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Monday 9:25 AM.

The Linden Center

Dear friend, First of all, thank you for requesting this information pack and taking an interest in the work my professional colleagues and I undertake in order to eliminate these frustrating and invasive disorders. Let me quickly explain a little about how we work here at The Linden Center. Our primary goal, as an organization, is to provide all of our clients with a complete solution containing every last resource they will require to become completely anxiety free. We have a policy of dont stop till we succeed and all our clients are given the very best advice from the most qualified anxiety specialists available to ensure that they overcome their problems fully and permanently, with no reoccurrence of their symptoms. Unlike other mental health practitioners, our team of specialists, including counselors and psychologists, are available continuously via telephone or email to ensure that your questions or concerns are answered quickly instead of having to wait until your next appointment. This constant and seamless contact can, in many cases, be vital to a fast and permanent recovery. Our program material is simple to use and is suitable for people of any age. All the material is written by me and the video and audio material is presented by me in easy to understand language. We have clients as young as 6 years and as old as 90. Within The Linden Method pack you will find a printed book, audio CDs and a DVD. The core of the program is The Linden Method book; the CDs and DVD are important, reassuring and informative, written to prove to you that anxiety is not damaging or harmful and that you can and will recover quickly, if you follow our program. Its just so simple. I wrote The Linden Method originally by reformatting a set of notes taken during my own recovery. I refused to believe that anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, OCD, PTSD and depression were conditions that had to be coped with. None of the specialists I went to could provide me with any hope of a cure. I knew that the answer was out there and I set about finding it. I researched and recorded notes constantly; interviewing sufferers and ex sufferers, doctors, psychologists and other specialists. As patterns of behaviour began to emerge in my findings, I started to actually DO what recovered sufferers seemed to have done. As I implemented and fine-tuned those techniques, I started to feel better. Excited by the speed and permanence of my recovery, I decided to continue researching and fine-tuning, whilst offering what I had discovered to other sufferers. Within just a few days, the feedback I received was overwhelming. Each and every client, almost without exception, started to improve significantly, come off their medication and return to normal activities.

I was spellbound as I am sure you will appreciate. After all this wasted time, money and heartache, I had finally discovered a key to unlock the condition. At this point, I decided to dedicate my time solely to what I had discovered. As more and more people used my Method, I found myself swamped with emails and telephone calls; I even had people from other continents turning up at my door! Within a few months, I was pretty much back to normal; off my tablets, working full time to support my new clients and trying tirelessly to respond to all the requests and emails I received. The Linden Method was born and the client base was growing. Now over a decade later, we have helped tens of thousands of sufferers from centers in the UK, USA, Europe and South America. Most of our clients find us through our websites which are simply a shop window for our very real support centers; but many also find us through bookstores or online stores such as Amazon. We receive referrals from doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors but also, many from companies who experience absenteeism due to stress and anxiety. So why does The Linden Method work so effectively? The Linden Method works because it provides sufferers with the three vital elements to recovery: 1. The very best information and research This material is so reassuring and comforting. It not only educates you, but also undermines your fears completely; every physical and psychological symptom and thought explained simply the sense of relief alone is so empowering. 2. Simple instructions The Linden Method is founded on a set of key guidelines which I call The Nine Pillars. These simple rules undermine and remove the anxious response in you with dramatic and immediate effect. So many programs baffle sufferers with exercises, diary-keeping and complex processes. Our Method is simple, effective and reassuring. 3. Constant and seamless support for 12 months The very best in professional, experienced support by trained specialists who have treated more clients than perhaps any other anxiety specialists in the world. Our research has revealed facts about the workings of the brain which have confirmed medically what we have shown to be true through curing our clients of their anxiety disorders. Independent medical research carried out by such organisations as The National Institute of Mental Health confirms that our discoveries regarding The Amygdala, the small organ in the brain responsible for the anxious reaction, is integral in providing the definitive cure for anxiety disorders including phobias and OCD. Our program provides that solution.

