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Beauty & Ghost Track 1 Seiji: When I lifted my glance towards the rooftop, there was a person standing

there. The figure of a high school girl in sailor uniform can be seen. The other person also seemed to have noticed me, raised her hand and waved at me as if telling me to get near. I like to tell ghost stories in this way. You could say it is me Satou Seiji's hobby. Seiji: I went into the building and opened the door to the rooftop. At that time, I felt a chill down my spine. I like the children especially as they truly believe in ghosts or monsters and are afraid of them. Whenever I see their frighten expressions, I feel a sense of satisfaction. It is my childish way to relieve stress. Seiji: The door to the roof top is properly chained from within. So how did the girl I saw just now get in? What is the thing beyond this door? girls: AHHH!!!! Don't come near!!!! OBAKE!!! (obake: can means a lot like monster, ghost etc. in this case, should be simply ghost) seiji: obake? girls: behind you. seiji: Sagaki? Why is Sagaki here and unconcious in the shrubs? (in the novel's picture. he lost concious standing up, leaning against the tree....) Seiji: OI!!! Sagaki, wake up. Oi!! This man is a junior at the company I worked in. As he is so capable, I have never liked him since the beginning. Even now, I can't forget it. It all started from this year's spring... Kakimoto: I am going to introduce a newcomer now. Sagaki: I have just been accepted into the finance department. I am Sagaki Kouta. Please give me your guidance. A rare graduate for the past 5 whole years, the whole office was taken aback. As it is difficult for a small company like us to attract graduates and so the company is happy to finally be able to have one. To speak the truth, Sagaki is one of those rare and difficult to get talent. Kakimoto: We are really glad to be able to grab such a talented young man like you into our small company. Seiji kun, I am leaving him in your hands. He is our important future employee. Never give him a chance to quit. When I entered, I was never treated as warmly. On top of it all, Sagaki, who has completed his internship, is mostly able to carry out the basic like taking down main points from phone calls or the way to accept a name card. As for the main job, he can do it well after teaching him just once. Thus, I began to resent and hate him.

Track 2 Seiji: This huge guy.... just wake up already, Sagaki. Sagaki: This place is? Seiji: You are finally willing to wake up. Sagaki: Who is it? Sagaki: Too bright. Eh, Seiji san.

For this guy to address me directly by my given name, I began to curse my family name being Saitou. Well, there are three person in our company who have the same family name. Hence, in the company, it is natural to call them by their given names. Although I don't really care much for other colleagues, only when Sagaki calls me by my given name, I just feel that he is looking down on me. It has to be because I simply dislike him. Sagaki: Is this Seiji san's house? Seiji: Yes. Sagaki: Why am I here? Seiji: You lost conciousness in the park, isn't it? Since it can't be helped so I carried you all the way back home. Sagaki: I am really sorry!! To carry such a big guy like me, it must have been tiring. Seiji: No need to apologize. I didn't treat you very well when i carried you either. I did dropped you halfway at the stairs as well. The scars should still be visible on the front part of your shoes. Sagaki: I am really grateful towards you for carrying me all the way here. Seiji: So what were you doing at that place? You should be with Kakimoto department head today. Sagaki: We visited the producer of Gotanda electronic. However, the head of their sales department was on leave. Seiji: Leave? Didn't you went with an appointment? Sagaki: It seems like he was down with gastroenteritis and the reply regarding that came late to us. Seiji: Even if that is so, Kakimoto san must be angry to be dragged around for nothing. Sagaki: However, thanks to it, I can go home early. Kakimoto san said it is fine for me to leave as there is nothing else I can do and gave me permission. Hmmm.....As usual, the department head is lenient on Sagaki. Sagaki: I have wanted to go home directly from there and it was when I saw Seiji san in the park. Seiji: Then? How did you end up in the shrubs? Sagaki: uh.. Seiji: Split it out. Sagaki: Seiji san, are you those who won't gossip? Seiji: ya. Sagaki: To speak the truth!! Seiji: What?! Sagaki: I am scared of obake. (he meant it very generally as long as it is supernatural) Seiji: obake? Sagaki: Be it spiritual spotting or ghost stories, I am scared of it all. I am totally helpless against them. Seiji: Even if you tell 'totally helpless'. Sagaki: You may think I am exaggerating but Seiji san was telling a ghost story at where I was, isn't it? Where I fainted. Seiji: So the reason you fainted in the park was.... Sagaki: Yes, Seiji san's ghost story was too scary that I lost conciousness. You must be kidding me.

