Achilles in The Iliad

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Achilles in the iliad

From the very beginning of The Iliad, the character Achilles becomes one of the main characters of the story. His actions have enormous effects upon how the plot unfolds. Starting with the fight with Agamemnon and his withdrawal from the battle, to the death of Patroclus, and finally to the slaying of Hector, the wrath of Achilles decided the fate of many Greek and Trojan warriors. Early in the Iliad Achilles made his decision not to fight for Agamemnon and he held true for almost the entire story. Even when his Greek comrades were taking heavy losses at the hand of the Trojans Achilles felt no remorse. Achilles brought up the fact that all the Greeks are at Troy to fight over the pride and honor of Agamemnons brother and is brave

Hector found himself not leading a attack this time, but hiding for his life. As the epic moves on, Achilles"tm wrath goes as well, to invoke fear into Hector. " Agamemnon worried that the Greeks would be defeated at their ships, so he sent an envoy bearing gifts to persuade Achilles to rejoin the fight. Achilles"tm pride forced the other heroes to beg for his help in the war. Ironically it takes the death of Patroclus at the hands of Hector to convince Achilles for revenge. Even Achilles dear friend Patroclus feels remorse for the Greeks plight against the Trojans and decides to fight with them. At the time of the falling out, Achilles is not concerned for the fate of the Greeks, but for himself and his grudge with Agamemnon. Such is shown when he tells Agamemnon: "My honors never equal yours, whenever we sack some wealthy Trojan stronghold-my arms bear the brunt of the raw, savage fighting, true, but when it comes to dividing up the plunder the lion"tms share is yours, and back I go. Achilles"tm wrath, alone, is enough to create its own story. This shows when he admits his inevitable death to Achilles by saying, "No more fleeing from you, O great Achaean. His lack of hatred towards the Trojans as a people is seen in his statements about how the people of Troy had never wronged him prior to the conflict. " Through pride, fear, and anger, the wrath of Achilles has been able to force an entire army to beg for his help, invoke fear into one of the greatest Trojan heroes, and belittle a Trojan king. Achilles continues to refrain from the fight until his best friend, Patroclus, was killed in battle by Hector.

Homers epic The Iliad takes place in the ninth year of a ten year war between the Trojans and the Achaeans. This great war places Hector (of the Trojans) and Achilles (of the Achaeans) in direct conflict as the are the best warriors in their respective communities and therefor responsible for inspiration and leadership of their people. Relentless and bold during combat their great skill in battle makes them heroes in the eyes of their peers. As heros both Achilles and Hector share characteristics generally associated with any man of distinguished valor such as bravery, honor and worth. Alike also in attempts to overstep their bounds, both men are ruled by fate through the mercy of the gods. Despite similarities as great warrior heroes, the pair differ immensely in personal

inspiration as illustrated best by examining the motivation for each to fight. The reasons for joining the battle, namely passion for Achilles and duty for Hector, highlight the central distinction in char!acters. Achilles is ruled by his uncontrollable passions as seen in his rage and proud headstrong ways, whereas Hector is motivated by duty and honor proving him to be a noble levelheaded leader. These characteristics in Hector prove him to acts out of

He is good-hearted, loyal and noble, a true man of honor. The circumstance regarding the final battle between Hector and Achilles proves all three qualities essential to a hero of the time. Countless examples of this ruthlessness on the battlefield are given for both Achilles and Hector. Warriors obligated to kill without thought must also possess relentlessness in battle and make no allowances for mercy or pity. 15Fitzgerald, 213 lines 392-393 -----------------------------------------------------------------------Bibliography1 Homer, The Iliad, trans. Honor is apparent in this situation due to the insight they both have concerning their oncoming doom yet proceed to battle. Achilles passion rules his every action, and in the end it is what finally rousts him to battle. He gets a glimpse into Zeus"tms wisdom and the knowledge of order. Though both try to surpass the limits set for them because of different reasons, still a common overconfidence is present in each. Achilles however asks why things are this way and declares"tm "The portions equal whether a man hangs back or fights his best; the same respect, or lack of it, is given brave man or coward"14. Hector is one of the most honorable characters in the saga and his behavior is motivated solely by responsibility to his protect city and people. As Hector functions out of obligation and therefor he doesn"tmt question the purpose of it all as Achilles does. Present in both is the essential audacity needed in someone that has control over the fate of others (the armies).

Beowulf Iliad comparison

In the epic poems The Iliad by Homer and Beowulf, there are two heroes one in each epic. Achilles in The Iliad and Beowulf in the self titled epic. These poems meet certain requirements to be called epics. In both these poems, the heroic actions determine the fate of nations or groups of people. Theheroic actions reflect the values of the age. Lastly, the hero interacts with supernatural beings or events. Even though The Iliad was written centuries before Beowulf, there are many similarities in the heroes, actions and fate. In the Epic Poems Beowulf and The Iliad the actions of the hero often determines the fate of the nation or their people. In Beowulf

At last he saw the mud of the bottom"And all at once the greedy she wolf discovered him. " The bare throat"where the destruction of life is quickest. 450-456) In "The Iliad", the people of the time

believed in venerating a body after the person has passed. 436-444) In conclusion "Beowulf" and "The Iliad", prove to be similar. "He slipped through the door and there in the silence"Snatched up thirty men, smashed them"Unknowing in their beds and ran out with their bodies"The blood dripping behind him, back"To his lair, delighted with his night"tms slaughter. " The monsters hatred rose higher, But his power had gone. 163-166) In the Epic Poems "Beowulf" and "The Iliad" heroic actions and deeds reflect the values of the age. The heroes share a few common traits such as strength and courage, even though they are of different eras and locations. Apollo"making his silver longbow whip and sing"shot the lads down, and Artemis with raining"arrows killed the daughters-all this after Niobe had compared herself with Leto"the smooth-cheeked goddess. He twisted in pain, and the bleeding sinews deep in his shoulder" Snapped, muscle and bone split" And broke. " He leaped into the lake, would not wait for anyone"tms"answer; the heaving water covered him"Over. 186-188)In the Epic Poems "Beowulf" and "The Iliad" the hero"tms interaction with supernatural beings or events.

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