 2009

Raw Version
Use a sliced nut loaf made from almonds, garlic, and a touch of onion. Blend half a tomato with one cup of sundried tomatoes, the curry powder, and paprika to make the sauce.

Kitchen Equipment
Saut Pan Knife Cutting Board Spatula Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon

Serve this by itself dressed with the sauce and a touch of curry powder or serve it in a bun. It can also be served chopped over other ingredients.

Time Management
If you want to save a few minutes, you can do the sauce and the brats at the same time in 2 separate pans.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a glass of beer, of course!

Where to Shop
Tofurky beer brats are most commonly available from Whole Foods. The other ingredients are
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 136| May 2009

easy to find. Approximate cost per serving is $1.25.

How It Works
The beer brats are sauted to crisp the outside and also to give them a nice color. The onion is minced so that it disappears into the ketchup and only a small amount is used so that it serves as an accent instead of overwhelming the sauce. The curry powder and paprika are briefly toasted to fully activate their flavors and then the ketchup and water are immediately added so that the onion does not brown and the spices do not burn. A bit of water is added to make up for the evaporation that occurs while the ketchup simmers for a few minutes.

Chefs Notes
I first heard about currywurst just a couple weeks before doing this recipe and I wasnt sure how much I would like the sauce, but it was truly delicious and fun to eat. The quality of ketchup you use will greatly affect the flavor, so try to find a good, organic one.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1193.3 (298.3) Calories from Fat 578.6 (144.7) Fat 64.3g (16.1g) Total Carbohydrates 55.8g (14.0g) Dietary Fiber 20.9g (5.2g) Sugars 22.9g (5.7g) Protein 97.9g (24.5g) Salt 4074mg (1018mg) Vitamin A 15% (3.8%) Vitamin B6 8% (2%) Calcium 18% (4.5%) Iron 10% (2.5%) Thiamin 2% (0.5%) Riboflavin 6% (1.5%)
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Curries from around the World 137| May 2009

Vitamin C 25% (6.3%)

Niacin 6% (1.5%) Folate 3% (0.8%) Phosphorous 4% (1%) Potassium 10% (2.5%) Zinc 1% (0.3%) Magnesium 5% (1.3%) Copper 7% (1.8%)

Interesting Facts
This is a popular street food served in Germany.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 138| May 2009

Brown Rice Biryani

Type: Main Dish, Pakistani Time to Prepare: 40 minutes Serves: 2

4 cups of water Juice of 1 lemon cup of brown basmati rice tsp. of turmeric tsp. of ground cumin tsp. of ground coriander tsp. of cinnamon 1 tsp. of salt 2 tsp. of minced mint leaves 1 tbsp. of vegan margarine, olive oil, or toasted sesame oil roasted red pepper tsp. of ground cardamom


Options: 3 tbsp. of slivered almonds or pistachios, 3 tbsp. of raisins, 1 minced hot pepper, 1 diced


Preheat oven to 325F. Combine the water and lemon juice in a pot. Bring the water to a boil before adding the rice to the pot. Add the rice to the pot, boiling it for 10 minutes. Drain the water. Place the rice in a baking dish. Stir all the other ingredients into the rice. Cover the baking dish. Bake the rice for 20 minutes.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 139| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Omit oil from the recipe and spritz the rice with water before covering the baking dish.

Raw Version
Use ground cauliflower for the rice, omit the lemon juice, and stir the spices into the cauliflower mix. Allow it to sit for at least 30 minutes.

Kitchen Equipment
Pot Strainer Baking Dish Foil Oven Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup Small Knife Cutting Board

If you have any left-over mint, garnish the bowl with a few sprigs of it. I happened to use all my mint in the biryani mix for this photograph.

Time Management
Really, this recipe only takes a few minutes to put together. Use the time waiting for rice to boil to
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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 140| May 2009

put the spice mix together and begin cleanup.

Complementary Food and Drinks

I like serving my biryani with a side of coarsely ground nuts flavored with coriander, cumin, pepper, and salt.

Where to Shop
Ive found all of the spices available in bulk spice jars at both Sprouts and Central Market. Both places also have brown basmati rice. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

How It Works
The rice is boiled in a large amount of water so that the grains stay separate. This is also why lemon juice is added. The acidity of the lemon juice cuts through the starchy, sticky base of the rice. The rice is baked with the spices so that they can cook into the rice, but not be pounded into it the way they would be if the rice was boiled with them. Baking, again, also helps keep the grains separate. The oil keeps the rice hydrated while it bakes.

Chefs Notes
Slivered almonds are my favorite addition to any biryani.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 648.3 (324.2) Fat 17.6g (8.8g) Total Carbohydrates 111.3g (55.7g) Dietary Fiber 5.1g (2.5g) Sugars 2.5g (1.3g) Protein 11.2g (5.6g) Salt 1178mg (589mg) Vitamin A 0% (0%) Vitamin B6 36% (18%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 141| May 2009

Calories from Fat 158.4 (79.2)

Vitamin C 36% (18%) Calcium 3% (1.5%) Iron 11% (5.5%) Thiamin 38% (19%) Riboflavin 8% (4%) Niacin 35% (17.5%) Folate 9% (4.5%) Phosphorous 46% (23%) Potassium 11% (5.5%) Zinc 19% (9.5%) Magnesium 51% (25.5%) Copper 20% (10%)

Interesting Facts
This is a Pakistani dish and clearly shows off its West Indian influence.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 142| May 2009

Red Curry Tamales

Type: Thai, Mexican Time to Prepare: 1 hour Serves: 24

The Masa

12 cups of masa harina flour

10 cups of water or veggie stock (see below for some tasty stock options, this amount may also vary depending on the type of masa you use) 1 tbsp. of salt 3 cups of vegetable shortening cup of red curry paste 24 dried corn husks

Option: 2 cups of oil or margarine instead of the shortening

Water to soak the husks The Filling

Option: 1 tbsp. of baking powder

4 potatoes, diced 2 carrots, diced cup of crushed peanuts


Making the Masa Paste Warm the stock. Combine the masa harina flour with the salt (and optional baking powder.) Stir the vegetable shortening and curry paste rapidly until they are creamy. Pour the stock into the masa mix and stir until it is thoroughly combined. knife without breaking apart. You should end up with a semi-thick paste. If you do not have this, you can add more stock in cup amounts to the mix until you have the right consistency. To check the consistency, spread the masa on a corn husk and if it spreads easily while staying together, you have the right consistency.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 143| May 2009

Beat the moist masa mix into the shortening until you have a paste that will spread with a

Option: If you use oil instead of the shortening, add it to the dry masa and then add the
stock to the masa.

