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AP Rube Goldberg Project

Your assignment is, working alone or in a group as large as 3 people, to create an elaborate and highly inefficient machine to perform a very simple task. Below is an outline of the project, restrictions, and what must be submitted on the due date. Design Rules: Virtually any materials may be used, with the exception of toys or other equipment specifically designed for this type of machine (such as parts to the game "Mousetrap.") In the spirit of the project, you shouldn't be spending a lot of money. If you need help with supplies, please ask. Mr. Thrasher and your parents/guardians must approve any chemicals or heat-producing equipment beforehand. You are expected to clean up any mess that your machine creates. Do not include any offensive materials or themes. Your Rube Goldberg machine needs to use at least 5 different types of energy. Types of energy include, but are not limited to, potential energy, kinetic energy, sound energy, electrical energy, light energy, magnetic energy, elastic energy, and chemical energy. You may use other types, but check with the teacher first to make sure it is a different type of energy than listed here. The goal of the device is unique to each group, this will be assigned to you in class. Make sure your device accomplishes that specific task. Your machine needs to include at least 8 unique steps. DEFINITION OF A STEP: A single step is defined as a transfer of energy to a different object a cause and an effect. Examples of individual steps are below: 1. 2. 3. 4. A ball rolls down a ramp and springs a mousetrap. The mousetrap pulls a string causing a scissors to cut. The scissors cut a cord, causing a weight to fall. Weight drops on tin foil, causing light bulb to turn on.

AP Rube Goldberg Project

Your device must run for at least 20 seconds and no more than 80 seconds. After starting, the device must run entirely on its own. You cannot interfere with it or adjust the contraption during the run. Submission: This machine is to be built at home. You are not bringing in your device to the classroom. On the due date, you will turn in a video recording of your rig and it will be shared with the class. If you need a video camera, you may borrow one from the teacher. You must give ample warning to Mr. Thrasher beforehand so he can schedule a time for you to take it home. I. Video Requirements a. If you have a YouTube page, you can upload the video there and email Mr. Thrasher the link. You MUST email him at least 2 days before the due date so he can have time to ensure it plays and prepare it for class. The link must stay active/public for at least 1 week. b. If you do not submit it electronically, you must come to class with a copy of the file on a USB Drive. Use common video file formats: .flv .avi .mov (quicktime) .mp4 or .wmv. You cannot keep it on your phone. Mr. Thrasher must be able to retain a copy for 1 week. c. The video must consist of one single unedited shot of the entire process from start to finish. You cannot have cuts, transitions, or any other breaks in the submission. If it appears your video has been edited in some way 20% will be deducted from your final score. d. Before or after the device runs, the video must have a shot of all group members. The whole group must be present in the final take. e. You are free to add titles, credits, labels, or comments to the video. The original audio should be heard when the device is running (dont have music playing on top). You do not need to perform any video editing to get full credit. f. For every day the video is late, 15% will be deducted from the final score. II. Report

AP Rube Goldberg Project

In addition to the video, your group must turn in a report. In first section you will clearly identify and describe each of your devices unique steps. In addition, you are required to identify where each of the 5 different types of energy are used with justification for each. The second part of the paper requires you to answer several concluding questions. There should be no spelling or grammar mistakes in this report. It is due the same day as the video submission.

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