Sagaki: According to my parents, I have been a child especially frightens of spiritual stuff even before I develop an awareness for things. I have cried and run away from a ghost house three times. Although I didn't go to the cinema to watch a horror movie, I couldn't stand the darkness of the theater and left early five times. Seiji: Even so, you went to a ghost house three times. Sagaki: For some reason, the girls I dated all wanted to visit a ghost house once and for that reason, I was dumped three times because I abandoned them and ran away. Seiji: Heh~~~ Then? Sagaki: It may seem ridiculous at this age but I am afraid of the darkness. I can't sleep if the lights are off and I don't really want to walk alone on dim nights. Seiji: That's rather severe. Sagaki: It is severe. That is why today when I listened to Seiji san's ghost stories, my mind went blank. (literally: everything just turned white before my eyes.) In addition, without realizing it, the sun had set and everything around me was already pitch dark, I couldn't move. Seiji: That is your own fault for hiding behind and eavesdropping. Sagaki: I am sorry but I was really interested in what Seiji san was telling the children. However, I don't want to disrupt the conversation either. Seiji san, do you always go to the park and tell ghost stories to children a lot? Seiji: It is just that when I take a break in the park occasionally, children will come up to me and make me tell them something. Sagaki: I see. Even so, you seem really experienced and pretty scary as well. Seiji: I guess so. Oh yes, now that you mention it, there is a sequel to that story. It seems like a girl committed suicide from that building. Sagaki? Sagaki: Eh?! Spirit?! Please spare me from this!!! I didn't expect him to have such a weak point. Seiji: Sagaki, why don't you stay for dinner at my house? Sagaki: ok!! Seiji: *laugh from the back of his throat* *** Seiji: This is what I heard though I don't really believe it. are right...what nonsense about obake?! It has to be a mistake by those still half-awake. Seiji: Speaking of misunderstanding of half awake people, there is a story like this as well. Sagaki: What?! Seiji san, you still have more? You have already talk more than 10 stories already. You won't run out of material? Seiji: It's fine. Just shut up and listen. It is a story when my friend moved. Every night, there is a knocking sound coming from the wall of the room next door. (how classic from Ju-on 2) Sagaki: Seems like a bad sounding story. Ha..ha..ha.. Seiji: Wait! Where are you going? Sagaki: Just going to the toilet for a while. Seiji: What? Are you intending to disrupt the conversation like this? We are just getting to the important part. Sagaki: I have listened enough already. I have fully enjoyed myself by a lot. Seiji: Wait, wait. My friend also thought he heard wrongly.

Sagaki: He made a mistake, right?! I get the gist of the story already!! Seiji: That's right. Next door is vacant and still open for rental. Even so, the sound continued every night. One night when my friend is awoken by the sound and tried to muffled it off by covering his ears, he realized one thing. The sound isn't coming from the wall but from the drawer that is in the same room right beside him. Sagaki: It's fine already! I have enough!! Seiji: Wait, I haven't finish. My friend who noticed it, opened the door of the drawer. Sagaki: Isn't that guy an idiot?!!! A lot of struggling sound. (novel illustration: Seiji didn't just hold onto Sagaki's hands, he sat onto the lap of Sagaki to prevent him from running. lol) Sagaki: Seiji san, please!! Enough!! Please let go!! Seiji: It is ok for you but not for me. If I let go, you are going to cover your ears, right? Just be quiet and listened till the end. Usually, when my friend regain conscious, the sound will stop. However, for that day, the sound never did. Sagaki: Seiji san! Seiji san! Please! Really, just spare me from this. Seiji: When he touched the handle of the drawer, the sound suddenly stop. Sagaki: SeiSeiji: Out of curiousity, he opened the drawer immediately and right then/thereSagaki: AHHHHHH!! Wahhh~~~~ a lot of struggling sound. Seiji: that hur-. Sagaki: Please stop already. If not, I am going to shut you up again. Seiji: Sagaki!! What is this current situation?! Let go! Sagaki: I won't let go. Please stay by my side. Even if he has no other ways, to shut another person up with his own lips..what is he thinking about? If I think about it, it has been a while since I last felt someone's warmth this way. Even a kiss- no, that is simply body contact. It is because I took away his freedom of movement by holding onto his hands, he couldn't use his hands and turn to using his lips. That's all. It is not something to be even considered a kiss. The usual Sagaki is a talented man that I no longer has anything to teach him. There is almost nothing left for him to depend on me for. To honestly desire for me to be beside him like this, it is embarrassing. If he was this cute in the company as well.

Track 3 Sagaki: Good morning, Seiji san. Seiji: Morning. After kissing me, what is with his attitude as if nothing happened? Dont tell me he intends to just treat all that happened on Saturday as nothing. If you are going to behave that way... Seiji: Sagaki. Compel the documents for the department head before noon. Sagaki: Oh, noted! I am going to make you say 'I am sorry.', I can't do it'.

