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- 05/11/12

Romney and Obama moving fast as the end nears - CBS News
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China-bashing ad takes voters for a ride - China Daily

(china - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:45:59 PM

to four cities in Pennsylvania Monday to blunt a last-minute Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:47:20 PM offensive by the Romney camp in (CBS News) As the final weekend that typically blue state. Mr. of campaign 2012 draws to a Obama brings up the Clinton close, the race for the White years at every rally. On cusp of House could not be closer. The election, polls still tight latest polls indicate a virtual tie. Complete coverage: The Taking no chances, the Battlegrounds candidates are crisscrossing swing Ryan tries to move Wis., Ohio states. into Romney column CBS News correspondent Nancy "We tried our ideas and they Cordes reports President Obama worked: The Middle class grew, joined forces this final weekend Americans prospered, deficits with his most powerful supporter became surpluses. We tried their -- former President Bill Clinton -- ideas: Incomes went down, who took on Romney with relish. d e f i c i t s b l e w u p , m a s s i v e "He has tied himself on so many financial crisis we are still knots trying to say he didn't cleaning up," the president told a oppose what he clearly opposed campaign rally. that I expected today he will be Obama officials revealed this o f f e r e d a j o b a s a c h i e f weekend that campaign workers contortionist at Cirque du Soleil!" have registered 1.8 million new Clinton joked to a crowd in New voters in battleground states -Hampshire. double the number they registered Mr. Clinton is being dispatched before the 2008 election. [unable to retrieve full-text content] [unable to retrieve full-text content]

President Obama will spend the last day of his last campaign in three Midwest states Monday: Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa. He said Sunday that at this stage in the race he is merely a "prop," and that the real stars of this drama now are his get out the vote team and the voters themselves. CBS News correspondent Jan Crawford reports Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney spent Sunday in the Democratic stronghold of Pennsylvania. With polls showing the race has tightened there, the Romney campaign decided to give it a shot. "Two more days, and we can get to work rebuilding our country," Romney told the crowd. In the crucial state of Ohio earlier Sunday, Romney talked in sweeping language about a brighter future. "Two more days we start [unable to retrieve full-text content]

rebuilding our country and restoring our confidence and renewing our conviction. Confidence that we're on a solid path to steady improvement. American's don't settle. We build, we inspire, we dream, we achieve!" Romney said. More than 20,000 people waited hours to see Romney in Pennsylvania, and if he could take this state, it would give him more flexibility. But Pennsylvania has been a tough one for Republicans-George H.W. Bush is the last president to win it, in 1988. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

China Daily China-bashing ad takes voters for a ride China Daily "Barack Obama says he saved the auto industry. But for who? Ohio, or China? Under President Obama, GM cut 15,000 American jobs. But they are planning to double the number of cars built in China, which means 15,000 more jobs for China," the radio ad... Romney's Lies, the Real China story, and More Robots The Real News Network all 287 news articles [unable to retrieve full-text content]

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

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Housing Nightmare Looms in Wake of Storm - New York Times

MICHAEL SCHWIRTZ (Top Stories - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:09:19 PM

New York City officials said on Sunday that they faced the daunting challenge of finding homes for as many as 40,000 people who were left homeless after the devastation of last weeks storm, a situation that the citys mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg, compared to New Orleanss after Hurricane Katrina. Photographs The mayor said that the 40,000 figure was the worst possible case given by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and that a more realistic assessment was 20,000 people most of them residents of public housing. Even in the best possible case, he said, the task will be formidable. We dont have a lot of empty housing in this city, Mr. Bloomberg said at a news conference on Sunday. We are not going to let anybody go sleeping in the streets or go without blankets, but its a challenge, and were working on that as fast as we can. It is a task shared throughout the region, as officials in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut struggle to meet the demands of those whose homes have been left

uninhabitable. In some cases, the solution may be a familiar, if unwelcome sight: the trailers provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency after Hurricane Katrina. Craig Fugate, director of the agency, said most displaced people would probably be housed in hotels or apartments. But in some regions, like Long Island with its many single-family homes and few large apartment blocks, he said there was a shortage of vacant housing. It has got to make sense for the neighborhood, Mr. Fugate said, adding that it was up to the states to request the trailers. We are going to bring all potential housing solutions and look at what works best for each neighborhood. Even as utility companies work to restore power to millions of customers, a northeaster, projected to land midweek, may hit the already battered coastal areas with heavy winds and strong waves that could cause more flooding and tear down power lines recently replaced and stop repair workers in their tracks. The first concern is slowing the army that weve got down; the second is more outages, said John Miksad, Consolidated Edisons senior vice president for electric operations. It certainly

areas projected to last months, a sense of desperation appeared to have set in. In parts of Staten Island, Long Island and coastal New Jersey, many still reside in dank, waterlogged houses and survive on food handouts from federal agencies and the National Guard. does complicate the restoration. FEMA announced over the A week after Hurricane Sandy tore through the region, millions weekend that it would begin have regained electricity, mass providing free hotel rooms for up transit is on the mend, and to two weeks to victims whose volunteers have rushed in to help. homes are not habitable, as On Sunday, some runners who authorities try to move people out had expected to compete in the of emergency shelters. Individuals New York City Marathon, which must register with the agency to was canceled, instead pitched in get the assistance, which also in to haul fallen trees and to some cases can include rental distribute clothing and food in the a s s i s t a n c e f o r t e m p o r a r y citys most heavily damaged a p a r t m e n t s . regions. Others ran a modified As of 3 p.m. Sunday, 182,000 marathon route in Central Park. residents of New York, New In many regions, power is still Jersey and Connecticut had lacking and fuel is nowhere to be applied for disaster assistance, found. As of Sunday, the number and $158 million has been of utility customers without power approved, he said. Some share of was over 1.8 million, the Energy that total will need a temporary Department said; that included place to stay. more than 900,000 in New Jersey, Word that some may have to 280,000 served by the Long leave their homes permanently Island Power Authority and caused further confusion and fear, 198,000 Con Edison customers particularly in public housing nearly half of them in Westchester complexes heavily damaged by County. Gas shortages persisted the storm. with rationing imposed in New At the Hammel Houses, a public Jersey and lines at some gas h o u s i n g c o m p l e x i n t h e stations stretching for miles. Rockaways, saltwater stains from And with recovery times in some the storm surge were visible

above first-floor windows, which like many in this part of New York City were all dark. They tell us we might evacuate, said Gloria Evans, 47, who has lived at apartment 1B at the houses since she moved there 26 years ago as a new mother. Are they going to help us? They cant just move everyone out and have no place to put them, she said. It is still uncertain how many people would ultimately need housing, temporary or otherwise. In New Jersey alone, over 5,000 people remain in shelters and tens of thousands who evacuated their homes now reside with relatives and friends. Those with no homes to return to will have to find a new place to live. We lost a lot of housing here in New Jersey, Janet Napolitano, the Homeland Security secretary, said in Hoboken with Gov. Chris Christie. We dont even know yet which houses are reparable. In making his reference to Hurricane Katrina, Mr. Bloomberg said that to his recollection the number of displaced people in New York may have been similar to that in New Orleans. That estimation seemed inaccurate since several hundred thousand people were HOUSING page 4

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Storm victims face housing crisis as cold snap hits

(Reuters: Top News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:23:44 PM

By Atossa Araxia Abrahamian and Edith Honan NEW YORK| Sun Nov 4, 2012 9:23pm EST (Reuters) - A housing crisis loomed in New York City as victims of superstorm Sandy struggled without heat in nearfreezing temperatures on Sunday and nearly 1 million people in neighboring New Jersey shivered in the dark without power. Fuel shortages and power outages lingered nearly a week after one of the worst storms in U.S. history flooded homes in coastal neighborhoods. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said 30,000 to 40,000 people in New York City alone would need shelter. "We don't have a lot of empty housing in this city. It's a problem to find housing. We're not going to let anybody go sleeping in the street," Bloomberg said. "But it's a challenge and we're working on this as fast as we can." Temperatures were forecast to fall close to freezing overnight and an early-season "Nor'easter" storm was expected to hit the battered region this week with strong winds and heavy rain. "The power is back, but we have no heat," said Adeline Camacho, a volunteer who was giving soup

and sandwiches to needy residents of the Lower East Side of Manhattan on Sunday. "A lot of people haven't been able to bathe or stay warm. Last night was cold and this night is going to be much worse." U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said federal agencies are looking for apartments and hotel rooms for people displaced by Sandy. "Housing is really the number one concern," Napolitano said at a news conference with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Overnight, at least two more bodies were found in New Jersey - one dead of hypothermia - as the overall North American death toll from Sandy climbed to at least 113. "People are in homes that are uninhabitable," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said at a news conference. Concerns are also growing that voters displaced by Sandy won't get to polling stations on Election Day on Tuesday. Scores of voting centers were rendered useless by the record surge of seawater in New York and New Jersey. STRUGGLING IN STATEN ISLAND Sandy killed 69 people in the Caribbean before turning north and hammering the U.S. Eastern Seaboard on Monday with 80

mile-per-hour (130-kph) winds. The two new deaths in New Jersey - where the storm came ashore last Monday night included a 71-year-old man who suffered from hypothermia and a 55-year-old man who died from smoke inhalation in a house fire, police said on Sunday. That raised New Jersey's death toll to 24 while the New York City death count was 40. In the hard-hit borough of Staten Island, Marie Mandia's house had a yellow sticker on it, meaning the city restricted its use. The storm surge broke through her windows and flooded her basement and main floor, the retired teacher said. "I'm not staying here. There's no protection," said Mandia, 60, who stood outside by a pile of her ruined things - a washer, drier, television and furniture. "Here's my life. Everybody's looking at it." Similar scenes of destruction were to be seen in the Rockaways, a strip of land along the Atlantic in Queens. Street after street, people were digging out from under several feet of sand and cleaning up from the deluge of water that ripped apart fences, turned over cars and left homes flooded. Volunteers made their way there to help, even as life appeared to

be back to normal in Times Square, where the neon lights were bright and Broadway theaters were up and running. "It's like the city, the officials, have forgotten us. Only our neighbors and strangers, volunteers, have been here," Gregory Piechocki said. "We don't need food or water. We need a warm place to sleep and some sign that we aren't forgotten." The Federal Emergency Management Agency said 182,000 individuals in Connecticut, New York and New Jersey had registered for assistance by Sunday afternoon, and more than $158 million had been approved. Sunday was to have been marathon day in New York, an occasion that normally draws more than 40,000 runners from around the world. But Bloomberg abruptly called off the race on Friday, bowing to criticism that it would divert resources from flood -ravaged neighborhoods. Without a race, hundreds of runners set off on informal runs to deliver food and clothes to people in need. More than 1,000 people crowded onto two Staten Island Ferry boats early on Sunday, headed to the stricken borough with relief supplies. Ruth Silverberg, 59, recently took a cruise in the Bahamas. She

returned to her Staten Island home Sunday for the first time since the storm and found more than 4 feet of water in her basement. "Things were just floating. I thought it would take me two weeks to clear it out," she said. Instead, a group of 15 marathon runners formed an assembly line and cleared the basement of its contents in two hours. "I'm awed," Silverberg said, her voice breaking. FUEL AND POWER CRISIS Fuel supplies continued to rumble toward disaster zones and electricity was slowly returning to darkened neighborhoods where many families have been without power for six days. In New Jersey, where residents were waiting for hours in line at gas stations, Christie tried to ease the fuel crunch by reassuring people that refineries and pipelines were back online and gas was being delivered. "We do not have a fuel shortage," he said at a news conference. The New York Harbor energy network was returning to normal on Sunday with mainline power restored, but there were growing concerns about heating oil supplies with cold weather forecast. Power restorations over the STORM page 8


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placed in federal housing in the months after that storm. Officials were scrambling to prepare for the onset of cold weather. New York City has opened heating shelters and is passing out blankets to residents without electricity. Temperatures throughout the region were expected to fall Sunday into the 30s, and the National Weather Service issued a freeze watch for parts of New Jersey, including the coast, the scene of some of the worst damage. Officials have urged residents across the region to head to shelters. Volunteers were also trying to help. In the streets of Midland Beach, one of the hardest hit areas on Staten Island, they carried hoes, rakes, brooms and shovels as they went door to door offering their labor. Others circled the blocks in pickup trucks full of food, blankets, clothes and cleaning supplies. Impromptu distribution centers, piled high with food and clothes, sprung up on every other corner. On Sunday morning, runners dressed in orange marathon gear crowded onto the Staten Island Ferry and headed to the stormravaged borough to help. They packed blankets, food, water and

flashlights in shoulder bags. Some planned to run to battered areas once the ferry docked. There are people suffering on Staten Island, and weve got to do something about it, said Neil Cohen, 42, from Riverdale in the Bronx. On Sunday, gas lines seemed slightly shorter in some places than in the previous few days, but many stations were still closed. The authorities set up three fuel depots in New Jersey to provide doctors and nurses with up to 15 gallons apiece to allow them to get to work. There were also concerns about drivers pumping more than their fair share of gasoline. Havier Nazario, 36, a principal at a Newark school who was at a station outside Newark Liberty International Airport, said he saw a man buy $101 worth of gas. I dont know what hes trying to power, but I think folks should pretty much just take what they need for their vehicle; otherwise the ration doesnt have its effect, he said. The gas crisis in the New York metropolitan area appeared to be easing, according to information released late Sunday by the Energy Department. As of Sunday, only 27 percent of

stations in the region reported to be out of fuel, down from 67 percent on Friday. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said in a news conference that tankers and barges were on the way to ease shortages. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced that Port Elizabeth, N.J., reopened on Sunday to receive its first shipments. Other Port Authority seaports remained closed. We do believe it is a short-term problem, Mr. Cuomo said, adding that shortages could continue for several days. As for the subways, all of the numbered lines were running to some degree, said Joseph J. Lhota, the chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. The No. 1 train has been extended south to 14th Street, and transit officials said they hoped that it would reach Rector Street by Monday. On Sunday evening, Mr. Lhota announced that Q train service had been partially restored to Kings Highway. The South Ferry station, although the water has been pumped out, remains unusable. The L train from Brooklyn to Manhattan and the G train from Brooklyn to Queens also remain suspended with no estimated time for

resuming service. Mr. Lhota said trains would arrive at stations less often on Monday than on a normal weekday. Its an old system, Mr. Lhota said in televised remarks. It needs tender loving care, and it just had a major accident. Monday morning would also bring another change: the return to school of nearly a million children. About 96 percent of the citys school buses are expected to be operating, and a vast majority of schools should be open, Mr. Bloomberg said. Students at closed schools will be sent to other locations, though the mayor said that keeping everyone informed about who goes where was proving difficult. The city has made over a million robocalls to parents and has purchased fullpage advertisements in Mondays newspapers with information about scheduling changes. Mr. Bloomberg also set the stage for possible confusion at polling places during the election on Tuesday. About 143,000 voters in the city will be assigned to sites outside their districts, and the mayor expressed hope that the New York Board of Elections, which he has criticized for mismanagement, would be

prepared. Asked whether he thought the board was up to the task, he replied: I have absolutely no idea. Reporting was contributed by Michael M. Grynbaum, Mary Pilon, Eric Lipton, Steve Eder, Vivian Yee and Thomas Kaplan. This article has been revised to reflect the following correction: Correction: November 4, 2012 Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated the number of customers without power in Connecticut. It is 70,000, not 700,000. A version of this article appeared in print on November 5, 2012, on page A 1 of the New York edition with the headline: Housing Nightmare Looms in Wake of Storm. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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5 taxpayer lowlights of the 2012 ballot measure slate

