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PP4S: Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

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Programming - a skill for life!

How to use a DBGrid to display and edit data in a database
1. Using a DBGrid in Delphi How to use a DBgrid to display and edit data in an Access database 2. Using a DBGrid in Lazarus How to use a DBGrid to display data from a Microsoft Access database 3. Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus How to use a DBGrid, DBEdit and DBMemo to display and edit data in a Microsoft Access database







Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

In this version of our DBGrid demonstration we show how you can display some fields in a DBGrid, and a field of the selected record in a DBEdit or a DBMemo. W e downloaded the zip file from the Microsoft Access page in the Lazarus W iki. W e used some of this code for our buttons to edit a Microsoft Access table and to delete and insert a record. This builds on the previous section, where we displayed the contents of the table in components.mdb. These components are data-aware and so you just need to set the DataSource property to DataSource1 (the only data source in the drop down list in the Object Inspector ). The New and Update buttons update the database with data edited in any of the three data-aware components . You need to be careful to write the SQL strings correctly otherwise you can edit whole columns in the table inadvertently . Always keep a backup of a valid database! W e copied the whole folder of our DatabaseDemo project, opened the project and saved it as DatabaseEdit.lpr. W e saved uDatabaseDemo .pas as uDatabaseEdit .pas and chose the option to delete the original file. In the process, uDatabaseDemo .lfm was renamed as uDatabaseEdit .lfm. W e then deleted the last two columns of the DBGrid by right clicking on the column name in the Object Inspector then clicking on the Delete option:

Deleting a column W e added to the form the three buttons (from the Standard tab) and the DBEdit and the DBMemo (from the Data Controls tab). You can see the code for the buttons in uDatabaseEdit.pas and the properties of the components in uDatabaseEdit.lfm. W e have emboldened important properties .

Program DatabaseEdit in action The essential code of the files needed for program DatabaseEdit follows. You can download the three code files, the database and our components.dsn file in You will probably need to change the path of the database. The Microsoft Access page in the Lazarus W iki explains how to create your own .dsn file if ours does not work for you. uDatabaseEdit .pas

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PP4S: Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

unit uDatabaseEdit; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, db, odbcconn, sqldb, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, DBGrids, DbCtrls, StdCtrls; type TfrmComponents = class(TForm) btnUpdate: TButton; btnNew: TButton; btnDelete: TButton; Datasource1: TDatasource; DBEdit1: TDBEdit; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; DBMemo1: TDBMemo; DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator; lblCode: TLabel; lblProps: TLabel; ODBCConnection1: TODBCConnection; SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery; SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction; procedure btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure btnNewClick(Sender: TObject); end; var frmComponents: TfrmComponents; implementation {$R *.lfm} procedure TfrmComponents.btnUpdateClick(Sender: TObject); begin SQLQuery1.Edit; SQLQuery1.Post; Sqlquery1.ApplyUpdates; end; procedure TfrmComponents.btnDeleteClick(Sender: TObject); begin if SQLQuery1.RecordCount > 0 then begin SQLQuery1.Delete; SQLQuery1.ApplyUpdates; SQLQuery1.Close; SQLQuery1.Open; end; end; procedure TfrmComponents.btnNewClick(Sender: TObject); begin if btnNew.Caption = 'New' then begin SQLQuery1.Insert; btnNew.Caption := 'Save'; exit; end else begin if (dbedit1.Text = '') or (dbmemo1.Text = '') or (SQLQuery1.FieldByName('Name').Text = '') or (SQLQuery1.FieldByName('Abbreviation').Text = '') or (SQLQuery1.FieldByName('Palette').Text = '') then begin SQLQuery1.Cancel; ShowMessage('Cancelled because of blank field');

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PP4S: Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

end else begin if SQLQuery1.State = dsInsert then begin SQLQuery1.Post; SQLQuery1.ApplyUpdates; end; end; end; btnNew.Caption := 'New'; end; end.
uDatabaseEdit .lfm