Stock Options

Boil two dates and a pinch of salt with each cup of water for ten minutes and then remove the dates. Boil 2 tbsp. of raisins with each cup of water for ten minutes and then remove the dates. Simmer one dried ancho, chipotle, or other chile of your choice per three cups of water for ten minutes and then remove the chile (use the rehydrated chile in your filling.) Use veggie stock instead of water. are finished. Simmer 1 tbsp. of peppercorns and 1 cinnamon stick per two cups of water for ten minutes, straining the stock when you are done. Whichever stock you use, allow it to cool down to a warm temperature before you use it or Simmer six cloves of garlic per cup of water for fifteen minutes, removing the garlic when you

else the heat will cook the masa.

The Filling

Dice the potatoes and carrots. Steam them for 5 minutes. Combine them with the crushed peanuts.

Assembling the Tamales Soak the corn husks for at least two minutes. Spread masa paste over the top half of a corn husk (the top half is the wide half) about high. Spoon a line of the filling on one side of the masa paste. Roll the tamale from the filling side to the other side. You will end up with one half of the roll that has masa paste and one that does not. Fold the half that does not have the masa paste against the tamale, folding it in towards the flap of the roll. Repeat this process with the rest of the ingredients. Steam the tamales for 45 minutes. If you have a lot of tamales and a tall steamer, you can place the tamales vertically in the steamer.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 144| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Pot for the stock Large Mixing Bowl for the masa mix Large Pot to soak the husks Spoon, Knife, or Paint Brush to spread the masa on the husks Measuring Cup Whisk Measuring Spoon Large Mixing Bowl to cream the shortening

I unrolled the tamale in this picture so you could get a glimpse of the inside, but they should be served closed with an extra strand of corn husk used to tie them together.

Time Management
Tamales have a reputation for being time consuming, but once you get the masa paste, filling, and corn husks prepped, you can make them very quickly. To speed up the time, you can make the filling the day before. The masa paste and the soaked husks take a minimal amount of time to prep. Tamales can be frozen and kept for up to a year.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side salad made from dark leafy greens, red beans, lime zest, and a touch of toasted sesame oil.

Where to Shop
All of the ingredients for the basic tamale can be purchased at any store that caters to Mexican
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 145| May 2009

cuisine and may even be available in your local market depending on where you live. When buying within the week. Corn flour has a good amount of oil and that means it will go rancid if stored too long. the masa, look for finely ground corn flour and only purchase as much as you think you will use

How It Works
The stock is added to the masa instead of the other way around so that the masa does not clump.

It is then beat into the shortening, which is used to bind the masa together and make it spreadable, for the same reason (yes, shortening can clump when added to dry or moist ingredients!) They are then steamed so that they stay moist and the masa can finish binding together.

Chefs Notes
I love tamales and I was thinking about making some when I saw the Thai red curry paste in my refrigerator and was inspired to add it to the masa paste.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 9076.7 (378.2) Calories from Fat 4392 (183) Fat 488.0g (20.3g) Total Carbohydrates 1043.0g (43.5g) Dietary Fiber 131.3g (5.5g) Sugars 0.0g (0.0g) Protein 127.8g (5.3g) Salt 6972mg (290.7mg) Vitamin A 0% (0%) Vitamin B6 253% (10.5%) Vitamin C 0% (0%) Iron 548% (22.8%) Thiamin 977% (40.7%) Riboflavin 515% (21.5%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 146| May 2009

Calcium 193% (8.0%)

Niacin 673% (28.0%) Folate 640% (26.7%) Phosphorous 305% (12.7%) Potassium 116% (4.8%) Zinc 162% (6.8%) Magnesium 376% (15.7%) Copper 116% (4.8%)

Interesting Facts
Tamales are traditionally a holiday food, though they are served year round throughout the Southwest.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 147| May 2009

Polenta with Curried Eggplant

Type: Side Serves: 12 Time to Prepare: 30 minutes

of an onion, diced 1 eggplant, diced 1 tsp. of oil 1 tsp. of yellow curry powder 3 tbsp. or roughly chopped sage leaves 2 packages of polenta 2 tsp. of oil Pepper for garnish 2 cloves of garlic, minced



Dice the onion and eggplant. Mince the garlic. In a saut pan over a medium heat, saut the onion until it becomes soft. Add the eggplant and garlic and continue sauting these until the eggplant softens. Add the curry powder, stirring everything together and continue sauting the ingredients for 30 seconds. Add the sage leaves and saut the ingredients another minute. Set this aside. Slice the polenta into rounds. Over a medium-high heat, saut the polenta rounds in a large pan until they are slightly crisp on both sides. Top each polenta round with the filling. Garnish each round with fresh pepper.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 148| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
2 Saut Pans Stirring Spoon Spatula Knife Cutting Board Measuring Spoon

These are single serving sides, so they should be served on a small plate so that they do not get overwhelmed by a lot of empty space. I like to spread the pepper garnish around the plate.

Time Management
The filling can be made well ahead of time, but the polenta is best when it comes out of the pan.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a glass of dry white wine. I particularly like how that balances the sage.

Where to Shop
You can purchase packaged polenta at most stores, though Trader Joes and Fresh & Easy have

the best price. The ingredients should be relatively easy to find. Approximate cost per serving is $.75.