What I provide in The Linden Method pack is, in essence, the fruits of mine and all of my staffs experience and knowledge in a pack, AND, if you need assistance, constant support and/or reassurance is just a phone call or email away. I personally review every case with our support specialists to ensure that every client is recovering as efficiently as possible. What I feel I provide you with is a roadmap. You have travelled from point A, an anxiety free life, to point B, an anxiety filled life. You probably dont know how you got there OR how to get back. We know the route and we provide you with a map which guides you back from point B to point A without taking the wrong turns, wasting lots of money and time and becoming more frustrated and full of anguish. The Linden Method costs about the same as one or two sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist, but when you consider the value of direct access to our highly qualified staff for up to 12 months, plus the quality of the material contained within The Linden Method pack, the cost is irrelevant. And, if you feel it hasnt worked for you, just send it back and I will cheerfully refund your money the opportunity to become anxiety free without risk how can I be fairer? One of my clients, a Reverend, bought The Linden Method pack and became well again within days. He wrote me a letter saying that he felt that the pack was too inexpensive and sent me another check. Of course, I returned the check. The Linden Method IS the solution to anxiety related conditions. It provides clients with a roadmap of the exact same route that ALL recovered sufferers have taken in order to become anxiety free; all I did was format it so that it is easy to understand and follow and then I gave it a name! Dont allow pointless anxiety symptoms to restrict your enjoyment and fulfilment for one second longer, allow us to help you to reclaim your life. I look forward to welcoming to The Linden Method program. Kind regards

Charles Linden P.S. Please remember that I offer a risk-free trial of The Linden Method by providing a moneyback guarantee on the price of the pack at any time within 365 days if we cannot help you recover, we dont want your money, its that simple. I know how much you will benefit from my Method, I just want you to try it and see for yourself. P.P.S. The Linden Method will show you the way to take the exact same journey followed by every single recovered anxiety sufferer in the world; it undoes all of the changes that have been made to you since you developed the anxiety. Please feel free to call or email one of our support staff to explain in more detail.

Become Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Phobias and Obsession free at the flick of a switch
The Linden Center Monday morning, 9.25 AM

The Linden Method For Anxiety, Panic Attacks & Phobias

1224 1st St. South, Suite 102 I Nampa

3, The Ashlance Centre, Worcester Road

Dear Friend, What Im going to tell you about may seem like science fiction but actually its about two decades of research and experience helping tens of thousands of people return to fulfilling, peaceful, and more effective lives, free from anxiety disorder, in fact, I guarantee that it will positively change your life in ways you could only dream of at this time. First I want to warn you: this is a somewhat long letter because I want you to have all of the information you need to fully understand what this Method can do for you; if I could tell you that in a single page, I would, believe me. I will make this promise to you however, reading this letter could represent a major turning point in your life and will be well worth the few minutes it will take. Okay, lets get started. Imagine if you could insert a software disc into your head and reprogram your brain to eliminate your anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, OCD and take away any of the symptoms and sensations you experience completely... software that creates fast changes in your subconscious mind

I I Kidderminster I I Worcs, DY10 1JR I United Kingdom I Tel: 01562 742004 I USA I Tel: 1-800-480-4359 I I Idaho, 83651

and your life!

You dont have to take my word for this the many testimonials that I have received from tens of thousands of recovered anxiety sufferers prove beyond doubt that

this really does work!

If you would like to eliminate your anxiety, the symptoms and sensations that plague your life, naturally and safely remove the core of what it is that causes your inappropriate anxiety, to become more positive and effective, eliminate stress and attain a level of happiness and inner, anxiety free peace; please read on In around 1995 after a decade of severe anxiety with panic attacks, phobias and all of the associated thoughts and symptoms, my research identified exactly what it is that ALL recovered anxiety disorder sufferers had done to quickly eliminate their disorders and return to full, anxiety free lives without medication without psychological treatments without any new fangled techniques, potions or fads. When I implemented the technique, I went from having between 5 and 10 panic attacks a day and sleepless nights to ZERO panic attacks and sound, refreshing sleep IN JUST TWO DAYS!



Imagine how it would be if you could:

Stop anxiety & panic attacks before they have started - eliminating panic forever!

Re-build yourself and your life, BUT, this time around, on a solid self-confident foundation free from anxiety and panic attacks

Get clarity of mind and strong, peaceful thoughts and feelings - NO more panic attacks or even mild anxiety

STOP constantly checking how you are feeling or what symptoms you can find - typical of anxiety and panic attacks sufferers

STOP waking up every morning with anxious thoughts or panic attacks and questioning 'how do I feel?' before you have even started your day

Bring back the good years, and recover the time you have been losing to anxiety and panic attacks

Make up for the lost time and live life 10 times more fully than you live under anxiety and panic attacks

Become great company for your loved ones again free from anxiety and panic attacks

Become the inspiration of the ones close to you, and become a helper instead of a burden

Become a fully functioning & capable person again

Impossible? Science Fiction?

