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Birthstone and Power Chart BIRTHSTONE CHART January Birthstone Capricorn ( Sea Goat)

January birthstones are: garnet, emerald and jasper. Modern Traditional Mystical Ayurvedic Hebrew Roman Arabic Hindu Polish Russian Italian Garnet Garnet Emerald Garnet Garnet Garnet Garnet Serpent Stone Garnet Garnet Hyacinth Jacinth Garnet

Zodiac (Aquarius) Talismanic (Aquarius) -

Garnet Jasper

CAPRICORN: Sea-goat 22nd December - 20th January Element: Earth Planet: Saturn January Power Stones: BLACK ONYX
Ambe r, Ame thyst, Aquamarine , Apache Te ar, Cat's Eye , Garne t, He matite , Je t, Lapis laz uli, Malachite , Star Sapphire , Smoke y Q uartz , Tige r's Eye , Garne t, Gre e n Tourmaline , Turquoise .

February Birthstones Aquarius ( Water Bearer)

There are three gemstones which are listed as birthstones for February. The birthstones for the month of February are amethyst, bloodstone and ruby. Modern - Amethyst Traditional - Amethyst Mystical - Bloodstone

Ayurvedic - Amethyst Hebrew - Amethyst Roman - Amethyst Arabic - Amethyst Hindu - Chandrakanta Polish - Amethyst Russian - Amethyst Italian - Amethyst Zodiac (Pisces) - Amethyst Talismanic Ruby (Pisces) AQUARIUS: Water-bearer 21st January - 18th February Element: Air Planet: Uranus February Power Stones: AMAZONITE
Ambe r, Ame thyst, Aquamarine , Garne t, He matite , Lapis Laz uli, Q uartz Crystal, Blue Sapphire ,

March Birthstones - Pisces (Fishes)

There are five gemstones which are listed as birthstones for March. The birthstones for the month of March are aquamarine, bloodstone, emerald, jasper and topaz.

Modern - Aquamarine Traditional - Bloodstone Mystical - Emerald Ayurvedic - Bloodstone Hebrew Bloodstone, Jasper

Roman - Bloodstone Arabic - Bloodstone Hindu The Gold Sivalinga

Polish - Bloodstone Russian - Jasper Italian - Jasper Zodiac (Taurus) - Bloodstone Talismanic Topaz

(Aries) PISCES: Fish 19th February - 20th March Element: Water Planet: Neptune March Power Stones: AMETHYST

Blue Lace Agate , Aquamarine , Bloodstone , Diamond, O pal, Golde n Topaz , Turquoise , Tourmaline ,

April Birthstones - Aries (Ram)

There are four gemstones which are listed as birthstones for April. The birthstones for the month of April are diamond, opal, sapphire and garnet. Modern - Diamond Traditional - Diamond Mystical - Opal Ayurvedic - Diamond Hebrew - Sapphire Roman - Sapphire Arabic - Sapphire

Hindu - Diamond Polish - Diamond Russian - Sapphire Italian - Sapphire Zodiac (Taurus) - Sapphire Talismanic (Aries) Garnet ARIES: Ram 23rd March - 19th April Element: Fire Planet: Mars April Power Stones: RED JASPER
Agate , Carne lian, Coral Fire Agate , Aquamarine , Ave nturine , Bloodstone , Cat's Eye , Citrine , Chrysoprase , Eme rald, Citrine , Garne t, He matite , Jade , Ruby,

May Birthstones - Taurus (Bull)

There are a few of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for May. The birthstones for the month of May are emerald, sapphire, agate, carnelian and chalcedony. Modern - Emerald

Traditional - Emerald Mystical - Sapphire Ayurvedic - Agate Hebrew - Agate, Carnelian, Chalcedony Roman - Agate Arabic - Emerald Hindu - Emerald Polish - Emerald Russian - Emerald Italian - Agate Zodiac (Gemini) Agate Talismanic Emerald (Gemini) TAURUS: Bull 20th April - 20th May Element: Earth Planet: Venus May Power Stones: ROSE QUARTZ

Carne lian, Lapis Laz uli, Az urite Carne lian, Cat's Eye , Chrysocolla, Diamond, Eme rald, Jade , Lapis Laz uli, Ye llow Topaz ,

June Birthstones - Gemini (Twins)

There are a few of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for June. The birthstones for the month of June are pearl, moonstone, alexandrite, emerald, agate, chalcedony and sapphire.

Modern - Pearl, Moonstone Traditional - Alexandrite Mystical - Moonstone Ayurvedic - Pearl Hebrew - Emerald Roman - Emerald Arabic - Agate, Chalcedony, Pearl Hindu - Pearl Polish - Agate, Chalcedony

Russian - Agate, Chalcedony Italian - Emerald Zodiac Emerald (Cancer) Talismanic (Cancer) - Sapphire

GEMINI: Twins 21st May - 21st June Element: Air Planet: Mercury June Power Stones:

Aquamarine , Ale xandrite , Agate , Aquamarine , Be ryl, Blue Lace Agate , Chrysocolla, Citrine , Eme rald, Jade , Q uartz Crystal, Sapphire , Se rpe ntine , Tanz anite , Wate rme lon Tourmaline

July Birthstones - Cancer (Crab)

There are a few of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for July. The birthstones for the month of July are ruby, onyx, carnelian, sapphire and diamond. Modern - Ruby

Traditional - Ruby Mystical - Ruby Ayurvedic - Ruby Hebrew - Onyx Roman - Onyx Arabic - Carnelian Hindu - Sapphire Polish - Ruby Russian Ruby, Sardonyx