How It Works
The eggplant is a simple curried eggplant dish, but instead of the eggplant being chopped, its
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 149| May 2009

diced so that it fits on the polenta. The curry powder is added towards the end so it does not burn sage is important. The polenta is fried so that it becomes crispy. and the sage is added at the end so that it crisps just a bit. The timing on the curry powder and

Chefs Notes
I came up with this recipe because I had some left-over polenta in my cabinet from an Italian meal that I made the night before.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 655.1 (54.6) Fat 14.1g (1.2g) Calories from Fat 126.5 (10.5)

Total Carbohydrates 119.6g (10.0g) Dietary Fiber 16.0g (1.3g) Sugars 18.7g (1.6g) Protein 12.6g (1.1g) Salt 28mg (2mg) Vitamin A 23% (1.9%)

Vitamin B6 33% (2.8%) Vitamin C 22% (1.8%) Calcium 7% (0.6%) Iron 26% (2.2%) Thiamin 57% (4.8%) Riboflavin 23% (1.9%) Niacin 34% (2.8%) Folate 23% (1.9%) Phosphorous 16% (1.3%) Potassium 25% (2.1%) Zinc 8% (0.7%) Magnesium 24% (2%) Copper 23% (1.9%)

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 150| May 2009

Interesting Facts
Polenta is commonly available in plastic tubes, which is why it so frequently shaped into rounds.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 151| May 2009

Curried Melon Balls

Type: Appetizer Serves: 20 Time to Prepare: 10 minutes + 30 minutes to sit

1 cantaloupe 1 small watermelon tsp. of yellow curry powder Fresh mint for garnish



Cut the cantaloupe in half and remove the seeds. Cut the watermelon in half. Using a melon scoop, scoop out balls of the melons, making sure not to scoop into the rind. Lightly sprinkle the curry powder over the melon balls. Allow this to sit for at least 30 minutes. Garnish the platter with fresh mint.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 152| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Large Knife Cutting Board Melon Scooper Measuring Spoon

Try to prop the mint up amongst the melon balls. This works best if you leave a few leaves attached to the stem and cut just below the leaves.

Time Management
These should be served within two hours of scooping out the melon balls or else the melon starts to oxidize and go bad.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a glass of sparkling lime or lemongrass low-sugar soda.

Where to Shop
All the ingredients are fairly common. Approximate cost per serving is $.25.

How It Works
The melon should sit with the curry so that the moisture in the melon balls blends with the curry, creating a sweet, very lightly flavored curry sauce to coat the melon balls. There should only be a hint of curry to the melon balls. Mint is used for color.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 153| May 2009

Chefs Notes
I love fresh melon and this is a great way to create an unexpected flavor that works well with the

sweetness of the melon.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 902.9 (45.1) Fat 4.1g (0.2g) Total Carbohydrates 199.4g (10.0g) Dietary Fiber 13.2g (0.7g) Sugars 176.0g (8.8g) Protein 17.1g (0.9g) Salt 109mg (5mg) Vitamin A 606% (30.3%) Vitamin B6 66% (3.3%) Vitamin C 614% (30.7%) Calcium 19% (1%) Iron 33% (1.7%) Thiamin 60% (3%) Riboflavin 31% (1.6%) Niacin 38% (1.9%) Folate 41% (2.1%) Phosphorous 30% (1.5%) Potassium 107% (5.4%) Zinc 21% (1.1%) Magnesium 68% (3.4%) Copper 54% (2.7%)

Calories from Fat 36.9 (1.8)

Interesting Facts
Cantaloupes have been cultivated for at least 4,000 years starting with the Egyptians.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 154| May 2009

Baked Squash Stuffed with Curried Plantains

Type: Main Dish Time to Prepare: 50 minutes Serves: 1

1 Asian green pumpkin or acorn squash 1 plantain, peeled and sliced 1 tsp. of oil 2 tsp. of red curry powder tsp. of salt cup of cooked red beans, rinsed 2 cups of chopped red cabbage



Bake the squash whole for 40 minutes. While it is baking, prepare the filling. Peel and slice the plantain into thick pieces. Chop the red cabbage into bite-size pieces. In a saut pan over a medium heat, saut the plantains and cabbage with the oil for about 5 minutes. Add the curry powder and salt and continue sauting everything for another minute. Remove the pan from the heat. Add the cooked beans to the plantain and cabbage filling and set the filling aside. cutting out a circle. Scoop out as many seeds as you can from the inside of the squash. Fill the squash with the sauted ingredients and serve. Once the squash is done baking, carefully remove the top by slicing diagonally into the squash,

Preheat oven to 425F.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 155| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Instead of sauting the ingredients in oil, you can steam them. If you do this, dress them with the

curry powder and salt before they go in the steamer.

Raw Version
Use mung bean sprouts instead of cooked beans and slice the cabbage thinly instead of chopping it since there will be no heat to reduce it.

Kitchen Equipment

Large Knife Cutting Board Measuring Cup Saut Pan Spatula

Be gentle when you remove the squash from the oven so that it does not crack. Likewise, gently load the hollowed-out squash so you do not break it open.

Time Management
Dont start the filling until the squash has baked for about 30 minutes. This ensures that the filling will still be warm by the time you start stuffing the squash. If you cant serve the squash right away, place the lid back over the saut pan to keep the filling warm.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 156| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of smoked rice topped with lime zest.

Where to Shop
I purchased my Asian green pumpkin at an Asian market. When you purchase the plantains, look for ones that are just starting to brown. If they are mostly brown, the plantains will be too soft. If there is no browning on the skin, theyll be too hard and the taste will be too dry. Approximate cost per serving is $4.00.

How It Works
A baked squash creates an edible bowl out where its walls are soft, but do maintain good structure.

The plantains lend sweetness to the dish while the cabbage gives it a nice color. The curry powder is added at the end so that it does not burn.

Chefs Notes
I knew I wanted a stuffed squash recipe, but I wasnt sure what I was going to stuff it with until I went

to the store and saw a number of ripe plantains which I thought would go perfect with the left-over red cabbage I had sitting in my refrigerator.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 830.3 Calories from Fat 55.9 Fat 6.2g Total Carbohydrates 170.8g Dietary Fiber 29.4g Sugars 35.1g Protein 22.8g Salt 608mg

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 157| May 2009

Vitamin A 74% Vitamin B6 89% Calcium 28% Iron 59% Thiamin 68% Niacin 31% Folate 96% Phosphorous 51% Potassium 103% Zinc 20% Magnesium 79% Copper 47% Riboflavin 21% Vitamin C 204%

Interesting Facts
While plantains are considered a staple of the Caribbean diet, they were not introduced to the region until the 1500s. While most pumpkins in North America are orange, most of the ones consumed in Asia are green.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 158| May 2009

Spring Rolls with Roasted Red Pepper Curry Sauce

Type: Side Serves: 8 Time to Prepare: 20 minutes

The Spring Rolls 1 carrot, shredded 1 cup of shredded red cabbage 1 oz. of thin rice noodles, soaked in warm water cup of crushed peanuts 8 leaves of red leaf lettuce The Sauce 1 tsp. of Thai red curry paste 2 roasted red peppers 1/8 tsp. of salt Garnish 2 limes, sectioned into quarters 1 tsp. of agave nectar 8 spring roll rice paper wrappers, soaked in warm water



Making the Spring Rolls Shred the carrot and cabbage. Soak the rice noodles in warm water (about 5 minutes). Soak a rice paper wrapper in warm water until it just starts to become soft and immediately remove it (about 1-2 minutes). Place a small line of rice noodles in the middle of the lettuce, followed by the shredded carrot, and then the shredded peanuts. Roll the wrapper half-way closed over the lettuce and fold up the back side of the wrapper (the third that is not covered with the lettuce). Continue rolling the wrapper closed. Repeat this with the other wrappers. Making the Sauce
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 159| May 2009

Place a piece of red leaf lettuce on one side of the wrapper.

