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Welcome to Impact Investing in Action!

The purpose of this conference is simple: begin the long process of creating a more robust, active, and collaborative early-stage impact investing community by bringing together the players in this emerging sector, and introducing them to some of the very best early-stage impact investment opportunities anywhere. We invite you to learn, build trust, and take action to help propel the movement forward. Over the course of the week, please be prepared to contribute to the following discussions: Tuesday, May 22 Entrepreneurs: Visiting local entrepreneurs and meeting together for an entrepreneur-only reception Tuesday night. Attendees: Centered on the early stage impact investing industry and its future, we hope impact investors and field builders will use this time to share lessons learned and best practices and to get to know one another at a special reception for investors and field builders. Wednesday, May 23: Exploring the investor/Investee relationship We hear from both sides of the investor-entrepreneur partnership and discuss how to build the trust and language to mediate the space inbetween, including the role of accelerators like VilCap and Agora Partnerships. We also listen to over a dozen pitches, and retire to dinner at Atlantas spectacular Solarium. Thursday, May 24: The future of early stage impact investing As the field expands, how can different players contribute? What is the future of early stage financing? The day will be filled with conversations about next steps for our field all grounded in discussions of real deals and real opportunities to invest. Over a dozen more pitches ending with an awards ceremony and dinner. Friday, May 25: Human Potential + Capital = Impact The fierce urgency of now: Investor, there is no time to waste. Youve gotten to know the entrepreneurs over drinks and listened to their pitches, now lets talk business, one-on-one with the entrepreneurs (and with Agora and Vilcap staff if desired) in breakout rooms. The conference is over and now there is business at hand.

Impact Investing in Action

Emory University Goizueta Business School Atlanta, Georgia May 22 - 25, 2012 Welcome to a premier 2012 gathering for global impact investors! We have hand-selected 25 outstanding entrepreneurs from the Village Capital and Agora Accelerator programs to pitch their highimpact and investor-ready business ventures. We hope you will support them in their efforts to use their businesses to catalyze change in their communities both here in Atlanta and around the world.

Tuesday May 22


Registration & Coffee Introducing the new players in impact investing to aspects of the industry, including finding pipelines, due diligence and portfolio management. The birds eye view of impact investing: What have we learned from our failures? Who are the experimental players pushing the boundaries? Who are prospective new impact investors and strategies for attracting them? What are our shared goals? Panelists: TBD TBD


Investors Workshop


Panel: The Evolution of Capitalism


Investors Dinner

Impact Investing in Action

Emory University Goizueta Business School Atlanta, Georgia May 22 - 25, 2012

Congratulations to the entrepreneurs form Agoras 2nd Accelerator Class and the Village Capital: Atlanta cohort, and welcome to the 2012 Investor Conference. Below you will find the opportunities for learning from, mingling with, and pitching to impact investors and academics from around the globe. We are so excited for you and are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity. Enjoy!

Tuesday May 22


Site Visits

Agora Entrepreneurs visit Atlanta businesses.

Logistical details


Meet & Greet

Village Capital: Atlanta & Agora Entrepreneurs at Goizueta Professor Peter Roberts house


Registration & Coffee Ricardo Teran Managing Partner, Agora Partnerships Ross Baird Executive Director, Village Capital We pull back the curtain on impact Investors and have them pitch their investment strategies to us. Impact Investors: TBD Seasoned entrepreneurs and their investors share the stories of their relationship and the path to investment, including best practices and lessons learned. Panelists: TBD 2011 Accelerator class; 10 min pitches

9-930 Welcome

May 23


Investor Pitches

10:30 11:30

Panel: Getting Deals Done 2011 Pitches: 1. Ben Sandzer-Bell, CO2 Bambu 2. TBD Impact Investment Theory of Change Lunch Entrepreneur Pitches (4, coffee break, 5) Individual entrepreneur meetings? Transport to The Solarium Dinner


12-1230 1230-130 1:30 5:00 5-6 6:30 7-9

Ben Powell & Ross Baird Managing Director, Agora Partnerships Keynote

Meeting place TBD The Solarium

Thursday May 24
9-10:15 Panel: Building the Field Entrepreneur Pitches (3, coffee break, 4) Lunch Panel: Future of early stage financing Entrepreneur Pitches (3, coffee break, 4) Wrap Up Sessions Awards Reception

What is the role of the non-profit? How can philanthropists contribute effectively to impact investing? Panelists: TBD

10:15 12:30 12:30-1:30

Ind. Entrepreneur meetings? How do we modernize our economy and prepare for the future? What does the future of financing look like? Panelists: TBD


230-5 5-6 630-9

Discussions with Agora Partnerships and Village Capital on next steps in the field of impact investing and for each organization. at Goizueta

Friday May 25
9-12 Individual Meetings to explore investment opportunities One on one meetings with entrepreneurs

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