May 6-12, 2012

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outstanding local newspaper

For Five Consecutive Years St. Peter Baptist Catholic Mass Media Awards

regional exponent for progress

Bicol, the philippines may 6 - 12, 2012 p 5.00

vol. xix, no. 45

P-noy inaugurates new radar station, hydro-power plants in catanduanes

(Story on page 3)
neW RaDaR toWeR Station
Jay MoraLes Photo shows the new radar tower station of the Philippine atmospheric, Geophysical and astronomical services administration (PaGasa) which President Benigno s. aquino III inaugurated in Barangay Buenavista, Bato, Catanduanes on Wednesday (May 2) , along with the solong and Hitoma mini-hydro plants. PaGasas new Doppler radar station in Catanduanes is expected to mitigate the impact of devastating typhoons in the country as the weather bureau effectively predicts incoming typhoons. (Inset photo) Pres. aquino, assisted by Consul General and Deputy Chief of Mission Motohiko Kato of the embassy of Japan in the Philippines, unveils the marker during the inauguration. also in photo are albay Governor Jose salceda, energy secretary Jose rene almendras, science and Technology secretary Mario Montejo, Catanduanes Governor Joseph Cua and Catanduanes Lone District rep. Cesar sarmiento.

Labor Day protesters demand P1.25 per day wage hike

LEGAZPI CITY --- Close to a thousand militant labor activist on Tuesday (May 1), held a march rally commemorating Labor Day, demanding for a wage increase that would make them cope with the spiraling spikes in prices of basic commodities, a Bayan official said. But the labor day rally in Albay was generally peaceful, said Sr. Supt. William Macav(Turn to page 2)

She iS coming . . .

to naga

3rd Floor, GERONIMO BLDG., BARLIN ST., NAGA CITY (054) 472-57-71 TELEFAX: (054) 475-62-62 CP 0921-3183720 / 0919-2822901 / 0920-5337766

Bikol reporter

(Atty. APA chairs Acyatan & Co., CPAs-DFK International is PICPA past president/Hall-of-Famer, ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement Awardee, and past chair of ASEAN Federation of CPAs) BSP-MB: Supervision and control over banks and quasi-banks are the responsibility of the Monetary Board and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. Waiting on the side in cases when financial institutions are closed - is the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation (PDIC) as deposit insurer and receiver of closed institutions. The recent closures of big banks like Banco Filipino and the Export and Industry Bank put in question the efficiency and effectiveness of such supervision and control! There are also many small banks that were closed mostly rural banks. For these closures, the Supervision and Examination Sector of the BSP passes the blame on hapless external auditors allegedly for failing to disclose questionable practices of bank managements. Auditors only attest to the fairness of presentation of the banks financial statements so long as the financial reporting is in accord with standards. The management of banks is supposed to be supervised and controlled by the MB-BSP. INSURANCE: The swiftness characterizing the closure of Export and Industry Bank surprised many of its depositors. Corporations and businesses with deposits can only claim up to P500,000from the PDIC. We have heard of payroll money getting caught in the process. While small depositors are assured of getting their (principal) money back the hassle and long wait puts them under severe stress not to mention inconvenience of being

may 6 - 12, 2012

Weekly Reflection


Banking Supervision
opinions unlimited
unable to freely make disbursements and loss of interest credits. For depositors balances beyond the insured P500,000- the alternative is to file claims against officers and majority owners of closed banks (in their personal capacity). They can also wait for the possibility that the receiver (PDIC) might succeed in coming up with an excess after settling all liabilities. So far, we have not heard of any receivers reporting an excess which were used to pay off claims of uninsured depositors. SENATORIABLES: Very early in the game the Liberal Party has announced its tentative candidates for senators come May 2013. This is a pre-emptive move that may benefit or adversely affect LPs chances in the forthcoming electoral derby preparatory to the presidential race in 2016. Inclusion of reelectionists Escudero (NPC) and Cayetano (NP) as well as Trillanes has indirect connections to the impeachment trial. These are three solid votes for conviction of the CJ? Six of the LP nominees have weak voting potentials. Four of them lost previously. Their early nomination may have been intended as floaters to test public opinion if they are winnable. In the case of UNAS the personal controversy between eventual winner Koko Pimentel and resigned senator Migz Zubiri has to be masterfully settled by VP Jojo Binay. The reality that there are no permanent loyalties (only personal interests) in politics will again surface. KAMAY NI HESUS: The Healing Church in Lucban, Quezon is celebrating its 10th Anniversary to be capped by Thanksgiving and Recognition Ceremonies on Saturday June 23, 2012. The Management is inviting everyone (including Bikolnons) who had a part in the establishment, building and expansion of the now-popular (shrine to be) Healing Church to join us. As Operations Manager - I am getting names of those needing recognition including ad placements in our forthcoming Coffee Table Book. Our regular healing masses (presided by Healing Priest Fr. Joey Faller) are on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The mass starts are 9:30AM followed by the Exposition and then the Healing PrayOvers (usually lasting up to 1:00PM). There are regular visitors from different parishes including those from Bikol and other parts of Luzon (even Visayas and Mindanao). If the parish priests accompany the delegations we allow them to concelebrate the healing mass. All are welcome to our prayers and worship of our Lord! PSALM: Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in His protected land and enjoy safe pasture.

air to air
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. John 5: 7 In my previous reflections, I have shared that I used to love watching war movies. I am fascinated by the full-scaled actions and sounds of explosion... It was on one of these occasions when, while watching a television program, the topic was about a very wonderful military invention which was air to air refueling. Air to air refueling is a process of transferring fuel between one aircraft ( the tanker ), positioned up in-front, to another ( the receiver ), in the rear, during flight using a long extended fuel boom. This process, though a bit complicated and involved lots of risk, made it possible for aircrafts to go on long haul flights without the need to make stopovers. Stopovers. How many of you had been on to long haul flights? It used to be that plane trips were greatly lengthen by a few hours to a day, due to frequent stopovers for maintenance, refueling.... However, with great advances in the airline industry, made easier by the day, modern airplanes can now fly, nonstop, and reach places located half way around the world. Look at our lives. It can be made doubly, triply... productive if we are connected , by a long extended boomthrough our regular reception of the sacraments, specially reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist, daily devotion in the recitation of the rosary, reading the Holy Bible and other spiritual and helpful books, novena prayers to our favorite patron saints... If we maintain these habits, it will be the means by which we are linked and lifted to the very source and origin of all graces. God will then flood us to the brim with all our needed resources to perform and fulfill our vocations in life. With Gods graces, we will no longer be constrained nor delayed by the numerous stopovers- the various temptations and sins- bogging down our daily lives as we make our progress towards our smooth journey to him in heaven. With our lives on an air to air status with him, our tank will always be full and running. God will squash away everything that distance us far away from him.

Hotter earth means Fiercer Typhoons, advisory for Motorists & What is next objection?
April 22 was designated as Earth Day, but I believe everyday should be earth day for us to think and do what is good for our home planet. If it is hot because of global warming, we just have to bear it. Many are already getting sick because of the increase in temperature from heat stroke, high blood pressure attacks, etc. but that is not all the implication. John Pearson, head of the British High Commissions Southeast Asia Climate Change Network who was here in Manila recently told experts on climate change in a round table conference in Makati City that the Earths average temperature would likely rise by 4 degrees by the end of the century spawning fiercer typhoons in tropical countries like the Philippines and putting a strain on food resources. Pearson cited the Hadley Center study first released two years ago saying the higher temperature would cause more severe droughts, ironically, worse flooding due to rising sea levels in the region. He said residents of densely populated cities like Manila, Jakarta and Bangkok may also be more vulnerable to diseases

laBor day protesters . . .

inta, Albay police director. The rallyist, composed of members from the Kilusan Mayo Uno, Bayan, and Gabriela, converged at around 8 a.m. Tuesday at the Ninoy Aquino Park in Daraga town and marched their way to the Philippine National Police (PNP) Camp Gen. Siemon Ola, then proceeded to the Pinaglabanan Monument in this city. Alfredo Mansos, KMU and spokesperson of the May 1 committee, said the militant workers demanded a P1.25 additional wage increase per day and put an end to contractualization of workers by private companies. The rallyist also made a short protest rally at the PNP camp, asking authorities to solve human rights abuses committed against labor leaders. In a phone interview, Macavinta downplayed the number of labor activists who joined the rally, saying that over 500 militant labor members joined the May 1 rally. Macavinta said he had placed the entire police units in Albay under full alert in preparation for Tuesdays labor day rally.