Brandon Arnold ( Todays Top News)

in Richmond and El Monte will consider measures to create a onecent per ounce tax on drinks that Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:50:13 PM contain added sugar. This tax With Election Day a day away, could encourage consumers to voters are being inundated with purchase their groceries outside information on the races at the top t h e s e c i t i e s a n d w o u l d of their tickets. However, here at disproportionately hit lowerthe National Taxpayers Union, we income taxpayers. Ironically, a analyze thousands of ballot recent study by economists at measures from all over the Cornell University found that a 10 country to compile our annual percent soda tax did not reduce b a l l o t g u i d e , c a l l e d T h e soda purchases over a threeTaxpayers Perspective. From month or six-month period. o v e r 7 5 0 f i s c a l l y o r i e n t e d Further, in some households it led proposals included in the guide, to increased consumption of a we found plenty of measures that different beverage that often taxpayers will variously view as contains more calories: beer. good, bad and sometimes 4. Uncertain Terms in El Paso downright ugly. We also found a County, Colorado number of head-scratchers. In 2010, El Paso County Here, we present a top-five list of residents passed three measures these lowlights. that relaxed the term limits on 5. Soda Taxes in Richmond and local elected officials, allowing El Monte, California: Will They them to hang around for an extra Drive Consumers to Drink? term. Many voters were confused New York City Mayor Michael by the measures, which counterBloomberg made headlines with intuitively required a yes vote his foolish ban on large sugary to reject the additional term. drinks. On the opposite side of the When some citizens realized what country, two municipalities are had happened, they immediately trying to jump on the soda asked for a chance to reverse the temperance bandwagon. Voters law. This year, Question 1B gives

voters the chance to revert back to the original two-term limit and end the controversy, but because 1Bs language is tricky too, some local activists have accused the County Commission of deliberately confusing voters again. 3. Huge Tobacco Tax Hike in Missouri Tobacco tax hikes have become fairly commonplace, but Missouris Proposition B has raised more than a few eyebrows because of its massive size. If it passes, the per-pack tax would skyrocket from17 cents to 90 cents a 529 percent increase. This means many out-of-staters would stop coming to Missouri to purchase cigarettes and the actual revenues collected would likely fall short of the projected $283 to $423 million, which often leads politicians to raise other types of taxes. In fact, a National Taxpayers Union study showed that between 2001 and 2006 alone, 41 of 59 state-level tobacco tax hikes were followed by additional tax increases within two years of their enactment. 2. The Permanent Temporary

Tax Hike in Arizona Prop 204 tests the meaning of the word temporary (not to mention the patience of some taxpayers). In 2010, Arizona voters passed a two-year sales tax increase of nearly $1 billion to patch a budget shortfall. That hike, which bumped the statewide rate from 5.6 to 6.6 percent, gave Arizona the second highest total sales tax burden in the country. Now, protaxers are trying to extend the increase indefinitely. Many supporters of the original scheme, like Gov. Jan Brewer, have since recognized the harmful economic effects of high taxes and are currently opposing Prop 204. Meanwhile, many Arizonans must feel its dj vu all over again. 1. Taxes for Art in Portland, Oregon Portland voters will consider a proposal to create an arts tax, which would require every city resident over age 18 and in a household above the poverty line to pay a tax of $35 per year. Overall, Measure 26-146 would generate about $12 million annually to fund public-school art programs and some private

organizations like the Oregon Symphony. The latter purpose has aroused the ire of some local education advocates. Others are concerned about the regressive nature of the proposed tax on working-class families. Even families below the poverty line would be affected. While they wouldnt have to pay the $35 tax, they would have to provide the city with documentation proving they are exempt. This list is a very small sample of the billions and billions of dollars of taxpayer money that voters will directly impact on November 6 through ballot measures. These could have as much if not more impact on pocketbooks as public officials seeking election. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Greece makes austerity push, workers gear for strike

(Reuters: Top News)

passage of the 2013 budget are crucial to unlocking 31.5 billion euros in aid from an International By George Georgiopoulos and Monetary Fund and European Michael Winfrey Union bailout that has been on ATHENS| Sun Nov 4, 2012 hold since May. 8:19pm EST "These will be the last cuts in (Reuters) - Greece's government wages and pensions," Samaras will present a new austerity said on Sunday in a speech aimed p a c k a g e t o p a r l i a m e n t o n at galvanizing the members of his Monday, facing a week of strikes New Democracy party. and protests over proposals which "We promised to avert the must win deputies' approval if the country's exit from the euro and country is to secure more aid and this is what we are doing. We stave off bankruptcy. have given absolute priority to Parliament is expected to vote on this because if we do not achieve Prime Minister Antonis Samaras' this everything else will be package of 13.5 billion euros ($17 meaningless." billion) in cost cuts and tax hikes Union leaders say the measures o n W e d n e s d a y a l o n g w i t h will simply deepen a recession measures making it easier for that is expected to run into next firms to hire and fire workers. year. Despite public exasperation at "Our labor action next week will four years of belt-tightening that be part of efforts to avert policies has helped wipe out a fifth of the that will sink the country deeper economy and leave a quarter of into recession and destroy the Greeks jobless, the package and a f a b r i c o f s o c i e t y , " Y a n n i s tough budget slated for a vote on Panagopoulos, head of GSEE Sunday are expected to scrape private sector umbrella union, told through parliament. Reuters. Greece's powerful main public ANGER, DISSENT and private sector unions will The protests will ratchet up launch a 48 hour strike against the pressure on coalition deputies legislation on Tuesday and plan whose parties have slid in opinion marches in Athens' city centre. polls since a June election in the Journalists, doctors, transport Mediterranean country of 10 workers and shopkeepers are also million. planning stoppages. On Friday, a poll showed New Approval of the reforms and the Democracy's support had fallen to
Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:19:24 PM

22 percent, from 30 percent in the election. Its Socialist PASOK partners had fallen to 7 percent, down from 12.3 percent according to the PULSE survey. "I want this government out. They should go to hell," said Vassiliki Trimopoulou, a 60-year-old woman who has just retired under a state redundancy plan. "This is certainly not the last package. But I hope this will be the last thing they decide on." The smallest coalition member, the Democratic Left, has pledged to oppose the plans to cut wages, reduce severance payments and scrap automatic wage hikes, saying they will devastate workers who have borne the brunt of the crisis. PASOK is struggling to shore up support for the measures after one of its deputies quit on Thursday in the wake of a narrow victory in pushing through a privatization bill also demanded by the lenders, cutting PASOK's numbers to 32 MPs. Five of those have said they may oppose the reforms. But even without them, New Democracy and PASOK's remaining members are expected to muster at least 154 of Parliament's 300 votes. "We will not step back now that we are in the final phase," PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos told journalists on

Sunday. The "troika" of the IMF, European Commission and European Central Bank have agreed to extend a deadline for Greece to achieve a primary budget surplus of 4.5 percent, a measure of public finances minus debt maintenance costs. That should give the battered economy breathing room, but on Wednesday, the government said it would shrink more than forecast in 2013 and debt would peak at 192 percent of GDP in 2014, 10 percentage points higher than earlier forecast. That has increased the prospect of another round of debt restructuring, a source of conflict between the IMF and Greece's biggest EU creditor Germany who both privately say Athens' debt trajectory is unsustainable. ($1 = 0.7785 euros) (Additional reporting by Renee Maltezou; editing by Philippa Fletcher) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Panic: Clinton to Pennsylvania for four rallies on Monday

Jim Hoft ( Todays Top News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 5:55:35 PM

Election 2012 By: Jim Hoft 11/4/2012 06:55 PM RESIZE: A A A Landslide Watch: The Obama Campaign is sending Bill Clinton to Pennsylvania, of all places, for four rallies the day before the election. Ed Henry on FOX News reported: Those who read this also read SPONSORED CONTENT FROM THE WEB This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Unemployment Numbers Are Up But Consumer Confidence is on the Rise PolicyMic

(unemployment - Google News)

pace than projected as orders and production picked up, showing Submitted at 11/4/2012 3:56:55 PM the industry is stabilizing. The Unemployment Numbers Are Up Institute for Supply But Consumer Confidence is on Managements factory index the Rise climbed to 51.7 last month, the Consumer Confidence hit a fivehighest since May, from 51.5 in year high prior before the Labor September. Economists estimated Departments official release of 51 for October. A reading of 50 is Octobers 7.9% Unemployment the dividing line between growth number today. and contraction. The Conference Board's Consumers base their view of the consumer confidence index rose economy on what they can to 72.2 last month. That's the understand, a reduced sense of highest reading since February fear concerning employment, 2008. While the index is still housing prices beginning to rise, below the 90 reading consistent retail sales picking up and reports with a healthy economy, it has factories orders are improving. risen from a reading of 40.9 a year Consumers dont sweat the small ago. That's the biggest one-year stuff. They dont care that the increase since 1994, Robert majority of jobs growth over the Kavcic, an economist at BMO past few months relates to capital markets said. campaign workers hired or an On Thursday the ADP National expansion in part-time retail Employment Report estimated positions. They tend to ignore the private-sector employers added consensus estimate of 369,000. more affordable. according to a tally from 21 retail fact, the lower mortgage rates 158,000 jobs in October. From The Commerce Department said U.S. single-family home prices chains by the International drop, and the faster housing prices A D P s a n a l y s i s , O c t o b e r s on Tuesday, home prices, which rose 0.5 percent in August on a Council of Shopping Centers. stabilize if not begin to rise. Unemployment rate was expected declined rapidly in 2006 and seasonally adjusted basis, marking That was better than analysts They dont have the time to read to tick up to 7.9%. Additionally contributed to the country's the seventh straight month of expected. Some of that increase the manufacturing report to find p r i o r t o l e a s i n g O c t o b e r s recession, are edging up and increases, according to the S&P/ may reflect higher spending for out it included basically double Unemployment report, the Labor helping spur economic growth. Case Shiller composite index of generators, batteries, water and the prior quarters orders for Department said initial jobless Improvements in the housing 20 metropolitan areas released on other supplies in preparation for defense purchases increased to a claims fell to 363,000 last week, m a r k e t a r e a l s o b o o s t i n g Tuesday. Superstorm Sandy. level last observed prior to the down from 372,000 the prior consumer confidence, as record Sales in retail stores open at least Manufacturing in the U.S. UNEMPLOYMENT page 8 w e e k a n d s m a l l e r t h a n t h e low borrowing rates make buying one year rose 5% in October, expanded in October at a faster


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weekend relit the skyline in Lower Manhattan for the first time in nearly a week and allowed 80 percent of the New York City subway service to resume. But Bloomberg said it would be a "very, very long time" before power would return to certain New York neighborhoods along the coast. Most schools were due to reopen on Monday, though some were still being used as shelters. Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, Long Island, was housing about 100 people and expecting more to arrive as temperatures fall. Some 1.9 million homes and business still lacked power across the Northeast on Sunday, down from 2.5 million the day before. "All these numbers are nice, but they mean nothing until the power is on in your house," Cuomo said. One of those still without power was 70-year-old Ramon Rodriguez, who lives in the Brooklyn seafront neighborhood of Red Hook. "I feel like I've spent my whole Social Security check on batteries and candles," Rodriguez said as he waited in

line at the 99 Cent Dreams store. His search for ice to keep his freezer cold came up short. But, he added, "at least it's cold enough to leave food outside the windowsill." At the building where he lives, garbage bags were piled high and the intercom that is typically used for security was not working, so the front door was unlocked. ELECTION FACES 'REAL PROBLEMS' President Barack Obama, neckand-neck in opinion polls with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, ordered emergency response officials to cut through government "red tape" and work without delay to help affected areas return to normal. With the post-storm chaos overshadowing the final days of campaigning, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 68 percent of those surveyed approved of how Obama handled Sandy, while 15 percent disapproved. New Jersey has said it will allow people displaced by the storm to vote by email. In New York City, some 143,000 voters will be reassigned to different polling

sites. Bloomberg said the Board of Elections has "real problems," and warned that it would be critical to make sure poll workers were informed of the changes. "Unfortunately, there is a history of not communicating changes to their poll workers," Bloomberg said, adding the board has proven to be "dysfunctional" in recent years. (Reporting by Reuters bureaus throughout the U.S. Northeast; Writing by Jonathan Spicer and Claudia Parsons; Editing by Cynthia Osterman and Stacey Joyce) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Afghanistan surge three years ago. They are nave to the fact that an increase in same store sales year to year when you are comparing those numbers to a poor 2011 showing isnt encouraging. They really dont give a dam about 3 rd quarter earnings or future sales predictions from Americas corporations who they believe betrayed them. Ignorance is bliss and maybe that is what American Consumers need more of. American consumers cant solve record high unemployment across Europe. Main Street certainly isnt going to reboot Chinas export based economy. Mr. and Mrs. USA cant mitigate the fiscal cliff from occurring. What America truly needs to

jump start this recovery out of its sluggish 2% growth is Consumer Confidence better times are truly in our future. What America truly needs is for business owners to have the investment confidence to make capital purchasing decision leading to new full-time hiring. While knowledge may be power perhaps ignorance leads to bliss. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

For many, DC housing waiting list offers little more than hope - Washington Post
(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:37:58 PM

For many, DC housing waiting

list offers little more than hope Washington Post In 1975, Lewis signed up for the District's Housing Choice

Voucher Program, which used to be known as Section 8. At the time, she was 19, living with her mother and working a string of

low-wage jobs to provide for herself and her newborn daughter...

