360 Questions To Ask A Nuwaupian

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Questions To Ask A Nuwaupian By: The True Nuwaubians

Every Since Dr. Malachi Z. York Has Been Kidnapped (Imprisoned) There Has Been A Lot Of Separation Within The Nuwaubians With No Firm Explanation. No One Dares To Ask Questions On These Subjects And Just Decides To Take Whatever Information They Give To You As Long As It Sounds Good. Now That Sounds Very Familiar To A Spell That I Know Called Belief, Which Is Caused By Religion. You May Have Known This As The Spell Of Leviathan or The Spell Of Sleep! (Refer To The Scroll Leviathan 666). You As Nuwaupians Have Went Back To Sleep And Back To The Ignorant (Ignoring) Mind State. We Are Still Facing The Beast Every Single Day And You As Nuwaupians Should Have Known That. They Have Came In The Nation And Broke You Nuwaupians Up Into Different Groups And Took Control. They Are Moving Faster Why You Are Moving Slower. The Master Has Told Us To Always Ask Questions Like Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, And Show Me Where You Received This Information From. But Being That Trust Is An Issue For You Nuwaupians Now, That Lead To Believing, And Having Faith All Over Again Which Is Going Against What The Master Has Taught. Cointelpro Is The People Who Took Over The Nuwaupian Family, Dont Take My Word For It, Look It Up. Just Because You Have A Best Friend That Walked Along Side The Master Teacher With You Doesnt Mean That Your Friend Was A Agreeable Being. That Guy Can Be A Teacher Today And Not Even Like Dr. Malachi Z. York And Can Be Using The Original Information To Reel You In And Slap You In The Face With Actual Facts, Paa Taraqs, New Languages, And Free Will Offerings. Never Trust Any Ones Word, Unless They Have PROOF That It Is True. The Master Teacher Have Prepared Us For The Black Devils But Yet, Many Of You Have Became Ignorant (Ignoring) Again, You Became Too Comfortable, And The Devil Is Still At Work. You Dont Ask For The Esoteric Information You Just Take What They Present. When In Class They Tell You Things You Never Heard About But You Dont Ask Where It Came From Thus You Dont Receive An Overstanding You Just Receive An Understanding. You Accept The Teachers To Be Your Teachers Instead Of Learning To Be The Teacher. If You Are Learning To Be A Teacher You Dont Question The Authenticity Of The Work Thus You Will Be Teaching Falsely And Further Deepening People In Their Comfortable Sleep. But Rather You Like It Or Not Ye Shall Know The Truth, And The Truth Shall Make You Free (KJV Bible St. John 8:32). Im Not Trying To Be The Master Teacher But For The Love Of Dr. Malachi Z. York And Our People I Will Write This Book For You. 1. Ask A Nuwaupian, Why Is So Many Things Changing With The Nuwaupians?

They Will Answer: The Master Teacher Is Becoming More Advance And We As Nuwaupians Have To Keep Up. We Are In A Different School Of Learning. 2. Ask A Nuwaupian, Why Did Malachi Zodoq York El Change To Malachi Kobina York? They Will Answer: He Changes His Name According To The Different Schools That We Are In. This Is The Level That We Are At Now. 3. Ask A Nuwaupian, Can They Reference Or Show Proof That He Purposely Wanted The Name Changed To Kobina. They Might Show You Something That Will Be Typed Up And Formatted Like He Write If Theyre Advanced, But Most Likely Not. 4. Ask A Nuwaupian, Can You See The Original Documents That He Has Written That Informs Us On His Change In Names? Ans: They Wont Be Able To Because No Such Documents Exists And If They Do Show Something It Wont Be His Writing You Must Look At His Old Letters, His Style Of Writing And His Handwriting It Will Not Match. 5. Ask A Nuwaupian, If You Have No Proof That He Changed His Name Or Why He Changed It Then Why Did You Just Tell Me That? They Cant Answer That With Confidence 6. Ask A Nuwaupian Why Has The Language Changed When The Master Teacher Put So Much Work Into Writing The Teachers Guide To Nuwaubian Language Scroll #7? They Will Answer: Because Lower Forces Has Became Aware Of The Language And We Must Stay Ahead. 7. Ask A Nuwaupian, Did The Eloheem Change Their Language That They Had For So Long? They Will Probably Answer Yes