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object frmComponents: TfrmComponents Left = 493 Height = 335 Top = 275 Width = 697 Caption = 'Delphi Components' ClientHeight = 335 ClientWidth = 697 LCLVersion = '0.9.30' object DBGrid1: TDBGrid Left = 3 Height = 256 Top = 8 Width = 352 Color = clWindow Columns = < item Title.Caption = 'Type' Title.Font.Style = [fsBold] Width = 100 FieldName = 'Name' end item Title.Caption = 'Prefix' Title.Font.Style = [fsBold] Width = 100 FieldName = 'Abbreviation' end item Title.Caption = 'Palette' Title.Font.Style = [fsBold] Width = 100 FieldName = 'Palette' end> DataSource = Datasource1 TabOrder = 0 end object DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator Left = 56 Height = 25 Top = 272 Width = 241 BevelOuter = bvNone ChildSizing.EnlargeHorizontal = crsScaleChilds ChildSizing.EnlargeVertical = crsScaleChilds ChildSizing.ShrinkHorizontal = crsScaleChilds ChildSizing.ShrinkVertical = crsScaleChilds ChildSizing.Layout = cclLeftToRightThenTopToBottom ChildSizing.ControlsPerLine = 100 ClientHeight = 25 ClientWidth = 241 DataSource = Datasource1 TabOrder = 1 VisibleButtons = [nbFirst, nbPrior, nbNext, nbLast, nbRefresh]

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PP4S: Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

end object btnUpdate: TButton Left = 8 Height = 25 Top = 304 Width = 75 Caption = 'Update' OnClick = btnUpdateClick TabOrder = 2 end object DBMemo1: TDBMemo Left = 404 Height = 64 Top = 80 Width = 276 DataField = 'Codefragments' DataSource = Datasource1 TabOrder = 3 end object lblProps: TLabel Left = 398 Height = 21 Top = 6 Width = 286 Caption = 'Useful Properties of selected component' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object lblCode: TLabel Left = 398 Height = 21 Top = 56 Width = 276 Caption = 'Code fragment for selected component' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentColor = False ParentFont = False end object DBEdit1: TDBEdit Left = 401 Height = 28 Top = 31 Width = 280 DataField = 'UsefulProperties' DataSource = Datasource1 CharCase = ecNormal MaxLength = 256 TabOrder = 4 end object btnNew: TButton Left = 128 Height = 22 Top = 307 Width = 64 Caption = 'New' OnClick = btnNewClick TabOrder = 5 end object btnDelete: TButton Left = 232 Height = 25 Top = 304 Width = 75 Caption = 'Delete' OnClick = btnDeleteClick TabOrder = 6 end object Datasource1: TDatasource DataSet = SQLQuery1

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PP4S: Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

left = 416 top = 160 end object ODBCConnection1: TODBCConnection Connected = True LoginPrompt = False KeepConnection = False Transaction = SQLTransaction1 UserName = 'admin' FileDSN = 'E:\Database\components.dsn' left = 448 top = 224 end object SQLTransaction1: TSQLTransaction Active = True Action = caCommit Database = ODBCConnection1 left = 584 top = 176 end object SQLQuery1: TSQLQuery IndexName = 'DEFAULT_ORDER' Active = True Database = ODBCConnection1 Transaction = SQLTransaction1 ReadOnly = False SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT * FROM ComponentDetails' ) UpdateSQL.Strings = ( 'Update ComponentDetails ' 'Set Abbreviation=:Abbreviation, ' 'Palette=:Palette, UsefulProperties=:UsefulProperties, Codefragments=:Codefragments ' 'where Name=:Name' ) Params = <> UsePrimaryKeyAsKey = False left = 520 top = 224 end end

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program DatabaseEdit; uses Interfaces, Forms, uDatabaseEdit; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TfrmComponents, frmComponents); Application.Run; end.
components.dsn [ODBC] DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) UID=admin UserCommitSync=Yes Threads=3 SafeTransactions=0 PageTimeout=5 MaxScanRows=8 MaxBufferSize=2048 FIL=MS Access DriverId=25

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PP4S: Updating a Microsoft Access Database using Lazarus

DefaultDir=E:\ DBQ=E:\components .mdb

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