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NBC's David Gregory Uncritically Airs China's Stocks Drop on Data Before Leadership Change, Romney Unemployment Falsehood US Polls - Businessweek Media Matters for America (blog)
(unemployment - Google News) (china - Google News)

Bureau of Economic Analysis estimated that real gross domestic Submitted at 11/4/2012 3:41:40 PM product had declined by 8.9 NBC's David Gregory showed percent during the fourth quarter Mitt Romney claiming that of 2008 -- over twice as much as President Obama said he would BEA's initial estimate of 3.8 lower unemployment to 5.2 percent. These revisions made the percent and presented this economic contraction in 2008 the statement as representative of higher than when Barack Obama worst single-quarter decline in Obama's economic record. But t o o k o f f i c e . " G r e g o r y s a i d GDP since 1958. independent fact-checkers have Romney's argument was that "the Estimates from the Congressional rated the charge that Obama unemployment rate [is] higher Budget Office, the White House promised an unemployment rate than when the president took Council of Economic Advisers, of around 5 percent as false and office." and independent economists show G r e g o r y t h e n p a r a p h r a s e d that Obama's stimulus plan misleading. While economists working with Romney's message as, "if you've significantly raised employment Obama projected in 2009 that one got anxiety about the economy, and increased GDP, and lowered version of a stimulus bill would this is the president's record -- you the unemployment rate from the lower the unemployment to that have to be disappointed." recession's peak. There are also R o m n e y ' s s t a t e m e n t i s a more Americans employed now level, the severity of the recession wasn't fully understood at that reference to a report produced by than when Obama took office in time, and Obama never promised Obama's economic advisers in January 2009. that level of unemployment would January 2009, before Obama took This entry passed through the o f f i c e , p r e d i c t i n g t h a t Full-Text RSS service if this is be achieved. While interviewing White House unemployment would be near 5 your content and you're reading it senior adviser David Plouffe on percent in 2012 and that it would on someone else's site, please read S u n d a y ' s M e e t T h e P r e s s , not exceed 8 percent if the the FAQ at aired a clip of Romney stimulus was passed. But the only/faq.php#publishers. Five saying during a stump speech that report was produced before the Filters recommends: Incinerating President Obama said he would release of data showing the Assange - The Liberal Media Go "bring the unemployment rate recession was much worse than To Work. down to 5.2 percent by now" and was thought at the time. that "unemployment today is Indeed, in August 2011, the

Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:30:32 PM

China's Stocks Drop on Data Before Leadership Change, US Polls Businessweek China's stocks fell for the first time in five days as investors

assessed reports on China's nonmanufacturing industries before a leadership transition and the U.S. presidential election this week. Jiangxi Copper Co. led declines for metal producers... China's futures market turnover rises China Daily all 8 news articles

Storm victims face housing crisis as cold snap hits - Reuters

(housing - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:36:48 PM

Wall Street Journal (blog) Storm victims face housing crisis as cold snap hits Reuters NEW YORK (Reuters) - A housing crisis loomed in New York City as victims of superstorm Sandy struggled without heat in near-freezing temperatures on Sunday and nearly 1 million people in neighboring New Jersey shivered

in the dark without power. Housing woes rise as temperatures fall after Sandy USA TODAY Massive housing relief needed after Sandy as cold sets in Chicago Tribune New York faces 'massive housing problem' after Sandy, governor says CNN Wall Street Journal (blog) Slate Magazine (blog) all 13,075 news articles

Axelrod Claims Obama 'Convened the Top Military Officials that Evening'
William Kristol (The Weekly Standard)

David Axelrod was asked this morning on Fox News Sunday about the decision not to deploy

evening of September 11. military forces to Benghazi the


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A Big Change In This Poll The joy of texts has Question Is Great News rebounded on Dave... - Daily Mail For Mitt Romney
(Nation - Google News) Brett LoGiurato (Business Insider)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:08:06 PM Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:49:49 PM

CNN's final pre-election poll finds, like many others today, that the race between President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney is locked in a tie at 49% just two days before Election Day. Romney, however, has improved his standing by 3 points from CNN/ORC's previous poll, which was taken in late September right before the first presidential debate. And there's one question that serves as good news for Romney's main pitch that he would be better at turning around the nation's economy voters believe that he is the best candidate to do so. In the new poll, 43% of likely voters surveyed said that the nation's economy would only get better if Romney was elected. Only 34% said the same would happen if Obama is re-elected, a significant change from August, when the president had a slim lead on the issue. Moreover, voters don't hold a very positive view of the nation's economy. Only 28% of those

Daily Mail The joy of texts has rebounded on Dave... Daily Mail At 7.25AM yesterday, 'Robert from New Zealand' decided to give his verdict on the publication of more text messages between the Prime Minister and former News of the World editor Rebekah Brooks. Taking a dim view of the correspondence, he

informed the... David Cameron 'should publish secret messages' with Rebekah Brooks Why the long face? PM given rough ride over 150 Brooks messages David Cameron acknowledges there may be more Rebekah Brooks texts The Guardian BBC News- Irish Examiner- The Independent all 448 news articles

surveyed say the nation's economic conditions are good, compared with 71% that say they are poor. That's a worse reading for the economy from a CNN/ ORC poll taken in early September, when 32% said it was good and 68% rated it as poor. In most other issues in the poll, the candidates are tied. The two candidates have similar favorability ratings. Equal amounts of likely voters say they both have the qualities necessary to be president. And both sides

are equally enthusiastic about voting. Obama's approval rating, though, did rise to 51 percent in the poll, putting him above the magic number of 50 percent. Typically, incumbents that have an approval rating of 50 percent or above are easily re-elected. That continues the trend of what other polls have been finding in the past week. Please follow Politics on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

Now Gadkari quotes Swami Vivekanand, compares him to Dawood - Hindustan Times
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:25:36 PM

Economic Times Now Gadkari quotes Swami Vivekanand, compares him to Dawood Hindustan Times BJP president Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said the intelligence quotient level of Swami Vivekanand and Dawood Ibrahim was almost the same, but the spiritual leader had used it for

nation building while the underworld don for pursuing crime. "In psychology, we... Dawood's IQ level almost same as Vivekananda's: Gadkari IBNLive RSS cautions against cyber threat from China The Hindu BJP will decide on Gadkari's second term: RSS Times of India Daily Pioneer- Indian ExpressEconomic Times all 60 news articles

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Business/ World News/


China's HSBC Services PMI Slips

Sam Ro (Business Insider)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:03:00 PM

Independence row as EU chief backs union - Herald Scotland

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:07:11 PM

China's HSBC services PMI declined to 53.5 in October from 54.3 in September. But any number above 50 signals expansion. The composite PMI improved to 50.5 in October from 50.3 a month ago thanks to an improvement in manufacturing activity. Despite the moderation of services activity growth, the Chinese economy is gradually bottoming out as the filteringthrough of earlier easing policy is boosting domestic demand," wrote HSBC's Hongbin Qu. "We expect the continuation of policy easing to sustain the recovery in manufacturing sector in the coming months, which should lend additional support to growth of services sectors and consumer

spending. Here are some key points from Markit's composite report: Output expands at composite level for second month in a row Composite new orders increase at the quickest pace in a year Input costs rise in both sectors Earlier, we learned that the official services PMI number

improved to 55.5 in October from 53.7 a month ago. SEE ALSO: 19 Crazy Things That Only Happen In China > Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

The Sun Independence row as EU chief backs union Herald Scotland Mr Van Rompuy, who could chair the key meetings about an independent Scotland's EU membership, made his comments on YouTube. Scottish Labour seized on the remarks as further proof of what it regards as the

SNP's folly of trying to break up the... Herman van Rompuy profile: Former PM who can calm a crisis Scotsman Herman Van Rompuy deals blow to Salmond's Scottish independence campaign Daily Mail Don't be fooled by Rompuy rumpus The Sun all 9 news articles

Delhi smog sets alarm bells ringing IBNLive

(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:14:32 PM

IBNLive Delhi smog sets alarm bells

ringing IBNLive New Delhi: It's the first week of November and a thick blanket of smog has pervaded the Delhi

skyline, indicating a sharp rise in pollution levels. The level of pollution in Delhi is higher than what it was last Diwali. It's taking a toll on asthma patients in the

city. Smog screen thickens, to stay Times of India Docs sound caution over dip in mercury, pollution Delhi

Newsline all 3 news articles


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Bikie member Faalau Pisu shot dead, two guests injured after wedding shooting ... - The Daily Telegraph
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:04:31 PM Bikie member Faalau Pisu shot dead, two guests injured after wedding shooting... The Daily Telegraph Police have also revealed that two others who were shot outside the Serbian function centre at Canley Vale this morning also had links to the Comancheros. A

27-year-old man shot in the leg is an associate of the gang, while a 25-year-old man who was also... NSW police anticipated violence at wedding Herald Sun Man killed at wedding Sydney Morning Herald Father dies in wedding shoot-out The Australian ABC Online- Ninemsn- Fairfield City Champion all 62 news articles

Facebook Admits Too Much Facebook Probably Isnt Healthy

Josh Constine (TechCrunch)

Taxi driver fronts court over Cairns man's death - ABC Online
(Nation - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:28:54 PM

Sky News Australia Taxi driver fronts court over Cairns man's death ABC Online A far north Queensland taxi driver has appeared in a Brisbane court charged over a fatal accident. Gurmittar Singh Sandhu, 24, has been accused of dangerous driving causing death

and leaving the scene of an accident. A 40-year-old man was found badly... Taxi driver charged over pedestrian death Ninemsn Taxi driver, 24, charged after allegedly hitting and killing his passenger, 40, in... Herald Sun Taxi driver arrested at airport after hit-and-run charge The Cairns Post all 21 news articles

Trying to simply increase the amount of time spent on site can Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:16:38 PM lead to poor design decisions. It You could call it a massive social can also lead to unhappiness media mistake by social media and unhealthiness. itself. I think it was an admirable The fact is that we find moment of honesty between information addictive. We love to Facebook and the world. Maybe seek, to learn. Its an evolutionary i t s b o t h . B u t t h i s w e e k trait. The more we know, the Facebooks official Facebook more likely we are to survive. But Page shared this: Birthday cakes w i t h s u c h v a s t a m o u n t s o f a r e m a d e f o r p e o p l e t o b e information at our fingertips together. They give friends a thanks to the Internet, that place to gather and celebrate. But addiction can really hurt us. I too much cake probably isnt know Ive been late to gethealthy. So birthday cake is a lot togethers with friends, or grabbed like Facebook. a seat in the corner at a party Facebook seems to have had a because I couldnt help but moment of clarity. Years ago its browse Facebook, Twitter, news, official stats page touted how and other web content. much time users spent on the site. I truly believe there are benefits The last official statement before to the ambient intimacy of the it IPOd was 10.5 billion total Facebook news feed. It lets us minutes per day in January. But it s t a y i n t o u c h w i t h d i s t a n t eventually realized thats not acquaintances we might have necessarily a good thing. Now drifted away from, gives us a Facebook prefers to describe itself support network, makes us more by how many things people share open and tolerant, and can help us on the site rather than the hours organize real-world interactions. spent there. But it can also alienate us, pulling Great products are efficient. It us out of the present to read about should take the minimum amount the past of others. And it can of time to get the maximum value. erode our relationships if we use it

for a substitute for a hug, a handshake, or a hearty laugh in person. Some studies link Facebook use to unhappiness because it makes us think everyone else is more beautiful, out having more fun, and are more popular than us. Most of these negative consequences come from excessive usage. Wed probably feel better after a good phone call with one friend than browsing the news feed stories of one hundred. Perhaps the Facebook Pages status update was the work of a single employee who didnt think it through. But even still, it indicates a sense of sympathy at Mark Zuckerbergs company. One day maybe Facebook will directly confront the issue of Internet addiction that its certainly a part of. But for now, Facebook has confessed that it can hurt us. That may show that the people behind it feel a touch of guilt about the excessive time the service has sucked away from us. Thats better than it cruelly cackling about the 200 lifetimes it swallows up each day.