Seiji: Sagaki, sort out the points from the meeting, calculate the OT amount and prepare the payment/appointed day of delivery to the customers. Sagaki: Yes! To work so much without a complain, he is indeed, not cute at all. Kakimoto: are! Seiji: Ah! Kakimoto: Seems like you are being bullied by your senpai by quite a bit here. Seiji: Welcome back, Kakimoto department head. I thought you won't be able to return today. Kakimoto: That's so mean. Is that all you say to your superior who came back after being stuck in the train for 2 hours? Today, I checked out the new building. That place is a great place, surrounded by nature is really conducive for working. Sagaki kun, you are looking forward to working there, right? Sagaki: You are right. There is no way Sagaki knows where the new building is? As usual, he is so good at mingling with people. Kakimoto: By the way, Seiji kun. Don't pick on the newcomer so much. Seiji: Oh! Kakimoto: If you push so much work onto him, isn't he very pitiful? Seiji: I am just building up experience. Kakimoto: That's why to suddenly push him so much, it will be troublesome as well. Is this guy such a weak person? Sagaki: Do not worry. I have completed it already. This is the document for delivery. Is it acceptable in this format? Kakimoto: Eh~~~~ Did you do it all by yourself? That's quite something. Seiji kun, there are nothing you can teach already, isn't it? Such a capable newcomer that we have here. You are so right. Even if I am not around, there won't be any problem. Kakimoto: Then, I will leave the rest to you. Don't bully the newcomer too much. Sagaki: Is there any else I need to do? Seiji: Bring a document from the reference room. After you done that, you may go home. Sagaki: Yes. Seiji: The one with this reference number. Be careful, it may appear in the archive. Sagaki: Seiji san, around where in the archive? Please tell me, Seiji san~~ Shit, I scared him too much. *** Seiji: Hmmm...hmm....Have you found it, Sagaki? Sagaki: Not yet. Even though I am already standing beside him and holding hands, he still doesn't feel any sense of security? I guess I should stop teasing him again. Sagaki: Seiji san, about the incident on Saturday. Seiji: Uh!

Sagaki: I deeply apologize for the things I did in panic and the trouble I caused. I should have thanked you for letting me stay over but I didn't know what kind of expression I should use to face you. To speak the truth, I have wanted to apologize much more earlier but I just don't know how I should tell you. I am really sorry. Seiji: Uh! It is fine. I am at fault as well. Sagaki: At that time! To shut you up using my lips... Seiji: Stop! Don't talk about it again after so long. Oh no(Documents dropping) Seiji: Sagaki! Sagaki: Uh... Seiji: Sagaki..OI! Sagaki:....I am sorry. Are you ok, Seiji san? Seiji: Stupid! That should be my lines. Don't do such a reckless thing. Just this much, you don't need to shield me from itSagaki: Well, I do have a huge body. I have a bigger build than most people. If I don't put this body to use at a time like this... Once again, I lost my cool at Sagaki. Even though I was protected by him, I was irritated at the ignorant me and in turn, intimated him instead. Seiji: Thank you. Sagaki: Eh?! Seiji: After you found the document, copy it, keep the original piece and send the copy to the customer. Sagaki: YES!!

Track 4 I only just came but I want to go home already. What is this mountain of documents when I finally come back to the company after a week of rounds outside? There are more emails that I can count. Just thinking about it, I am starting to hate the company. Even if there is a problem, Sagaki should be able to handle it. Chief of sales department: Seiji kun! Good that you came today!!!! Seiji: What's wrong, Chief? Chief: Seiji kun! This is the document of Shena Daiot (or so i think) producer to stop production.!! It has been faxed over from the agent! Seiji: Oh. It has been sent over to the finance department quite a while ago. I don't see the need for the attention. Chief: In this document, it wrote about parts for the radar equipments. Seiji: It is a special product? Special product are orders from the governmental authorities. Denki Maker is a company that emphasize making goods for defence purposes and hence, places absolute priority on punctuality of delivery dates. If any delivery is late by just a day, there is a possibliity it will cause a significant disruption to all the other transactions as well. Chief: Tentatively, the list of items that requires pick up is settled but those need to be send by truck are overlooked. Seiji: Overlooked?! Chief: It seems like they are not aware of the stop in production lines and placed an order on the agent.

