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German University in Cairo Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology Prof. Dr.

Slim Abdennadher

Databases I, Winter 2012 Project Description GUC Interactive Information Guide

The GUC ECTS Interactive Information Guide is a web application that aims at providing details about the academic programs in addition to helping dierent users understand the education system at the German University in Cairo. It explains the implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits of the dierent courses. In addition, it allows the students to interact, ask questions, and enter feedback in dierent ways.

1 Project Specication
You are required to implement a robust system based on a well designed database that stores information about the university system and the oered programs. The system has to satisfy the specication described below.

The guide can be used by sta members or by students. When signing up to the system, their accounts are authenticated with their GUC emails. However, in order to ensure the consistency and correctness of the oered information, the academic sta members do not sign up, they are invited to the system through the admin. For a user, the system keeps track of the rst name, last name, phone number(s) and address. For sta members, their departments and job titles are also recorded. Academic sta members are either deans or lecturers. Each Administrative sta member should report back to his/her manager. For each student, the system keeps track of his/her major. On the other hand, the gpa and admission year of each undergraduate student is recorded. In addition, the degrees of the graduate students should be saved.

Degree Programs
The GUC has dierent faculties. Each faculty oers a dierent degree. Some faculties (such as Media Engineering and Technology) have dierent majors. The system should keep track of the major's name, description and eld. The system admin can dene the list of oered degrees (such as Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree ,Doctorate, ..etc).

Oered Courses
Once a lecturer is invited to the system, he/she can add new courses. A course is oered to at least one major. Lecturers also enter details regarding the courses such as the course name, code, semester, course language, course type (obligatory or elective), course coordinator, course objectives, course learning outcomes, course content and the resources such as the course notes and textbooks. In addition, lecturers 1

should also state the objectives of the oered course. A course can be a core course to the study area or an advanced course. The lecturer can add other lecturers to the course. A student can register to a course. However, the registration has to be approved by the system's admin. Once the student is registered, he/she will be able to receive notications regarding any changes in the course.

Course Assessment
The assessment of students in courses is done through dierent events such as quizzes, assignments and project(s). The course's lecturer(s) should dene such events and their associated details such as their types, names and weights.

Evaluation Questionnaires
In order to benet from the students' experience and feedback about the courses and facilities, the system oers three types of questionnaires. A student can ll course surveys, graduation surveys and satisfaction surveys. A student is eligible to ll a specic course survey only if he/she is registered in the course. Such surveys are to be submitted by the end of the semester. The graduation survey is provided to the students at the end of their studies. It enquires about their future plan and general experience at the university. On the other hand, the aim of the satisfactory survey is to ascertain the level of oered facilities and services by the university. Such facilities includes the labs, study rooms, food options, copy centers, ... etc. The questions of the dierent oered surveys are dened by the system's admin. Lecturers can check the results (statistics) of the course surveys of their assigned courses. However, the system's admin can check the results of the surveys.

System's Guests
Guests can only check the provided degree programs. They can only interact with the system by asking questions that the admin can answer. Questions are sorted according to the date they were posted. The system's admin can then respond to the questions. In addition, the most frequently asked questions are grouped and shown to the system's users and guests. The specications provided above are meant to be in a format that is very similar to what you will orally get on a real job. Creativity is highly encouraged; as a designer you should expand on the description and introduce what increases the reality of your model. You can discuss any unclear specications with your tutor after thinking about it thoroughly with your team mates.

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