Curated News Edition



Why the Microsoft store isn't like the Apple store

Chris Matyszczyk (CNET News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:11:23 PM

So colorful.(Credit: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) Like any tasteful, sentient being, I follow in the footsteps of Kelly Clarkson. Yesterday, she was in Corte Madera, CA, opening her throat to celebrate the opening of a Microsoft store. So this morning, I wandered along to see whether there would still be a hullabaloo. Because Microsoft is in cheery assault mode, it has placed the store around 110 steps away from the Apple store. This isn't throwing down a gauntlet. It's positively sticking one's tongue out. Indeed, mere feet from the Apple store was a member of Microsoft's army, giving away t-shirts. Outside the Microsoft store was a commotion and a line. Did Microsoft really have to mimic the Apple store so closely? This has been perhaps the biggest criticisms of its design. Not the line, but the glass and the general sleekness. And yet my colleague Jim Kerstetter was surprised to find it impressive. Still, I was prepared to be deflated -- especially on a Sunday. A very nice man greeted me

outside the doorpage 15 WHY and asked me to



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5 Perspectives On The Future Of The Human Interface

Alex Williams (TechCrunch)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:00:54 PM

The next generation of apps will require developers to think more of the human as the user interface. It will become more about the need to know how an app works while a person stands up or with their arms in the air more so than if theyre sitting down and pressing keys with their fingers. Tables, counters and whiteboards will eventually become displays. Meeting rooms will have touch panels, and chalk boards will be replaced by large systems that have digital images and documents on a display that teachers can mark up with a stylus. Microsoft General Manager Jeff Han gave developers at the Build Conference last week some advice for ways to think about building apps for this next generation of devices and displays. I am including his perspectives as well as four others who have spent time researching and developing products that fit with these future trends. Han talked about the need to think how people will interact with apps on a smartphone or a large display. Thats a pretty common

requirement now, but the complexity will change entirely as we start seeing a far wider selection of devices in different sizes. He said, for instance, developers need to think how people stand next to a large display, how high they have to reach and the way they use a stylus to write. The new devices we use will soon all have full multi-touch capabilities so a person can use all fingers and both hands to manipulate objects and create content. Heres the full talk he gave at Build, which includes a discussion about the types of devices we can expect from Microsoft going forward. Jim Spadaccini of Ideum, which makes large interactive displays, said in an email the primary consideration that his team thinks about is how multiple individuals interact together around a table. Does the application encourage collaboration? Is the application designed in such a way that multiple people can interact? He said that in looking at these questions, issues such as the orientation of information and overall structure of the application become really critical: We look to design applications that have elements that are omnidirectional or symmetric. These

allow individuals to approach a table from any direction (or the two long sides) to interact together. The interaction is as much social engagement visitors interacting with each other as it is about interaction with the program. Cyborg Anthropologist Andrew Warner said to me in an email that theres a tendency in computing to think that we are becoming increasingly disembodied. In some senses this is true. In other senses, though, this is becoming less true. Every generation of computing becomes more tactile. The first interfaces were awkward keyboards and terminal, then came the mouse (which required the whole arm to move), then the touchpad (which we lovingly stroke with our fingertips), and then the touchscreen (which integrated display and touch). The next generation of technology will bring new ways for people to get similar tactile experiences that we get when we touch objects or materials. Developers need to remember that people are sensual beings, and our bodies are the best interfaces we have. Even though we have ways to transmit thoughts directly to music, people still use embodied interfaces

because we have been fine-tuning our nervous systems throughout our entire lives as we learn to interact with our environment. Additionally, we are wired to receive a basic pleasure from physical activity (exercise gives us serotonin and dopamine feedback). Developers need to harness this and make computers sensual again. Amber Case is the co-founder of Geoloqi, the mobile, locationbased company acquired by Esri. Known for coining the term cyborg anthropology, she is also the founder of Cyborg Camp, which took place in Portland this weekend. She mentioned on Twitter the concept of computer aided synesthesia. For instance, this correlates to the concept of using senses to simulate what another sense is unable to do. From Artificial Vision: However, a main drive for investigating artificial synesthesia(and cross-modal neuromodulation) is formed by the options it may provide for people with sensory disabilities like deafness and blindness, where a neural joining of senses can help in replacing one sense by the other, e.g. in seeing with your ears when using a device that maps images into sounds, or in

hearing with your eyes when using a device that maps sounds into images. Matt May is an accessibility evangelist who works for Adobe. He said to me that the most important thing right now is for developers to realize they cant control which interface (or which combination of interfaces) people are going to prefer. Were going to have to test our apps with the boring old keyboard and mouse, as well as touch, voice, different display sizes and resolutions, and assistive technologies to make sure were actually still reaching everyone. Its a very exciting time, and that usually leads to some really bad decisions. Its important to choose what we use and how we use it wisely so that each user can participate as fully as possible. People with little interest in computers have come to love their iPhones. They are easy to use because of their touch capabilities. This means we will see far more people using computers because they fit with their lives. Displays will be everywhere. The challenge will be in the UI and how we adapt it to the way we move about in our personal lives and in our work.

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continued from page 13

play with him. Which I thought an extremely Californian invitation. In California, we play and ask questions later. Sunday School.(Credit: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) What he wanted to play was the Bing It On challenge-- the one where you try the same search on Google and Bing and see whose is better. Again, in my case, Google won. Baldrick -- let's call him that -was not too disappointed. He showed off the Surface it was played on. He still gave me a $25 gift certificate and was pleasantly chatty. When I suggested that the outside of the store did look more than a little like an Apple store, he said: "Well, they got the same people to design it. They did the Gap store too." He then admitted he used to work for Apple at its Cupertino HQ and found it "dead." Well, there are certainly a couple of bodies there after this week. Baldrick suggested I look around the store, where I was immediately pounced upon by young men, a vast platoon of Baldrick's friends in bright, vibrant t-shirts. "Our cult is fresher, more cheery, more naively optimistic," they seemed to be saying. Could this be change I could believe in? The most heartening evidence of this cheeriness comes in the color. There were Surfaces laid out on

quite a few surfaces and most had bright keyboards to match the general atmosphere. Like the managers of a restaurant's first night, they hustled me into a seat in front of a keyboard before I'd even had time to look at the menu. They called over an expert, who was so ridiculously nice that I wanted to tip him. However, he did commit a slight faux-pas. When I told him I thought the Surface's bright pink keyboard might take some getting used to, he immediately capitulated and brought over an ugly black ordinary-looking thing that was more like a traditional keyboard. But I wasn't even being critical. Many good things take a little getting used to. His eagerness to please had run away with him. He even admitted that some people didn't like the original version of the Surface keyboard. For me, I merely found it hard to locate the space bar, because there sort of isn't one. You just press where the space bar should be. Then I picked it up and suggested it was a little heavy. Again, this could have been interpreted as a compliment. This little pink number was quite substantial when you got to know it. But, no. Adderall, as I'll call him, immediately interrupted: "It's light." "It's heavy," I repeated. "It's light," he insisted.

I thanked him lightly and politely, and continued to wander around. Another proselyte immediately took me by the arm - no, really -- and tried to drag me to a Windows 8 demonstration. I sometimes have the patience of Louis CK. This was not a good move. He seemed to understand through his disappointment. But there were several more times that my arm was touched by enthusiastic young people wanting to talk and show and enthuse and delight and be breathless, as well as cuddly. For all this touchy-feely, the truth is that Microsoft needs a few more products like the Surface -products that are different and colorful. Products that can represent competition through inspiration, rather than mimicry. That way, the store will begin to resemble something more different, more colorful rather than just a little. It's not merely the problem of a brand that got left behind, but the problem of physical retail. More Technically Incorrect When was the last time you saw something truly inspiring in the mall? I put it to you that the most original retail store is Abercrombie with the topless boys outside and the heart of darkness inside. What does that tell you? I wandered back past the Apple store. It was as full as a bar offering free unlimited shots.

Yet there was a contrast. All the staff had merely blue t-shirts. Most of the products were devoid of anything but muted colors. Well, it's a brand that came out of the pot era. Microsoft is now trying to bring back a more LSD feeling for a new generation. There'll come a time -- possibly soon -- when all Apple's monochrome will seem as dull as dad's Levi's. But Microsoft has to get people to believe in its color. I hadn't looked at the Microsoft tshirt I'd been given. All I knew was that it was black, which is a pity. As I walked back to my car, I unfurled it. "I'm a PC," it read. Oh, come on. The PC era is over, remember? Give me something that looks to the future. Give me color. It's so hard to get every detail right, isn't it? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Minimalist Jersey Dresses - The Kuwaii Spring 2013 Collection Focuses on Basic Couture (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 4:17:02 PM

( The Kuwaii Spring 2013 lookbook just released highlights the casual elegance of high fashion for next season. The line ranges from blacks to reds to yellows to highlight the deep, rich ideology of...

'Mafiosi' stand to gain most from EU bail-out of Cyprus

Telegraph Staff (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 3:06:28 PM

Russian oligarchs and "mafiosi" who have parked their illegal earnings inside the country stand to benefit most from an EU bailout of Cyprus, according to a report by Germany's intelligence agency.


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iPad mini teardown shows cost to manufacture of $188

Eric Abent (SlashGear)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:30:33 PM

Whenever a new high-profile device is released, we can count on a number of teardowns from a variety of different sources to show us its innards. One of these sources is IHS iSuppli, which has delivered its teardown report for the new iPad mini. In its teardown, IHS iSuppli found that the cheapest iPad mini costs only $188 to produce. Specifically, were talking about the 16GB Wi-Fi only iPad mini, which retails for a hefty $329. As you might expect, Apples profits climb even higher when users shell out for the 32GB or 64GB models according to All Things D, Apple makes $90 more on the 32GB model and $162 more on the 64GB model, which sell for $429 and $529 respectively. IHS iSupplis report says that Apple only spends $15.50 per 16GB of flash memory, meaning that theres more than enough room to make a healthy profit on the models that have more memory

out of the box. However, its important to remember that Apples costs dont stop at just the bill of materials. The company is undoubtedly making a significant amount of money on each iPad mini sold that much is certain but it isnt quite so much as these numbers would have you believe. IHS iSupplis report doesnt take things like marketing and research

and development into account, so Apple isnt exactly making $141 on each 16GB iPad mini sold. Of all the different components in the iPad mini, the 7.9-inch display from LG and AU Optronics costs the most. Coming in at $80, that display represents around 43% of the total cost of the iPad mini a significant percentage to be sure, and one that is increased due to the fact there are currently some

issues with production. The teardown also shows that Samsung is still providing the A5 chips that are present in the iPad mini, though Apple has ditched its rival when it comes to things like memory chips and displays. Check out our story timeline below for more on the iPad mini! Story Timeline iPad mini: Did Apple get launch supplies right, or is nobody

buying? iPad mini LTE models to arrive as early as November 21 iPad mini Review: Apple aims for the everyman Apple removing delivery dates from iPad mini LTE pre-orders iPad mini gets teardown treatment iPad mini confirmed to include 5-watt power adapter Analyst predicts Apple could sell 1.5 million iPad minis this weekend iPad mini launch sees shorter lines than usual iPad mini gets drop-tested iPad mini already installed into car dashboard iPad mini teardown shows cost to manufacture of $188 is written by Eric Abent& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Steelers overtake Giants for 24-20 upset win

(Sports News Headlines Yahoo! News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:42:44 PM

EAST RUTHERFORD, New Jersey (Reuters) - The visiting Pittsburgh Steelers scored a pair of fourth-quarter touchdowns to

erase a 20-10 deficit and upset the Super Bowl champion New York Giants 24-20 at MetLife Stadium on Sunday. It was the third

victory in a row for the Steelers, game winning streak for the who improved to 5-3 as they Giants, who fell to 6-3. ... thoroughly outplayed New York in the second half to snap a four-

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'SNL' assaults social media experts

Chris Matyszczyk (CNET News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:21:37 PM

Kourtney Barnes, socially expert.(Credit: NBC Screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) Social media experts are hard to friend. Their sheer exalted certainty can often jolt the spine into uncomfortable spasms and jut the jaw into hitherto unknown positions. It was inevitable, then, that in this moment of political excitement and uncertainty"Saturday Night Live" might attempt a poke or two in their direction. Here we have a social media expert, Kourtney Barnes, who expresses her knowledge through the examples of one or two Facebook postings. A sample from one Hannah Goldberg on

Mitt Romney's Facebook page suggests she doesn't find Mitt Romney terribly attractive at all. "It's all about expression," offers the relentless social media expert. More Technically Incorrect Her example of this? Rickie Fico posting on the president's Facebook page that suggests he

isn't a very good president. In a way that is as measuredly crass as the one on Mitt Romney's page. The expert insists that the beauty of social media is that everyone's opinion is equal, as if some curious form of democracy had descended on public communication.

attending to his privacy like his own one-man Swiss Guard. The real fun of social media is to follow the words and ideas of those with whom you disagree. It makes you marvel that people can be that way. Which reminds me. I am not aware of any conference, TV show or even late night bar where two social media experts have agreed on anything. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is There's something so quaint your content and you're reading it about social media experts on someone else's site, please read claiming that their fingers are on the FAQ at collective pulse of humanity, only/faq.php#publishers. Five as if humanity could ever really Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go be a collective. The future is social, as Mark To Work. Zuckerberg is always so keen to tell us, while simultaneously

Zombified Playing Cards - The Deck of the Dead Manipulates Each Suit Into Zombie Delights (
(TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends)

(Sports News Headlines Maryland redesigned the common Yahoo! News) playing cards into a zombified Deck of the Dead. The Deck of Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:04:11 PM Submitted at 11/4/2012 3:57:03 PM the Dead is also known as (Reuters) - Indianapolis ( Kickstarter Postumo, meaning after death in... quarterback Andrew Luck set a Darren J. Gendron of Columbia, new single-game rookie passing record in the National Football

Luck sets record in battle of the rookies

League on Sunday while Peyton Manning and Aaron Rodgers both led their respective teams to impressive wins. Luck threw 433 yards in his team's 23-20 win over the Miami Dolphins, eclipsing the previous rookie record of 422 set by Cam Newton last season. The Pittsburgh Steelers upset the New York Giants with a 24-20 win at MetLife stadium, two fourth quarter touchdowns sealing a win for Mike Tomlin's team on a tough day for Eli Manning and the Giants offense. ...



Curated News Edition

PS3 might finally be on the way to China

Eric Abent (SlashGear)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:56:45 PM

In some regions of the world, players have been enjoying their PlayStation 3s for six years now. That isnt the case for China, which banned game consoles back in 2000. That means no Wii, no Xbox 360, and no PS3 for Chinese gamers, but that might all be changing soon at least as far as the PS3 is concerned. According to Techinasia, the PS3 was certified in China earlier this year, which might mean that it wont be long before the PS3 is officially available in the country.

We say officially because Chinas ban on consoles has created a grey market for video games and systems. Lacking any official outlets to secure a PS3, those living in China who want one are forced to import from other countries (or buy from people who have). In other words, there have been ways around this console ban, but it sure can cause headaches for those who just want to relax and play some video games. But with the PS3 being granted a China Compulsory Certificate back in July, it may not be long before consumers can buy a PS3

from retailers right there in China. The PS3 may be able to skirt around Chinas ban since its an Internet-capable machine that can play Blu-Ray discs essentially,

it could be branded as a home entertainment device, which are allowed under Chinese law, rather than a simple gaming console. Of course, its now November

and the PS3 still hasnt popped up in China, so we probably shouldnt count on an official release until Sony makes an announcement. Still, things are looking good for a Chinese PS3 launch, so Sony may be setting its sights on tackling yet another country. Stay tuned, as well have more details for you if they develop. PS3 might finally be on the way to China is written by Eric Abent& originally posted on SlashGear. 2005 - 2012, SlashGear. All right reserved.