Blend all of the sauce ingredients together until you have a smooth dipping sauce. Finishing off the Spring Rolls Serve with a wedge of lime and some extra crushed peanuts.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 160| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Omit the peanuts from the recipe and add a quarter cup of shredded zucchini to make up the bulk.

Raw Version
Omit the rice paper wrappers and just use the lettuce. Use raw red bell peppers instead of roasted ones. Instead of rice noodles, use zucchini noodles.

Kitchen Equipment
Pot to warm the water Plate to soak the wrappers Small Bowl to soak the rice noodles Grater or Food Processor Blender Knife Cutting Board Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup


These can be served family style on a huge platter with a set of each sauce on either side or individually as shown. If you have a large lettuce leaf, pat it very dry and place that under the spring roll.

Time Management
You may be inclined to do all the spring roll wrappers at once before filling them, but I find that as

they sit, they continue to absorb the excess water, making them softer and more prone to tearing as you roll them. Its best to do one, fill it, roll it, and then move on to the next one.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 161| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a coconut peanut curry.

Where to Shop
Thai Kitchen makes a vegan Thai red curry paste (many of them have shrimp paste) and it is usually available at most grocery stores. Rice noodles and rice paper wrappers are sometimes available in common grocery stores, but always available at an Asian market. Trader Joes and $.75. Fresh & Easy both have great prices on roasted red peppers. Approximate cost per serving is

How It Works
The rice paper wrapper only takes a minute or so to hydrate and you can feel it soften with your fingers incredibly fast. Because it will continue to absorb the excess water left on it, I only hydrate it to the point where it just starts to become soft. That way it will achieve the right consistency after it is wrapped as it takes the moisture from the filling and whatever water is left on it. The filling is a mix of colors with the peanuts thrown in for texture. The sauce is a very sweet sauce which balances out the pungency and aroma of the red curry paste. The lime is there for those who want to create a sour taste to go along with the sweetness of the sauce.

Chefs Notes
I also use the dipping sauce for pasta and salad dressings.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 900.0 (112.5) Fat 25.1g (3.1g) Total Carbohydrates 145.7g (18.2g) Dietary Fiber 15.8g (2.0g) Sugars 22.8g (2.9g) Protein 22.8g (2.8g)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 162| May 2009

Calories from Fat 226.1 (28.3)

Salt 942mg (118mg) Vitamin A 564% (70.5%) Vitamin B6 80% (10%) Vitamin C 518% (64.8%) Calcium 15% (1.9%) Iron 25% (3.1%) Thiamin 32% (4%) Riboflavin 25% (3.1%) Niacin 55% (6.9%) Folate 30% (3.8%) Phosphorous 38% (4.8%) Potassium 43% (5.4%) Zinc 22% (2.8%) Magnesium 41% (5.1%) Copper 23% (2.9%)

Interesting Facts
The main ingredient in most Thai curries is shallots.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 163| May 2009

Red Bean Curry Burger

Type: Main Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 15 minutes

1 cup of diced onion 4 cloves of garlic, minced 1 cups of red beans 1 tbsp. of red curry powder 1 tsp. cayenne pepper tsp. of salt cup of cooked oatmeal 1 cups of breadcrumbs 1 medium red bell pepper, diced



Blend the onion, garlic, bell pepper, beans, and spices until they are coarsely ground. Add in the breadcrumbs and oatmeal. Blend until you have a semi-smooth dough. Form the dough into a ball, compressing it with your hand. Add in more breadcrumbs as necessary so that the dough easily comes off of your hands. From that, form four smaller balls and press them into patties. Lightly oil a saut pan or grill. On a medium high heat, cook the patties until they are golden brown.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 164| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Food Processor Cutting Board Knife Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Spatula Saute Pan or Grill

I prefer to leave the burger open-faced so the diner can see what leave the patty on the bottom bun. For some extra presentation, you can garnish the side of the plate with cut cilantro leaves.

theyre getting. Place some of the ingredients on the top bun and

Time Management
Start the oats before you begin anything else. That way you can work while the oats cook. It also helps to get the pan warm before you begin cooking the burger (do this while you blend everything together) to speed up the cook time. The dough will store for a day if you keep it covered. If you store it longer than that, add in tsp. of water to the dough to make up for any lost moisture.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Avocado goes perfectly with this burger, being a good counter to the semi-spicy nature of it while complementing the curry with its rich creaminess.

Where to Shop
All of these ingredients are fairly common.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 165| May 2009

How It Works
The stickiness of the oats acts as a binder, holding all of the other ingredients together. The is used because the beans, breadcrumbs, and oats will greatly cut it. The breadcrumbs are used in conjunction with the oats and beans to act as a mortar. While not a tasty metaphor, that is often how breadcrumbs are used in any dish in which they are combined with other ingredients. beans provide the bulk to the burger in addition to a dark taste. The large amount of curry powder

Chefs Notes
When working with the burger, it should come off of your hands easily with a minimal amount of residue. If you find it leaving large amounts of dough on your hands when you are done forming it into a ball, add more breadcrumbs, remix it, and reform it. Your hand doesnt have to come away clean, but the dough should easily come away.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1321.5 (330.4) Fat 14.4g (3.6g) Total Carbohydrates 242.1g (60.5g) Dietary Fiber 34.8g (8.7g) Sugars 3.4g (0.9g) Protein 55.9g (14.0g) Salt 2568mg (642.1mg) Vitamin A 137% (34.3%) Vitamin B6 58% (14.5%) Vitamin C 405% (101.3%) Calcium 53% (13.3%) Iron 117% (29.3%) Thiamin 113% (28.3%) Riboflavin 51% (12.8%) Niacin 68% (17%)