Science yes, fiction, definitely not! Every one of these results has been experienced and reported to us by participants in the program we've created around this Method. We call the program The Linden Method, and we really believe you'll find it to be the end of your search for something that really works. And, you might be interested to know that these are not the results of just a few people. What I've just outlined is the predominant profile of many participants in our program. Perhaps your anxiety or panic attacks are mild, only affecting you when you have to make a speech or go to the dentists. Perhaps you experience severe panic attacks, stress, constant anxiety symptoms, depression, social anxiety disorder and intense agoraphobia. Perhaps you have obsessive or scary thoughts, confusion, bad moods, compulsions or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Whatever your personal level of anxiety and/or panic disorder, the cause and treatment are the same... and it's fast, simple and permanent. All this from one resource? Yes, absolutely
Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

and its based on sound scientific theory pioneered by some of the worlds most prolific scientists. Scientists such as Burrhus Frederic Skinner. One of the worlds most eminent psychologists, Skinner was born March 20, 1904, in the small Pennsylvania town of Susquehanna, USA. In 1945, he became the Chairman of the Psychology Department at Indiana University. Skinners theory of Operant Conditioning stated: A behavior followed by a reinforcing stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future. In other words, by practising the same behavior, negative or positive, followed by a reaction, in this case anxiety symptoms, that behavior eventually becomes instinctual! This is exactly how anxiety disorders form. You behave anxiously, your anxiety symptoms worsen, your behavior is endorsed by the symptoms and the behavior is printed into your subconscious mind. Skinners theory became the basis for much of modern psychology's theories on behavior and habit. August 18, 1990, B. F. Skinner died after becoming the most celebrated psychologist since Sigmund Freud.

So what was my discovery?

Here's the science bit!

There's no secret. Every single anxiety disorder, panic attacks, phobia, OCD & PTSD sufferer has a condition that is caused and perpetuated by the exact same thing; THE AMYGDALA (Am-ig-da-la). It's a small almond shaped organ in the brain and is part of the Lymbic System. (actually, its two organs but is usually referred to as one). The fact that the Amygdala controls anxiety levels is common knowledge amongst scientists world over and is confirmed by the National Institute of Health & many other health research institutions. No matter how severe your symptoms are, no matter how long you have had anxiety and/or panic attacks, this tiny organ is 100% responsible.

What does this mean to YOU?

What this means TO YOU is that IT is the cause of your anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and your phobias. Stress, bereavement and life circumstances are just the triggers or catalysts for the anxiety - the Amygdala is THE cause!
Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

...if you had the ability to change the way the Amygdala reacts, you'd be cured, right? CORRECT! And that is exactly what The Linden Method does! It changes that reaction, quickly & permanently, with immediate results! Pretty exciting, don't you think? I was officially diagnosed about 19 years ago, as having severe anxiety, panic attacks and associated phobias but I also experienced periods of anxiety and phobias as young as 12 years of age. The doctor made their diagnosis on the strength of the most obvious symptoms that I was displaying at that time. They then prescribed antidepressants and sedatives and kept re-prescribing which made me become more and more unwell. I became progressively more and more ill over the next 12 months, I was unable to sleep properly, I became agoraphobic and suffered multiple, full scale, panic attacks, sometimes up to eight or ten per day. In addition, I developed multiple symptoms including respiratory complaints, digestive complaints, distorted thoughts, sight, smell and hearing, muscle spasms, tingling feelings, depersonalization, derealization and much, much more. I was agoraphobic and felt desperate. My life was in ruin, at 24 years of age I thought my life was about to end, fear consumed me and worse of all, no one understood how I was feeling, sympathized or helped me in any way. I was agoraphobic, obsessed with my health, had obsessional thoughts and rituals. I couldn't travel, attend social events or even work. I was on mountains of medication, seeing every practitioner you could imagine and NOTHING helped! I drove my family and friends to despair, I was in a constant state of panic, I was aggressive, obsessive, irrational and frustrating in every way. I declared bankruptcy, lost my job and most of my friends. I even had to sell treasured possessions to raise money for treatments. I prayed for some kind of miracle cure and obsessively researched for something, anything that could help. I was desperate. Over the course of my condition, I visited doctors, psychologists, immunologists, hypnotherapists and hoards of alternative therapists to name but a few, I am sure you have been down similar paths. Some therapies proved useful, some not so. The doctors were useless, they prescribed drugs, but were they helping? No, they just masked the symptoms and produced others. It all became so confusing, I didnt know what to do next, I was desperate. This continued for over five years! I suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and obsessional thoughts for many uncomfortable, scary and lonely years before I found the answers I needed and became well again. So, what did I do? I interviewed hundreds of RECOVERED anxiety sufferers, through my website and in support groups. After asking the relevant questions I plotted their answers on a number of charts and finally calculated a formula which ensured that if any sufferer did the exact same things, they would become anxiety free too it couldnt have been easier! I immediately started the treatment myself and in two weeks, I was back at work! No anxiety, no panic attacks, no insomnia, strange thoughts. All gone!
Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

Ok, my confidence took a while to return but the sensations and symptoms were gone!