Talkcast tonight, 7 pm PT/10 pm ET: PostSandy, post-iPad mini, post-Forstall

Michael Rose (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog)

departure of key executives form the yin and yang of tonight's discussion. Submitted at 11/4/2012 4:30:00 PM Since it's really all about you, the We're back live tonight at 10 pm, community, do see if you can join and hopefully all of you are warm us, won't you? To participate, you and dry. In the aftermath of c a n u s e t h e b r o w s e r - o n l y Hurricane Sandy, some of the Talkshoe client, the embedded geekery we usually cover has Facebook app, or download the given way to more basic concerns. classic TalkShoe Pro Java client; Nevertheless, there's plenty of however, for +5 Interactivity, you Apple news to cover: the iPad 4th should call in. gen & mini launch and the For the web UI, just click the

Talkshoe Web button on our profile page at 4 HI/7 PDT/10 pm EDT Sunday. To call in on regular phone or VoIP lines (viva

free weekend minutes!): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 -- during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *8. If you've got a headset or microphone handy on your Mac, you can connect via the free XLite or other SIP clients (aside from Skype or Google Voice), basic instructions are here. Talk to you tonight! Talkcast tonight, 7 pm PT/10 pm

ET: Post-Sandy, post-iPad mini, post-Forstall originally appeared on TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Sun, 04 Nov 2012 16:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Source| Permalink| Email this| Comments

Curated News Edition



Complete European Sovereign Event Calendar Until 2013

Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:17:38 PM

The following is a list of key events (and commentary) to watch over the next two months. From Germany's voting phases for Greek aid to various national strikes and regional elections, there's plenty here of critical importance to the future of the sovereign debt crisis. Start-November: ESM ready to make financial commitments. After the first board meeting on 8 October, ESM Director Klaus Regling said the new fund would be available to make financial commitments to Spains bank recapitalisation programme from the start of November. 3 November: Dutch PvdA (Labour) Party votes on coalition agreement with VVD (Liberal) party. 3-5 November: G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors. Meet in Mexico. 5 November: Greek MoU amendments to be submitted to parliament. This are the austerity measures and structural reforms to unlock the next tranche payment. 6-7 November: Greek public and private sector unions hold 48 hour strike against austerity. 6 November: US presidential election. 6 November: Greece auction.

Bills. 7 November: Greece to vote on austerity and reforms. This is required to unlock the EUR31.5bn next tranche of the second bailout programme. 7 November: Greek 2013 Budget to be submitted to parliament. 7 November: European Commission Economic Forecasts. Autumn update. 8 November (tbc): Special Eurogroup meeting on Greece. This will be dependent on Greece having approved the austerity and reforms. 8 November: ECB Governing Council meeting. We do not expect any changes, whether to standard (rates) or non-standard (liquidity, asset purchases) policies. The question for the ECB is whether the dichotomy between improving bank funding and deteriorating economy prospects merely reflects lags in the transmission of financial conditions to economic conditions or whether it reflects a more worrying break in the relationship. For now, the ECB can afford to be patient, in our view. Since the ECB Council claims to expect a gradual recovery in 2013, we would not expect them to reject their assumptions on the back of the marginally weaken Q3 bank lending survey alone.

8 November: Spain auction. Bonds. 10 November: VVD-PvdA (Liberal-Labour) government ought to assume power in the Netherlands. 11 November: Greek 2013 Budget to be voted on in parliament. 12 November: Merkel visits Portugal. 12/13 November: Eurogroup/ ECOFIN finance ministers meetings. Chances are EU finance ministers will still be discussing how to finance an extension of the Greek loan programme. The aid programme for Cyprus could also be approved. This may also be an important date in terms of Spains potential request for a precautionary programme, which could lead to the activation of the ECBs OMT. 13 November: Italy auction. Bills. 13 November: Greece auction. Bills. 14 November: Portuguese strike. The CGTP (General Confederation of Portuguese Workers), the largest trade union confederation in Portugal, is to stage a strike against the governments austerity measures. 14 November: Italy auction. Bonds. 15 November: Q3 GDP reports. Eurostat will publish the flash

estimate of euro area GDP growth for Q3 2012. Our current estimate is -0.3% qoq. 19-20 November: ECB workshop on excess liquidity and money market functioning.The workshop organised by the ECB intends bringing together central bankers, practitioners and academics to discuss the current state of health of money markets, the impact on their functioning of the recently implemented nonstandard measures and the possible side effects of large amounts of excess liquidity currently present in many developed economies (European Commission). The market will watch this closely for any suggestions about the operations of the OMT and/or prospects for policy rates to fall into negative territory. 20 November: Spain auction. Bills. 21 November: Spain auction. Bonds. 22-23 November: EU Leaders Summit. Officially to discuss the EU Budget for 2014-2020, but also an occasion to address crisis policies (including Greece, Spain and Cyprus if necessary). Following the UK parliaments rejection of the Cameron government position of a realterm freezing of the EU budget at worst the opposition and rebels

wanted a real terms cut it is unlikely the EU will yet reach a comprehensive agreement on the new Budget. 25 November: Catalonia regional election. Early elections for the parliament of the autonomous region called by Arturo Mas, head of the Catalan regional government. 25 November: Italy centre-left primaries, first round. The centreleft coalition led by the Italian Democratic Party (PD) is due to elect a leader for the Italian parliamentary elections to be held no later than April 2013. PDs incumbent leader Pierluigi Bersani looks to be the favourite with Matteo Renzi, the Mayor of Florence, likely to be his main challenger. Nichi Vendola, the governor of Puglia and leader of the junior coalition party SEL5, is the other prominent candidate. The first round is due to be held on 25 November. Should no candidate secure 50% of the vote, a second round run-off will be held on 2 December. PD is currently leading in the opinion polls with 25%-29% support in the opinion polls held in October. 27 November: Spain auction. Bills. 27 November: Italy auction. Bonds. COMPLETE page 21



Curated News Edition

Is A 15%-Plus Devaluation Coming For Spain And Greece?

Tyler Durden (Zero Hedge)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:56:04 PM

Countries that have the luxury of their own exchange rate are able to eliminate any loss in competitiveness through an exchange rate depreciation, but (as is broadly recognized by now) UBS reminds that in a single currency area the only route available is an adjustment in relative wages. In order to restore competitiveness, the periphery will have to endure a period of below-average inflation equal to the disequilibrium that an exchange rate adjustment would have delivered. While the fantasy of an orderly Greek exit is gradually being dispelled - as the market recognizes the almost instantaneous bank runs that would be exaggerated from current deposit withdrawals in Spain, Portugal, and Ireland - the euro's survival with any status quo is simply impossible - begging the question of 'so how do they get to the other side?' The answer, instead of instantaneous devaluation (exit) akin to tearing the (admittedly big) band-aid off, the devaluation will be undertaken over time to restore competitiveness, the periphery will have to endure a period of below-average inflation

equal to the disequilibrium that an exchange rate adjustment would have delivered. This equilibrium 'devaluation' is impossible to know with certainty, but UBS estimates it is over 20% for Greece and 15% for Spain. Via UBS: Competitiveness pressures and inflation convergence Long-run inflation trends in the eurozone will be driven by competitive pressures. Countries that have the luxury of their own exchange rate are able to eliminate any loss in competitiveness through an exchange rate depreciation, but in a single currency area the only route available is an adjustment in relative wages. In order to restore competitiveness, the periphery

will have to endure a period of below-average inflation equal to the disequilibrium that an exchange rate adjustment would have delivered. Indeed, this is exactly the approach we adopt to estimate the long-run inflation prospects in a single currency zone we quantify the size of the exchange rate disequilibrium and assume that the disequilibrium is eliminated gradually over a period of time. Estimating the exchange rate (inflation) disequilibrium The equilibrium exchange rate is impossible to know with certainty, but conceptually one can think of it as the rate consistent with a country maintaining its internal and external balance. The internal

unemployment, NAIRU). REER = ? + ? Unemployment gap + ? Current account balance + u We then estimate the fair value by asking what exchange rate level is consistent with a zero current account balance and current unemployment compared with the equilibrium rate. The disequilibrium is the gap between the exchange rate and the fair value. Chart 5: Currency Misalignment In The Euro Area As discussed above, in a single balance can be thought of as full currency area, real exchange rate employment and the external m i s a l i g n m e n t s c a n o n l y b e balance can be proxied by the eliminated by relative adjustments current account balance. Taken to unit labour costs, but if you together, the exchange rate is at assume unchanged productivity equilibrium if unemployment is g r o w t h , t h e b r u n t o f t h e close to its equilibrium level and adjustment will have to take place the current account is in balance. through wages and inflation. We estimate the size of the Greece is running a large current disequilibrium for a selection of a c c o u n t d e f i c i t , a n d euro-area economies. Chart 5 unemployment is high. Under the below summarises our results. current structure, unless we allow For those of a technical bent of for a large depreciation of the mind, Chart 5 has been generated euro, the economy will have to f r o m a s e t o f e c o n o m e t r i c deflate its way to becoming equations, one for each country, competitive. Germany, on the w h e r e w e r e g r e s s t h e r e a l other hand, is running a large effective exchange rate against the current account surplus, and current account balance and the unemployment is well below the u n e m p l o y m e n t r a t e g a p NAIRU. Our simple calculations (difference between actual suggest that Germany will unemployment and the nonaccelerating inflation rate of 15%-PLUS page 22

Curated News Edition



Canada Bleeding Private Jobs; Vancouver Home Sales Plunge 16.7 Percent; Crash Awaits (Mike Mish Shedlock) (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)

continued from page 19

fourth decline in six months, said Matthieu Arseneau, senior economist with the National Bank of Canada. Over the period, the Submitted at 11/4/2012 2:14:00 PM The Financial Post has an private sector is actually showing interesting story on the state of the a loss of 12,000 jobs, compared to Canadian jobs market. It seem a surge of 76,000 jobs in the over 100% of job growth is from public sector. government jobs. With earnings of TSX companies Please consider Employment down 30% so far in the third numbers hide the fact Canada is quarter, we do not expect a hiring bleeding private sector jobs spree anytime soon, he said. It is Canada may have added 1,800 good to see a realistic comments jobs in October, but that number from analysts. Matthieu Arseneau, hides the fact that almost all the is spot on with his comments. gains came from government and Vancouver Home Sales Plunge that the private sector lost more 16.7 Percent than 20,000 jobs. The Globe and Mail reports The 1,800 jobs added was Vancouver home prices sink 3.4% a l r e a d y a d i s a p p o i n t m e n t from peak as sales plunge Home c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e 1 0 , 0 0 0 sales in the Vancouver area e c o n o m i s t s h a d f o r e c a s t . plunged 16.7 per cent in October According to Statistics Canada, from a year earlier, though picked that left the unemployment rate up markedly from September. unchanged at 7.4%. In an indication of how that The six-month average for jobs markets performing, sales were gains is now 29,400, according to 28.5 per cent below a 10-year Reuters. But its a very different October sales average of 2,700, story when you look at the private the Real Estate Board of Greater s e c t o r a n d p u b l i c s e c t o r Vancouver said today, while the separately. composite benchmark price for Details of the report were much residential properties is down 3.4 worse than the headline number per cent from its peak of $625,100 with the private sector showing a in May. loss of 21,000 in October, the Along with Toronto, Vancouver

has been a worry spot for observers. The countrys housing market has cooled notably since the latest round of government efforts to tighten the mortgage market, though most economists dont envision a meltdown. Economists never envision a meltdown. But a massive meltdown is coming anyway. I must admit the pool of greater fools in Vancouver and Toronto was far, far bigger than I thought possible, but at long last the pool seems to have dried up. A crash awaits. Mike "Mish" Shedlock h t t p : / / globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. com Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a registered investment advisor representative for SitkaPacific Capital Management. Sitka Pacific is an asset management firm whose goal is strong performance and low volatility, regardless of market direction. Visit /account_management.html to learn more about wealth management and capital preservation strategies of Sitka Pacific.

28 November: Italy auction. Bills. 29 November: Italy auction. Bonds. 2 December (tentative): Italy centre-left primaries, second round. See 25 November entry. 3-4 December: Eurogroup/ ECOFIN meetings. The regular meeting of the euro area 17 finance ministers followed by the EU 27 ministers. 4-6 December: German SPD Annual Party Conference. 5 December: Spain auction. Bonds. 5-7 December: German CDU Annual Party Congress. 6 December: ECB Governing Council meeting, followed by the interest rate announcement and press conference. 9 December: German SPD Party Special Conference to elect challenger for 2013 federal elections. 11 December: Spain auction. Bills. 12 December: Italy auction. Bills. 13-14 December: European Council summit. The final gathering of 2012 of the EU 27 heads of state and Government. One intention is to sign off on the legislation embodying the common bank supervisory regime under the ECB.

13 December: Spain auction. Bonds. 13 December: Italy auction. Bonds. 16 December (tentative): Italy PDL primaries. The centre-right Italian People of Freedom (PDL) party is planning to hold primaries to select its leader for the upcoming Italian parliamentary elections to be held no later than April 2013. The party was previously led by ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who announced on 24 October that he would not be running in the PDL primaries and would not be seeking re-election as Prime Minister. 18 December: Spain auction. Bills. 27 December: Italy auction. Bills. 28 December: Italy auction. Bonds. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.


Economy/ Finance/

Curated News Edition

China's HSBC Services PMI Slips

Sam Ro (Money Game)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:03:00 PM

continued from page 20

China's HSBC services PMI declined to 53.5 in October from 54.3 in September. But any number above 50 signals expansion. The composite PMI improved to 50.5 in October from 50.3 a month ago thanks to an improvement in manufacturing activity. Despite the moderation of services activity growth, the Chinese economy is gradually bottoming out as the filteringthrough of earlier easing policy is boosting domestic demand," wrote HSBC's Hongbin Qu. "We expect the continuation of policy easing to sustain the recovery in manufacturing sector in the coming months, which should lend additional support to growth

of services sectors and consumer spending. Here are some key points from Markit's composite report: Output expands at composite level for second month in a row Composite new orders increase at the quickest pace in a year Input costs rise in both sectors

Earlier, we learned that the official services PMI number improved to 55.5 in October from 53.7 a month ago. Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

experience a short period where inflation exceeds the euro-area average. How quickly that disequilibrium will be eliminated is hard to know, but if we assume a gradual adjustment, say over a 10-year period, the 20% real exchange rate overvaluation in Greece will be eroded by 2% each year, the 15% in Spain by 1.5% each year, and so on. Source: UBS How patient will the market be in waiting for the promise of integration to cover this slow and steady competitive devaluation; or alternatively how patient will Greece's poverty-stricken population put up with it? The reflexive nature of the market will accelerate any perceived move in

this direction... a 'painless' 1520% devaluation in Greece and Spain backed by the ECB's promises seems to us the stuff of hopes and dreams and unicorn farts. Average: Your rating: None Average: 3.8( 4 votes) This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Investors behind Comet sitting on 50m cash pile

Graham Ruddick (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 3:30:23 PM

Another Huge Week Is Starting Asian Markets Are Lower

Joe Weisenthal (Money Game)

The investors behind Comet are sitting on a 50m cash pile after keeping control of the failed electrical retailer's warranties business.

