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How to Manage Landscapes

Bagaimana Menguruskan Landskap
We cannot manage every individual species and every single ecological process. However, a useful approach is to mitigate the negative impacts of our landscape modifications by managing landscape patterns in a way that will benefit many species simultaneously. How to get connectivity In the absence of detailed ecological knowledge, Fragments the following five principles and pattern-based with no connectivity management interventions are likely to support biodiversity and ecosystem services. 1 Maintain connectivity
Connectivity is the linkage of habitats, interacting organisms and ecological processes at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Connectivity influences essential processes such as population survival and recovery after disturbance, the exchange of individuals and genes in a population, and the occupancy of habitat patches. Connectivity may be achieved by strips of retained (or rehabilitated) habitat also called biological corridors or wildlife corridors (Figure to the right).
Stepping stones

Kita tidak boleh menguruskan setiap satu spesies dan proses ekologi. Bagaimanapun, satu pendekatan yang berguna adalah dengan mengurangkan impak negatif pengubahsuaian landskap kita dengan menguruskan corak landskap dalam cara yang akan menguntungkan banyak spesies sekaligus. Dalam ketiadaan pengetahuan ekologi yang mendalam, lima prinsip berikut dan campur tangan pengurusan berdasarkan corak mungkin dapat menyokong biodiversiti dan perkhidmatan ekosistem. 1 Kekalkan kesalinghubungan Kesalinghubungan adalah rantaian habitat-habitat, organisma yang berinteraksi dan proses-proses ekologi di pelbagai skala ruang dan masa. Kesalinghubungan mempengaruhi proses-proses penting seperti kemandirian populasi dan pemulihan selepas gangguan, pertukaran individu dan gen dalam suatu populasi, dan penghunian tompok habitat. Kesalinghubungan mampu dicapai dengan jaluran habitat yang dikekalkan (atau dipulihkan), juga digelar koridor biologi atau koridor hidupan liar (Rajah di kiri).

A cluster of stepping stones is better

A corridor provides movement also for interior species

2 Maintain the integrity of aquatic systems

2 Kekalkan keutuhan sistem-sistem akuatik A central goal of matrix management is to preserve Matlamat utama pengurusan matriks adalah untuk the integrity of the aquatic ecosystem and the mengekalkan keutuhan ekosistem akuatik dan proseshydrologic processes upon which much biodiversity proses hidrologi di mana kebanyakan biodiversiti depends. The degree to which the integrity of bergantung. Darjah di mana keutuhan ekosistem aquatic ecosystems and associated processes is akuatik proses-proses berkaitan dikekalkan banyak Riparian vegetation is part 1 maintained is largely determined by conditions in of river ecology ditentukan oleh keadaan di dalam matriks. Hutan the matrix. Forests have powerful influences on mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat ke atas prosesHigh evaporation and hydrological processes such as the interception of absorption of nutrients proses hidrologi seperti pintasan jatuhan hujan, rainfall, and the condensation, evapotranspiration, dan pemeluapan, evapotranspirasi, serta penyuand infiltration of moisture. Forest conditions supan lembapan. Keadaan hutan juga sangat Runoff velocity also strongly affect nutrient retention and soil reduced; mempengaruhi pegangan nutrien dan kestabilan contaminants stability, especially on slopes. Riparian vegetanah, terutamanya di cerun-cerun. Tumbuhan retained tation stabilises riverbanks against erosion; riparia menstabilkan tebing-tebing sungai dari filters sediments, nutrients, pesticides and hakisan; menapis kelodak, nutrien, racun Water and dissolved nutrients microbes; provides aquatic and wildlife habitat; perosak dan mengawal banjir. taken up by riparian vegetation and mitigates floods. 3 Kekalkan kerumitan struktur habitat 1 Differences in structure and edge 3 Maintain habitat structural complexity Kerumitan struktur adalah ciri biasa habitat Natural Human made Complex Simple semula jadi di serata dunia dan seringkali Structural complexity is a common feature of dikaitkan dengan kekayaan spesies yang lebih natural habitat throughout the world and it is besar berbanding sistem yang lebih mudah. commonly associated with greater species richness than simpler systems. However, it Bagaimanapun, adalah penting diingatkan yang is important that also in man-made systems dalam sistem buatan manusia, sistem it applies that the more structural complex pengeluaran yang lebih kompleks strukturnya Other land Patch Patch use systems the production system the more scope exists mewujudkan lebih banyak skop untuk lima for the five critical roles of the landscape in peranan kritikal landskap untuk menyokong supporting biodiversity (see Poster No. 9). biodiversiti (lihat Poster 9). Structurally complex production systems and management

Riparian vegetation may also be a corridor for some species

4 Maintain landscape heterogeneity

Ecosystems are naturally diverse and landscape heterogeneity is a feature reflecting environmental differences such as topography, climate, soils, drainage, and so forth. Maintaining appropriate levels of spatial complexity or landscape diversity is an essential principle for conserving biodiversity and valuable ecosystem services.

of the matrix-to-buffer edges can substantially increase the effective area for biodiversity within the matrix.



Envisioning the future

Notes: For more information on the subjects dealt with see A Common Vision on Biodiversity in Government and the Development Process and supporting guidelines which can be downloaded from Untuk maklumat tambahan berkenaan tajuk-tajuk yang dibincangkan, lihat A Common Vision on Biodiversity in Government and the Development Process dan garis panduan sokongan yang boleh dimuat turun dari 1 Drawings by Yew Kiang Teh. 2 Bohnet, I. 2004. Agricultural landscapes in the wet tropics. Future visions balancing environmental, social and economic needs. Tropical Landscapes Program. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems. Tropical Forest Research Centre. Atherton, Queensland, Australia.

5 Manage disturbances Managing disturbances is a risk-spreading approach which aims at ensuring that strategies are varied in the landscapes and across multiple scales (i.e. do not do the same thing everywhere).

4 Kekalkan keheterogenan landskap Ekosistem dengan semulajadinya adalah pelbagai dan keheterogenan landskap adalah ciri yang mencerminkan perbezaan alam sekitar seperti topografi, iklim, tanah, saliran, dan seterusnya. Mengekalkan tahap kerumitan ruang yang bersesuaian atau kepelbagaian landskap adalah prinsip yang penting untuk memulihara biodiversiti dan perkhidmatanperkhidmatan ekosistem yang berharga. 5 Kawal gangguan Menguruskan gangguan adalah pendekatan perluasan risiko yang bertujuan memastikan yang strategi berbeza dalam landskap-landskap dan merentasi banyak skala (iaitu jangan lakukan perkara yang sama di semua tempat).

A: A present day tropical landscape dominated by sugarcane. B and C: How local people would like their landscape to appear. In both cases higher landscape heterogeneity better protect biodiversity and ecosystem services, thus balancing environmental, social and economic needs.2

Published by the Conservation & Environmental Management Division (CEMD) of the Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment. Copyright NRE 2008. NRE would like to thank agencies and individuals who have offered their comments and support. Design, layout and text by Micael Junkov. Translation to Bahasa Malaysia by Peregrine Services. This poster is published as part of the Biodiversity Component implemented by the Governments of Malaysia and Denmark under the Environmental Cooperation Programme. The Component took off in November 2006 and runs until December 2009. Funding for this publication has been provided by the Danish International Development Assistance Danida.

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