Calories from Fat 129.6 (32.4)

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 166| May 2009

Folate 147% (36.8%) Phosphorous 98% (24.5%) Potassium 60% (15%) Zinc 47% (11.8%) Magnesium 78% (19.5%) Copper 65% (16.3%)

Interesting Facts
The first veggie burger was ostensibly created in 1982 in London. Burgers made from beans are just one type of veggie burger. Other types use soy, potatoes, or seitan.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 167| May 2009

Curried Cashew Wrap

Type: Main Serves: 2 Time to Prepare: 15 minutes

3 oz. of hard-pressed, super firm baked tofu cup of roasted cashews 1 green onion, sliced 1/8 of a yellow onion, sliced of a carrot, shredded 1 clove of garlic, minced tsp. of sesame oil tsp. of salt 1 tsp. of yellow curry powder


Option: tsp. of cayenne pepper

2 large lettuce leaves


Chop the tofu and slice the green onion and yellow onion. Shred the carrot and mince the garlic. On a medium-high heat, saut the tofu and yellow onion in the oil for about 4 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium and add the garlic, green onion, carrot, and cashews. Saut these for another 2 minutes. Add in the salt and curry powder and finish sauting everything for 2 more minutes. Place half the mix in each of the leaves and serve.

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Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 168| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Cutting Board Chefs Knife Saut Pan Measuring Spoon

Leave the lettuce open so that the contents are displayed before eating. The carrot will make a nice contrast against the green of the lettuce and the yellow of the curried cashews and tofu.

Time Management
Make sure to get everything cut up before you start cooking anything so that you dont have to

scramble to get all you chopping done while sauting everything. Also, this mix will keep for a day, so if you want to make a bigger batch of it, you can take out smaller portions and warm them up when you want to use them later.

Complimentary Food and Drinks

This goes nicely with a sweet chai tea that is made with water, not soy milk.

Where to Shop
The best place to get the tofu is at an Asian market. Usually, the tofu is marked as a baked tofu

cake. I like to get the cashews from a bulk bin as I can control how many I get instead of having to overbuy with a prepackaged version. The rest of the ingredients are fairly easy to come by.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World

169| May 2009

How It Works
Sauting the onion and tofu together infuses them with the sesame flavor and also softens the

onion without overly caramelizing it. Adding in the other ingredients and sauting it before the

spices are added allows them to sweat a bit and get coated with the oil which will allows the spices to stick to them better when they are added. Finally, just adding in salt and curry powder allows those flavors to be featured.

Chefs Notes
I like curries that are subtle, but clearly recognizable as curries. This one uses just the right amount of spice to be that type of curry. If you like bold curries, consider doubling the amount of curry powder in the recipe.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 377 (189) Fat 21g (11g) Total Carbohydrates 30g (15g) Dietary Fiber 2g (1g) Sugars 3g (1.5g) Protein 17g (8.5g) Salt 567mg (284mg) Vitamin A 128% (64%) Vitamin B6 15% (7.5%) Vitamin C 4% (2%) Calcium 49% (25%) Iron 35% (18%) Thiamin 15% (7.5%) Riboflavin 6% (3%) Niacin 5% (2.5%)

Calories from Fat 189 (95)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 170| May 2009

Folate 13% (6.5%) Phosphorous 42% (21%) Potassium 22% (11%) Zinc 24% (12%) Magnesium 46% (23%) Copper 48% (24%)

Interesting Facts
Curry powders are made not just of one spice, but several different powders combined. Curries are individual to families, with curry recipes being passed down from generation to generation. Cashew trees also produce cashew apples, which are very tasty.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 171| May 2009

Berbere Chili with Glazed Tempeh

Type: Main Dish Serves: 2 Time to Prepare: 45 minutes

a yellow onion, diced 1 tsp. of olive oil 3 cloves of garlic, minced 6 tomatoes, scored cup of water 15 oz. of black beans 1/3 cup of berbere 1 tsp. of salt 1 tbsp. of chopped basil 4 oz. of tempeh, cubed tsp. of allspice 1 tsp. of oil 2 tsp. of sweet agave nectar



Dice the onion, mince the garlic, score the tomatoes, and chop the basil. Caramelize the onion on a medium high heat in the olive oil. Reduce the heat to medium and saut the garlic for about three minutes. Add in the water and the tomatoes, smashing the tomatoes. Simmer this until the tomatoes turn into a sauce. Add in the berbere, basil, and beans (with liquid) and simmer this for about 30 minutes. While it is simmering, toss the tempeh in the sweet agave nectar and allspice. should only take about five minutes.) Remove from the heat and add in the glazed tempeh. On a medium heat, saut this in the 1 tsp. of oil until the agave nectar turns into a glaze (this

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 172| May 2009

Cutting Board Chefs Knife

Kitchen Equipment

Medium-sized Pot Saut Pan for the tempeh Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon

Save a few pieces of fresh basil to add to the top of the chili to give a nice, fresh, green contrast to this dark chili.

Time Management
Theres a decent amount of downtime right in the middle of the recipe while the tomatoes are turning into a sauce. If you want to glaze the tempeh early, that is a good time to do it. You can also do it while it is simmering once the berbere has been added. This is a chili that should be served within the day, otherwise the glaze will leave the tempeh and blend into the chili. If you want, you can make the base ahead of time and then just do the tempeh right before you serve it.

Complimentary Food and Drinks

Berbere can be spicy, so consider serving this with a sweet cinnamon tea (cinnamon is one of the flavors found in Ethiopian cuisine and is one of the spices in berbere.)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 173| May 2009

Where to Shop
Most major cities now have stores that sell some sort of Ethiopian foods, so look for that. You

can also try an Ethiopian restaurant. If you cannot find the spice mix, you can substitute berbere paste or even make your own berbere. The tempeh can usually be found at any store that has a decent vegetarian section and of course, at places like Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Central Market, etc. Trader Joes is probably the best place to get the basil. Everything else should be easy to find.

How It Works
Berbere is an Ethiopian chili powder mix, so it goes great for making an exotic tasting chili.