Greece, Chinese leadership, ECB, etc.). Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:52:33 PM Asian markets are a little bit Markets are off to a very quiet down, but nothing huge. start, despite it being a huge week Here's the Nikkei. amount. in the world (US elections, Korea is down by a similar

Please follow Money Game on Twitter and Facebook. Join the conversation about this story

Curated News Edition



Auto Speaker Is An Intelligent Speakerphone For Android

( Updates)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 5:01:10 PM

by Shep McAllister Android: You know that awkward moment after you take a phone away from your ear, and cant hear anything for a few seconds while you find the speakerphone button? Auto Speaker works in the background to eliminate this issue for good. Once the app is installed, it will use your proximity sensor to automatically toggle the speakerphone when you move the phone to or from your ear. An onscreen button will also allow you to disable the app for individual

calls, and you can customize your speakers time delay so it doesnt trigger if youre only moving your phone from one ear to another. This is a great idea if you take a lot of calls while driving, since you wont need to take your eyes off the road to find the speakerphone button. Unfortunately, it wont automatically start a call in speakerphone mode if the phone isnt near your face; it will only kick in after you take it away from your ear the first time. Still, its a handy utility, and free in the Google Play Store. Auto Speaker| Google Play Store via Android Authority

Use A Rubber Band As a Paintbrush Scraper

( Updates)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:01:15 PM

Buyral: Taking the viewer out of the viral video [video]

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:24:00 PM

by Shep McAllister The next time you need to tackle a major painting project, a simple rubber band could save you from a huge mess. After dipping a brush into paint can, its natural to scrape off some of the excess paint on the inside edge of the can. This works in the

Every YouTube contributer dreams of that special day when short term, but all that paint will their video goes viral and they can splatter once you pound the lid kick back and enjoy their fifteen back into place. Instead, stretch a minutes of Internet superstardom, thick rubber band across the but what if you could skip all that length of the can, and use it to worrying over what people want wipe down your dripping brush. and get right to the payday? Once youre done, just throw out Time to call Buyral! Full story at YouTube via the rubber band, or rinse it off to use again. Its a simple hack to Mashable. How to make a viral video avoid a big headache. without even trying. Permalink| Leave a comment


Culture/ Gaming/ News Photos

Curated News Edition

Photos: Cancelled NYC Marathon Brings Out Runners Anyway - News in photos
(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:19:05 PM

7 time-saving tricks for the over-worked [infographic]

(Holy Kaw!)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 5:31:00 PM

Are you one of those people who have barely caught their breath and Monday is already looming in all of its beginning-of-the-week

glory? Then perhaps you can use a few of these tips from Wrike. Via Wrike. Upping efficiency with infographics. Permalink| Leave a comment

RT Photos: Cancelled NYC Marathon Brings Out Runners Anyway News in photos With the cancellation of the New York Marathon, hundreds of runners, wearing their marathon shirts and backpacks full of supplies, took the ferry to hard-hit Staten Island and ran to Jessica Conditt (Joystiq) Interactive has a wiki page for n e i g h b o r h o o d s h a r d h i t b y those interested in sharing their Superstorm Sandy to help. (AP Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:00:00 PM creations with the world. Check Photo/Craig... Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of out the info pages for the SDK NYC marathon runners ignore Stalingrad now uses Steam here and for sharing on Workshop cancellation and donate to Sandy victims RT Workshop, allowing players to here. share custom maps and mods. Red Orchestra 2 gets Steam PHOTOS: Hurricane Sandy's Modders need to have the Red W o r k s h o p f o r m a p s , m o d s Destruction Along East Coast Orchestra 2 SDK, which is originally appeared on Joystiq on accessible (for those who own the Sun, 04 Nov 2012 21:00:00 EST. New York Marathon runners help game) via the Tools dropdown in Please see our terms for use of Staten Island: Photos from social media their Steam libraries. feeds. R e d O r c h e s t r a 2 ' s S t e a m Permalink| Email this| Comments all 13,052 news articles Workshop capabilities went live on Friday, and Tripwire

Red Orchestra 2 gets Steam Workshop for maps, mods

Curated News Edition

Gaming/ News Photos Food/


The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Humans Must Answer

Jessica Conditt (Joystiq)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 10:30:00 PM

Photos of the Day: Nov. 4 Wall Street Journal (blog)

(news photos - Google News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:16:17 PM

Indie developers are the starving artists of the video-game world, often brilliant and innovative, but also misunderstood, underfunded and more prone to writing freeform poetry on their LiveJournals. This week, former GSC developer and co-founder of Sumom Games, Eugeny Yatsuk, talks space chickens and shmups with Humans Must Answer. The babies are Yatsuk, co-founder Denis Matveenko and artist Olexa, by Olexa. What's your game called and what's it about? Humans Must Answer. It's a shmup, and one most will recognize as having an old-school vibe about it. You play as the pilot of a scout ship called The Golden Eagle, which is manned by chickens - they like to think they're a higher species of bird than they are. They're on the lookout for something (we're not saying quite yet) and discover it within the solar system that us humans inhabit. As it is set far into the future, humans have expanded to the other planets and set up a number of industries upon them. They also have a huge legion of robots operating for them around space. So the enemies you'll come across consist of robots and

Wall Street Journal (blog) Photos of the Day: Nov. 4 Wall Street Journal (blog) Photos of the Day: Nov. 4. Article Comments Photo Journal HOME PAGE . smaller; Larger. facebook. twitter. google plus. linked in. Email; Print. facebook; twitter; google plus; linked in. Email; Print. smaller; Larger. facebook. twitter. google... and more

humans. Yes, humans are enemies - there are far too many plots about evil aliens when, in fact, humans are most likely more evil than anything we could fictionalize. The chickens attempt to contact them in a friendly manner but the humans respond by firing at them, which isn't particularly nice. They live to regret it though because we let you, the player, go on an explosive rampage against the aggressors. There is a purpose behind it other than mere carnage though, but that doesn't appear until later in the game's narrative.

How does working on your own indie project compare to working on a larger series such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Very different. Faster decisions and far fewer constraints. It's a very good feeling to be the author and be responsible for all aspects of the game, and not just some cogs as part of a big company. I know some guys who work on bigger projects and ownership of their creations boils down to things like, "I made that table and chair on Level 25." You start to fear for yourself when hearing this and want to avoid ever being

in that situation. When I am 40 years old I'll look at what I have created in my life. I hope to be proud of it. Gallery: Humans Must Answer Continue reading The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Humans Must Answer The Joystiq Indie Pitch: Humans Must Answer originally appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 04 Nov 2012 22:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments

Pork and Poblano Stew

(Simply Recipes)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 2:05:56 PM

Every time I look at 26picture of PORK page a


Daily World/ Politics-Right/

Curated News Edition

continued from page 25

this pork and poblano stew I want to eat it all over again. This is one of those lick-every-last-drop stews, so good! Here we are, the first week of November, and we still have poblanos in the garden. Every few days I pick a few chiles, char them over direct flame on the gas stove, let them steam a bit in their own heat, and then scrape off the char. Usually we eat them right away, sometimes just with some olive oil and salt drizzled over, or wrapped in a warmed corn tortilla with a little cheese. This time

though, we decided to make pork stew with the poblanos, a stew reminiscent of pozole, but with corn and sweet potatoes instead of hominy. Swirling in a spoonful of Mexican crema or sour cream right before serving makes the stew just lightly creamy and provides a soothing balance to the mildly spicy chiles. Continue reading "Pork and Poblano Stew"

David Frum
(David Frum)

continue to hear it too, no matter how firmly Ron Pauls more Andrew Sullivan complained mainstream supporters clamp yesterday that I had engaged in a their hands over their own ears. McCarthyite attack on Ron Paul Andrews riposte: by writing the following: Notice how pure the smear is, A politician isnt answerable for enabled and not diminished by the the antics of every one of his first sentence. Notice the key supporters. But theres surely a concept of Beltway ideological reason, isnt there, that racists, policemen: there is a mainstream anti-Semites, 9/11 Truthers, and and a non-mainstream. Dabble Holocaust deniers are so strongly with the latter at your peril. Since attracted to the Paul campaign. David has perished by the cult of They hear something. They the mainstream, its odd he

should deploy it against others. But to throw in Holocaust denial and 9/11 Truthers for good measure! Really. And notice how particularly cheap and easy it is to use such tactics against a libertarian. The traditional left is often based on collective associations, building a movement out of oppressed groups and their grievances, whether it be class or race or even DAVID page 27

Obama and Romney make final push

(Evening Standard - News)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:00:08 PM

President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney have attacked one another in frenzied campaigning as the presidential election enters the closing stages. Polling showed the candidates in a virtual tie for the popular vote nationwide, with Mr Obama holding a slight lead in the allimportant battleground states that will decide the outcome. Beyond the nine so-called swing states, Mr Romney was making a

last-minute play for traditionally Democratic Pennsylvania with a massive advertising foray and a campaign appearance with running mate Paul Ryan in the state, his first stop there this autumn. The Republican ticket cast the late push into Pennsylvania as a sign that Mr Romney had momentum and a chance to pull away states that Obama's campaign assumed it would win handily. Obama senior adviser David Plouffe told ABC television that Romney's move was "a desperate

ploy at the end of a campaign," given the Democrats' millionvoter registration advantage in Pennsylvania. Nevertheless, Mr Obama was responding by dispatching deeply popular former president Bill Clinton to the state for a four-city sweep through Pennsylvania. In heavily Democratic Cleveland, Ohio, Mr, Romney slammed Mr Obama for what he termed the president's failure to end the partisan gridlock that has brought Washington to a virtual legislative impasse and for breaking his promises to vastly improve the

economy while cutting the national debt. "Talk is cheap," Mr Romney said in the Lake Erie industrial city. "But let's look at the record." He went on to lash the president for what Republicans claim are a series of broken Obama promises on both the economy and changing the political climate in the country. Regardless, national opinion polls showed the race for the popular vote in Tuesday's election so close that only a statistically insignificant point or two separated the two rivals.

The final national NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll showed Mr Obama getting the support of 48% of likely voters, while Mr Romney receives 47%. The poll had a margin of error of 2.55 percentage points. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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continued from page 26

sexual orientation. Libertarianism is the opposite. Its about dis associating. When you listen to Paul saying he will not turn anyone away from supporting his platform regardless of their motives or beliefs, you are hearing a reflection of his libertarianism, not his bigotry. He will accept support from any quarter and compared with the corporate money flowing into the other candidates coffers, he is about as independent as a presidential candidate can be. Because he is a radical individualist, he doesnt even understand why he should somehow explain the belief of others, or justify their support. You should ask them, not him. This kind of gotcha-association game is particularly easy because libertarians favor liberty above all, and that will necessarily mean liberty for bigots as well as others. A principled belief in states rights will doubtless lead to more racist and homophobic policies in many states but also, of course, more enlightened and successful inclusive states like Oregon or New York or Massachusetts or California. A rejection of statism might lead to more discrimination in the private sector. But it doesnt mandate it. And it need not encourage it. A noninterventionist foreign policy will allow evil to triumph elsewhere in the world, because it believes its

none of our business or too riddled with unintended consequences to try extirpating. That may be right or wrong, but it is not an approval of the evil of Assad or Ahmedinejad or the North Korean junta. And again, it is actually much deeper an American tradition than permanent warfare. But if you can trot out David Duke or Ayatollah Khamenei as potential Paul supporters, you have a very easy, cheap and essentially McCarthyite target. It saddens me that this kind of tactic works. I still believe that the newsletters, because they were in Pauls name, require a clearer explanation from Paul than the muddled ones he has given. He should not be left off the hook. And his proposals deserve a thorough vetting and discussion. But there is something awry when a candidate is assessed not on his arguments and proposals but on the shadiness and ugliness of some of his fringe supporters. Ron Pauls supporters ask that their candidate not be judged by his associates. Or by the people he chose to employ. Or by the newsletters he published. Or by the book he wrote. Or by the way he earned the largest part of his living when out of office in the 1990s. Or by his purchase of the mailing list of the Holocaustdenying Liberty Lobby. Or by the radio shows he chooses to appear

on. Or by his strategic decision to reach out to racist voters. Or by the conspiracy theories to which he lends credence, from government creation of AIDS to Israeli culpability for the 1993 bombing to a putative 9/11 coverup. And here I thought that libertarianism was a doctrine of personal responsibility? May Ron Paul at least be judged by the words he has spoken with his own mouth within the current campaign? The supporters say no again. When Ron Paul tells an interviewer that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made race relations worse, were not supposed to consider what he might mean by better. When Ron Paul warns that a border fence would be used to prevent fleeing American citizens from exiting the country, were not supposed to conclude that hes a paranoid crank. Andrew deploys what might be called the ontological defense of Ron Paul, as follows: 1) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 2) Libertarians espouse individualism. 3) Racism is a form of antiindividualism. 4) Therefore Ron Paul cannot be a racist. That is a demonstration of what might be called the deductive method of reasoning. But theres another way to study reality:

induction. Like this: 1) Ron Paul has again and again exploited bigotry, paranoia, and hate as fundraising devices. 2) Ron Paul is a libertarian. 3) So yes, I guess it is possible for a libertarian to do that. Heres my question for Ron Paul supporters: why the denial of the undeniable? Perhaps you like Pauls message of legalized marijuana? Why not just say so? You dont think its important to stop Iran from gaining nuclear weapons? Argue it forthrightly. If you regard Social Security and Medicare as literally the moral equivalents of slavery, go ahead, make your case. But all this excuse-making, special pleading and jiggering of the rules of evidence so as to exculpate Ron Paul from the record of his whole political life? For what? This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Bow & Drape Opens Custom Dressmaking EShop With $32K in Kickstarter Funding
Lauren Indvik (Mashable!)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:48:02 PM

Name: Bow & Drape Quick Pitch: Customizable women's clothing manufactured in classic silhouettes in the U.S. Genius Idea: A "fit kit" helps shoppers overcome sizing concerns. Over the past few years, startups as well as existing brands, have begun to invite consumers into the design process. Companies such as Blank Label and Gemvara allow shoppers to design their own shirts and jewelry, respectively, from a range of different forms and materials. On its website, Burberry lets users choose the style, color and details of their own Bespoke trenches, which come in more than 12 million combinations. The latest to enter this arena is BOW page 28