Anxiety disorders and panic attacks ARE NOT MENTAL ILLNESSES THEY ARE BEHAVIORAL CONDITIONS. They're caused by a tiny change in the way the brain handles anxiety signals from the sensory organs. The 'anxiety switch', (the Amygdala), is either 'anxiety ON' or 'anxiety OFF'; when the switch is anxiety off it can be activated only by real danger; when it becomes 'stuck on' it can produce anxiety disorder symptoms, panic attacks, OCD, PTSD and phobias. The symptoms of anxiety disorder are so real and so frightening that they can cause us to become scared and wrought with anxiety and panic attacks, BUT, they are just sensations sent out from an anxious mind! I don't like the terms anxiety disorder or panic disorder, your increased anxiety isn't actually a disorder (the word disorder suggests illness, panic attacks and anxiety are NOT illnesses!) The Amygdala has become 're-set' at a higher 'resting' level of anxiety and it is this that causes your condition, whether that be General Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, OCD, PTSD or phobias. This 're-set' happens through a process called Operant Conditioning, I mentioned this earlier - it's the same process that happens when you learn new activities - like driving or playing an instrument - it's learning through repetition. The most famous scientific study of this kind of conditioning is that of Pavlov's dogs. Eminent psychologist and Nobel Prize winner, Ivan Pavlov would ring a bell shortly before feeding his dogs; after a time, Pavlov could make the dogs produce saliva just by ringing the bell. The dogs had become conditioned that: BELL MEANS FOOD. The bell ringing was able to communicate with the dog's subconscious mind directly. The same thing happens with anxiety, we become conditioned, no, programmed, to be anxious at all times, even when we shouldn't be! This is why the slightest anxious thought or sensation sends you into anxiety and/or panic attacks mode. It's why you don't cope with normal situations like you used to, it's why you have constant anxiety disorder symptoms, panic attacks, strange thoughts, pains, sensations, insomnia, phobias and emotions...

HOW INTERESTING: Seven years after my original discovery became public, The National Institute of Mental Health came to the same conclusion as me. Their solution, which is currently being tested on rats, however, is to develop a machine that bombards your head with magnetic radiation! Don't they understand that my technique does EXACTLY what they want to do with a radiation treatment and that tens of thousands of people can testify that it is THE solution! Research on post traumatic stress disorder (one of the 5 anxiety disorders) announced by Psychology Today in 2002 concluded that: "It has been found that the fear response is coordinated by a small structure deep inside the brain, called the Amygdala. The Amygdala, although relatively small, is a very complicated structure, and recent research suggests that posttraumatic stress disorder may be associated with abnormal activation of the Amygdala. Once fear is conditioned in the Amygdala, it is virtually indelible." By: Psychology Today Originally
published by Psychology Today: 2002-10-10

Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

The National Institute of Mental Health concluded that: "By learning more about brain circuitry involved in fear and anxiety, scientists may be able to devise new and more specific treatments for anxiety disorders. For example, it someday may be possible to increase the influence of the thinking parts of the brain on the Amygdala, thus placing the fear and anxiety response under conscious control." NIH Publication No. 3879

The above statement confirms the solution and that is exactly how The Linden Method works!
The Linden Method is the solution to anxiety and panic attacks because it reverses the changes that have been made in the Amygdala by your anxiety disorder & removes your inappropriate anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, DRUG FREE... FACT!
It de-programs the subconscious, anxious reaction!

No other therapeutic practice has the same structure or the same dramatic affect, the success of this Method is really incredible. PLEASE - DO NOT allow anyone to con you into believing that medication, hypnotherapy, relaxation exercises, psychiatry, ECT or other extreme treatments are the solution to anxiety and panic attacks - I have tens of thousands of people who can tell you, THEY ARE NOT! The same people can tell you exactly what the solution is; the Method outlined in The Linden Method, and it's so simple! Medical science focuses on the physical aspects of anxiety disorder and panic attacks, developing drug treatments to counteract brain chemical imbalances and symptoms masking the true problem. But, in anxiety disorder, social anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, OCD or PTSD, the reactions that happen in the brain aren't wrong - they just occur inappropriately!

You MUST understand this... Anxiety disorders and panic attacks ARE NOT caused by chemical imbalances... ...they can cause them, BUT they ARE NOT caused BY THEM!

