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Ida Dobrescu hi Richard I thank you very much for your generosity. it is highly appreciated that your dedication and expertise is given out for our understanding. i congratulate you on your book and kindly thank you, again! many blessings, dear friend and have a lovely day! regards, Ida Mitchell Schools @RICHARD DAVID DELLERMAN, Dear Sir, i took the time to skim over your eBook. Appears very clear. (( I am familiar with much of the material, but a new reader on your topic could get overwhelmed, so, if i may, Id suggest you break-up the large bodies of text and CAPITALIZE more. If advertisers can Capitalize, then SO CAN I)) I really do enjoy reading your material. More ppl should emulate you. I am PASTEING the Entire FB Note eBook Article to my Windows 7 WordPad. . . . Thank You. . Dobrescu Hi Richard, it is absolutely remarkable. thank you very much. :) many blessings! Ida Astraea Shaw It is a wonderful and utterly fascinating book. Thank you Richard! Thank you ! Jeffrey James Nolan I too am very honored that you shared your book and research with me Richard. I can not think of a better thing to leave your family but with your best effort to find the truth. You have helped me to understand and I am still grasping some ...of these meanings and so you spend time with me by email to help me. You didn't have to but you do, this makes me feel very humbled and want to do more to share with anyone who will listen. My Dad once told me" Jeff that's stuff may well be true but I am old and don't have much time left and don't want to be bothered with all that." I hope your family realizes what an absolute treasure you are to them and to the people this world. SO glad for the day I found you on FB My good friend J Scott Pfaff I have received this awesome gift and I feel privileged and honored to read it each time I have time to delve into it. Thank you so very much Richard, again. :)

In The Beginning

Richard David Dellerman, dated August 2002 and updated March 2005, June 2009 . All Rights Reserved. No chapter of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the editorship holder thats recognized as the legal copyright holder of this formatted text . Copy Right or not, it is usually (but not always!) permissible to quote brief extracts relevant to a topic currently under discussion, or when reviewing a book or article, provided that the author and source (and, where appropriate, the publisher) are clearly credited. Please send questions or comments to:

In The Beginning Textbooks, like any academic endeavor, periodically need re-examination. Although the books fundamental substance of scientific and historical quotes have not been altered, necessary clarifications are made using [brackets] after their scientific or historical quotation. Some of these changes have involved the occasional shifting or clarification of emphases on a particular premise. The comments sent in by users of the Volumes of Elahim can motivate changes in future additions of Elahim. References will be made here in the citations in the Acknowledgments section, where some critic-reviewers whose comments and suggestions have been especially helpful. The subjects in these Volumes are written for a better cultural understanding of the many ethnic values of the worlds people. The purpose of this book is to waken ones reality about the way we see things and to live more humanely with each other now and in the future. Sincerely,

Richard David Dellerman

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