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By Devin Oct 29, 2012 7:06pm

Political coverage and musings on pop culture from ABC News Senior White House Correspondent Jake Tapper and the ABC News White House team.


Jake Tapper

Perils of Pre-Tapes: President Obama Talks iPod on Radio as Hurricane Hits


ABC News Broadcasts

As Hurricane Sandy barreled toward the Mid-Atlantic this morning, and the White House scrambled to get the commander in chief back to Washington, President Obama could be heard on the radio airwaves in battleground Ohio talking about his iPod. Ive got a pretty good mix. Ive got old school. Stevie Wonder and James Brown. Ive got Rolling Stones. Bob Dylan. And then Ive got everything from Jay-Z to Eminem to the Fugees to you name it,Obama told DJ E.J. Greig of Cincinnatis 101.1 The Wiz in a pre-taped interview. Theres probably not a group that you play that I dont have on my iPod. So Ive got some jazz, John Coltrane, Miles Davis. Got some Gil Scott Heron on there. You gotta mix it up,he said. It just depends on the mood Im in. The seven-minute interview was taped Saturday during Obamas campaign stopinNewHampshire.Its unclear if any listeners found the chat discordant at a time of serious impending crisis, though the timing does illustrate a potential peril of pre-taping lighter interviews in advance of an anticipated event demanding somber presidential posture. Last month, Obama faced criticism for a pre-taped radio interview with Miamis Pimp with the LimpDJ Laz from 106.7 WRMA-FM that aired on the morning of the 9/11 anniversary (and later, the Benghazi attacks). Youre big time. Youve got Pitbull and Flo Rida, and all these guys just beating a path to your door,Obama told Laz, a Cuban-american rapper/DJ whos a well-known and popular figure in the Florida Latino community. And so Im hoping that I can get a little of that magic from you in this interview. Thetwotalkedtunes,TV,footballandtoptopicsofthe2012campaign.But Obama did not mention the terror attacks that took place 11 years ago that day because the interview was taped early. Administration officials said they didnt expect the piece to air on 9/11. The president has been reaching out to numerous pop-culture outlets in efforts to gin up turnout among various key demographic groups young people, women, African-Americans. Sometimes the interviews end up covering a breadth of serious topics witness Jay Leno and Jon Stewart. Other times, they dont.
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Obama is just sooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!! But Ill vote on his actions as president and HE SUCKED!

POSTED BY: JOHNSON | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:32 PM 7:32 PM

Obama already has the young people and African-American population. So why he still feels the need to gin up support I dont understand. I do feel like he is losing the woman population somewhat compared to last election. While I think the president has been pandering to many educationally delinquent groups, I dont fault him for this interview being played during this storm. I blame the morons at the radio station who are so out of touch with whats going on in other parts of the country that they choose to play this drivel of an interview instead. Sandy, Benghazi, more people on welfare, jobless rates, and the president is talking about his i-pod.

POSTED BY: JOHN DAY | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:34 PM 7:34 PM

Ooooh, ABC, tell me that you are at least cringing when you write such apologetic headlines for Obamas gaffes. If this were a Romney Gaffee the headline would have read Out of Touch Romney, insensitive That said, I hate the whole gotcha on a gaffee game but you guys play it against the conservitive side worse than anyone. Could you, with one week to go, attempt to portray yourselves as impartial journalists?? Could you bring yourselves to put your Obama pom-poms away and do a little investigation on what happened in Benghazi? Jake Tapper reported that other reporters were investigating. Do you think you could engage?

POSTED BY: KIM | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:34 PM 7:34 PM

abc News actually published this? Wow.

POSTED BY: OMG | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:40 PM 7:40 PM

Oblamer reminds me of my punk 17-year-old nephew. This incompetent narcissist doesnt begin to know how or want to execute the responsibilities of the Office. He just wants to appear cool and get all the perks of the position. Please fire him and return some class, honor and knowledge to our WH.

POSTED BY: MARYR | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:46 PM 7:46 PM

Obama is a SOCIOPATH !!!!!!!! So we can never be surprised what he does. He is so out of tune with America. Really tired of looking at his ugly face and the sooner he goes the better !!!!!!!!

POSTED BY: TONYMAC | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:47 PM 7:47 PM

This is just another example of how this presidunce has become irrelevant. Irelevant to the 23 million people who have no work, irrelevant to American taxpayers who are now another 5 trillion in debt, and irrelevant to a world that now sees a weak foreign policy. The reality is that this presidunce is enjoying his self-important image a lot more than those of us who are forced to suffer his stunning, ongoing failure. Good riddance to this ridiculous faker next Tuesday, and January 20, 2013 cant be here soon enough.


Who cares what women degrading music is on your iPod. I think Mr. President you cant possibly be for real. Have you heard the lyrics to some of this music that has degraded our culture and taken people down the men you should be influencing to be all they can be. I have no respect for you as a president, a father, and a husband. I would be worried if my husband was standing in a radio station pandering to some of the creepiest lyrics and cultural values just to get votes from the people you have only made more poor and in a worse situation. Shame on you. No vote for you.

POSTED BY: ANGELA | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:49 PM 7:49 PM

Jake keeps trying to be fair and balanced but ABC politics tie his hands. He should move to Fox and be appreciated.

POSTED BY: SIGMONDE | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:55 PM 7:55 PM

Really? Obama taped an interview on Saturday, and its playing now in Ohio, and this is a problem because of a storm five days later a few states over? This is a pretty serious stretch to even bother writing an article about, but hey I guess the floodgates to politicizing Sandy had to open somewhere!