from my window
including heat-related and mosquitoborne illnesses like malaria and dengue. Warmer waters could also compromise marine resources and affect the livelihood of fisherfolk in the coastal areas of the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Cambodia. Depletion of fish stocks and rice yield would cut the income of some communities. Climate change reinforce tension but can also created new tensions, especially when there is demand for resources. Pearson said, Any response in both

adaptation and mitigation on climate change impact, would require a multisectoral approach, as the issue is much more than just an environmental concern. This column would like to make all of us more aware of the implications of climate change and make us do what we all can in response to the consequences and dangers we are facing. When I read this information, I planted guyabano trees in Tigaon. This is just a little thing, but I intend to plant many more trees. We are more than 90 million Filipinos. If only 50 million of us plant trees each every year, that would be 100M trees for our safety and well-being. We can surely plant much more if we want because of the urgent need. ***** The Philippine National Police issued this week guidelines for proper conduct at checkpoints for policemen as what it called rights-based policing. Chief Supt. Agrimero Cruz, Jr., PNP spokesperson said in a press statement
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Bed-hopping men, be careful

For married Romeos, their days of bed-hopping may be over. But they have allies in the Congress who are not ready to surrender what many have described as exciting pastime. House Bill No. 5734 known as the AntiSexual Infidelity bill proposed by Rep. Isabel Climaco has met stiff opposition from male colleagues in the lower house, according to the proponent. The bill penalizes a married person who commits sexual infidelity against his or her legal spouse. It is apparent the solons are deeply worried over the consequence to their macho image if the bill becomes a law and is strictly enforced. Climaco, chairman of the Committee on Women and Gender Equality, has complained she finds difficulty getting the support of her male colleagues to her pet bill. With women legislators a small minority in the house, the bill will encounter rough

a QueStion of PRivilege

salvador d. flor

sailing, indeed. But if the male lawmakers run for sainthood, the measure will have much fighting chance. Candidates for sainthood?The solons? Only Manny Pacquiao may qualify. He has talked to God, he said. The measure, however, will penalize not only the bed-hopping husband but the wife who has carnal knowledge with a man

not her legal spouse. But you know, if a wife commits the crime,she will go into it in greatest secrecy. Which is not true of the husband. Some wont try hiding their adventures from the public eye.To them, this is building a manly reputation. Look at how these gentlemen comfort themselves while away from their wives.They look and talk like starry-eyed youths, mesmerized by anything described as lovely. With their money and name and title, women will flock to their waiting arms. That is how money particularly draws women. Their money is the magnet. If a miracle occurs and beautiful women vanish from the face of the earth, bed-hopping married men wont have a choice but to return to their wives. In some cases, the cheating husband is the creation of a woman who neglects herself. The man is forced to seek the

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may 6 - 12, 2012

Bikol reporter

P-Noy inaugurates new radar station, hydro-power plants in Catanduanes

BATO, Catanduanes -President Benigno S. Aquino III inaugurated Wednesday (May 2), the Solong and Hitoma 1 Hydroelectric Power Plants and the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administrations (Pagasa) new radar tower station here. Upon his arrival, the President unveiled the marker of the new radar station and had a briefing on the two projects put up in the province. By harnessing the nurturing power of nature and by dealing with natures fury, we can be sure that better days await the people of Catanduanes, the President said in his message following the inauguration rites. We are allowing them once again to be very optimistic about their futures the renewed optimism is here, not just in Catanduanes, not just within the country but around the world, he said. The Solong and Hitoma 1 mini-hydro plants are the first ever to be developed by a private entitySunwest Catanduanes of at least P100 million in subsidies for bunker and diesel-based power generation. Meanwhile, the Virac (Bato) radar station, the first of three Doppler radar stations being put up in Luzon using Japanese technology, aims to effectively mitigate the devastation caused by tropical cyclones and other severe weather phenomena. It will also enhance the capability of PAGASA-DOST to monitor tropical cyclones, especially those coming from the Pacific Ocean, thereby protecting lives and properties. The new radar system will also enable PAGASA to conduct more extensive monitoring of severe weather conditions and its associated hazards such as intense rainfall, destructive winds and transmit information realtime for a more efficient processing and analysis. Heavy rainfall, which triggers flooding and landslides, could easily be detected by PAGASA using the new weather tool.

aquINo Water and Electricity Inc. in the small island grids covered by the special power utilities groups (SPUG) of the National Power Corp. If developed further for additional hydropower capacity, Catanduanes will be the first island grid in the country to source most of its power needs from a renewable source. The hydro-electric plants use run-of-river method that doesnt cause any inundation that affects nearby communities. The system only requires diversion of weir. Once operational, the Solong and Hitoma 1 plants will relieve consumers outside

Nominations for saringaya awards on-going

tive Director Joselin Marcus E. Fragada had earlier ordered all operating units of the DENR V such as the line bureaus, sectoral services, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Offices (PENROs) and Community Environment and Natural Resources Offices (CENROs) to identify the potential nominees from industries, NGOs, POs, institutions among others, that may be cited for the award in their respective area of responsibility. Last years winners were: Energy Development Corporation- Bacman Geothermal Production Field, Environmental Management Department thru the leadership of Environmental Superintendent Engr. Leo Zancho A. Mago (Special Category); Amelia B. Gonzales, a professor at Bicol University (Individual Category); Tactical Operations Group 5, 1st Air Division Philippine Air Force (PAFTOG) through the able leadership of Col. Guillermo A. Molina Jr. II (Other Government Agency); Corporate Network for Disaster Response Calabanga, Camarines Sur thru the able leadership of President, Board of Trustees Ramon R. Isberto (PO/ NGO Category); Masbate Gold Project of FILMINERA Resources Corp. and Phil. Gold Processing and Refining Corp. for the 1st award and the Rapu-Rapu Polymetallic Project of Rapu-Rapu Minerals Inc. and Rapu-Rapu Processing Inc. for the 2nd award (Large-Scale Industry Category); as well as the Municipality of Ragay thru the able leadership of Honorable
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FraGaDa The search is ongoing for nominees of this years Saringaya Award, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources Bicols recognition for exemplary individuals, groups organizations and corporate entities who made a niche in environmental protection, conservation and management. On its 12th year now, Saringaya Award is given to industries, non-government organizations, people organization, local government units, groups or associations, other government agencies, the Academe and other entities in the Bicol region who, as a group, corporate body or individuals have supported DENR Bicol through the establishment and implementation of the program towards protection, conservation, and safety of the environment. DENR Regional Execu-