Because it has such a dark flavor, the black beans make the perfect complimentary food to it and are small enough to distinguish them from the tempeh. The tempeh gives a shot of firm texture to the chili and also a shot of intense, aromatic sweetness. Using the allspice on it creates a complimentary flavor because allspice is one of the ingredients used in berbere. Basil is also used end ensures that the glaze stays on the tempeh and does not dissolve into the chili. commonly in Ethiopian hot sauces and goes well with berbere. Finally, adding in the tempeh at the

Chefs Notes
This is a fun riff to do on a traditional chili as the berbere has a strong chili taste, but it also contains a number of spices not found in traditional chilis.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 964 (482) Fat 12g (6g) Total Carbohydrates 161g (81g) Dietary Fiber 49g (25g) Sugars 27g (14g) Protein 53g (27g)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 174| May 2009

Calories from Fat 108 (54)

Salt 2435mg (1218mg) Vitamin A 366% (183%) Vitamin B6 110% (55%) Vitamin C 206% (103%) Calcium 26% (13%) Iron 82% (41%) Thiamin 88% (44%) Riboflavin 44% (22%) Niacin 42% (21%) Folate 160% (80%) Phosphorous 71% (36%) Potassium 144% (72%) Zinc 38% (19%) Magnesium 98% (49%) Copper 70% (35%)

Interesting Facts
Berbere is one of the main spice mixes of Ethiopia. (fast days are no-meat days.) Tempeh can take over a month to make scratch.

Ethiopian cuisine has an inordinate amount of vegetarian dishes since they have so many fast days

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 175| May 2009

Curry Split Pea Stew

Type: Soup Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 30 minutes

of an onion, diced 1 carrot, diced 1 tsp. of oil 2 tsp. of mild yellow curry powder 4 cups of water or veggie broth 1 cups of yellow split peas tsp. of salt cup of chopped cilantro 2 cloves of garlic, minced



Dice the onion and carrot. Mince the garlic. Over a medium heat, saut the onion and carrot in the oil until they are soft. Add the garlic and curry powder and saut this for another minute. Add the water and stir everything together. Bring the liquid to a simmer. Add the yellow split peas and return the liquid to a simmer. Cover the pot. Reduce the heat to low. Cook the split peas for 20 minutes. Remove the stew from the heat. Immediately stir in the salt and cilantro.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 176| May 2009

Low-fat Version
Omit the oil from the recipe and simmer the onion and carrot with the liquid instead of sauting them first.

Raw Version
Create a curried broth by blending the curry, salt, two cups of water, carrot, onion, and garlic until you have a smooth sauce. Add four cups of ground cauliflower or pulsed sprouted garbanzo beans to the broth and allow it to sit for at least an hour.

Kitchen Equipment

Cutting Board Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Pot with Lid Stirring Spoon

This is a simple soup that deserves a simple presentation.

Time Management
This stew gets better as it sits and will have the best flavor if you let it sit for at least twelve hours.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 177| May 2009

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this with a side of sliced mango dressed with a touch of sriracha sauce.

Where to Shop
All of the ingredients for this are very easy to find. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

How It Works
The onion and carrot both impart sweetness to the stew, with the carrot adding color to the dish. The cilantro is also used for color. Some of the ingredients are sauted because the hot oil will change their flavors, giving them a deeper quality, especially the curry powder.

Chefs Notes
This is a very basic stew, but it makes a great staple recipe.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1063.0 (265.7) Fat 9.0g (2.3g) Total Carbohydrates 177.6g (44.4g) Dietary Fiber 69.0g (17.2g) Sugars 22.2g (5.5g) Protein 67.8g (16.9g) Salt 1164mg (291mg) Vitamin A 195% (48.8%) Vitamin B6 25% (6.3%) Vitamin C 13% (3.3%) Calcium 14% (3.5%) Iron 59% (14.8%) Thiamin 105% (26.3%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 178| May 2009

Calories from Fat 81.4 (20.3)

Riboflavin 28% (7%) Niacin 38% (9.5%) Folate 3% (0.8%) Phosphorous 82% (20.5%) Potassium 89% (22.3%) Zinc 55% (13.8%) Magnesium 74% (18.5%) Copper 74% (18.5%)

Interesting Facts
Some etymologists think the word curry has English, not Indian, origins.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 179| May 2009

Curried Garbanzo and Spinach Stew

Type: Main Dish Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 40 minutes

4 cups of garbanzo beans (chickpeas), rinsed 6 cups of chopped spinach (about two heads of spinach) 1 onion, diced 4 cloves of garlic, minced cup of diced, roasted green chiles 2 tsp. of olive oil 2 tbsp. of yellow curry powder 2 tsp. of freshly grated ginger 6 tomatoes 4 cups of water tsp. of salt


Optional: 1 tsp. of garam masala


Chop the spinach, dice the onion, mince the garlic, and grate the ginger. On a medium heat, saut the onion until it turns soft. Add the garlic and ginger and saut these for about 1 minute. If your pan dries out, add in a touch more oil to keep the curry powder from sticking. Add in the water and stir. Bring this to a boil and then add in the tomatoes, spinach, chiles, and garbanzo beans. Reduce this to a low simmer and simmer it for 30 minutes. disseminate throughout the water. Remove from the heat and add in the salt. Gently press on the tomatoes occasionally while they are simmering so they break apart and Add in the yellow curry powder and garam masala and saut this for another minute.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 180| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
Small Knife Cutting Board Medium sized Pot Spoon for stirring the stew Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup Grater Colander to rinse the garbanzo beans

A white bowl does not do this stew justice. Try a yellow or orange bowl. If you dont have one of those, a richly colored bowl will do. A metal bowl will also work because Indian cuisine is frequently few fresh spinach leaves make a nice garnish for the stew. served in that, so we are used to identifying that with curries. A

Time Management
Since the cook times are so short on a few of the ingredients, make sure to get them all prepped before you start working with anything in the pan unless you are particularly quick in the kitchen.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Rice is the obvious complement for this dish, but it also goes quite well over chopped and steamed potatoes and with a little mashing, makes a nice filling for a stuffed flatbread.

Where to Shop
You dont have to go to an Indian market to purchase the spices, though you will get a much better

price there than most other places. You should also be able to purchase them in bulk at Sprouts and Whole Foods or you can make your own or buy them jarred at most conventional markets.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World

181| May 2009

When purchasing the spinach, make sure the spinach is a dark green color and the leaves arent wilting.