Seiji: Placed an order.......since the production has stopped, the agent would have contacted us about the impossibility for the order. Chief: It never came. It seems like the agent has the wrong impression that they still have stocks and accepted the order. It is only after they checked their own storage and realized that they have none and just contacted us only. Seiji: Please wait a moment!! When is the delivery date?! The desired date is three weeks from now. If all the production lines is not put to use, we won't meet the deadline. Are you going to contact the engineering department and substitute the list of parts that are stopped with others? Chief: Yes. Seiji: Then, we still need to create a prototype and give a reply to the evaluation. It is impossible! What is the sales department doing?! Chief: Seiji kun, you are not aware of it? Seiji: Like I would know about this!! Chief: But I received an email from Sagaki kun. Seiji: Sagaki... Sagaki: Seiji san!! Seiji: Sagaki, do you know about the indoor radar problem? Sagaki: Yes, I know about it. Isn't there an email from the engineering department sent to you? It is sent to me as well by 'CC'. Seiji: Huh?! Sagaki: There is a confirmation email from the Sei san of the engineering department. There was a previous email about the stop in production and they wanted to confirm about it again. As it is a special order so they are careful about it. However, there was no reply from you to them so for the time being, I tried to contact Seiji san as well. See, this. True enough, I have read the email about the production stop. I thought it is a re-circulation of the same email and skipped it. Chief: This email is sent to me as well about the order so I thought Seiji kun has contacted the engineering department already. It is my responsibility. The email from Sagaki came 2 weeks ago. If action has been taken at that time, something could have been done. At the very least, the production lines would have been secured Sagaki: Here. This is about the prototype from Sei san. Seiji: Un! Sagaki: Since there is no reply from Seiji san, I took the initiative and contacted Sei san instead. Chief: So that's what happened!! Sagaki: I bought the copy of the catalog from Sei san about the decided substitution. This is the literal document. (some computer terminology) Chief: About the substitution product, will it take a long time to produce? Sagaki: It seems to be a cheaper substitution so if we take into consideration from past experiences, it may not take very long. Chief: AH!! Looks like we do have this in storage. If everything went well, we can bring it in tomorrow. Sagaki: Ah~~~ I am relieved. This looks so distant and completely different from me five years ago. When I just entered the company, would I be able to help other people in their works as well? Would I be able to act on my own decision this well? No, even if it is me now.. Kakimoto: Seems like you are saved by your subordinate's follow up, Seiji kun. If Sagaki kun didn't take things into his hands, it will never make it in time for the deadline. Can you imagine the amount of loss we will incur? Seiji: Uh!

Kakimoto: Since you are a senior so take responsibility for your own mistake~~~~ If it continues this way, you won't be able to hold your position as a senior so at least for tonight, like a senior treat Sagaki kun to dinner or something. Why do I feel so depressed about this? It must be because Sagaki is the first junior I have to look after since I entered society so I don't want to show my useless side to him. That's why, I am tired.... Seiji: Sagaki, what do you want to eat? Sagaki: Eh! Seiji: It is my treat so accompany me. Enough...anything is fine already. Seiji: You will accompany me, right? Sagaki: Yes! *** Sagaki: Don't just eat cabbage. This meatloaf is delicious. Seiji continues munching furiously on his cabbage. Sagaki: Eh....This seems like a joke when Seiji san is so stoic at work. Seiji: I have no more strength to be stoic. Sagaki, another plate of cabbage. Sagaki: sigh, you are still going to eat cabbage? Excuse me! Another plate of cabbage, please. Store personnel: Right away. Since I am a senior and older, I have intended to stop my bullying and give my thanks honestly today. However, when I have to face him directly like this, my pride just gets into the way. Sagaki: You are making a face like a squirrel, Seiji san. It is time we order something else. Is there anything you like to eat? The tofu here looks delicious. Seiji: The best sake, blooming flowers, a stage for saying ghost stories and the frighten faces of the audience. You want to entertain me? Sagaki: Haha. This guy is really... Seiji: Hahaha, I am just kidding. It is a joke. On a day like this, I won't tease you. Today, you really did saved me. I am really grateful. Thank you. Sagaki: uh.... Seiji: What's wrong? Sagaki: No. Seiji san, this is the first time you tell me something like this. Seiji: Well, of course. I have never praise you before. You don't have to be surprised with it. Even if I don't praise you, you are a talented person. Sagaki: No, it is not as you think. Seiji: Don't be humble with me. From the start, there was no need for me to look after you at all. One day, you will surpass me. No, even now, you are definitely way more capable than me. oh! Sagaki: Seiji san, can you stand up? Seiji: No problem. Sagaki: Seiji san, let's talk about ghost stories.