This is why anxiety and panic attacks medication doesn't work, it may mask the symptoms (if anything) and when medication is stopped, it generally all floods back! WHY? Because anxiety and panic attack medication is superficial, it doesnt treat the root cause of your anxiety! It's like applying a band aid to a headache! Because anxiety disorder and panic attacks make us feel so unwell, we enrol the help of a professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or physician and end up more frustrated, lonely and scared. This is truly a crying shame. I have seen it thousands of times and it makes me angry and sad. It's so simple, so what are the so called anxiety disorder professionals missing? (Or ignoring?).
Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

A Psychologist who treats policemen, firemen and paramedics analyzed my Method over Christmas last year; and her conclusion: That The Linden Method was, in fact, THE most powerful therapeutic device for the treatment of anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and agoraphobia she had ever come across. She has even recommended it to her clients with depression, OCD & PTSD.

Psychologists, Psychiatrists & Psycho-physiologists all confirm that The Linden Method is THE solution to Anxiety Disorders, Social Anxiety Disorder & Panic Attacks.

This is the exact same Method that we have used with tens of thousands of recovered sufferers, which turns lives around and returns its users to happy, fulfilling and anxiety disorder and panic attack free lives. The same Method that is confirmed by Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Doctors as THE solution or 'antidote' to anxiety disorder, panic attacks and phobias the same Method that they now want to use in their own programs (and some of these practitioners are using it to treat their own anxiety and panic attacks!). From firemen who were involved in the Twin Towers attack to youngsters of 8 years of age, my clients write to me telling me how my Method has changed their lives, it's a really wonderful feeling to help so many people.

Becoming anxiety disorder and panic attacks free again is already pre-programmed into you, we just need to flick the switch! I promise that you will be anxiety, panic attacks & phobia free again. Is length of time suffering or age a key factor in the success of The Linden Method?
NO! Whether your anxiety disorder or panic attacks are new or you have been suffering for years and whether you suffer with mild or severe symptoms, together, we are going to defeat your anxiety and panic disorder now. Your age, fitness, religion or sex is completely irrelevant! (The minimum age for unsupervised use is 14 years; supervised use can be as low as 8 years). Can The Linden Method be effective at eliminating depression and stress? Yes it can. The Linden Method is not a treatment for depression, however, a combination of depression related anxiety elimination, sympathetic material, our counselling support and the high level of life practice coaching we can provide, often provides the framework required by sufferers of depressive disorders also. In the same way, stress related anxiety and its symptoms can be eliminated using The Linden Method. Unlike talk based therapies, The Linden Method is very solution orientated and therefore provides sufferers with a vast array of important life practice pointers which combine to eliminate the stress and the resultant anxiety. The Linden Centre Staff are highly trained in a wide range of problem solving, Life Practice and anxiety elimination techniques to assist under most and, if not, probably all circumstances.

Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres


is written by an ex anxiety disorder and panic attacks sufferer who understands completely how you feel and knows EXACTLY what to do about it

is sympathetic to the things that make an anxiety / panic attacks / disorder sufferer feel worse, panicky or fearful. The Method only offers support, understanding and definite solutions

doesn't smother you with many, anxiety/ panic attacks / disorder reduction techniques...IT JUST OFFERS ONE METHOD THAT WORKS!

is in simple, easy to understand language

can be completed from the comfort of your own armchair

doesn't require hours of listening to anxiety or panic attacks reduction CDs or doing exercises

offers a comprehensive 'holistic' solution, addressing the ROOT of the anxiety / panic attacks / disorder not just a single element

uses a unique alternative to other anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and panic attacks reduction 'programs' which take hours of practice and making notes. The Linden Method is read once and implemented, that is, in essence, IT!

You will also receive FREE anxiety disorder counselling and support from my in-house Psychologists and trained Linden Method Specialists whenever you need it. Worth thousands. No need to pay for expensive psychotherapy or anxiety disorder counselling, it's all FREE when you join The Linden Method. Because I know my Method works and because I am committed to each and every person who uses it, I offer email and telephone support free of charge. If, at any stage from the second you join The Linden Method, you need help, reassurance or support, you can email us at any time. AND if you really get stuck, you can also telephone us to get immediate answers. How many other anxiety disorder specialists or psychologists would offer their time free of charge? If you are asking yourself why you should listen to me. You have a choice! You either continue as you are now, forever, experiencing anxiety, panic attacks and/or phobias. Or, believe what I have told you and take action to become anxiety disorder free again.. and you can do that! I promise! I have been exactly where you are now and would never deceive a fellow anxiety disorder sufferer. I have cured people that doctors had deserted due to lack of options.. people who had tried everything they could and nothing had worked. This Method really, truly does all that I say it does.