Bikol reporter


may 6 - 12, 2012

jokee BoTor-reyes
In Memoriam - Felix o. alfelor sr.
May 2, 2012 at the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) was an event-filled day. It was the 100th birth anniversary of the Grand Old Man of the University, the late Felix ordas alfelor. sr., former Governor of Camarines Sur. He founded the school some sixty years ago. It was first known as Mabini Memorial School and was elevated to the Mabini Memorial Colleges, considerably the best school in the Rinconada area in the 50s. Today, UNEP is today better known as the Home of Global Achievers. May 2 is also the feast of Our Lady of Remedies, the patron saint of the University. The Grand Old Dame of the University is Dr. remedios rigoroso-alfelor. Alive at 90+, she is the source of inspiration of many, among them those who have been her students during her prime days. She was a great teacher, very intelligent and versatile; she was a Music, Biology, English, Literature and Education teacher all rolled into one and was efficient in all fields. The same day marked the blessing of the UNEP Bahay Alumni, the newest landmark in the campus. Ms Trining B Valenzuela, the indefatigable University Alumni Director, single-handedly did the preparations for the blessing and was the busiest bee before the event. I accompanied her brave the rain getting in touch with UNEP alumni to come to the blessing. The blessing had the University Alumni officers and members in attendance-Dr. Nenet B. Beria who is the Human Resource Officer of the City of Iriga, Dr. Lucilla Tagum-Beria (thanks for the lift), Mrs. Bernardita rigoroso-Margate, Carlitos oliva, Mrs. Maria de la Vega, the very active Principal of the High School Department who is my grandsons Biology teacher, Dr. eleanor albia-osea, the University Vice President for Academic Affairs, Mr. regina Gonzales and many others. Very visible was Dr. alma yorobe-alfelor, the wife of the late Congressman Boboy alfelor and the mother of the City Mayor, Madelaine alfelor-Gazmen who did not make it at the blessing because she was in Manila for an official business. City Kagawad Nonokoy alfelor was also present. The University Vice President for Finance Delicia alfelorTibi delivered a message that reminisced the good old days of the Governor, her father whose life was dedicated to making the University what it is today, the only law school in the area that is continuously producing law graduates and successful bar passers. This years bar examination includes UNEP product Francis Magistrado, a CPA now a lawyer. Countless public school teachers in the region some are now occupying Supervisory provisions are proud products of the university . Louie Taduran emceed the program and put all numbers in order. In the evening, the University Santa Cruzan with very lovely ladies and handsome consorts got a lot of oogles from the spectators as expected of event of this kind. And its only the first week of May. We expect more festivities in this merriest month of the year. Email

Tours and Travel In Focus

The province of Camarines Sur recently have experienced on unprecedented influx of tourist arrivals both foreign and domestic. For the year 2010 alone its gross receipts earned for Bicol tourism was the staggering amount of Php 1,927,067,835.00. Employment generated for Bicolanos totaled 3,809,030 with Camarines Sur leading the way making up 75% of Bicol region total tourism revenue. Naga City considered as a commercial, educational, religious and cultural center of Bicol for so many years is now reaping the fruits of sustained economic development, never experienced before as a result of this tourism boom in Camarines Sur. This was fueled by tourists who keep on coming to enjoy and see for themselves the Camarines Sur Water Sports Complex with its world class wakeboarding and other facilities found in the Capital town of Pili including the Caramoan Peninsula. Added to these tourism havens is the yearly pilgrimage of the devotees to our Lady of Peafrancia which makes the City of Naga an attractive City dubbed as a place literally a class of its own. While Naga City have experienced an economic advantage other towns near the city are yet to develop its local tourism industry that would eventually propel it to realize the benefits extending beyond the core growth areas. The growth and development of Metro Naga and its environs must be effected through enhance partnership with the various stakeholders specifically the private sector. Important tasks are in order like the identification and development of other tourism destination, products or services as we hitch to the proverbial growth engine of tourism. Along this line, recommendations from various stakeholders inputs points to two major areas of improvements, first and foremost is the continuous upgrading of Metro Naga and its neighboring municipalities tourism competitiveness, in relation to other areas in Bicol Region. Tourism destinations must provide the basic facilities in accordance with the guidelines and standards being which must cater to the needs of tourists. Their involvement is a condition sine qua non to the total upliftment of our people comprising the majority of our population. The involvement of the private sector must be given importance and encouragement. The goal is for the private sector to invest in business complimenting the tourism industry. Policies are to be effected that offer incentives most especially in transportation and other facilities that would make investments viable and competitive. Tourism front liners need to upgrade their knowledge and skills through training activities and/or human resource development to be initiated by the private sector most particularly the Bicol Association of Tourism and Hospitality Educators (BATHE), the Bicol Association of Travel and Tour Operators (BATTO) and the Hotel, Resorts, Restaurants Association of Bicol (HRRAB) For us to really achieve an environment for local tourism development, bureaucratic red tape in the processing of business permits must be eradicated. There is a need to simplify regulations on business enterprises involved in the promotion of tourism. If this initiative will be realized Metro Naga as center of economic growth and development will be sustained. The stimulus for growth will surely be advantageous for our people if our local leaders would be working hand in hand along this line by implementing the necessary policies, local laws, programs and projects suited to their areas of concern. It would therefore be in keeping with the vision of tourism stakeholders if the local government units under the umbrella of the Metro Naga Development Council (MNDC) shall push for the institutionalization of these policy structures and implementing mechanisms to reduce the risks of shifts in priorities and withdrawal of support
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President, Bicol Association of Tourism and Hospitality Educators (BATHE)

implemented by agencies of government like the Department of Tourism. Access to these tourist destinations in terms of infrastructure and transport facilities must be given extra attention. Accommodations are perceived to be inadequate when a good number of tourists and visitors come to Camarines Sur urban areas and what is most tragic is the fact that hotels, lodging houses and other rest and recreation areas are absent in most eco-tourism destinations. As to the other recommendations in the analysis made is the promotion and marketing of Metro Nagas tourist potentials. Front liners like tourist guides including travel and tour operators must at all times be ready and be counted when the need arise. At present aggressive marketing strategies must also be effected and for Camarines Sur and Metro Naga to enjoy its reputation as a major tourist destinations website development among various municipalities comprising it must be given priority. For the record Camarines Sur, Naga and Iriga Cities labor sector especially the poor and marginalized people of our communities must be addressed by various stakeholders of the tourism industry. The aim is for them to be actively involved and support product development

inner chess
By J. HeNry DaNICaN

a Question of . . .
company of young scented girls in beerhouses. These girls know how to entice men with their hugs and kisses. There was a time in Legazpi City years ago when married Romeos would frequent nitespots and other watering places to seek the company of pretty painted girls, smelling of wild flowers. These men were described as old carabaos eating young grass. Men will always be men. If they find their wives losing the battle to stay slim and sexy, they will turn their attention elsewhere. Many girls are too willing to accommodate lonely men with money. The most notorious bed-hoppers are those in public office because they have money to spend. Young women are drawn to wealthy older men. The penniless husband, no matter how good-looking, must content himself with coveting beautiful girls at a distance. He has one factor in his favor. He wont have the chance to violate the Climaco measure. The well-off can not easily escape. That, however, is the least of the moneyed mans worries. He is more terrified by the prospect of losing his wealth because this will mean losing his women and returning to the arms of his earth smelling witch of a wife.

nominations for . . .
Mayor Ricardo B. Aquino (Local Government Unit). Nomination forms may be obtained from all Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO), Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), Environmental Management Bureau (EMB), Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the DENR Legal Division. Saringaya is a Bicol term for abundance of growth, lush, and healthy environment teeming with green trees and mountains ideal for biodiversity and a well balance ecosystem. Saringaya Award, which is in the form of a plaque and certificate, is done during the culmination program of the Environment Month celebration in June.

may 6 - 12, 2012

Dole Bicol celebrates labor Day

By LizeL S. MAcAtAngAy NAGA City --- More than 6,000 job seekers lined up tuesday (May 1) at SM City Naga, all hopeful that they will be able to find an opportunity to fit themselves in the 6,575 vacancies fielded by 5,029 local companies and 1,546 overseas agencies during the 2012 Jobs and Livelihood Fair spearheaded by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Office here. Two hundred twelve (609) of these applicants were hired on the spot by various local employers. Others were put on the waiting list after their resumes and curriculum vitae were sorted, matching their qualifications to the available positions as required by the participating agencies. Minutes after DOLE Regional Director Nathaniel V. Lacambra formally declared the Job and Livelihood Fair open, seven hundred forty nine (749) beneficiaries were also awarded with livelihood grants amounting to Php2,538,499.95. The livelihood grantees include the Barangay Council of Dayangdang in Naga

Bikol reporter

With Jobs Fair and livelihood grants

JoB faiR 2012 at Sm citY naga

City which was granted with Php225,942.25with 60 beneficiaries ; LGU Polangui with Php351,876.15 capital to assist its 50 beneficiaries; INFORMATICS in Albay with Php 207,901.50 for its 31 beneficiaries; LGU Bato and Baras in Catanduanes with Php152,866.55 and 80,912.56 which will be shared by its 25 and 16 beneficiaries respectively; and LGU Masbate with 220,777.00 for its 30 beneficiaries.