Seiji: Huh? Sagaki: Let's do it. Right away. Immediately!! Seiji: Uh Uh! *** It has to be because I am too drunk and falling asleep so this is probably all a dream. If not, I don't understand why Sagaki, who is afraid of obake, suddenly said 'let's talk about ghost stories'. Then, I also don't get the meaning of being drag here by Sagaki into a love hotel. Seiji: What is it with you all of a sudden? Sagaki: If I have to look at you praising me with such a painful face, I would rather see your joyful face enjoying my trembling expressions. Go ahead. A hundred ghost stories or anything you like. This is a really mess up dream. Sagaki: If it is here, even if we make some weird sounds, no one will come running in. Seiji: Yeah, like screaming. Sagaki: Ya, screaming.... Seiji: What kind of story do you want to listen? Sagaki: The scariest story Seiji san knows, so scary that no one dares to speak of it and kept in reserve. Aren't you looking like you are going to cry already? Seiji: Let's talk about a salaryman who died with his desire unrequited. Sagaki: Uh! Seiji: It was a time when students find it difficult to be employed. There was a graduate from a certain university. Although he has a lot of pride, he has no special skills to brag about. Even though he waited, no one employed him. For a ghost story, the climax is slowly led in. However, knowing that it is a ghost story, and even though the scenario is just any normal daily life, Sagaki is already trembling. Seiji: That man who has long graduated and still umemployed, with the help of his professor, managed to get a job at a small comapny for printed wiring board. Sagaki: Eh! Seiji: That proud man, who felt it is humiliating to get a job by connection, was unable to become motivated for his job even though he is getting used to it. In the meanwhile, there was mass movementsin the company and entered the finance department. The man was basically pushed to his limits. If I was born one year later, I wouldn't be in such a small company. It is just because I don't have the luck, not that I don't have the ability... Sagaki: About that... Seiji: Five years after that, the man has a junior, a newly graduate. Being ordered to train him, the man recalled his past when he just entered and decided to teach the junior properly. He himself was unable to answer the phone properly when he first entered so he thought he has to start from all the basics but*huge sigh* Seiji: The newcomer, who has basically learnt everything somewhere else, is someone that the man has nothing to teach. The newcomer triggers the man into comparing how different they are with himself 5 years ago. The newcomer catches and understands things very fast, is this much an irritating talented person. Then, the man got depressed in his job that he can never win. He felt that at the very least, he could show a more experienced side being a senior and decided to win by achieving orders from new customers, finishing a job before the deadline and sacrificing his sleeping hours to create the presentation slides. In the end, the man still showed the useless side of himself in front of his junior and died. Even the more capable image he tried to create in front of his junior is destroyed and couldn't pass on either.

Sagaki: Seiji san, scary. This is scary. That man must not pass on yet. Did the man really just pass away without knowing anything? That junior has always respect his senior and admire him but the senior has never noticed it? Seiji: No way. Sagaki: I am not lying. He has always admired his senior and imitated his senior. He might not have teach the junior to imitate him but*laugh* Sagaki: When the junior answered a complaint phonecall for the first time, he simply answered it by reading the memo in which he took down the lines his senior said for another call. Did the senior died without knowing this? Seiji: *gasp* Sagaki: He probably also does not know that the junior digged out the previous documents that his senior made and followed them to write out his own materials. That's why the senior must not pass on. Honestly, the junior is not talented at all, he just seems better only. That's a lie Sagaki: If you see the junior as capable, it is because his senior who taught him is capable. That's right. It is because Sagaki is this kind of person, I got irritated looking at him. Sagaki is the embodiment of what I have wanted to become but unable to. The desired form that I wanted to become five years ago. *pat* Sagaki: If that man came back alive and know the truth, what would he say? What should I say to a junior of such quality? Should I just laugh it off with 'the senior was never capable' and protect my pride as a senior? To this junior... Seiji: I am tired of covering up for you. I am not going to care anymore when you mess up and concentrate only on my own job. You can just be quiet and look at my back. There is nothing else i can teach you. If you need something, you can just steal and take it away. In return, I will walk in front of you like before. I can only continue this recklessly and let it be a memory that he is chasing me. This is the only way I can repay a junior who is comforting me so kindly. Seiji: haha..he probably will say that if he ever returns. Sagaki: You are right. Damn! I dislike his composed attitude like he has seen through everything. Seiji: Do you know that there is a gateway to the spiritual world in buildings? In the case of a high building like this, there is a specific floor. Sagaki: Eh! Specific floor? Which floor? Seiji: Which floor is this? Sagaki: Third floor. Seiji: Ha.. Sagaki: Please stop that. My apartment is on the third floor as well. Seiji: You live alone? Sagaki: Yes! This is surprising that a scarety cat like him is living alone. Seiji: Then, you better be careful. Sagaki: What is this thing about being careful?!!!