How It Works
The onion is sauted first because it takes the longest to soften of all the ingredients. The garlic is then added so it can saut briefly in the oil and release its pungent flavors. The spices are added next so they can release their flavors without inhibiting the cooking of the onion and garlic. spices, onion, and garlic can combine with the tomatoes while they are turning into a sauce. After that, the rest of the ingredients are added so the stew can simmer and all the flavors from the

Chefs Notes
I first heard the beans referred to as garbanzo beans by my grandfather when I was very young and grew up not knowing that they were the same thing as chickpeas, so thats why I called this stew a Curried Garbanzo Bean and Spinach Stew instead of a Curried Chickpea and Spinach stew.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 1526.4 (381.6) Calories from Fat 209.4 (52.4) Fat 23.3g (5.8g) Total Carbohydrates 268.8g (67.2g) Dietary Fiber 57.8g (14.4g) Sugars 25.2g (6.3g) Protein 60.5g (15.1g) Salt 2113mg (528.1mg) Vitamin A 340% (85%) Vitamin B6 283% (70.8%) Vitamin C 412% (103%) Calcium 56% (14%) Iron 121% (30.3%) Thiamin 45% (11.3%) Riboflavin 53% (13.3%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 182| May 2009

Niacin 39% (9.8%)Folate 285% (71.3%) Phosphorous 117% (29.3%) Potassium 129% (32.3%) Zinc 79% (19.8%) Magnesium 129% (32.3%) Copper 126% (31.5%)

Interesting Facts
Chickpeas are also called ceci beans. Spinach is related to amaranth.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 183| May 2009

Curry Peanut Soup

Type: Soup Serves: 4 Time to Prepare: 30 minutes

1 onion, chopped 4 cloves of garlic, minced 1 tsp. of peanut oil 4 cups of water 1 cup of unsalted peanut butter cup of rice tsp. of salt 1 tbsp. of yellow curry powder tsp. of cayenne pepper cup of crushed peanuts 1 tsp. of dried safflower 3 tbsp. of chopped cilantro



Chop the onion. Mince the garlic. Chop the cilantro and set it aside. Add the garlic and continue sauting these for another 2 minutes. Over a medium heat, saut the onion in the peanut oil until the onion just starts to brown.

Add in 2 cups of water and the peanut butter, stirring until you have a smooth peanut butter sauce. Add in 2 cups of additional water and stir again until the sauce is smooth. Bring the soup to a simmer. Cover the pot. Reduce the heat to medium-low. Cook the soup for 20 minutes. Remove it from the heat. Serve the soup garnished with cilantro and crushed peanuts.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 184| May 2009

Add the rice, dried safflower, salt, curry, and cayenne pepper.

Raw Version
Blend one an onion and 2 cloves of garlic with the water, raw peanut butter, salt, curry powder, and cayenne pepper. Soak the safflower in the soup for at least 10 minutes before serving. Omit the oil and substitute cup of uncooked rice with 2 cups of shaved jicama.

Kitchen Equipment
Soup Pot with Lid Knife Cutting Board Measuring Cup Measuring Spoon Ladle

This looks best in a bowl with a decorative rim that has an earthtoned pattern.

Time Management
This is best served hot and will thicken dramatically if it is allowed to sit for more than ten minutes. If that happens, you will need to add at least another half cup of water.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Serve this as the first course to a crispy seitan steak or a spicy risotto with smoked mushrooms.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 185| May 2009

Where to Shop
I typically get my peanut butter freshly ground at Sprouts, though you can also purchase it from

Whole Foods. Jarred, organic peanut butter can be found at Fresh & Easy and Trader Joes. Safflower can typically be found at most Mexican markets. Approximate cost per serving is $1.00.

How It Works
Sauted to the point where it just starts to brown, the onion's sweetness is maximized without adding any bitterness to it. Unfortunately, onions can become bitter tasting when they're allowed to brown for awhile. The garlic is then briefly sauted so that it becomes pungent instead of nutty and then a small amount of water is added. The ratio of water to peanut butter is important for the first stirring. If there is too much water, the peanut butter clumps. If theres too little, it burns to the bottom of the pot before it can turn into a sauce. The safflower is used for a bit of color, but also to give the soup an earthy taste.

Chefs Notes
Curry and peanut butter are two of my favorite ingredients and are commonly paired in East African cuisine.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 2235.0 (558.8) Calories from Fat 1379.43 (344.9) Fat 153.1g (38.3g) Total Carbohydrates 276.2g (69.1g) Dietary Fiber 18.8g (4.7g) Sugars 25.7g (6.4g) Protein 80.8g (20.2g) Salt 1906mg (476mg)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 186| May 2009

Vitamin A 0% (0%) Vitamin B6 85% (21.3%) Vitamin C 0% (0%) Iron 34% (8.5%) Thiamin 19% (4.8%) Riboflavin 21% (5.3%) Niacin 205% (51.3%) Folate 60% (15%) Phosphorous 117% (29.3%) Potassium 57% (14.3%) Zinc 66% (16.5%) Magnesium 124% (31%) Copper 76% (19%) Calcium 14% (3.5%)

Interesting Facts
Peanuts are a legume, not a nut.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 187| May 2009

Berbere Peanut Butter and Chocolate Balls

Type: Dessert finished dessert to chill Serves: 20 Time to Prepare: 15 minutes of labor + 1 hour for the peanut butter dough to chill + 1 hour for the

1 cups of crunchy salted peanut butter 1 tsp. of berbere 16 oz. of dark chocolate, melted Crushed peanuts for garnish


1 cup of confectioners (powdered) sugar


Combine the peanut butter, confectioners sugar, and berbere together until you have a semi-tight peanut butter dough. Cover the peanut butter dough and place it in the refrigerator for an hour. Once the dough has chilled, separate it into 20 different pieces and quickly roll each piece into a ball using the palm of your hands. Set these aside. Melt the chocolate over a double boiler. Line a tray with wax paper. Quickly dip each peanut butter ball in the chocolate and set them on the wax paper. Place these in the refrigerator to chill for an hour. Garnish with crushed peanuts.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 188| May 2009

Raw Version
Omit the confectioners sugar and use an equal amount of ground dehydrated coconut shreds. Use 1 cup of raw cacao powder, 1 cup of raw agave nectar, and cup of coconut oil, all combined to make the chocolate sauce.