More than 6,000 seekers come to apply...Participated by over 76 employers from local, national, overseas including the sM Group of Companies...about

609 were hired on the spot.The sM-DoLe Job Fair was a simultaneous event done at various sM Malls nationwide.

the Year that Was 2011

construction of Barangay health centers at the following Barangays: Lobong, Mainit, Sooc and Cotmon and electricfication at Barangay Mainit through the Kalahi Program. Consequently, Sen. Chiz Escudero supports the rehabilitation of the Public Wet Market. The renovation of the wet market is a long time aspiration of the vendors and consumers to provide appropriate and convenient place, clean and safe foo commodities for both vendors and consumers. Hopefully, it will encourage more vendor occupants and give pride to Batoeos for having orderliness and clean public market. Sen. Kiko Pangilinan through the Presidential Development Appropriation Project, livelihood program has been intensified. To date, we have trained 65 mothers along the lakeside areas who are involved in water lily handicraft product development. We have developed bags, slippers, lampshades, baskets, trays, flower vases, flower pots, placemats, water lily plates, canisters, glass holders, gowns, mens wear and the likes. The water lily products and other indigenous materials had reached different places for product advocacy like SM Mega Mall, Pasig City and AD Congress Philippines at CWC, Capitol Complex, Pili, Camarines Sur. If I remember right, removal of water lilies has recorded hundred thousand expenses. At this point in time, the water lilies will provide more gainful opportunities to women and youth which will ultimately respond to the need in augmenting the family income. The mothers who get involved in the livelihood activities learned to give road leading to slaughter house had been completed while construction of perimeter fence of the MRF in barangay Agos is on-going. The Municipal Engineering Office ensure compliance with the national building code of all applicants which include issuance of 172 various permits: like electrical permits (116), building permits (22), occupancy permit (5), plumbing permit (21), and (6) on the other related permits. Thus, there are 125 approved business permits issued. Likewise, we had conducted inspection of buildings both residential and commercial and monitoring of the implementation of projects. We had prepared and submitted 31 program of works for national funded project, and 55 POWs for barangay project as well. Relative to other infrastructure projects, we had completed the road opening at barangay Agos, and road concreting at Barangy San Miguel and Bacolod. We had extended assistance to barangay Masoli, Nio Jesus and Barangay Sagrada for the improvement of their barangay halls. For the enhancement of dump site, soil materials were dumped for garbage covering purposes. We had constructed a perimeter fence, storage facilities, installed concrete pipe and excavation. We had improved our fish landing through repainting. To accommodate the increasing number of customers at the slaughter house the water facility (kawa) had been improved. Likewise, we have issued various Executive Orders. One of the most significatn EO, which provides positive result, is EO No. 03, series

All were given with DOLE Kabuhayan Starter Kit to keep their capital rolling. The Women and Families of San Lorenzo Ruiz Multi-Purpose Cooperative of Camarines Norte was also granted with a start -up capital of Php 397,978.00 to push for the commercialization of pineapple by-products processing. DOLE also granted an amount of Php 540,861.00 to 41 beneficiaries of Daet Food Processors Association

in line with their project on the commercialization of Food Processing. The Swine Union of Innovative Society working for the establishment of meat shop and processing center, also in Camarines Norte was also given with Php359,385.00 to be used by its 471 beneficiaries. Aside from the livelihood grants, DOLE also launched the Joint DOLE-TESDA Convergence Program which include the Special Program for

the Employment of Students (SPES ) and Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). A memorandum of agreement (MOA) was also signed to validate the said partnership. The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) through OWWA Regional Director Jocelyn O. Hapal also spearheaded the awarding of a Net Caf Project in Lagonoy, Camarines Sur and Legazpi City amounting to P100,000.00 each.

DOLE Bicol thanked the exhibitors for actively taking part in the said endeavor. Lacambra also expressed his gratitude to the fairs partner agencies which include TESDA, Philippine Information Agency (PIA) in Camarines Sur, ABS CBN , SM City Naga, Public Employment Offices, the local government of Naga City, Naga College Foundation and other media partners and stakeholders for the success of the said activity.

The year that was, had been confronted by various challenges which include typhoons, floods and landslide, thus, resulted to the destuction of infrastructure, agriculture, small scale businesses, source of livelihood, living condition and displacement of families and their children. There was 5 out of 15 typhoons which entered the Philippine a r e a o f r e s p o n s i b i l i t y. Typhoon Juaning indicated remarkable effect in the lives of Batoeos. THe BesT eFForT aND INITIaTIVes In response to the challenges and demands to improve the lives of the constituents, especially those affected by typhoons, the present administration h a s i n i t i a t e d d i ff e r e n t mechanisms and strategies through the following: Pa r T N e r I N G a n d CoNVerGeNCe The administration has sustained its partnership with different allied national and non-government agencies with common goal, cooperation and responsibility in the promotion of the general welfare of the total population. Among our partner agencies in the national level are the department of Public Works and Highways, which implemented the San MiguelMasoli-Agos asphalt overlay project, and construction of one classroom at Bato South Central School through the Congressional fund of Hon. Salvio Fortuno of the 5th District of the Province of Camarines Sur. The Dredging of Bato Lake is on-going and hopes to finish in December 2012 with Ten Million project cost. We have completed the

HoN. JeaNNeTTe o. r. BerNaLDeZ

Municipal Mayor Bato, Camarines sur
importance in developing their skills and their contribution to the environment through maximizing the utilization of raw materials found in their respective barangays. E v e n t u a l l y, d i f f e r e n t livelihood projects will contribute to develop family entrepreneurship and home industry. In line with the fishery program, the Local Chief Executive had signed a Memorandum of Understanding together with the 2 Municipal Mayors of Bula and Balatan. The MOU indicates the support system in the intensification of Coastal Resource Management Development. Thus, to increase the income of fisherfolks, there were 54,800 various kinds of marine fingerlings dispersed. Also we have sustained the operation of the tilapia breeders through the Hapa Based program. Our Municipal Plant Nursery is now producting and selling fresh vegetables. Plants and trees seedlings are also available to our constituents for free. Likewise, we have distributed 1,500 guimaras mango tree with organic fertilizer, establishment of 2 Coffee Orchard Farm which comprises of 2 hectares and Pili Nursery with 35,000 seed nuts with fertilizer. At this point in time, we have 3,000 pili seedlings and coconut seedlings too. We also have 2 hectares of dalandan plantation at Barangay Masoli. The Slaughter House of our municipality is in its 5th month of operation. A daily average number of 15 to 20 hogs and the likes are being slaughtered. Its operation provides security among consumers that such animal are free from any animal disease and safe for human consumption. In support to the Nursery and Slaughter programs concreting of New Society

of 2011, Re: Designation of Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Council Officers. To institutionalize disaster preparedness and responses in times of emergency. The MDRRMC had been challenged by the demands of the affected population especially the victims of Typhoon Juaning and other typhoons namely: Typhoon Bebeng, Chedeng, Falcon and Pedring. The MDRRMC recorded a total number of 11,811 affected families, composed of 64,573 individuals and are being served. Hence, there were 57 evacuation centers occupied, while 1,209 affected families with 5,568 persons were outside evacuation centers but they were provided with all necessary assistance. For the displaced families, we have established 3 locations of temporary shelters, dubbed as Tent City. The Tent City was established in partnership with Shelter Box Foundation. These are at Bato South Central School with 189 households, San Vicente Elementary School with 52 households and Bato National High School with 24 households. They were provided continuous intervention through the camp management program. The Local Government Unit through the calamity fund had immediately granted basic survival assistance. To date, the water and electric consumption of the tent residents are being shouldered by the Local Government Unit. The Tent City residence is being monitored by LGU personnels. We have spearheaded various interventing support
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Bikol reporter
By Ma. JaNe royoNG Iriga Central school, Iriga City By LIZa P. arroyo - Teacher III san Juan elementary school, Iriga City