Seiji: AH! Sagaki: Please stop this, Seiji san. I am doing my best to live alone with the fear of dying while trying to stop thinking about those things. Sagaki's shoulders is all black. Staying in this position, I am going to fall asleep. Seiji: If it is you we are talking about.......I am sure you will be living with your parents. Sagaki: I have wanted to do that but to travel from home is too far away. Seiji: If that is so, just choose a company closer to home. Sagaki: I have thought about as well but I can't do that forever. If it is just for a while, I still can tolerate it.... huh? Sagaki: ......that's why, Seiji san, we will stop talking about ghost stories already, right? Seiji: You are not going to shut me up today? Sagaki: You want me to do it, Seiji san? Seiji: Yes, I want you to. *kiss* Seiji moaning away. Seiji: Why?

Track 5 Seiji: Sagaki. Is the predicted budget for next month's end fine like this? Sagaki: Is there something wrong with the numbers? Seiji: I don't see how the amount from Kawasaki research insitute is reflected in the numbers. Sagaki: I don't think it can be sold next month. Seiji: The production is halted at the factory? Sagaki: No, I was told by the sales department that the orders for the parts was from 2 months ago. Seiji: So it is out of stock? Sagaki: Ah! Seiji: Contact Noda from the factory immediately and create a list of parts that are out of stock. Then contact the sales department and have them create a list of products used by Kawasaki Co. since before. Sagaki: Ah, Yes! Seiji: If you have the time, it is better to create a list of used product. It is more convenient to set a date for the delivery before the customer does and easier than setting them forcefully. Sagaki: I understand. Seiji: And in the future, don't be taken by the sales department's answer. They usually just neglect the delivery dates. Confirm the delivery dates again and have them pack it up. Kakimoto: Seems like you are being worked really hard here, Sagaki kun. He has a beautiful face but can say really harsh

things at times. Don't be frighten by Seiji kun. Seiji: Please do not say things that damage my reputation. Kakimoto: Seiji kun is working really diligently recently. This way, the finance department is in good hands. Seiji: ok... Speaking of that, I have not been visiting the park recently. Is it since the last time I drank with Sagaki? Sagaki... Everytime I saw Sagaki's face, I will recall what happened that night. To show such a horrible drunken I am to my pathetic, the disgrace of my life. In the end when I woke up in the morning, I lied to Sagaki saying I don't remember a single thing when we left. The truth is I do remember the width of his chest and strength of his wrist. Ah~~~Stop thinking about it. Seiji: If I don't get him to remember all these and if possible, I would like to make him learnt everything related to finance in a year and so, it will be easier for me to go out for work. When next year comes... Kakimoto: Ah! Sagaki: Ah! Seiji: Huh? Kakimoto: Seiji kun, can I have a moment with you? Seiji: Yes. *** Kakimoto: Seiji kun, I am sure you are aware of the new building that will be completed by next year's spring. Seiji: Yes. Kakimoto: About that, Sagaki kun will be working there from next year onwards. Seiji: The main company is transferring him?!! Kakimoto: No. Not that way. That was his recruitment condition. With the condition that he will be working in that new building, he entered our company. I still do not get it. I still don't see the meaning of having Sagaki transferred to another building. Kakimoto: Don't you ever felt strange that such a talented child like Sagaki chose a minor company like us? He should be capable of getting a better job offer. Seiji: I do agree with that. Kakimoto: This is because the main company is in the central area, which is difficult for Sagaki to travel to from his house. Seiji: Ah! Kakimoto: The new building is built in Sagaki's hometown. With that reason, Sagaki chose our company. Sagaki is a scarey cat in reality so he shouldn't be able to live alone in reality. There is nothing surprising that he would ignore everything else with the condition that he could travel easily from his home to work. However, even if you say that. Seiji: Why did you hide about this? Kakimoto: Well....If we know that a person will leave in a year beforehand, there will be people who will discriminate what to teach and not to, isn't it? Isn't this pitiful for the newcomer? The first year is the most important period. That's right. If I know that the newcomer will be gone in a year, I may not have guided him so diligently. Unless I hold a certain amount of righteousness, I might not have bothered as much. Kakimoto: As you will be working with him a lot in the future so I am telling you beforehand. After this amount of time, it is too late. Really too late. It would have been better before I knew him this well. At the very least,

let me know before I felt the texture of his lips.

