Third Person Lesson

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Daily Double Plan

Name:Amy Morgan

Subject/Time:Reading 12:30-12:50


Unpacked Benchmark, CDAS, CRS, or IL State Standards.

Key Lesson Elements

1.C.3b Interpret and analyze entire narrative text using story elements, point of view and theme.

What is the Teacher Doing?

What are the Students Doing?

Do Now (3-5 minutes): In your notebooks, write which Point Of View Bootcamp is told in. How do you know?

writing at level 0. sharing Students are listening at a level 0.

Students will share (1 minute)

State Lesson Objective & Lesson Agenda Teacher will tell students Yesterday we discussed first person and second person POV. Today, we will discuss third person POV. There are two types, limited and omniscient. We will understand these two types as well as discuss the reasons and author would use them. I Do Input (1-2 Key teaching points): 1. Teacher, will cloze notes for students to complete as teacher does notes on Elmo(This will go from I do to you do- notes have sections where students will work independently. (5 minutes) Check for understanding: cold callHow do you know a POV is third person? How do you know it is limited? How do you know it is omniscient? (5 minutes) You Do: 2. Teacher will have a student pass out a chart for students to fill in and explain that we are watching videos from different points of view. After each video, they will have 2 minutes to fill out the chart at a level 0.

1. Students listen and take notes at lvl 0

Students will write at a level 0 for 5 minutes.

(1 minute) We Do: 1. Teacher will play video 1. You Do: 1. Students will fill in chart at level 0. 1. Teacher will play video 2. You Do: 1.

Daily Double Plan

Students will fill in chart at level 0. 1. Teacher will play video 3. You Do: 1. Students will fill in chart at level 0. 1. Teacher will play video 4. You Do: 1. Students will fill in chart at level 0. 1. Teacher will play video 5. You Do: 1. Students will fill in chart at level 0. (15 minutes)

1. Students watch video at level 0. Fill in chart at level 0.

Students will trade with a partner and then answer what POV it is and how they knew.

(3 minutes) 2. With leftover time, we can share.

Objective(s) SWBAT: Students will be able to understand types of 3rd person POV. Vocabulary words/Key Concepts:

Check for understanding: Ask what we learned today.

Third Person Limited Omniscient Cloze Notes

Modifications/ Accommodations: Exit Ticket (aligned to lesson objective) or assessment: On a post-it, describe the POV your independent reading book is told in. Be sure to explain how you know. Closing/Preview for next lesson: Students will have 1:45 to get into read aloud position.

Materials & Technology Elmo

Handouts Post Its Prompts Computer Youtube Videos Homework: Worksheet (iding POV)

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