may 6 - 12, 2012

accreditation in Public schools

Educational accreditation is a type of quality assurance process under which services and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met. If standards are met accredited status is given the school. The Department of Education has APPES which is the Accreditation Program for Public Elementary Schools. It seeks to study and improve the system of effectiveness and excellence in public schools through recognition, identification of these schools based on the program evaluation system. It is the dream of every school head to have his school get the APPES nod. APPES was conceptualized a pursuit of basic objectives stated in Section 21 of Batas Pambansa 22. The idea is to have all public schools participate in the program which means that they have to aspire for an accreditation status. The accreditation status awarded to a school is a recognition of the school as a best performing elementary school and that in itself can mean a lot for the school in terms many things. Considered are its material inputs, school buildings, books, trained and equipped school heads with strategies and skills that will help lead to the improvement of the pupils learning outcome. Accreditation of a school is given after a series of evaluation and on the part of the school. The school undergoes self survey and determines how qualified it is to be subjected to a close scrutiny of the accrediting agency. It could mean a lot of work to be able to meet the standards required by the accrediting agencies but which pays naturally. The whole school undergoes improvement physically but more important are its outputs in terms of teachers effectiveness in teaching resulting in the pupils manifesting a very favorable learning outcome. It is a gauge of the teachers ability to steer the pupils favorable acceptance which is positively manifest in the performance in their examination, whether given just in their schools but more so in national examinations. The APPES award is a scholastic recognition and it is a stamp pad which could be a source of pride for the school, the school head, the teachers and the pupils in general. For an accredited school, the recognition is a very concrete public acceptance of the school laudable performance. Very few schools get that much coveted APPES award but many schools strive for that and the reason naturally is very obvious. The school, if accredited could walk with heads high or fly in pink clouds so to say, It is simply a wonderful feeling for the school to get that accredited status, which, of course, is the product of hard work. The award may be abstract but it means a lot. Dr. Teresita Inciong, Director of the Bureau of Elementary Education is openly hoping that other than the plaque of recognition given to an accredited school, she believes monetary award may be considered. When such time comes, the accredited school can pursue more and better learning outcomes. Would not every school work for an accreditation and get the APPES nod? Why not?

The Plus and Minus of the K+12 Program

By now, much has been said and written about the K+12 curriculum that is about to take effect this coming school year. The year 2011 has been spent on planning, consultations, finetuning as well as decision making. The decision makers already went through the process of determining whether to go ahead or not, of getting the public pulse and finally, of going ahead with the implementation of the K+12 Program. So, it is that the die is cast. With the opening of school year 2012-2013, pupils entering Grade I in the elementary and those enrolling in First Year in the secondary level will be the first batch to go through the new curriculum. The K+12 curriculum consists of twelve (12) years of basic education. Accordingly, the K+12 is divided into K+6+4+2. It means Kindergarten as the first step followed by six (6) years in the elementary school (Grades I to VI), four years in junior high school (Grades 7 to 10) and additional two years in senior high school (Grades 11 to 12). The last two years will be on specialized learning of easily employable skills focused on business and entrepreneurship, agriculture and fisheries, sports, music and arts, science and technology. The Philippines is, today, the only country in Asia that has compressed education to only ten years. Elsewhere in the world, Angola and Djibouti are the only other countries with 10 year basic education. It is high time, the educational system in the country implements some change to be at par and be competitive with the rest of the world. Advocates of education believe that the biggest resource in this issue is time, them being aware that ten years is inadequate to acquire the necessary lifelong learning. An estimate cost budget close to Php56 billion and Php65 billion for the construction of additional infrastructure is projected. Critics argue that there are much to be considered for the program to make it be truly effective - shortage of classrooms, study materials and even trained teachers. Parents, likewise, worry about the additional expense they will incur. But Secretary Armin Luistro argued that parents should look at it from another angle. Positively, it would save them from college tuition. (Read: minus two instead of plus two). Parents spend for four years of college education before they can have employable children. The curriculum being new, it can not be helped that it is meet with varied opinions. But we as teachers, welcome innovations on the belief that whatever innovations are forwarded are premised on the fact that they are meant to improve education in the country and eventually achieve Quality Education, that which every Filipino who believe in it aspire for. Education, for that matter and its success, can be attributed to the following: (a) Home environment and condition. Education can never be had by a child who comes to school with a rumbling stomach or with a heavy burden caused by family matters; (b) Enormous tasks. A teacher who is overloaded with academic as well as extra curricular works and assigned to handle over-sized class will not be able to deliver lessons productively; (c) Low salary of teachers. No teacher would not be inspired to work MORE if their time, effort, sweat and sacrifices are HIGHLY compensated. The groundwork has been set for the implementation of K+12. At present, it seems that the pluses far outweigh the minuses. Still, hopes are high that this program will bring the much-needed advancement and enhancement to Philippine education.

a Holistic College Graduate for the Next Generation

By MerCy a. DorosaN - TeacherIII san agustin elementary school, Iriga City It is sad to say that there are many college graduates who are either unemployed or underemployed. What could have gone wrong? Could it have been that these so-called college graduates took their college course haphazardly and it was too late to realize that there was not much and correct learning? Could it have been that they pursued the wrong course and took their four years or so lazily? Could it have been that they were not properly schooled as evidenced by lack of trained instructors or academic institutions not fully equipped with the necessities of the course? Lets face the fact that there are 1001 reasons why there are numerous college graduates who end up where they should not be. First is the quality of schools. Some classrooms do not look like classrooms at all, some classes are oversized and unconducive to learning leaving many students uninspired to learn. Then, there is the problem of not having enough materials like books and other visual aids to complement teaching and learning. Every year, millions of graduates are turned out by colleges and universities all over the country. It is not wrong to say that some of them are half-baked or not even baked at all. This is very unfortunate since these graduates should have been the countrys assets as human resources. It is the aim of college education to produce graduates who are truly versatile which means they are academically prepared, socially fit and morally uprightenough to make them ready to face the world and on their own. Philippine society dreams of college graduates who have spent their four years or so wisely inside their classrooms and out. Government therefore must have a big hand in monitoring academic institutions that offer tertiary education and optimistically produce graduates who are ready for employment, live independently, earn well and become responsible citizens. College education should give the students the opportunity to discover their potentials, develop them and use them not just to their own advantage but for the whole country as well. This is my concept of what holistic graduates should be. Young people who can be depended on to steer the country to national development and progress. The holistic graduates that I have in mind are those who are not only academically prepared but socially, mentally, emotionally fit. They are responsible to themselves. They are God-fearing people whose idealism is not pulled down in exchange of material considerations. They have been prepared to accept responsibilities demanded of them. They are the future leaders who will readily steer the country to greatness. They are the ones who will tread the matuwid na daan. College education should provide them with the tools toward the realization of the dream of every Filipino to have leaders of integrity. But education should begin at the roots. Elementary education should start providing these graduates of the future with the best training whether academically, socially, spiritually and morally. Having been started young, their roots will grow deeply implanted and will be carried on as they pursue a higher level of learning. If this is idealism, I do not see any reason why we should not dream of ideal college graduates, what I label holistic graduates for the next generation.

The Increasing Cost of education

By JaCoB r. JoVe Master Teacher I Iriga Central school, Iriga City

This coming school year, expect a lot of transferees from the private institutions to public schools. The reason for this is the rising cost of education, especially in private schools, and parents could hardly cope with it. Every year, the Department of Education (DepEd) is open for the acceptance of application to increase tuition fees in private schools. This is the same with the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) which accepts applications from colleges and universities to increase their tuition fees. Certainly, on the part of parents and students, this is not exactly a piece of good news. In fact, it is truly bad news. But schools applying for increase in tuition fees are backed up with enough good reasons to merit approval from either DepEd or CHEd. Now comes the problem of parents specially those who are faced with the situation. Truly, it can be said, education can not be pursued unless one works for it very hard especially in terms of meeting the rising cost of education. Because no parents would wish for their children not to get themselves educated After all, it could be said that education can be the most wonderful inheritance parents could give their children. Aside from the fact that education is a right every person is entitled to obtain. It follows that no matter how costly education becomes, parents will not stop sending their children to school because of all the benefits that education will give their children, especially a bright future for them. There is no such thing as free education. Nobody goes to school without ever spending a single centavo. It is true the public school hardly charges tuition fee but what about other fees? The miscellaneous alone would amount to some thousand pesos. There are contributions asked for boy scouts and girl scouts, parents-teachers association, etc. It is not enough though because one has to spend for many other things needed by children like notebooks and uniforms and shoes and socks, etc. Projects are also something that parents need to spend on. Then, one has to have provisions for baon and fare. It seems that there is no stopping as far as spending is concerned. It is not true to fact when government claims that education is free in the elementary and high school public schools. Sure, tuition fees are not charged to elementary pupils and high schools students and even those in college in public educational institutions but there are among other things to consider in the pursuit of education which could even higher this free education supposedly mandated by government. We hear of countless stories of small children who could hardly attend schooling because they have not had breakfast, they do not even have slippers to their feet and they dont even have decent clothes to wear. These may seem like incidental needs but they are certainly requisites to getting basic education. So, you have to get yourself educated? Brace yourself up. You need a lot of dough to get yourself to school.