POSTED BY: ASTER | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:56 PM 7:56 PM

Forget the hurricane, why is he talking about his iPod playlist at all. Dont we have other problems he could have been concentrating on when this interview was taped. By the way, what is his favorite ice cream flavor and what color socks was he wearing. I need to know this before I vote.

POSTED BY: IS HE GONE YET? | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 7:57 PM 7:57 PM

Hipster-hypster I dont really like Romney but Im afraid of another 4 with Obama.

POSTED BY: JUST SAYIN | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:02 PM 8:02 PM

No Dust in the Windor In the Year 2525 (if man is still alive. If woman can survive)?

POSTED BY: PNKEARNS | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:02 PM 8:02 PM

can you say softball?

POSTED BY: GARY | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:02 PM 8:02 PM

Sometimes the interviews end up covering a breadth of serious topics witness Jay Leno and Jon Stewart. Other times, they dont. Compulsive lying aside, this president can be summed up quite succinctly: hes all breadth and no depth.


When not wrecking America to conform to his Third World vision, the man is a presidential dilettante. If only he could BE President without having actually to DO President

POSTED BY: JNSESQ | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:23 PM 8:23 PM

When this site reports about the letter that Coal miners wrote to Obama about his lies then I will start tuning in. Until then just google Coal miners ask Obama to stop absolute liesand find out from their local newspaper the outright lies Obama is telling. It is one thing for him to call Romney out it is quite another to dishonor these hard working men. This is still a puff piece and a disservice to our Country which needs jobs and the truth from the media and this administration.

POSTED BY: MAUREEN | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:24 PM 8:24 PM

Plenty of Bill Ayers and Karl Marx also.

POSTED BY: TIMT | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:26 PM 8:26 PM

A total and complete fraud protected and promoted by the likes of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, et al. All showing their hate for the USA.

POSTED BY: BOB DEE | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:27 PM 8:27 PM

How the hell is this a news story? My god, the pathetic desperation of it.

POSTED BY: KEN SAVAGE | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:29 PM 8:29 PM

My God!!! This moron gets worse every day. Anyone who votes for this idiot must be doing so out of total stupidity. Wonder how much it cost the taxpayers for him to jump on AF1 and run down to FL to make another teleprompter campaign speech, only to have to be forced by someone in his administration to turn around and fly back to DC, when he has known for days about the hurricane? But this fool just cant give up the chance to appear in front of his drooling Kool-Aid drinking crowds. I guess that is much easier than actually doing the job of president were he might have to actually make a decision.

POSTED BY: BUZZ | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 8:38 PM 8:38 PM

As a human being considering the qualifications of other human beings to lead the greatest nation in history, many character attributes must be considered. However, there is one important difference between the candidates. Romney gives away millions to charity and other worthy causes, has worked to insure the well-being of his family, and was supported by a virtual parade of folks at the GOP convention who attested to his kindness and generosity. Obama gives almost nothing to charity, irresponsibly uses taxpayers money so his family can enjoy an inappropriately lavish lifestyle, and allows his brother George to subsist in poverty rather than send him a few bucks. Who do you believe when he says he cares about the people of this country?


He didnt happen to mention why he didnt send help to the Benghazi group or why he lied about it for two weeks, did he?

POSTED BY: ELEFEVRE | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 9:02 PM 9:02 PM

Were you listening to your iPod when our people were being killed in a 7 hour fire fight in Benghazi and thats why you didnt hear their requests for help? That would explain it. Just tell their families that the next time you see them.

POSTED BY: C. BOYD | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 9:14 PM 9:14 PM

Obama said he likes hip-hop has Eminem likely enjoys the degradation of women in rap. On the other hand Brucie Springsteen Madonna, Babs Streisand and other old farts Chavez, Putin, & Castro and the US communist party endorse Obama.

POSTED BY: FRANKO K. | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 9:16 PM 9:16 PM

Why is this a news story? Who cares that he was listening on his i-pod? Did he not take the storm seriously? Yes. Did he talk with governors on the East Coast? Yes. Did he make sure they had all they need for preparations? Yes. Some people will do anything to undermine our president. At least this is out in the open whereas Mitt Romney comments about 47 percent were behind closed doors it shows you you is really out of touch. This is such a non issue.

POSTED BY: B HANSBURY | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 9:27 PM 9:27 PM

Inane topics notwithstanding, being taped on Saturday is still no excuse for the timing or content. It was known on Saturday that the storm would likely have profound effects on the Northeast (where NH and he happens to be, which makes it rather germane to the interview).

POSTED BY: PHIL SHEO | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 9:27 PM 9:27 PM

I am disappointed but not particularly surprised that this cipher would offer the world such drivel. Some ideas and conversational themes ennoble the speaker and the speakers office, and some are damaging or at least betray the barren waste that is the speakers mind. A fully-formed adult senses which topics and themes are appropriate to ones station in a public situation. It is a duty of free and sovereign individuals to cultivate this knowledge if they are not born with it. The obligation only increases with the power and influence one wields over ones society. Children and putative adults suffering an extended adolescence have neither that innate sense of appropriateness nor even the circumspection to care about what is appropriate. We expect less of them as we expect less of the incompetent, the permanent ward of the state, and those whose inherent rights and sovereignty are exercised by others.

POSTED BY: KARI JU | OCTOBER 29, 2012, 9:28 PM 9:28 PM


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