Think deeply... about where you would like to be in 2, 6 or 12 months time.. as you are now, full
of panic and anxiety and living a restricted lifestyle, or living life free of anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder and panic attacks, enjoying life, your children, your job, holidays, your family and friends. Doing
Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

the things that you want to do with your life without all those horrible anxiety disorder and panic attack symptoms... and you can... I absolutely promise you that. Give me this opportunity to change your life - to totally eliminate anxiety & panic disorder from your life. I can tell you right now that The Linden Method really does all I have said. Please, please don't be left wondering if it would have worked, life's too precious to waste on anxiety disorder and all the bogus resources out there. There is a solution to anxiety disorder & panic attacks; I promise you that with all my heart. Psychologists contact me every day to find out what it is that got their clients well again so quickly after years of therapy with them. All I want is the chance to prove to you that everything I've said is absolutely real and true, and that The Linden Method will truly change your life.

There is just one internal mechanism that causes anxiety disorder and panic attacks in every person and therefore just one solution... and this Method shows you that solution!
NEW - material that will help to erase your condition - I have just developed a new CD which I will send to you FREE with the Method Pack which completely explodes the lies that you are told about anxiety, panic attacks, PTSD, OCD and phobias. I have been developing this material for over 12 months and can finally deliver what I KNOW to be the conclusive facts you need to be anxiety and panic attacks FREE. You can download the full Linden Method Pack or order it to arrive by mail.

Here is some of the information you will find in the Method Pack:
My full personal story of my experience and the Method that myself and thousands of other people have used to rid ourselves of Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks and Phobias PERMANENTLY- structured, simple and fast!

'The Nine Pillars' The backbone of The Linden Method and the principles that will lead you to an Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks free life.

The Guide for Carers and Partners outlining do's and don'ts and lots of tips.

The Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks Symptoms Guide - a reference to every conceivable anxiety symptom... each one explained IN DETAIL!

How to stop a panic attack before it starts and how to prevent them from ever happening again

How to stop the disturbing and negative thoughts, for good!

Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

Reassurance/Visualisation Exercise CD by Charles Linden

In response to client demand, I am pleased to be able to offer you my new relaxation/ visualisation CD which includes my favourite visualisation/relaxation tracks and reassuring messages from me. Reassuring, comforting and very relaxing. I will include this free of charge as another added bonus.

You now have two options to choose from: THE PRINTED PACK
You can decide to receive The Linden Method Pack delivered to you via insured, express delivery (delivery free of charge) and whilst you wait for it to be delivered, you can instantly download all of the material after you have placed your order.



You can order The Linden Method download version to download right now and receive FREE back-up files on CD through the mail.

The Linden Method Payment Plan 4 Instalments

To make it even easier for you to benefit from The Linden Method, you can even pay in four easy payments. Just choose our 'Payment Plan' option in the order form. The payment are made as an initial deposit and then three equal monthly instalments Okay, here's the "better than risk-free" part. Just for trying The Linden Method we'll also give you six additional FREE Linden Method soundtracks PLUS The Conquer Anxiety & Panic Attacks with Charles Linden 1 hour DVD which includes The Qi-Kung De-Stress bonus feature. The supportive and informational material contained within these CDs is vital and the relief you will feel is instant. Many clients have completely eliminated their panic attacks by listening to this material just once!

Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

7 FREE Bonuses Worth $211 or 127!

Introduction CD: A step by step instruction on how to implement The Method. PLUS words of inspiration and support. In other words, how to get well quickly! The Visualisation CD: A group of specially developed, deep relaxation exercises spoken by Charles. Some clients have described this as an 'audio sedative', it's amazing! The Panic Eliminator: How to stop panic attacks in their tracks and keep them at bay forever! The 9 Pillars CD: The core of The Linden Method Program. Charles Linden's Personal Favourites CD: 2 further visualisation exercises and 4 of Charles personally selected, inspirational, relaxing and reassuring soundtracks. Excellent for long journeys (if youre a passenger!) and for simply taking your mind away from your anxiety. Essential Anxiety Facts: Specific informative advice for Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, panic attacks and phobias. I will offer you my own personal guidance and reassurance to show you how to deal with and eliminate these anxiety related conditions quickly and permanently.

These amazing soundtracks normally sell for $211 or 127, but they're yours FREE just for trying The Linden Method. Finally, as an added bonus only with this offer, you'll also receive the 'Conquering Anxiety & Panic Attacks with Charles Linden' DVD. A 1 hour long explanation of your condition and how to overcome it quickly worth $24 or 17 absolutely free of charge! Why do I give it away? Because it helps! I will also pay for insured shipping and handling! Also, since I understand you may still be sceptical that this program can do everything I've told you it will do, I'd like to take all the risk out of trying it by giving you...

...a 365-day better than risk-free guarantee!