school, Family and Community Partnership

By MarINa a. aBaD - Teacher 2 Mangogon elementary school Lagonoy North District, Lagonoy, Camarines sur Providing quality education is not the sole responsibility of academic institutions. Schools cannot fully educate the youth single-handedly. While it is true that parents entrust their children to school administrators, teachers and other school staff to teach them the necessary knowledge, it has been proven that schools which closely work together with families and communities promote better and more successful academic programs. Not only that but a solid bond between them not only improves the schools status but also strengthens families and even enhances the students development and growth in terms of learning. The community where the school is set plays a big role in the formation of young minds. Therefore, a strong partnership between schools and communities must be forged so that both entities can more effective work towards its mission of giving students superior education. To build sustainable, mutual and valuable relationship schools and communities must have frequent interaction. Families and communities are encouraged to actively participate in school programs and plans. Schools, on the other hand, must acknowledge the important role that families and communities play so that students will become successful not just in their academics but also in the other facets of their lives. Each of these partners namely the schools, communities and families should bring their respective strengths, expertise and know-how to the whole academic and educational system. Whats more, all of them must value the contribution of each party. The home is the childs first school and parents should serve as the students earliest and most influential teachers. It has been proven in researches that families play an essential part in how a child learns, develops and grows in school. As expected, when families take part more actively in their childs education then there is an improvement in the way a child performs in school. And so education becomes successful for the school, the families and the community. This eventually leads to building a caring community that puts emphasis on the student and his needs. Thats why the partnership should always serve as an important part of the schools operation. In the end, students learn and grow better in three areas namely the home, the school, and the community. Researches also indicate that a childs feat and triumph as a student depend on three things. One is the way environment at home is able to create the right atmosphere for learning. The next is when parents become involve in their childs education in school, within the family and in their community and last but not the least is when parents are able to convey to their child their desire for their young their wishes and expectations. Generally, the success of school, family and community partnership becomes evident when it lends support to familyschool-community partnerships, It also happens when teachers, parents, administrators and other stakeholders of education make effective, well-planned and purpose-driven plans and actions. If schools and families are able to have an effective two-way communication then all becomes well. Homes and communities are also pushed into doing their share so that they give additional learning opportunities to the student even outside the school. Parents are likewise asked to help in governance and decision making and be collaborative in the entire education process. When all of these factors are present, then there is a healthy and efficient partnership between school, family and community. If this happens then the student becomes the satisfied beneficiary of quality education.

may 6 - 12, 2012

Bikol reporter

Liboro, Ragay, cam. Sur --- Heads of the regional crop protection centers of the Department of Agriculture in Luzon and experts on plant pests and disease from the Bureau of Plant Industry converged in this municipality for a 3-day technical awareness conference on Rice Grain Bug. this new rice pest which has infested rice crops in 4 regions namely: Central Visayas (region 7), Eastern Visayas (Region 8), CARAGA (Region 13) and the Bicol (region5) in particular this town of Ragay and Dimasalang in Masbate. The pest according to Dr. Evangeline de la Trinidad, chief of the Regional Crop Protection Center was first detected in Bicol in July 2011 in Dimasalang. Masbate and in September of the same year in 3 barangays in Ragay, Camarines Sur. Based on the field observa-

Luzon-wide confab on new rice Grain Bug held in ragay

tion and monitoring done by de la Trinidad and her team, the pest infested rice panicles from flowering stage to milking stage , resulting to unfilled and discoloured grains and eventually reducing yield by as much as 60%. According to the observation shared by the agricultural technicians and farmers of Ragay this pest is a complex specie. It is active at noon time unlike most pests which are active in early morning or at night time. It can swim in water, has wings but are not strong flyers and can move fast or hide underneath the leaves. They also noted that this pest can resist insecticide treatments and inflicts more damage than the rice black bug. They also reported that infected palay have discolored, unfilled or cracked grains and have bitter taste when cooked. These observations were validated by the participants
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Close up shots of the rice grain bug attacking rice panicles.

Participants to the workshop composed of heads of regional crop protection centers of the Da in Luzon and experts on plant pest and diseases did actual field observation in a farm in Ragay, Camarines Sur to determine the characteristics and behaviour of this new pest.

Camsur govt educates employees on Phl risk reduction Law

Adopting a pro-active stance against disaster risk, the provincial government of Camarines Sur, thru the auspices of Environment Disaster Management and emergency Response Office or EDMERO, has launched an information campaign on the salient provisions of Republic Act 10121 otherwise known as the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act of 2010, complying fully with the provisions of said law. Armed with laptop and projector, selected personnel of EDMERO went hopping from one office to another at the Provincial Capitol to educate employees of the provincial government, they being classified as public servants and therefore included among those required for mandatory orientation, on the innovations on the new law which is intended to replace the outdated Presidential Decree No. 1566, the latter providing
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Bikol reporter
the on-going feeding program in 12 barangays. We have trained the Barangay Nutrition volunteers who diligently monitored the nutritional status of the beneficiaries. To support the availability of daily nutritious food requirement, communal garden and gulayan sa barangay were made accessible to the targets. To enhance the competency of the elected official down to the barangay level, series of capability building activities has been conducted to 33 barangays. The barangay tanod enhancement training, equipped them in the performance of the assigned task in their respective barangay. To ensure the sustainability of the program implementation, monitoring has been regularly conducted. Thus, it includes updated master list of elected officials and its functionality. T H e o V e r a L L PerForMaNCe oF THe aDMINIsTraTIoN The challenges in the year that was, has deveoped common positive factors among performing local government unit, provincial government, non-government organization, senators, congressmen and national government agencies. We have noticed that despite of the limitation of all forms of resources, we had responded to the required need of the populace. The intra and inter-sectoral linkages and networking with allied agencies have augmented the resources of the concerned municipality. The principle of complimentary system among and between the above mentioned government agencies, and non-government organizations has driven appropriate results which are beneficial to the constituent, thus, expectd output for the year that was had been accomplished. At this point in time, please accept my congratulations to all key players and hope to continue to do and excel the best performance for the sake of public service in the succeeding years. THus, We are LooKING F o r Wa r D F o r T H I s FIsCaL year 2012 To aCCoMPLIsH THe FoLLoWING ProGraMs and ProJeCTs: 1. Completion of the Dredging of Lake Bato end of December 2012. 2. Construction of the evacuation center through the assistance of the Office of the Civil Defense and other National Government Agencies. 3. Full implementation of the KALAHI-CIDDS or the Comprehensive Integrated Delivery and Development service among the 33 barangays. 4. Additional beneficiaries of 4Ps and social pension progrm for indigent senior citizens. 5. Construction of the Resettlement Housing Project in coordination with the National Housing Authority. 6. Full operation of the Goyudan Mini Hospital with complete medical equipment and medical personnel. 7. Conduct Basic Computer class to 23 barangays through the Community Center, Internet ng Bayan Program. 8. Acquisition of the 4 hectares lot at Barangay Agos, thru the provincial government under the leadership of Gov. LRay Villafuerte, Jr. for the resettlement area. 9. Construction of the Pambuan Bridge at Pagatpatan. 10. Road concreting of Barangay Cristo Rey-Payak road. 11 . I m p r o v e m e n t a n d concreting of Don Clieto Gonzales St., San Vicente, Bato, Camarines Sur. 12. Rehabilitation of the following barangay roads: Pagatpatan, Goyudan-Manga R o a d , S a n Vi c e n t e a n d Bacolod Road, Tagpolo Road, and Buraburan San Juan. 13. Construction of the Mahayahay Park. 14. Proposed construction of covered court at Sta. Cruz, Bato, Camarines Sur. 15. Rehabilitation and improvement of Flood Control at Barangay Tres Reye, San Rafael and Santiago. 16. The detailed National Government Agencies shall continue to intensify the

may 6 - 12, 2012

support system with the local government unit in achieving the common goal. 17. All Local Government Unit offices shall continue to deliver effective and efficient program and services to all concerned among the 33 barangays. 18. The SB shall review, amend and pass pertinent resolutions and ordinances especially on the intensification of tax collection and environment re: climate change adaptation beneficial to our constituents. 19. The Local Government offices shall conduct thorough review of their mandate regarding their job performances. THANK YOU AND WE WILL ENLIST YOU AND YOUR SUPPORT, COOPERATION GEARED TOWARDS EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT SERVICE DELIVERY FOR THE YEAR 2012.

