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Assignment and Unit #4: The Remix

Remixing is all around us. From songs constantly being sampled, to quoting in academic essays, were a culture that does a lot of borrowing and repurposing. Often, the driving force behind these revisions to change media, to alter meaning, etc. are derived by changes in audience or purpose. This assignment asks you to take one of your previous assignments and put it into a new medium with a new audience and purpose in mind. Both of these decisions the medium and the change in goals are to be determined by you in a proposal, which will precede your actual project. More on that later. In a nutshell: the remix project is about possibility, experience, and reflection. I want you to envision a totally new audience and/or purpose for your paper. Then, I want you think about how you can communicate your ideas in a new medium. You can choose to do anything youd like, but please think about the consequences of the medium you choose, as this is a major consideration for this project. You can make a movie, a podcast, a presentation, a website, a quilt, a puppetshow, a series of memes I dont care what it looks like. What I care about is that you can argue for what its a good decision. Learning Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To continue refining our sense of audience and purpose To begin thinking about the affordances and disaffordances of certain media To think about media rhetorically, in relation to audience, purpose, context, etc. To develop an understanding of copyright and creative commons To continue conceptualizing writing as sometimes non-textual

Requirements: This assignment comes in three stages. Each of which relates directly to the above learning objectives. 1. Proposal: Im asking that you submit a written proposal (due Nov.14) outlining what you intend to do in your remix, why you are doing it, and how youre going to accomplish it. The specific format for this proposal will be announced in class. 2. Project: Your final project should communicate clearly and effectively a particular rhetorical purpose to your intended audience. I need a hard copy of your project (DVD, mp3, etc.) on the day the project is due. 3. Reflective Narrative: Accompanying your graded draft of your Remix, Im asking that you include a reflective narrative that does a number of things: i. Provides an account of your project from start to finish

ii. Reflects on your choice of audience, purpose, and medium (e.g. how is the medium important to your audience?) iii. Based on what you laid out in your proposal, how successful was your final product? iv. Argues for the rhetorical success of your project

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