Kitchen Equipment
Mixing Bowl 2 Platters Wax Paper Double Boiler Tongs or Basket to dip the peanut butter balls in the chocolate Measuring Spoon Measuring Cup

Garnish these with crushed peanuts and a sprinkling of berbere.

Time Management
These freeze rather well, so you can make a big batch ahead of time. Allow them to thaw in the refrigerator for about two hours before serving.

Complementary Food and Drinks

Because this dessert has an exotic flavor, consider serving it with other exotic tasting desserts. a raspberry star anise sauce.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 189| May 2009

For example, you can serve them with lemon basil leaves dipped in chocolate or frozen oranges with

Where to Shop
Berbere can be purchased at Cost Plus World Market or you can make your own version of it. Dark vegan chocolate can be found at Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and Fresh & Easy. Approximate cost per serving is $.40.

How It Works
Berbere and peanut butter make a natural combination for savory dishes, but works surprisingly well for desserts. Its got a slightly tangy taste with plenty of aromatic spices that are enhanced by the confectioners sugar. Chocolate and peanut butter are, of course, natural pairings. The peanut butter dough is chilled so that it remains as tight as possible while working with it. This subsequently chilled so that the chocolate does not run all over your guests fingers! helps it keep its ball shape when it is quickly dipped in the warm chocolate. The dessert is then

Chefs Notes
I really wasnt sure how the berbere would turn out, but I served this at a party about a year ago and it was a surprisingly huge hit.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 5494.1 (274.7) Fat 348.7g (17.4g) Total Carbohydrates 474.9g (23.7g) Dietary Fiber 47.9g (2.4g) Sugars 342.5g (17.1g) Protein 114.0g (5.7g) Salt 1835mg (92mg) Vitamin A 0% (0%) Vitamin B6 114% (5.7%) Vitamin C 0% (0%)
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 190| May 2009

Calories from Fat 3138.5 (456.9)

Calcium 28% (1.4%) Iron 110% (5.5%) Thiamin 25% (1.3%) Riboflavin 89% (4.5%) Niacin 272% (13.6%) Folate 89% (4.5%) Phosphorous 204% (10.2%) Potassium 109% (5.5%) Zinc 119% (6%) Magnesium 276% (13.8%) Copper 221% (11.1%)

Interesting Facts
While chocolate originated in Central America, West Africa now produces most of the worlds supply.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Chef Jason Wyrick
Curries from around the World 191| May 2009

Coconut Lime Tart

Type: Dessert Serves: 8 Time to Prepare: 45 minutes + 2 hours to chill

Graham Cracker Crust 1 cups graham cracker pieces or crumbs (about 1 sleeve of graham crackers) 1/3 cup canola oil + more for greasing the pan 1 tbsp. granulated sugar 1 tbsp. water Filling 1 cups firm silken tofu, well drained 1 cup soy cream cheese 1 cup granulated sugar 5 tbs. cornstarch cup lime juice 2 tbsp. lime zest 2 tsp. vanilla extract Garnish 1 tbs. coconut extract Shredded coconut for garnish



Making the Crust Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease and flour a 9-inch tart pan. Process the graham crackers in a food processor or blender until finely ground. Add the oil, sugar, and water and process until combined. Press the crust mixture into the prepared pan. Bake for 10 minutes. Making the Filling Let cool before filling. Combine the tofu and soy cream cheese in a food processor or blender and process until smooth and creamy.
The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *
Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 192| May 2009

Combine the sugar and cornstarch in a small bowl, mix well, and add to the tofu mixture. Process again, stopping to scrape down the sides of the container and blending again as needed, until completely smooth. Transfer to a medium saucepan and cook on medium heat, whisking almost constantly, for 5 to 7 minutes, or until the mixture begins to thicken. It should not come to a boil or begin to get too lumpy. Some small lumps are ok, but try to whisk them out. Pour into a bowl and whisk in the lime juice, lime zest, and extracts. Stir constantly until well combined, mashing any small lumps that may have formed. Pour into the cooled crust. Cover loosely and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving. Garnish with shredded coconut prior to serving. Store any remaining tart in the refrigerator loosely covered.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 193| May 2009

Kitchen Equipment
9-inch Tart Pan Food processor or Blender Small Bowl Whisk Medium, Heavy-bottomed Saucepan


Garnish this with a few strips of lime peel.

Time Management
There isnt a lot of labor involved with this dessert, but you do need to let the tart chill for a couple hours before serving it or it will fall apart, so plan accordingly.

Complementary Food and Drinks

This goes well with spicy Indian and Thai curries.

Where to Shop
Usually the most inexpensive graham crackers are vegan, but watch out for high fructose corn syrup.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 194| May 2009

How It Works
The filling is a basic tofu and cream cheese filling similar to cheesecake, but made very sour by the lime juice, brightened by the lime zest, and solidified by simmering it with corn starch. This helps it keep its shape once the tart is cut.

Chefs Notes
Exceptionally tangy and creamy, this tart is always a hit! Its the perfect complement to any curry dish.

Nutritional Facts (individual servings in parentheses, does not include any options)
Calories 3054.2 (381.8) Calories from Fat 1212.5 (151.6) Fat 134.7g (16.8g) Total Carbohydrates 418.6g (52.3g) Dietary Fiber 4.8g (0.6g) Sugars 250.1g (31.3g) Protein 41.8g (5.2g) Salt 2180mg (273mg) Vitamin A 1% (0.1%) Vitamin B6 11% (1.4%) Vitamin C 62% (7.8%) Calcium 33% (4.1%) Iron 68% (8.5%) Thiamin 45% (5.6%) Riboflavin 34% (4.3%) Niacin 32% (4%) Folate 16% (2%) Phosphorous 51% (6.4%) Potassium 48% (6%) Zinc 24% (3%)

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 195| May 2009

Magnesium 49% (6.1%) Copper 81% (10.1%)

Interesting Facts
Tarts can be identified by their light, think pastry or graham cracker crusts.

The Vegan Culinary Experience Education, Inspiration, Quality *

Recipe by Sharon Valencik, author of Sweet Utopia, Simply Stunning Vegan Desserts
Curries from around the World 196| May 2009

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