a year that was 2011 . . .

programs and services such as provision of wheelchairs and walking aids (walker) among 58 disabled individuals residing at barangays Masoli, 9 in San Rafael, 3 in San Roque, 5 in San Vicente, 7 in Bacolod, 1 at Payak, 1 Agos, 1 Cawacagan, 2 San Juan, 7 Labong, 3 Nio Jesus, 3 Buluang, 2 Goyudan, 2 Tres Reyes, 1 Sta. Cruz (2) and Salvacion (5). We h a v e a s s i s t e d 1 9 financially handicapped patients who have undergone medical procedures through surgery on goiter with 3 patients, 4 on hernia and 12 on cyst. Likewise, cataract (9), cross eyes (3), special opta laser (1), cleft palate (1), club foot (4), and (1) burn surgeries. 11 out of 33 barangays had established BOTIKA NG BARANGAY in partnership with the DOH, Center for Health and Development. This project has an initial worth of Php25,000.00 medicines extended to each qualified barangay. This is managed by the Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Barangay Health Workers, who were trained to do such. A registered pharmacist monitored the project particularly on dispensing the medicines. In l i k e m a n n e r, t h e r e are 594 out of 1,453 preschool children weighed with nutritional deficiency were provided 3 months supplemental feeding while 859 underweight children are continuously participating in

aDJuDICaTIoN By soLe HeIr oF THe esTaTe oF MaCarIo aVILa PorTIN aND eLIZaBeTH PorTIN NOTICE is hereby given that GERALDINE A. PORTIN, of legal age is the surviving grandaughter and sole heir of the late MaCarIo aVILa PorTIN and eLIZaBeTH PorTIN, who died on May 18, 1939 at Libmanan, Camarines Sur without any will and with no known debts, left a parcel of land situated in Bahay, Libmanan, Camarines Sur, the party of legal age adjudicate unto herself the described property as stated in the Adjudication by Sole Heir, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Reynaldo L. Herrera, Doc. No. 277, Page No. 57, Book No. 55, Series of 2012.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6, 13 and 20, 2012

from my window . . .
that the following advisory to ensure the implementation on proper searches and seizures to avoid violation of human rights. The advisory is as follows: Checkpoints must be well-lighted, properly identified and manned by uniformed personnel. Upon approach, slow down, dim head lights, and turn on cabin lights. Never step out of the vehicle. Lock all doors. Only visual search is allowed. Do not submit to physical or body search. You are not obliged to open globe compartment, trunk or bags. Ordinary questions may be asked. Be courteous but firm with answers. Assert your rights, have presence of mind and do not panic. Keep your drivers license and car registration handy and within reach. Be ready to use your cellphone at anytime. Speed-dial emergency number. Report violations immediately. Your actions may save others. This advisory to motorists is good and I hope the police will follow it too. ***** Af first, the oppositors to the division of the province of Camarines Sur said, There is no necessity for it. Second, during the hearing of House Bill 4820 in the Senate Committee on Local Government they said, There is no fund for it. When Budget Sec. Florencio Abad wrote that there is fund and COMELEC Chairman Sixto Brillantes wrote the Budget Secretary that the COMELEC is alloting P70 million for the plebiscite in Camarines Sur, they said, There is no more time. What will be next? These oppositors keep claiming that 80% of the people are against the creation of the new province, Nueva Camarines. So, why are they preventing the holding of the plebiscite with their objections where the people can express their sentiments and decisions? As Cong. Luis R. Villafuerte said, there will be one more hearing in the Senate Committee before it goes to plenary, then to the President for his signature. After that, there will be a plebiscite within 60 days. republic of the Philippines oFFICe oF THe MuNICIPaL CIVIL reGIsTrar Libmanan, Camarines sur

eXTraJuDICIaL seTTLeMeNT oF PersoNaLITy aMoNG HeIrs WITH WaIVer Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the surviving wife and legitimate children and sole heirs of the late roseNDo C. BarBosa sr. who died on April 04, 2004 at La Anunciacion, Iriga City without any will and with no known debts; the deceased left a certain motor vehicle particularly described as follows: Makesuzuki, Type of Body-MC, year Model-01, Motor/ engine No.-F14-224304, serial/Chassis No.-GP125306661, Plate No.-MC-0516-5034, MV File No.051622925, Cr No.61671093, the parties being all of legal age and with full capacity to contract hereby divide and adjudicate among themselves the described Motor Vehicle in EQUAL SHARES; the Heirs hereby Waive, Renounce and Quitclaim their Shares, Interests, Ownership and Participation over the described Motor Vehicle in favor of RICHARD N. BARBOSA, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Aldrico T. Abao., Doc. No. 309, Page No. 62, Book No. XIV, Series of 2012.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6, 13 and 20, 2012

NOTICE is hereby given that the named parties are the legitimate heirs of the late sps. aGaPITo CaBaLTera and NeCITa HaLLare who died on December 31, 1986 and March 19, 2003, respectively; without any will and with no known debts, left a parcel of land situated at San Miguel, Iriga City, the parties all of legal ages with full civil capacity to contract hereby agree to adjudicate among themselves the described parcel of land, as stated in the Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate signed by the parties, acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Aldrico T. Abao, Doc. No. 155, Page No. 31, Book No. XIV, Series of 2012.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: aPrIL 22, 29; May 6, 2012

eXTraJuDICIaL seTTLeMeNT oF esTaTe


Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the legitimate heirs of the deceased reMeDIos q. BaeTa who died on March 1, 1998 at Baao, Camarines Sur, with no known debts; left parcel of cocoland situated in Salvacion, Baao, Camarines Sur and a parcel of riceland situated at San Vicente, Baao, Camarines Sur, that the parites divide and adjudicate among themselves extrajudicially the entire estate, the mentioned heir ADAM Q. BAETA with full civil capacity to contract hereby agree RENOUNCE and WAIVE the mentioned properties in favor of the Hrs. of ANTONIO Q. BAETA, as acknowledged before Notary Public Salvacion C. Bance, Doc. No. 1644, Page No. 12, Book No. XVI, Series of 2011.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: aPrIL 22, 29; and May 6, 2012


Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the surviving heirs of the late aNToNIo quIeN who died at New Jersey, USA on September 5, 2008, without any will and with no known debts; left parcels of land situated in Concepcion Grande, Naga City covered by TCT No. 38781and TCT No. 38979, that pursuant to Rule 74, Sec. 1 of the Rules of Court, the parties with full capacity to contract divide and adjudicate among themselves extrajudicially the described land in pro indiviso, the mentioned heirs hereby WAIVE their rights and participation and interest over the described properties in favor of their co-owner CHRISTINE QUIEN-SUA, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Florencio R. Rosales, Doc. No. 715, Page No. 43, Book No. 25, Series of 2011.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6, 13 and 20, 2012

eXTraJuDICIaL seTTLeMeNT oF esTaTe oF Beyer r. PIaNo WITH saLe NOTICE is hereby given that the named parties are the widow and legitimate sole heirs of the Beyer r. PIaNo who died on January 20, 2009 at 760 Tramo Street, Manuyo I, Las Pias City, without any will and with no known debts, left a residential lot situated in Bagumbayan, Naga City, the parties all of legal ages have agreed to divide and adjudicate the described property; for and in consideration of the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND (P250,000.00) pesos, the heirs do hereby SELL to Emily R. Piano-Moller 93.3 square meters of the described parcel of land, as stated in the Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Sale, acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Felix Brazil, Doc. No. 52315, Page No. 693, Book No. III, Series of 2012.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: aPrIL 22, 29; May 6, 2012

