Vocabulary Context Starter

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Word/Phrase (to) let sb. down (to) complain (to) distribute sth. poverty unemployment famine unlikely no matter what (to) doubt sth. (to) attend (school, college) diverse (to) occur (to) make progress prosperous (to) assume sth. (to) compete for sth. (to) pretend (to) take risks (to) appreciate sth. (to) take advice
Memory support Harry really ~ Katie ~ when he didnt turn up to the film. = say you are unhappy about the way things are = divide sth. Many people in Third-World-countries live in a state of great ~. The government wants to create a million new jobs to help reduce ~. I read about the terrible ~ in Ethiopia and I want to find a charity that will send food there. Its ~ the team will win the match. Theyve lost every game so far. No ~ what I say to her, she just wont listen. = not believe sth. = go to (school, college) A ~ mix of different races and nationalities live in South London today. = happen: Recently, more accidents have ~red because of the bad weather. The patient has made good ~ since the accident. Mr Watson has been very ~ since taking over his fathers business. Mr Johnson ~d that Rita hadnt done her homework, but she surprised him and handed in an excellent essay. Each year, hundreds of students ~ for a place at Cambridge University. Joshua ~ed not to be involved.= (to) make believe Obama has said that he will not take any ~ for his country. Thanks for helping me with the washing-up I ~ it. I took your ~ and applied for the job and I got it!

German jdn. im Stich lassen sich beschweren; sich beklagen etwas verteilen; etwas aufteilen Armut Arbeitslosigkeit Hungersnot unwahrscheinlich egal was etwas anzweifeln; etwas bezweifeln (eine Schule/Universitt) besuchen verschieden; vielfltig passieren; vorkommen Fortschritte machen wohlhabend; erfolgreich etwas annehmen; von etwas ausgehen um etw. konkurrieren; sich um etw. bewerben so tun, als ob; behaupten Risiken eingehen etwas zu schtzen wissen einen Rat annehmen; auf einen Rat

(to) talk sb. out of doing sth. in vain (to) ease sth. consolation (to) ask for spare change (to) work out (to) turn sb. down act of kindness (to) suspect sth. (to) starve (to) raise sb. decent (adj) (to) be a bad influence on sb. (to) get into trouble spokesperson determination sustainability issue (n) preoccupation (to) have a say in sth.

Tims mum ~ed him out of running the marathon. = for nothing Bob took an aspirin to ~ his terrible headache. Kerrys children were a great ~ to her when her husband died. The homeless children asked the tourists for some spare ~. Jean is so glad her plan ~ed out. = reject sb. who asks you to do sth. You can always put a smile on somebodys face with an act of ~. When he admitted he wasnt a doctor, I wasnt surprised I had ~ed it all along. = (to) suffer or die from not having enough food Jennys grandparents have ~d her since her parents died in a car crash. = of a good enough standard or quality Mum keeps saying my boyfriend is a bad ~ on me. When Billy the Kid came to Santa Fe, he immediately got into ~ with the sheriff. = sb. who represents a group Thanks to his ~, John managed to run the race with a broken toe. Not cutting down more trees than can grow again is important for the ~ of the rainforest. The rising crime rate is one of the most important ~s facing the government today. = main activity Young people should get the vote so they can have a ~ in how their country is

hren jdm. ausreden, etwas zu tun vergeblich etwas lindern Trost um Kleingeld bitten klappen; funktionieren jdn. abweisen Geste der Freundlichkeit etwas vermuten verhungern jdn. aufziehen; jdn. erziehen anstndig auf jdn. einen schlechten Einfluss haben in Schwierigkeiten geraten; rger bekommen Sprecher/in; Vertreter/in Entschlossenheit Nachhaltigkeit; Umweltschutz Thema; Problem Hauptbeschftigung bei etwas ein Mitspracherecht haben


(to) get involved voluntary organization (to) perform a service (to) promote a particular cause campaign (n) (to) campaign (for/against sth.) gap year

Getting involved in politics is one way of changing things. WORD FAMILY: (to) volunteer a volunteer voluntary OTHER COLLOCATIONS: (to) perform an experiment / a role / a task

sich engagieren Freiwilligenorganisation, Organisation fr ehrenamtliche Ttigkeit einen Dienst erweisen, einen Dienst leisten eine bestimmte Sache voranbringen, eine bestimmte Sache frdern Wahlkampf machen; kmpfen (fr/gegen etw.) Jahr zwischen Schule und Universitt, in dem man sich sozial, politisch oder kologisch engagiert (z.B. freiwilliges soziales Jahr) sozial ttig sein, Sozialarbeit machen

WORD FAMILY: (to) campaign a campaign campaigner The Save the Panda organization is ~ing for animal rights.

(to) do volunteer work (to) do social work (to) serve (to) make a difference (to) change the world (to) advertise for a cause (to) draw sb.s attention to sth. (to) donate money for commitment

Doing volunteer work is a good way of broadening your horizon. Some volunteers serve in the slums of India. By helping old people Im making a difference in my own town. John Lennon sang, You say you want a revolution, well, we all want to change the world. Advertising for a cause can be done in lots of ways, on the streets, by email, by website, in the press. Demonstrators hope to draw the publics attention to their cause. WORD FAMILY: (to) donate donation donor The government needs to show more commitment to social justice.

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