My guarantee to you...
Please try The Linden Method for up to a full year. Anytime during that year, if you aren't convinced that it hasn't eliminated your anxiety, panic attacks & phobias, just tell me and I'll happily and quickly refund your payment. You know who I am, where I am and how to contact me and all of my business is protected by WORLDPAY, the most secure on-line payment system in the world. PLUS we are 100% authenticated by I won't even ask why you want a refund. Why do I offer this? I know that this Method works. It will eliminate your anxiety, panic attacks and phobias, I have seen the results for myself, tens of thousands of times. I know what it is like to be suffering from anxiety & panic disorders so I want you to feel safe and secure in the knowledge that if for any reason you feel it's not for you... I don't want your money. It's as simple as that. Please, just give me and my team an opportunity to show you how The Linden Method can change your life forever, I promise you that it will be the best investment you have ever made in yourself. If you have any doubts at all, just call us.

Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

I want every anxiety and panic attacks sufferer to have the opportunity to try this without making lots of wrong turns first, like I did.

In conclusion let me summarise some of the many real advantages of participating in The Linden Method:
STOP anxiety disorder, panic attacks & phobias NOW Enjoy life fully like you used to, anxiety disorder FREE Travel anywhere - NO panic attacks or anxiety disorder Return to being a fulfilling partner, husband or wife Try new opportunities - No panic attacks or anxiety Double your confidence - NO anxiety or panic attacks Achieve better, more restful anxiety FREE sleep Have more happiness and "flow" in your Life Love being you again - anxiety & panic attacks free! Stop obsessive, anxiety disorder fuelled thoughts Stop analysing yourself and how you feel BECOME ANXIETY DISORDER FREE! And if it doesn't do all this for you, anytime within a whole year you can have a full refund!! Start On The Path To Freedom From Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks This Minute. As soon as your order is placed The Linden Method Manual, audio and video will be available for you to download whilst you wait for your back up CD files or your printed pack. You will also receive a password so that you can open the document. Your membership to The Linden Method will also mean you can instantly receive 1 on 1 support from our trained Linden Method Specialists. I've made everything so simple, BUT if you do have any problems, were always here to help! I promise you with all my heart that, like me, you WILL be anxiety free again, it's just a matter of time. With warm regards,

Charles Linden. Director. The Linden Centres Idaho, USA Worcestershire, UK Heidelberg, Germany Balearics, Spain Perth, Australia P.S. If you have any questions or queries now or whilst doing The Linden Method, please remember to either email us or call us. It is important that you understand that we are always here if you need us. Don't live another day with anxiety disorder and/or panic attacks, it's just a waste of life. Remember, you receive $388 or 320 worth of materials for only $177 or 117, (including shipping and handling via insured, express delivery). If you're not 100% impressed by the results, just send it back within one year and we'll cheerfully refund your money... the truth is, if we can't get you well again, we don't want your money! And, you can even pay in four easy payments! Just choose that option during the order process (most major credit and debit cards welcome).
Welcome to The Linden Method By Charles Linden. Director, The Linden Centres

What is the Amygdala?

The Amygdala (amygdalae; plural) are a pair of small organs within the medial temporal lobes of the brain. The amygdala are part of the limbic system and their primary role is in the processing and memory of emotional reactions such as the anxiety reaction or 'flight or fight' response.

In humans, the amygdala perform important roles in the formation and storage of memories associated with emotions including anxiety. Scientists have shown that fear conditioning, experienced for example by those who develop an anxiety disorder such as generalised anxiety, panic attacks, phobias or obsessions (OCD), happens within the amygdala and is stored by it as an inappropriate anxious reaction.

The amygdala reacts to 'fear conditioning' in the same way as Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate on hearing a bell; this kind of conditioning is called operant conditioning and was studied extensively by eminent psychologist Burrhus Frederic Skinner who found that through repetition, the subconscious mind could be affected in a way which would alter the autonomic reactions stored in it.

John Broadus Watson, an eminent psychologist with theories similar to Skinner's, believed that he could take a human child and 'create' the kind of person he wanted by manipulating their behaviours; this stands to reason when histories of anxious people reveal the catalysts for

their condition, more often than not, a specific catalyst can be identified and these include family situations, bereavement, exposure to other sufferers and general social environment amongst many more.

Through behavioural modifications, the amygdala can be modified to react differently. During high anxiety, the amygdala can be modified to react with higher levels of anxiety and this can

then become fixed causing an anxiety disorder such as panic disorder, OCD or phobias. Similarly, those with anxiety conditions can, through a structured programme, modify the inappropriate reactions of the amygdala in order return it to a more appropriate level, thus eliminating the anxious symptoms associated with the disorder.

The Amygdala and Panic Attacks

How are panic attacks and the amygdala related?
Panic attacks and panic disorder are created by a subconscious reaction which originates in the part of the brain responsible for storing and actuating the anxiety response, the amygdala.