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Bow & Drape, which opened Continue reading... More About: The Launchpad, bow and drape, fashion, kickstarter, retail

New NHS constitution rules proposed Hipstamatic Graces the Cover of Time
Lauren Indvik (Mashable!)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:13:28 PM

There's something a little unusual about the Nov. 12 cover of Time magazine: It was shot using iPhone photography app Hipstamatic. The cover, "Lessons from the Storm," was shot by photojournalist Ben Lowy, and is

one of three in rotation for the issue. Hipstamatic offers an array of cheaply priced films, lenses and other photo effects. Unlike Instagram, which invites users to apply filters to photos they've already taken, Hipstamatic users must pre-select the films and lens they intend to shoot with. The

For the first time, the coalition's policy on single-sex wards would be included in the constitution. New commitments on end-of-life The document would pledge that care and single-sex wards are set those admitted to hospital "will to be included in the NHS not have to share sleeping constitution under proposals accommodation with patients of unveiled today. the opposite sex". Ministers said the wide-ranging Other planned changes include: a p a c k a g e o f r e f o r m s w o u l d new right for patients to receive empower patients and ensure their acknowledgement, an explanation wishes come first. and apology where mistakes have Rules on involving individuals been made; a commitment that a n d f a m i l i e s i n t r e a t m e n t complaints will be acknowledged final result is therefore less decisions are being strengthened within three working days, and p r e d i c t a b l e , a n d m o r e l i k e following an outcry over secretive tougher rules on handling them; a traditional print photography. u s e o f t h e L i v e r p o o l C a r e warning that abusive and violent The app has already made its way P a t h w a y - w h i c h i n v o l v e s patients could be denied access to i n t o t h e i n t e r i o r p a g e s o f withdrawal of fluids and food. NHS services, if it is "safe" to do magazines like Everyday Foo Under the measures being put out so. for consultation, health trusts that Health Minister Norman Lamb Continue reading... More About: hipstamatic, time, fail to discuss issues properly s a i d t h e G o v e r n m e n t w a s could be sued. Doctors who d e t e r m i n e d t o p r o t e c t t h e time magazine ignore the wishes of patients and NEW page 29 relatives face being struck off.
Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:00:09 PM

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founding principles of the health service. "The NHS is one of this country's greatest achievements. This Government will always make sure it is free to all, no matter your age or the size of your bank balance," he said. "That's why at the same time as we are protecting its budget, we are strengthening this constitution, which enshrines the right of everyone to have first-class care, now and in the future."

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Quotes of the day

Allahpundit (Hot Air Top Picks)

experience he would bring to the worlds toughest job. We valued Obamas pledge to govern with Submitted at 11/4/2012 8:01:47 PM bold pragmatism and posted at 9:01 pm on November b i p a r t i s a n s h i p . 4, 2012 by Allahpundit The hopes of those days went Four years ago, the Daily News unfulfilled endorsed Obama, seeing a historic The presidential imperative of the f i g u r e w h o s e i n t e l l i g e n c e , times is to energize the economy political skills and empathy with and get deficits under control to common folk positioned him to empower the working and middle build on the small practical classes to again enjoy the fruits of

an ascendant America. So The News is compelled to stand with Romney. *** Obama is the president. The buck stops with him. This is now Obamas economy, even though the GOP shares in the blame for partisan games. It was Obama and his fellow QUOTES page 30

NASA releases web app to help you spot ISS, celebrates 12 years of continuous crew occupation
Alexis Santos (Engadget)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 7:03:00 PM

The International Space Station just celebrated its 12th anniversary of having a crew continuously onboard, and to mark the occasion, NASA's unveiled a new service to help folks catch the station in the night sky. Dubbed Spot the Station, the web app texts or emails the time that the ISS will pass over a user's

location to their phone. The calculations are done for more than 4,600 places across the globe by NASA's Johnson Space Center, which determines when the ISS will be high enough in the sky to be seen above obstacles such as trees and buildings. Since the station is the second brightest object in the night sky after the moon, it'll appear to the naked eye as if it were a star moving at a steady clip. To get pinged with

you spot ISS, celebrates 12 years of continuous crew occupation originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 04 Nov 2012 19:03:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink PhysOrg| NASA, Spot the Station| Email this| Comments sighting alerts by NASA, hit the celebrates 12 years of continuous second source link below. crew occupation Continue reading NASA releases Filed under: Science, Alt web app to help you spot ISS, NASA releases web app to help



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Democrats who went it alone on health care, making subsequent deals even harder to find. It was Obama who too often let Congress steer the ship in circles. It still is Obama who hasnt laid out a clear vision for the next four years. We endorsed Obama for change last time around. Now were endorsing change again: Mitt Romney. *** Last week, I noticed this blog comment: Romney was not my first, second, or third choice, but I will crawl over ground glass to vote for him. A lot of Republicans and, judging from polls, a lot of independents feel this way. If there are enough of them, Romney will win, and win big. Are there? Well, there are some signs. Ive written here before that politics is all about showing up. And in recent months, people on the Right have been doing a lot of showing up. Theyve showed up at Romney-Ryan events in unprecedented numbers. They made Dinesh DSouzas 2016: Obamas America a huge hit despite a virtual blackout from traditional media. They stood in line for hours at Chick-fil-A restaurants to buy chicken sandwiches in response to

politicians bullying. They packed houses at the Hating Breitbart premiere. Will they now pack the voting booths and vote for Romney, and against Obama, in similarly unprecedented numbers? If they do, Romney will win in a landslide. *** The 76-year-old retiree was a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2008, but volunteered for Barack Obama when he became the nominee. Hes been doing the same for the Democratic presidents campaign since March, door-knocking and phonebanking throughout Ohio, repeating shifts from the late morning until the evening, when its too dark to see outside. Can the Democrat put his finger on the difference in energy in 2012? Its hard to quantify, but there is significantly less enthusiasm, said Roan. I think theres sort of grim determination on the part of some people, more than enthusiasm. And it shows up in our volunteers. We dont have the number of young people volunteering like we did last time. *** Already our government redistributes too much from the

young to the old, from working families to retirees, from productive entrepreneurs to protected clients. To accede to this governments permanent expansion is to walk, with eyes wide open, into the kind of economic and demographic trap that has ensnared the weaker economies of Europe today. President Obama did not singlehandedly put us on this path. But he has kept us on it, accelerated our progress down it, and campaigned for re-election as though taking this course had no downsides whatsoever. Hes the candidate of the Medicare status quo in a country facing an entitlement crunch, of government bailouts in an economy with a crony capitalism problem, and of contraceptive mandates in a society with a birth dearth. For an incumbent president facing a mistrusted opposition party, this may prove a formula for a narrow electoral victory. But for the country that might vote to re-elect him, it risks four more years of drift, stagnation and decline. *** I dont know whether Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan can fix things, but I do know that Barack Obama and Joe Biden wont even try and that therefore a vote for

Obama is a vote for the certainty of national collapse. Look at Lower Manhattan in the dark, and try to imagine what America might look like after the rest of the planet decides it no longer needs the dollar as global reserve currency. For four years, we have had a president who can spend everything but build nothing. Nothing but debt, dependency, and decay. As I said at the beginning, in different ways the response to Hurricane Sandy and Benghazi exemplify the fundamental unseriousness of the superpower at twilight. Whether or not to get serious is the choice facing the electorate on Tuesday. *** Via Breitbart.*** [embedded content]*** [embedded content]*** [embedded content] This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

Gillespie: Hate to break it to you, Team O, but the map has expanded
Erika Johnsen (Hot Air Top Picks)
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:31:06 PM

posted at 7:31 pm on November 4, 2012 by Erika Johnsen Earlier this week, certain Team Obama members and loyalists insisted that Team Romneys relatively late-in-the-game push into some new battlegrounds definitively means that Team R has at last figured out that they cannot win with the electoral map they originally planned, characterizing their movements as desperate and flailing to mark off some more territory. Obama campaign senior adviser David Plouffe echoed those sentiments on Sunday, contending that Team Obama is not at all in the defense-mode that might appear to the naked eye, but that theyre actually in offense-mode. Citing the presidents slight leads in battleground states and the upper hand on early voting, Obama campaign senior adviser David Plouffe sounded confident about Obamas chances for reelection. Weve always known this was going to be a close race, but it is going to be decided in the battleground states, and we think GILLESPIE: page 31

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in those states we have an important lead, Plouffe said on ABCs This Week.Im confident two days from now the president will be reelected. We have the support to win this election. Plouffe concentrated on Obamas ground game, especially in Pennsylvania, where the Romney campaign has focused attention in recent days. Plouffe called it a desperate ploy at the end of a campaign, and said Romney would have to win two-thirds of independent voters there to carry the state. As much as Team Obama would no doubt like us to believe that Team Romneys recent ventures into Pennsylvania are merely the deluded backfirings of a broken campaign machine, there was a pretty organic surge in Romneys direction after that first gamechanging presidential debate, and Team Romney is now just helping to fuel it along. Picking up on whats already happening is not a desperate move, its a savvy one. Romney also leads in a lot of polls of independents by healthy margins, and as for the early voting in battleground states, does

that mean in states like, oh, say Ohio, where the swing towards Republicans in early voting has knocked out Obamas winning margin there from 2008, perhaps? [embedded content] Team O is aggressively pushing this narrative that the Romney campaign has gone full-on madcap in their last-ditch push to expand the map, but, news flash: The electoral map has expanded. The results of Obamas biggovernment spend-happy policies, not to mention their waging a severely negative and smallpotatoes campaign that hasnt exactly hearkened back to the Hopenchange spirit of 2008, just means that not as many people are as pumped about voting for him this time around, plain and simple. The Obama campaign wont admit it, of course, but as Romney campaign senior adviser Ed Gillespie summed up on ABC earlier, our incumbent president is in deep trouble. [embedded content] You know, four years ago its its a remarkable juxtaposition here that Mitt Romney will be in the suburbs of Philadelphia today, and you know, four years ago,

Barack Obama was in Indiana. When you look at where this map has gone, it reflects the the change and the direction and the momentum toward Gov. Romney. And the fact is that a state like Pennsylvania being in play, a poll out today showing Michigan a dead heat, you know, this the map has expanded. Wisconsin, Minnesota has expanded our way. We feel very confident in terms of where we are in the in the target states. Weve been able to expand into Pennsylvania while fully funding and staying current with everything we need to be doing in Florida and Virginia and Ohio and all of the other target states. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go Zachary Lutz (Engadget) To Work. Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:00:00 PM

Refresh Roundup: week of October 29th, 2012

into one convenient roundup. If you find something available for your device, please give us a Your smartphone and / or tablet shout at tips at engadget dawt com is just begging for an update. and let us know. Enjoy! From time to time, these mobile Continue reading Refresh d e v i c e s a r e b l e s s e d w i t h Roundup: week of October 29th, maintenance refreshes, bug fixes, 2012 custom ROMs and anything in Filed under: Cellphones, between, and so many of them are S o f t w a r e , M o b i l e floating around that it's easy for a Refresh Roundup: week of sizable chunk to get lost in the October 29th, 2012 originally mix. To make sure they don't appeared on Engadget on Sun, 04 escape without notice, we've Nov 2012 21:00:00 EDT. Please gathered every possible update, see our terms for use of feeds. hack, and other miscellaneous Permalink| | Email this| tomfoolery we could find during Comments the last week and crammed them


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Watch the 'Fox News Sunday' Post-Game Show

Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:00:49 PM

This transcript is automatically generated And welcome to FOX News Sunday panel plus -- Brit Hume Joseph Trippi Karl Rove and jobs felony. Well just about everything has been sad and up till now I'd say it hasn't been said by everybody but after today I think it's actually been -- by everybody it's time to go vote but. Let me do look a few -- this -you guys depending on what what turns out. The president loses. Bubble the pundits say is there anything he could or should have done differently or it was -- just. The facts of his record on the economy the business -- two things entity that -- the economic policies didn't do enough good news. To present them to group and had to bring a robust recovery unless the economy blue lags. And dragged him down a second -- that many will say is that the president had the opportunity. After -- food trying ten mid term to make a course correction in terms of policies. And like Bill Clinton but as Bill Clinton did. We all know where that led for

him. -- obviously he was helped by robust economy but nonetheless. They'll say that that he should have made the turn and it -- he'd been marginalized. Himself to some extent by staying. Who throw leftist senator that he might have and that between those two things he was done for. Is there anything in this campaign -- that you think. And again this is just assuming that he loses that he could or should have done differently. And what about this this decision which they basically made -- a year ago August after the collapse of the debt talks. And we're gonna go to the left I'm going to be the protectors of the middle -- that's going to be our line from now to election night. I think you've President Obama loses it's going to be the first debate I mean everybody. Is in the party I think at least it's gonna say it was the first debate that he had a chance there to. To put. Romney out of the race he was on the verge of being out of the race and and he didn't didn't take it and I think that does go to. To use another. Setup of that debate was routes that where they've run such negative ads against Romney did

when he showed up with their first debate -- wasn't. You know blood wasn't coming down from his is little mouth and he wasn't following. That that actually helped Romney in a lot of ways so I think. I think it's a set up to the first debate I think most Democrats -if Obama was I don't think you will but that he does that's where you have an explanation satisfies you from talking to your friends inside the White House in the campaign as to why he did so -absolutely don't although there's been a lot of history of fellow presidents through the first in the first debate showing up look like that Reagan had a horrible first debate -- and -- came. W bush not so good in 2004 but I'm not convinced enough gas. Stability and bring in I. Well you know was that that gets know what was I guess on his back is a bad tailoring job follow - please tell you they had -- gizmo back and rocket hit it it'd get a little stocks. Knew I had to have been let's flip it around if yes Romney loses what will the naysayers second -That convention speech could it have been better. But look it's hard to defeat incumbent president and and one or two things is gonna -- we're gonna have one of those rare

moments in which. We defeated incumbent president particularly -- think about this how many times that we defeated a president who took over after eight years. Of the other party -- in an office I mean Jimmy Carter. And did before him Grover Cleveland so this doesn't happen very often. On the other hand I do I do think that that. You know pres Obama this election should be if he had cheated shifted course embraced Erskine Bowles of Bowles Simpson. -- tax reform center left tax reform. The focus of 2011 where you've got the debt ceiling out of the way in in November December of cameras in the making a political battle. He he'd be cruising to reelection. Do you think that I mean there's - there is some. Narrative out there ideas where the -- it's that and that. What you guys and this -- and the independent groups did to Kerry. In August of 2004. On on those swift boating that in a sense. That's what Obama did between April and August of this year that it is or something Romney could've done more effectively as

he was getting. Hammered on -- and I know he had a money problem because he he had spent all of those but his primary money. But as he was getting hammered on but on Bain and taxes and all those things as easily could've done more thought -It -- he could have but it but here's the deal the first debate I think -- first debate washed that away. Mean if you take a look at the -with the outside groups did was keep. The focus on Obama's economic record and made it even more -you compare. President Obama's rating on the economy at the beginning -- may fifteenth -- and that they August 31 break. And he is worse on the economy and it is a bigger issue. And all the things that he was being attacked on -- jobs spending and so forth Affordable Care Act. The negatives have grown up knows now of negatives have grown on Romney but Romney -very adept to that first debate and sort of basically showing up showing -- he was Ernest. With a plan cared about people seem to be highly credible and just blew that 250 million dollar WATCH page 36