8. Ask Them, How Do They Know That And Can They Show You In Any Scrolls Or Books Created Before Dr. Malachi Z. York Arrest, Or Even In A Letter? Ans: They Wont Be Able To Because No Such Thing Exists 9. Ask A Nuwaupian, What Did The Colors On The Original Nuwaubian Nation Flag Represent? Their Answer Should Be: When The British Came To Africa It Was Red, Black, And Green. After The Battle Was Over The Mahdi Put Black First And Said He Put His Nation Of People First Because They Will Never Bleed Again If He Can Help It. Thus The Black Is First For The Nation (People) The Red For The Blood That Was Shed On Green For Mother Africa. Refer To This Link www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoB174WUD3s Dont Take My Word Here The Master Himself Say It With His Voice. 10. Ask A Nuwaupian Why Did The Flag Changed To Black Being On The Side, Red At The Top And Green At The Bottom? What Ever Their Answer Will Be They Will Have No Authentic Source To Back Up Their Answer.

Figure 1: New Nuwaupian Flag

11. Ask A Nuwaupian, Does Symbols Mean A Lot When It Comes To The Knowledge In Which We Are Gaining, Being Esoteric Or Exoteric? Their Answer Should Be Yes, Refer To The Holy Tablets, Chapter 6 Tablet 10. 12. Ask A Nuwaupian What That Flag On The Symbol Means? (If They Have A Lot Of Information On You Such As SSN#, Addresses, Mothers Information, And Father Information, Dont Risk This Question Because You Are Dealing With Disagreeable Beings) Answer: The Symbol On The Flag Represents Homosexuality And The Mark Of The Beast 666 It Is A Swastika. (Refer To: Leviathan 666 pg. 278)

Figure 3

13. Ask A Nuwaupian If That Is On Paa Taraq, And Actual Facts Booklets Why Do They Trust It? They Cant Answer This. 14. Ask A Nuwaupian Why Did They Take The (I) Our Of The Name Amunnubi? They Will Say That The Vowels Are Interchangeable And It Doesnt Change The Tone. 15. Ask A Nuwaupian, What Evidence Do They Have That Dr. Malachi Z. York Requested A Change In His Name? Once Again They Cant. 16. Ask A Nuwaupian, Out Of All Of The Alphabets Why (I) Being That I Is The 9th Letter Of The Alphabet And 9 Is The Sacred And Highest Number? They Will Try To Get You To Read Actual Facts Tones, Sounds, VIbration DNA. Dont Waste Your Time Thats Not Us. 17. Ask A Nuwaupian, Why Are They Trying To Get Us Out Of Reading The Holy Tablets And Older Scrolls and Even The Bible When The Bible Is The Reference That Most Of His Scrolls Use? They Will Say Because We Are Past That, We Are More Advanced. And If You Still In Those Books Then You Are Still Under The Spell. Answer: They Are Trying To Put You Back Under The Spell With Theses New Books Which Arent Written By Dr. Malachi Z. York. They Are Making You Believe That He Wrote These Scrolls And Believing Is Being Under The Spell. Refer To (Are There Black Devils Scroll #1) 18. Ask A Nuwaupian, Whats Happening With Dr. Yorks Case And When Will He Get Out, And Can You See Some Authentic Documents That States His Release Or New Court Date? They Will Say Hes Getting Out This Year, They Can No Longer Hold Him, They Couldnt Hold Him Past 9 Years.

They May Show Some Documents But Proof Read It And Check Its Authenticity. 19. Ask A Nuwaupian Are They A True Nuwaupian And If They Are Why Do They Go By The New Books And They Dont Use Sound Right Reasons? You Have Put The Nail In The Coffin......... This Information Was Given To Me And Im Giving It To All! This Is Our Responsibility To Question For Self Knowledge. Now This Is For The True Nuwaubians, You Either Believe What You Hear, See, And Read, With The Possibility Of Being Deceived Or Question And Find Facts, Use Sound Right Reasoning, Know, Have Knowledge, Overstand, And Teach The Truth. Its Your Choice.

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