*** Sagaki: Seiji san, do you want to drink coffee? Seiji: Starting from next year, you will be working at that building? Sagaki: Yes. Seems like there is a part of me that wants him to deny it. What am I thinking? Seiji: *laugh* Just when you finally started living alone, you are going back already. Sagaki: It is because it is only for a year, I think I can bear with with living alone and went ahead with it. Seiji: I see. Unknowingly, I have came to take for granted that he will always be here. This well brought up junior will one day become my support. However, starting next year, Sagaki won't be around. He won't be by my side. Seiji: When you return, are you intending to stay in your family house forever? Sagaki: No. There is no way I can always stay with my parents forever. If possible, I would like to get a bride and start a family as fast as possible. However, with my personality exposed and dumped three times consecutively, I wonder.... This man will leave eventually. Even though he is afraid of the non existent but one day in the near future, he will meet a girl who will be a good match with him. That's why the person who will be holding your trembling hands to sleep will no longer be me. The one who will pour his troubles and weakness in front of you will not be me. It will be someone else that will be pampered by Sagaki unconditionally. Seiji: Let's go home. Sagaki: Eh! Wait..Wait a moment, please! Seems like I am pretty disturbed by this. *** For sure, I, for the whole time, have always wanted to be beside Sagaki. *train station announcement* Sagaki: Seiji san. Since just now, what's wrong? Are you sick or something? Without any more ways to hide my feelings, my heart started beating really fast when Sagaki's caring face got near. If I have knew that this man is going to leave me right from the beginning, it wouldn't have ended up like this. Seiji: Sagaki, stop following me and go home already. Sagaki: No, I cannot do that. Seiji san has been acting weird this whole day. What is wrong with you today? Knowing that he will be leaving me, I am losing myself but Sagaki wouldn't notices these feelings of mine. That is for sure. To Sagaki, I am nothing more than a colleague. Seiji: Sagaki, I am sorry that I hid this from you but my family has been spiritual mediums for generations. Sagaki: Eh! Seiji: My body will be possesed by spirits and monsters that you hate. There is one inside me, right now. Sagaki: Please stop this. Even if it is a joke, it is not funny. Seiji: I am not joking with you. It is the truth. Sagaki: Do you really enjoy teasing people this much? It is not an admirable quality at all.

I know that. To create a lie like this, it is indeed despicable of myself. Even so, I want to get away from Sagaki in any possible way. Seiji: Seems like the spirit inside me now is a woman. Sagaki: Seiji san!! Seiji: For some reason, she has fallen for you and if you continue staying by my side, you will be in danger as well. Sagaki: You want to make me return so much? Seiji: Don't fret. I will exorcise her properly. Sagaki: Stop it. Stay by my side. Seiji: Then, want to follow me? I always do the exorcism in an half completed building. Sagaki: What do you mean by that? Half completed building? Seiji: You can see it from here as well. After failing in management, the CEO is sacked and the building is left uncompleted for a long time. On some nights, you could see human shadows in that building without windows. As hardly anyone will go there, it is perfect. Want to go with me? Sagaki: It is impossible for me. Seiji: If that is so, go home. Sagaki: I won't go back. There is no way I can go back now. Seiji: Then you want to stay with me who is possessed by a spirit? Not to mention that it is a woman who had fallen for you? Sagaki: Why is it that you keep saying those things today? Seiji: It is nothing but the truth that I am saying now. It is your fault that you are still staying here. Sagaki: That is a lie. What spirit medium? Seiji: It is not a lie. I like you. Sagaki: Uh! Seiji: I like you... Ha, don't worry. After I do the exorcism, something like this won't happen again. Sagaki: Seiji san.. Seiji: If you don't want to be killed, go back immediately.

Track 6 Ha.....To cover up my lie, I really did climbed up this abandoned building when I know that nothing will come out of it. Using a ghost as excuse, I confessed. The words that 'I like him' just left my mouth without thinking. He must have felt disgusted. Did Sagaki realized my feelings for him? To use that unbelievable lie, I don't think I have the confidence of covering it well. There is a monster inside me. A monster by the name 'lovesickness'. It was taken by Sagaki's capability, was jealous and possessed by it. It began to desire for his kindness, strength and honesty. Stop it. It is too late already, don't realize it. That chest will never be mine. Get out. Get out. Please. Just for another half a year, at least let me remain as a senior that Sagaki can depend on. Just give up. Sagaki: SEIJI SAN! The monster that I finally took out has return so swifty and easily. 'Sagaki is fine'. 'I want Sagaki.' Once again, the other me is saying all these. No. This cannot do. Give up. Seiji: Ah! Sagaki, it is hard to breathe. Let go.

Sagaki: N..No!! Sei..Seiji san, it was scary. Why did you come up here all alone?!! Seiji: Even if it is scary, don't cling onto me. If it is so scary, why did you even come up here?! Sagaki: That is because you said those words!! Although it is scary but if I let you go now, I won't see you again, isn't it? I won't ever be able to see you who said he love me again, right? Exactly. This is for Sagaki's sake but why am I not stopping him? Sagaki: I like you. I like you as well so please don't leave. Please do not exorcise 'her' yet. While confessing to someone of the same sex, he can confess so calmly in the same way as if to the opposite sex.....unbelievable Seiji: What a thing to say to another guy when you are the one who said you want to marry as quickly as possible and have a family. Sagaki: That is because I wanted someone who will await my return. However, I only want Seiji san. I am a hopeless person who is scared of ghost stories and couldn't sleep after listening to them but you still told me you like me. I am happy with just Seiji san. Seiji: You are satisfied with me who is possessed by a monster? Sagaki: I will fall in love with the monster inside you as well.