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Storm Victims Now Face Gas Rationing, Bitter Cold

Submitted at 11/4/2012 9:00:49 PM

People line up at a gas station waiting to fill up, Friday, Nov. 2, 2012, in Newark, N.J. In parts of New York and New Jersey, drivers lined up early Friday for hours at gas stations that were struggling to stay supplied. The power outages and flooding caused by Superstorm Sandy have forced many gas stations to close and disrupted the flow of fuel from refineries to those stations that are open. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) 2012 AP Shivering victims of Superstorm Sandy went to church Sunday to pray for deliverance as cold weather settling in across the New York metropolitan region -- and another powerful storm forecast for the middle of the week -added to their misfortunes and deepened the gloom. With overnight temperatures sinking into the 30s and hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses still without electricity, New York City officials handed out blankets and urged people to go to temporary warming shelters set up during the day at senior citizen centers. At the same time, government leaders began to grapple with a

daunting, longer-term problem: where to find housing for the tens of thousands of people whose homes could be uninhabitable for weeks or months because of a combination of storm damage and cold weather. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said 30,000 to 40,000 New Yorkers may need to be relocated -- a

monumental task in a city where housing is scarce and fiercely expensive -- though he said that number would probably drop to 20,000 within a couple of weeks as power is restored in more places. In a heavily flooded Staten Island neighborhood, Sara Zavala spent the night under two blankets and

layers of clothing because the power was out. She had a propane heater but turned it on for only a couple of hours in the morning. She did not want to sleep with it running at night. "When I woke up, I was like, `It's freezing.' And I thought, `This can't go on too much longer,"' said Zavala, a nursing home

admissions coordinator. On a basketball court flanked by powerless apartment buildings in the Far Rockaway section of Queens, volunteers for the city handed out bagels, diapers, water, blankets and other necessities. Genice Josey filled a garbage bag STORM page 34


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until it was bulging. "Nights are the worst because you feel like you're outside when you're inside," said Josey, who sleeps under three blankets and wears longjohns under her pajamas. "You shiver yourself to sleep." She added: "It's like we're going back to barbaric times where we had to go find food and clothing and shelter." Six days after Sandy slammed into the New Jersey coastline in an assault that killed more than 100 people in 10 states, gasoline shortages persisted across the region, though odd-even rationing got under way in northern New Jersey in an echo of the gas crises of the 1970s. More than 900,000 homes and businesses were still without power in New Jersey, and nearly 700,000 in New York City, its northern suburbs and Long Island. With more subways running and most city schools reopening on Monday, large swaths of the city were getting back to something resembling normal. But the coming week could bring new challenges, namely an Election Day without power in hundreds of polling places, and a nor'easter expected hit the area by Wednesday, with the potential for 55 mph gusts and more beach erosion, flooding and rain.

"Well, the first storm flooded me out, and my landlord tells me there's a big crack in the ceiling, so I guess there's a chance this storm could do more damage," John Lewis said at a shelter in New Rochelle, N.Y. "I was hoping to get back in there sooner rather than later, but it doesn't look good." Voting machines in hundreds of locations will be operating on generator power, some polling stations are being moved and there are likely to be delays in reporting election results in a few closely contested races because of extended deadlines for counting ballots cast by mail. Churchgoers packed the pews Sunday in parkas, scarves and boots and looked for solace in faith. At the chilly Church of St. Rose in Belmar, N.J., its streets still slippery with foul-smelling mud, Roman Catholic Bishop David O'Connell assured parishioners: "There's more good, and there's more joy, and there's more happiness in life than there is the opposite. And it will be back." In the heart of the Staten Island disaster zone, the Rev. Steve Martino of Movement Church headed a volunteer effort that had scores of people delivering supplies in grocery carts and

cleaning out ruined homes. Around midday, the work stopped, and volunteer and victim alike bowed their heads in prayer. In the crowd was Stacie Piacentino. After a singularly difficult week, she said, "it's good to feel God again." After the abrupt cancellation of Sunday's New York City Marathon, some of those who had been planning to run the 26.2-mile race through the city streets instead volunteered their time, handing out toothbrushes, batteries, sweatshirts and others supplies on Staten Island. Thousands of other athletes from around the world ran anyway inside Central Park, where a little more than four laps around it amounted to a marathon. "A lot of people just want to finish what they've started," said Lance Svendsen, organizer of a group called Run Anyway. Gov. Andrew Cuomo said New York state is facing "a massive, massive housing problem" for those whose neighborhoods or buildings are in such bad shape that they won't have power for weeks or months. "I don't know that anybody has ever taken this number of people and found housing for them overnight," Bloomberg said. "We don't have a lot of empty housing

in this city," he added. "We're not going to let anybody go sleeping in the streets. ... But it's a challenge, and we're working on it." The mayor and the governor gave no details of where and how the victims might be housed. After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita smashed the Gulf Coast in 2005, hundreds of thousands of victims were put up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in trailers, hotels, cruise ships and apartments across several states for months and even years. On Staten Island, emergency management officials distributed leaflets urging people to take shelter from the cold. But "people are apprehensive and don't want to leave their houses. It's a definite problem," said Fred Melendez, who helped run a shelter at Tottenville High School that was nearly empty of storm victims Sunday afternoon. Fearing looters, Nick Veros and his relatives were hoping to hold out in their storm-damaged Staten Island home until power was restored. He figured the indoor temperature would plunge into the 40s. "If we get two consecutive belowfreezing days, I'm probably going to have to drain the water out of the pipes," he said, "and then we'll

have to get out of the house." Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Slideshow Staten Island Devastated in Sandys Wake Related Stories Nor'easter remains on track to hit East Coast midweek Giants-Steelers game brings some relief in wake of Sandy Share This Article Newsletter Signup Sign up for free e-mail news alerts from and Newsletter Signup This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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NYC marathon runners ignore cancellation and donate to Sandy victims (PHOTOS)
RT (News RSS : Today)

generators needed to power laptops and cameras for the race would have taken away power Stephen Uzzell (R), who came to from about 400 homes, the New NYC from North Carolina to York Post reported. The race cheer for his daughter, high-fives would have begun in Staten Island runners participating in fun runs the hardest-hit borough that left in Central Park after the New 19 dead and made its way York Road Runners cancelled the through many of the most storm2012 New York Marathon due to d e v a s t a t e d N e w Y o r k C i t y the impact of Hurricane Sandy n e i g h b o r h o o d s . hitting the region, New York, Runners participate in the "Run November 4, 2012 (Reuters / Chip Anyway NYC Marathon" taking East) place in Central Park on T h e I N G N e w Y o r k C i t y November 4, 2012 in New York, Marathon was cancelled due to New York (AFP Photo / Mehdi the devastation from Hurricane Taamallah) Sandy, but the participants Instead of take the original route werent having it - nearly 2,000 and stripping such neighborhoods runners ignored the cancellation, f r o m t h e i r a l r e a d y - l a g g i n g showing up and running 26.2 resources, the 2,000 participants miles (42.2 km) anyway. ran four times around Central Through a Facebook page put Park some clockwise, others together by a group of runners counterclockwise, some running who had spent months fundraising straight through the park. to run for the nonprofit ALS W e d o n t w a n t t o b e Foundation, the large group of d i s r e s p e c t f u l , o r t a k e u p participants showed up at Central resources, 27-year-old Lance Park on Sunday morning. The Sven, who ran in the FacebookRun Anyway New York City organized marathon, told New Marathon recruited a multitude York Daily News. All we intend of runners who had come from far to do is put our miles in around and wide some from other the park. countries to participate. Many of the runners brought Hurricane Sandy, which left more donations for the victims of than 100 people dead and large Hurricane Sandy. Asked to donate s w a t h s o f t h e c i t y w i t h o u t food, clothing and money to the electricity, made it difficult for the Sandy Relief, the marathon marathon to still be held. The proved to a successful endeavor
Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:06:00 PM

that did not deprive powerless New Yorkers from their generators. Runners appeared pleased with their decision to participate especially ones who'd raised thousands of dollars to be there. We all understand why they canceled, said marathon runner Jack Waitz. And we will be back and even better next year, but it is still very important to run today. We all paid substantial money to be here, and we raised money. A team from Switzerland running (Photo by Lauren C. Daniels) All of this years participants have been guaranteed entry into next years race, but not everyone

would be able to attend again. So many people showed up at Central Park on Sunday morning that runners had to start their races in waves because there was not enough space for all of them. It was kind of eerie because initially there was no one, and then suddenly there was everyone, marathon runner Tracey Busch, told the Associated Press. Some New Yorkers expressed anger that the marathon was still taking place, against the wishes of city officials. Theres no marathon! Go home! one man yelled from his car as runners passed the waterfront. But hard feelings were few as the kindness

of the athletes drew more of the attention. Runners gave away flashlights, batteries, sweatshirts, food, and donated money. God bless you, a man said near the waterfront as he was given batteries and a warm sweater.Let me take your picture. Those with disabilities also braved the elements to compete (Photo by Lauren C. Daniels) British runners (Photo by Lauren C. Daniels) Runners participate in the "Run Anyway NYC Marathon" organized by Lance Sven taking place in Central Park on November 4, 2012 in New York, New York (AFP Photo / Mehdi Taamallah) Following the cancellation of the ING New York City Marathon, Lance Sven (pictured) started a Facebook page to organize a group of runners to participate in the "Run Anyway NYC Marathon" taking place in Central Park on November 4, 2012 in New York (AFP Photo / Mehdi Taamallah) Runners participate in the "Run Anyway NYC Marathon" taking place in Central Park on November 4, 2012 in New York, New York (AFP Photo / Mehdi Taamallah) This entry passed through the NYC page 36


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for the campaign advertising largely. Jeff I'm sure you've -- to think about a big you know with the article you're gonna have to -- if Obama loses its if Romney loses. If Romney loses because we had two -- the other side. What are you gonna say team that was a key moment in this campaign. I think some people -- wonder. And if he loses Ohio narrowly if he loses Hamilton county and happens the election just what would have happened if he would have picked Rob Portman. As his running mate because he's obviously from an Atlanta a difference I don't know but it depends how much should be a margin as an Hamilton County Cincinnati I think overall. The selection of -- cut from congressman Ryan. -- was very helpful in the moment in. -- and those of months of August for the days of August when if people weren't that excited Republicans weren't that excited about the Romney campaign but I think.

If if the whole presidency happens depends on some votes. He -- Hamilton County Ohio. I think a lot of people say -- to wonder what to Rob Portman went -- but in the end I think Rob Portman actually has been a bigger help to the Romney campaign. Prepping him for those debates and sort of advising him on strategies -- a real key player here behind the scenes are. And finally. And I I I. Warren -- time I'm gonna ask -- a political trivia question I think you'll agree it's a fair question I'll be very curious if you can answer. When was the last time the New York Times. -- newspaper. Endorsed a Republican for president of the United States and the year I do not have an answer to that -- worked there for six years to come from Nebraska and since I didn't reading it I know that they have not -- from but I do not -- in the last -- yes I'm calling -- Friday yeah. -- fascinating fact is that you can dot com it's not out announcer we

now down. Done done done done done done I don't know them have no idea you have an idea no 52 or 56 I night. Tonight there was a good Dwight David Eisenhower in 1956. Not a single Republican in 56 years. And some Republicans are probably glad about that quickly it didn't anticipate. Well if it doesn't as a nobody got no heart attack -- the shot. Thank you hello will see -- home in Washington next Sunday let us know what you think about all the best. And as I say we'll see on election night and the next -- Well. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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Ohio election overseer tries to trash provisional ballots

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Submitted at 11/4/2012 6:28:00 PM

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Jon Husted (image from Jon Husted twitter page) Days before the election in an important swing state, the Ohio Secretary of State laid out a directive that all provisional ballots incorrectly filled out should be trashed. This could alter the election results and is in violation of Ohio state law. Provisional ballots are used to record votes when a voters eligibility has not yet been approved for example, when the voters registration information is outdated or contains inaccuracies. These ballots are counted once the voters eligibility is verified often 7-10 days after Election Day, and used only if the race is so tight that the additional votes could be the deciding factors of the election. Such ballots are most important in swing states where the presidential contenders receive nearly an equal number of votes. In the 2008 presidential election, Ohio had more than 204,000 provisional ballots, of which about 40,000 were not counted.

President Obama beat Republican nominee John McCain by about 206,000 votes in Ohio during the last election. Scrapping thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of provisional ballots in a swing state as significant as Ohio could therefore have a deciding impact on the election. Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husteds directive called for all election officials to reject ballots if authorized identification wasn't provided voter slips haven't been filled out correctly.The move has been criticized for putting the onus of responsibility on voters and allegedly violating voting law in Ohio. In the case that Obama and Mitt Romney are close to a tie in Ohio, these ballots would be crucial. Husted is now required to show up in court on Monday to defend his actions, before provisional ballots are counted on Nov. 17. Ohio law protects voters against poll workers abdication of their responsibility to complete or properly complete the provisional

-ballot form, the lawsuit states. Provisional ballots and the recording of identification information lies in the hands of those who are trained by the Voter Integrity Project, which is affiliated with the tea party True The Vote project. Husted has also been previously forced to appear in court for trying to cancel early voting in the 2012 election. Democrats have insisted that Husteds action was an attempt to disenfranchise black voters, which are more likely to vote for Obama. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Five Filters recommends: Incinerating Assange - The Liberal Media Go To Work.

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