Italian - Onyx Zodiac (Leo) - Onyx Talismanic (Leo) - Diamond CANCER: Crab July Element: Water 22nd June - 22nd Planet: Moon

July Power Stones: SODALITE

Carne lian, Chalce dony, Gre e n Turquoise , Moonstone , O pal, Pe arl, Rhodochrosite , Ruby

August Birthstones - Leo (Lion)

There are a number of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for August. The birthstones for the month of August are Peridot, Sardonyx, diamond, sapphire, carnelian, ruby, alexandrite and zircon. Modern - Peridot Traditional - Sardonyx Mystical - Diamond Ayurvedic - Sapphire Hebrew - Carnelian Roman - Carnelian Arabic - Sardonyx Hindu - Ruby Polish - Sardonyx Russian - Alexandrite Italian - Carnelian Zodiac (Virgo) - Carnelian

Talismanic (Virgo) - Zircon LEO: Lion Element: Fire 23rd July - 22nd August Planet: Sun

August Power Stones: Quartz Crystal

Ambe r, Sardonyx, Ruby, Jacinth, Carne lian, Ambe r, Chrysobe ryl, Citrine , Diamond, Garne t, Jaspe r, Labradorite , Marcasite , O nyx, Ruby, Sapphire , Golde n Topaz , Tige r Eye

September Birthstones Virgo (Virgin)

There are a few of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for September. The birthstones for the month of September are sapphire, agate, moonstone, Chrysolite, Sardonyx, zircon and Peridot. Modern - Sapphire Traditional - Sapphire Mystical - Agate Ayurvedic - Moonstone Hebrew - Chrysolite

Roman - Sardonyx Arabic - Chrysolite Hindu - Zircon Polish - Sardonyx Russian - Chrysolite Italian - Chrysolite Zodiac (Libra) - Peridot Talismanic (Libra) - Agate VIRGO: Virgin September Element: Earth 23rd August - 22nd Planet: Mercury

September Power Stones: TIGER EYE

Almandine , Ame thyst, Amaz onite , Ave nturine , Chrysocolla, Garne t, Pe ridot, Moss Agate , Pink Jaspe r, Rhodocrosite , Az urite , Star Sapphire , Sapphire , Wate rme lon Tourmaline

October Birthstones - Libra (Scales)

There are a few of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for October. The birthstones for the month of October are opal, tourmaline, jasper, aquamarine, coral, beryl and amethyst. Modern Traditional Mystical Ayurvedic Hebrew Roman Arabic Hindu Polish Russian Italian Zodiac (Scorpio) Talismanic (Scorpio) Opal, Tourmaline Tourmaline Jasper Opal Aquamarine Aquamarine Aquamarine Coral Aquamarine Beryl Beryl Beryl Amethyst

LIBRA: Scales 23rd September 23rd October Element: Air Planet: Venus October Power Stones:
Ame trine , Bloodstone , Chrysoprase , Citrine , Jade , Moonstone , Pe ridot, Rose Q uartz , Sapphire , Tanz anite .

November Birthstones Scorpio (Scorpion)

There are a few of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for November. The birthstones for the month of November are yellow topaz, citrine, pearl, cat's eye and beryl. Modern - Yellow Topaz, Citrine Traditional - Citrine Mystical - Pearl Ayurvedic - Topaz Hebrew - Topaz Roman - Topaz Arabic - Topaz

Hindu - Cat's Eye Polish - Topaz Russian - Topaz Italian - Topaz Zodiac Topaz (Sagittarius) Talismanic Beryl (Sagittarius) SCORPIO: Scorpion 24th October 22nd November Element: Water Planet: Pluto November Power Stones: HEMATITE
Citrine , Coral, Garne t, Kunz ite , Labradorite , Ruby, Zircon, Almandine , Malachite , Moonstone , O pal, Pe ridot, Topaz , Turquoise

December Birthstones Sagittarius (Archer)

There are a number of gemstones which are listed as birthstones for December. The birthstones for the month of December are turquoise, topaz, tanzanite, zircon, lapis lazuli, onyx, ruby, and Chrysoprase.

Modern - Topaz, Tanzanite Traditional Turquoise, Zircon, Lapis Lazuli

Mystical - Onyx Ayurvedic - Ruby Hebrew - Ruby Roman - Ruby Arabic - Ruby Hindu - Topaz Polish - Turquoise Russian Turquoise, Chrysoprase

Italian - Ruby Zodiac Ruby (Capricorn) Talismanic - Onyx (Capricorn) SAGITTARIUS: Archer 23rd November - 21st December Element: Fire Planet: Jupiter

December Power Stones: LAPIS LAZULI

Ame thyst, Chalce dony, Labradorite , Lapis Laz uli, Malachite , Pe ridot, Ruby, Sodalite , Sugilte , Star Sapphire , Smoke y Q uartz , Tanz anite , Topaz , Turquoise

Talismanic Birthstones
Ancient talismans were believed to have magical powers to protect the wearer. Talismans are often, but not always engraved on stones corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac. Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Topaz Taurus (Apr 21 - May 21) -Garnet Gemini (May 22 - Jun Emerald 21) Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22) Sapphire Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23) -Diamond Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 22) Zircon Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) -Agate Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21) -

21) -Amethyst Sagittarius (Nov 22 Beryl Dec 21) Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan Onyx 20) Aquarius (Jan 21 - Feb Jasper 19) Pisces (Feb 20 - Mar 20) Ruby -

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