Track 7 Sagaki: Seiji san, come to a love hotel right away, is it ok? Seiji: What a thing to say when you brought the drunk me, who couldn't remember a thing before and after, into a love hotel the other time. Sagaki: I am not talking about that. Seiji: I know that. After all these, are you going to say 'let's take it with phases'? I let you did as you please the other time. This time, let me do as I like. Sagaki: You remembered it? About the previous time? Seiji: Of course, you wanted to treat it as nothing? Sagaki: Well, I have never thought that you will fall in love with me. For something like that to happened between two guys, if you don't remember, I guess I should just leave it as that. Ah! Seiji: Sly person. If you are hesitating, then go home. I am not that young to accompany you being all puzzled and pitiful. (more like 'I don't need you to pity me at all') Sagaki: I am serious. Seiji: If that is so, by actual action.. Sagaki: Can i remove your glasses? Seiji: Ah! Sagaki: Can you see my face? Seiji: If it is at this distance, I can see it clearly. Sagaki: Seiji san. Seiji: What? Sagaki: I think I like Seiji's face the most when you are telling ghost stories. Your expression now is great too.

Seiji: I am shocked that you still have the luxury of time to look at someone's face in the middle of a ghost story. Sagaki: If Seiji san didn't use such a lustful face while saying ghost stories, I would have run away long time ago. I was suppressing my fears in order to see that expression. Seiji: Since when did you.. Sagaki: The evening when I saw Seiji san saying ghost stories to the children in that park. Since that day, I couldn't help it anymore. The afternoon sun shining on your face was so beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off you anymore. Seiji: *moan* Sagaki: Your face now while trying to suppress your voice is cute as well. Seiji: Stu*a lot of kissing sounds* Seiji: Sa, Sagaki. Wait. Sagaki: Wait. What is it? Seiji: I think.. Sagaki: You don't want it afterall? Seiji: NO! Not that, I don't want this position. Sagaki: Then, let's change the posture. Seiji: Ah! Sagaki: Let's do it as how Seiji san likes it. Seiji: Don't just undress me only. Take off your clothes too. Sagaki: I am sorry. I don't have the calmness. Seiji: As if. Sagaki: Eh...Wait, Seiji san. Why don't we feel good together? Seiji: Ah! Sagaki: It will be a bit cold. Seiji: Uh! Ah!X10 Sagaki: Can I move my finger? Seiji: Ah! No..Ah! Sagaki: Please relax. Seiji: Uh..Sagaki, wait! Ah~~~ Sagaki: I am sorry. *more moaning* Seiji: Sagaki....anymore... *BGM*

Track 8

Sagaki: Sorry....I am really sorry. I went too far. Without composure and care, I am really sorry. That's right. Halfway through, he really just forget about it and doing it as he please. Think my strength to complain will only return tomorrow morning. I will just compel them and slap them into your face tomorrow. Sagaki: Seiji san...don't tell me you are really asleep. Seiji: ah... Sagaki: I am going to ask Kakimoto san to let me stay in the main company. Seiji: Don't think about stupid stuff. Sagaki: Seiji san, you were awake the whole time? Seiji: Starting next year, you will be working over there. The company has already planned out and sorted out the employees. With your stupid request, it will just leave a bad impression on your superiors. Sagaki: Seiji san, you won't feel lonely? Seiji: I won't. That's because you are already mine, isn't it? No matter where you go, you are mine, right? On weekends, you can just do your best to visit me, who is possessed. Sagaki: *gasp* Seiji: Ah! *laugh* Sagaki: That..Is there nothing we can do about that? Seiji: Didn't you say you will fall in love with the monster inside me? Sagaki: Yes, but.... Seiji: Don't hate it so much. Even though it is a monster, it is still part of me. Sagaki: Although that is true too... Seiji: It is because of this monster, I love and adore you so much that I can't help it. Sagaki: Seiji san...the things you say just now. Seiji snoring away/breathing heavily. Sagaki: You fell asleep?! Sagaki: Why won't you tell me you like me honesty? Don't be cocky. I will just led you as I like till you can't see anything else but me. Until then, I will make you listen to my ghost stories when I feel like it. During that time, you can just concentrate on me with your wavering eyes, discard your usual good boy composure and run into my embrace. Well, there are no other better audience than you. This is what I like about you.

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