In compliance with Section No. 5 of R.A. No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that GeNaro PasCua aGaraN, has filed with this Office a Petition for Change of First Name from ruDy to GeNaro in the birth certificate of ruDy PasCua aGaraN who was born on aPrIL 08, 1961 at Badoc, Ilocos Norte and whose parents are ATaNaCIo a. aGaraN Jr. and soLeDaD B. PasCua. Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this office not later than 19 May, 2012. (sgd.) eMILIe a. DaIrao Municipal Civil Registrar
BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 16 and 13, 2012

KasuLaTaN NG PaGMaMaNa Na May PaGBaBaHaGI aT May PaGTaLIKoD sa KaBaHaGI Ipinaalam sa lahat na ang mga nabanggit na mga pangalan ay mga anak at tunay na tanging tagapagpamana ng namatay na sina BarToLoMe B. PereZ namatay noong October 14, 2005 sa Brgy. Tulo, Batangas City at DIoNIsIa CLaVerIa PereZ na namatay noong Agosto 19, 2011sa St. Lukes Medical Center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City, na walang anumang pagkakautang at wala rin namang Huling Habilin ay nakaiwan ng apat (4) na lagay ng lupa at isang (1) bahay sa Brgy. Tulo, Batangas City; ang nabanggit na mga ari-ariang minana ay napagkasunduan na bahaginin ng mga tagapagmana naayon sa kasulatang kanilang nilagdaan; at bilang PAGTALIKOD at PAGPAPAUBAYA ng kanilang karapatan sa lupa na may TD No. 024-29-019-04-093 at bahay na may TD No.104-03673 na nabanggit kina LOURDES P. AVILA at RAMONCHITO C. PEREZ, sa harap ni Notaryo Publiko Quirino P. Clemeno, Jr. Kas. Blg. 490, Pahina Blg. 99, Aklat Blg. XXVI, Taon 2012.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6, 13 and 20, 2012

NOTICE is hereby given that the named parties all of legal age are the legitimate children, grandchildren and sole heirs of the deceased sps. GerMaN GaLLeGo BaTaLLa and CeLerINa GoNZaLes-BaTaLLa who died on November 23, 1977 and January 10, 1983, in San Juan, Metro Manila respectively; without any will and with no known debts, left parcels of land situated in Bgy. Magais I, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur, the parties all of legal ages with full civil capacity to contract hereby agree to divide and adjudicate among themselves the described real properties as stated in the Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate signed by the parties, acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Bienvenido P. Go, Doc. No. 102, Page No. 101, Book No. XXVII, Series of 2012.
BIKoL rePorTer Published: aPrIL 29; May 6 and 13, 2012


may 6 - 12, 2012

luZon-wide confaB . . .
to the conference which included plant pathologists, entomologists, agronomists and crop science experts who made actual observations of the characteristics and behaviour of the pests right in the ricefields during the 3-day duration of the conference. De la Trinidad admits that little is yet known about this pests in particular its life cycle, habits, alternate host and characteristics which could be the basis for developing a protocol for the control of this pest. Dr. Jesus S. Binamira, national director of the Integrated Pest Management (KASAKALIKASAN), the umbrella program of DAs crop protection program personally attended the conference and reminded the participants that pest control must be communitybased and that people should be made to realize the importance of crop protection in the over-all food chain. He underscored the importance of surveillance and the continuous conduct of trainings and advocacy. According to DA regional executive director Jose V. Dayao this pest although confined yet to a limited area in Camarines Sur and Albay poses a new threat and therefore it is important that those in the know should work together and share knowledge and experiences on how to deal and with and control this pest. He underscores the importance of synchronous planting so that the lifecycle of this pest would not be completed. -Emily B. Bordado

Bikol reporter
camsur govt educates . . .
the guidelines and the legal basis on what to observe and implement on occasions of typhoons, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, fires and other major calamities and disasters. Allen Boncodin of EDMERO said the changes made in the new law were necessitated as provisions under the old law provides only for pre-disaster planning, community disaster preparedness and actions for rescue evacuation, relief and rehabilitation whereas the new law aims to address the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters, strengthen the countrys institutional capacity for disaster risk reduction as well as manage and build the resilience of local communities to disaster, even on the impact of climate change. Moreover, the new law adopts a disaster risk reduction and management approach that is holistic, comprehensive, integrated, and proactive in lessening the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of disasters including climate change, and promotes the involvement and participation of all sectors and all stakeholders concerned, at


Location: MoNTe CIeLo I Lot area : 284 sq meters (near Clubhouse) 50% Downpayment, 50% balance payable in 12 months / no interest CLeaN TITLe Please contact: 0921-4409-207/ or 475-62-62 all levels, especially the local community. Another resource person of EDMERO, Engr. Joel Talay, discussed the information materials, such as maps, to determine possible root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters such as fault lines that may be accurately pointed in appropriate maps and charts. Similar efforts are given priority by various offices and agencies of the provincial government in line with the program of Gov. LRay Villafuerte to foster growth and development in the province.

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at asPe sPeeD PaWNsHoP, Jr. Bichara Complex, san antonio Poblacion, Calabanga, Camarines sur, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at roWeNa asPe PaWNsHoP, P. Burgos st., corner J. Hernandez avenue, Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

tours and travel . . .

when leadership changes after local elections are conducted. The Mayors as Local Chief Executives should be the driving force to initiate and favorably follow a course of action required in the promotion of tourism in their respective jurisdictions. Metro Naga Development Council (MNDC) tool for Local Economic Development have identified areas of opportunities in sustained effort for the improvement of the quality of life in these growth areas, to wit: 1. Cultivating a policy foundation for entrepreneurship and tourism in LGUs. 2. Upgrading tourism facilities and services through development activities aimed at achieving tourism industry standards. 3. Pushing local products and services into the forefront of the expanding tourist market. 4. Widening the channels for tourism inflow through effective promotions and marketing program for all types of tourists. 5. Establishing community based heritage and tourism centers to bring economic benefits directly to the peripheries. With the foregoing considerations clearly defined and pointed out, there is a need for an enabling environment for the sector concerned to grow and develop for the end goal of poverty alleviation in the tourism growth areas of Metro Naga and its environs. This will have to occur in two facets, the first one is for tourism to make it possible that it should not only benefit the investors and management. The employees, service providers and microentrepreneurs should also be benefitted economically. The second facet is that entrepreneurs in the outer communities of Metro Naga should also have the means to tap activities that will lure tourists and investors in this core area. With these concerns being addressed to a balanced developmental framework will led to the long awaited economic growth of Metro Naga and its neighboring areas.

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at e. Boy asPe PaWNsHoP, Prieto street, Filabel arcade, Dinaga, Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at asPe eXPLorer PaWNsHoP, Ground Floor, Bichara Complex, abella st., Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at r. M. asPe PaWNsHoP, Cor. Panganiban & elias angeles street, Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at asPe IGuaLDaD PaWNsHoP, Cor. Igualdad ext. & J. Hernandez ave., Igualdad, Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at asPe CroWNJeWeL PaWNsHoP & JeWeLry sTore, Bichara Mall corner J. Hernandez & Gen. Luna sts., Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 01-31, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

notice to the PuBlic auction Sale/SuBaSta

all unredeemed items/articles pawned at asPe suPerPaWN PaWNsHoP Crown Jewel Holdings Inc., elias angeles st., san Francisco, Naga City, pawned from DeCeMBer 0131, 2011 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on JuNe 01, 2012 from 9:00 a.M.-12:00 NooN. redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until May 28, 2012 only. THe MaNaGeMeNT BIKoL rePorTer Published: May 6 and 13, 2012

10 Bikol reporter

may 6 - 12, 2012

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