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Pizza corner India ltd. is an Indian born company which started last quarter of 1996. It set up with the collaboration of American and European food consultants; Pizza corner has launched its first restaurant in Chennai, India. It is a part of global investment partners(GIP), a private venture capital fund established for emerging markets.ICICI venture recently acquired 33%

equity in Pizza corner India ltd.Pizza corner today is present in Chennai, Bangalore ,mysore ,Hyderabad,pondicherry,kohi, and New Delhi.

Currently they Have 3 dine- in & 1 delivery outlet in Chennai and 4 dine in & 6 delivery outlet in Bangalore. Mainly quality and speed of service as a first threshold of its commitment to its mission. It is the mission of Pizza and corner to bring quality products with consistency to all its guest and focus on presenting a consistent corporate image throughout product packaging, marketing activities, and relation with suppliers. The study is about the customer satisfaction of Pizza corner towards their customers, what are the steps they are taking to satisfy their customers, this study helps to know the customers attitude and reaction towards Pizza corner, customers perception regarding satisfaction levels and service levels of Pizza corner .the study also helps us to find present level of awareness of customers and also helps to analyze the market potentiality of the organization.


As the twenty first century is first approaching, marketing is becoming more attractive at the company, state, national and international levels. Many organizations have involved in developing marketing activities to satisfy the needs of a group of customers.

The concept of market is very important in marketing. The American Marketing Association defines a market as the aggregate demand of the potential buyers for a product or services.

P.Kotler defines a market as an area for potential exchanges. Thus a market is a group of buyers and sellers interested in negotiating the terms of purchase or sale of goods or services.

Marketing is a comprehensive term and it includes all resources and a set of activities necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and services from producers consumers in the process of distribution. Businessmen refer marketing process as distribution process. Human efforts, finance and management constitute the primary resources in marketing. Marketing encompasses all activities of exchange conducted by producers and middleman in commerce for the purpose of satisfying consumer demand. Marketing management is responsible for organizing, directing and controlling all marketing activities included in the process of marketing.

It deals with how organization and people can improve their exchange activities to produce more income for themselves and more satisfaction for others. The marketing concept is a philosophy that says that organization that creates genuine customer satisfaction usually succeeds in achieving organizational goals. Marketing consists of a set of principle for choosing target market, identifying consumer needs, developing wants, satisfying products band services and delivering value to customers and profit to the company. More successful companies owe their success to practicing a through customer orientation. They make consumer needs the basics of company opportunities. Thus making comprises an integrated system of business activities in order to plan, price promote and distribute goods and services to meet customer needs within the limits of society.

P.Kotler defines marketing as the set of human activities directed as facilitating and consummating exchanges. The essence of marketing is exchange of products and the transaction is to satisfy human needs and wants. The American marketing association defies marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer.

Marketing is recognized as the most significant activity in our society. Our lifestyle is continuously affected by a wide range of marketing activities. Marketing alone can put goods and services we want and need at our doorsteps. Marketing alone has achieved social importance because it is entrusted with the task of creation and delivery of standard of living to society. Marketing is the vital connecting link between producers and consumer. Marketing is directly responsible to maintain the equilibrium between mass production and mass consumption. Marketing system plays a unique role in transforming the benefits of mass production in terms of rising life standards and lie styles of all the people through the standard of physical distribution.


Marketing functions are performed by the manufactures and all middlemen in the machinery of distribution. Some of the important marketing function is:-


: It is one function of the equation of the exchange .selling creates demand for a


: It is the second function of the equation of exchanges. It requires planning of

purchase, search for probable sellers, and selection of goods to be sold.

Standardization and grading

: standardization makes sale by description

possible. It assures quality. Promotes uniformity of products.


Credit is necessary in marketing. It plays an important role in retail trade

particularly in the sale of costly consumer goods.

Marketing Management
Marketing management may be defined as the process of management programs for accomplished goals and objectives. The process of management is the set of managerial

functions known as plnning, implementation and control of programs to achieve predetermined objectives. Marketing management seeks to influence the level, timing character and demand in a way that will help the organization to achieve its objectives. Marketing management performs all managerial functions in the field of marketing. It I responsible for organizing directing and controlling all activities included in the process of marketing .it has to implement the marketing programs and conduct the marketing campaign.

Marketing mix
Marketing mix is he set of controllable marketing variables that the firm blends to produces the responses it wants in the target market .the variables can be controlled into 4 groups known as (4p). These 4ps is;

Product mix:
(1) product range

Product is the thing possessing utility. It ha 4 components:

(2) service after sale (3) brand (4) package

Price mix

: Price is the valuation placed upon the product by the has to cover

pricing, discounts allowances, and terms of credit. It deals with price competition.

Place mix

Place stands for the various company activities that make the product

available ton target customers. It includes the channel member like wholesellers, and retailers, the coverage, the locations the inventory and transport of the product.

Promotion mix

Promotion is the persuasive communication about the product by

the offered to the prospect. It covers advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, public relation used in promotion. Largely it deals with non price competition. A company must decide on the budget to spend on the marketing effort and how to allocate the budget to the major marketing mix tools. The positioning of the product provides the basics for designing a coordinated marketing mix.

Marketing information system

Information system is an organized way of receiving, recording, analyzing, and sending message. It includes both formal flow of information as well as informal flow of information. Any information that is required to better the market is called market information. Market information provides manufacturer or marketer everything he wants to know.

Marketing information system is an organized on-going system for providing information to decision makers in the marketing field. Marketing information system is defined as:

A set of procedures and methods for the regular and planned analysis and presentation of information which re useful to take marketing decisions- Cox & Rigor. MIS is a systematic collection of informations which are useful to take marketing decisions.

Marketing information is an on-going and respective process of collection and processing and presenting of pertinent information while marketing research is an intermittent or irregular activity on project to-project basics and it is concerned with solving specific and typical marketing problems.

Marketing research
Marketing research gathering has wider meaning and scope. It is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems connected with the market place, i.e problems related to product, price, palce, and promotion of the 4ps of marketing mix. The American marketing association defines marketing research as follows:

Marketing research is the function which links the customer, consumer and public to the marketer through information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and and evaluate actions; monitor marketing performance ;and

problems; generate refine

improve understanding of marketing as a process.

Marketing research is concerned with all those factors which have direct impact upon the marketing of products and services. It is the study of any part of total marketing process. in concentrates on the study of product planning and development ,pricing, policies,,

effectiveness of personal selling , advertisement and sales promotion , competition and the entire area of buyer behavior and attitude in the market place.

Customer Satisfaction
Customer is the person who is having willing ness to buy the product and supported by the enough monetary power to pay for it. The customer buys a product to fulfill his demand. So the customer expects full satisfaction by the product for which he is paying. Customer satisfaction a customer satisfaction is a function of he providers perceived

performance and the customers expectation. Consumers purchase a commodity as dictated by their mental and economic forces. Mental force creates desires and wants. But the economic force may come in the way satisfying wants. Hence he has to choose between he wants and select the products according to the priority consumption. The producer has to consider these two consumers forces, before manufacturing the product. As consumption initiates production the producer should identify the motives which prompt consumers to purchase.This helps him to offer a total product that can satisfy consumer needs.

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