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Eustace & Bisley Body shapes & sizes

Notes: Eustace is a teenager important for propor4on and posture. Eustace is t & healthy, sporty, rides and uses a sword. This suggests some square shapes. He may be geBng spots. He will have good posture, being athle4c, but will also need to be able to slouch in a teenagery way. Eustace is also a villain, sneaky and clever. This suggests some triangle shapes. Bisley, at 12, is an in-betweenager, star4ng to gain teen characteris4cs such as big feet but not yet height. He will s4ll be slightly rounded. His teeth and eyes will s4ll look slightly oversized. Bisley is bookish rather than athle4c, and will therefore be pasty and less developed than some of his peers. He will need to slouch.

No 1 strong but too adult and too large to be sneaky No 2 looks clumsy, not wily No 3 great slouchy teenager but not villainous No 4 strong but looks too friendly and not sneaky No 5 propor4ons are right but doesnt convey any aBtude No 6 proud, preening could be suitable No 7 nondescript No 8 Good teenage posture but not villainous No 9 no aBtude No 10 childish propor4on No 11- t and strong but shape is too adult

Eustace Body shape & size

5 6

7 8 9

10 11

Eustace Body shape & size

Expanding on the previous sketches, I have tried to make them convey more informa4on. I think 2,4 and 5 are the right build for a t, sneaky teenager.

Eustace & Bisley - Body shape & size

This sketch is looking at size and build dierences of children & teenagers. This is important to really convey the size/age/strength dierence between the two characters as that will be important in the story. Children of the same age can be widely diering sizes but their key features, such as head/ eye size and fat distribu4on, will be similar.

1 young child 2 early teens 3 late teens 4 mid teens (Eustace) 5 tween 8-12 (Bisley)

Eustace possible styles

A B A and B are my prefered shapes for Eustace.

Eustace silhouettes

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