The anxiety and panic response is a 'pre-programmed' response which is present from birth. The level of 'normal' anxiety is pre-set genetically but can be modified through behaviour. These behavioral modifications happen when the amygdala becomes 're-calibrated' at a higher than normal benchmark level.

This raises the general level of anxiety and in turn also affects the level of anxiety experienced in 'emergency' or perceived dangerous situations, which is controlled by the amygdala. This extreme level of anxiety can give rise to panic attacks.

Can medication help reduce panic attacks?

The amygdala, like all areas of the brain, can be affected by medication, however, there is no clear evidence to suggest that medication can eliminate panic attacks by addressing the amygdala directly. Panic attacks medication is usually an antidepressant or a sedative and whilst these have therapeutic value in some conditions, the amygdala and panic attacks will not be therapeutically treated.

The amygdala produces panic attacks because of learned behavior. By targeting the brain's ability to learn new behaviours directly, scientists such as Watson and Skinner have shown that distinct and powerful changes can happen which affect the anxious response originating in the amygdala.

What does this mean to panic attacks sufferers?

In a nutshell, this means that panic attacks, which originate in the amygdala, can only be eliminated using behavioral methods, reassurance, support and vigilant reconditioning of the amygdala's anxious response.

Panic attacks are the extreme manifestation of anxiety - anxiety itself can be reduced and eliminated by addressing the amygdala directly.

Emotional Learning
The amygdala is involved, in humans, with the formation and storage of emotional reactions and events. Scientific research has found that in fear conditioning, which is what happens during the development of an anxiety disorder, the senses 'feed back' anxiety provoking signals to the Amygdala causing it to store memories of that anxious event. This then causes the amygdala to react differently when the event arises again. Over time, or during times of high anxiety (bereavement, divorce, work stress etc.) this 'learning process' can cause an anxiety disorder to form, sometimes without warning and very quickly.

Memories of emotions experienced become ingrained in the neural synapses and create 'fear behaviour' with the Amygdala. The central nucleus of the amygdala is connected directly to the creation and perpetuation of the fear responses and control the release of stress hormones which cause the common symptoms of anxiety disorders.

The Science behind the Research

The 'Little Albert' Experiment - Fear conditioning and anxiety disorders John Broadus Watson (1878-1958)
John Broadus Watson was an American Psychologist who established the Psychological School of Behaviourism. Watson believed that he could take twelve healthy infants and by applying behavioural changes, could 'design' people to be how he wanted them to be.

Watson stated that emotions such as fear could be conditioned using behavioural techniques. He took a small child (11 months) called 'Little Albert' and conditioned him to become fearful of random objects: a rabbit, a dog and (believe it or not) some

wool! Watson presented these objects and at the same time, made a loud noise.

The experiment worked and Little Albert became conditioned to respond with fear when presented with the objects alone. He had conditioned anxiety and this sent shockwaves through the psychological community that had, until then, believed that fear, was pre-programmed in the subconscious (Sigmund Freud).

As unethical as this experiment was, it proved that fear responses could be raised by fear conditioning and that anxiety disorders can be created and eliminated given the correct treatment.

Burrhus Frederic "B. F." Skinner (1904 -1990)

Burrhus Frederic Skinner was an American psychologist who pioneered research and advocated behaviourism which concentrates on understanding how behaviour is the manifestation of environmental history with regard to the experience of consequences.

Skinner also proposed the use of behaviour modification, much like Watson, he believed that a person could have their experience of life modified by behaviours. Skinner developed the theories behind operant conditioning as a way of engineering society, happiness and people's experiences of their lives.

Skinner believed that any experience backed up by a consequence would become imprinted on a person's psyche; the experience of anxiety disorder sufferers would back this up; repeated stimulation of the Amygdala through anxious behaviour would reinforce and imprint those behaviours as a form of 'habit' into the subconscious mind.

Conversely, by using behaviour modification as discovered and pioneered by Watson and Skinner, the reversal of the formation of 'anxious habit' is also possible.

Charles Linden (1968 - present)

Charles Linden is a pioneer of behaviourism in the elimination of anxiety disorders. Linden's theories surrounding behaviour modification to affect the inappropriate reaction in the amygdala have been used with great success in conditions such as Panic Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Phobias and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Combining a targeted programme of behavioural changes and constant support and reassurance, Linden's Method undermines the subconscious anxious reaction in the amygdala, eliminating the core of the reaction within the amygdala, which causes and perpetuates the anxiety.

In line with the theories of Skinner and Watson, Linden's Methods prove that behaviour modification is the cause and solution to many of today's anxiety conditions and also plays an important role in some depressive conditions.

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